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Urban k|ver arkways

Ao sseotlol 1ool fot lobllc neoltb

k|chard I. Iackson, MD, Mn - UCLA I|e|d|ng Schoo| of ub||c nea|th
1y|er D. Watson, Mn - UCLA I|e|d|ng Schoo| of ub||c nea|th
Andrew 1s|u, Mn - UCLA I|e|d|ng Schoo| of ub||c nea|th
8|anca Shu|aker, MUk - USC Department of Urban |ann|ng
Stephan|e nopp, Mn - Iohns nopk|ns Schoo| of ub||c nea|th
M|aden opov|c - UC Santa 8arbara

Iu|y 2014

Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

1ab|e of Contents

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&.%,/0$#%&/.1 2/3 #+. $,4+. ,&'!, 5+,63+-) 5,/'&0! 2!+7%2 4!.!8&%)9 -------------------------- S
lbyslcol looctlvlty ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
neoltb 8eoeflts of xetclse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9
Actlve commotloq ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
neoltbcote costs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12
Meotol neoltb --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
cbllJteos neoltb ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19
cbllJteos Atteotloo copoclty ooJ Notote ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22
cbllJteos coqoltloo ooJ Notote ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
5eose of commoolty ooJ neoltb ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
$,4+. ,&'!, 5+,63+-) +.0 !.'&,/.*!.%+7 2!+7%2 ----------------------------------------------------------- 37
utboo klvet lotkwoy ffects oo wotet Ooollty --------------------------------------------------------------------- J8
utboo klvet lotkwoys ooJ neot ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
&.87$!.#!) /. ,&'!, 5+,63+- $)! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S0
neoltb ltomotloo loltlotlves --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51
ueslqos 1bot ltomote lbyslcol Actlvlty ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54
leototes ooJ lteseoce of wotet ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57
letcelveJ 5ofety, ueslqo, ooJ Moloteoooce ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58
,!#/**!.0+%&/.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 63
#/.#7$)&/. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66

Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

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As modern llfe becomes lncreaslngly depleLlng of physlcal and menLal energy, ln parL Lhrough
demands on human capaclLy for aLLenLlveness, condlLlons ln our bullL" envlronmenLs ampllfy
human Lendencles Lo llmlL our physlcal acLlvlLy. 1hese condlLlons make us more vulnerable Lo
sLress, anxleLy, depresslon, and even aggresslve behavlors. 1hls reporL revlews evldence of
conLrlbuLlons Lo healLh from green spaces, speclflcally Lhose along waLersldes, and even more
speclflcally along urban rlver parkways. LndpolnLs examlned lnclude physlcal, menLal,
communlLy, and envlronmenLal healLh, as well as Lhe overall economlc well-belng of Lhe
populaLlon. 1he reporL wlll aLLempL Lo address Lhe degree Lo whlch creaLlng and malnLalnlng
places for resplLe and recreaLlon lmproves healLh. 1hese efforLs are allgned wlLh Lhe lnLenLlons
of Lhe ClmsLed 8roLhers and 8arLholomew & AssoclaLes, who ln 1930 envlsloned a Los Angeles
surrounded by a coordlnaLed sysLem of easlly accesslble and connecLed ouLdoor spaces and
Many urban parLs of Lhe unlLed SLaLes, parLlcularly ln lower socloeconomlc areas of
Callfornla, have llmlLed open green spaces and Lralls and also llLLle access Lo waLer feaLures.

We explore Lhese losL opporLunlLles and conslder remedles. We also examlne Lhe degree Lo
whlch lll-consldered envlronmenLs reduce Lhe human capaclLy Lo develop and malnLaln healLhy

lrom currenL evldence, we flnd LhaL urban rlver parkways can lmprove physlcal, menLal, and
communlLy healLh, and LhaL Lhey are parLlcularly lmporLanL ln offerlng opporLunlLy for green
exerclse"- physlcal acLlvlLy ln Lhe presence of naLure. urban rlver parkways help Lo mlLlgaLe
envlronmenLal LhreaLs from heaL lslands, and from alr and waLer polluLanLs, Lhey have Lhe

Lden by ueslgn: 1he 1930 ClmsLed-8arLholomew lan for Lhe Los Angeles 8eglon, Plse and ueverell.
LoukalLou-Slderls, A. (2006). SouLhern Callfornla LnvlronmenLal 8eporL Card.
SLaLe of Callfornla: 1he SLraLeglc CrowLh Councll. (2011). urban Creenlng ro[ecL Culdellnes for SusLalnable CommunlLles
LoukalLou-Slderls, A. (2006). SouLhern Callfornla LnvlronmenLal 8eporL Card.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

addlLlonal beneflL of supporLlng wlldllfe and planL dlverslLy and enrlchlng Lhe ouLdoor
experlence. 1here ls lncreaslng research regardlng negaLlve healLh lmpacLs from fallure Lo
lnclude Lhe componenLs of rlver parkways ln clLy plans. 8lver parkways conslsL of Lralls and park
spaces along rlvers and oLher waLer bodles LhaL connecL noL [usL park lands, naLure preserves,
and recreaLlon spaces, buL also resldences, schools, clvlc bulldlngs, reLall, workplaces, and
LranslL cenLers.
1hls reporL explores how Lhe creaLlon of urban rlver parkways ls an essenLlal
Lool for lmprovlng communlLy healLh.

ln an efforL Lo evaluaLe Lhe healLh beneflLs of rlver parkways, llLeraLure revlews and fleld
observaLlons were conducLed Lo evaluaLe Lhe effecLs of communlLles resldlng along urban
rlvers. 1hls reporL wlll lnvesLlgaLe Lhe lnfluences of urban rlver parkways on publlc healLh, and
suggesL LhaL Lhere are Lremendous healLh beneflLs.

SLaLe of Callfornla: 1he SLraLeglc CrowLh Councll. (2011). urban Creenlng ro[ecL Culdellnes for SusLalnable CommunlLles
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

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1he world's populaLlon has more Lhan Lrlpled ln Lhe 20
and Callfornla's populaLlon
has doubled [usL ln Lhe lasL 33 years.
WlLh Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe world's populaLlon now llvlng ln
urban areas, access Lo ouLdoor spaces ls becomlng lncreaslngly llmlLed and naLural feaLures are
under sLress. Whlle waLerslde areas are frequenLly Lhe flrsL Lo be converLed for LransporLaLlon,
lndusLry, and urban developmenL, Lhe preservaLlon and revlLallzaLlon of green spaces around
waLerways demands LhaL we assess Lhelr poLenLlal Lo prevenL and allevlaLe envlronmenLally
lnduced healLh problems.

8lver parkways - an area of connecLlve Lralls and naLural areas along rlvers and creeks LhaL llnk
homes, parks, workplaces, and schools - hold poLenLlal beneflLs for human healLh. 8lver
parkways can offer aesLheLlc feaLures and help supporL Lhe ecosysLem, buL llLLle research has
been conducLed Lo assess poLenLlal human healLh beneflLs of parkways. urban rlver parkways
may parLlcularly beneflL healLh ln urban envlronmenLs where access Lo open spaces ls llmlLed
and adverse healLh effecLs such as obeslLy and depresslon are prevalenL. 1hls reporL ldenLlfles
and evaluaLes lf and how urban rlver parkways affecL physlcal, menLal, communlLy, and
envlronmenLal healLh.

WlLh adequaLe levels of physlcal acLlvlLy, rlsks from medlcal condlLlons such as obeslLy and
resulLlng chronlc dlseases, such as dlabeLes, can be reduced. 8lver Lralls can faclllLaLe acLlve
commuLlng vla walklng and blcycllng, whlch helps meeL physlcal acLlvlLy recommendaLlons.

World WaLer Councll. (2010). WaLer Crlsls.
!ohnson, P. (2007). 1he Amazlng, Changlng Callfornla opulaLlon
lLkln, !. amd Myers, u. (2012). CeneraLlonal ro[ecLlons of Lhe Callfornla opulaLlon by naLlvlLy and ?ear of lmmlgranL Arrlval.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

Lxerclse, parLlcularly ln naLure, can also mlLlgaLe menLal faLlgue and lllnesses ln urban
envlronmenLs. urban rlver parkways have Lhe poLenLlal Lo enable healLhful soclal and
communlLy healLh Lhrough Lhelr communal deslgn and mlnlmal cosL Lo users. Creen spaces
along rlverfronLs can also lmprove envlronmenLal healLh Lhrough cleanlng sLormwaLer,
lmprovlng alr quallLy, and mlLlgaLlng urban heaL effecLs. AL Lhe same Llme, lL ls lmporLanL Lo
evaluaLe whlch deslgn elemenLs of urban rlver parkways besL supporL physlcal acLlvlLy and soclal
connecLlon, from open spaces, greenways, blcycle and walkways, Lo spaces LhaL have recreaLlon
equlpmenL and flLness zones. WlLh careful deslgn conslderaLlons, urban rlver parkways can
maxlmlze Lhelr effecLlveness Lo aLLracL users and ulLlmaLely beneflL human
healLh. lurLhermore, lnvesLlng ln urban rlver parkways can generaLe economlc beneflLs for local
economles and reduce healLhcare spendlng. urban rlver parkways can be effecLlve and efflclenL
prevenLlon Lools Lo lmprove human healLh.

Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

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1he CenLers for ulsease ConLrol and revenLlon (CuC) reporLs LhaL less Lhan half of u.S. adulLs
aLLaln Lhe mlnlmum recommended levels of 2.3 hours (130 mlnuLes) of aeroblc physlcal acLlvlLy
per week,
and over one-Lhlrd of all adulLs (33.7) are consldered obese.
Cne of Lhe ma[or
ob[ecLlves of Lhe pasL neoltby leople 2010 reporL was Lo lower obeslLy prevalence Lo 13, buL
no sLaLe has meL Lhls ob[ecLlve. ln 2010, Lhe CuC reporLed LhaL every sLaLe had recorded a
populaLlon obeslLy prevalence of over 20. CbeslLy ls a subsLanLlal rlsk facLor for hearL dlsease,
sLroke, Lype 2 dlabeLes, and some cancers.
8ody mass lndex (8Ml) ls a measure based upon
lndlvldual helghL and welghL (welghL dlvlded by helghL-squared), whlch ls used Lo deLermlne
obeslLy. under Lhls classlflcaLlon, a 8Ml of 18.3-23 kg/m
ls consldered normal welghL, over 23 ls
overwelghL, and greaLer Lhan 30 ls obese. As 8Ml lncreases, so does Lhe rlsk of dlabeLes. 1he
relaLlve rlsk of dlabeLes lncreases slgnlflcanLly (42.1 for men, and 93.2 for women) for
lndlvlduals wlLh a 8Ml ln Lhe 30-33 obese range (llg. 1).
8eLween 1980 and 2010, Lhe

CuC vlLal Slgns. (2012). More eople Walk Lo 8eLLer PealLh.
CuC. (2012). AdulL CbeslLy. CverwelghL and CbeslLy.
WarburLon, u., WhlLney nlcol, C., and 8redln, S. (2006). PealLh beneflLs of physlcal acLlvlLy: Lhe evldence
Chan eL al. (1994). CbeslLy, laL ulsLrlbuLlon, and WelghL Caln as 8lsk lacLors for Cllnlcal ulabeLes ln Men.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

lncldence of dlabeLes more Lhan Lrlpled.
lor people who develop dlabeLes before age 40, llfe
span ls shorLened by 38 for females and 33 for males.
noL only does dlabeLes shorLen llfe
expecLancy, lL dlmlnlshes Lhe quallLy of llfe and lncreases healLh care cosLs. u.S. males who
develop dlabeLes aL age 40 lose on average 12 llfe-years and 19 quallLy-ad[usLed llfe years.

1he relaLlve rlsk of deaLh for people who are lnacLlve ls greaLer Lhan Lhose who are acLlve. ln a
reLrospecLlve sLudy conducLed on nurses comparlng physlcal acLlvlLy and morLallLy predlcLlons,
lnacLlvlLy (less Lhan 3.3 hours of exerclse per week) ralses Lhe rlsk of deaLh by approxlmaLely
30 regardless lf a person ls obese or lean. 1hose who were obese and lnacLlve had a 60
hlgher rlsk of deaLh Lhan obese persons who were acLlve.
A person who ls obese has a 90
hlgher age-ad[usLed rlsk of morLallLy compared Lo a non-obese person.

A 8eporL of Lhe Surgeon Ceneral. (1996). hyslcal AcLlvlLy and PealLh.
Zykofsky, . (2011). 1oolbox for PealLhler Schools, 1owns and ClLles: CompleLe SLreeLs and Safe 8ouLes Lo School
!ackson, 8. Cood SoluLlons Solve MulLlple roblems.
Pu eL al. (2004). AdlposlLy as Compared wlLh hyslcal AcLlvlLy ln redlcLlng MorLallLy ln Women
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health


I|gure 1. 1he relaLlonshlp beLween 8Ml and 1ype 2 ulabeLes (12uM).

nea|th 8enef|ts of Lxerc|se
hyslcal lnacLlvlLy ls one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL causal facLors ln Lhe obeslLy epldemlc and
relaLed healLh condlLlons.
lL ls clear LhaL Lhese healLh consequences can be lessened by
lncreaslng physlcal acLlvlLy levels, beneflLs lnclude beLLer welghL managemenL, lncreased llfe
span, decreased rlsk of cardlovascular dlsease and dlabeLes, beLLer managemenL of
hyperLenslon and dlabeLes, lmprovemenL of mood and menLal healLh, sLrengLhenlng bones and
muscles, and lower llkellhood of cancers such as breasL and colon cancer.
8egular exerclse has
prevenLlve effecLs LhaL work agalnsL dlabeLes.
lor example, physlcal acLlvlLy has been shown
Lo lncrease senslLlvlLy Lo lnsulln, and regular exerclse helps wlLh welghL loss and lmproved
glucose Lolerance.
lrequenL physlcal acLlvlLy also helps reduce aLheroscleroLlc facLors - Lhe
deposlLlon of plaques of maLLer on Lhe lnner walls of arLerles. Lven modesL amounLs of

Pu, l. (2003). SedenLary LlfesLyle and 8lsk of CbeslLy and 1ype 2 ulabeLes.
CuC. (2011). hyslcal AcLlvlLy and PealLh.
naLlonal ulabeLes lnformaLlon Clearlnghouse (nulC). (2008). ulabeLes revenLlon rogram. nlP ubllcaLlon
Coodyear, L.!. and kahn, 8.8. (1998). Lxerclse, Clucose 1ransporL, and lnsulln SenslLlvlLy.
8radley eL al. (2008). volunLary exerclse lmproves lnsulln senslLlvlLy and adlpose Llssue lnflammaLlon ln dleL-lnduced obese mlce.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

exerclse, such as brlsk walklng (walklng fasLer Lhan 3.3mph), has healLh beneflLs
lncreased bone and [olnL healLh and cardlovascular funcLlonal capaclLy, and reduced rlsk of hlgh
blood pressure, hearL aLLacks, and sLroke.
ln one sLudy, 3,234 people wlLh pre-dlabeLes who
walked and exerclsed flve Llmes a week for 30 mlnuLes losL 3-7 of Lhelr body welghL and
reduced Lhelr rlsk of dlabeLes by 38.
lncreaslng physlcal acLlvlLy Lhrough frequenL exerclse
burns addlLlonal calorles, whlch helps malnLaln a healLhy body welghL and reduces Lhe rlsk of
urban rlver parkways offer excellenL opporLunlLles Lo lncrease physlcal acLlvlLy
Lhrough many Lypes of exerclse, whlch has neL beneflLs on publlc healLh.

Act|ve Commut|ng

ln addlLlon Lo recreaLlonal physlcal acLlvlLy, Lralls and paLhways along rlvers faclllLaLe acLlve
commuLlng", Lravellng Lo and from workplaces and schools ln ways LhaL lnclude walklng or
blcycllng. AcLlve commuLlng offers Llme-savlng ways Lo exerclse as parL of dally rouLlne. 1he
beneflLs from acLlve commuLlng are evldenL when conslderlng Lhe calorles burned and muscle
mass developed. 1he body does noL dlsLlngulsh beLween recreaLlonal and purposeful exerclse
(such as commuLlng), maklng any exerclse good exerclse. lor example, a person welghlng
170lbs. blklng aL a lelsurely raLe (<10mph) wlll burn abouL 300 calorles ln one hour - buL
blcycllng wlLh moderaLe efforL (12-14mph), perhaps Lo geL Lo work on Llme, wlll resulL ln abouL
620 calorles burned ln one hour. WlLh a one hour round-Lrlp commuLe, Lhls would resulL ln
3,100 calorles burned per week [usL for Lravellng Lo work. Conslderlng LhaL Lhere are 3,300

u.S. ueparLmenL of PealLh and Puman Servlces. ?our Culde 1o hyslcal AcLlvlLy and ?our PearL
SLaLemenL on Lxerclse: 8eneflLs and 8ecommendaLlons for hyslcal AcLlvlLy rograms for All Amerlcans
naLlonal ulabeLes lnformaLlon Clearlnghouse (nulC). (2008). ulabeLes revenLlon rogram. nlP ubllcaLlon
SLaLemenL on Lxerclse: 8eneflLs and 8ecommendaLlons for hyslcal AcLlvlLy rograms for All Amerlcans
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

calorles ln a pound of human faL, a 3,100 calorle deflclL per week ls abouL whaL docLors
recommend for susLalned faL reducLlon.

Some sLudles have concluded LhaL acLlve commuLlng Lo school or work can meeL physlcal
acLlvlLy recommendaLlons, and lndlcaLe LhaL acLlve commuLers may be healLhler Lhan oLher
commuLers. A sLudy of blcycllsLs ln orLland, Cregon Lracked Lhe number of blcycle Lrlps over
Lhe course of a week and dlscovered LhaL 39 of parLlclpanLs reached Lhe recommended 130
mlnuLes of physlcal acLlvlLy per week, and mosL of Lhe blcycle Lrlps were for non-exerclslng
urban rlver parkways can provlde efflclenL and pleasanL rouLes for acLlve
commuLlng, whlch can be conduclve Lo meeLlng physlcal acLlvlLy recommendaLlons. Assurlng
avallable places for playlng and exerclslng ouLdoors ls noL only Lhe easlesL way Lo lmprove
physlcal healLh, buL lL ls a well-supporLed prevenLlve sLraLegy.

orLland Cfflce of 1ransporLaLlon. (2007). SmarL1rlps SouLheasL.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

)OF>L?PM>1 +A;C?<BE ,?@;C 5BCJHBDR )B<CBA;E>FR #+

Many people ln SacramenLo,
Callfornla use Lhe 23-mlle Amerlcan
8lver arkway as a Lravel rouLe for
Lhelr dally commuLes Lo and from
Callfornla SLaLe unlverslLy
SacramenLo, SLaLe offlce bulldlngs,
uownLown, Cld SacramenLo and
oLher areas. edesLrlan paLhs and
blcycle Lralls help commuLers
lncrease Lhelr physlcal acLlvlLy and
avold Lhe sLress of commuLlng on
hlghways vla personal auLomoblles,
moLorcycles, and oLher forms of
moLorlzed LransporL. Plghway Lrafflc delays ln urban areas average 31 hours annually and
conLlnue Lo lncrease, so commuLlng by blcycllng Lhrough paLhways and Lralls along Lhe Amerlcan
and SacramenLo 8lver offers a way Lo reduce Lhe amounL of sLress assoclaLed wlLh moLorlzed

ln addlLlon Lo enhanclng physlcal healLh Lhrough Lhe use of rlver parkways for Lravelllng Lo and
from Lhe workplace or school, deslgnaLed blcycle Lralls also reduce Lhe chances LhaL blcycllsLs
wlll be lnvolved ln a colllslon wlLh an auLomoblle. 8y provldlng safe blke Lralls wlLh hlghly vlslble
road crosslngs creaLes a safer envlronmenL for blcycle Lravel. 1he arkway's safe rouLes llnklng
resldenLlal, commerclal, and lndusLrlal areas offer Lo lLs users a means of promoLlng healLh and
flLness, reduclng polluLlon and road congesLlon, and savlng money and ofLen Llme.

