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15/08/14 9:14 AM RIAC :: The Communist Vietnam: Internal contradictions and the path to progress

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East Asia and Pacific // Analysis
14 august
The Communist Vietnam: Internal contradictions and the path to
Vietnam celebrates the 70th anniversary of independence in 2015. The Communist
Party of Vietnam has held power throughout all of those decades. What are the
Communist Party's positions right now? How is the Party adapting to the changing
international environment, and will it be able to implement reforms the country and the
Party itself need? We posed these and other questions to Carlyle Thayer, Emeritus
Professor at the University of New South Wales (Australia).
How would you assess the state of the CPV on the eve of the countrys 70th
independence anniversary? Does the party still enjoy vast public support?
The Vietnam Communist Party is undergoing unprecedented internal changes. Over
the last several years the Central Committee has asserted itself as the partys chief
executive organ between national party congresses that are held every five years. The
Central Committee has on several occasions overturned decisions of the Politburo and
initiatives by the party Secretary General.
Vietnam is at the mid-point between national party congresses (the 11th national congress was held in 2011), and
normal political jockeying has broken out among the top leaders to shape the selection process of the new
leadership to be elected in early 2016, if all goes to plan
The recent oil rig crisis with China (May 2-July 15) has exposed divisions within the Politburo that will be difficult to
overcome. At the heart of the matter is Vietnams relations with China. To the conservative faction ideological
affinity to China still plays a role. Other members of the leadership feel that Chian can no longer be trusted. There
are calls within the inner circle and beyond to that Trung or break out of Chinas orbit.
While it is difficult to gauge popular sentiment in Vietnam, the Vietnam Communist Party still holds legitimacy
because there is no alternative on the horizon. The public is angered about widespread corruption. But important
members of the public are incensed over the regimes handling of relations with China. This group, mainly urban
intelligentsia and including members of the party with long years of experience, wants to end economic
dependency on China and more actively integrate with the global community, including the United States. These
views were recently expressed in a petition by 61 party members and former state cadres. Among other things
they called for jettisoning socialist ideology.
Do intra-Party discussions in the CPV serve as a viable substitute for de-monopolization of power in Vietnam? Is
it enough?
Over the last several decades the Vietnam Communist Party has launched repeated efforts to reform itself by
exposing decadent and corrupt cadres. But these efforts have only touched the surface. The party-state has
attempted to use information technology to make the government more transparent and to solicit views from
citizens. Government ministers have gone live on-line to answer questions from the public.
These positive steps are undermined by the regimes constant to legislate more controls over the Internet and to
repress bloggers and journalist who use the internet to express ideas censored from official publications.
The VCP has undertaken steps to directly elect party and state officials. This has resulted in a more active
National Assembly that was given the right to conduct Vietnams first vote of confidence for government officials
holding ministerial rank or equivalent. No minister fell below a fifty percent approval rating, however.
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The party Secretary General has attempted to step up the fight against corruption by
identify 16 or so high profile case. However the governments anti-corruption
committee has been stymied.
Internal party discussions have led to a greater decentralization of power especially to
province level. But society at large has not been drawn in. The VCP still monopolizes
power but the focus has shifted from the center to the local levels.
Is the pace of reforms changing in Vietnam? To what extent do you expect the Party to
go in liberalizing the economy?
If one steps back and takes a forty year view, internal party debate and discussion has
served to push Vietnam in the direction of economic and political reform. The decision
in 1986 to renovate (doi moi) Vietnams economy made greater progress than is in
evidence today. The early steps, such as ending central planning were comparatively
easier than later steps, such as the equitization of state-owned enterprise. There is
forward momentum for economic and political reform but the devil is in the details.
Entrenched interests resist change.
If President Obama succeeds in getting Japan to make concessions and the U.S.
Congress to approve the Trans-Pacific Partnership, there is hope that TPP
membership will exert pressure on Vietnam to conduct further economic reforms.
What is the current approach to political reform in Vietnam? Is it seen as a distant but inevitable reality?
