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Wed July 30

Current Cancer Venus trine Natal Pisces Jupiter

Friendliness and optimism characterize this transit. You are bighearted and your !eelings are
e"pansi#e. Your outloo$ is cheer!ul and hope!ul and the atmosphere around you is cooperati#e. %his is
a sociable& perhaps lazy and sel!indulgent& time. %his is a period 'hen you easily !ind meaning in your
social connections. You are more open and trusting o! !riends and lo#ers. (ntegrity and loyalty are
!a#ored. %his is an especially !a#orable in!luence !or 'inning people)s trust. *peculation& ad#ertising&
publishing& and tra#el are also !a#ored. +on)t pass up a social opportunity no'.
Wed,%hur July 30,3-
Current Cancer Venus s.uare Natal /ries Venus
/lthough this in!luence is subtle& you might notice an imbalance in your relationships. *omeone is
gi#ing more or !eeling more than the other. +i!!erences in personal style& tastes& and 'ays o! e"pressing
a!!ection may emerge or become glaringly apparent. Compromise re.uires some e!!ort. %ouchiness
could be coming !rom you or !rom those close to you& and you might be !eeling underappreciated.
%here could be a !eeling o! uncertainty about your !inancial or romantic prospects. Your natural&
instincti#e approach to socializing and e"pressing your a!!ections is not recei#ed 'ell !or the time
Wed July 30
Current Cancer 0ercury se"tile Natal %aurus *un
Your ideas are especially intelligent and creati#e no'& and come !rom the heart. +ecision ma$ing
comes easily no'. You are e"pressing yoursel! 'ith strength o! character no'& and others ta$e note.
Your con!idence in 'hat you ha#e to say no' helps you to be 'ellrecei#ed.
%hur July 3-
Current *corpio 0ars trine Natal Cancer *aturn
%his is a good time to appreciate determined e!!ort and actions. You are especially a'are o! the process
right no'& and this gi#es you a sense o! responsibility and purpose!ulness. (t)s a good time to temper
your energy or apply yoursel!& using traditional methods.
Fri /ugust -
Current 1eo 0ercury trine Natal /ries 0oon
Ne's that you hear no' is li$ely to be satis!ying on an emotional le#el. Pleasing con#ersations 'ith
!emales& relati#es& neighbors& or people !rom your past !igure no'. (t)s easy to as$ !or 'hat you 'ant
and get it2 3"pressing your 'ants and needs is !lo'ing& natural& and spontaneous right no'.

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