Accordlng Lo Lhe CounLy of SacramenLo, Lhe Amerlcan 8lver arkway serves abouL 8 mllllon
vlslLors each year and generaLes abouL $364 mllllon annually for Lhe local economy.


nea|thcare Costs
ln 2011 LoLal healLh expendlLures ln Lhe uS were $2.7 Lrllllon, or an esLlmaLed $8,680 per
whlch ls equlvalenL Lo 18 of Lhe u.S. gross domesLlc producL (Cu).
dlseases - speclflcally obeslLy, dlabeLes, and cardlovascular dlsease - accounL for a large

naLlonal PealLh LxpendlLures 2010 PlghllghLs.
kalser lamlly loundaLlon. (2008). PealLh Care CosLs and LlecLlon 2008.
Wllson, k. (2012) PealLh Care CosLs 101. Callfornla PealLhcare loundaLlon
naLlonal PealLh LxpendlLures 2010 PlghllghLs.
hoLo CredlL: hLLp://

Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

percenLage of healLh care cosLs and for Lhe ma[orlLy of deaLhs ln Lhe u.S. each year.
A 2012
Cornell unlverslLy sLudy esLlmaLed LhaL obeslLy accounLs for 21 of LoLal healLh care
expendlLures, and on average people who were consldered obese lncurred $2,741 more ln
healLhcare cosLs Lhan normal-welghL lndlvlduals.
ulabeLes cosLs ln Lhe uS LoLaled $218 bllllon
ln 2010,
mosL of whlch ls aLLrlbuLed Lo dlrecL medlcal cosLs. Cardlovascular dlsease ls one of
Lhe mosL cosLly dlseases ln Lhe u.S.
ln 2010 lL cosL $303.2 bllllon ln Lhe u.S.
1hls flgure
lncludes dlrecL cosLs, such as docLors' vlslLs and medlcaLlons, and lndlrecL cosLs, lncludlng losL
producLlvlLy due Lo morbldlLy and morLallLy.

1he enormous medlcal cosLs relaLed Lo obeslLy, dlabeLes, and cardlovascular dlseases demand
cosL effecLlve prevenLlon opLlons, an underuLlllzed one ls developmenL of physlcal lnfrasLrucLure
LhaL reduces Lhe barrlers Lo and lnduces physlcal acLlvlLy. lor example, Lhe consLrucLlon of Lhe
Ludlam 1rall ln Lhe Mlaml, llorlda, reglon wlll save Lhe communlLy $1.68 Lo $2.23 mllllon
annually on healLh care cosLs due Lo physlcal lnacLlvlLy. 1hese savlngs are ln parL due Lo Lhe
4,931 Lo 6,379 area resldenLs who became exerclsers and due Lo Lhe expecLed populaLlon
welghL loss of beLween 32,664 and 109,939 pounds annually by exerclslng on Lhe Ludlam 1rall.

1he cosLs of rlverfronL Lralls and park spaces lnclude Lhose for boLh consLrucLlon as well as
ongolng malnLenance. ln one sLudy, Lhe cosL per mlle of blcycle and pedesLrlan Lralls ranged
from $3,733 Lo $34,017, and Lhe annual cosL per user was $233, Lhough Lhe range ls from $83-

LnvlronmenLal CorrelaLes of hyslcal AcLlvlLy: A 8evlew of Lvldence abouL arks and 8ecreaLlon
Cornell unlverslLy. (2012). CbeslLy accounLs for 21 percenL of u.S. healLh care cosLs, sLudy flnds. 5cleoceuolly.
urban 8esldenLlal LnvlronmenLs and senlor clLlzens' longevlLy ln megaclLy areas: Lhe lmporLance of walkable green spaces
CuC. (2009). Chronlc ulseases and PealLh romoLlon. Chronlc ulsease revenLlon and PealLh romoLlon.
Lloyd-!ones, eL al. (2010). LxecuLlve Summary: PearL ulsease and SLroke SLaLlsLlcs.
ALCCM. Mlaml-uade CounLy 1rall 8eneflLs SLudy: Ludlam 1rall Case SLudy
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

1hls amounL compares Lo Lhe $622 per caplLa annual medlcal cosL of lnacLlvlLy.
range of consLrucLlon and malnLenance cosLs flL a wlde range of budgeLs, and Lralls are
consldered a vlable healLh amenlLy for mosL communlLles. 1he creaLlon of 1 mlle of Lrall ls, aL
Lhe Lop of Lhe range, sLlll less Lhan Lhe cosL for healLh expendlLures relaLlng Lo obeslLy and
dlabeLes. Cne sLudy calculaLed a cosL-beneflL raLlo of 2.94, meanlng LhaL every $1 lnvesLmenL
ln Lralls for physlcal acLlvlLy led Lo $2.94 ln dlrecL medlcal beneflL."
urban rlver parkways can
be vlable, cosL-efflclenL healLh lnLervenLlons LhaL help dlrecL efforLs Loward prevenLlon and noL
LreaLmenL, and lncreased publlc uLlllzaLlon lncreases Lhe beneflLs wlLh only small lncreases ln
Lhe cosL of malnLenance.

Whlle lncreased physlcal acLlvlLy promoLes lndlvldual and populaLlon well-belng, ofLen Lhe flrsL
obsLacle for Lhe lndlvldual ls a personal change of aLLlLude, and for populaLlons, a change of
culLure. 1hese changes cannoL be aLLalned merely by chldlng, even wlLh Lhe charlsma of healLh
provlders - Lhey requlre appeallng and safe opLlons for physlcal acLlvlLy. ALLracLlve desLlnaLlons
and cosL-effecLlve commuLlng such as Lhose afforded by rlver parkways can faclllLaLe changlng a
culLure Lo encourage healLhler and more acLlve and producLlve llfesLyles.

*;E>BL 2;BL>M

8y many esLlmaLes, Lhe menLal healLh of Lhe u.S. has been deLerloraLlng. 1he CuC reporLs LhaL
Lhe use of selecLlve seroLonln reupLake lnhlblLors (SS8ls) ln young Amerlcans has lncreased

Wang, C. (2004). CosL Analysls of Lhe 8ullL LnvlronmenL: 1he Case of 8lke and edesLrlan 1rlals ln Llncoln, neb
Wang, C., Macera, C., Scudder-Soucle, 8., Schmld, 1., raLL, M., and 8uchner, u. (2003). A CosL-8eneflL Analysls of hyslcal AcLlvlLy uslng
8lke/edesLrlan 1ralls
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

400 slnce 1988, wlLh a ma[orlLy belng Laken Lo LreaL depresslon and anxleLy.
ln addlLlon, Lhe
number of Amerlcans who are depressed lncreased Lo nearly one ln Len ln 2010.

lurLhermore, slnce depresslon ls a known rlsk facLor for a range of chronlc physlcal lllnesses,
such as asLhma, arLhrlLls, dlabeLes, sLroke and hearL dlsease,
acLlvlLles LhaL help reduce and
prevenL depresslon are parLlcularly lmporLanL. Slnce Lhe 1990s, menLal healLh problems have
accounLed for approxlmaLely 2.3 of Lhe u.S. Cn. MenLal lllnesses are responslble for 39 of
economlc cosLs relaLed Lo ln[urles and lllness-relaLed loss of producLlvlLy.

Lxerc|se and Menta| nea|th

Lxerclse helps Lo allevlaLe depresslon, anxleLy, and sLress, lmprove self-esLeem, mood, and
menLal capablllLy, and Lo lead Lo beneflLs such as fewer mlssed days of work and school. Some
research has shown LhaL green exerclse" may confer menLal healLh beneflLs ln addlLlon Lo
lmprovlng physlcal healLh. A serles of sLudles from Lhe unlverslLy of Lssex demonsLraLe LhaL
exerclslng wlLh vlews of naLure led Lo more conslsLenL menLal healLh lmprovemenLs compared
Lo exerclse wlLh no vlew, or wlLh an unpleasanL vlew.
1hls flndlng has been repllcaLed ln
several oLher sLudles. Cne sLudy concluded LhaL exerclse ln all Lypes of green envlronmenLs
lmproves self-esLeem and mood, and Lhe presence of waLer led Lo even greaLer
lor example, walklng Lhrough a park, as opposed Lo an ob[ecLlvely bullL
envlronmenL" lncreases aLLenLlon-malnLalnlng ablllLy.
lurLhermore, runners self-raLe naLural

Lloyd, !. (2011). CuC: AnLldepressanL use skyrockeLs 400 ln pasL 20 years. uSA 1oday.
CuC. An LsLlmaLed 1 ln 10 u.S. AdulLs 8eporL uepresslon.
CupLa, S. and Cohen, L. (2010). CuC: nearly 1 ln 10 u.S. adulLs depressed. Cnn PealLh.
1he lmpacL of CommunlLy ueslgn and Land-use Cholces on ubllc PealLh: A SclenLlflc 8esearch Agenda
World PealLh CrganlzaLlon. (2011). lnvesLlng ln MenLal PealLh
unlverslLy of Lssex Creen Lxerclse 8esearch 1eam
8arLon and reLLy, 2010. WhaL ls Lhe 8esL uose of naLure and Creen Lxerclse for lmprovlng MenLal PealLh? A MulLl-SLudy Analysls.
lrank, . and !ason, u. (2003). Lxerclse and well-belng: a revlew of menLal and physlcal healLh beneflLs assoclaLed wlLh physlcal acLlvlLy
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

park seLLlngs hlgher Lhan urban ones ln Lerms of decreaslng anger, anxleLy, and depresslon and
lncreaslng resLoraLlon and LranqulllLy.

Nature Contact and Menta| nea|th

1he slmple acL of vlewlng naLure has shown Lo provlde psychologlcal resLoraLlon, reduce
and provlde calmlng effecLs.
MalnLalnlng a connecLlon wlLh naLure ls parLlcularly
valuable ln reduclng sLress LhaL accompanles urban llvlng.
lrederlck Law ClmsLed belleved LhaL
naLure relaxes people and relleves Lhe Lenslons of urban llfe,
sclenLlflc sLudles now are
conflrmlng LhaL regular engagemenL wlLh green spaces ls llnked wlLh beLLer menLal healLh and

ConsLanL sLlmulaLlon ln modern, urban llfe leads Lo menLal faLlgue,
whlch causes
lnaLLenLlveness, dlsLracLlblllLy, feellngs of belng wlLhdrawn, lrrlLablllLy, and lmpulslve and
accldenL-prone behavlors.
1hese menLal faLlgue sympLoms are exacerbaLed by a general lack
of green space ln many urban areas.
ConLacL wlLh naLure may help wlLh aLLenLlon, focus, and
menLal resLoraLlon. naLural envlronmenLs Lend Lo conLaln elemenLs LhaL engage lnvolunLary or
subconsclous aLLenLlon, whereas many car-domlnaLed urban envlronmenLs are repleLe wlLh
feaLures requlrlng dlrecLed aLLenLlon such as moLor vehlcles, adverLlsemenLs, and nolse alerLs,
for example horns and slrens. ALLenLlon 8esLoraLlon 1herapy ls a pracLlce LhaL uLlllzes naLural

reLLy, !., eacock, !., Sellens, M. and Crlffln, M. (2003). 1he menLal and physlcal healLh ouLcomes of green exerclse.
Crlnde, 8. and aLll, C. (2009). 8lophllla: uoes vlsual ConLacL wlLh naLure lmpacL on PealLh and Well-8elng?
ulrlch, 8. (2002). PealLh 8eneflLs of Cardens ln PosplLals.
1he lmpacL of CommunlLy ueslgn and Land-use Cholces on ubllc PealLh: A SclenLlflc 8esearch Agenda
vlnlng, !. (2003). 1he ConnecLlon Lo CLher Anlmals and Carlng for naLure.
reLLy, !., Crlffln, M., eacock, !., Plne, 8., Sellens, M., and SouLh, n. (2003). CounLryslde for PealLh and Well-8elng: 1he hyslcal and MenLal PealLh
8eneflLs of Creen Lxerclse. 8eporL for Lhe CounLryslde 8ecreaLlon neLwork.
Maller, C., 1ownsend, M., SL Leger, L., Penderson-Wllson, C., ryor, A., rosser, L. and Moore, M. (2009). PealLhy arks, PealLhy eople: 1he PealLh
8eneflLsof ConLacL wlLh naLure ln a ark ConLexL.
Lehrer, !. (2009). Pow Lhe clLy hurLs your braln... And whaL you can do abouL lL. 1he 8osLon Clobe.
1he relaLlonshlp of urban deslgn Lo human healLh and condlLlon
Cardner, A. (2009). 8elng near naLure lmproves physlcal, menLal healLh. uSA 1oday.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

envlronmenLs Lo engage lnvolunLary aLLenLlon by provldlng a wlde range of engaglng sLlmull Lo
allow dlrecLed-aLLenLlon mechanlsms Lo resL and be resLored.

A number of sLudles lllusLraLe LhaL walklng Lhrough naLure lmproves aLLenLlon, cognlLlve
funcLlon, and Lask performance, whereas walklng Lhrough a dense urban seLLlng does noL.
one sLudy ln 2008, walklng ln a naLural seLLlng led Lo sLaLlsLlcally slgnlflcanL greaLer cognlLlve
lmprovemenLs and self-reporLed refreshmenL Lhan exposure Lo downLown seLLlngs.
oLher sLudles conflrm Lhls as Lhey lllusLraLe LhaL naLural scenes lncrease recall raLe slgnlflcanLly
more Lhan bullL scenes.
ln a Swedlsh sLudy, elderly resldenLs ln an asslsLed houslng faclllLy
were asked Lo spend one hour relaxlng ouLdoors and one hour ln Lhelr favorlLe room lndoors.
8elng lndoors led Lo no lncrease ln concenLraLlon, whereas belng ouLdoors led Lo slgnlflcanL
cognlLlve lmprovemenL.
CognlLlve funcLlon and Lask performance appear Lo be lmproved by
havlng conLacL wlLh naLure and exerclslng ln naLural envlronmenLs.

Many people, especlally clLy-dwellers, work lndoors wlLh llmlLed exposure Lo naLure and
sunllghL. lndoor envlronmenLs can conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe developmenL of boLh seasonal and general
depresslon sympLoms such as sadness, anxleLy, lrrlLablllLy, and wlLhdrawal from soclal acLlvlLy.

Pavlng access Lo ouLdoors and dayllghL ls parLlcularly lmporLanL ln an urban envlronmenL
because exposure Lo sunllghL allows for Lhe body Lo synLheslze vlLamln u, whlch ls needed for

8erman, M., !onldes, !. and kaplan, S. (2008). 1he CognlLlve 8eneLs of lnLeracLlng WlLh naLure
1he menLal and physlcal healLh ouLcomes of green exerclse
eacock. !., Plne, 8., Wlllls, C., Crlffln, M. and reLLy, !. (2003). 1he hyslcal and MenLal PealLh 8eneflLs of LnvlronmenLal lmprovemenLs aL 1wo SlLes
ln London and Welshpool
8erLo, 8., 8aronl, M., Zalnaghl, A. and 8eLLella, S. (2010). An exploraLory sLudy of Lhe effecL of hlgh and low fasclnaLlon envlronmenLs on aLLenLlonal
MenLal PealLh & luncLlon. Creen ClLles: Cood PealLh. urban loresLry/urban Creenlng 8esearch, aL Lhe unlverslLy of WashlngLon.
kuo, l. (2010). arks and CLher Creen LnvlronmenLs: LssenLlal ComponenLs of a PealLhy Puman PablLaL
kuo, l. and 1aylor, A. (2004) A oLenLlal naLural 1reaLmenL for ALLenLlon-ueflclL/PyperacLlvlLy ulsorder: Lvldence lrom a naLlonal SLudy.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

bone healLh and lmmune funcLlon - vlLamln u deflclency ls assoclaLed wlLh headaches, Lype l
dlabeLes, chronlc faLlgue and hyperLenslon.

8esearchers have found LhaL people, especlally young chlldren, respond poslLlvely Lo naLural
seLLlngs LhaL have open space and waLer feaLures.
As one auLhor sLaLes, exposure Lo naLure
ls a baslc human, prlmary need for healLh and well-belng, noL a culLural amenlLy or
8lophllla, Lhe lnnaLe connecLlon beLween humans and oLher llvlng sysLems,
can explaln Lhe parLlcular human afflnlLy for waLer, as lL ls a vlLal aspecL of naLural seLLlngs.

WaLer ls descrlbed as Lhe unlfylng elemenL ln naLure, and Lhe presence of waLer ln Lhe bullL
envlronmenL slgnlflcanLly enhances Lhe blophlllc quallLles of Lhe area.
lrom an evoluLlon
perspecLlve, people Lend Lo reacL more poslLlvely Lo areas conLalnlng waLer,
whlch ls one
reason why rlver parkways are parLlcularly effecLlve naLural seLLlngs ln produclng menLal healLh
beneflLs. eople who vlew waLer ln naLure Lend Lo exhlblL greaLer menLal healLh lmprovemenLs
ln Lhe form of anxleLy and paln rellef Lhan people who have oLher vlews or no naLure vlew.

SLudles show LhaL vlews of waLer and Lhe sound of waLer allevlaLes sLress mosL effecLlvely.

1he sound of Lrlckllng waLer and waLer waves lnvokes a sense of LranqulllLy and relaxaLlon
conLrlbuLlng Lo lmproved healLh ln paLlenLs recoverlng from a healLh condlLlon. Moreover,
elderly people dlagnosed wlLh hyperLenslon experlenced decreased levels of blood pressure
when llsLenlng Lo Lhe sound of ocean waves.