Vietnams approach to political reform is designed to keep the VCP in power and prevent Vietnam from becoming
a pluralist multi-party political system. Economic reform is viewed as inevitable. That is why Vietnam has
participated in the TPP negotiations. It wants access to markets comprising at least 40 percent of world GDP?
Vietnam is also willing to reform its handling of human rights and religious freedom. But reforms in this sector are
piecemeal, subject to set backs and yield only mixed results.
An important segment of the VCP views political reform as inevitable. But the majority cannot disentangle their
personal and family interests from the one party state. They will support only gradual political reform and cautious
Political reform is taking place gradually within the VCP. Party delegates to national party congress are insisting
on a greater say in decision-making and a real choice in the selection of the partys top leadership. There are now
nominations from the floor of congress that add additional nominees to the list of pre-approved candidates.
Central Committee members have become more assertive in demanding accountability from the Politburo. Since
a hefty block on the Central Committee is composed of provincial representatives this may mean in future that
popular sentiment is taken into account more than it is at present.
Finally, the ultimate goal of political reform in Vietnam is to make it a law governed state and make the party and
its individual members subject to the rule of law. The prime vehicle for this is the National Assembly. Just over 90
percent of its deputies are members of the VCP. While many are members of the Central Committee, the majority
are not. This is another circle of elites within Vietnams political system. But to make the implementation of law
effective, Vietnam must also create autonomous and independent bodies such as a neutral police force, an
independent prosecution service, an independent judiciary, and an untethered press. All of this will take time.
Reform will come but only gradually.
Interviewed by Anton Tsvetov, RIAC manager
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Related materials:
Carlyle Thayer
Tags: Reforms, Vietnam, Domestic Policy
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Bocfouan Asun u ATP // Auanufuka
12 !"#$%&!
Korryuucfuecku Buefuar: euyfpeuuue npofueopeun u nyfu k
B 2015 ropy Buefuar ofrefuf 70 nef uesaeucurocfu. Bce sfu pecnfunefun y
enacfu e cfpaue uaxopufcn Korryuucfueckan napfun Buefuara. Kakoeu ceac
nosuuuu kornapfuu? Kak KRB apanfupyefcn k reunkurcn repyuapopuur
ycnoeunr u croef nu npoeecfu ueoxopurue cfpaue u e caro peqopru? Sfu
u ppyrue eonpocu ru sapanu noefuory npoqeccopy Yuueepcufefa Hoeoro
Kuoro Ysnuca (Aecfpanun) Kapnany Tsepy.
Kax m Bm oenunu nonoenue en e Kommynucmuuecxo napmuu Buemnama
(KHB) naxanyne 70- aooeunm nesaeucumocmu cmpanm? Hapmuu no-npenemy
nonusyemcu maccoeo noepxo?
Korryuucfueckan napfun Buefuara ceac nepeueaef nepuop
ecnpeuepeufuux euyfpunapfuuux usreueuu. Heckonuko nef uasap
Ueufpanuuu korufef (UK) KRB esnn ua cen qyukuuu rnaeuoro ucnonuufenuuoro
opraua napfuu e nepuopu repy oeuauuouanuuuru napfuuuru cLesparu,
cosueaeruru opuu pas e nnfu nef. Euno ueckonuko cnyaee, korpa UK ofreunn peueuun Ronufkpo u
uuuuuafueu Feuepanuuoro cekpefapn KRB.
Ceac Buefuar uaxopufcn ua cepepuue nyfu repy peyrn napfuuuru cLesparu (11- CLesp KRB npouen
e 2011 r.), eucuue napfuuue nupepu ecfynakf e ouuyk rouky, npusor e kofopo cfauef eosrouocfu
enunfu ua euopu uoeoro pykoeopcfea, sannauupoeauuux ua uaano 2016 r.
Hepaeuu kouqnukf c Kufaer us-sa ueqfnuo euuku (2 ran 15 uknn 2014 r.)
euneun rnyokue pasuornacun repy neuaru Ronufkpo, npeoponefu kofopue
ypef oeuu uenpocfo. Rpepref pasuornacu ofuoueuun repy Buefuaror u
Kufaer. Koucepeafueuan qpakuun no-npeuery npupaef onuuoe suaeuue
upeonoruecko nusocfu c Kufaer. Hx onnoueufu e pykoeopcfee KRB cufakf,
fo poeepnfu Kufak onuue uenusn. B sfux napfuuux kpyrax (kak, enpoer, u sa
ux npepenaru) nonynnpeu nosyur Txoam yua npusue cofu c
okonokufacko opufu.
