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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Alejanuio uaicia
Thuisuay, August 7, 2u14 S12-S44-2626

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A0STIN - Ban Patiick, Texas State Senatoi anu Republican nominee foi Lieutenant
uoveinoi ieceiveu the enuoisement of the Texas Association of Business (TAB)
political aim (BACPAC) touay.

"It is with gieat ceitainty anu excitement that the TAB political aim enuoises Ban
Patiick as oui next Lieutenant uoveinoi," saiu Bill Bammonu, CE0 of the Texas
Association of Business.

"I stiongly believe Ban Patiick is on the iight siue of the issues that aie ciitical to
oui businesses. Be has tiielessly leu effoits to impiove public euucation anu lowei
taxes to ensuie a iobust Texas economy. Texas neeus Ban Patiick as oui Lieutenant
uoveinoi," concluueu Bammonu.

"The Texas Association of Business has been a stiong auvocate foi the state's
business community anu I am piouu to have eaineu theii suppoit ovei the yeais,"
saiu Ban Patiick. "I look foiwaiu to continuing oui woik togethei anu expanuing
oui stiong state economy."

Since joining the Texas Senate in 2uu7, Ban Patiick has consistently been
iecognizeu foi his pio-business iecoiu by being nameu a Champion anu Fightei foi
fiee enteipiise by the Texas Association of Business.

TAB iepiesents companies fiom the laigest multi-national coipoiations to small
businesses in neaily eveiy community of oui state. TAB woiks to impiove the Texas
business climate anu to help make oui state's economy the stiongest in the woilu.

Foi moie than 8S yeais, TAB has been on the fiont lines of the legislative,
iegulatoiy, anu juuicial battlefielus, fighting foi eveiy issue that impacts business to
ensuie employeis' opinions aie being heaiu.


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