PealLhy naLure healLhy people: 'conLacL wlLh naLure' as an upsLream healLh promoLlon lnLervenLlon for populaLlons
Chlldren WlLh ALLenLlon ueflclLs ConcenLraLe 8eLLer AfLer Walk ln Lhe ark
ulrlch, 8. ChapLer 3: 8lophllla, 8lophabla, and naLural landscapes. kellerL, S. and Wllson, L. Lds. 1he 8lophllla PypoLhesls. (1993).
Peerwagen, !. 8lophllla, PealLh, and Well-belng.
Peerwagen, !. and Pase, 8. (2008). 8ulldlng 8lophllla: ConnecLlng eople Lo naLure ln 8ulldlng ueslgn.
kellerL, Peerwagen, and Mador. (2008). 8lophlllc ueslgn: 1he 1heory, Sclence, and racLlce of 8rlnglng 8ulldlngs Lo Llfe.
kellerL, S. and Wllson, L. (1993). 1he 8lophllla PypoLhesls.
kellerL, S. and Wllson, L. (1993). 1he 8lophllla PypoLhesls.
ulrlch, 8. ChapLer 3: 8lophllla, 8lophabla, and naLural landscapes. kellerL, S. and Wllson, L. Lds. 1he 8lophllla PypoLhesls. (1993).
PealLh-relaLed hyslcal llLness ln Chlldhood: SLaLus and 8ecommendaLlons
A School-8ased Lxerclse lnLervenLlon LllclLs SubsLanLlal 8one PealLh 8eneflLs: A 2-?ear 8andomlzed ConLrolled 1rlal ln Clrls
ulrlch, 8. LffecLs of PealLhcare LnvlronmenLal ueslgn on Medlcal CuLcomes.
Peerwagen, !. 8lophllla, PealLh, and Well-belng.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health


ConLacL wlLh naLure has a poslLlve role ln psychologlcal healLh and capaclLy. Mood can affecL
Lhe lmmune sysLem
, and measures LhaL lmprove emoLlonal well-belng beneflL physlcal
1rees, greenery, fresh alr, and waLer produce a sense of LranqulllLy. More greenery,
access Lo nearby naLural areas, and green exerclse, poslLlvely correlaLe wlLh less sLress, less
sadness, more saLlsfacLlon wlLh llfe,
and overall beLLer menLal healLh.
8ecenLly, more
supporL for Lhe Lheory of Lhe sounds of waLer for lmprovlng healLh
has emerged. ln Lhe fuLure,
research ls needed Lo focus on Lhe menLal healLh beneflLs of exerclslng around areas of waLer.
All medlcal LreaLmenLs for menLal dlsorders have slde effecLs, and some serlous and some
surprlslngly paradoxlcal. Walklng on safe green Lralls along waLersldes ls a safe menLal healLh
lnLervenLlon LhaL ls lnadequaLely avallable.


ConsLrucLlon of rlver parkways and open spaces for chlldren Lo play and exerclse offers healLh
beneflLs as well. 1he unlLed naLlons recognlzes a chlld's rlghL Lo play as a fundamenLal human
and accordlng Lo Lhe Callfornla Chlldren's CuLdoor 8lll of 8lghLs, every chlld should
have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo play and learn ouLdoors.

Maller, C., 1ownsend, M., SL Leger, L., Penderson-Wllson, C., ryor, A., rosser, L. and Moore, M. (2009). PealLhy arks, PealLhy eople: 1he PealLh
8eneflLs of ConLacL wlLh naLure ln a ark ConLexL.
kellerL, S. and Wllson, L. (1993). 1he 8lophllla PypoLhesls.
World PealLh CrganlzaLlon. (2011). lnvesLlng ln MenLal PealLh
kuo, l. (2010). arks and CLher Creen LnvlronmenLs: LssenLlal ComponenLs of a PealLhy Puman PablLaL
8arLon, S. (2008). Puman 8eneflLs of Creen Spaces.
Llddell, A. (2009). WaLer lounLalns for PealLh and Wellness?
un Ceneral Assembly 8esoluLlon 1386 (xlv of x). 1939. ueclaraLlon of Lhe 8lghLs of Lhe Chlld.
8lghL Lo lay.
lAC1 SPLL1: A summary of Lhe rlghLs under Lhe ConvenLlon on Lhe 8lghLs of Lhe Chlld
Chlldren's CuLdoor 8lll of 8lghLs. Callfornla ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health


1he u.S. ueparLmenL of PealLh and Puman Servlces sLaLes LhaL Lhe lack of green space ls one of
Lhe mosL lmporLanL causes of chlldhood obeslLy, and Lhe need for green places Lo proLecL
chlldren's healLh ls becomlng more recognlzed and apparenL.
Lack of green space
correlaLes wlLh a decrease ln exerclse, and Lhe rlsks assoclaLed wlLh lnacLlvlLy lasL beyond
chlldhood and lnLo adulLhood. Chlldhood obeslLy has more Lhan doubled ln chlldren and Lrlpled
ln adolescenLs ln Lhe pasL 30 years, and 17 of chlldren and adolescenLs aged 2-19 years are
obese (llg. 2).
ln Callfornla approxlmaLely 27 of chlldren are overwelghL and less Lhan a
quarLer can pass Lhe ll1nLSSC8AM, Lhe sLaLe's requlred physlcal flLness exam whlch ls on Lhe
chlld's reporL card.
CverwelghL and physlcally unflL chlldren have a hlgher rlsk of lung dlseases,
dlabeLes, asLhma, emoLlonal dlsLress, and cancers and are 80 more llkely Lo be severely obese
as adulLs.

Mayors' Culde Lo llghLlng Chlldhood CbeslLy. 1he unlLed SLaLes Conference of Mayors
revenLlng chlldhood obeslLy: Lhe need Lo creaLe healLhy places. (2007). A ClLles and CommunlLles PealLh 8eporL.
Space-orlenLed Chlldren's ollcy: CreaLlng Chlld-frlendly CommunlLles Lo lmprove Chlldren's Well-belng.
Cgden, C. and Carroll, M. (2010). revalence of CbeslLy Among Chlldren and AdolescenLs: unlLed SLaLes, 1rends 1963-1963 1hrough 2007-2008.
1rusL for Amerlca's PealLh and 8oberL Wood !ohnson loundaLlon. (2013). l as ln laL: Pow CbeslLy 1hreaLens Amerlca's luLure.
CbeslLy ln Chlldren and 1eens. 2011. Amerlcan Academy of Chlld and AdolescenL sychlaLry.
uS uepL. of PPS, AsslsLanL SecreLary for lannlng and LvaluaLlon, Chlldhood CbeslLy.
Lvery ch||d shou|d have
the opportun|ty to:

lay ln a safe place
Lxplore naLure
Learn Lo swlm
Co flshlng
lollow a Lrall
Camp under Lhe sLars
8lde a blke
Co boaLlng
ConnecL wlLh Lhe pasL
lanL a seed

Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health


"#$%& #'( )*+' &*#,+& *$)-.(+ )**)$/0'./.+& 1)$ ,2.3($+' /) *3#4 #'( +5+$,.&+6 7/0(.+& 2#-+
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Ch||dren's Menta| and Soc|a| We||-8e|ng

Chlldren have an afflnlLy and need for conLacL wlLh naLural seLLlngs.
nlneLy slx percenL of
urban chlldren, when asked Lo draw Lhelr favorlLe place, drew somewhere ouLdoors. lL ls

PealLh 8eneflLs Lo Chlldren from ConLacL wlLh Lhe CuLdoors and naLure. 2012. Chlldren and naLure neLwork.
Sallls, !., rochaska, !. and Wendell, 1. (2000). A revlew of correlaLes of physlcal acLlvlLy of chlldren and adolescenLs.
reLLy, !., Crlffln, M., eacock, !., Plne, 8., Sellens, M., and SouLh, n. (2003). CounLryslde for PealLh and Well-8elng: 1he hyslcal and MenLal PealLh
8eneflLs of Creen Lxerclse. 8eporL for Lhe CounLryslde 8ecreaLlon neLwork.
WhlLe, 8. 8eneflLs for Chlldren of lay and naLure.
I|gure 2. 1rends ln obeslLy among u.S. chlldren and adolescenLs.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

reasonable Lo expecL LhaL green naLural seLLlngs preferred by chlldren would also have a
beneflclal effecL on chlldren's well-belng."
As wlLh adulLs, sLress has negaLlve effecLs on Lhe
well-belng and developmenL of chlldren, and conLacL wlLh naLure helps Lo buffer Lhe effecLs of
sLress or adverslLy ln chlldren.
Cverall healLh, whlch ls enhanced by soclal supporL, ls also
llnked Lo chlldren playlng ouLdoors, as sLudles have shown LhaL chlldren who play ouLdoors Lend
Lo have more frlends Lhan Lhose who are resLrlcLed Lo lndoor play.
Pavlng Lhe opporLunlLy Lo
play ln naLure on a regular basls helps chlldren develop beLLer lnLerpersonal relaLlonshlps and
have a more poslLlve aLLlLude ln school.
Allowlng chlldhood conLacL wlLh naLure ls a
prevenLlve lnLervenLlon LhaL helps reduce depresslon and feellngs of hopelessness. 1hls, ln Lurn,
lf conLacL ls encouraged on a susLalned basls, reduces aggresslve and dellnquenL [uvenlle
behavlor, as well as alcohol, Lobacco and drug use.

Ch||dren's Attent|on Capac|ty and Nature

1he CuC reporLs LhaL Lhe mosL common chlldhood neurobehavloral dlsorder, aLLenLlon
deflclL/hyperacLlvlLy dlsorder (AuPu), lf lefL unLreaLed can lmpede a chlld's performance ln
school and ablllLy Lo form soclal relaLlonshlps.
Cllnlcal LreaLmenLs for AuPu offer rellef
from sympLoms, buL can have slde effecLs such as decreased appeLlLe, welghL loss, sleeplng
problems, and lrrlLablllLy.
Powever, Lhere ls research LhaL naLural ouLdoor experlences help
amelloraLe Lhese sympLoms wlLhouL Lhe use of medlcaLlon.
CLher sLudles have shown LhaL

Maller, C., 1ownsend, M., SL Leger , L., Penderson-Wllson, C., ryor, A., rosser, L. and Moore, M. (2008). PealLhy parks, healLhy people: 1he healLh
bene!Ls of conLacL wlLh naLure ln a park conLexL.
Wells, n. and Lvans, C. (2003). nearby naLure: A 8uffer of Llfe SLress among 8ural Chlldren
reLLy, !., eacock, !., Sellens, M. and Crlffln, M. (2003). 1he menLal and physlcal healLh ouLcomes of green exerclse.
WhlLe, 8. 8eneflLs for Chlldren of lay and naLure.
A oLenLlal naLural 1reaLmenL for ALLenLlon-ueflclL/PyperacLlvlLy ulsorder: Lvldence lrom a naLlonal SLudy.
AuAA. AnxleLy ulsorders ln Chlldren.
Mayo Cllnlc. ALLenLlon-deflclL/hyperacLlvlLy dlsorder (AuPu) ln chlldren
A oLenLlal naLural 1reaLmenL for ALLenLlon-ueflclL/PyperacLlvlLy ulsorder: Lvldence lrom a naLlonal SLudy.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

regular conLacL wlLh ouLdoor areas -- lncludlng Laklng a walk by a body of waLer -- reduces Lhe
sympLoms of AuPu ln chlldren.
Chlldren's funcLlonlng lmproves afLer acLlvlLles ln green
seLLlngs, and Lhe greener" a chlldren's play area ls, Lhe less severe hls or her aLLenLlon deflclL
ConLacL wlLh naLure can also affecL and lncrease aLLenLlon capaclLy,
lncrease Lhe
ablllLy Lo Lhlnk clearly, and enhance lnLelllgence and creaLlvlLy.

)OF>L?PM>1 />BD ,?@;C 5BCJHBD
1he CLay 8lver arkway ln San ulego, Callfornla
provldes educaLlonal and recreaLlonal
opporLunlLles Lo chlldren Lhrough organlzaLlons
such as WlLuCCAS1 who develop and malnLaln
ouLreach programs Lo local resldenLs.
8ecognlzlng LhaL a large populaLlon of youLh llves
ln close proxlmlLy Lo Lhe CLay 8lver, WlLuCCAS1
supporLs rlver and naLure based educaLlonal
programs Lo Lhe area's undeserved populaLlon by
fosLerlng and enhanclng opporLunlLles for
chlldren Lo explore and learn abouL Lhe naLural

1hrough fleld Lrlps Lo Lhe CLay 8lver arkway,
chlldren are able Lo engage ln acLlvlLles LhaL
expose Lhem Lo Lhe naLlve wlldllfe and planLs
of Lhe area and recognlze Lhe envlronmenLal
and human healLh beneflLs Lhe rlver parkway

hoLo CredlLs: hLLp://www.wlldcoasL.neL/programs/2

Lawrence eL al. 2004. LxecuLlve funcLlon and AuPu: A comparlson of chlldren's performance durlng neuropsychologlcal LesLlng and real-world
Coplng wlLh add 1he Surprlslng ConnecLlon Lo Creen lay SeLLlng
Lxposure Lo resLoraLlve envlronmenLs helps resLore aLLenLlon capaclLy
Louv, 8. 2011. 1he naLure rlnclple: Puman 8esLoraLlon and Lhe Lnd of naLure-ueflclL ulsorder.
naLure nurLures: lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe oLenLlal of School Crounds. 2000.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

Ch||dren's Cogn|t|on and Nature

Creenlng ouLdoor play areas for young chlldren lmproves academlc performance
sLlmulaLes creaLlvlLy due Lo close conLacL wlLh naLure.
Chlldren funcLlon beLLer cognlLlvely and
emoLlonally ln green envlronmenLs, and have more creaLlve play ln green areas.
ln a 2001
sLudy, chlldren wlLh vlews and conLacL wlLh naLure scored hlgher on LesLs of concenLraLlon and
self-dlsclpllne, and hlgher resulLs correlaLed wlLh greener areas.
naLure plays an
lmporLanL role ln chlldhood developmenL,
as lL helps develop percepLual and expresslve skllls,
language and cognlLlve ablllLles, creaLlvlLy and lmaglnaLlon, and lndependence.
ln one
sLudy, chlldren who were allowed Lo play wlLh a wlder varleLy and number of ob[ecLs scored
hlgher on alLernaLe-use LesLs Lhan chlldren who were noL allowed Lo do Lhe same.
ln a
consLrucLed playground, chlldren used 42 of Lhe LoLal play conLenL versus 68 of conLenL ln a
naLural seLLlng.
1hls ls slgnlflcanL because dramaLlc play, uslng more maLerlals and long bouLs
of lmaglnary play, are behavlors known Lo have hlgh soclal and cognlLlve beneflLs.

Codbey, C. (2009). CuLdoor 8ecreaLlon, PealLh, and Wellness: undersLandlng and Lnhanclng Lhe 8elaLlonshlp.
MenLal PealLh & luncLlon. Creen ClLles: Cood PealLh. urban loresLry/urban Creenlng 8esearch, aL Lhe unlverslLy of WashlngLon.
SllversLone, M. (2011). 1ree hugglng lmproves your healLh
1he value of ubllc Space.
WhlLe, 8. 8eneflLs for Chlldren of lay and naLure.
1aylor, A., kuo, l. and Sulllvan, W. (2001). vlews of naLure and Self-ulsclpllne lrom lnner ClLy Chlldren.
Louv, 8. (2006). LasL Chlld ln Lhe Woods: Savlng ouL Chlldren from naLure-ueflclL ulsorder.
SLrlfe, S. and uowney, L. (2009). Chlldhood developmenL and access Lo naLure.
uansky !.L. and Sllverman, l.W. (1973). LffecL of play on assoclaLlve fluency ln preschool-aged chlldren.
Chlldren and naLure neLwork
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health



A healLhy communlLy as deflned by Lhe Callfornla CenLer for PealLhy ClLles and CommunlLles
promoLes a poslLlve physlcal, soclal, and economlc envlronmenL LhaL supporLs Lhe well-belng of
lLs members."
1he physlcal sLrucLure of Lhe clLy can be a caLalysL for a sense of communlLy
and empowermenL, whlch can lead Lo healLhler lndlvlduals and lmproved local economy.
undersLandlng Lhe local culLure and soclal aspecLs of Lhe physlcal envlronmenL are lmporLanL ln
consLrucLlng an area LhaL wlll be beneflclal and useful for Lhe communlLy. lor example, many
urban nelghborhoods lack adequaLe access Lo Lralls and waLer feaLures. 1he areas around a rlver
LhaL are prospecLlvely avallable for converslon lnLo a parkway are frequenLly rundown,

CenLer for Clvlc arLnershlps. Callfornla PealLhy ClLles and CommunlLles.
- Chlldren who play regularly ln naLural envlronmenLs show more
advanced moLor flLness, lncludlng coordlnaLlon, balance and aglllLy, and
Lhey are slck less ofLen (Crahn eL al. 1997, l[orLofL & Sagele 2001).
- Lxposure Lo naLural envlronmenLs lmproves chlldren's cognlLlve
developmenL by lmprovlng Lhelr awareness, reasonlng and
observaLlonal skllls (yle 2002).
- naLure buffers Lhe lmpacL of llfe's sLresses on chlldren and helps Lhem
deal wlLh adverslLy. 1he greaLer Lhe amounL of naLure exposure, Lhe
greaLer Lhe beneflLs (Wells & Lvans 2003).
- naLural envlronmenLs sLlmulaLe soclal lnLeracLlon beLween chlldren
(Moore 1986, 8lxler eL al. 2002) and chlldren who play ln naLure have
more poslLlve feellngs each oLher (Moore 1996).
- lay ln ouLdoor envlronmenLs sLlmulaLes all aspecLs of chlldren's
developmenL more readlly Lhan lndoor envlronmenLs (Moore & Wong
Summary adapLed from: hLLp://
hoLo CredlL: hLLp://

A summary of the benef|ts of regu|ar p|ay |n nature for ch||dren:

Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

abandoned land prevlously used for lndusLrlal purposes, and ln lower socloeconomlc areas of a
clLy LhaL are ofLen lacklng green space or areas safe for ouLdoor acLlvlLy.

ln order Lo revlLallze clLles, lmprove urban aesLheLlcs, sLrengLhen place ldenLlLy, and lncrease
envlronmenLal healLh and awareness, Lhe pracLlce of dayllghLlng sLreams has been uLlllzed
around Lhe world.
PlsLorlcally, many sLreams and rlvers were channellzed or dlverLed lnLo
plpes and oLher dralnage sysLems,
and dayllghLlng lnvolves redlrecLlng sLreams above ground
and, ofLen Llmes, resLorlng Lhe surroundlng hablLaL. 8eneflLs of dayllghLlng lnclude lmproved
ecologlcal condlLlons and more effecLlve flood conLrol by lncreaslng permeable land, lncreased
percelved safeLy as Lhe areas becomes more malnLalned and used, and communlLy coheslon.

lurLhermore, dayllghLlng Lends Lo be more cosL-effecLlve Lhan deslgnlng and replaclng old
1here have been several recenL examples of Lhls pracLlce, and Lhey have generally
served Lo lncrease green space ln urban envlronmenLs, lmprove Lhe hablLaL for endangered
specles, and provlde beLLer naLural dralnage, waLer fllLerlng, and lnfllLraLlon. lor lnsLance,
lpers Creek ln SeaLLle, WashlngLon was able Lo brlng back lLs salmon populaLlon by malnLalnlng
Lhe sLream and uslng naLural forms of dralnage and sLormwaLer collecLlon. Whlle Lhe goal of
dayllghLlng ls usually Lo resLore a sLream Lo a more naLural sLaLe, many clLles are also uLlllzlng
Lhem ln Lhelr economlc revlLallzaLlon and physlcal acLlvlLy plans.

