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Number 57

September, 1987


Feudalism + Racism"" Coup

Send In the SASI To FIJI? No - Christchurch, Self criticism: the Pacific way

Food parcels for spies

Rapahoe~ coal for export?

Philip Agee refused Australian visa SfeepingDogs II?

Vanuatu's '"libyan Connection" Banker's warning on NZ debt

Mt John: more from the pollee flies Book Reviews:

Get Gough I

Hers Come the Ugnes Special Warfare exercises

Battle of words to free up information

2 6 7 8 9

11 12 14 17 18

27 28 29 30


6.30 p.m., Thursday 10th September, WEA Centra, 59 Gloucester St, ChCh. tf there are any major concerns YOy wish to discuss, please contact us in advance.

The FiJI Coup~ and U.S. Intervention In the South Pacific.


Dr Wimam Sutherland, permanent secretary in the Prime Minister's Office in the Bavadra Government


Owen Wilkes.

ISSN 01110896. Registered at Wellington P.O. as a magazine. Published by CAFCA, P.O. Box 2258 Christchurch, New Zealand. ( AotearoaJ The material in this issue may be reprinted provided the source is acknowledged. A copy would be appreciated.

Murray Horton

What a year it's been for a covert covey of capering colonels! Oliver North, Muammar Gaddafi, SUi.veni Rabuka. Let's concentrate on the latter (who actually cheated and promoted himse.l f from Lieutenant-Colonel. Even a megalomaniac like Gaddafi stiJ.:l holds the same rank as when he seized power in 1969. Surelyhe should be a Generalissimo by now).

New Zealanders haven 1 t had any reason to as e Ff.j Lans with violence since a bunch of tussock grubbers flattened Alex Wyllie in the course of a particularly boisterous evening in the Wal"para pub (they were replaced by and abstemi.ous Tongans).

Now is an appropriate time to have a Look at the Fiji coup. After the iuiUsl satl.lration coverage, the and NZ media came home to cover their respective election campaigns (rather like the Aussie reporters who abandoned the Rainbow t4afri.or story once kangarooburger s turned up at home). There are some honourable exceptions to this generally uninformed coverage - Gordon Campbell's "Lt st.ener " series has been an excellent unravelling of the complexities of the ri valrh~s between tribal confederacies; David Robie t s "Dominion Sunday Times" reports have heen consistently informative, particularly on the m.'il.ssiv(~ corruption of the pr.evf.ous Alliance government; Owen ·Wilkes' exposure of CIA involvement follows his recent excellent work on the "Cook Islands submar tna", CIA in. the Cooks and the Honolulu loans scam.

This ar t Lc Le Ls not about the day to day facts of the matter. although CAFCA has got plenty of resources available (see Greg Ansley's "Star" column, reprinted tn Watchdog .56" About 95% of hi.a mater-Lal, on Vernon Walters was supplied courtesy of ourDS intelHgence computer database and our co LLect.Lon of spec:.faUst magazdnes and hooks). There are plenty more facts to come

out yel;- Dr Bavadr a made a number of very specific allegations a.gainst

named Lnd i viduals when he was in the US. He alleged that General John

Stng Iaub had been involved :in the coup ..,. Singlaub i~.> head of the World League, top arms conduit to the Nicaraguan contras~ most recently active in setting up Fili.pino death squads as part of the Low Intensity Conflic.t be.Lng waged agat.nat the t.on struggle there. That's just

one example of unanswered quest.tons Fiji coup.

No, let! s leave the fact's for and look at the po Lt.t Lcs ,

Thi.s is a hct; potato for the That be ing the case, I put

my nam~ to this myperm:mal anal.ysd s and some of i.t won I t be popular.

A case has been advanced that j\tjaorls 1 the other tangat a whenua of Melanesl.a and Polynesia. and progressive pakeha should support the coup because it

is protecting indigenous people~llr:ightf>. 'Ihf s is expr esaed most concisely by Atareta Poananga in a Let t er to the "Lt.stener " (25/7 /'d7). She attacks its regu ~1a.or:i. co; I Dr Rangirmi Walker ( who opposed the coup). her letter thus: "\Vhel1 Maori Uke Dr Walker

use the oppressor's jargon to put down other tangat8. whenua in their attempt to control of their own country. it gives the rest of us genuine radicals a bad name" (her emphasis). She also claimsJ as do a lot of

Fijian and foreign support. of the coup. that "democracy" 1.13 an alien

imposition on Fiji, the system &ittsh ImperLal.f sm, the system of white


I beg to differ, I am no lover of bourgeois democracy and I practice what I pr each, I hav(~ nef.ther voted nor enro Ll ed since 1972 (when. God

,"'J> __ ,,_,.,,_ ,tt,

forgtvd;J)me ,I voted rorthe Iare Squadron Lead€!:t Roger Drayton). I too have no t;:ime for .the Westminster Parliamentary system of representative democracy. But I,beUeve in democracy and consider it absolutely essetltial to any viable, political system (which excludes racist and fascist regimes). It's the definition of democracy that is crucial -

I saw mor.e democra:cy:in China'iS factory, neighbourhood and street committees than I do "in ourthreering.,drcus :LnWel1ington. Even antedeluvian Saudi Arabi.s has a ,primitive democratic ritual whereby anylO1rlly Bedouf.n can

bring h:i.~ .ccmcernsdirectly to thet:1ng (I use the , .. ord "his" advisedly).

There's a much more telling point again these coup apologists - indigenous Fijians had no complaint against "democracy!! during the 17 of Ratu Sir Hara's corrupt and raciallydivi.sive rule. Qualms about "democracy!! only arose after Fijians of . both races democratically voted out the Alliance. It is absolutely true that British imperialism is ultimately to blame for Fiji's racial situation. It perfected the aame divide and rule racism in Malaya, Cyprus.AI.Ireland (where I've Seen it firsthand; at gunpcfnt , In fact),

Who does the coup and its sham constitutional aftermath Not only Indf.ans-of all classes (and there I s plenty of poor t. wQrking class ones and landless peasant farmers). But also. the growing .nt.J.mber of poor tndigenous Fijians, Without the Yotes of 9% of thero, Bavadra woul.dn't have won.

There t SMother dilemma for Maor:i.s , other Pacific nations and progressive pakeha coup apologi.sts. Rabuke, in his charmingly naive fashion, has openly stated that he. acted to quash Bavadra ~ s nuclear-free Fiji policy . David Robie has performed the vital task of monitoring the }'iJian language

press and found bullshit stories of "Libyan spies" in Suva, etc •. The .

US has been less than condemnatory about the coup (It We're kinde delighted" being one reaction). and possibly stands to gain not only naval visHs but naval bases. Wheredo,es this leave those Maoris, Pacific nations, and progressave pakeha f:i.ghting for a nuclear-free Pacf.f Lc?

WtH~redid the Army become noEtic. t sed 130 r 0.' Learrrxhe fine points

. ..I ,,;..,/1; . .

of controlling a ci vJ.1ian population? Rabuka again spelled it out .• on UN duty in .southern Lebanon"

Analysis of the coup and Fiji In has tended to focus on racism.

It! 8 undoubtedly there, withtm upsurge of vf.o.Lence against Indian property and thuggery against Indians by Fijian lumpenproletariat s:lncethe coup. It's expressed in the breathtaking statement by Rabuka that .. ' he I~ like

to rep.Iacevthe Indians with Chi.neae , who are onlyinterestf.!d in making money, not politics. 'I'h~1:re:ts racism too towards Fijians by the Indians. Racial politics were insUtutionalised by Mara who relied on the support

of ma.jor Indian capitalists,

The most widel"fmging raefsa.Ls py .Sf.r Robert Muldoon (a Imst w.a~ter at aggravatLng racial t.seues) it"! a "Listener" article (1/8/87).

HIn FtJ:i.. a new element mt.ruded upon the political scene when some years ago the We,., Zea land trade unaon movem~nt led by the UllityPart.y in the Auckland Trades CouncH stimulated trade union activity, but more particularly politically or.Ient ed trade unionact:ivity.. From this arose the Ft.j Lan Labour Party. 'which; nominally led by the Fij:UmDr Bavadr a ,

had Indians in the majority amongst its acti.vists but which mobilised Low-dncome .Fiji#'Hl, worker til , to. ,,,,in the vital .seat s whichin combination with the traditional Ind:i.anopposi.tion party gave it a small majority in the Fijian parliament. My.iJwn 'id'ew was that t in government • ,the Fijian element

-- .. y..-

would soon the important decisions were being made by Indians

and accordtngl.y the government coal t t.i.on would disintegrate within the first few months of its Hfe. Colonel Rabuka and the Fijian miHtarywere not prepared to wait. Both Indians and native Fijians understand the realities oithe situation in Fiji and after the shouting dies down a return to the situati.onwhere Fijlans head the government while Indians dominate the . business life of the country is the inevitableconclusiorl. The sequence of events which ends In this .faah Lon must however be seen

8E-J a successful in destab.ilisation ()r1.ginated by the New 7..ealand agents of the Soviet Union, the Socialist Uni,ty Party'! •••

This that the good old fuzzy ""tizzies led a happy go lucky life until the nasty Russian agents came from N'l and stirred them up, Infact thereis plenty of evidence that it was the CIA. not the Russians, who tried very hard to subvert Fijian unions. Judging by some oithe former unionists who turned up as leaders of the militant Taukei movement, which. ran a textbook destabilisation campaign leading up to the coup, it wasn't altogether unsuccessful.

To its credit, the Aotearoa peace movement has condemned the coup (not without reservations though), But there's been a deafening silence from

the anti-racism groups. This is ironic in the extreme - proposals to legally condemn Indians (who have been in Fiji for generations) to permanent second-ctess citizenship and political powerlessness have only one parallel South Africa. Racism is racism is racf sm, regardless of the colour or race of its practitioners. It's doublyironic that the Aotearoa anti-racism movement contains very many women in leading roles. women

who are apparently now content to silently acquiese in a reactionary coup by a male Army to reinforce racism and absolute patriarchal rule by male chiefs. This gutlessness is self-defeating and shows the futility of

ana Lysd ng events on a rac~al basis, thus exempting whole societies from criticism because of thef.r race. The Fiji coup is an absolute litmus test of the Aet earoa anti-racism movement and it has failed; because of the false premises underpinning its philosophical basis.

Coup apo.logf.sts have claimed that it was necessary to pr t Fijian land ownership and Fijian traditions. Plenty of evidence has been presented that the 1970 Conat f.t.ut.Lon actuallyfixfc)-d Fijian land ownership in cement and the mere elect.t.on of an "Indaan-domtnared" government could no t undo that,

But the que st.I'on of traditions has been treated with kid gloves. Let "s

say one thing loud and dear .- an awful lot of the traditions that t r adf t.t.ona l societies are based on are absolute and total c.rap. This applies unequivocally to British Society, Maori society and Fijian society. What do these t'i:adi.tional socaet Leehave f n common, despite different races and colours? The answer is .feudalism. The undemocratic rule of the majority by traditional ruling

classes, the chiefs in Fijils case.

This is why ~ indrderto get a true picture, it is essential to analyse

any society on ia class basis. Race amireli.glon are secondary consf.der at.fons and postUvelymisleadlrtgones ttl some cases. This applies to Fiji and equally to' South Africa, Northern Ireland and Lebanon.

