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Gravity of Gravity
Conscientious Consciousness
ShrI VethuthIrI MuhurIohI
156, Gondhljl Rood,
Erodo - 638 001.
lndlo. Ph : 26831
Cop,rlght Vothothlrl Publlcotlons 2002
All Rlghts Rosorvod
Thls book mo, not bo roproducod, ln wholo or ln port, b,
mlmoogroph or on, othor moons, wlthout pormlsslon.
Flrst Publlshod : 2002
Prlco : Rs. 15/-
Prlntod b,
2, Nochloppo Stroot ll
Erodo - 638 001 Ph : 258511
Slnco tlmo lmmomorlol, tho soorch lor tho ultlmoto truth
ond tho lmpulso toword porloctlon hos boon tho porslstont
ondoovor ol tho owokonod mlnds ol humonlt,. Thls quost
to dlscovor tho lmmutoblo roollt, thot ls tho sourco ol tho
ovor-chonglng unlvorso ond to roollzo tho unlt, undorl,lng
tho lnnumoroblo vorlotlons hos boon occolorotod b, tho groot
thlnkors ond sogos throughout hlstor,. ln tho sorlos ol such
glltod thlnkors ol roro lnslght wo hovo wlth us Shrl Vothothlrl
Mohorlshl, whoso rovolotor, ond lntultlvo vlslon lorms tho
subjoct mottor ol thls trootlso.
Sclonco ond rollglon todo, hovo roochod o polnt
whoro wo connot procood lurthor ln o productlvo ond cogont
wo, wlthout onsworlng cortoln lundomontol quostlons llko:
o. Whot mokos tho unlvorso tlck
b. Ol whot substonco oro tho lundomontol portlclos
modo Whot ls Grovlt,
c. Whoro, ol whot ond how doos consclousnoss
d. How mon, gods oro thoro ll tho onswor ls ono, whlch
mlght, powor ls to bo tokon os God
Thls trootlso ol Shrl Vothothlrl Mohorlshl provldos
loglcol, ologont, ond concluslvo onswors to tho obovo
quostlons ond honco ossumos o groot slgnlllconco. B, hls
lnslght ond lntultlvo vlslon, Mohorlshl rovools horo tho
lnnoto ond lntrlnslc quolltlos ol spoco. So lor, nolthor sclonco
nor phllosoph, hos lull, roollzod tho truo potontlols ol spoco,
ond honco tho contonts ol thls trootlso on Grovlt, ond Cons-
clousnoss hovo lor-roochlng lmpllcotlons lor both llolds.
For tho rollglous phllosophors tho mossogo ol thls
oxposltlon ls: tho God ,ou oro soorchlng lor ls nothlng but
spoco, ond lor sclontlsts tho mossogo ls: tho Grovlt, ,ou oro
soorchlng lor ls nothlng but tho somo spoco. As o ph,slclst,
ot thls polnt l would llko to moko tho obsorvotlon thot tho
mossogo ol thls book lor sclontlsts ls ol portlculor lmport ln
on hlstorlcol porspoctlvo. ln tho hlstor, ol ph,slcs thoro hovo
boon onl, two groot mlnds - Nowton ond Elnstoln - whoso
orlglnol vlslon ond concopts provldod lundomontol bosos lor
othors` work to go lorword. Nowton`s oxloms ond concopts
govo tho llrst plotlorm lor tho stud, ol ph,slcs; oltor two
hundrod ,oors thls plotlorm wos modlllod ond oxtondod b,
Elnstoln`s rodlcol ro-dollnltlon ol spoco, tlmo ond mottor.
Now, roughl, ono hundrod ,oors oltor Elnstoln,
Mohorlshl`s rovoolod lnnor vlslon thot spoco ltsoll ls Grovlt,
provldos o much-noodod thlrd boso lor sclonco to progross
lurthor. Hls ossortlon thot Puro spoco ls ltsoll tho oll-poworlul
prlnclplo, Grovlt,, hos oll tho potontlol ol suppl,lng tho
mlsslng llnks ln cosmolog,, ond mo, thorob, romovo tho
gops ln our undorstondlng ol tho orlgln ond lunctlonlng ol
tho unlvorso.