CLher dayllghLlng pro[ecLs lnclude Lhe Saw Mlll 8lver ln new ?ork. 1he hldden rlver underneaLh
Lhe clLy of ?onkers played an lnLegral role for Lhe mllls and lndusLrles of Lhe Lown ln Lhe early
1600s buL was burled ln sLeel and concreLe ln 1923 Lo make way for a parklng loL for Lhe new

lnkham, 8. (2000). uayllghLlng: new Llfe for 8urled SLreams. 8ocky MounLaln lnsLlLuLe.
8uchholz, 1 and ?ounos, 1. (2007). urban SLream uayllghLlng Case SLudy LvaluaLlons.
SLream uayllghLlng, 8ocky MounLaln lnsLlLuLe.
8uchholz, 1 and ?ounos, 1. (2007). urban SLream uayllghLlng Case SLudy LvaluaLlons.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

?ork ueparLmenL of MoLor vehlcles. ln 2003, Croundwork Pudson valley, a group LhaL
advocaLes for ecologlcal healLh of Lhe Pudson 8lver, enllsLed deslgn sLudenLs from Columbla
unlverslLy Lo creaLe rendlLlons of a dayllghLed Saw Mlll 8lver. 1hese ldeas spurred many oLher
ldeas and posslblllLles for Lhe revlLallzaLlon of Lhe rlver and garnered supporL from many
agencles lncludlng Lhe u.S. Army Corps of Lnglneers resulLlng ln a flnal plan LhaL rouLes Lhe Saw
Mlll 8lver Lhrough 800 feeL of rlverscape.
LvenLually complemenLed wlLh oLher amenlLles Lo
accommodaLe communlLy acLlvlLles, Lhe resLoraLlon of Lhe rlver brlngs back a waLerfronL LhaL
was noL prevlously accesslble. 1he waLerway also helps revlLallze flsh hablLaL and proLecL naLlve
specles. 1he naLural aLLracLlon of Lhe rlver ecosysLem and poLenLlal developmenL of communlLy
amenlLles ls maklng ?onkers more aLLracLlve and ls generaLlng more fooL Lrafflc and acLlvlLy.

1he dayllghLlng of sLreams ls a pracLlce seen worldwlde. lor lnsLance, vancouver, whlch had
channellzed many of lLs rlvers as lL developed, has begun boLh uncoverlng and reesLabllshlng
sLreams ln Lhelr hlsLorlcal rouLes. vancouver vlews Lhe ocean LhaL surrounds lL as one of lLs
mosL lmporLanL asseLs, and Lakes lLs sLewardshlp role Lo hearL. ln Lhls role, Lhe clLy has

8lchardson, u. 8lver rlslng: WaLer helps revlve a washed-up lndusLrlal Lown.
I|gure 3. 1he Cheong Cye Cheong 8lver ln Seoul, SouLh korea before dayllghLlng (lefL) and afLer (rlghL).

Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

esLabllshed several lnLegraLed dralnage and waLer managemenL programs,
parL of whlch ls
Lhe SLlll Creek LnhancemenL, whlch plans Lo reLurn Lhe creek-slde hablLaL Lo naLlve planLlngs,
remove concreLe and naLurallze creek banks, and [add] lnLerpreLlve plaques and boardwalks Lo
provlde recreaLlonal and educaLlonal opporLunlLles."

Cne oLher slgnlflcanL example, and one of Lhe largesL dayllghLlng pro[ecLs was Lhe Cheong Cye
Cheong 8lver ln Seoul ln SouLh korea (llg. 3). 1hls rlver had been covered by concreLe ln Lhe
1930s and 20 years laLer, a ma[or freeway was bullL over lL. ln 2002, Mayor Lee Myung-bak was
elecLed and pledged Lo resLore Lhe rlver.
Cver Lhe nexL Lhree years, Lhe freeway was Lorn
down, and Lhe rlver revlLallzed. Slnce Lhen, Lhe urban heaL lsland effecL has been reduced (clLy
areas by Lhe rlver have an average LemperaLure 3.6 degrees lahrenhelL lower Lhan Lhe
surroundlng areas), blodlverslLy has lncreased, and people around Lhe counLry have lnlLlaLed
resLoraLlon pro[ecLs on Lhelr local sLreams and rlvers.

overty, nea|th, and ark Space

eople llvlng ln poverLy are more llkely Lo be ln falr or poor healLh, and ofLen have hlgher levels
of chronlc dlseases such as asLhma, obeslLy, dlabeLes, and cardlovascular dlsease.
u.S. 8ehavloral 8lsk lacLor Survelllance SysLem (88lSS) and Lhe u.S. naLlonal PealLh and
naLlonal and nuLrlLlon LxamlnaLlon Survey (nPAnLS) boLh show LhaL lnner-clLy resldenLs are

roLecLlng Cur WaLer. ClLy of vancouver.
SLlll Creek LnhancemenL lan. ClLy of vancouver.
8ao, k. Seoul Lears down an urban hlghway and Lhe clLy can breaLhe agaln.
ushkarev, 8. S., & Zupan, !. M. (1982). Where LranslL works: urban denslLles for publlc LransporLaLlon. utboo ttoospottotloo. letspectlves ooJ
ptospects, 341-344.
P. S. Levlnson and 8. A. WeanL, eds. (1982). utboo 1toospottotloo. letspectlves ooJ ltospects. WesLporL, C1, Lno loundaLlon.
PousLon, u., !. Wu, . Cng, and A. Wlner. (2006). uown Lo Lhe meLer: Locallzed vehlcle polluLlon maLLers.
LberhardL, M.S. and amuk L.8. 2004. 1he lmporLance of place of resldence: examlnlng healLh ln rural and nonrural areas.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

more overwelghL, less physlcally acLlve, and less healLhy overall Lhan Lhe general populaLlon."

1he naLlonal PealLh lnLervlew Survey also shows LhaL ln Lhe 1990's, people ln clLy cenLers
(where Lhere ls less open, green space) have poor dleLs wlLh hlgh consumpLlon of fasL foods and
hlgh-faL foods, and are more llkely Lo be obese Lhan Lhose who llve ln Lhe suburbs.
phenomenon has been sLudled, and Lhe maln explanaLlon for Lhls dlfference ls levels of physlcal
lnacLlvlLy, and among Lhose who llve ln urban areas, lnacLlvlLy ls hlghesL among low-lncome

1he correlaLlon beLween lncome and chlldren's healLh ls also evldenL.
8ased on parenL
reporLs, non-poor chlldren are more llkely Lhan poor chlldren Lo have only a handful of relaLlvely
mlnor healLh condlLlons, such as hay fever and slnuslLls. oorer chlldren, by conLrasL, are more
llkely Lo have asLhma, frequenL headaches, hearL condlLlons, kldney dlsease, epllepsy, dlgesLlve
problems, menLal reLardaLlon, and vlslon and hearlng dlsorders."
lurLhermore, Lhose llvlng ln
low-lncome nelghborhoods may lack access Lo healLh servlces and prevenLlve care.
pooresL and mosL dlsadvanLaged communlLles can beneflL greaLly from rlver parkways LhaL
provlde space for exerclse, recreaLlon, and naLure conLacL.

Schoenborn, C., Adams, . and 8arnes, . 8ody WelghL SLaLus of AdulLs: unlLed SLaLes, 1997-98. CuC
arks, S.L., Pousemann, 8.A., and 8rownson, 8.C. 2003. ulfferenLlal correlaLes of physlcal acLlvlLy ln urban and rural adulLs of varlous socloeconomlc
backgrounds ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes.
Lopez, 8. and Pynes, . CbeslLy, physlcal acLlvlLy, and Lhe urban envlronmenL: publlc healLh research needs
Case, A. and axson, C. (2006). Chlldren's PealLh and Soclal MoblllLy. 1he luLure of Chlldren: rlnceLon and 8rooklngs
CenLers for ulsease ConLrol and revenLlon (CuC), naLlonal CenLer for PealLh SLaLlsLlcs. (2012). uaLa on PealLh lnsurance and Access Lo Care.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

Lducat|on and romenad|ng: Creat|ng a Commun|ty Cu|ture Change

ulfferences ln level of physlcal acLlvlLy, parLlcularly wlLh lelsure walklng, are apparenL among
varlous class and eLhnlc groups, whlch leads Lo Lhe lmporLanL quesLlon how Lo lnvolve wlder
communlLles and populaLlons wlLh low parLlclpaLlon levels. A cenLury ago when parks, such as
CenLral ark ln new ?ork, were deslgned, Lhey were lnLended as places for promenadlng and
educaLlon. romenadlng -- walklng lelsurely especlally Lo meeL or be seen by oLhers -- ls an
effecLlve form of educaLlon and soclal Leachlng. 1he concepL of promenadlng can be applled
more broadly Lo physlcal flLness, examples lnclude parenLs who run or use flLness zones ln fronL
of chlldren Lo lnsLlll Lhe lmporLance of a healLhy llfesLyle, or use of a local rlver parkway
communlcaLes Lhe lmporLance of physlcal acLlvlLy Lo Lhe communlLy-aL-large. lrederlck Law
ClmsLed belleved LhaL people needed Lo learn how Lo use park spaces, and LhaL waLchlng oLhers
use Lhe space was one of Lhe besL ways Lo accompllsh Lhls.
1hls prlnclple and pracLlce of
promenadlng and role-modellng remalns lmporLanL ln publlc space Loday. As demonsLraLed ln
Los Angeles and 1rusL for ubllc Land's llLness Zones, promenadlng ls an lmporLanL componenL
of parks. 8Anu CorporaLlon reporLed LhaL parks where flLness zones exlsL have a more acLlve
aLmosphere Lhan Lhose wlLhouL, even among Lhose noL uLlllzlng Lhe flLness equlpmenL
1he vlew of whaL ls healLhy" affecLs parenLlng as well, and havlng more spaces
for safe chlldhood acLlvlLles lnLegraLed lnLo a nelghborhood can help encourage more healLhy
lncreaslng Lhe dlverslLy of ouLdoor seLLlngs lncreases chlldren's level of
physlcal acLlvlLy, Llme ouLdoors, and envlronmenLal awareness.

lalrfleld, !. (2012). 1he ubllc and lLs osslblllLles: 1rlumphs and 1ragedles ln Lhe Amerlcan ClLy.
1he 1rusL for ubllc Land. lrom llLness Zones Lo Lhe Medlcal Mlle: Pow urban ark SysLems Can 8esL romoLe PealLh and Wellness.
Cohen, u., Marsh, 1., Wllllamson, S. and Collnelll, u. (2012). lmpacL and CosL-LffecLlveness of lamlly llLness Zones - A naLural LxperlmenL ln urban
ubllc arks
1he Councll of SLaLe CovernmenLs. CbeslLy 1ool klL.
8oberL Wood !ohnson loundaLlon, Where We Llve MaLLers for Cur PealLh: nelghborhoods and PealLh
CuC. School PealLh Culdellnes Lo romoLe PealLhy LaLlng and hyslcal AcLlvlLy. MorbldlLy and MorLallLy Weekly 8eporL (MMW8)
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health


Commun|ty r|de and Lmpowerment

Puman connecLlon wlLh naLure has culLural effecLs on a communlLy. lnLeracLlon wlLh naLure has
been shown Lo lncrease envlronmenLal concern, promoLe sLewardshlp, decrease crlme levels,
and encourage volunLeerlsm.
1hose who volunLeer for envlronmenLal organlzaLlons have
been shown Lo have 30 fewer cases of depresslon as non-volunLeers, whlle oLher forms of

lncreaslng hyslcal acLlvlLy
u.S. LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Agency. Creen CommunlLles AsslsLance klL: lndlcaLors, Callfornla SLaLe arks. 2003. 1he PealLh and Soclal 8eneflLs of
As an approach Lo Lhe overabundance of
areas wlLh llLLle Lo no access Lo exerclse
faclllLles and opporLunlLles, 1he 1rusL for
ubllc Land creaLed llLness Zones ln Lhe Los
Angeles area Lo provlde park exerclse
equlpmenL Lo sLlmulaLe physlcal acLlvlLy.
llLness Zones are ouLdoor gyms approprlaLe
for all levels of flLness and have become a
resource Lo faclllLaLe use of parks and
physlcal acLlvlLy ln densely populaLed
nelghborhoods. Slnce lnLroduclng Lhese
ouLdoor exerclse equlpmenL areas ln 29
parks, Lhere has been an lncrease ln park
use and physlcal acLlvlLy.

Above |s a map of many of the f|tness zones
|nsta||ed by 1he 1rust for ub||c Land.

hoLo CredlL: hLLp://
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

volunLeerlng lower Lhe rlsk by only 10.
lurLhermore, Lhe deslgn of Lhe bullL envlronmenL
can faclllLaLe lnLeracLlon wlLhln a communlLy and lncrease soclal caplLal (collecLlve beneflLs of
soclal neLworks).
1hls ls parLlcularly evldenL ln publlc spaces, such as parks and plazas,
lncreaslng soclal caplLal corresponds wlLh healLh lmprovemenLs.
lor lnsLance, ln orLland,
Cregon, a publlc area was revlLallzed by palnLlng murals, addlng benches, and bulldlng planLer
boxes. 1hrough Lhese relaLlvely slmple efforLs, soclal caplLal was bullL, and local resldenLs
reporLed feellng a sLronger sense of communlLy and lmprovemenL ln menLal healLh ln Lerms of
lessenlng depresslon.

CommunlLy connecLlon wlLh urban parks can brlng nelghbors LogeLher ln a safe, clean area, and
can also help lmprove a communlLy's lmage and deslrablllLy, boLh for currenL and fuLure
resldenLs. lnLeracLlon wlLh Lhese parks also encourages connecLlon wlLh oLher people and
Lherefore lncreases communlLy efflcacy. urban rlver parkways can help a communlLy form
sLronger Lles lnLernally and wlLh Lhe local envlronmenL.

Commun|ty Lconom|c 8enef|t

8lver parkways ln urban areas provlde communlLles noL only wlLh opporLunlLles Lo parLlclpaLe ln
healLhy behavlors, buL can also enhance communlLy prlde Lhrough lncreased local revenue and
economlc beneflL from Lourlsm and lmproved properLy values. AcLlve ouLdoor recreaLlon, such
as blcycllng, wlldllfe vlewlng, and oLher Lrall acLlvlLles, conLrlbuLed $730 bllllon each year Lo Lhe

kuo, l.L. (2010). arks and CLher Creen LnvlronmenLs: LssenLlal ComponenLs of a PealLhy Puman PablLaL.
uannenberg, A., lrumkln, P., and !ackson, 8. (2011). Maklng PealLhy laces: ueslgnlng and 8ulldlng for PealLh, Well-belng, and SusLalnablllLy. lsland
ress: WashlngLon, uC.
uannenberg, A., lrumkln, P., and !ackson, 8. (2011). Maklng PealLhy laces: ueslgnlng and 8ulldlng for PealLh, Well-belng, and SusLalnablllLy. lsland
ress: WashlngLon, uC.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

u.S. economy and supporLs 6.3 mllllon [obs naLlonally. Wlldllfe-relaLed recreaLlon remalns one
of Lhe mosL popular acLlvlLles ln Lhe u.S. ln 2011, more Lhan 90 mllllon u.S. resldenLs
parLlclpaLed ln some form of wlldllfe-relaLed recreaLlon and spenL $144.7 bllllon on Lhese
Accordlng Lo Lhe u.S. llsh and Wlldllfe Servlce, 71.8 mllllon Amerlcans parLlclpaLed
ln wlldllfe vlewlng speclflcally, wlLh 6.73 mllllon ln Callfornla (Lhe hlghesL parLlclpaLlon of any
sLaLe), and Lhls acLlvlLy generaLed 1,0280,000 [obs and $27.8 bllllon ln lncome and wages.

1he economlc beneflL of lnvesLlng ln lnfrasLrucLure Lo enhance quallLy of llfe ls furLher lllusLraLed
by a resLoraLlon pro[ecL of a waLerfronL greenway ln Camden, new !ersey, whlch has sLlmulaLed
Lhe local economy and has creaLed [obs. Crlglnally planned Lo connecL resldenLs of Lhe
communlLy Lo Lhe waLerfronL, Lhe 1.4-mlle greenway known as Lhe ulysses S. Wlgglns ark has
broughL ln more Lhan 600 resldenLs, 2,000 workers, and Lwo mllllon LourlsLs annually slnce lL has
been consLrucLed. 1ralls can be made popular across Lhe reglon, and Lrall Lourlsm ls one way of
generaLlng local Lourlsm ln places LhaL are noL Lyplcal vacaLlon desLlnaLlons.

lnvesLmenL around parks can also help revlLallze and economlcally redevelop a clLy. ln
Creenvllle, SouLh Carollna, Lhe clLy aLLrlbuLes lLs economlc healLh Lo clLy lnvesLmenL ln a park ln
1hough Lhe park cosL $13 mllllon Lo develop, lL has broughL ln over $100 mllllon
lnvesLmenLs ln Lhe surroundlng areas.
1here are numerous economlc sLudles from Lhe 1970s
Lo Lhe presenL LhaL documenL hlgher properLy values near parks.
Creen spaces also

u.S. llsh and Wlldllfe Servlce. 2011. naLlonal Survey of llshlng, PunLlng, and Wlldllfe-AssoclaLed 8ecreaLlon.
u.S. llsh & Wlldllfe Servlce. 2006. Wlldllfe WaLchlng ln Lhe u.S.: 1he Lconomlc lmpacLs on naLlonal and SLaLe Lconomles ln 2006..
Callfornla ueparLmenL of arks and 8ecreaLlon. SusLalnable 1ourlsm ln Callfornla SLaLe arks
Lspey, Molly and kwame Cwusu-Ldusel. 2001. nelghborhood arks and 8esldenLlal roperLy values ln Creenvllle, SouLh Carollna. !ournal of
AgrlculLure and Applled Lconomlcs 33(3):487-492.
8ose, !. (2011). Pow A ark Pelped Cne 1own WeaLher 1he 8ecesslon. n8.
CrompLon, !.(2007). 1he lmpacL Cf arks And Cpen Spaces Cn roperLy values
!aeger, W. and lanLlnga, A. (2007). Pow Pave land-use 8egulaLlons AffecLed roperLy values ln Cregon?
1he value of ubllc Space.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

lncrease real esLaLe value. Cne case sLudy found LhaL Lhe value of properLles near ennypack
ark ln hlladelphla lncreased from abouL $1,000 per acre aL 2,300 feeL from Lhe park Lo
$11,300 per acre aL 40 feeL from Lhe park.
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe presence of a park, Lhe
dlsLrlbuLlon of park spaces also affecLs land values. lor lnsLance, ln Colorado, land value
decreased by $4.20 for every fooL farLher away from Lhe greenbelL."
uaLa from a 2000 sLudy
ln orLland, Cregon also lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe correlaLlon beLween properLy value and proxlmlLy Lo
green space ls slgnlflcanL. AL dlsLances beLween abouL 100 feeL from Lhe perlmeLer of Lhe park
Lo abouL 1,300 feeL, Lhe prlce premlum for homes ranged beLween 1.31 and 4.09. Accordlng
Lo a 2001 sLudy, Lhe sale prlces of homes wlLhln 1,300 feeL of a naLural, largely undeveloped
space, are esLlmaLed aL 16.1 percenL more Lhan for homes farLher Lhan 1,300 feeL away from
Lhe space.
Pavlng urban rlver parkways ls parLlcularly beneflclal because lL adds park spaces
Lo places ln clLy areas LhaL ofLen have Lhe greaLesL need for revlLallzaLlon.