Why e lse would traditional F':i.jianch±efs t aided by their mil:iXary goon squads be so keen todisenfratlchise the urban poor of their own race , as well as Indians of all classes? Because Ba'lsdra's Labour Partynadsuccessful1y

und.t ed poor Ind Lans and poor Fijians for the fi.rst time. They realised

that their common class interests transcended racial differences.

divisions that had been deliberately fostered by Mara's Alliance government. For the first time, ever Fiji had genuine non-racial polities

that stood to 'benefit poor F:t:j:i.a,ns, instead of the feudal chiefs and those who waxed fat under t{":lr<lIS corrupt ruh3. This is what mct Lvat.ed the Taukei destabi.l:lBElt:ion campaign and the coup with active US intelligence support. The only FiJian "t radt.t i ons" th reatened by Bavadra were the feudal powers of

the ruling classes chLef s ) and the inalienable right of the Fijian

Lumpenpro Letiar Lat to boot Indians up the ar se , Bavadr-a I s SOCial democracy t of course. j wasf.n aouneas:'! alBane€! with Indian capitalism - .put in histor"ical, tarlllS ",tl1e coup can been seen as the reactionoffeudalism against both 'capitalism and socialism. As Muldoon correctly pointed out, capitalisni,vliU.coirtinue viz the Indians running the economy but with .

no political power , Socialism, however mild t is -too danger'oust.o be con.templated.

In the light of this feudal reaction; it is sadly ironic to see the Indians and the deposed Bavadra government put such faith in Fiji's legal system

(an archaic remnant of British feudalism) and in the case of Bavadra personally-. embarking on a fruitless and pitHul quest to see the Queen,

the very pinnacle of British feudalism. Likewise to have expected anything from the Governor-Oenera l was unrealistic - he represents the seamless merger of 'British and Fijian feudalism and 18 thus the most unlikely person to threaten the status quo. Indeed it was he who advised the Queen not

to see Bavadr a ,.,; she accepted that advice.

Social democrats in Fiji and worldwide have a1'..ays deluded themselves

and their' followers about the realities of power Le when the ruling class party is voted out, that class continues to rule by changing the rules. When Gough Whitlamwas sacked by AustraHa's Governor-General after the

Tories had paralysed government finances by very dubious politicalmanoeuvrest he stumped thecot.mtry addressing mass rallies about how they had breached ccnst.I tut Lona I conventions (I know, I was at some of those ra.llies).

He. portrayed the Australian Labor Party as the conservative defender of tradit:i.on -the Tories simply wanted power back and were prepared to go

to any lengths to reassert their Godgiven right to rule. When all else fails, they destabi1ise an.d bring out the guns, as in Fiji. Salvador Allendf! has rhe blood of many thousands of Chileans on his hands. those that he refused to arm durang the obvious buildup to the coup by Ptnochet ' s

fascist murderer s , He deluded the Chilean people j he deluded himself.

he d:led deluded. Things are not so brutal in Fiji. but Bavadra is no less deluded. He won I t regain office over a howl of kava. Rabuka has al.readyvarned that HF:tj Lans don I t get what they want, there wi11 be a "revolution II ~ which h(:: and the Army will join,

The New Zealand Labour government is the same. Initi,ally Langel s response was excellent ,~ he denounced t!H~ coup: h(~ denounced Ratu t1ara as a traitor;

he exposed the corruption Mara's ruLe , naming names. NZ' fa Paci fdc

intelligence turned out to be. fa.r superior to Australia or America (although nobody detected the. shipload of weapons sent from Singapore to the plotters on a Fijian naval vessel paid for by Australian ai.d. tlTimeil devoted a

major stdryto it' '-no NZ paper reported it) ... There \oms the excitement

of the Air New Zealandh:i.jack and its cl aasf;c Kiwi denouement, via a whisky bottle. There was the excitement of sending in the Navy ,even if it had

to be towed there. Rtunours swirled about theSAS. But Lange fell into

the same fatal trap of'soc:ial democrats ;inclu'dlng' Bliv89ra - the GovernorGene)',::!.! w:Ul fix ttall up, He is the Queen"i~ Man.··· Whi,m it became glaringly obvious that Rat u S:i.r Penaaa GaniIau was alBoa traitor, in act tve cahoots w1th Mart:la.ndRabuk~l; Lange was stuffed, lIe went tgtai1y returning attention to 'home and the election, Thisshabhinessreached its zenith

when he, very reluctantly saw Bavadr a at allthidrlg the latter.1 sSad visit to\IJellington


"" •• j"" tp).

for Lange, who. during his visit). abandoned Fiji to

(par for the course Ni.carague I s Foreign Minister the Government has

The honourable exception to thIs has union movement, which

has ah .. ays demonstrated pr ogrees.tve (r e the Chile ban

for example) . And Bob .Ionea > .. he a nmltimillicmaire speculator

paraai.t e , . he has a work:in8'~·c1aas backgrcund, whach still shows (by

belting TV reporters and th€! like). Jones spoke the obvious truth when he called Rabuke and co. a "bunch of 'thugs". He relished the delicious

irony of to evict Fijj. IS H.igh from Rob .ert Jones house

and using the rent to finanu.'! Bavadr a f s ~!linisters to the South Pacific Forum in Apia (where they were also treated as lepers).

What is the future for Fiji's workers and poor farmers of both races? The Labour Party suffers the fundament.a I flaw of. all social democrats - let us rule, because we can make a better job of 'unning capitalism than the Tories . It is not for New Zealanders or indeed any outsiders

to dictate solutions, that :is up to peopJe of Fiji. It is useful

to remember that the people of Nicaragua, the Philippines, and latterly South Africa. have adopted armed struggle as the only viable answer to armed oppr esedon , There is no reaf.Lst tc prospect of that in Fiji yet

- but there have been very effective non-vt.c Ient measures. In the classj.c imperialist patternt Britain bequeathed Fiji a single crop economy. Sugar. Indians dominate it, Bavadra had terrified the old order by promising

to unf.onf se it (and other lnciustri,efY). harvest strikes have already

shown that the growers and canecut.ter s have Rabuka by the balls. But

industrial action by itself is not enough. you-don t t hit it t it won! t


As for the rest of US;. its always instructive to reminded that the

same hand that picks our pocket will, if be. take off its glove and

smash us in the face.

("Broadsheet" September 1987 has an excel Leat , ext reme Iy detailed. class analysis of Fij:tan ory).

After the Ftji coup, all sorts of rumours abounded about what was the most appropriate lntlitary mode for N'l to take up the White f'lmn I s Burden. It seemed to settle on the SAS - they ,,/en:~ on standby at 'thed.r Papakura base ready to f1 y; they td. secretly embarked on NZ Navy ships en route

to Suva. A couple of former SAS guys did turn uptn NZNavy uniforms there - rather st upt.d to send elite to operate against men

who know them. Most of the Fijian Army, Rabuka , have been trained 1.0. NZ. So the Fijians picked up our undercover men and rordexed our Navy out.

But the SAS f t been idle. The

ant:L-·terro:r:Lst exerc ise by the Army prompted a flood inquiries tt) heard . about Bpm was thought to be the end

(18/7/87) reported that: "An

• near Coronation Hospital last evening, A.n explosion,

of a staged hostage crisis Ln

the nur ses I old home hospital" The Armed Forces public relations

of fLcer ~ }!ajor Bruce Horrisoflt said members of the Special Air Servr .. ces cQunt(?;!:·· group wer€~ taking part in the exercise • Some police

ofH .. cers Irrvo.lved •... "It

It! s comforting to know that. even if our military elite can! t pull off an "opllagainst a m:Uitarymi.dget like Fiji, it can at least blow up dere Li.ct huHdings in Chr one winter's nf.ght-.

Indigenous Pacific peoples take about 8S kindly to being criticised by European New Zealanders as the latter 0 to being criticised by Americans, or even worse. Australians. Much is made of the "Pacifi.c way", consensus decision making "that in the case of the Fiji coup, meant to say and do nothing.

The coup aimed at reasserting traditional feudal power to the chiefs. Tonga is the roost extreme example of this ... a king with real power and

a ruling h~reditary aristocracy, governing lartdlesspeasants. Western' Samoa is perhaps Illorewhat the Fijians were aiming at .~ a democracy where only .tn~· matei (chiefs) can vote.

Albert Wendt is a re spect.ed teacher. academi.c and writer i.n both Samoan

and palagi (EI,ITOpean) soci.ety. All the more significant therefore that

he, an insider withgr":!~lt !natlai shou Id rpub.Hc.l y launch a at tngfng attack

011 Western Samoa \today. He wrote it in npaciHc Es Lerids Monthly" to commemt.:>rateW'estern Samoats 25th anniversary of independence. The "Presa" ran it (3/6/8'7) under theheadtng IISamoa'spollticians labelled 'c6rrupt'H. ~vend t doesn' t pull any punches > he calls politicians corrupt and working for foreigni.nter~~sts. He says cor rupt.Lon is getting worse there.

"I'housands of campaign ·wereraised locally and rhoueandsnicre slipped lin from abroad and-used to buyt.he votes. sm invaded every pore of theelec.t.orateg even blood relattves expected to be bought. Candidates who .di.d not spread money and pa t.ronage around did not have

a hope of into Par.l Lament ,'. , , Even when the corruption of

po lt t tcf.ans , business peopl.e, servants and busd.neae leaders is

exposed, Lit t Le is done to punish them, The cd.rc Le of corruption and cynicism has hecome a conspiracy of silence",

Wendt gets spedf:i..c, "He said investors, companies and confidence men bought Lnt;o elections tow:ln business concessions and contracts.

Western Samoa I s natl .. ve forests had become payments for campaign contributions. Recently someWeate:rn Samoan members of Par.Hament lobbied to allow an American company to build a toxf,c waste disposal p.l.arrt In the count.r y ,

'We were to he come a dump for dangerous wastes the Americans would not

have at home I. He sugger'at.e the dumping project was dropped af t er American gangster connections vere discovered".

Wend t al so cr i.t Lcf.eed tncreasang poverty in tJestt~rn Samoa! wh:iJ.e MPs and cf v i.L servants 11. ve the high life of overseas travel and good food. "Half of Western Samoa I s annuaI budget was from direct or Lnddrec.t foreign at.d . 'It fa also in the interests of foreign powers (our supposed benefactors)

to keep us hooked on thef.r aid! Ii. He also said the po lLce vere becoming """'". bf>wti\l) "suggesting a recent; deat.h followed a polt.ce beatIng ".

All in all ~ a Indf.ctment 1 one only too fam:! to students of Third World polit:tcs. Nf~W Zealand committed appa.l l fng atrocities during its unhappy rat.ron of t-lestern Sa 11101'21 0," its negligence allowed in the genocidal flu epidem.ic; :i.t brutally suppressed the Mau nation.alist movement. We were no different from other European colonialists. It

is intere~ting to see our legacy and to hear criticism of an indigenous y by one of it IS most reapec ted figures,

CAFCA doesn ' t attack just the CIA and its l'llB.chinations in this part of the world. We have no time for. the KGB.and its bungling interference either. Poor old Sergei Budnik - the expel.Led Soviet "diplomat" even looked like a KGB agent. One wonders why the SIS I who said they knew

he was KGB since he arri.ved 1n 1982~ left it until the eve of Sir Geoffrey Howe's arrive). to spring him. Sheer coincidence. no doubt.