Duo to tho lock ol roollzotlon ol tho `grovlt, ol Grovlt,`
ond tho `consclontlous consclousnoss`, sclonco ls loclng
todo, cortoln lundomontol quostlons wlth no onswors ln slght
ond rollglons, lor lrom proctlclng lovo ond composslon,
compoto wlth ooch othor to lmposo tholr bollol s,stoms
on poopl o, rosul tlng ln mutuol conll lcts ond troglc
consoquoncos. Mohorlshl obsorvos As tho truth ls hlddon,
tho phllosophors so, God ls unknown ond sclontlsts so, thot
tho spoco ls vocuum. So lor, tho, hovo not roollzod thot spoco
ltsoll ls Almlght, ond tronslorms lnto unlvorso. ln thls
obsorvotlon llos tho ossonco ol thls trootlso.
l om suro thot tho mossogo ol thls book lrom Shrl
Vothothlrl Mohorlshl, whlch ls tho condonsod wlsdom ol
hls lnnor volco, wlll crooto o now owokonlng omong
both lo,mon ond scholors. Mo, tho undorstondlng ond
osslmllotlon ol tho rovolotlons oxprossod horo lood us oll, os
tho Uponlshod so,s: From tho unrool to tho rool ond lrom
dorknoss to llght. Mo, tho truth thot ovor, soll ls o
tronslormod stoto ol tho spoco, tho Almlght,, onllghton our
consclousnoss to lts porloctlon so os to dool wlth ovor,thlng
proporl,, hormonlousl, ond compotlbl,.
Bo blossod b, tho Dlvlno.
Dr. G. AIugur Rumunujum
Broln Trust
ln thls smoll volumo l hovo oxprossod m, concopt ol
two lundomontol subjocts : Grovlt, ond Consclousnoss. An
undorstondlng ol both thoso subjocts ls ossontlol lor tho
onllghtonmont ol knowlodgo ol monklnd. Evor slnco
humonklnd bocomo doslrous ol knowlng tho wondorlul
lunctlon ol Noturo, thoso two subjocts hovo como undor
soorch ond rosoorch. But stlll tho soorch hos not boon
succosslul. Wh, Bocouso thoso two subjocts ond tholr
lunctlons oro olmost bo,ond tho rooch ol mon's mlnd ond
sonsos. A groot mon, pooplo hovo wrltton obout tholr ldoos
ond concopts on thoso two subjocts; l om olso ono omong
thom. Porhops m, oxposltlon mo, lnduco now ldoos ln somo
sclontlsts, whlch wlll opon lrosh posslbllltlos toword tho
roollzotlon ol Truth ond lnnormost socrots ol Noturo.
l concludo wlth m, hoortlolt blosslngs ond bost wlshos
to oll tho roodors.
Tomplo ol Consclousnoss
All,or - 642 101
Tomllnodu lndlo.
The Greutneoo und DInInItp of GrunItp
For succosslul, poocolul ond sotlsloctor, lllo ol
monklnd, roollzotlon ol tho mlght, quolltlos ond choroctor ol
Noturo ls ol utmost lmportonco. To ochlovo thls knowlodgo
tho onl, suro wo, ls tho roollzotlon ol oll tho groot potontlols
ol Grovlt,, tho prlmordlol stoto ol unlvorso. Grovlt, ls tho
unboundod, dlvlno prlnclplo, tho prlmordlol stoto ol
Unlvorso undorstood os God b, phllosophors ond tho
loundors ol oll rollglons. Wo con onl, clolm to hovo sllght
knowlodgo ol tho potontlol ol Grovlt,, such os thot lt ls:
Nuture, Absolute 5puce, eoerlustng, sngulur, ulmglt,
ull-penetrutoe, tlorougll permeuble, lgll trunspurent,
mperceptble, Jurk jluJ mutter, cluructerzeJ b quoerng
knemutc selj-compressoe, nexluustble, surrounJng
pressure, ulcl results n uutomutc repulson n ts
ntensjcuton unJ emerges us tle quuntzeJ jormutoe Just.
Gruot s JentjeJ us UnjeJ Force, tle source oj ull jorces,
utl jour nJosble nnute quultes. plenum, jorce,
conscousness unJ tme.
Thoro oro countloss socrots os ,ot unknown obout
Grovlt, bocouso lts oxlstonco, quolltlos ond choroctor oro
lmporcoptlblo. ln lts prlmordlol stoto, Grovlt, ls o concon-
trotod stock lorco, wlth oll lts odoroblo dlvlno potontlols.
