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You are invited to join

Congressman Tom Reynolds

26th District of New York
Chalnnan, NatIonal Republican Committee
Deputy Majority Whip
House Ways and Means Committee
412 First Street SE
Suite 300
Washington, DC
Thursday, September 2C 2006
5:00 until 6:30 pm
$1000 PAC Contribution
$500 Personal Contribution
Please make checks payable to,
Re)'lloldslor Conwess p.o. Box 15388. Rochesler, NewYorX j4(iJ5
Please RSVP to Pam Baker at 585-865-5550 or emall
I Paid for by Reynolds For Congress I
Federal law requires political t.On\tIJ.ltteoe's b:l us.e lfJelr best efforts to ohtain. and N!pCIIt 1Ml\tIIlI'Il!. malllfig,
.. e-Iedion-eycle.
COl1trfbufi'OllS to Roeyno(ds mrCoftgtejlS not deductible _ dtaitabk dot1alfCrls for kdetil f:l\tllflle tal J'HlfIlO6e'I.
Cc:I\l.:rl.W:tontI born iorelin htIona1a .and COfI)OIal1ons AnI prohJbl.M
You are inVited to join
Congressman Tom Reynolds
26th District of New York
Chalnnan, National Repubilcan Congressional Committee
Deputy Majority WhIp
House Ways and Means Committee
412 First Street SE
Suite 300
Washington, DC
Thursday, September 2L 2006
5:00 until 6:30 pm
$1000 PAC Contribution
$500 Personal Contribution
Please make checks payable to:
Reynolds for CoIlflreS5 P.O. Box 15388 Rochester, NewYork 14615
Piease RSVP to Pam Baker al 585-865-5550 or email
I Paid for by Reynolds For Congress I
Peder.allllwteqJJ'!res poIitlcal tornmlttees mU5I!' lIl.eir best efforts to obtain and reportt:ne MInt,. marlin, aMtl!l!IG.
0C:tIlpilti0ll. and kit e:tteaa otSlOO irJal'I e1ettiOfl tycl.e..
Contrlolilfooli CD ilft'fJOt deductIble as charitable donatkm lOr kd'$'81 tal :PIIfPOl!Ies.
Codlributloa&!ramfoteI&n nationals.atld O'JrPOfaI:1ons are prohlilited.

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