H xofn oecfeeuuoe rueuue eo Buefuare c onuuur fpypor noppaefcn
oLekfueuo oueuke, rouo c yeepeuuocfuk yfeeppafu, fo Korryuucfueckan
napfun Buefuara no-npeuery y pynn no fo npocfo npuuue, fo uukako sareuu e ua ropusoufe ue
eupuo. Buefuaruu ueropykf us-sa noecerecfuo koppynuuu, opuako uepoeonucfeo nupepoe oecfeeuuoro
rueuun eusueakf e nepeyk oepepu ofuoueuun peura c Kufaer. Peu upef npepe ecero o ropopcko
uufennureuuuu, e pnpax kofopo urekfcn u neuu napfuu c ruoronefuur napfuuur cfaer. Sfu nkpu
npusueakf k yxopy of skouoruecko saeucurocfu of Kufan u onee uufeucueuo uuferpauuu Buefuara e
rupoeoe cooecfeo, noppasyreeake e for ucne u cnueuue c CLA. Hepaeuo sfu npusueu
eonnofunucu e nefuuuk, ckpenneuuyk 61 nopnucuk. Cpepu nopnucaufoe neuu napfuu u ueuue
rocypapcfeeuuue penfenu, kofopue e ucne npoero npusueakf k ofkasy of couuanucfuecko upeonoruu.
Kax Bm cuumaeme, moaym nu enympunapmunme ucxyccuu, paseepnyemuecu e KHB, emcmynamu e
xauecmee usnecnoconoao uncmpymenma emonononusauu enacmu eo Buemname? Hnu amoao
Ceac Buefuar uaxopufcn ua
cepepuue nyfu repy peyrn
napfuuuru cLesparu, eucuue
napfuuue nupepu ecfynakf e
ouuyk rouky, npusor e kofopo
cfauef eosrouocfu enunfu ua
euopu uoeoro pykoeopcfea.
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Ha npofneuuu nocnepuux pecnfunefu Korryuucfueckan napfun Buefuara
ueopuokpafuo npepnpuuurana nonufku npoeepeuun euyfpeuuux peqopr,
npepcfaenneuue coo ucfky napfuuux pnpoe of ynapouuecku uacfpoeuuux u
koppyrnupoeauuux snereufoe, opuako cepuesuux pesynufafoe sfu ycunun ue
npuuecnu. Focypapcfeo e nuue napfuu nufaefcn, ucnonusyn uuqoprauuouuue
fexuonoruu, cpenafu penfenuuocfu npaeufenucfea onee npospauo u noopufu
rpapau k euckasueauuk ceoux esrnnpoe. Rpaeufenucfeeuuue ruuucfpu
eucfynakf e npnror squpe, ofeean ua eonpocu euefuaruee.
Opuako ece sfu nosufueuue uaru ceopnfcn ua uef nocfonuuur cfperneuuer
peura uanoufu kak rouo onuue sakouopafenuuux orpauueuu ua Hufepuef,
sacfaeufu saronafu norepoe u ypuanucfoe, ucnonusykux sfy cefu pnn
ouapopoeauun upe, ue ponyckaerux ueusypo e oquuuanuuue cpepcfea
raccoeo uuqoprauuu.
B KRB npepnpuuurakfcn nonufku eeepeuun npnrux euopoe napfuuux u
rocypapcfeeuuux nupepoe. Pesynufafor sfux ycunu cfano pacuupeuue
nonuorou Hauuouanuuoro copauun: ery uno penerupoeauo npaeo enepeue e
ucfopuu Buefuara euuecfu ua ronocoeauue eonpoc o poeepuu
npaeufenucfeeuuur uuoeuukar, sauurakur ruuucfepckue unu skeueaneufuue
ruuucfepckur ponuocfu. Bnpoer, uu opuu ruuucfp ue uapan reuuue 50%
ronocoe e ceok nonusy.
