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Personnel changes in the federal government bodies

August 6, 2014, 17:30
Tags: civil service, la enforcement
!ladimir Putin has signed a decree "#n the a$$ointment, removal from office or dismissal from militar% service
militar% $ersonnel and em$lo%ees of some federal government agencies&"
'ull te(t of the )ecree:
1 Assign:
*tanislav +vanov ,ermanovich - Prosecutor of the .eningrad region/
0a1or-,eneral 2o3lov #leg Ale(androvich - 4hief of *taff - 'irst )e$ut% 4ommander of the !olga regional
command of internal troo$s of the 0inistr% of +nternal Affairs of the 5ussian 'ederation, freeing him from his $ost/
0a1or ,eneral 6ovhannis%an 7eghishe Pavlovich - )e$ut% 4ommander of the 8astern 5egional 4ommand of the
+nternal Troo$s of the 0inistr% of +nternal Affairs of the 5ussian 'ederation for 8mergenc% *ituations/
Police 4olonel 5%abchi9ov Tat%ana !& - )e$ut% 4hief of *taff of the )e$artment of staffing of the 'ederal *ervice for
)rug 4ontrol/
*elifanova :en1amin !eniaminovich - !olga +nterregional environmental $rosecutor/
4olonel ;ustice *u9ho$arova Andrei !i9torovich - )e$ut% 4hief of the 0inistr% of +nternal Affairs of the 5ussian
'ederation in the 4hel%abins9 region - 4hief of the 0ain +nvestigative )e$artment/
Police .ieutenant 4olonel 7a9%men9o Ale(ei Petrovich - head of the 5ussian 'ederal *ervice for )rug 4ontrol in the
2hant%-0ansi%s9 Autonomous #9rug - 7ugra&
2 Release from the post:
4olonel 7ur% :obel ;ustice, the )e$ut% 4hief of the 0inistr% of +nternal Affairs of the 5ussian 'ederation in the
5ostov region - 4hief of the main investigation de$artment/
Police 4olonel )iden9o !ladimir <i9olaevich, )e$ut% 4hief of the Anti-8(tremism 0inistr% of +nternal Affairs of the
5ussian 'ederation/
0a1or ,eneral )uginova !aleri !ladimirovich, )e$ut% 4ommander of the *iberian regional command of internal
troo$s of the 0inistr% of +nternal Affairs of the 5ussian 'ederation on the rear - chief of logistics/
Police 0a1or ,eneral 7ur% !& .a3arev, )e$ut% 6ead of the 'ederal *ervice for )rug 4ontrol of the cit% of *t&
Petersburg and .eningrad region/
Police .ieutenant ,eneral *9alunova !ladimir, 4hief of the 0inistr% of +nternal Affairs of the 5ussian 'ederation in
the 4hel%abins9 region/
0a1or-,eneral !asil% Ale(androvich 'edoru9, chief intelligence agenc% - de$ut% commander of ;oint =nited <ations
grou$ of troo$s >forces? in the counter-terrorist o$erations in the <orth 4aucasus region of the 5ussian 'ederation of
+nternal Troo$s of the 0inistr% of +nternal Affairs of the 5ussian 'ederation&
3 Discharged from military service, 4olonel-,eneral !ladimir 5ushailo :orisovich&
4 This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its signing.

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