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Please Join

Senator Carl Levin

for a breakfast reception

Wednesday, February 13
, 2008
8:00a.m. 9:00a.m.

Bistro Bis
15 E Street , NW
Washington, DC

Host: $5,000 PAC or $2,300 Individual
Co-Host: $2,500 PAC or $1,000 Individual
Guest: $1,000 PAC or $500 Individual

RSVP to Lindsey Melander at
(202) 682-2202 or

Contributions or gifts to Friends of Senator Carl Levin are not tax deductible.
Paid for by Friends of Senator Carl Levin.

DC ~ Wednesday, February 13th

Yes, I will attend! Enclosed is my contribution of $__________

No, I am unable to attend, but enclosed is my contribution of $___________

Please make checks payable to
Friends of Senator Carl Levin
10 G Street, NE, Suite 470, Washington, DC 20002
Fax: 202-682-1918

Please charge my personal contribution to my: Visa MC AMEX Discover

Credit Card Number _________________________________________ Exp Date _________

Cardholders name (as it appears on card) _________________________________________

Cardholders signature __________________________________________________________

Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation
and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle.

Home Phone______________________________Office Phone_______________________________
Email_____________________________________Fax Phone ________________________________
Please sign below:
I designate my contribution(s), composed of personal funds, to the Committee as follows: the first
$2300 for the 2008 primary election and any additional amount I contribute, up to $2300, for the
2008 general election.

Signature Required: ________________________________________________________________

Federal Multi-candidate political action committees (PACs) may contribute $5,000 per each
election, primary and general. Contributions from corporations, labor organization treasury
funds, foreign nationals, and Federal government contractors are prohibited. Corporations and
other persons are strictly prohibited from reimbursing another person for making a contribution
to Friends of Senator Carl Levin.

Contributions or gifts to Friends of Senator Carl Levin are not tax deductible.
Paid for by Friends of Senator Carl Levin.

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