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SuMML8 2014
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SLay up-Lo-daLe wlLh our currenL producLs, sales, and fragrances. Slgn
up for our newsleuer by cllcklng newsleuer Slgn-up on our webslLe.
Cu8 PlS1C8?
!e was a college sLudenL Lrylng Lo nd a way Lo geL deslgner cologne wlLhouL paylng Lhe
deparLmenL sLore prlces. Pe wanLed a qua||ty product LhaL lasLed a long ume. Pe was
shocked Lo learn LhaL Lhe same people charglng premlum prlces for Lhelr cologne had very
llule of Lhe lngredlenLs LhaL made Lhem smell good - Lhe oll. !e was lnLroduced Lo Lhe world
of body olls. Pe soon gured ouL how Lo creaLe aordab|e, quallLy, deslgner-llke body olls. lL
dldn'L Lake long for hlm Lo sLarL selllng a loL of oll. Pls small buslness, run ouL of hls college
dorm, has grown and now oers over 1,700 fragrances. 1oday, we sull produce quallLy olls,
LhaL are 100 pure o||, and oer Lhem aL an aordable prlce. lL's a very good place Lo be.
lC8 ?Cu 1C Ln!C? LvL8?uA? nLW
1op Se|||ng Women's Iragrances
Love Spell by vS 1ype* (W)
Ld Pardy 1ype* (W)
Moon Sparkle by Lscada1ype* (W)
Love SLruck 1ype* (W)
lnk Sugar by Aquollna 1ype* (W)
8e uellclous by ukn? 1ype* (W)
LlghL 8lue by uolce & Cabbana 1ype* (W)
lssey Mlyake 1ype* (W)
Angel by vS 1ype* (W)
Modern Muse by LsLee Lauder 1ype* (W)
Angel 1ype* (W)
Chanel #3 1ype* (W)
Coco Chanel 1ype* (W)
uolce & Cabbana 1ype* (W)
llower 8omb 1ype* (W)
Clow by !. Lo 1ype* (W)
Acqua ul Clo 1ype* (W)
Cuccl CullLy 1ype* (W)
PeaL by 8eyonce 1ype* (W)
!lmmy Choo 1ype* (W)
leasures by LsLee Lauder 1ype* (W)
8eb'l lleur by 8lhanna 1ype* (W)
WhlLe ulamonds 1ype* (W)
Cashmere MlsL 1ype* (W)
8uu naked 1ype* (W)
Can Can by arls PllLon 1ype* (W)
ualsy by Marc !acobs 1ype* (W)
Luphorla by Calvln kleln 1ype* (W)
Amber 8lush 1ype* (W)
Palle by Palle 8erry 1ype* (W)
Pappy 1ype* (W)
!apanese Cherry 8lossom 8&8W 1ype* (W)
!ulcy CouLure 1ype* (W)
oppy by Coach 1ype* (W)
8omance by 8alph Lauren 1ype* (W)
8lack by kenneLh Cole 1ype* (W)
8eauuful 1ype* (W)
8ombshell by vS 1ype* (W)
8lack Woman 1ype* (W)
versace 8rlghL CrysLsal 1ype* (W)
Candy by rada 1ype* (W)
Mlchael kors 1ype* (W)
Cucumber Melon by 8&8W 1ype* (W)
Mlss ulor Cherle 1ype* (W)
Llck Me All Cver
vlva La !ulcy 1ype* (W)
lnk lrlday by nlckl Mlna[ 1ype* (W)
uoL by Marc !acobs 1ype* (W)
8urberry Weekend 1ype* (W)
Coach 1ype* (W)

1op Se|||ng Men's Iragrances
olo 8ed 1ype* (M)
!ay-Z Cold 1ype* (M)
Cuccl CullLy 1ype* (M)
Acqua ul Clo 1ype* (M)
8lack Code by Armanl 1ype* (M)
!ean aul Cauluer 1ype* (M)
lssey Mlyake 1ype* (M)
1 Mllllon 1ype* (M)
Cool WaLer by uavldo 1ype* (M)
uolce & Cabbana 1ype* (M)
olo uouble 8lack 1ype* (M)
Chrome 1ype* (M)
ulesel 1ype* (M)
urakkar nolr 1ype* (M)
lahrenhelL 1ype* (M)