Feuepanuuu cekpefapu napfuu npepnpuunn nonufky akfueusupoeafu opuy c koppynuue, uuuuuupoeae
nopnpka 16 pesouaucuux pasupafenucfe e eucuux suenouax enacfu. Opuako paofa npaeufenucfeeuuoro
aufukoppynuuouuoro korufefa una npakfuecku sanokupoeaua.
Buyfpunapfuuue puckyccuu cnococfeoeanu panuueue peueufpanusauuu enacfu e nepeyk oepepu,
ua ypoeue npoeuuuu. Ter ue reuee oecfeo e uenor ocfanocu e cfopoue of sforo npouecca. KRB no-
npeuery onapaef rouononue ua enacfu, npocfo fenepu akueuf crecfuncn of ueufpa k peruouar.
Hmo Bm moeme cxasamu o memnax peqopm eo Buemname? Kax Bm oenueaeme
eepoumnocmu moao, umo napmuu npoonum xypc na nuepanusaum
Copok nef uasap euyfpunapfuuue peafu u puckyccuu cfurynupoeanu eo
Buefuare skouoruko-nonufueckue npeopasoeauun. Rpuunfoe e 1986 ropy
peueuue o ropepuusauuu (o uo) skouoruku Buefuara noseonuno poufucn
ropaspo onuuux ycnexoe, er kaefcn ceropun. Repeue uaru e sfor
uanpaeneuuu, uanpurep, ofreua ueufpanuuoro nnauupoeauun, unu
ofuocufenuuo nerkuru eo ecnkor cnyae, no cpaeueuuk c panuueuuru
reparu, uanpurep, npueafusauue rocypapcfeeuuux npepnpunfu. B uenor rouo roeopufu o uanuuu
cepuesuux npepnocunok pnn panuueuero npopeueuun skouoruko-nonufueckux peqopr, opuako puneon,
kak ecerpa, kpoefcn e pefannx. Hsreueuunr akfueuo conpofuennkfcn fe, uur uufepecar sfu usreueuun
Ecnu npesupeuf E.Oara croef yroeopufu Hnouuk nofu ua ycfynku u yepuf Kourpecc CLA yfeeppufu
cornaueuue o cospauuu Tpauc-Tuxookeauckoro napfuepcfea (TTR), fo ecfu uapepa ua fo, fo nepcnekfuea
neucfea e TTR noypuf Buefuar k panuueuur skouorueckur peqoprar.
Kaxoeo omnomenue x nonumuuecxum peqopmam eo Buemname ceaonu? Mono nu cxasamu, umo onu
npecmaenummcu omanenno, no neuseno nepcnexmueo?
B nouurauuu euefuarckux enacfe uenu nonufuecko peqopru oecneufu panuueuee npeueauue
KRB y enacfu u ue noseonufu Buefuary eueppufu nnkpanucfckyk ruoronapfuuyk nonufueckyk cucfery.
A eof skouorueckan peqopra npepcfaennefcn ueuseuo. Hreuuo nosfory Buefuar yacfeyef e
neperoeopax no TTR. B nnauax enacfe nonyeuue pocfyna k puukar, ua kofopue npuxopufcn ue reuee 40%
rupoeoro BBR.
Kpore foro, Buefuar rofoe nepecrofpefu ceoe ofuoueuue k npaear enoeeka u ceoope eepoucnoeepauun.
Opuako peqopru e sfo onacfu uocnf qparreufapuu xapakfep, saacfyk uankpakfcn ofcfynneuun c
saeoeeauuux nosuuu, u nopo npuuuraerue repu eepyf k nonoeuuafur, ueypoenefeopufenuuur
Kapnan Taep
Xofn oecfeeuuoe rueuue eo
Buefuare c onuuur fpypor
noppaefcn oLekfueuo oueuke,
rouo c yeepeuuocfuk yfeeppafu,
fo Korryuucfueckan napfun
Buefuara no-npeuery y pynn.