Cases like this always revea l deta:l.lsof h011i security agencies work. Muldoon couldn't resist blabbing about how he had seen (on video?) the

SUP receive money from Ambassador Sofinsky. whom Muldoon expelled in 1980. This revelation upset Lange who's been very protective of SIS modus operandi.

More fascinating was the approach by an SIS agent to Radio New Zealand reporter Toni McRae, to use her good contacts in the Soviet Embassy to spy for the SIS. She explained that she'd worked in Afghanistan and the Russians had got her out ~ her good contacts dated from there. In its typical gutless fashion f Rad io NZ voul dn It run her story t so she resigned and went pub Hc , Her SIS man reargned too.

But most intriguing was the claim that not one , but three SIS agents had resigned. Morale was low because among other gr Ievances , rank and file agents had to pay for-their own office tee and coffee. This is the stuff

of spy thrillers. CAFCA urges all patr:totic Kiwis to express our thanks

at: being kept KGB-free: by send tng food parce.Is to our boys at the front (keyhole). If send teabegs , 1:>(; 11.p8 voul.d seem eo be the most appropriate.

Rapahoe ~ coal for export?

A>ccQropany49% Japanese people when in fuH~peration. l~ it not ~ss.ible. even

owned .ts investigating 'the It is embarking,on, a ,;,S9prol>abl.e. that some

export of low"'ash. high-heat, million, 18 month fwibil'ity time in the future •.

'low-sulphur sa.eaming coal to study. Production could start' in mrouih proc;esses now

Japan from the Rapahoo block 1991. 0 n 1 y dim 1 y

north of Oreymouth on the contemplated. such a

West Coast. Dangers resource would be of greater value to New . Zealand and New Zealanders than it Is now?

'The bl(X~k W!MI by the Minos Division of the Ministry of Energy, It ill estimated to contain 200 mUlion tonnes, but not alief t.his.may be easily recoverable.

Tbe, . company. Greymouth Coal Ltd (GCL). hopes to "prove the feasibility of mining the field. With a view to , exporting 2 million tonnes per year, mainly to Japan. It is

owned 18% by The Todd Oroupsubsidiary. Todd Coal Ltd. 339& by the State-owned Coal COJ1,iOration. and 49% by

.'thtee Japanese companies: iMitsui Mining Overseas Co.

I Ltd, Mitsui Matsushima. and ;Keriematsu·Gosho Ltd.

GCL's prefened option for 'Uanspl:m is via a slurryUne to shipslUlchored offshore. This method is the cheapes! option for the company. but has long been opposed by West imerests and railway workers. The use (,)f i1 slurry system (where cool suspended in is pumped through a pipe to the ship) would reduee tonnages aVllHllbleto the railways, endangertngrthe already marginal Midland tine to the Coast from Canreroury. West Coast commercial interests want Iil. ~p~watt~r port em the Coast to speedup IijXpOrUI of raw materials (mainly fore-lit products and coal). In 1983, GeL was one of a number of companies comtibuting !.O lhe Ww;t Coast Regional Pon Investlgsting Company LI,d, The pOI'I. proposal has since been r~jeclf:d by the governmen; in favour of mit

The company . claims the tmdergrotmd m:ifiingt;peratioil would emtploy 900 to 1000

What are 'the dangers of. this project?

To date, the most vocal opposition has been on environmental grounds. Given that this will be. an underground mine, serious environmemal damage will ,not be a great danger. Environmenuu effects are a side issue LO the principal. censervadonisi and economic arguments.

In an editorial on 15th June, the Christchurch "Stat" put these very points, conclUding:

Clearfy, exhaust! ve feasibility studies are needed, .In addition to those .Lhe ,planning company has commissioned.

They should aim at

.~xam!nnq~ the

economic viability ef the project on acostami-return basis, as wen as on environmental grounds,

He)w would the cost of the proposed slurry Hnlt, compare with that for failing the-coal to the east coest for expon?

And most importanr of all, is this proposed use of the coal the best use, in the long term?

The deposits are a nonrenewable reSOUfC(S of highcs~ quality mat have taken millions of years to form, Once mined UJ10 sold, they are gone forever.

It is difficult to weigh the tangible needs of the present with the unseen future. but. it is something that has to be done when sucbamajor scheme. and such a valuable resource, are involved.

The history of japanese trading activities • and coal is a forceful example • is that they are unwilling to make long term contracts. Even where Ii long-term contract is made. the Japanese companies regard it as a guarantee of supply, rather than a gurantee otpurehase. Australia coal exporters in recent years. despitel<>ng-ternl contracts. have been forced by their Japanese customers to reduce prices and Quantities exported. State Coal (now the Coal Corporation) has had to renegotiate terms with its Japanese and Koreen customers for Buller coal annually since 1980. They have never bad a guarantee that either prices or quaatides will be maintained next y<', let alone in the longer term. Being· a tiny supplier in the world coal market • we supply hundreds of thousands' of tonnes armually. comparoo to tens of millions of tonnes from Australia and the U.S.A. • we have little negotiating strength.

It is interesting too that Mitsui Mining, one of GCL's sluueholders, is one of the Coal Corporation's main cUstomers fot BuUercoal. And the general manager Qf GCL is W. S. aWl) Partel, fcrmerly thee Under~Sec~etMy fQr Mines in

the Ministry of Energy, now described as a State coaimine manager on the COASt. In his former post. he repre-seoted State Coal in negotiations with Japanese interests (including Mitsu.i Mining) on Buller coat COn.l.l'aCl."

It is therefore unUkelythat a good price Of secure supply contract will be achieved for the coal if the mine is ever started.

Morc fundamental is the question of alternative uses, Exporting is the quickest and, for the company, the most profhablc way to exploit the coal. But New Zealanders would certainly benefit more if it could be used as a raw material or ruel in local industry. The most obvious use would ,be to replace oU Cor firing industrial boilers. GeL has no interest in invc.stisating such uses.

Nor bas it an interest in scaling down the scheme to a tonnage that would luit our needs. The proposal is to mine 2 million tonnes pet yeat. New Zea1Md domestic cODsumplionis cWTCndy around 1.4 minion &onncl. Tbe scheme is completely out of scale for New Zcalana conditions.

From a purely conservationist point of view. the speed and si~e of the huge underground operation proposed also makes it likely lhat wasteful minini methods wUl be used. To enslJre profitability. the company would ell.tlllct oilly the most acceQible cool.


oeL was formed in 1982. apparently as a result of a government decision in 1981 to seek private sector participation in the Greymouth coalfield feasibility study. Founder sbntcholdcrs included N.z. Forest Products. Todds 'bought lhem out, and Mitsui Matsushima took a 4.5 pet cent share. ill 1986.

Test drilling of the Oreymouth coal field WIlS CllI'ricd out (or the company by the Min'os Division of the Ministry ot Energy (using Lime and Marble Ltd as coneactor). In July 1983. the Division reported the biggest find as being 300 million tonnes in the Rapahoe block. wiLh a number of other possible areas t'or development. GCL had by then already applied for a coal PI'O$~ting licence.

In 1984, the government spent $750,000 on further evaluation of lhe eOllJrteld's resow-oct. By 1986. esLim:ltcs of the siu of tho block hAd been reducc(i,to 200 mtH1oRtonncl.The company is now eanyina our. a nine month. $9 mUlion, fCllSibiUty study,

Last reportS had lbc MayOl" ot Grc),mouLh. BUfY Dallas, Il11'CI1lCning "the conscrvlluonis, movement- wio. "the biggest_ bloodiest fight em its hands it it interfered in any wny· with tho project. Understandably in a community drowning in job losses, inctudina lhe February dismissal ofi 200 miner. by &he Coal Corporation. some West CoastelS are gmsplng at suaws.

CAPCA opposes &his $Choma as we oppose tho BuUer coal export scheme and lhe Mt Dllvy coal export proposals before it. The needs ot West Coasters have never been satisfied by Juch -al4slt and burn" cxploiUltion. and aU New Zealanden lose a valuable rosourcc.

Phi'-ip Agee's New Zealand tcurwas cancelled when he decided that he couldn't meet our m:lci-.June deadline. We had felt that bringing him out any. later would have got him entangled til the election campaign $ with an sorts

of attendant problems. Neither Ag(.~e nor CAFeA wanted him mixed up in

the election.

No such constraints IilPpHed to our co-sponsors (Agee's Australian tour' was being organised by a coa.l I t Lon of: the Anti-Bases Campaign. the Latin America Committee, the Committee in SolidarHy tdth Cenr ral America and the Car tbbean , plus Lnd Lvfdua Ls s ) They dedded to press on, and Agee was keen to visit Australia.

But in July the Australian government refused him a visa. This was in

the midst of Australia I IS snap election campaign. It. was hardly unexpected

.~ Hawke I s Labor government 18 the most embaraeaang l.y servile creature

of Reagan's America that it's possible to imagine. (And one extremely sensitive to cri.ticisms from New Zealand on its relationship with the

US - viz the ext.raor dfnary 5 page letter to eND from Defence Minister

Kim Beazley. It denies that America :is preparing a first strike nuclear strategy, and denies that there are any US bases in Australia! Only "joint defence facilities".)

Watchd98 55. reprinted a cable from the US EmbfJssy. in: Fiji detailing Agee's i.Q.fluence (via his seminal "Inside th .. ~ Company : CIA Diary") on opponents of a CIA front. the Asia-Ameri.can Free Labor Institute (AAFP) setting

up shop Ln Suva in 1977. The cable was extremely disparaging to named indi.viduals (the Secretary-General of the YWCA, who saw herseHas a "South Seas La Paet.onar La"}, and newspapers, specif:i.cally the "Fiji Sun. 'Wt'sent. the cable to Fiji t s, and are pleased to report that it

was reproduced in full Ln the very same "J?iji Sunil (che wr Lt er introduced himself as -one of those who pi.cket.ed AAFLI in ! 77). The story said it couldn't get a quote from the YWCA woman~ as she dtssolved into laughter.

Shortly after its pub Hcat Lon , thtngs weren't so funny, coup closed Fiji!.s papers , and New ZaaLand papers ran a same YWCA Secr et ar y-Cenera l being arrested, Watchdog AA:n,I had ret reat ed from Suva to Honolulu -. olil/tOllSl'if had undergone ajnarked change :tn emphasis. ~

of course. R.abuka's photo of the very reported that

CIA tactics in Fiji

When news of Agee I a Australasian tour Hrst broke in mid-' 86 t apartic.ularly vi.r lent story did the rounds of New Zea l.and papers, courtesy of the Press Association, It was \vrittl:ln by Pet ervSamuef , Aust.r a Lfan Asaod.atl2~d Press (AAP) correspondent inWash:l.ngton, It repeat ed all the

old Has and about Agee ~ he's in the pay of n Ln t.e Ll.Lgence ,

he has blood on hts ,,'etc.. IS inti':u"esting to note in "Her e Come

The UgHes" (see rev Iew in this issue) that; Samuel rates highly among the New Right :ichwlogues :l.n Rupert Murdoch I s medLa stable (Samuel writes for lIThe Austrelhm It" ~1lJrdoch I e rabid flagship). Samue l ranks

a whole sub-section of the media chap to h:l.mself. He vrLtes for a number of rat hag R:I.ghtwing journe.l.s , em the side. One such paper, "News

WeeklyH ~ covered Agee I s refusa.l , desert him as a;

activist, Cuban intelligence aRent,. saying his visit would have been B boost to the Leftwiog.

