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The influence of physical

appearance on personnel selection.

Previous research suggests that physical appearance
variables may play a role in employment hiring decisions.
This study examined the influence of two physical
appearance variables, beardedness and attractiveness,
on personnel selection. Fifty undergraduate participants
were given the task of evaluating and selecting between
nine equally qualified male job applicants applying for a
fictitious management trainee position. A photograph was
attached to each of the nine applications. Photographs
differed systematically on level of beardedness and
attractiveness. Results indicated that the level of
attractiveness of the photographs significantly affected the
evaluation of the application to which it was attached, but
did not significantly affect the subjects' final selection
decision. Level of beardedness of the photographs was
not found to have a significant effect on evaluation of the
applications. However, there was a trend in the data that
suggested that bearded applicants, although evaluated
equally with nonbearded applicants, were selected for
management positions at lower rates. Implications and
limitations of these results are also examined.

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