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3uaufenuuan acfu neuoe KRB cufaef nonufueckyk peqopry ueuseuo.
Opuako onuuuucfeo napfuuee nonarakf, fo ux nuuue u cereuue uufepecu
rouo oecneufu fonuko npu opuonapfuuo rocypapcfeeuuo cucfere. Ouu
rofoeu noppepafu nuuu oeuu nocfeneuuue nonufueckue peqopru u
rakcuranuuo ocfopouue uuuuuafueu.
B ueppax KRB nonufueckan peqopra ece e rano-norany npopeuraefcn.
enerafu oeuauuouanuuux napfuuux cLespoe poueakfcn onuuero yacfun
e npouecce npuunfun peueuu u eosrouocfu okasueafu peanuuoe enunuue ua
pesynufafu euopoe eucuero napfuuoro pykoeopcfea. Tenepu kaupupafu ua
cLespe roryf uoruuupoeafucn e for ucne u c uuuero ypoeun napfuuo
uepapxuu, fo aeforafuecku pacuupnef cnucok npepeapufenuuo yfeeppeuuux
-neuu UK ropaspo uacfoueee fpeykf of Ronufkpo ofefuocfu. Rpepcfaeufenu euefuarckux npoeuuuu
cocfaennkf e UK eecura enunfenuuu nok, nosfory rouo uapenfucn ua fo, fo saefpa oecfeeuuoe
rueuue ypef yufueafucn onuue, er ceropun.
H uakoueu, rnaeuan uenu nonufuecko peqopru eo Buefuare nocfpoeuue npaeoeoro rocypapcfea u
nopuueuue napfuu e uenor u ofpenuuux ee neuoe npuuuuny eepxoeeucfea sakoua. Fnaeuo peuye
cuno peqopru ponuo cfafu Hauuouanuuoe copauue. Eonee 90% penyfafoe Hapopuoro copauun
neuu KRB. Rpepcfaeneuu far u neuu UK, opuako onuuuucfeo penyfafoe e UK ue cocfonf. To ecfu, specu
ru ureer peno c ppyrur cnoer nonufuecko snufu Buefuara. Opuako pnn oecneeuun peanuuoro
ucnonueuun sakouoe eo Buefuare ponuu ufu cospauu fakue carocfonfenuuue u uesaeucurue cfpykfypu,
kak uefpanuuue npaeooxpauufenuuue oprauu, uesaeucuran npokypafypa, uesaeucuran cypeuan cucfera
u ceoopuan npecca. Cospauue ecex sfux cfpykfyp fpeyef epereuu. Takur opasor, peqopru npoeopufucn
ypyf, uo oeuu nocfeneuuo.
Beceoean Aumou Ueemoe, ueueep PCM
Oueuu1e c1a1um:

Ceusannme mamepuanm:
B nouurauuu euefuarckux enacfe
uenu nonufuecko peqopru
oecneufu panuueuee
npeueauue KRB y enacfu u ue
noseonufu Buefuary eueppufu
nnkpanucfckyk ruoronapfuuyk
nonufueckyk cucfery. A eof
skouorueckan peqopra
npepcfaennefcn ueuseuo.
Teru: Buefuar, Peqopru, Buyfpeuunn nonufuka
Hoeue punerru e Kuo-Kufackor rope
Kufa, 4ununnuuu, Buefuar, CLA
Buefuar ua skouorueckor pacnyfue
Hufepeuk c Bnapurupor Masupuuur
Mueuue pepakuuu roef ue coenapafu c rueuuer aefopoe.
Hcnonusoeauue rafepuanoe PCM ua snekfpouuux pecypcax ponyckaefcn fonuko npu ycnoeuu ykasauun 4HO aefopa, cfafyca skcnepfa PCM u
uanuuu akfueuo u ofkpufo pnn uupekcupoeauun runepccunku ua
Hcnonusoeauue rafepuanoe e neafuux uspauunx cornacoeueaefcn no nofe
Fnaeuan O coeefe Rpoekfu Rynukauuu Huqorpaquka Kooppuuafu Kapfa cafa Bce npaea saueuu Paspaofka cafa PEK CO4T

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