One last word on Agee. '1'/hoSE>' New Zea Iand tout would have been CAFCA t S

major activHy for 187. i4e refunded nearly $2 } 500 that was given or loaned to us. Fu l Ly 15% of that Wi~S re+r'efunded to us (much bet t er rat.e of return

that Tr'easury IS 10% benchmark ) , So thank you, one all.




Three police have been killed in an ambu.rh the Takaka Valley. The Golden Bay Liberation Front has escalated issacttvities with raids on police stations and thefts from farms, The Forest S'ervice has reported seeing ban..ds. of arm.ed guerril.las iii Northwest Nelson. Forest Park. Despite reinforcements from other parts 0/ the countrv the police arc unable to contain the violence, and the arm>: has been c~/led in. About 500 regular soldiers are carrying our a 'search and clear' operation in the Takaka ranges against em estimated 68 guerrillas.

SUCh was the fantasy hems ac!ed out hy soldiers of Ihe NZ R~jy ReltCtion Force in. Febrttary of this YIltU'.

The soldi.erll, from Bunlham Camp (Christchut'ch) were ptllCtising 'counterm$urgency - . the official le:nn for waging war agAinst a liberation movement. The lut time New Zell1l1.Od W6$ involved in real counterinsurgency operations Will; in the VielJ'larn War of the 1960!! md early F£nOs. That WM probably !he most! md. certainly the moM unpopular Wilt New Zealand hes ever been ixWolvcd in. <md since theri we. ere supposed 10 have been getting away from that wrt of Wilt, Successive defence reviews in 1978 and 1983 reduced our SO'Jlhel!.St Asitl IiInd c(}<flCel'ltr.llted <HIt effol18· more on the Pacific, Whitt "'''!l.$ 1J1~ Oolder! Bay exercise a!! lIIoout, ther(!

The exercise WIU called 'Hermit Park'.

It W!iS named mf'ter a ~ll1ch ItI!1d destroy operation clUried out by New 7,.e&1arA troops in Phuec Tuy, Vietnam, in 1911, The ,987 vei'sionof Herm!t FuJi; WI;l$ led by Lt Col, Norman Fry, woo hlild




l'ierl! in VietnMl. ''j''h!l'l curr<::n! 'OHM bein~ 'pl!tyed' IlICOOfcblli Army 1)111!'IIU.l1! of 1l1i"t e&llkiat

p1'1niculiu' the ttumurJ:.,

'Ct)un!erin~;u:q;tmcy '1' actical Doctrine

exereise in ·tr>e era, ln

tlli!!.i;d il1\d

Bit] Uberation Front. lntoUipnce reports compiled in early 1987 nweal.ed i!lllrrairl.g aevelopmmt.tI ~ ItICftIt meadnp between GBLP md MUIOrian forall. the eS!icbiiEhment (if GBLP ',at. houJu' md Ii courier sy&tMl for gerdn& ~ from !he toWN up into the bilJJ. WorN ~tiu. inflatMble aatt were seen hoadina into $!\o'n under CQver of dt.tknea. from rendexvoam with units or the M\IICdIn Navy,

The urny openmon was in tun awing when I vwited ilifl Takllb. "ue camp in mid.Pebnil1.ty. Camo~lflqed tenU were set Up round the perlmetu of the· Tlklb Rwrelhtkm Ground,. trueb were hic:lden undi:<r the trees, he1ieoptm with m!lchine-gur.nm hlUlging out the doora were lmding And tuina off, and aoldim were saul'lte.rin, around, every one of 1h<'~1il carrying II rifle at the tcady.

It 'WU I!ipOOky. It was like a

nign!m.sre. Wu lbiB tully New Zealllnd I wu in? Was thill what it would be lib if there were III military coup in New Zcmland?

Officem and Il!(Ilciim were ple.umt

S()lllh.e.t.~t A .. sia'.

The ea!nllrio !c.,' I.h~~,,()n:l1!e· CAn only 00 described .u bizilt'"". 1"he South blllr.d wu 'New :7...s.!t!w,,o' while the North Island became Ih" h(',$til~ li1Ate of MU!lOrb, Both had become iI1d~nt in the 19~. fV!\I,',ror'h hl\d d~ek>ped light !ndustry, while 'New' Zcll.h',.nd' relied on tourism. Relatioru hetwe«t th,,; two l'lad he,u!!. w dl,;!terlO!'~t,l1, ( 198::t The 'New Zt1al:mde~', wbo '!; of course, thee 'g¢OO!~" hlld tried to "diffuse (sic} the lIi.!:uiltlcn~ through billitemi l' ind through tM .south PllI;ific F~)itllm. But. things got worse, .,;11:.'1 MuwIl1> t1;;ltPfellSintt n:lildiJtl~,"iI ,0 I$~mi tAipIK7{tin~ di~;ddent 'New :2'Jg;$!i!OOo!'!' In Golderl Bay ?Jho were ~kil'" 'rel.lnitictli.ioo' with Mum(i,

"I'hU Il)).d to the c:rtIlttiort of me Goldm

'lOIt I!ven though knew I ,','Ii'S involved with tht,. peace mO¥(t,m,(lnt

({)Illdn'f help but admire their

prufcssion!!iism ' 1 trIAd the fe.eling thai II ever New 7.r..IlJMd were under tatillCk, th.'$.,~ people would make It good job of Hi, BIH mill W1\& not wh~! Ihll,y Wi:fC prar.ti~iJ:Ig in thisexercise,

Ready ~eaction Force

MoSI people in the peace movement arc OPP'I)Ued 10 u~ having 11 Ready Reaction Force 111. all. They see it !!.~ i'!Cil1f, a miniat'lte version of the V.S, Rapid Deployment Force, tI'lUlll',,;;j, equipped und ready to intervene wherever 'western', i.e., U.S., intetest5 are threatened, That, is whllt the U.S. used 10 require or us &sour contribution . 10 ANZUS. Some p(lopie in the peace movement do ste a need for It Ready R';.<lClIOn Force .. if we are to be aMI: so go to the aid of allY small Plldfi;:: o.mntry ... alI.J for QUI' help,

But whe.l,het or not we need II RRF, we Cl!ruinly .. do not need one that is training lo.fight liberntion mOVerne.rHS, If we Ill'C goirlg l",have II RRF at all, then h should be trtl.inin.t to slIpfJOfl libl!t9,!ion mOVeMMtll, For el(lImple. if the situation in New CnledoniO!. were If.,) deieriorate to warfare, then we w;l'\OI.!!.d support the l'(alllUtJl, not the P,e:nch. 'fila! WM not being practised (or in Golden Bay.

How come· the fIlmy were Y"racdlrl.ll,jJ CUUnlerl.nlmrgeTK:Y? I put II to thern thll.t this Will' 1'101 Ctr..rl'etlt goverMlf!nt pollcy; they n:pHed that It(Hmt had told them Hot II) prtllcdse OOllTlt~gem;;)'.

A Ministry off)ef«lce: rpok~1901l in Wellington uid that they had no idcl.l ,vh~.t W~~ 0011\3 practif.ed d()WTI in G'.)icim !:hy, T'hh, WlI$ c~lnf'lI'm(!.d by lhl.1. omeers irl the field, who ~;Ud that since this wilt only !l l:Hllttll.lion·-level exercise, all p!rmnlllg fer it. wat done II.\ Burnhll.m, md Mad office Wt.lJJ liot inioonoo.

Whl~ tlI) .~ Mrlll)/ l~)ple 141'11 the ide;!1 thllt oouTllerinlmrgency ill whllt they ~re strppolll&! to be Pl·cpp.ring f(}y? Are tJH~jI jUl1t te·Hving what lhc,y c()n~ider to M OM of '.!leir grlltlciet momenl,'t In the Vi~ti'ulm. WfJ.'J(, or is scrnecne teH'ml,l ille:m to do in u: it isn't s()meone in Wellingt;:m .• lOOn wh() is ii?

I think there are gOOld reasons for believing thlll the U.S.. miliuuy may have hoo IJOmelhlng to .do with III is exercise. ANZUS cooperation between the U.S. dnd N,Z, govemmerus is $upposroly dead, bUI cooperation between the V .S . and N Z. armies is dcfmitely still very much ltJille, through lIITangernents called 'P&cific Armies Management Seminars', These lite ten day lon.g, l'I'!()suy social get-together'S bested by the U.S. Army and attended by officers of I1Uf'Mf'CUl! iln'l'liC5 from III around t.M Paeific. They lite held in lUXUry OOt.tlli. uJluany in HIIWilii, and I,he IJS. Army justifle$ the expense by u.ying !.hey help to fQsler 'buddy' relationships between U.S. officern IlfId !heir fonign (;ounterpartli. Despite the rulegoo ANZUS breakdown New' Zeruand "meers still attend, and in Marcil 1.985 the NZ. and U.S, annie;! eve!! ce-hosted one &I: the HyauKingsgate hotel ill Aucldmd. Lt Col. f'f)'. comml{ilding offk~ at H~mut r'atll:, WI$ an 's!tt:fu1c(:' at tt'lftt ~lmat. (See eoo of w!:le .. )

u.s, military influence

MO$t 'of theiline at. the 8emin1A:!'S is ~pe:'ln 1)1"1 lIightse($ing . lOlli'S,. hJl'ICheon,,~. difll'lI':r~, coda ail hours, happy hours, liilld Ihe like. but lIomethin~ less thM Wee hU\I.n pet day is spent in $~;min&' sCS$lQtI$, What do the officers: talk aoout then? III it m:>l lX}uible {hgt the U ,5. c.ffic-.en tell oHlcet;l) like Nt'!'fflUlIl Fry tl) hep 01'1 prllctiJiing totmtedn~ul·gen{;)!i.)il'~I'iIJt,e some day !.he ANlUS rift will be healed, and the U.S.

will !h~'$! wmnt 'fJ.!\; t() he.ip in oome new 'Wilt defendillg U.S, interesw lI.gainst some A~i&n H~l!tioi'i movement? ,

There b one even mote disturbing possibility. ',,",,'hen a..d,ed where they saw to flatu 1lI ooul'lt.el"in$lltl;ency operation lik~ the l,:me they were pnctising. an officer in Ooldm Bay replied: "Well, ItsUfJlty it would be overseas .... "

Usually? Was that just sloppy

language, Qr did he really think that iI would Also be in New ZealMO - that some day the N.Z. Army might be hUnting down di.nident New b.a1iinders in. !he New Zealand back country? Wha! $0.11. of New ZeaImden? MIlOri?

Exercises similar to Hennit PlIl"k art probably happening all the time. There WM one en Oreal. Burley hlind in early 1984 which WIIS exposed and publicised by disrurbed residenl.8. There WIllS an even more obnoxious ene II,! Oxford on the Canterbury Plain, in 1983. when locals were sub,jectedto road·bloelu. llIurrcptitioU& photography a:nd que.t.:oning.

111(', a.."11ly does not pubUclse these e·)tcl'cit$Ct ImY more than it hall to. The only people who gel to know about t:hem' !!.I'& me locals who 11'(1 affected. The Golden l~.ay Peace Oroup made Il. go(xi

of invuti3Rling,. publicising ll1id

protestlng about the Hermit Park

exercise. Puoo groups everywhere

ll!1ou!d keep 00 lookout for future elterdlle~ md make 8urethe re,,<\;i of. the peace movement IUl"IU about them.

