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(Plase join

1(atreice CBanfi., crammy CBoyd, Ju{ia Clianey,

:Jl.1arie Sy{fa and-:NicoCe o/ena6Ce
for a 6reaifast fionoring
Congressman Sanford"(Bishop, Jr. (iD-r;;A)
:Mem6er ofthe Jouse jIppropriations Committee
:Mem6er ofthe CBEue 11)0g CoaEition
Wed"nesd"ay, June 25, 2008
8:30am - 9:30am
Capito[JfitfConsuCting qroup
499 Soutli Capito[Street, sW
Suite 608
Wasfiington, (])C20003
SuggestetfContri6ution: $1,500 PjlC $500 ltufivitfua{
Pkase m ~ cliecRi paya6le to:
Q3ifliupfor CotlfJress
P.O. Q3o:{909
Cofum6us, !fA 31902
!RS'V!:P to '1( SliulietRJr, at 'l( or (202) 488-0101
!PaetpaUffir 5y tlie VCCC antiautfiorizetl6y (j3i5fiopfor CMIfJ11!Ss.1
Contributions to federal candidates are not tax. deductible for income tax purposes. Federal lawrequires us to use our ~ t ~ f f o r t to collect a.nd
Ieport tile name, address, employer, and occupation of individuals W.h06e contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle. Cor;pOl'ate checks are
not acceptable for fedenl campaigns.

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