ln 2009, Lhe ClLy of Llgln, llllnols was ldenLlfled as Lhe mosL overwelghL clLy ln llllnols wlLh 63 of
adulLs and 16 of chlldren overwelghL or obese.
ln an efforL Lo decrease Lhese alarmlng
overwelghL and obeslLy raLes, leaders of kane CounLy (where Llgln ls locaLed) reallzed LhaL land-
use declslons lmpacL llfesLyles and soughL Lo lmprove dally rouLlnes by lmplemenLlng walkable
nelghborhoods and open spaces for acLlve llvlng.
1he 8lkeway MasLer lan ls an example of
clLy plannlng and deslgn LhaL fosLers acLlve llvlng by connecLlng nelghborhoods ln Lhe clLy wlLh
blcycle and pedesLrlan orlenLed paLhways. 1here are blcycle paLhs and sldewalks along Lhe
banks of Lhe lox 8lver ln Llgln LhaL runs Lhrough lesLlval ark. 1he paLhs engage people wlLh

Pammer, 1homas 8., 8oberL L. Coughlln, and Ldward 1. Porn lv. 1974. 1he LffecL of a Large urban ark on 8eal LsLaLe value." Amerlcan lnsLlLuLe of
lannlng !ournal !uly: 274-77.
Correll, Mark 8., !ane P. Llllydahl, and Larry u. Slngell. 1978. 1he LffecLs of CreenbelLs on 8esldenLlal roperLy values: Some llndlngs on Lhe
ollLlcal Lconomy of Cpen Space." Land Lconomlcs 34(2): 207-17.
uunse, n., C. uehrlng, and M. WhlLe. 2007. urban parks, open space, and resldenLlal properLy value. llndlngs ln 8ullL and 8ural LnvlronmenLs
(ll88L), 8ural lnsLlLuLlon of CharLered Surveyors. unlLed klngdom.
uannenberg, A., lrumkln, P., and !ackson, 8. (2011). Maklng PealLhy laces: ueslgnlng and 8ulldlng for PealLh, Well-belng, and SusLalnablllLy. lsland
ress: WashlngLon, uC.
kane CounLy PealLh ueparLmenL, vlLal Slgns: 2009 8eporL Lo Lhe CommunlLy, Annual 8eporL.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

Lhe rlver and connecL Lhem Lo Lhe amenlLles near Lhe shore. More publlc faclllLles and
amenlLles such as Lhe llbrary and recreaLlon cenLer are placed along Lhe rlver Lo aLLracL Lhe
communlLy Lo Lhe rlver paLhs. Ld Schock, Lhe mayor of Llgln, sLaLes, eople wanL Lo be near
Lhe waLer...people see Lhe opporLunlLles LhaL walklng and blklng paLhs have Lo offer...lL ls no
accldenL LhaL almosL every new developmenL ln Lhe lasL Len years has been along Lhe rlver." 8y
dlverslfylng Lhe sLraLegles for healLh lmprovemenL ln Lhe communlLy, Lhe clLy undersLands LhaL
more parks and recreaLlonal open spaces are lmperaLlve Lo susLalnlng a healLhy communlLy.

Colorado's rlver pro[ecLs offer examples of how rlver parkways can Lransform communlLles and
beneflL human healLh. Cne such pro[ecL ls Lhe norLhslde ark ln uenver. 1hls park revlLallzed
an area LhaL used Lo be a sewer planL as parL of Lhe SouLh laLLe 8lver Corrldor lnlLlaLlve. 1he
resLoraLlon pro[ecL has provlded wlldllfe hablLaL, waLer quallLy regulaLlon, sLorm dralnage
deslgn, and a vlbranL place for exerclse and ouLdoor recreaLlon. 8oulder, Colorado undersLands
LhaL Lhelr resldenLs are acLlve because of Lhe way Lhe clLy was developed. 1he lnfrasLrucLure of
8oulder encourages physlcal acLlvlLy by faclllLaLlng walklng, blcycllng, and en[oymenL of ouLdoor
scenery. As a resulL, Lhe clLy of 8oulder has Lhe lowesL raLe of obeslLy ln Lhe u.S. aL 12.1.

1he creaLlon of Lralls and paLhways develop a culLure of physlcal acLlvlLy ln Lhe dally llves of
people llvlng ln 8oulder. 1hls ls a culLure sLarLlng as early as 1920 when lrederlck Law ClmsLed
!r. encouraged clLlzens Lo preserve Lhe creeks and waLerways of 8oulder as a source of
connecLlon wlLh naLure.
1he clLy Lakes advanLage of Lhe surroundlng naLural feaLures such as
Lhe creeks and sLreams by allgnlng Lhem wlLh blcycle and pedesLrlan paLhs. 8oulder also creaLes
a serles of blcycle rouLes LhaL connecL places of lnLeresL, maklng lL safer and more common for
blcycle rldlng as a prlmary source of LransporLaLlon. 1hese sLraLegles demonsLraLe Lhe

WlLLers, u. (2012). More 1han 13 Cbese ln nearly All u.S. MeLro Areas
!ackson, 8. ueslgnlng PealLhy CommunlLles
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

lmporLance of open spaces and naLural envlronmenLs LhaL can lmprove communlLy healLh and
faclllLaLe a sense of communlLy ldenLlLy.

AdequaLe, easy, and equal access Lo open space ls ofLen a ma[or obsLacle for members of low
lncome and mlnorlLy communlLles. 1he revlLallzaLlon of rlverfronLs wlLh parks offers many
communlLy beneflLs, lL provldes resldenLs Lhe opporLunlLy Lo be ouLdoors and acLlve, faclllLaLes
lnLeracLlons beLween naLure and humans, and allows chlldren Lhe opporLunlLy Lo play
8evlLallzlng Lhese areas also encourages economlc developmenL and reduces Lhe
need for auLomoblle Lrlps.

Commlsslon for ArchlLecLure and Lhe 8ullL LnvlronmenL (CA8L). 1he value of ubllc Space.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health



CllmaLe change wlll have cosLly and llfe-LhreaLenlng lmpacLs on urban areas. urban denslLy and
plans can exacerbaLe Lhese lmpacLs. leaLures of urban areas LhaL conLrlbuLe Lo envlronmenLal
problems lnclude Lhe burnlng of fossll fuels, Lhe loss of Lrees and vegeLaLlon, and wldespread
lmpervlous (paved) surfaces. ln many areas, mlLlgaLlon and adapLaLlon plans Lo deal wlLh
cllmaLe change are belng consldered and lmplemenLed.

MlLlgaLlon efforLs are Lhose whlch seek Lo reduce cllmaLe change by reduclng deforesLaLlon and
fossll fuel consumpLlon and greenhouse gas emlsslons, and lnclude efforLs such as maklng non-
moLorlzed LransporLaLlon more accesslble and planLlng more vegeLaLlon and Lrees. AdapLaLlon
measures seek Lo lessen Lhe severlLy of Lhe healLh lmpacL of cllmaLe change, such as lnsLalllng
alr condlLlonlng, planLlng droughL-reslsLanL vegeLaLlon, and lncreaslng waLer sLorage. 8ecause
cllmaLe change ls assoclaLed wlLh lncreaslng LemperaLures, changes ln severlLy and frequency of
sLorm evenLs, and general changes ln waLer quanLlLy and quallLy, rlver parkways have Lhe
poLenLlal Lo be parL of boLh mlLlgaLlon and adapLaLlon sLraLegles. 1hese sLraLegles can be
lmplemenLed Lhrough boLh pollcy and deslgn measures. lor example, rlparlan (rlverslde)
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

vegeLaLlon can acL as a carbon slnk Lo lmprove alr quallLy, lead Lo beLLer flood managemenL,
sLorage and fllLerlng of waLer, preserve blodlverslLy, and reduce urban heaL lsland effecLs.

$CIBE ,?@;C 5BCJHBD !NN;<>K FE 3B>;C T=BL?>D

Slnce Lhe lndusLrlal 8evoluLlon, rlvers have been uLlllzed for LransporL, wasLe removal, and
energy producLlon, and Lhe land ln ad[acenL clLles and communlLles has become polluLed wlLh
conLamlnanLs LhaL can leach lnLo groundwaLer.
urban runoff ls a serlous concern for waLer
quallLy as lL LransporLs many polluLanLs Lo rlvers and oceans. 8unoff, parLlcularly from
sLormwaLer, ls Lhe leadlng cause of polluLlon along Lhe SouLhern Callfornla coasL,
and ls
descrlbed by Lhe Callfornla SLaLe WaLer 8esources ConLrol 8oard as a Loxlc soup" of Lrash,
pesLlcldes, anlmal wasLe, moLor oll, and oLher conLamlnanLs LhaL lead Lo unsanlLary and
unhealLhy llvlng envlronmenLs.
1hese polluLanLs are harmful Lo boLh anlmal and human
healLh. lor lnsLance ln Los Angeles, 100 mllllon gallons of conLamlnaLed waLer runs lnLo Lhe
oceans each dry day, and accordlng Lo Lhe SanLa Monlca 8ay 8esLoraLlon ro[ecL, sLorm waLer
polluLlon leads Lo an lncreased rlsk of vlral lnfecLlons, earaches, slnus problems, fever, flu, and
skln rashes and vlral dlseases such as hepaLlLls for Lhose swlmmlng ln Lhe ocean close Lo sLorm
draln ouLfalls."

1he World PealLh CrganlzaLlon (WPC) asserLs, "access Lo safe drlnklng-waLer ls essenLlal Lo
healLh, a baslc human rlghL and a componenL of effecLlve pollcy for healLh proLecLlon."
WPC documenLs LhaL, unsafe waLer, sanlLaLlon, and hyglene were ranked among Lhe leadlng

u.S. LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Agency. 8rownflelds and Land 8evlLallzaLlon.
Peal Lhe 8ay. urban 8unoff.
SLaLe WaLer 8esources ConLrol 8oard. SLorm WaLer olluLlon. Callfornla LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Agency.
World PealLh CrganlzaLlon. (2006). Culdellnes for urlnklng-waLer CuallLy
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

global rlsks for deaLh. Worldwlde, poor waLer quallLy was esLlmaLed Lo be responslble for 1.9
mllllon deaLhs and 64.2 mllllon years of llfe losL ln 2004, whlch accounLs for 3.2 of all deaLhs.

lf condlLlons are noL changed, an esLlmaLed 133 mllllon people wlll dle worldwlde from waLer
quallLy relaLed dlseases by 2020.
1he WPC also esLlmaLes LhaL waLer quallLy and waLer borne
lllnesses cause up Lo a Lhlrd of all hosplLal admlsslons and 60 of all lnfanL deaLhs.
ln Lhe u.S.,
whlle Lhere are fewer waLer quallLy lssues Lhan ln developlng counLrles, Lhere are sLlll cases of
lllness caused by poor waLer quallLy.

Cood, L.8. lnLervlew wlLh khan, C.A. 2009. WaLer SafeLy: 8educlng Lhe lnfecLlous ulsease 8urden uue Lo unsafe WaLer, SanlLaLlon, and Pyglene
Clelck, . (2002). ulrLy WaLer: LsLlmaLed ueaLhs from WaLer-8elaLed ulseases 2000-2020
WWl. WaLer olluLlon lacLsheeL
"#$%&'()%* "$+%) ,$- ./(0&0- 10%&2/3- 4256

1he SouLh Los Angeles WeLlands ark ls a former bus and rall car malnLenance yard LhaL
has been Lransformed lnLo a nlne-acre park. Aslde from provldlng much needed
recreaLlonal space, Lhe reconsLrucLed weLlands park lncreases waLer quallLy by LreaLlng
sLorm waLer from sLorm dralns before lL ls dlscharged lnLo Lhe Los Angeles 8lver.
weLlands acLs as a fllLer for Lrash, chemlcals, and olls from clLy sLreeLs, as bacLerla ln Lhe
weLlands can naLurally clean up Lhe polluLanLs. 1he SouLh Los Angeles WeLlands ark can
upLake 680,000 gallons of sLormwaLer per day, cleanlng waLer before enLerlng Lhe Los
Angeles 8lver and ulLlmaLely, Lhe aclflc Ccean.

hoLo CredlLs: hLLp:// and
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

Several lmporLanL lnLervenLlons can be underLaken Lo lmprove waLer quallLy lncludlng
slowlng/reduclng Lhe volume of runoff and creaLlng mechanlsms Lo remove polluLanLs. Addlng
permeable surfaces LhaL allow waLer lnfllLraLlon lnLo Lhe earLh reduces Lhe amounL of urban
runoff. Pavlng permeable surfaces near rlvers ls parLlcularly lmporLanL as lL helps reduce runoff
from flowlng and deposlLlng conLamlnanLs dlrecLly lnLo larger waLer sources such as Lhe ocean.
AddlLlonally, permeable surfaces lmprove waLer quallLy by soll-fllLerlng and degradlng LoxlcanLs
LhaL oLherwlse would be dlscharged lnLo rlver sysLems.
1o remove Lhe polluLanL load of
runoff, lnfllLraLlon lnLo Lhe soll and malnLalnlng healLhy hablLaLs and planL llfe ln urban areas ls

ln addlLlon Lo waLer quallLy lssues, waLer quanLlLy lssues -- from floodlng Lo droughLs -- are
becomlng lncreaslngly concernlng. lloodlng can overwhelm waLer capLure and dlverslon
capaclLy lf permeable surfaces are noL ln place, and ln mosL urban areas Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe land
cover ls lmpermeable. lloodlng causes abouL half of all worldwlde deaLhs relaLed Lo naLural
dlsasLers, and ls Lhe leadlng cause of naLural dlsasLer deaLhs ln Lhe u.S.,
wlLh parLlcular rlsk
assoclaLed wlLh flash floodlng. Moreover, floodlng has human healLh cosLs ln addlLlon Lo
drownlng, lncludlng lncreases ln lnfecLlous dlseases, allergles, and dermaLlLls as well as damage
Lo properLy and lnfrasLrucLure.
WlLh cllmaLe change lncreaslng Lhe frequency and severlLy of
weaLher evenLs, havlng land LhaL lacks Lhe capaclLy Lo sLore or absorb waLer lncreases Lhese
urban rlver parkways have characLerlsLlcs LhaL enable Lhem Lo capLure sLorm waLer
and proLecL agalnsL flash floods. 1hey also lmprove waLer managemenL lncludlng raln waLer
capLure, whlch are necessary ln hlghly populaLed areas. 1hey also creaLe a buffer and

u.S. LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Agency. SLormwaLer ManagemenL 8esL racLlces.
Chl, C.A. (2000). lloodlng and human healLh.
Creen, C.P. and ennlng-8owsell, L.C. (2007). lloodlng and Lhe quanLlflcaLlon of 'lnLanglbles.'
ye, v.l. and aLrlck, 8. (1983). CroundwaLer conLamlnaLlon ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes.
naLlonal 8esearch Councll. Cround waLer recharge uslng waLers of lmpalred quallLy
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

permeaLlon fleld beLween waLer courses and bulldlngs.

urlnklng waLer ls obLalned from elLher surface waLer (sLreams and lakes) or groundwaLer.
CroundwaLer ls collecLed Lhrough wells LhaL exLracL waLer from underground aqulfers. lL ls
lmporLanL Lo recharge" aqulfers Lo ensure fuLure waLer supplles. lmpermeable surfaces
coverlng urban areas cause waLer Lo run off lnsLead of lnfllLraLlng Lhe soll and recharglng
underground waLer sLorage areas, resulLlng ln greaLer rellance on arLlflclal groundwaLer
recharge. CroundwaLer recharge musL be carefully conLrolled and regulaLed Lo avold exposlng
people Lo bacLerlal lnfecLlons, paraslLes, or dlslnfecLlon by-producLs.
ermeable surfaces,
readlly provlded by urban rlver parkways, allow waLer Lo permeaLe Lhrough Lhe ground and
replenlsh underground aqulfers.

1ransporLlng waLer from oLher reglons ls an lmporLanL source for waLer ln Lhe arld SouLhwesL
u.S. lncludlng clLles llke Los Angeles, whlch recelves on average less Lhan 20 lnches of raln per
1ransporL of waLer ls cosLly, boLh economlcally and envlronmenLally. uroughL can
cause a shorLage of clean waLer and concenLraLes conLamlnanLs ln surface waLers.
SouLhern Callfornla, a vasL ma[orlLy of Lhe waLer supply ls lmporLed from Lhe Colorado 8lver and
from norLhern and LasLern Callfornla and. CroundwaLer sources provlde only an average of 11
of Lhe waLer supply for Lhe Los Angeles reglon, and a mere 1 ls recycled waLer.
waLer ls energy lnLenslve and expenslve. ln 2010, Lhe operaLlng cosLs of Lhe Colorado 8lver
AqueducL (one of Lhe Lhree ma[or waLer aqueducLs) was $49 mllllon, and due Lo energy cosLs

8ouwer, P. (2000). lnLegraLed waLer managemenL: emerglng lssues and challenges.
CroundwaLer 8asln 8eporLs. Los Angeles CounLy CoasLal laln 8aslns - SanLa Monlca 8asln
CuC. PealLh LffecLs. CllmaLe and PealLh rogram.
Los Angeles ueparLmenL of WaLer and ower.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

and greenhouse gas offseLLlng cosLs, Lhe energy cosLs are esLlmaLed Lo lncrease 80 by 2020.

1he Callfornla SLaLe WaLer ro[ecL ls Lhe largesL consumer of energy ln Callfornla, uslng
approxlmaLely 2-3 of all of Callfornla's elecLrlclLy ln order Lo LransporL waLer from Lhe San
lranclsco 8ay-uelLa Lo SouLhern Callfornla
, alLernaLlve measures Lo conserve, recycle, and
capLure ralnwaLer and sLormwaLer and Lo recharge groundwaLer are essenLlal Lo susLalnlng
waLer quallLy and quanLlLy.

SanLa Monlca, Callfornla ls an example of clLy efforLs Lo reduce rellance on lmporLed waLer by
lncreaslng groundwaLer recharge. Cne lnlLlaLlve esLabllshed ln 2003 ls Lhe garden/garden
pro[ecL, and was deslgned Lo encourage resldenLs and landscape deslgners Lo use susLalnable
garden pracLlces. 1hese pracLlces lnclude uslng low-volume drlp lrrlgaLlon, weaLher-senslLlve
lrrlgaLlon conLrollers, and dry creek bed and lnfllLraLlon plLs LhaL capLure sLormwaLer runoff and
recharge groundwaLer.
lurLhermore, Lhe use of Callfornla naLlve planLs provlde hablLaL and
food vlLal Lo naLlve blrds and lnsecLs whlle requlrlng less waLer, pesLlcldes, and ferLlllzers for
susLenance. 8y boLh produclng more permeable land and by uslng less waLer and ferLlllzer
lnLenslve vegeLaLlon, waLer ls conserved, used for recharge, and sLormwaLer runoff dlscharged
ln nearby waLers and sLreams ls reduced.