OWEN WELKES April 1981.

Photocopif.lS 0/ 1M March 1985 Ptu;i{1C Armies Manag;emem Se.'1IiMr tlgellda and list of ettendees (lP'1! available from the authar. OW,ef! Wilw is ,1 peace activist and A.t pr/$!tlfnt hoft works lor Peace M(JVem.ertJ ;\(lfearf}(J.

level (the metal bands). he didn I t exist t

t.hat CAFeA prcgnosf.s of a psychopath. done many praiseworthy much by Reagan that he

• 'life I re only concerned

an lot

things for the Libyan tr:Lf3f~ to have him »/ith

And what: are Arab state. ",·hose has been of brand from the a little

• thinly populated North African

with near and far

ran a gloat::ing photo spread Gaddafi's troops as they fled on Earth (with

mind, donft in 1987,

story, Suddenly that Libya was politically improbable Factions of the

The latter to Australia. condominium of

leader. Father nuclear testing. an independent fleet. It

had warned


Lange expeUedKGB agent jumped on the band.wagon, tra.ining and arming later·

, and trl5dned

or the NZ

r;," "

,,1 . .) 1.

coup) <

Hayd~,m!Lal1g(~ secret

night horror seems more there vas nothing presciently po:lnted

wrong colonel

Suddenl.y on. In the HDolilird,onSunday Ttmes!! (3/5/87) US Coemander

tn Oltef; Fleet, Admiral Lyons. described Gaddafi. as 13. !!terror:tst

and a cancer". also attacked Lange. Mva dra. Budnik; Gorbachev! and

John FiKennedy(!). "Australian defence analystsH claimed Libya's move

Lnt;o Vanuatu posed regf.onal. security chr eat since WI!. Lo

and behold f a previously unknown group in Wellington, the Aot.earoa L:tbyan· Solidarity Jamahirlya, publicly announced that it had' received unspecified ata from the Soviet Embassy, 'wanted l .. fbya to open a NZ embassy, and had

. sent members to Ltbya , VaniJatu more correctlydefil'uI!d the source of the hysteria as ASIO (the Australia.n Security Intelligence Organisation).

It referred to the hypocrisy of Australia having a Li.byan Embassy in Canberra (since expelled) \>;hilst criticising Vanuatu for recognising Libya (and

no Libyan embassy has been opened in Vila). When Vanuatu recognised Cuba

in 1983 the Australian media talked of a "Cuban connect.ton'' - the accredited Cuban ambassador was in Tokyo ,mu.king an annual visit to Vila. When Vanuatu allowed the Soviet fishing fleet shore based facilities. there was similar hysteria - ignoring the fact that Muldoon allowed the same to the Russians in NZ~ and they'n! still here <,

By 5 Mey, Vanuatu correctly stated that the hyst.erIa Signified. one thing only -that it waselettion year in Aust:raHa .and New Zealand. The Foreign Minister warned Australia to mind its own business, and stop acting like

a colonialhully. .

On 6 May, the "Star" quoted a former Australi,:m UN administrator as caLl.Lng OaddafI S "ct.ever and cynical snake using religion 8S a poison to mesmerise people for his own ends •.•. · I have come to know him fj.xst and foremost as..e political and rel:i .. giotls maid,acwho will stopanoth:lng to infiltrate small forp()Utical purposes on the grounds of expanding the Moslem faith'!.

But the most <lstoflish:tng yellow jeurna li sm belonged tel G(~ffEasdown of the IIMel bourne Herald" (for some inexplicable reason i the "Star" gave his pieces frontpage lead or editodal page fenture status). They'te an interesting study fn gut cer journalism.

At least Easdown answered onequeet Ioa> who started all this crap? None other than the old master hims~~:lf ~ General Vernon ~~al s, US Arnbassador

t.o the UN ~ US Ambclssador at t former Deputy -Df.reccor of the CIA t

and acknowledged coupmast'er 1953 (Sf)S Greg Ansley's " " column

of 20 May, reproduced in. "Wrltch&>g 5611• It documents Walters I covert career, based almost; e)(clus:tvelyon matertal from CAFCA resources).

Walters had a busy South Pacific trip. He was in F:tji just before the

coup (reassuring the gullible 'Savedra that the US would respect his nuclearfree policy); and during a Vila st opover, hfs Secret Service bodyguards claimed torecogrdse two L:Uiyan l:igen~samong the guests Ln the same hotel. 'I'hiscaused such US const.ernat.tontthat one 58 agent broke into the hotel I s

office to check guest register t and was caught doi.ngsb. Tht s' was

:3 days before Hayden! s flight to Ohakea , So the Libyan story ortg:inated with· Vern6nWalter$~ the man depicted on t;h~:\ cover of !'CoVert Acti611 . Information Bul.Let.Ln" as the "Face of Terrorism". Our old mates the CIA, wlth ali ttle help frt)lfl Austx'a.l:tan intell:tgence ~ weie at work" That was

enough to f:ascto'wn .~ his was .. headed "Ltbyanspy paf.r exposed itl Vila".

Easdown ran several st.ortes , His was that s:td'eiined by

the stroke he's suffered in the US, all places, Real power belonged

with Barak Sope , ()fthe ruHng "anini' ~ku Part.i.', and it was he vho was heyind the l,:i_hyan EasddwIl' spoke to one

Sope IS bodyguarria, Taf,u Lauru, who had been sent to Libya for studyand training, descri bing him as "Li the. sullen, and well over 180cm t Lauru Looks fit and tenot the type to pick a fight with". Easdown concluded that. the VP activists who ' • reat to Libya were trained in crowd control.

For total l"ac,ism~Easdown excelled hi.tuself in anot.her piece: "This is

a place where a political st rongraan is. protected by two Libyan trained bodyguflrds. Here in this confederation of islands; other spiea

- .. trained in Libya - watch and report on the movements of visitors. Vanuatu was once a. paradise in the South Pacific. An idyllic place where holidaymakers sat in the tall palms beside a tropical lagoon and forgot about workaday worries. The tourists have long gone. Now in their place, the government of Father Walter Lini looks to Libya and its mad colonel for

help •••. It is a place from where young men are sent to Libya and who

later come home as trained bruisers and political thugs", Barak Sope

Ls a "short; un:impressi ve man" t but the real power in Vanuatu.

Easdovn concludes: "It is obvious Vila is ripe to be influenced with misplaced political Ldea.La -. especially if they are accompanied by money. The fact is that Vanuatu i.s broke. Last year the Government sacked nearly 300 of Its own workers. What has occurred here in the six years since

the French and British left is a scenario played out in many former colonies. Left to their own devices they cannot manage, the p Lace turns seedy and

looks for radical change".

Eaadosn had one last fling C'Star" 11 /5/87) entitled "Warrior's spirit unbroken hy a Vila jailfl• This lauded to the skies Ji.mmy Stevens. the

man who had led the Nagriamel separatist uprising on the island of Espiritu Santo (now. doing 11 years jail in VUa, reduced. from 40). This separatist uprising ~ financed by Am.E!rican businessmen seeking a South Pacf.f i,c taxfree haven for themselves, and acttvely sided by the French, was a

real threat to regi.onal stability (unlike the Libyancol1coction). It

was only put down with the aid of Papua New' Guinea.' S army , Yet Easdovn waxes eloquently about Stevens - "Thi.a delightful man , so different from

the surly. uncooperative figures who run the ruling Vanua'aku Parti office here.... This pr Lsoner who once dared to challenge the incoming Libyan administration al1dwho took on the army of Papua New Gutnea, which was brought in to stop ham and h:ts warriors •. ,. II

Nothing more was heard frO!'fl Easdown after that, Perhaps the "Sta.r" felt embar'raased at having lowered :ttselfinto the gutter that constitutes

so much of Australian lijournaHsrn", Perhaps his nose grew and he died

of an acute attack of imaginativ(~ hyperbole. Perhaps he choked on bullshit.

The Fiji, coup df.ver ted media attention elsewhere Ln the Pacific ~ then

back to the AustTal::!,an and }.f'Z elections. Vanuatu ended its military links with Australia, which had besmirched its reputation with the independent I)acific states. Lange, wisely ~ decLded not to follow Hayden in promat.Ing the "Libyan connect.Ion" phantom.

The reality of Vanuatu is that it is a t.axhaven, an oasis of no questions asked laissez fa Ire capitalism" CAFCA hasava:ilablEl for hire an excellent Australian SBSTV "Date.ldne" documentary (1986) on Vanuatu I in the concect of Soviet fj .. sh lng activitil'.;ls (including NZ). It features a long and articulate interview withWalt(~r Ltrri.. It has not been screened Ln NZ.

It costs $10 to ,

Nof" should we think Western inte.U:Lgence agencies are invincible in the South Pacific. There will rle great consternation in Langley. Virginia

secktng of Sir'l'orn. Davis as Islands

, unantmoual y endorsed by Par l.Lament . France a major aaaet.

and the Champs Ely see Premrer by his own and the CIA have

The ill8:; hysteria vias the closest the Pacific has been to a dis:i.nformation campaign bui1d:tng up to a Grenada invasion type scenario. Vanuatu has been the subject of lIes and hosti .. 1ities for years because it dares to

O(:! Independent in fact 8.£3 well as name Couple it with Libya, which is

til f<~vouri,:etarget of US cHfd.nforl'nat:Lorl (remember the "Libyan hit squad I!

that ;>I'as going to assassinate Reagan'i ) and you have the makings of a textbook i.1isinformatioi1 operation.

anker's warning on NZdebt

WELLINGTON (PA). - New Zealand'. eWilaUng O\lffSll!Uldtb' Ii .ear· In, tlte lelIJIae of SOMe debi'l'iddeB South American CUIUltries. s tormrr Nationa! Bank chief eXet~uU\le, Sir Jobn Mowbray, toid tM Wellinltoll eII.rober of ~mmett:e:.

1M df!bt hlld lumped 256 per cent th,,u advent of tbe Govern." ment, Slr John Dalll.

Bank o,f New Zealand «(lI'I,U!lllsts and olhers bad a~ tbc t(l~l debt at more tilan $~O,OOOm.

Servicing the oobt wOllld. !.lke I MllgefoWlly lil,h porUooof export

income, he said. . .

''Tbe tolal is likely !.onave reached II level equivalent to 10 to 75 per cent of annual gross domestic product

''TtU5 Is extl'erneiv high by InterTUl.tio;ud standards arMi bringlt' 11$ 11Mif' the league of some df!bi·rldden .south American countries, soH ill' more than' serious," Btl' Joh., imido

The debt had .evecf~ implicatioI'M1 for New Zeal&IJd's ability t.o acbieve rea- 5on.abif! ~mlegrowth In 1I.ltll.n~. h0 Hid.

'rhe uport ~tors had ~~;~ suffering badly thrQugb hilt! Inter~t If'atts. lUI overvalued . l:urrency and an inflaUQR rate consideubly higMr !.hill oVllrseas competitors.

"New Zealand's International com petttlveness undoubtedly hall ~lldeeHtI~ ifJ.g proffmEvely and thlll trend is 'In~oml, s Sir John $;lid,

'It .ia .M! !iasy to e;tUmll~e the Itxtellt It~· dedhl0 h1 trui~/. r~laHve term:s

sm~ 'l"NeIO 1"'87

but, maybe, QUI' expOrter'll are in a piJlU.lon of bell'll 20 per cflnL 01' mQre wom Qff Uum In 1984."

