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Kernel Upgrade Interview Questions

1) What is your present patch level?

A: 710
2) From which patch level did you upgrade it?
A: 720
3) why do you go or !ernel patch upgrade?
A: we usually do it when there is a pro"lem with the e#isting !ernel iles $
when we go or latest unctionality li!e support pac!s implementation or add%ons or
plug%in implementation&
When sap recommends in early watch alerts we go or the !ernel patch upgrade&
') What are the iles do you downloaded rom service mar!et place?
A: 1) sape#e ile (d" independent) $ sape#ed" ile (d" dependent)))
*) +ow many ways do you !now the current patch level?
A: At os level %, login with sidadm and use the command disp-wor!
At sap level %, system %, status&
.) What are the pro"lems do you aced while !ernel patch upgrade?
/012345 1:we generally orgot a"out ile permissions
/0123452: we should stop saposcol $ listener otherwise it give pro"lems&
7) What are the prere6uisites or !ernel patch upgrade?
A: we should ta!e the "ac!up o old !ernel $ chec! or the e#isting patch version to
download latest version&
7) +ow do you uncar the downloaded car iles?
A: 2y using command SAPCAR -xvf
8) why do you overwrite the old !ernel instead o replace?
A: 2ecause latest !ernel consist only updated !ernel iles only so to use the remaining
iles we use to overwrite the !ernel&
10)What are the post re6uisites or !ernel patch upgrade and why?
A: run the scripts or the permissions in non windows environment $ chec!
or the !ernel patch version whether it is updated or not?
11)What is deault !ernel location
A: 9sually it is located in: :;usr;sap;<=>;<?<;e#e;:uc or nuc,;:system,& it might also
"e located in ;usr;sap;<=>;<?<;e#e;run

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