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We met by Dunn& Co
the hat people
on the corner
of the New Kent Road
Helen had a faded reen dre!! on
and wa! carry"n her doll
Battered Betty "n one arm
her th"c# len! la!!e!
were !meary
her brown ha"r pla"ted
what are you o"n to !how me$
!he a!#ed
ha%e you !een
the p"e and eel !hop
up the road there$
no don&t th"n# !o
well th"! uy !tand! "n!"de
the !hop by the w"ndow
and he ta#e! an eel
and cut! "t! head off
then !l"t! "t open
then !crap! out "t! ut!
then cut! "t up
"nto p"ece! ready
to be coo#ed for p"e!
' !a"d
!he pulled a face
"! that
what you wanted
to !how me$
ye! "t&! %ery "ntere!t"n
and help! you !ee
how "t oe!
and "! #"nd
of a b"oloy le!!on
w"thout the crabby
old teacher moan"n on
' !a"d
Helen wa! not "mpre!!ed
'(ll be !"c# "f ' !ee that
he really cut! "t! head off$
!ure he doe!
and )u"c# and clean
no me!!"n around
and !crap! "t
"nto a b"n by h"! feet
Helen held her doll
clo!er to her che!t
and !l"t! "t open$
ye! he&! a )u"c# wor#er
one !l"t and all the ut!
are !crapped out
enouh already
!he !a"d
!he put a !mall hand
to her mouth
' hate eel!
' hate eel p"e
!he !a"d
between her f"ner!
her doll leaned o%er her arm
"t! arm! han"n loo!e
!o do '
but "t&! "ntere!t"n
to !ee the!e th"n!
not to me "t "!n&t
!he !a"d
o# let&! o el!ewhere
' !a"d
we could o to *he Cut
and loo# at the mar#et !tall!
and maybe et a dr"n# of pop
and an "ce cream
!he loo#ed down
at her !cuffed !hoe!
'(%e only ot +d
!he !a"d
'(%e ot ,-.
that&ll be enouh
' !a"d
!he loo#ed at me
throuh her la!!e!
her eye! l"#e marble!
o# but we mu!t ma#e !ure
Betty et! a dr"n# too
!he !a"d
' !a"d
!he can !hare m"ne
!o we !et off
from Dunn& Co
at a !teady pace
Betty loo#ed un"mpre!!ed
bounc"n alon
"n Helen(! arm!
one eye han"n loo!e
her blonde mattered ha"r
and ' l"!tened
wh"le Helen
tal#ed and tal#ed
all the way there.

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