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~ are corcCiaCfy in'vitecC

to attencCa reception lionoring

C011f1ressman :Maurice J-fincliey ((j)-:NY)
}!ppropri4tions Committee
Su6committees on}!gricu(tuYe, Interior ana'YinanciaCServices
:NaturaCtR.sources Committee
tWecCnescCay, Septem6er 24, 2008
6:00 CM--8:00 CM-
Sonoma 'Rstaurant
223 CJ?ennsyC'fJania.J/.venue, Sf.
tWasliinnton, (j)C 2003
'To CR,SW, prease contact fmify at (202) 682-2202
Orfax.tlie responsefonn to (202) 682-1918
Contributions to Friends of Maurice Hinchey
are not tax deductible for federal income tax oses.
Paid for b Friends of Maurice Hinchey.
~ p t i o n for Congressman J{incliey
UJeanestfay, Septem6er 24, 2008
D 'Yes, I wiffattendtfiefundraiser. P.ndoseais my contri6ution of
$1,000, D $500 orOtfier"' ,
D !No, I am una6Ce to attencf; 6ut encfoseais my contri6ution of$.__~ o
(J'{ease ma/{p cliecf< paya6{e to:
(FriendS of!M.aurke :Hincliey
to r;; Street, !JV1E, Suite 470
Wasliington, (])C 20002
'Fed'eraf raw requires us to use our efforts to co{{.ct and'report tli. 'Ulltle,
11l4ifmg aaaress, occupation and' name Ofempfoyer ofituflvid'uafS wfiose contri6utions
""J'm'$200 in an .fection eyer.
!J{ame:...- _
City/State/Zip _
r.Emp{oyer Occupation'--- _
Office plione:...- _
r.Emai{c-- _
cpfease caff<Emify at (202) 682-2202 to CJ.{S'T/IP orfa:>( tJiisform to (202) 682-1918,
Contributions to Friends of Maurice Hinch are not tax deductible for federal income tax u oses.
Paid for b Friends of Maurice Hinchey.

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