olo 8lack 1ype* (M)
nolr by 1om lord 1ype* (M)
olo 8lue 1ype* (M)
unforglvable by Sean !ohn 1ype* (M)
Chrome Legend 1ype* (M)
212 by Carollna Perrera 1ype* (M)
8lue de Chanel 1ype* (M)
Ld Pardy 1ype* (M)
l Am klng by Sean !ean 1ype* (M)
8lue by lssey Mlyake 1ype* (M)
!oop 1ype* (M)
8lack by kenneLh Cole 1ype* (M)
kush 1ype* (M)
arls PllLon 1ype* (M)
very Sexy by vS 1ype* (M)
8rlL 8hyLhm 1ype* (M)
Curve 1ype* (M)
LLernlLy by Calvln kleln 1ype* (M)
Pappy by Cllnlque 1ype* (M)
Crey veuver by 1om lord 1ype* (M)
usher 1ype* (M)
Cbsessslon by Ck 1ype* (M)
Armanl Code SporL 1ype* (M)
LlghL 8lue by uolce & Cabbana 1ype* (M)
Cuccl Made Lo Measure 1ype* (M)
8omance by 8alph Lauren 1ype* (M)
8urberry 1ouch 1ype* (M)
versace 1ype* (M)
Abercromble & llLch 1ype* (M)
8urberry London 1ype* (M)
1he Cne by uolce & Cabbana 1ype* (M)
Allure SporLs 1ype* (M)
Anlmale 1ype* (M)
8e uellclous by ukn? 1ype* (M)
8arack Cbama 1ype* (M)

8urnlng Clls
8urnlng olls are used ln oll warmers Lo make an area smell llke any of our 1,700+
fragrances. 1he smell may noL smell as sLrong as Lhe fragrance oll buL Lhey do
smell [usL as good.
Aroma 8eads
1hese small beads carry blg fragrance. Avallable ln boLh [ars and sacheLs, Lhey
are greaL ln your home, car, or gym bag. CeL Lhem ln any of our 1,700+
3 1.800.483.1941
Wax 1arLs and Warmers
Wax 1arLs are small cubes of wax LhaL are lnfused wlLh fragrance or essenual
olls. uL Lhe wax LarL ln one of our decorauve warmers and you have a
musL-have ln any room.
lncense Sucks
WheLher you llke lncense for medlLauon or [usL Lo change Lhe mood ln a room,
our lncense sucks won'L dlsappolnL. CeL lncense sucks ln any of our 1,700+
fragrances lncludlng nag Champa, SLrawberry klwl, Myrrh, and lranklncense.
Car and 1able 1op Alr lreshener
eople spend hours ln Lhelr cars every week. CeL rld of LhaL sLale car smell
wlLh our new Car Alr lresheners and brlghLen your drlvlng experlence. use Lhe
1able 1opper Alr lreshener Lo brlghLen your room wlLh any of our fragrances.
Shampoo and Condluoner
Shlne every ume you enLer a room. Cur shampoo and condluoner washes away
dlrL and oll and nourlshes halr Lo maxlmlze your halr's naLural beauLy. lndulge
yourself by addlng Lhe fragrance of your cholce.
8ody Wash
8e[uvenaLe your skln wlLh Lhls unlque blend of cleansers, molsLurlzers, and
your fragrance of cholce. 8rlghLen your mornlng and geL nouced.
ConnecL wlLh us
8aLh Soaps
1ry our 4 amazlng soaps. Afrlcan 8lack soap has long been used Lo heal
problem skln of eczema, acne, olly skln, psorlasls, and oLher skln allmenLs. Cur
Lgypuan Musk, eppermlnL, and Creen 1ea soaps are lnfused wlLh fragrance.
8ody Scrubs
SmooLh and soen your skln wlLh one of our lnvlgoraung scrubs. Wash away
dlrL and oll wlLh Lhese refreshlng, robusL scrubs.
