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Invites you to a Breakfast Reception

Senator Roger Wicker
Committe" 011 Commerce, Science Hnd Tmnsportl1tion
Committee 011 Armed Services
011 V('terans' Affairs
Tuesday, July 15,2008
8:00 AM to 9:00 AM
101 Constitution Ave. NW
Ninth Ploor
Washington, D.C.
Requested Contribution
$1,000 PAC
$500 Individual
RSVP to .13<lrb D' Amico
Phone: 2027424350
Email: barb@nrwa.ol'g
YES. 1want to SllppM Senator Roger Wicker! FEC #: C00443218
Name; __ .. _.__ mm.. .
Occupalion: ..__. .....,"... _."._, ..,". __,"__.,,, _._.... __.._.
Compl1ny/PAC name: _...._ __.m _
Company/PAC address: __ __ ..._. _.__
Phone / Email:
Please make checks payable to:
Wicker for Senate
104 Hume Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22301
.....' _w
Not printed at government eXp$nse. Contributions are not deductible as charitable donations for federai income tax
purpooos. Contributions from corporations and foreign nationals are prohibited, Federai law reqllires politioal
oommittees to lise their best efforts 10 report the name, mailing addre:.lS, oOQupation and employer for each individual
whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 In an election cycle. Corporate contributions are prohibited.

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