8oxall, 8. (2011). WaLer's energy -- and expense. Los Angeles 1lmes.
Lnergy uown Lhe uraln, n8uC
garden/garden: A Comparlson ln SanLa Monlca. 1he SusLalnable SlLes lnlLlaLe
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

$CIBE ,?@;C 5BCJHBD !NN;<>K FE +?C T=BL?>D
Alr polluLlon from sLaLlonery sources has been greaLly reduced Lhanks Lo Lhe u.S. Clean Alr AcL
and Callfornla lnlLlaLlves.
1oday ln Lhe u.S., Lhe mosL alr polluLed clLles are Lhose wlLh
heavy levels of vehlcular alr polluLlon (moblle sources), especlally ln hoL sunny areas wlLh
leeward mounLalns, such as Los Angeles, lresno, and 8lverslde, Callfornla.
1hese effecLs
are mosL marked ln waLerslde areas near lnLernaLlonal porLs, such as Lhe orLs of Los Angeles
and Long 8each, where alr polluLlon from shlps, cranes, Lrucks (especlally old dlesel Lrucks),
locomoLlves, and oLher vehlcles concenLraLe. CfLenLlmes, Lhese are older areas of a clLy wlLh
low cosL houslng and a large percenLage of Lhe populaLlon lncludlng poor and mlnorlLy people
who already face economlc and healLh challenges.

1he healLh effecLs from alr polluLlon are well documenLed. 1he maln polluLanLs produced by
moblle sources (vehlcle exhausL) are nlLrogen oxldes (nCx), carbon monoxlde (CC), volaLlle
organlc compounds (vCCs), black carbon (8C), flne parLlculaLe maLLer (M), ozone (C
), dlesel
exhausL, and sulfur oxldes (SCx).
Accordlng Lo Lhe World PealLh CrganlzaLlon (WPC), 4.6
mllllon people dle annually due Lo alr polluLlon.
Czone lnhalaLlon leads Lo lung damage and
lncreases Lhe severlLy of asLhma and oLher resplraLory dlseases,
and parLlculaLe polluLlon
leads Lo slmllar healLh problems.
1he Callfornla Alr 8esources 8oard (CA88) reporLs LhaL
parLlculaLe maLLer ls a maln conLrlbuLor Lo deaLhs from alr quallLy, wlLh an esLlmaLed 9,000

Cfflce of Lhe ALLorney Ceneral. LnvlronmenL & ubllc PealLh. SLaLe of Callfornla ueparLmenL of !usLlce.
uS LA. Clean Alr AcL
kennan, C. (2012). 1op 10 MosL olluLed uS ClLles.
Coodwln, !. (2011). 8eporL: Callfornla ClLles Pave WorsL Alr olluLlon ln u.S.
8onorrls, S. Ld. (2010). LnvlronmenLal !usLlce for All: A llfLy SLaLe Survey of LeglslaLlon, ollcles and Cases unlverslLy of Callfornla, PasLlngs.
SkelLon, 8. and Mlller, v. (2006). 1he LnvlronmenLal !usLlce MovemenL. naLural 8esource uefense Councll.
SCAC 2012 81/SCS erformance MeLrlcs & PealLh
Mlller, 1. non-Communlcable ulsease rlmer: Where uoes Lhe World SLand? 8S newshour.
Alr olluLlon. Sclence ually.
PealLh LffecLs of Czone ln Lhe Ceneral opulaLlon. uS LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Agency.
SLaLe of Lhe Alr 2012: arLlcle olluLlon. 1he Amerlcan Lung AssoclaLlon.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

premaLure deaLhs ln Callfornla each year.
ApproxlmaLely 24.6 mllllon people ln Lhe u.S. have
and 11,000 people suffer from asLhma-relaLed deaLhs each year.
1he areas wlLh
Lhe worsL alr quallLy, such as Lhe Los Angeles 8asln and Lhe San !oaquln valley ln Callfornla,
consequenLly suffer from greaLer publlc healLh problems
such as a 3 lncrease ln chlldhood
asLhma each year slnce 1980.
1he Amerlcan Lung AssoclaLlon reporLs LhaL flne parLlcles, sulfur
dloxlde and ozone have been llnked Lo lncreases ln medlcaLlon use and hosplLal vlslLs.
cllmaLe warmlng, asLhma and allergles wlll lncrease due Lo ground level ozone, lncreased pollen
producLlon, and Lhe lengLhenlng of allergy seasons. lor example, ragweed ls a common source
of allergles and Lhe planL produces more pollen as cllmaLe change sLlmulaLes an earller onseL of
1he naLural 8esources uefense Councll (n8uC) esLlmaLes LhaL 110 mllllon
Amerlcans ln 2007 llved ln areas where ragweed and hlgh ozone levels boLh exlsL - ln addlLlon,
aggravaLed allergles and asLhma wlll dlsproporLlonaLely affecL urban resldenLs and sympLoms
are mosL severe ln chlldren because Lhey breaLhe more alr relaLlve Lo Lhelr body welghL.

Cround-level ozone, produced by Lhe chemlcal reacLlon of nCx, CC, and vCCs ln sunllghL, ls a
reacLlve chemlcal LhaL reacLs wlLh lung Llssue Lo cause lnflammaLlon and oLher resplraLory
sympLoms. Accordlng Lo Lhe LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Agency (LA), aL leasL one Lhlrd of Lhe
Amerlcan populaLlon llves ln areas where Lhe LA ozone sLandard of 0.12 ppm ls exceeded.
Moreover, Lhe sLaLe of Callfornla has even sLrlcLer sLandards where Lhe one hour sLandard for

Callfornla Alr 8esources 8oard. news 8elease. llne parLlcle alr polluLlon responslble for 9,000 premaLure deaLhs ln Callfornla each year.
Aklnbaml, L, Moorman, !. and Llu, x. (2011). AsLhma revalence, PealLh Care use, and MorLallLy: unlLed SLaLes, 2003-2009. naLlonal PealLh
SLaLlsLlcs 8eporL.
8en[amln, Ceorges C. At tbe lotetsectloo of lobllc neoltb ooJ 1toospottotloo. ltomotloq neoltby 1toospottotloo lollcy
Amerlcan Lung AssoclaLlon SLaLe of Lhe Alr
8en[amln, Ceorges C. At tbe lotetsectloo of lobllc neoltb ooJ 1toospottotloo. ltomotloq neoltby 1toospottotloo lollcy
key lacLs AbouL..Alr olluLlon. Amerlcan Lung AssoclaLlon.
Clobal Warmlng: lmpacLs Lo ubllc PealLh and Alr CuallLy. Amerlcan Lung AssoclaLlon ln Callfornla.
ervln, 1., CerdLham, u. and LyLLkens, C. (2008). SocleLal cosLs of alr polluLlon-relaLed healLh hazards: A revlew of meLhods and resulLs.
PealLh LffecLs. CuC. CllmaLe and PealLh rogram.
SchwarLz !. (2004). Alr olluLlon and Chlldren's PealLh. leJlottlcs 113(4):1037-1043
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

ozone ls noL Lo exceed levels of 0.09 ppm.
Powever ln Los Angeles, Lhe LA llmlL of 0.12 ppm
on ozone ls exceeded half of Lhe days of Lhe year.
Lmergency room daLa demonsLraLes a
correlaLlon beLween lncreaslng asLhma aLLacks and days on whlch ozone levels exceed Lhe
sLandard, parLlcularly for chlldren and Lhe elderly.

ln Lhe summer, when alr condlLloner and elecLrlclLy use normally peaks, Lhe burnlng of fossll
fuels for energy producLlon generaLes excesslve amounLs of parLlculaLe maLLer polluLlon. CA88
esLlmaLes LhaL energy usage for Lhe sLaLe wlll lncrease 23-30 ln Lhe nexL cenLury. vehlcle
exhausL and wlldflres due Lo lncreased LemperaLures or droughL also lncrease levels of
parLlculaLe maLLer.

urban rlver parkways serve as a carbon slnk (a cllmaLe change mlLlgaLlon efforL) and remove
some of parLlculaLe maLLer from alr by lncreaslng vegeLaLlon land cover.
lanLs llmlL
greenhouse gases ln Lhe aLmosphere Lhrough carbon sequesLraLlon. 1rees and soll sequesLer
carbon dloxlde and clean Lhe alr, and havlng more vegeLaLlon -- and a wlder varleLy -- ln an
oLherwlse urban area helps lmprove alr quallLy.

Czone and AmblenL Alr CuallLy SLandards. Callfornla LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Agency: Alr 8esources 8oard.
uonaldson, k.,, 8rown, u., 8rown, C., uavls, !., Maclaren, W. and SllghL, !. 1he 8ole of lnflammaLlon ln Czone-lnduced Lung ln[ury. uS LnvlronmenLal
roLecLlon Agency.
WhlLe eL al. (1994). LxacerbaLlons of chlldhood asLhma and ozone polluLlon ln ALlanLa.
CroLh, ., Mlller, 8., nadkarnl, n., 8lley, M. and Shoup, L. (2008). CuanLlfylng Lhe Creenhouse Cas 8eneflLs of urban arks. lCl lnLernaLlonal for 1he
1rusL for ubllc Land.
lu[ll, L., LawLon, !., Cahlll, 1., 8arnes, u., Payes, C. and Spada, n. 8reaLhe Callfornla of SacramenLo LmlgranL 1ralls PealLh LffecLs 1ask lorce:
8emoval 8aLes of arLlculaLe MaLLer onLo vegeLaLlon as a luncLlon of arLlcle Slze. 88LA1PL Callfornla.
SLavlns, 8. and 8lchards, k. (2003). 1he cosL of uS loresL-based.
CroLh, ., Mlller, 8., nadkarnl, n., 8lley, M. and Shoup, L. (2008). CuanLlfylng Lhe Creenhouse Cas 8eneflLs of urban arks. lCl lnLernaLlonal for 1he
1rusL for ubllc Land.
Alexander, S. eL al. CpporLunlLles and Challenges for Lcologlcal 8esLoraLlon wlLhln 8Luu+
CorLe, 8. (2009). Carbon SequesLraLlon ln loresLs. Congresslonal 8esearch Servlce.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

keduc|ng A|r o||ut|on nea|th Costs

1he u.S. spends roughly $30 Lo $80 bllllon per year
on Lhe cllnlcal LreaLmenL of dlseases
assoclaLed wlLh alr polluLlon. lurLhermore, CA88 esLlmaLes $170 bllllon ln healLh lmpacLs from
premaLure deaLhs, hosplLal admlsslons relaLed Lo resplraLory and cardlovascular dlsease, asLhma
and oLher lower resplraLory sympLoms, cases of acuLe bronchlLls, and 1.9 mllllon workdays losL
because of elevaLed ozone and parLlculaLe levels.
oor alr quallLy also led Lo an annual LoLal of
14 mllllon mlssed school days by Amerlcan chlldren. Conslderlng Lhe approxlmaLe cosL of publlc
elemenLary school per sLudenL was $10,441 ln 2008
and LhaL Lhe average number of school
days ls 180,
one day of publlc school cosLs Lhe u.S. roughly $38 per chlld. 1aklng lnLo accounL
Lhe 14 mllllon mlssed school days of Amerlcan chlldren, Lhe educaLlonal cosLs relaLed Lo poor alr
quallLy alone, ls approxlmaLely $812 mllllon dollars ln one academlc school year.

8oad Lrafflc congesLlon reducLlon sLraLegles such as Lhose lmplemenLed durlng Lhe 1996
Summer Clymplc Cames ln ALlanLa, CA, slgnlflcanLly lmproved alr quallLy and reduced raLes of
asLhma. uurlng Lhe 1996 Clymplc Cames, peak ozone levels decreased 27.9 and acuLe asLhma
care decreased 41.6
. Slmllar Lo Lhose used ln Lhe 1984 Summer Clymplcs ln Los Angeles,
Lhe clLy of ALlanLa reduced Lrafflc congesLlon by llmlLlng Lravel vla prlvaLe auLomoblle Lravel and
promoLlng alLernaLlve servlces such publlc LransporLaLlon and park-and-rlde servlces. As a
resulL, lower amblenL ozone levels and parLlculaLe maLLer were measured. CuC research found
reduced raLes of acuLe cardlovascular and emergency room vlslLs from chlldren wlLh asLhma ln
ALlanLa clearly showlng how reducLlons ln drlvlng and auLomoLlve polluLlon can lessen healLh

1he Pldden PealLh CosLs of 1ransporLaLlon. Amerlcan ubllc PealLh AssoclaLlon.
Clobal Warmlng: lmpacLs Lo ubllc PealLh and Alr CuallLy. Amerlcan Lung AssoclaLlon ln Callfornla.
lasL lacLs. lnsLlLuLe of LducaLlon Sclences. naLlonal CenLer for LducaLlon SLaLlsLlcs.
Average lengLh of school year and average lengLh of school day, by selecLed characLerlsLlcs: unlLed SLaLes, 2001-02
eel, !L, eL al. (2010). lmpacL of lmproved Alr CuallLy uurlng Lhe 1996 Summer Clymplc Cames ln ALlanLa on MulLlple Cardlovascular and 8esplraLory
CuLcomes. neoltb ffects lostltote. 8esearch 8eporL 148. 8osLon, MA.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

care cosLs.


urban areas are dlsLlncL from oLher land areas - Lhey have more bulldlngs, paved surfaces,
moLor vehlcles, and alr polluLlon and fewer waLer feaLures, Lrees, and oLher vegeLaLlon. urban
areas can be 6-8l warmer Lhan rural areas, a phenomenon known as Lhe urban heaL lsland
effecL (llg. 4).
1hese LemperaLure dlfferences are greaLesL aL nlghL, as Lhe evaporaLlon LhaL
would usually occur ln cooler evenlngs ls llmlLed boLh due Lo Lhe lack of vegeLaLlon and Lhe slow
release of heaL from dark surfaces (such as sLreeL pavemenL and roofLops) LhaL occurs.
surfaces have a low albedo (reflecLlvlLy) and Lhus absorb heaL more readlly compared Lo oLher
surfaces such as grass.
1here ls also a concenLraLlon of heaL sources such as bollers and power
planLs, vehlcles and furnaces, even cooklng sLoves and compuLer server farms." As
LemperaLures rlse, more and more waLer evaporaLes from waLer bodles, such as rlvers, and a
poslLlve feedback sysLem ls generaLed LhaL furLher lncreases urban LemperaLures.

urbanlzaLlon ln general reduces green space and affecLs sLream or rlver LemperaLures, and alr
polluLlon Lend Lo Lrap heaL.
1he lack of vegeLaLlon and oLher facLors LhaL naLurally cool Lhe
envlronmenL resulLs ln hoLLer weaLher and lack of places for people Lo cool down, such as
shaded park areas.

uannenberg, A., lrumkln, P., and !ackson, 8. (2011). Maklng PealLhy laces: ueslgnlng and 8ulldlng for PealLh, Well-belng, and SusLalnablllLy. lsland
ress: WashlngLon, uC.
London's urban PeaL lsland: A Summary for ueclslon Makers. (2006). Mayor of London.
1om MarkvarL and Luls CasLaLzer (2003). ltoctlcol nooJbook of lbotovoltolcs. looJomeotols ooJ Appllcotloos.
8educlng urban PeaL lslands: Compendlum of SLraLegles urban PeaL lsland 8aslcs. uS LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Agency.
Low lmpacL uevelopmenL (Llu) A LlLeraLure 8evlew. uS LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Agency: Cfflce of WaLer, WashlngLon u.C..
nelson, eL al. (2009). lorecasLlng Lhe comblned effecLs of urbanlzaLlon and cllmaLe change on sLream ecosysLems: from lmpacLs Lo managemenL
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health


1he urban heaL lsland effecL ls a conLrlbuLlng facLor Lo exLreme heaL evenLs LhaL are lncreaslng
ln frequency ln Lhe u.S. WlLhln cllmaLe change conversaLlons, Lhere are several polnLs LhaL
experLs are "parLlcularly confldenL" abouL lncludlng an lncreaslng frequency of severe heaL
waves. ln a reporL by Lhe lnLergovernmenLal anel on CllmaLe Change (lCC), over Lhe pasL 100
years, global LemperaLures have rlsen by 1.3l, and are expecLed Lo rlse beLween 2-11.3l by
Lhe year 2100.
uue Lo lncreaslng LemperaLures and severlLy of heaL waves, Lhe morLallLy raLe
relaLed Lo heaL sLroke ls lncreaslng and Lhe CuC reporLs LhaL excess heaL relaLed deaLhs could
rlse from Lhe currenL esLlmaLe of 700 per year Lo up Lo 3,000 per year ln 2030.
PealLh facLors
assoclaLed wlLh lncreased heaL exposure lnclude dehydraLlon and heaL exhausLlon, Lwo healLh
concerns LhaL poLenLlally cause heaL sLroke. LxLreme LemperaLures can also exacerbaLe exlsLlng
cardlovascular and resplraLory dlseases. ln addlLlon, heaL lncreases levels of ground-level ozone,
whlch harms lungs boLh dlrecLly, by maklng asLhma and oLher pulmonary dlsease lmpacLs more
severe, and lndlrecLly, by lncreaslng Lhe need for fossll fuel consumpLlon by runnlng alr

Clobal Warmlng: lmpacLs Lo ubllc PealLh and Alr CuallLy. Amerlcan Lung AssoclaLlon ln Callfornla.
PeaL Waves. CuC. CllmaLe and PealLh rogram
I|gure 4. 1he urban heaL lsland effecL.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

LxLreme heaL evenLs accounL for more cllmaLe-relaLed faLallLles Lhan any oLher
exLreme weaLher evenL.

urban rlver parkways help Lo reduce heaL effecLs by provldlng more unpaved areas and more
vegeLaLlon. 1he greenways and mulLl-use Lralls LhaL comprlse Lhe corrldors of rlver parkways
creaLe addlLlonal permeable landscapes essenLlal for waLer absorpLlon and reducLlon of heaL
from paved surfaces. 1rees ln parLlcular produce shade LhaL reduces Lhe urban heaL lsland
vegeLaLlon faclllLaLes evapoLransplraLlon, and more waLer reflecLs heaL (lncreases
albedo) Lo counLeracL absorpLlon by oLher urban surfaces. 8lvers and healLhy ecosysLems
surroundlng Lhem are effecLlve ways of mlLlgaLlng Lhe rlslng LemperaLures ln urban areas,

Lhereby reduclng Lhe rlsk of heaL sLress and oLher heaL-relaLed healLh condlLlons.