8aLh 8omb and SalLs
amper yourself wlLh a sLress-rellevlng 8aLh 8omb. vlrgln SweeL Almond oll
molsLurlzes damaged skln whlle a genLle zz releases pleaslng fragrance or
aromauc Lssenual Clls. 1ry one of our lnvlgoraung 8aLh 8ombs Lo ll your
splrlL aer a long day.
8ody 8uuers
Pave dry skln? 1ry any or our buuers lncludlng Aloe, Avocado, Cocoa, Mango,
SweeL Almond, and 8aw Shea 8uuer. 1hese buuers are a skln's besL frlend.
Palr SLyllng omade Wax
?our besL days come when you feel good abouL Lhe way you look. CenLly
conLrol and shape your halr wlLh our 100 naLural Palr SLyllng omade Wax
LhaL ls scenLed wlLh Lhe fragrance of your cholce. uon'L llve anoLher day
wlLhouL looklng and smelllng your besL.
8ody 8uuer, Louon, and Mllk
We have a wlde varleLy of molsLurlzers Lo oer every skln Lype and preference.
1hese amazlng producLs oer a compleLe dry skln assaulL. 1ry Lhe Lhlck and
creamy 8ody 8uuer or Lhe Lhln 8ody Mllk wlLh Lhe fragrance of your cholce.
Message Cel and Cll
Calm your nerves and relax your muscles whlle en[oylng our Message Cel and
Message Cll. noLhlng says relaxauon llke a message wlLh a fragranL Message
Pand Wash and Sanluzer
Wash away dlrL and grlme whlle en[oylng Lhe scenL of your cholce wlLh our
foamlng hand wash or our gel sanluzer.
|ants have been used throughout h|story for med|c|na| purposes. ou can d|scover these
med|c|na| qua||nes for yourse|f w|th our 100 pure essenna| o||s.
Anlse SLar
Aphrodlslac 1ype* Synergy 8lend
8alsam llr
8asll SweeL
8lrch SweeL
8lood Crange
8reaLhe AromaLherapy 1ype* Synergy 8lend
CarroL Seed
Clnnamon 8ark
Clnnamon Leaf
Clarlfylng for MedlLauon 1ype* Synergy 8lend
Clary Sage
Clove 8ud
Lnergy 1ype* Synergy 8lend
lennel SweeL
locus & ClarlLy 1ype* Synergy 8lend
Clnger 8ooL
CrapefrulL (lnk)
CrapefrulL (WhlLe)
lmmune 8oosL 1ype* Synergy 8lend
lnvlgoraung 1ype* Synergy 8lend
!unlper 8erry
!unlper 8erry
Lavender 40/42
MedlLauon 1ype* Synergy 8lend
Mellssa Leaf
MenLal ClarlLy 1ype* Synergy 8lend
lne ScoLch
8elaxauon 1ype* Synergy 8lend
8oman Chamomlle
SensuallLy 1ype* Synergy 8lend
SporLs 1ype* Synergy 8lend
SLress 8ellef 1ype* Synergy 8lend
1ea 1ree (AAA AusLrallan)
1ea 1ree
vanllla Cleoresln
?lang ?lang

Lveryone could use a llule exLra cash. Why noL add a couple exLra lLems Lo your order Lo sell Lo your frlends or
coworkers? WlLh our wholesale prlces, Lhese producLs make a greaL addluon Lo any salon or gl shop. 8uy our
producLs ready-Lo-use or you can buy Lhem ln bulk. We have everyLhlng you need Lo sLarL your body olls
buslness. Selllng ls easy when you have a producL LhaL almosL sells lLself. lrom selllng casually Lo frlends, famlly,
and coworkers Lo havlng your own reLall locauon. Many of our cusLomers sell our roll-on body olls for $3 Lo $20
and up. WlLh LhaL klnd of proL lL ls easy Lo make some real money LhaL you can do someLhlng wlLh. SLarL small
and grow from Lhere. 1ake conLrol of your nanclal fuLure and llve your dream.
MAkL l1 ?Cu8 8uSlnLSS

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