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Fall reception
Senator Jack Reed
September 18, 2008
6:00 PM
at the home ()f
Pa.trick Murphy
203 3rd St., NE
(Corner of 3rd and Constitution)
Washington, DC 20002
$2,500 Co-Host
$1,000 Friend
To RSVP please call Jennifer Yocham Pocrsch or Anna Morey at 202.543.3182 or email
COlltributiollS OJ" gins [0 The Reed Committee are not tax deductible.
Corporate contributions art; pfohl.bitcd.
Contributj()1lS to Thl;) Reed Comm.ittee al'e to S4.600 per individual (S2JOO primary and 32300 gcnenll,:tio/l)
lind fedcnlllllul.ticandidatc PACs may contri.hute $5.000 fox cHch clecti.oJl; pl'im.aty I\)ld general.
ContJibutions or gifts to The Reed Committec arc not tux dcductibk. Corp<Jrate contributions ure prohibited. Federal law
requires us to usc our best efforts to colle,:! and report the name, mailing address. occupution. Illld name of employer for
individuals who.,e wntributions cx.cced $200 in an election cycle.
Please fill out and return in enclosed envelope.
( YES. VWe will ,mend. and my contribution is cnclosed
NO, I/We nrc Il1lable to ,mend, but my cOJllriburion is enclosed
WOi'k. Auul"""__,_._. .."" ..__"_.._"..,,._._ _.,,. _. __ .. _ __ _ __..,_._._._ ..
U(;ir'lle: Addre;jli; ..__.H
.._-,,--, __._--,_ _-----_ _.. _--
______ _..__ SI.,..: .' _ Zip Cou., .
If you prefer to pay tlY I:l"t)dit I.:OI.'l1pJete ft)llowlng:
CTooi, (,ad Type': _......._.. Vi,. __....,. MOSl6tCllrd _.".. AMRX
Name on car,t: _
By I alll uffirnlinf,l that l' "un mnldng thJ/\ contribution on. my own piJfsonal and Dot with 4t corporate or busjncM ctlrd or u
credit l"llmoo to
Contrlhulions an: not mxdetiJ.fl:ltble Jbr Fedcn:d inconw /(u
1'h. lld C","mltla
J()3 NB,
Wn"hiffglmr, Ill.' 200112
(202) ,543".U82 (Work); (202) $43-8004 (}'tlX)

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