Sir John said nttu.rea showed manufactured exports hjld af·ot/oed !it to 32 ~r cent of total New

Zealand expotts. ' ..

"We have been.~il'lg, too. Ii steady ltek offshore c~ nUlflufadurlng opera-

tions," he said. .

Farm profitability ill moot area!! W"!l e.xtreml!!ty low or MINtxistent


Sir John warned of incf"e.ll$lng poverty, which had. Implicatiol!s for welfare costs and widening dhtisio.r.s within SOCiety.

"I am concerned at the lroCi41land l"<egi1(lnal !:JSues and problems which are emt'rg!ng and look. likely to Widen dilfisiom within our soclel.y tl\lel'.l tyrther," M said.

''U J am rigbt In what I have heen saylni •. ttnempioyment witl increase ,Uld hlsher numbera of chronic umemployt'd wm emerge and may produce similar probiems 1.0 those 'ere.too in Eucopelll'l countries over re<:ent years.

.. "T!i~re ii also the qUUl.lon of Inc:rea$log number:> ol people falUn, heMnd the poverty une., whatever definition yO\! iRke for this

"Unfortunately, all!'aat in thl> shm't I.' medium term, it is the section of the community 'Hith the lcut economic muscle wh!cb is lIke1r to hllve Ul. abBorb the relatively larlC I' Q!: tl'Ie ~I ....

v.latchdog 56 ed length the contents of CAFCA Secretary Murray

Horton I Iii. "personal H information from the Po H.ce file on the March 1972 Mt John demonstration.

It explained that CAFCA had applied for "off tc te L" tnformat:ion from the same file, and had met with (:1 Police demand for a $300 deposit, before

they would under take to even consider r(~leasing anything (the 1975 Resistance Ride Police fillkl also detailed in Watchdog 56, originally consisted of

pages blank except for Horton I~ s name , That was rectified. By the way. "persona l." informatj.clfl. Ls free). We were waiting for a decision on our appeal, to the Ofl'lbudsman.

Now we have tt.~. logjam is broken, and we are satisfied. Philippa Oldham, Chief Investigating Officer for the Ombudsman, wrote to us in April asking us to ring her collect to di.scuss the matter (8 first, in

any of our numerous Official Information Act deaHngs with the Ombudsman). This '<las duly done, and we had a most engagang 45 minute chat , (She also wanted to discuss an unrelated and im::i.nitelymorecomplicated OIA request that tches back 2-t years, with 'no resolution ye~ in sight. One day t

Watchdog readers will get the whole story).

Philippa Oldham exp Iat.ned that OIA'requests concerning current or recent Police files are easiE.~rto process that 15 year old ones. We doubt that. The origlnal source ()f. out Po l.Lce files requests. Sergeant Mlchael (see Watchdog 56) told the "Listener" that he wanted his Auckland Uni.ver stt y Htst.ory riA research essay to end. not as it does at 1973, but at 191':31 BUT the Police would not allow one of their own staff access to those fi.les. (By the way? anyone thinking that OIA requests for 1972

Police Ls of obscure academi.c interest only, should r'ef Lect

on the fact that Dean Wickliffe is only Ii free man today because he gained access to his 1972 murder conviction HIe under the OIA. This led to

a change of crime to manslaughter and release on parole).

Philippa Oldb.Cl.m also asked CAFCA would be prepared to sign a secrecy

undertaking 1 if allowed to view the fI Le at Police Nar.i onak flO in Wellington. It was explained that Murray Horton had already visited the relevant policeman (Chief Inspector i.~arran Pratt; Deput.y Director. Support Services) there.

in Oct.ober 1986. Pratt had tnttally told Horton that the latter could

peruse the fHe? and pick out what he '<Ian ted. But when Horton arrived

to do jlJst that, said he'd been overruled by Police HQ legal section. Nobody could see unvetted Police files. So we told Philippa Oldham that regar dl.eas of whether areA was prepared to sign a secrecy undertaking

or not was irrelevant, as the Police had already vetoed any prior. access to this (and presumably any other) fHe.

However the breakthrough came from Philippa Oldham. She pointed out that the file is 406 pages long (ext raorddnar y when you realise that the demo didn't even occupy a fun weekend'), audit is repetitive. The material supplied to Horton as his "per sona L" information bore this out. CAFCA

had asked for Police eyew:itness accounts of the events of 11/12 March 1972 at Mt John~ and a Poli.ce analysis of those events. Oldham pointed out that there vere 60 eyewitness accounts (some of which had already been



demand for

CAFCA acc ept.ed nended OrA

request, He I to gi ve

to PolLce even better. the

Murray Horton 'The Chief Ombudsman I

John Robertson. wrote Police had agreed to

provide E\ sample (125 had been identified as bedng relevant).

and that he had asked them to charge us or not.hfng , Robertson's

letterH8s unusual Ly long (Lt pages), and went into on the guidelines for fixing charges on OIArequ.ests and steps t.aken to minimise those charges.

(We appr Police dHficul 'Wj. til an urrindexed 'lOO page f:Ue and

appreciate the time and trouble they went to to meet our request ) , Some of his lettli~r is \'lorth quoting,

"In view of the resolution now ach::!.eved it is not necessary for me to form any v:i,ew on whether or not. the Po Lf.ce should have g iven you access

to the Mt John in this ';iay (Le supervised access after giving a secrecy

under+akang ), By wuyof general comment however I a potential

difHc.::ulty tn that MAY (his emphat::1is) contain information of

ongoing reLevance to investigative techntques vhtch could justifiably

withheld under Section 6(c) the Act. I accept that:ln some cases

this possibil.ity. remote though it might be , Ls sufficient to justify the Police refUSing supervxsed fH':CE'SS to files unless they have first

been. read and :ttl detail to check whether they contain "sensitive"

information. and the f:Lle is likely

to occupy component., superv tsed accesa after

has or no reduction f.n t.he charge

:iJwolv\?:d, !1

there act:toning a of waiver

Police time

consider the possibility

only express a view the poJ .. nt you

that; I if the charge

you This

, i.n my view the whether the request final comment, you or unqualified

Robert.son' a the [nan whose

job :!:t 19 to and Act. liThe 1 .. asued gu:Ldelines in of charges t since

reviewed. and a description meeting a

request for which a. charge could The guide1.:tnes

Lncorporute. e Ilthreshold" approach whereby thef:i.rst hour staff time

and the first pages of phot.occpy Lng are fret':, ALTHOUGH MY UNDERSTANDING



(our I!::!rllpha.sis). ! t know how much the

pu bl'i.c should be! We 1 ve writ ten to the

Attorn{£~y-·Gt:;,;ne!'al the for Services)

to see Ombudeman on

police it rnight investigation

we recef.ved our Nati.onal HQ had

to 125 re levant "Limiting your required to produce the

waiver the charges so Clt Bny further

will t LE!a ted on its

$300 deposit (w' no

17 pages. All names of 'WaS deleted because

including the prevention 1

A samp l e of degree been osen to accounts ar e Some of these are worth,

accounts were provtded. HAs they have a repet.Lt i veness I the samples supplied have gccount of eventst!. Indeed these eyewitness "personal" information provided to Horton. quoting,

One icop wrote arrogant .... approach from the

obecerut Les and puppet s"; "fasci st; pigsH etc. would have gathered. all varLous other comment s towards the occupants TV documentary (1ft will reaUse

at t.Ltude at all times was

demonstrators began to assemble and the power plant durLng which

the Police, eg "fucking American

At this up to 100 demonstrators

} . "b 1] h i 'f d "f k" d

'v~ere cnant tng ur.i s t t ' an uc an

Police~ very little if any being directed (Anyone vi.ewtng the recent

v:isit $ and obscent.ty trial,

f "1-. 1 h' 11 d "f k" )

evance 0 ou.i. srrrt an lAC, -.

:immecHately abuse

, eg "fascist

and so on. It .;tas obvious ccement s , Chanting broke most domin.antH• Rocks. power plant~ and the

On: th(! was hurled towards

, " them that the Police, out ,dth the paant.bombs and observat ory

on cops. on the Sunday morning?

avoad the pr evt.ous night I s Smith bitten on the leg and Richard dog;s. Much more seriously. schoolboy face by a doghand l er , suffering

a broken jaw.

One cop descr+bes find:Lng a demonstrator '\;,' a knife. he's use it to defend himself po Hce dogs ,~. he

subjec t tvf.t.y some of these reports

cops is breakthtaking.

latter said wasn f t silly.

Ie (anonymous)

actions of:' oLl: 1I and "Yanks saying what HAILER (our not possi bl/~

words of "fuck

the demonstrators IDIOT WITH A LOUD wind :i,twas

police demonat.racor s w81:A.the broken of the work IlF'UCKrI memliers.!!

I can

Nor was the action wasc~mstant aggravation Lake Tltkspo; the read tCI was painted up \.itha slogan

removed by shopkeeper,


! campsite hy

; village store

vord . . , , '~Th1s was later offender's act Ions , It

"Dur Lng .the course of my pat:rl:) I not Lced many torchlights shdrring

on the side of !~t John. 'I'he side Mt John. very steep and dayli.ght

it is a df.f'f Lcu Lt; climb. In the darkness , evenw:itl1 the light of a torch these persons ar e risking a fall could to ser-Ious

The rocks are of a volcanic type and they have very sharp edges" (more

credit to those who made the climb, to be set upon by dogs and boots

at the top).

'I'his cop graphf.caf.Ly descr-ibes the US base under siege on the Sunday. "At one stage theelectr:I.clty eutwhf.:n the USAF engdneer went

to leave the mafn bu:i.lrliI1S to go generator room he was forced back

i.nto the garage by the barrage rocks \~h:tch were landing in the area, •••

While watching I saw a rock t.hrown by somecne in the back of the crowd

come :in the df.rect Lon of bu:i.ld:tng the window through which

I was looking. This was followed se~eral mJ .. nut.ea later by a lighted sulphur

canister (stink bomb) •• " T'he smoke from th:l.s d.riftedthrough the broken

W~, an offensive odour bu:ndlng".

This same cop lays it em hilltop access road 'Iueedaj ! )', and, lists 6 further being chucked out a bus

used by demonstrators to upl:Ut a

He damage to the

schoo Iparty the following burning mattress language being the 're.kapo garage 1972" ,

His conclusion is of res:l.dents in this disgusting and they to enable them to take about the Ruat.orIa years.

general, cpam.on demonstrators was

bemor'e power-s for police

nerson ,," He coul d 1"" wr "itl'."lf]

./'i;":'.,j~"'To!, ,10 ~). ; ,.,..,~ ",~J., ,.n,,. 'f\I.I<.-I.. toO

no rhfng changed to 15

A mor-e coherent over'al.I of: "Operat f.on F'lI'<"r'·"";;:'I"" provided by the policeman in char-ge (anonymous i of. unapec ifLed rank). lIDur:l.ngthe

course of the march through the city (Tfmaru) Language was prevalent.

but \dth. one exceptIon of the not be established.