8esLorlng a healLhy rlver ecosysLem ln a clLy can offer beneflLs ln LhaL lL preserves ecosysLems
and blodlverslLy, provldes clean alr and waLer, malnLalns ecosysLem funcLlon, and fosLers human
lnvolvemenL ln Lhe naLural envlronmenL."
1he revlLallzaLlon of rlverfronLs by Lhe lncluslon of
parks and greenways re[uvenaLes naLural hablLaLs, resLorlng assoclaLed ecologlcal servlces and
lmprovlng Lhe envlronmenL for people who llve ln Lhe vlclnlLy. 8lver parkways have beneflLs for
alr quallLy, waLer quallLy, urban heaL, and blodlverslLy.

PealLh LffecLs. CuC. CllmaLe and PealLh rogram.
8educlng urban PeaL lslands: Compendlum of SLraLegles urban PeaL lsland 8aslcs. uS LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Agency.
8eneflLs of roLecLed Areas. LnvlronmenL Canada.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

&ENL=;E<;K FE ,?@;C 5BCJHBD $K;

&ENL=;E<;K FE ,?@;C 5BCJHBD $K;
2;BL>M 5CFAF>?FE &E?>?B>?@;K
0;K?PEK %MB> 5CFAF>; 5MDK?<BL +<>?@?>D
8;B>=C;K BEG 5C;K;E<; FN 3B>;C
5;C<;?@;G )BN;>DR 0;K?PER BEG *B?E>;EBE<;

Whlle urban rlver parkways can fosLer and enhance Lhe healLh of a communlLy, merely
consLrucLlng paLhways and open spaces does noL guaranLee Lhelr use. 8aLher, lL ls Lhe
comblnaLlon of lnfrasLrucLure and deslgn and Lhe change ln culLure by way of communlLy
engagemenL and movemenL LhaL lead Lo Lhe use of rlver parkways. A layouL LhaL reflecLs
physlcal acLlvlLy and healLh wlll ln Lurn relnforce a culLure aLLracLlng people LhaL value flLness.
lor example, moLlvaLlng people Lo be physlcally acLlve ln an envlronmenL wlLh many barrlers
and no access Lo open spaces or Lralls ls noL llkely Lo be effecLlve, and slmply bulldlng a park or
sldewalk ls ofLen lnsufflclenL Lo geL people Lo use Lhem. A comprehenslve approach offers ways
Lo moLlvaLe people Lo Lake advanLage of Lhe opporLunlLles. 1he culLure shlfL ls as lmporLanL as
Lhe physlcal change and lL can be very long lasLlng.

Moerleln, k. and CaroLhers, C. (2012). 1oLal LnvlronmenL of Change: lmpacLs of CllmaLe Change and Soclal 1ranslLlons on SubslsLence llsherles ln
norLhwesL Alaska
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

2;BL>M 5CFAF>?FE &E?>?B>?@;K

All members of socleLy can beneflL from urban rlver parkways, wheLher lL ls beneflLs Lo physlcal,
menLal, envlronmenLal, or communlLy healLh. 8uL Lo promoLe healLhy populaLlons ls Lo lnclude
healLh conslderaLlons when developlng pro[ecLs, programs, and pollcles. PealLh lmpacL
AssessmenL (PlA) ls a relaLed Lool LhaL can help lmprove publlc healLh by conslderlng Lhe
poLenLlal poslLlve and negaLlve healLh lmpacLs of a pro[ecL.
1he naLlonal ark Servlce,
parLnershlps such as Lhe lederal urban WaLers arLnershlp, and Lhe SLaLe of Callfornla have
lmplemenLed aspecLs of PlA Lo help proLecL populaLlon healLh. 1he naLlonal ark Servlce's
PealLhy arks PealLhy eople unlLed SLaLes program promoLes healLh and well-belng by
reconnecLlng people Lo publlc lands and parks.
8y collaboraLlng wlLh mulLldlsclpllnary
organlzaLlons lncludlng Lhose lnvolved wlLh healLh care, sclence, buslness, and advocacy, Lhe
naLlonal ark Servlce has esLabllshed parLnershlps Lo promoLe parks and open spaces as lnLegral
conLrlbuLors Lo healLhy llfesLyles.

naLlonal 8esearch Councll. (2011). lmptovloq neoltb lo tbe uolteJ 5totes - 1be kole of neoltb lmpoct Assessmeot. WashlngLon, uC: 1he naLlonal
Academles ress.
naLlonal ark Servlce. (2011). PealLhy arks PealLhy eople u.S. SLraLeglc AcLlon lan
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health


1he urban WaLers lederal arLnershlp ls a plloL program ln parLnershlp wlLh 11 agencles
lncludlng Lhe LA, ueparLmenL of lnLerlor, unlLed SLaLes ueparLmenL of AgrlculLure, and
oLhers. 1he parLnershlp has made lL a prlorlLy Lo engage communlLles, parLlcularly Lhose faclng
Cne such parLnershlp lnvolves healLh and medlcal provlders uLlllzlng park prescrlpLlons" as referrals
for paLlenLs Lo engage ln ouLdoor recreaLlon. 1he naLlonal LnvlronmenLal LducaLlon loundaLlon's
Chlldren and naLure lnlLlaLlve encourages Lhe use of prescrlpLlon pads where physlclans refer paLlenLs
Lo reconnecL wlLh naLure by walklng, rldlng a blcycle, or wlldllfe-waLchlng. 1o complemenL Lhls, Lhe
Callfornla SLaLe arks and SeeChange PealLh lnsurance lncenLlvlzes member by relmburslng enLrance
fees Lo SLaLe arks, maklng lL easy and vlrLually free Lo vlslL Lhem.

ln whaL began as a slmple prescrlpLlon of paLlenL exerclse, Lhe physlclans aL Lhe PearL Cllnlc Arkansas
prescrlbed Lhe developmenL of a paLh. As a resulL of Lhe hearL cllnlc's lnvolvemenL, Lhe Medlcal Mlle ls
now a maln aLLracLlon of Lhe LlLLle 8ock's Arkansas 8lver 1rall provldlng opporLunlLles for walklng,
runnlng, skaLlng, and blcycllng. 1hese lnlLlaLlves develop sLronger connecLlons beLween Lhe healLh
care sysLem and publlc land and alLhough evaluaLlon of Lhe effecLlveness of such lnlLlaLlves ls sLlll ln lLs
nascenL sLages, Lhere ls no doubL LhaL Lhey wlll burgeon as successful Lools Lo creaLe a culLure where
rlver parkways and Lhe elemenLs Lhey comprlse become synonymous wlLh healLh.

hoLo CredlL: Albuquerque rescrlpLlon 1ralls lloL rogram," Netwotk & ltovlJet News, Lovelace PealLh lan, Summer 2008.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

economlc burden and lack of access Lo open space, ln revlLallzlng efforLs along
1he Los Angeles 8lver ls one of seven rlvers selecLed ln Lhls parLnershlp Lo
reconnecL communlLles wlLh Lhelr waLerways. ln collaboraLlon wlLh many clLy and non-proflL
organlzaLlon programs, Lhe LA 8lver parLnershlp seeks Lo reesLabllsh Lhe 31-mlle rlver as an
lnLegraLlve and connecLed corrldor of parks and blkeways. CurrenLly, Lhe LA 8lver has 26 mlles
of blke paLhs along lLs banks wlLh gaps beLween some secLlons of paLhs. 1he recenLly launched
Creenway 2020 campalgn alms Lo fully connecL all 31 mlles of Lhe rlver's blke paLhs by year
2020, a goal LhaL wlll make Lhe LA 8lver one of Lhe longesL conLlnuous urban parkways ln Lhe
CLher pro[ecLs lnclude polnLs of access beLween Lhe LA 8lver and ad[acenL
nelghborhoods, and acqulrlng a former rall yard Lo creaLe Lhe largesL park along Lhe rlver.

Moreover, Callfornla sLaLe expendlLures have been allocaLed for programs LhaL proLecL and
conserve Lhe envlronmenL and devoLe open spaces for recreaLlonal opporLunlLles Lo Lhe
publlc. Cne example ls Lhe roposlLlon 84 8lver arkways CranL rogram whlch provldes
fundlng Lo local agencles and organlzaLlons LhaL have currenL pro[ecLs LhaL provlde recreaLlon
opporLunlLles along rlvers and sLreams, rlparlan hablLaL resLoraLlon, flood managemenL, and
converslon of exlsLlng rlvers (whlle Lhe orlglnal rop 84 fundlng has been spenL, Lhe program can
be funded Lhrough a varleLy of sources).
ApproprlaLlon of sLaLe fundlng allows organlzaLlons
such as 1he San !oaquln 8lver arkway and ConservaLlon 1rusL (S!8C1) Lo esLabllsh rlver
parkway pro[ecLs and programs LhaL lresno, Callfornla area resldenLs can en[oy. S!8C1 seeks
Lo develop and manage Lhe 1rusL's land and Lrall programs and Lo lmprove publlc access Lo Lhe
parkway. rograms such as 8esplLe by Lhe 8lver," scheduled naLure walks, and pro[ecLs Lo
expand Lhe Lewls S. LaLon 1rall from 3 mlles Lo 22 mlles are [usL some of Lhe lnlLlaLlves Lo

urban WaLers lederal arLnershlp. uS LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon Agency.
LA 8lver 8evlLallzaLlon CorporaLlon. Creenway 2020.
Callfornla naLural 8esources Agency: CranL rograms - roposlLlon 84.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

encourage walklng, blcycllng, flshlng, and connecLlon wlLh naLure. Such federal and sLaLe
programs recognlze Lhe lmporLanL healLh beneflLs of rlver parkways and have acqulred land
ad[acenL Lo rlvers Lo promoLe acLlvlLy ln green spaces and revlLallze communlLles.

0;K?PEK %MB> 5CFAF>; 5MDK?<BL +<>?@?>D

ark deslgn - Lhe feaLures and physlcal layouL of Lhe space - lnfluences Lhe level and Lype of
park usage. 1here are a number of feaLures LhaL make an area aLLracLlve and usable for physlcal
acLlvlLy, and Lhey range from Lhe Lype of walklng surfaces Lo Lhe presence of Lrees on a sLreeL.
ln one sLudy LhaL compared 33 parks across four nelghborhoods ln CnLarlo, Canada, parks wlLh a
larger varleLy of feaLures were found Lo be more llkely Lo be used for physlcal acLlvlLy.
lurLhermore, ouL of Lhe amenlLles and faclllLles sLudled, Lralls were found Lo have Lhe sLrongesL
relaLlonshlp wlLh park use for physlcal acLlvlLy.
CLher common park feaLures reporLed Lo
faclllLaLe physlcal acLlvlLy lncluded ad[acenL sldewalks, Lrashcans, benches, mulLlple enLrances,
clear slgnage, landscaplng, blcycle racks, parklng, and hlsLorlcal or educaLlonal feaLures. Larger
parks Lended Lo have more naLural feaLures. Whlle feaLures llke Lrees, waLer, and wlldllfe
lnfluence vlslLlng and physlcal acLlvlLy ln parks, Lhe complex lnLeracLlons beLween feaLures can
provlde addlLlonal beneflLs.
urban rlver parkways have Lhe poLenLlal Lo lncorporaLe
many of Lhe feaLures LhaL faclllLaLe physlcal acLlvlLy.

Several Lools, audlLs, and sLudles are used Lo deLermlne Lhe elemenLs for usablllLy, such as Lhe
walk-ablllLy or blke-ablllLy, of a space. 1he 8oberL Wood !ohnson loundaLlon has a daLabase on

kaczynsky, A.1., oLwarka, L.8. and Saelens, 8.L. (2008). AssoclaLlon of park slze, dlsLance, and feaLures wlLh physlcal acLlvlLy ln nelghborhood parks.
ConLrlbuLlon of ubllc arks Lo hyslcal AcLlvlLy
8auman, A. and 8ull, l. (2007). LnvlronmenLal CorrelaLes of hyslcal AcLlvlLy And Walklng ln AdulLs and Chlldren: A 8evlew of 8evlews. naLlonal
lnsLlLuLe of PealLh and Cllnlcal Lxcellence.
arks, laygrounds and AcLlve Llvlng. AcLlve Llvlng 8esearch: 8oberL Wood !ohnson loundaLlon.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

acLlve llvlng lncludlng park use (locaLed aL hLLp://, and many
sLudles abouL Lhe bullL envlronmenL conflrm Lhe same flndlng: proxlmlLy, amenlLles and
desLlnaLlon connecLlvlLy, aesLheLlcs, malnLenance, and safeLy are essenLlal characLerlsLlcs of
park deslgn for encouraglng park use.
As Wllllam WhyLe and researchers slnce hls fllm
found, spaces Lo slL, Lrees, sun, and connecLlon Lo surroundlng sLreeLs are some of Lhe
characLerlsLlcs of successful - and used - publlc spaces. lurLhermore, lncludlng mulLlple users,
uLlllzlng local feaLures, and reflecLlng local culLure are lmporLanL Lo creaLlng greaL publlc


8esldenLs llvlng closer Lo recreaLlonal areas lncludlng Lralls and parks are more llkely Lo uLlllze
Lhem. ln one sLudy, 43 of park users llved wlLhln one quarLer of a mlle of Lhe park whlle only
13 of users llved more Lhan one mlle from Lhe park.
AnoLher sLudy showed LhaL
Callfornla Leenagers who llved wlLhln a park servlce area (wlLhln one quarLer mlle of a small park
or one half mlle of a large park) were more llkely Lo have recenLly vlslLed a park and more llkely
Lo engage ln aL leasL 60 mlnuLes of physlcal acLlvlLy flve or more days per week.
ln addlLlon,
older women llvlng wlLhln walklng dlsLance (20 mlnuLes) of desLlnaLlons such as Lralls and parks
were more llkely Lo walk lncreased amounLs per day Lhan women who dld noL llve ln such a
nelghborhood. CuLdoor acLlvlLles are made posslble when good access Lo walkable green

McCormack, eL al. (2010). CharacLerlsLlcs of urban parks assoclaLed wlLh park use and physlcal acLlvlLy: a revlew of quallLaLlve research.
Wllllam P. WhyLe: 1he Soclal Llfe of Small urban Spaces - 1he SLreeL Corner
CharacLerlsLlcs and Culdellnes of CreaL ubllc Spaces. CreaL laces ln Amerlca: ubllc Spaces. Amerlcan lannlng AssoclaLlon.
Cohen, u., Sehgal, A., Wllllamson, S., SLurm, 8., Mckenzle, 1., Lara, 8. and Lurle, n. (2006). ark use and hyslcal AcLlvlLy ln a Sample of ubllc arks
ln Lhe ClLy of Los Angeles. 8Anu CorporaLlon.
Zhang, x., Lu, P. and PolL, !.8. (2011). Model spaLlal accesslblllLy Lo parks: a naLlonal sLudy.
revenLlng chlldhood obeslLy: Lhe need Lo creaLe healLhy places. (2007). A ClLles and CommunlLles PealLh 8eporL.
8abey S.P., WolsLeln !., krumholz S., 8oberLson 8., ulamanL A.L. (2013). hyslcal AcLlvlLy, ark Access and ark use Among Callfornla AdolescenLs.
uCLA CenLer for PealLh ollcy 8esearch.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

spaces are provlded, allowlng for healLh lmprovemenL.
8elng closer Lo resldenLlal areas
lncreases Lhe llkellhood of urban Lralls and green spaces belng used, and lncreases Lhe
probablllLy Lhe green space ls used for physlcal recreaLlon.


uesLlnaLlons llnked Lo urban rlver parkway, greenways, and open spaces fosLer acLlvlLy.

nelghborhoods LhaL have useful desLlnaLlons such as grocery and hardware sLores, schools, and
workplaces provlde speclflc purposes for walklng and blcycllng, and lncrease Lhe levels of Lhese
acLlvlLles. arkways and mulLl-use Lralls provlde an approach LhaL slmulLaneously lmproves
healLh and creaLes safe connecLlons Lo essenLlal desLlnaLlons for day-Lo-day acLlvlLles.


AnoLher goal of urban rlver parkways ls safe connecLlvlLy. As an alLernaLlve Lo roadways and
moLor vehlcles, rlver parkways provlde naLural or consLrucLed corrldors LhaL enhance walklng,
[ogglng, and blcycllng. As an efforL Lo lncrease connecLlvlLy and safe sysLems for pedesLrlans,
blcycllsLs, and equesLrlans, Lhe L.A. 8lver 8evlLallzaLlon CorporaLlon ls plannlng Lo bulld Lhe La
kreLz Crosslng Lo connecL ALwaLer vlllage and CrlfflLh ark (llg. 3).

Lawrence, 8!. (1996). WanLed: ueslgns for healLh ln Lhe urban envlronmenL. wotlJ neoltb lotom 17(4), 363-366.
uesphande, Au, eL al. (2003). LnvlronmenLal correlaLes of physlcal acLlvlLy among lndlvlduals wlLh dlabeLes ln Lhe rural MldwesL. ulobetes cote
28(3), 1012-1018.
kaczynskl, A1 and Penderson, kA. (2007). LnvlronmenLal CorrelaLes of hyslcal AcLlvlLy: A 8evlew of Lvldence abouL arks and 8ecreaLlon. lelsote
5cleoces 29(4), 313-334.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health


I|gure S: luLure La kreLz Crosslng over Lhe Los Angeles 8lver.

urban rlver parkways can faclllLaLe connecLlons beLween blkeways and ma[or desLlnaLlons Lo
allow for safer and more efflclenL commuLes, promoLe alLernaLlve LransporLaLlon modes, reduce
Lrafflc on roadways, and faclllLaLe physlcal acLlvlLy.

8;B>=C;K BEG 5C;K;E<; FN 3B>;C

8lver parkway feaLures such as Lralls, vegeLaLlon, waLer, and oLher feaLures are known Lo
faclllLaLe park usage. Powever, currenL urban Lrall and park llLeraLure lacks research LhaL models
Lrall and paLhway Lrafflc as a funcLlon of a speclflc physlcal characLerlsLlc, such as Lhe presence
of waLer. 1o begln Lo flnd Lhe lmpacL of Lhe presence of a waLer body and lLs lmpacL on usage, a
slmpllfled look aL Lrall usage and lLs relaLlon Lo waLer presence was underLaken for Lhls
paper. ln order Lo deLermlne Lhe lmpacL of waLer on rlver parkway use, speclflc Lralls were
selecLed uslng and popular" Lralls as a proxy for hlghesL use. ranks

roposed L.A. 8lver brldge ls supporLed by Lhe ldeals and wealLh of a developer Lurned phllanLhroplsL. (2012). 1he LasLslder.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

Lhe popularlLy of over 49,000 Lralls wlLhln a parLlcular u.S. reglon and for speclflc acLlvlLles by
collecLlng and analyzlng over 10 mllllon voLes from slLe vlslLors and members. 1he Lop Len Lralls
ln norLhern and souLhern Callfornla were selecLed ln each of Lhe followlng acLlvlLles: walklng,
runnlng, and blcycllng. Lach Lrall was esLlmaLed as near" or noL near" a waLer body (a
reservolr or ocean) or waLerway (a creek or rlver).

