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Please Join

Senator Ted Kaufman

For a Fundraising Reception F-Ionoring
Senator Michael Bennet, D-CO
March 19, 2009
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
.At the home of Patrick Murphy
203 3
Washington, DC
CJuest: $1,000
For more information Of to RSVP, please contact Erica Price at
202-543-3888 or ericamprice({DgmaiLcom
Contributions to Bennet for Colorado are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Contributions from corporations, nationals and government contractors arc
prohibited. Federal lawrequires us to use our best efforts to cCJl1ect and report the name, mailing
tlddrells, occupation and mIme of employer for each individual whose contributions exceed S200 in
an election c.ycle.
March 19
event at the home of Patrick Murphy
Ycsl I would like to support Sena.tor J\1idlad.Bcnnct!
Attached ism.y contribution of ,. _
PI",ase mnke yO\lr "ontrib"t;<)I1 p'lyahle to "Hennet for Colonldo" ilnd mail to:
Bennet f()r Coloradr.l
426 C Street NE
Washingloll, DC 20002
to Benuet J:hr Colomdo lilnitcd (0 $t1
8.00 jlt\l individual ($9,600 per couple) and federal m.ulti-eandidatl.1 PAC's nmy
c(lulrihu{c $5/100 per <:l","nioll ($ J 0.000 llla:ximm:n). A and wife cOI1t!'ihu!,c a maximum of $9.000 hy one check d.raW'll
1)"0111. a joint HCCOUIl.t lind by both j,ll.uividuf.lls.
C{)11tJil"mtior\s i'() U'ftiHot i:<)I' CoJoT:l,ldo <.Ire 1.0 the prohibitiom3 ltnd the l":'e.;!ertl1 C!:Hllj')",igll A(;t.
Contlibmions from <.'orporalioll:\1, llatioll<ll bmlks, Jt.\lef8.1 and Ihrcign l1litiDnal;; \1,:'ho arc llot 11.dmit'ted for permanent
rcsi"k:nc;.e irl tht.:' TJ'nited StClt'ii:B All ("!.,nltributioJls rrlU:!lt be rlHHI.C pc.rtomwl. t'umls and um.y not btl r;;;imburscd or
Pi).iJ by UlY mhQf lW:!":'\.Qn,
PAC checks will he
Fr;:;dC11il jaw retluire:; us lQ usc our lXlst cl1brls to (;OUCCl and report the nmnc, mailing wddn::ss, occupation, and name of t:."mp!oycr ft)l"
(;,mtribu(iNlS exceed $200 i.n nn If this ii: IJ c('l11trihutinn fi'()1l,'\ ';:J hlLsl\\J1ld MId hy On"" ohii..'<.',k
dl.'l,\\vn t}oO"J a joint aCCOl.ult and hy both IndividlHlb, please provide the requested infol"ni,HIOn below 1.'01' both ind.ividuuls.
_. _ .
-_............._-_.._ __._._.--_.._ - .
!-JOllW PhouC': \VcH:k Phi:illC,:
If yOll prefer to pay by credit c,u'd, please complete the following:
(:l'U"d. .. ._... _
Hy !{.igfli11g hc.k!\v
1 :lff1rrn th,l( r Iml IlJ'lkillg \,:Olll,l'ibll!.i()ll With tlly "".I.'ll l,h"I'M)lhll ;.Inn r nnlll.-.hlg t"Wla.. pt:ovidt:>:d
by aily othCl:
By ;;J.guhJ,g bdow, I I'h,ll I lim Ji'1a.'kit).h\ (:,Ol'JJI'.ibIHIOH <.m my OW'I!. crdi.t, <:3td (lI'ld lW{ \\'lth u (.\Oq)(lriH'l
Or. (.It' :1 card. W iir'lyOf1t' /'1)1' l:ny

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