Ii. man (deleted) is however to prosecuted language

during the cour-se of this m£l.rch",

Parami1ita.:ry Language "On ar rLva.I police at l'it John it, was. seen, that !.Spottf,H'S· were already deployed over the mountain, but

was not un t:il the approach darkness that 1}m saw a.ny I bui,ld.,..up I on

the mountain. by . demonstrators", The ccps 1tlel"eobvioualy expecting

big t:,X'publ(;; -e- .<:i 100 yard was est.abl.Lshed the,assum.pti.ou

that rocks and mo l.ot.ov not from that distance

and BUll reach proper t.y ", tn the tinder

dryHack~;nzi(~\I/{~re • llght:ing crackers I

A p:rot.e8t Ur\r,laS summonsed to speak with the commander via police

car bottom. of the hill, The comeander reminded him of

a written. as surance to the of Canterbury (the owner of the

private to remove <~11 told me that after discussions

'I\!ith ht s that they did not c1assHv debris as Lt.t t er but as an act

of def tance , )nlustrates the dHficulty the police have in dealing

with mat t ers such as thf.s wherE~ acts cannot. be proved against

specific :lndividuals. WE~ clearly need some legal provision embracing overall resp()tlsibili.ty on demonstration or-gam.ser s , II

The comaander thought; that hl.ockfng the road was part of a mast

to strand the cops up P-ft John whilst the wicked demonstrators raced back t.o the USAF EO at lMashdyke (Timan!) to wreak further havoc. So he "set

off in hot pur suf.t after the demonstrators en route to Timarun• He needn "t have bothered _, blocking the road was a totally spontaneous act to blockade the US mn:ttary ~ and. not incidentally, all the cops who had imprudently stationed all their vehicles on the hHltop. They had to sweat their

way down~ clearing boulders (wltb the aid of a snowplough).

"The main difficulty experienced at. Mt John was that the ar ea not being

a public place made many incidents no offence, but even so, had it been

a 1'\1 hl tc place every demonstrator would have been guilty of disorderly behaviour, obscene language or some sf.nriLar offence, and it would not have been Ii practtcal proposition to arrest all these persons. As I have stated earlier my aim was the protectton of US property and personnel. This aim was largely achreved :tnthat about $5 worth of damage was caused

to the US property when t\>m windo'Ws ."ere broken ..•. I! (This is worth repeating ~ damage to actual USAF property amounted to $5!)

may be said that in the road being damaged that I faLl.ed to achieve my afm .- the road Ls the proper tyof the Canterbury University and as was clearly stat ed in writing by (deleted) to the University authorities, their property would be :respected and also as the demonstrators had no

axe to gr Ind ,.d the Canterbury Univers1.ty my pl.anmng did not include

the protection of the roadway, I am sure it will be agreed that this bf.zar-re inci.dent was far beyond reasonable Lcns , II

He conc ludes; at Ht John worked very hard and very long

hours ill try:tng condLt.Lons both from th .. } demonstrrat.or s and weather

conditions. I am proud :restra::int(!) shown by the police and of

the hard work done by them, may be a case where the Commissioner. of

Pc l Ice lllay conai.der gr ant.tng some extra. annual leave as a reward for good work done. r am quite confident that pol Ice act.Lon Ln this demonstration

over these two days will any Inqut ry should be found

necessary". (The stirrings of a guilty ccnscfence? )

So Ht John ent.ered mythology. The University of washed its hands of :its USAF lease (taken over by the Grown~ under the Kirk Labou.r government); repercussions of the demo itsf,llf reverbarat.ed until the '81 Tour , if one is to believe Sergeant Meyrick! s research essay. Hysteria

was whipped up by thepolj.ce and pro-US elements a.tTimaru public meetings; the 1973 Harewood demo vas met with a full quasi--mil.:itary police response under the command of would-be fascist Gi.deon Tad.t , But dogs were never used again atptotests .- aftf~r a11 a bt.t t.en peni.s , and a smashed. jaw are

a high price to pay damage.

was USE'd to put

of The! commander

He 8tJiW a man f.n blood. back to S:tn.C'i:: when that and this

a schoolboy, Derek Bunn) whose face was covered

by USAF Medical Officer and then driven

" . ) f· di 1 .. I'l't h

( (lem.onstrators· or mem ca. t r eat ment , . .I:lS

the that th:l.s 1J"t<-:l11 suffered his:flijuri!~s

by a. doghandler, I have earlier stated

the vicinity vhere this roan had been injured

emphas:ts) (deleted) d:i.d not kick

Nor d:id (de·leted) nor I touch any demonstrrat.or which I refer to here ",

When Bunn ' [5 cdvt I damages claim was heard in Tilliaru in 1975. the judge

ruled that he had indeed been kicked i.!1 thefne€! by an ident1f:l.ed d.oghandler. Because of a legal technic.ality I he was awarded nf.I damagea,

"Dur-Ing the time I was absent from Mt· John ret.urndng to the camp 1 further trouble was experienced from tn.e demonstrators in that greater numbers

of them moved forward close to the southern perimeter of t.he base stationt and were at the poHce and were a.ttempting to hurl rocks

at the power transformer stat:ion some distance short of the base building. JJu:ring thd.s incident at least two demonstrators 'were bitten by. police

dogs. - (De.let.ed ) had had to employ both po Hce dogs at thi~.I point to stop demonstrarora frOl)'l getting with:!.n missile throwing ddst anca of US property. TvlO of these men who were bitten received medical att.entidn". (Ian Smith was bttt en on th.eleg ~ Rtcbard-Suggat e on the penfs , The Minister of Police stated that Suggate. had been throwtng rocks. -. he had to. make a televi.smd apology. Suggat e sued. for damages , and recef.ved an out of court settlement). Onl.v one arrest vaamade at the actual demo -- Brian 0' Brien

of Dunedfn I IS Anar;::hist. A:tm)r I inc:tting dt sorder ,

The commander d~c;8C.rJ. "what appeared to be an unexploded

bomb" and "tV.;O pc:Lmitive cocktutl.s", Prot.est; organiserscoutacted

the po l.t.ce to compl €ti.n of meet.Lng \v<'1S held at midnight.

HAt thf.s HlEH'ting I strongly repr-imanded (deleted) for their lack

of, They admi.t.ted they had no control their followers - the

meet.Lng served no real purpose";

Sunday got to a bad for the cOfllrnander~' Christchurch NZBC rang

him to tell Derek Bunn was in Bur-wood Hospi.ta.I with a. fractured jaw,

He describes the hilltop demo - the d.elegati,on that toured the USAF installation~ the rocks, s!nokebomb, etc. Then he desc.ribed the most extraordinary occurrence of a highly unusua.l

!I'\.I!J:dle ·the delegat:t.on, building I a number'

of demonat racor-s wereSCflHf,;; in t\l{OS and threes, this time

Lt; was very l<rindy very cold and because of the lack of formal activitie~ ..

it was presumed they were goIng down to rejoin buses.

When the final demonstrators had the scene of the US pr oper t y I police

observers ·deta.i1ed to ,>latch depar-ture reported to me that the road

from the summit down Mt John was blocked boulders and other debris. The road cannot be· seenf'roe the USAF t~tat:Lofj. •.... From· a vantage point on

t.he hill I vas able to see a d:tst2'l,oce of 'about It mile$ down the road ,

The demonstrators had cover'ed the boulders making Lt :i.mpassa.ble

to motor vehicles. The road 2. and beyond the point about

a mile down I· could see demonstrators fur tcual.y ~ngaged

They could also be

was not for the police to

to apprehend the offenders nothing cannot; be idtmtified II ,


But t4ait t there I IS more, (and CA.FCA founder)

Owen W:i,lkes recef.ved his ion from the Ht John f::U,e~.

For whatever reason partial to chaps in leather

shorts) it was considerably more voluminous than the corresponding personal information provided to I'1ur:t:"ay Hort.on , or the 17 pages of official information. Chief Inspector Pratt i S cover-Ing letter evenapologile for the delay:

1'1 trust that: the wait for the information has not inconvenienced you,

consf.derdng the hi, nat ure t.he documents".

As wen as actual f i Les , the poHce provided Wilkes with relevant newspaper clippings. The headlines say it all "- "Inadequat e legislation for demonstrations" $ "Ac.tions of demonstrators shock police chief", "Night assault made on Nt John base- damage and obscenities mark d.emonstration", Even photo capt:i.ons betray media bias - "Spokesman for the demonstrators.,

M:r 0 Wilkes, tells the group what he thinks is the satellite base I $I mUitary purpose". A "I'Imaru Herald" ed i.t.or i.aI (13/3/72)· was headed "Violence

at Mt John!! and denounced lithe rabble element", It concluded: "As for

the Americans in our midst, they are here because the great majority of

the people of this country approve (If and welcome their presence. It

is surely unnecessary to emphasise that the ranting of a small group of leftist zealots does not represent the authentic voice of New Zealand"

(this sounds suspiciously like the rabidly hysterical IfStartl and "Pressll editorials on.the 1987 "threat. II to Deep Freeze).

Much afthe files provided are repetLt tve and. have already been discussed, Le the 8 page overall analysis by the commander (except that Wilkes' name is the only one, police or protestor, .to appear in this copy). Thus, "Wilkes did not make any s of a provocative nat.ure": it was Wilkes who had iapp'l Ied in writing for permt safon to light campfires $ etc. It

was W:Ukeswhc) got lumbered the injured Der ek Bunn to get him away

from the scene of t.he cr mi<1ntght. meet Ing to discuss protestors I

comp Iat.nt s of police wit.h tl!'Hkes and (deleted). It W?lS Wilkes

.. lIla told the coamander police car radf,o that his written undect.aktng

to the Un'iver sj.t y to remove did not include boulders I as they were

!Ian act of defianceH•

10 eyewitness reports by cops ver e also provided; some of whtch

had already been provided CAFeA. Thus we read again baLdfaced

denials of any police Der ek Bunn ' s broken jaw. "The

demonet rat ors wer-e informed that the police requested that

the rock thro'''i.l1g stop? hut he then added that it was over to them. This was .rat.her regat lve ana!1u:at(~d for them to carryon II.

One cop! s report is qu Demonst rator e "appeared intent

on sabot.age" and were After describing the arrest of. the

Anarchtst; Army's B:rianl;:O the Sunday morning. "We found a beer bot.t.Le "lith) it, J obviously petrol in it. There waSla handker ch i.ef stuffed inside the bot.t Le and the petrol and

lying al ongs ide it was a was apparent: from thea:ppearance

of these articles that they could been. left there the previous

night, as the adverse weather conditions in this area would soon show

their mark. The twine was dry and the bottle and twine had a fresh appearance. Unfortunately my fi.rst thought was to make cert.afn that th:l.s could not

bE~ used .by later demonst.rat.or s ~ w"hich wer e expected. I therefore poured

the petrol out; and broke t.h~ ina small rocky cavern where it would

not present a dangar , A fur-ther on the knoll. I. found a light

bulb. sealed at its ,d,th wax. and fun (If·what was apparently printer's

ink. or sim.ilar. I 8.130 broke. this Ln an out of the way rocky cavern.