1he analysls showed LhaL abouL 60 of popular Lralls were near a waLer body or waLer feaLure.
lurLhermore, an overwhelmlng percenLage of Lralls uLlllzed local naLural spaces for physlcal
acLlvlLy, versus Lhe very few LhaL were urban or downLown areas. 1hese resulLs supporL Lhe
assumpLlon LhaL people prefer Lo use local, naLural spaces for physlcal acLlvlLy, and LhaL waLer
feaLures may be a useful deLermlnanL for Lrall use. 1hls brlef analysls of waLer feaLures and Lrall
use ls overslmpllfled. ln order Lo beLLer assess Lhe lmpacL of waLer feaLures on Lrall usage,
parLlcularly for urban rlver Lralls, a more comprehenslve sLudy ls needed and should lnclude
more rlvers and deLalled user daLa (lnsLead of uslng a proxy such as popularlLy, slnce daLa ls comprlsed of a self-selecLlng voLer pool). ConslderaLlon should also be
glven Lo oLher facLors such as Lopography and proxlmlLy Lo Lhe waLer body.

5;C<;?@;G )BN;>DR 0;K?PER BEG *B?E>;EBE<;

Whlle deslgn facLors such as ease of access, proxlmlLy, convenlence and mulLl-funcLlon of urban
rlver parkways play an lmporLanL role ln prompLlng use, real and percelved safeLy ls also
assoclaLed wlLh lncreased levels of physlcal acLlvlLy.
lannlng for assurance of safeLy ls
essenLlal Lo encourage Lhe use of ouLdoor envlronmenLs for healLh beneflLs. 1he assoclaLlon

rochaska, !.u. (2009). 1he assoclaLlon of percelved envlronmenL wlLh meeLlng physlcal acLlvlLy recommendaLlons across rural-urban seLLlngs ln
CenLral 1exas.
Cohen eL al. (2011). arks and physlcal acLlvlLy: Why are some parks used more Lhan oLhers?
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

beLween percelved safeLy and physlcal acLlvlLy levels has been sLudled Lhoroughly, and several
deslgn meLhods can prevenL crlme, vlolence, and ln[ury.

Safety: Cr|me and V|o|ence

Crlme and vlolence are lmporLanL facLors Lo conslder when deslgnlng open spaces. LlemenLs of
safeLy need Lo be addressed Lo maxlmlze Lhe advanLages of rlver parkways uslng Crlme
revenLlon 1hrough LnvlronmenLal ueslgn (C1Lu). C1Lu prevenLs crlme by lmplemenLlng
four speclflc guldellnes Lo helghLen percelved llkellhood of deLecLlon and decrease lnLenL of
crlme: naLural survelllance, naLural access conLrol, naLural LerrlLorlal relnforcemenL, and
naLural survelllance can be aLLalned Lhrough adequaLe llghLlng and landscape,
crlmes are less llkely Lo occur ln areas where Lhere are llnes of slghL," or where people and
acLlvlLles can be readlly observed. naLural access Lo parkways can help reduce lnLenL of crlme
by uslng walkways, fences, llghLlng and slgnage Lo properly dlrecL Lhe flow of people ln and ouL
of publlc spaces. naLural LerrlLorlal relnforcemenL ls a sLraLegy Lo dlsLlngulsh publlc areas from
prlvaLe ones and relnforce proprleLorshlp, such as uslng clear slgnage. LasLly, malnLenance ls a
sLraLegy Lo lncrease percelved safeLy based on Lhe broken wlndow Lheory." 1hls Lheory
suggesLs LhaL lf one nulsance (such as a broken wlndow) ls allowed Lo perslsL, Lhen lL wlll
faclllLaLe more nulsances and evenLually cause Lhe degradaLlon of Lhe enLlre nelghborhood.
ulLlmaLely neglecLed and poorly malnLalned properLles can become cenLers of crlmlnal
MalnLenance noL only affecLs Lhe level of percelved safeLy buL ls also aesLheLlc

C1Lu SecurlLy. Crlme revenLlon 1hrough LnvlronmenLal ueslgn.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

roper llghLlng, slgnage, land deslgnaLlons, and upkeep of parkways can
collecLlvely lmprove percelved safeLy and help Lo lessen lnLenL of crlme.

CommunlLy pollclng ls anoLher prlmary componenL of ensurlng safeLy of parkways and Lralls. As
new and lmproved Lralls make Lravel easler from one place Lo anoLher, local law enforcemenL
and clLlzens can enhance percepLlon of safeLy by lmplemenLlng nelghborhood waLch programs
and lncreaslng fooL and blcycle paLrols. 1he lncluslon of C1Lu and communlLy pollclng
encourages use of rlver parkways by sLrengLhenlng percelved safeLy and deLerrlng crlme and

Safety: In[ury revent|on

ln[urles are a ma[or cause of deaLh, dlsablllLy and sufferlng, Lhey occur for ldenLlflable reasons
and are ofLen prevenLable.
1he CuC reporLs LhaL ln 2010 170,000 deaLhs and 30 mllllon
lnlLlal vlslLs Lo emergency deparLmenLs are aLLrlbuLable Lo ln[ury."
ln[urles can be avolded by
maklng changes Lo Lhe bullL envlronmenL. lannlng and lmplemenLlng safe deslgn ls less cosLly
Lhan reLroflLLlng pro[ecLs afLer Lhelr consLrucLlon,
and Lhere are many deslgn elemenLs LhaL
can be lncorporaLed lnLo rlver parkways Lo provlde a safe envlronmenL for recreaLlon, soclal
lnLeracLlon, and exerclse. lor example, havlng green, publlc areas for commuLlng reduces Lhe
rlsk of pedesLrlan ln[urles, parLlcularly Lhose due Lo unmalnLalned sldewalks and/or moLor
vehlcle crashes.

PealLh lmpacL AssessmenL and 8rownflelds.
ln[ury and vlolence revenLlon and ConLrol. CuC.
uannenberg, A., lrumkln, P., and !ackson, 8. (2011). Maklng PealLhy laces: ueslgnlng and 8ulldlng for PealLh, Well-belng, and SusLalnablllLy. lsland
ress: WashlngLon, uC.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health


lncreased drlvlng as noLed wlLh urban sprawl has led Lo lncreased exposure and rlsk of ln[ury

and vehlcle accldenLs are Lhe leadlng cause of deaLh for Amerlcans beLween Lhe ages of 1 and
lurLhermore, vehlcle colllslons wlLh pedesLrlans have a much hlgher pedesLrlan faLallLy
raLe aL hlgher vehlcle speeds (llg. 6).

Veh|c|e Speed (mph) edestr|an Iata||ty kate
20 3
30 43
40 83

I|gure 6: As vehlcle speeds lncrease, Lhe pedesLrlan faLallLy raLe lncreases dramaLlcally.

Long dlsLances beLween day-Lo-day desLlnaLlons - lncludlng green, open spaces and areas Lo
exerclse - equaLes Lo longer Lravel Llmes and Lhus a greaLer exposure Lo ln[ury. 1here ls also a
lack of safe sysLems" for LransporLaLlon.
Safe sysLems separaLe vehlcles from pedesLrlan
and blcycle paLhs, a feaLure LhaL urban parkways can provlde. 8lver parkway Lralls can lncrease
safeLy for blcycllsLs and pedesLrlans by separaLlng Lhe Lralls from vehlcular Lrafflc Lhereby
reduclng opporLunlLles for walkers and blcycllsLs Lo be lnvolved ln accldenLs wlLh
auLomoblles. SeparaLlng blcycle and pedesLrlan paLhs can add anoLher sense of safeLy and
comforL whlle rldlng or walklng. lor example, 8oulder, CC has lmplemenLed aspecLs of on-sLreeL

uk ueparLmenL of 1ransporLaLlon. (1987). klllloq 5peeJ ooJ 5ovloq llves.
uannenberg, A., lrumkln, P., and !ackson, 8. (2011). Maklng PealLhy laces: ueslgnlng and 8ulldlng for PealLh, Well-belng, and SusLalnablllLy. lsland
ress: WashlngLon, uC.
WhaL Lhe docLors prescrlbe. (2011). new urban neLwork. 8eLLer ClLles & 1owns.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

(lane wlLhln Lhe road) and off-sLreeL (mulLluse paLh off Lhe road) blcycle lanes Lo accommodaLe
dlfferenL Lypes of users.

vegeLaLlon conLrol ls also relaLed Lo boLh percelved safeLy and aesLheLlcs.
alongslde rlver parkways can provlde a pleasanL aesLheLlc, buL also needs Lo be conLrolled Lo
keep slghL llnes and slgns clear for vehlcles, blcycllsLs, pedesLrlans and drlvers. ln parLlcular,
vegeLaLlon needs Lo be conLrolled for safe operaLlon of moLor vehlcles.
lurLhermore, well-
marked and clear paLhways, as well as a seLLlng wlLh dlsLlncL elemenLs - whlch are lnherenL ln
urban parkways and Lhelr clearly deflned zones" (waLer, paLhway, vegeLaLlon), encourage
orlenLaLlon, provlde emoLlonal securlLy, and help reduce sLress.

ln general, Lhe use of urban rlver parkways can be sLrongly relaLed Lo percelved safeLy and Lhe
llkellhood of crlme. lrequency of park use wlll decrease when Lhere ls more crlme and vlolence,
or when poor malnLenance wlll lead Lo unsafe condlLlons. luLure research ls needed on how Lo
relnforce comforL, posslbly by aLLracLlng famllles wlLh young chlldren and by maklng
connecLlons wlLhln Lhe communlLy, as well as deslgn aspecLs such as Lhe separaLlon of blcycle
and pedesLrlan paLhways. lL ls lmporLanL Lo conslder lncorporaLlng meLhods of proLecLlon and
securlLy ln Lhe deslgn of parkways Lo prevenL crlme and allevlaLe worrles of dangerous places.

uannenberg, A., lrumkln, P., and !ackson, 8. (2011). Maklng PealLhy laces: ueslgnlng and 8ulldlng for PealLh, Well-belng, and SusLalnablllLy. lsland
ress: WashlngLon, uC.
Schroeder, P. (1982). referred leaLures of urban arks and loresLs.
vermonL Local 8oads newsleLLer, March 2009.
8urns, C. and kahn, A. SlLe MaLLers: ueslgn ConcepLs, PlsLorles, and SLraLegles.
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health


7;@;L FN
Ind|v|dua|s racLlce healLhy behavlors
Make exerclse a hablL - make lL fun and soclal
Make playlng ln green space parL of dally rouLlnes for
lncrease awareness of healLhful bullL envlronmenLs
Lxplore and use local parks and Lralls

LsLabllsh parkways, lncludlng Lralls, along rlvers and creeks
Make rlver parkways a prlorlLy when plannlng for fuLure growLh
rovlde local fundlng and secure sLaLe and federal granLs Lo help
esLabllsh, malnLaln, and lmprove local rlver parkways
lncorporaLe rlver parkways and rlver resLoraLlon whenever feaslble
ln deslgn of flood conLrol and sLormwaLer pro[ecLs, and conslder
rlver parkways as a waLer quallLy sLraLegy
LducaLe communlLles abouL Lhe prevenLlve healLh beneflLs LhaL
resulL from physlcal exerclse and ouLdoor acLlvlLy
LsLabllsh communlLy programs and acLlvlLles Lo susLaln a culLure of
healLhy behavlors
romoLe communlLy programs LhaL connecL people wlLh Lhelr local
use speclflc funds Lo connecL Lo desLlnaLlons (LranslL nodes,
schools, workplaces, servlces (e.g. healLh care), reLall, and parks)
Lnsure LhaL open spaces are deslgned Lo provlde easlly accesslble
and safe areas for green exerclse
uevelop mulLl-use Lralls and parks surroundlng rlvers Lo
achleve Lhe recommended levels of physlcal acLlvlLy and
Llme ouLdoors
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

7;@;L FN
lncrease safeLy and reduce anxleLy by promoLlng
communlLy pollclng and uLlllzlng Lhe prlnclples of Crlme
revenLlon 1hrough LnvlronmenLal ueslgn (C1Lu) when
deslgnlng rlver parkways
Lnsure safe use for boLh pedesLrlans and blcycllsLs by
provldlng effecLlve lnfrasLrucLure and malnLenance
uLlllze clear and aLLracLlve slgnage Lo lndlcaLe Lhe presence
of parkways
Assure blke and car parklng
MarkeL rlver parkways as a desLlnaLlon or aLLracLlon Lo lncrease
Lourlsm and communlLy prlde
use resources avallable Lo consLrucL and malnLaln rlver parkways
for boLh human and envlronmenLal healLh
use permeable surfaces where posslble
Lnhance parLnershlps across secLors ln managlng healLh pollcy and
land use
vlew healLh lnLervenLlons as an lnvesLmenL porLfollo" wlLh healLh
prevenLlon programs, such as prescrlpLlon of rlver parkway use, as a
maln componenL of effecLlve and cosL-efflclenL pollcy
lnLegraLe PealLh lmpacL AssessmenLs (PlAs) lnLo local
keg|ons S8 373 (Callfornla Law): add locallLy's acLlons lnLo area governmenL
State and Iedera|

rovlde granLs, Lechnlcal asslsLance, and oLher supporL Lo local
governmenLs and organlzaLlons LhaL are esLabllshlng, lmprovlng,
and operaLlng rlver parkways
lnLegraLe rlver parkways and Lralls ln federal and federally-funded
flood conLrol pro[ecLs, oLher waLer-relaLed pro[ecLs, and flsh and
Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

7;@;L FN
wlldllfe resLoraLlon pro[ecLs
lncorporaLe rlver parkways and Lralls ln naLlonal and sLaLe park
ulrecL federal and sLaLe LransporLaLlon fundlng Lo supporL
esLabllshlng, enhanclng, and malnLalnlng rlver parkway Lralls, scenlc
and recreaLlonal corrldors along rlvers, and oLher relaLed faclllLles
rovlde fundlng Lo sLaLe and local conservaLlon corps Lo lncorporaLe
aL-rlsk youLh ln lmplemenLaLlon of pro[ecLs and prlorlLlze
underserved communlLles for rlver parkway fundlng and asslsLance
Crgan|zat|ons PealLh CrganlzaLlons: publlc healLh agencles, pedlaLrlcs, eLc.
Lmbrace acLlons LhaL uLlllze Lhe local envlronmenL as
prevenLaLlve healLh care measures
LnvlronmenLal CrganlzaLlons
lnvolve publlc ln sLewardshlp, consclousness/awareness
laclllLaLe Lhe publlc's embrace and carlng for envlronmenL
CommunlLy CrganlzaLlons
Lndowed ownershlp Lo malnLaln and monlLor parks and
Add envlronmenLal and healLh educaLlon ln schools


Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health


urban rlver parkways can slgnlflcanLly advance publlc healLh and wellness by provldlng
aLLracLlve places for resldenLs Lo recreaLe and embrace more acLlve llfesLyles. 1ralls and
paLhways along rlvers faclllLaLe acLlve recreaLlon and commuLlng by walklng, blcycllng, or local
LranslL. Accordlngly, rlver parkways counLer sedenLary behavlors and facLors llnked Lo obeslLy,
dlabeLes, loss of muscle mass, and oLher llfe-LhreaLenlng chronlc dlseases. lurLhermore, green
exerclse helps combaL menLal lllnesses such as depresslon and anxleLy ln adulLs and promoLes
lmaglnaLlon, focused-Lhlnklng, and creaLlvlLy ln chlldren. 8lver parkways encourage
communlLles Lo reconnecL wlLh naLure whlle also lmprovlng Lhe local envlronmenL Lo combaL
healLh lssues relaLed Lo Lhe urban heaL lsland effecL and alr and waLer polluLlon.

lnfrasLrucLure lnvesLmenLs ln urban rlver parkways have huge reLurns ln Lhe form of healLh care
savlngs, lncreases ln properLy values, aLLracLlon of ouLdoor recreaLlon and Lourlsm, and dlrecL
cosL savlngs for clLlzens Lhrough low-cosL recreaLlon and acLlve LransporLaLlon opporLunlLy.

urban rlver parkways are elemenLs of Lhe bullL envlronmenL LhaL allow communlLy members Lo
flnd peace, LranqulllLy, and relaxaLlon ln a socleLy where lelsure Llme ls ofLen dlfflculL Lo achleve.
1he hablLaL surroundlng Lralls and green spaces around waLerfronLs creaLe a sense of
connecLlon wlLh naLure oLherwlse hldden ln Lhe urban seLLlng. 1he rays of Lhe sun, naLlve bloLa
and fauna, and calmness of a rlver's flow all conLrlbuLe Lo a pleasanL aLmosphere where people
are more prone Lo parLlclpaLe ln acLlvlLles LhaL enhance overall well-belng.

Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

Powever, Lhe exlsLence of rlver parkways alone does noL dlrecLly consLlLuLe healLhy
communlLles, Lhe deslgn of parkways needs Lo be addressed Lo ensure use and safeLy. WlLhouL
lncorporaLlng aesLheLlc, mulLl-use, and safeLy feaLures, people wlll noL be moLlvaLed Lo use Lhe
faclllLles provlded. Well malnLalned landscape, adequaLe llghLlng, and safe rouLes are essenLlal
for communlLles Lo fully beneflL from Lhe healLhy acLlvlLles made posslble by rlver
parkways. 1he synergy beLween physlcal acLlvlLy, exposure Lo Lhe naLural envlronmenL, and
effecLlve lnfrasLrucLure deslgn make urban rlver parkways an lnvaluable source of menLal and
physlcal healLh beneflLs.

8ecommendaLlons for fuLure acLlon lnclude lndlvldual, local, reglonal, and organlzaLlonal level
acLlvlLy. lndlvlduals can pracLlce and model healLhy behavlors lncrease awareness of healLhful
bullL envlronmenLs. Cn a locallLy level, communlLy programmlng should be explored,
parLlcularly Lhose programs LhaL connecL people wlLh each oLher and Lhe local envlronmenL
whlle susLalnlng a culLure of physlcal acLlvlLy. LocallLles should also work Lo ensure LhaL open
spaces are proLecLed and remaln accesslble and safe areas for green exerclse. 1hls can be
accompllshed ln parL by esLabllshlng sLraLeglc parLnershlps and by lnLegraLlng PealLh lmpacL
AssessmenLs lnLo local declslon-maklng. Cn a reglonal level as well, locallLy acLlons should be
lncorporaLed lnLo area governmenL plans, as Callfornla's S8 373 encourages. CrganlzaLlons,
parLlcularly Lhose focused on healLh, envlronmenL, and communlLy, should work ln parLnershlp
wlLh locallLles Lo esLabllsh local naLural areas as places of communlLy prlde and use.
lurLhermore, fuLure sLudles should be conducLed Lo sLrengLhen Lhe undersLandlng of Lhe level
correlaLlon beLween speclflc feaLures and Lrall use, as well as Lo provlde more daLa abouL Lhe
lmporLance of naLure and physlcal acLlvlLy on menLal healLh.

Urban River Parkways: An Essential Tool for Public Health

urban rlver parkways are an en[oyable and effecLlve publlc healLh sLraLegy LhaL provldes a
soluLlon Lo Lhe mosL urgenL urban healLh lssues, and ulLlmaLely serve Lo enhance Lhe quallLy of
modern urban llfe.

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