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We were sitting
on the pram sheds
by the slope
that went down
from the Square
looking towards
Meadow ow
had to sleep
in the small bed
last night
!ydia said
all be"ause my big sister
wanted her Spi# boyfriend
to stay o#er night
and Dad was at work
on one of his
far away $ourneys
and Mum "ouldn%t be bothered
with her and so
he was in the bed
& shared with her
what would your dad say
if he knew'
& asked
he%d be li#id he would
but he isn%t here
so my big sister
gets away with things
what%s wrong
with the little bed'
it%s un"omfortable
and the springs are broken
and & hate it
!ydia looked
at the passers(by
going along the slope
my brother gets to ha#e
his own bed
but not me
she added bitterly
& share with my little brother
& said
he%s ok
so how long is the Spi#
going to stay'
until my dad gets ba"k
& suppose
she%d daren)t on"e he%s ba"k
& nodded
wat"hing an old woman
going up Meadow ow
"arrying two bags
her ba"kside swaying
side to side
her bla"k hat lopsided
let%s gi#e that old girl
a hand with her bags
& said
what old girl'
!ydia said
her up Meadow ow
& $umped down
and ran a"ross the grass
o#er the low metal fen"e
and a"ross o"kingham Street
!ydia followed me
and when we "aught up
to the woman
& said
"an we help you
with those bags Mrs'
she stood upright
and gawked at us both
where do you li#e'
!ydia asked
out of breath already
$ust up the top there
she said
but & would appre"iate it
if you "ould help
so we did
took a bag ea"h
and walked up
the top of the ow with her
she talking
about her health
*or la"k of it+
and how her son
was killed in the War
and her daughter
was in ,ent
!ydia said nothing
but "arried the bag
with both hands
and & answered
the old dear
when & thought & ought to
"arrying the bag
in one hand
gi#ing the impression
it wasn%t hea#y
when it was
we stopped outside
her house
on the left hand side
thank you both
it was #ery kind of you
she said
here ha#e -d ea"h
for your help
no no need
of your money Mrs
you keep it
$ust glad to help
& insist
she said
you deser#e it
so she ga#e us both
a -d pie"e
and smiled at us
and went inside
with her bags
and "losed the door
we looked at the "oins
in our palms
not quite enough
for a Mars .ar
but it will get us a drink
and gob(stopper
& said
!ydia put her "oin
in her dress po"ket
and we walked ba"k
to the pram sheds
she said
&)ll be glad when Dad%s ba"k
then & "an sleep
in my own bed
& thought of the -d
and what to buy
going around
in my head.

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