I repo:rted the find by radio to the control room. I was instructed to

as evi.dence intenti.ons of the group the

to relocate the beer bott.Le and string.

hack to the control room where. i.t was Label.Led and placf)d in a box, 111$) bottl.e remains still had the handkerchief :stUf'fE~d in Lt , and it still smelt strongly of petrol. I was unable to relocate the ink bomb. It was apparent that these two weapons had been intended to h .. 9.~'ebeen thrown at either the pol::l.ceor American personnel

or th(~ bu:i.ldings. Tht s ctinftrms that th(~ group of protestors the previous rri.ght; WER,E IN FACT CONDUCTING A GUERILLA W,AR j~I'rEt<lPTING TO SABOTAGE THE BASE. I FEEL, 'THAT. THIS .~!AS'rHE, INTENTION OF'IHE SMALl. GROUP OF INDIVIDUALS WHO WgR.E J:'RYI~G'TC1SNEAKUPiTQ TUE BASE ON THEIR BEU,IES" (our emphasis). This C9P'1 had. for theprote~tors they were "unruly". "hostile" and !!cheeky'~~ althbugh some did "talk poHtelyU to the cops ,

HovlI'3've:rcombatting "guerilla war" can be decidedly ung Lamourous , "While removing boulde:rsand 'l'dre ropes et.c from the roadway, I damaged my shoes to the extent that I had to purchase another pair before I could resume duty at Chr i st churcb the next day. My unf.form became filthy from the handHngof bolllde'rs and steel cables and requfr ed dry dean::tng before

being . worn aga(in II • .

Anotherc.op reports lithe idiot with a loud hailer" stirrtng the demonstrators toch~mt "Yanks fuck off". Not only did this fellow g~this uniform filthy c1ea.ri.ngthli~ road, he also injured his t.oe and little finger(!)

Yet enotrher wrote = "Not many of the demonstrators wereknO\\ffl to me, except Wilks (sic) the or-ganf ser , who lives on the West Coast Road between Greymouth

and Westport •. , A chap named (deleted) vas pofnt.ed out tome as being

a troublemaker Chr:lstd1UTc:h. ( ed) appeared to spend most of

his time taking photographs" (probably the late Keith DufHeld).

Interest.ingly the file also includes a compla:1.nt by a schoolboy who witnessed the doghand l er kick Derek Bunn in the face: (and who h:Lmself suffered acc:id.ental facial injurH:s tn the scramble to get . away from the dogs).

After Nt .John , Owen WiJ .. k.:;:;i was a marked man. At the 1973 Harewood demo he was per'sonal.Ly aasauf.t.ed by G:tdeOll Tait (see "Es Iend s of the Empire") and was convicted of encouraging disorder" In 1976. po l.tce arrested 9 people ",'flO tried t.o resist the demo l LtLon of WjJkf;(;'J! handbu:llt house (on his own land) by the Buller County CcunciL.

Also likeMt.ixray Horton, Owen Wi.lkes had applied for his. personal:information from the po l.Lce f;tlf~ "Oper.ation Sout.h", Le the 1975 South Island Resistance

Ride (that gave birth to CAFCA) , He recef.ved vl.r tual.Ly the same materia.!

as Horton (see Wat:c.hdog ), As Horton! s , a lot of the material

was ext reme'l y b:!.za::rre ... ~ pages blank except fori~:ilk('~s.! name (thus meeting the bare minimum requt.reeent s for personal :lnfonIM:ltion), Hence: liThe leaders are Wilkes" Ls the SUIlI total of one page ; "pr Inc Ipa l committee member s , nanH~~ly Owen h'ilkEls" is anot-her one. But un l Lke Horton he received his blank pages along 1M' a subetant.Lve report by one of the two d(;~tectives C'1'om and .Jerry") who accompanied the trip for its whoLe 2 \4121;.;1<8,. Horton had in:U:ially recef.ved his blank pages only -" after appealing to the Ombudsman and the medLa (spt~d.flcal1:y Greg Ansley I s Newsday co.lumn dn

the "Star ") uta he rece tve the same report.. Itf[~ anyone t s guess why files on a vt o.l.ent and cont.roveraaa.l demo are re.Leased near lyuncut , wher eas f'i.Les on an educat Lonal. "pt.cnf.c t rt.p" are censored way beyond the point

of unintelligibility,

Hid(~ snippets that Horton d.idn j t 8abotage' alleged by touring smelterH, (The latter farmer:") •

Plua an mt r It reads: agaInst L I hava Monthly planned around 2. HAVING REGARD

to see that harbour an police.

) planned demonstrations Island during sumaer per i.od 1975. ext r act from the "New Zealand

; :indtcating that demonstrations are

during fonhcomtng summer period.


for the S3Jl1<e, (Suggat,e and '75 Resistanct~ Ride. Suggat e i.n ! 83 for the latter to do the Emp:.i.rel! • to Hawa:U: while

John nor Resistance Ride fi.les

applied for his personal information Derek Bunn (the kicked schoolboy)

to the foot of Mt John on the

Horton returned to the hilltop US observatory on-camera nar ratdon on "Islands (lfthe

"being closed down and relocated

At the time of There :is one has appeal.ed to Inf orrnat Lon that

Bunn .has received his file. unfinished police f i.Le business - Murray Horton the 0' Act: (not the o.fficial revelation (by auction of 800 Christchurch people to have a i4atchdogs 55 811d .56). He is not

the 1970"·75 incl. file was kept assocaat i6n~~

Oh yes , Ln the ec al,e to what the bHert

State Services detailing requests. Contrary guideLines have never

.:Ln 1985. For record the

hour the fi.rst half

pages of photocopying. He under-

hour 1O(t per page took to let the Ombudsman

C . ... 1 .

0PU:S OJ: tnese po.ra.ce

be obtained from CAFCA for $5.

By Dentfl Freney i Box A716 ~ Sydney South I NSW 2000, 77 pp , $A3, 95 + postage.

During the l!lassi ve turhulence over throw of the Wb.:i.tlam.

Labor vgcvernment in 1975, NZwas havtng a scheduled election that year.

Ansa].€': TV ff.!atured a at the . It const sted exclusively

of N'l po I reactIons to the extraordinary events in Australia.

Huldoon conf eased he found H incomprehenstble and hard to bal.Leve , For once he spoke for most New Zeal.anders , Austral:i.ans couldn't be l Leve it either.

l-Iost Klw:i.s remember that Wh:i.tlam was sacked by Governor-General, Sf.r John Kerr, and replac.ed by Malcolm .Fraser. But what led rip to this constitutional b.l.ood.lees coup d t et at ? WH1IWhitlam' s Supply (money needed to run the government) had been blocked by the oppoet t.Lon-cont rokl.ed Senate. OK.

hut what: enabled the Ter Les to take that unprecedented and very risky step'?

Some N~~w Zealanders would have heard of the "Loans Affai.r". Tht.s was a

ser Les of unorthodox moves by senfor Ministers to raise overseas loans ~ via some extremely dubkoas ilf::tnanciersf! ~ for the laudable aim of Itbuyingback the farm" from mul tinatl,onals ,

Freney I s booklet (pub l'Lshed the 10th. .nnf.versar-y of 'Whit lam ! s sacking)

is the definitive study on the subject , It f S only 77 pages, but every line is cr ammed with names of indilriduals and used in this most elaborate of schemes to set up and destroy a government. So thorough is :i.t that it i[~ listed 1n intt~rnatiom;llspecia1ist publications as not only a major work em curr-ent; Austral:h:m p()liticf!l h:lstory f but a major work on 1ntelligence operat tona wor'Idvtde , particularly by tihe CIA. Freney is not

a conspiracy theorist and loose ends ar e apparent, he dcesn I t attempt to

string them H(~ is Sydney i s best known Communist but writes in

plain. English, not Jargon, Not one word is wasted.

Not only W!;lS Wh:!.tlam the target. Th~,~ fun is "Get Gough and Dr Jtm

(Cairns) and Rex (Connor) and Liont:'!l (Hurphy) and all", Cafrns, Connor and t1urphy were respectively Deputy PM, for Minerals and Energy and Attorney-General. The first: two Wf)t"e forced to resfgn by separate "Loans affairs'!. '1'11e schemes were w:l.dera.nging. They included moves to destroy. the political career 0 charismatic South AustraHan Labor premier f Don Dunstan. the only heir apparent after Wh:itlam's demise. This scheme was the one IllOst heavily mvo Lvmg Australia i s organised cr1.m€~figures, And the schemes went beyond Whitlam f s Land al.fde (~lecti.on loss - in ear-Ly 1976 Rupert ~iurd()ch personally wrote st or tes that \;,lhitlam had personal.Ly received election funds from the Iraqi secret polrce, 111f~ a;i,m WI:1Sl to destroy WhJ.tlam as Labor Leader f . in of f ice or in op posi t Lon ,

The ALP learnt its Leaaon we'LL and the imaginable in its subservtence to Reagan, about there.

government; is the most craven Nothing for the CIA to worry

There are lessons for NZ too,

recall i'1tgrd,.ng Ft'en/.;y1,s boC).klf.~t s:l.,gnatuxlB; was W..;:,tere's nature of. the "f.nt.ernat.Lonal.

role of proven men. ADd 6;0 on.

There it': (me destabtl::tse end

It worked :in

by Petty"

, Syd.lH~Y NSW 2000,.

at p:te,sent, ,_ After Labour is a

C.flf,!i talism

f ~ ,

(WHy can ' t


sImply not!':) fora 1 etc) .


Labour gQ;)V~:rrll.\1ent.

SUCKers in tb

: rlndB:l.g l.;lth the

In all it IS

have Ie.tctwdonto econoey has been in mcr e compH'tible (;ount:riC;;Sl

clean up Ther

Bus:j .. ne~iB has Labour Party a great time Brecht, and Km:·t mt.:Iter:Lal"

Believe it: than here. than NZ)" Check (jut AU9tral1.a'13 1986 Robe rm:rke:ra! cOfli::iitions shovel work,

1.aurie Aat."()ns

"'.r.~ •. ~,'''..c . .t~. p"""j..,. I ' es

-;." j!,. \A _.q;:; . ..... .. ~~ ,'5",',." :'.$

guide t.o the peychopachs

their own. ; "Where are

to the workhouse?":

')11 gone, .

("'1 . <0'" v- I'l". ,J.o,!:I"'~'S ./,

,II in i.t:iati ve ")',

far tct.he become the natural capital:! sm.

flaunting ofwealthhy investment; the of Thi:rdWorld tax system; the champfomng by a verticeilly pO~1erfuJ. J politically Lar-ge pool of unemployed

Welfare State (8 hindra.nce to a Labour government so opposd.tron - both ai.m to

:113 ~ the best administratc,)r of

The New Right

't -. c <>j-;"- '"t..,.. "18 r ess J. s an ca r, ... em",,,. L(J 19. ~."',"

structure (commonly called class all the advantages :tdeology most "Ther e goes the kang " says aSK$'J the other • "Because Unadornedcap:ital:lsm is not everybody need apply.

it yuppies - BMWs tell their own story living in poverty.

Tbe:refg nothing new about it at all - Revolutionsodal and economic ,,,lhilstretain:Lng for the capitalist Revolution socaet.y , It's an. Python and the Holy Grail".

do you khOW he IS the king?'! here not covered in ~h1t". it has a dear message - ..

wash the BMi-ls. ~take the most (SOOH;~ Aust.ralian statistics two minion Australians IS wealth).

Watc.hdog months of (USCINCPACFLT)

in it, Th(;!y appealed to the

In NZ Ln the first few , Pacific Fleet,

Navy. Army and Air Force of Inf'ormat.Lon Act request. We I ve

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