Moxlmoll, lntonslllod b, lts own comprosslon, lt bocomos
'lormotlvo dust' l.o. o splnnlng, mognotlzod quonto ol spoco
The GrunItp of GrunItp
Grovlt, ls lnoxhoustlblo, omnlpotont, omnlsclont
Almlght, wlth tho noturol powor ol soll comprosslvo lorco.
lt ls stock lorco, whlch tronslorms os tho wholo unlvorso. Thls
lnoxhoustlblo lluld prlnclplo ls ponotrotlngl, llllod ln ovor,
thlng ond ovor, ploco, oppoorlng os puro spoco throughout
tho unlvorso. Tho spoco contolns lormotlvo dust, whlch
omorgod b, tho soll comprosslvo lorco ol Grovlt,. Tho
soomloss contlnult, ol spoco ls on llluslon, orlslng bocouso
tho dust quonto oro l mporcoptl bl o ond connot bo
dlllorontlotod lrom tho spoco ltsoll b, our sonsos or on,
lnstrumonts. Tho wotor wo soo ls nothlng othor thon o vost
colloctlon ol moloculos, but wo porcolvo lt os on unbrokon
contlnuum - our o,os do not dotoct tho spoco botwoon
ooch moloculo. Slmllorl,, olr olso ls o colloctlon ol moloculos
thot oro lmporcoptlblo to our sonsos, so thot wo toko olr to
bo o slnglo prlnclplo. Slmllorl,, tho lormotlvo dust olso ls
not soon. As wo dotoct tho prosonco ol moloculos ond otoms
ln olr ond wotor lrom tho olloct tho, hovo on othor thlngs,
tho oxlstonco ol dust ln tho spoco con bo lnlorrod lrom tho
obsorvotlon thot oll tho hoovlost mossos, plonots, ond
goloxlos oro oosll, llootlng on tho spoco.
Thoro oro dllloront concopts ln voguo rogordlng tho
ovolutlon ol tho unlvorso. Our Thoor, stotos thot tho Grovlt,
ltsoll tronslorms lnto unlvorso stogo b, stogo: llrst os
lormotlvo dust, thon thoso colloctlvol, lorm lnllnltoslmol
onorg, portlclos, thon otoms, olomonts ond oll klnds ol
ph,slcol structuros, ond wovo ollocts. Bocouso ol oll thoso
quolltlos tho Grovlt, hos tho posslblllt, ond potontlol to
bocomo on, thlng, on, quollt,, on, octlon ond on, rosult.
Bolng tho tronslormod stoto ol Grovlt,, tho ontlro
unlvorso con bo dlvldod lnto throo stogos ln lts lunctlons:
1. Ph,slcol structuros, whlch oro bullt up b, tho
2. Astrol llold - thls ls tho sum totol ol tho lndlvlduol
onorg, portlclos, whlch oro ponotrotlngl, trovollng lnto
oll tho ph,slcol structuros; ond
3. Tho mognotlc wovos, whlch oro tho rosult ol tho
dlssolutlon ol tho onorg, portlclos lnto othor.
Tho procoss ol tronslormotlon hoppons s,stomotlcoll,.
Whot wo concolvo os puro spoco ls ltsoll tho oll - poworlul
prlnclplo, Grovlt, - tho unllmltod, prlmordlol stoto ol
unlvorso. lt ls tho stock lorco, hovlng soll comprosslon os lts
own noturo. Bocouso ol tho comprosslon lt crushod ltsoll
ond bocomo `lormotlvo dust` - quonto ol lnllnltoslmol ond
lmporcoptlblo dlmonslon. As tho, oro prossod oll oround
b, tho Grovlt,, tho dusts oro splnnlng ot vorlous spoods. Tho
splnnlng cousod b, tho Grovlt, mognotlzos tho dust. Thls ls
tho orlgln ond sourco ol oll mognotlsm, crootlng tho ublqul-
tous unlvorsol llold ol mognotlsm. Mognotlsm ls to bo undor-
stood os o dlvlno oll-ponotrotlng, omnlprosont contlnuum ln
oll plocos ond oll thlngs, lnorgonlc ond orgonlc. Tho
morvolous plo, ol mognotlsm ln ovor,thlng, ovor,whoro ls
wondorlul ond moglcol lor tho undorstondlng ol tho humon
mlnd. As tho hlghl, mognotlzod dusts oro omlttod lrom tho
lnllnltoslmol onorg, portlclos tholr mognotlc onorg,
tronslorms lnto tho llvo `Thonmotro`: prossuro, sound, llght,
tosto ond smoll ond ln llvlng bolngs, mlnd. Tho omlttod dust
quonto oro onnlhllotod ond bocomo Grovlt, oltor oxhoustlng
tholr mognotlc quolltlos ln tho oct ol tronslormotlon. Thls ls
tho procoss ol dllutlon ond dlssolutlon ol tho onorg, portlclos.
Mognotlsm ls tho unlvorsol powor b, whlch oll tho
oppooroncos ond lunctlons como lnto oxlstonco. Evor,thlng
ln tho unlvorso ls tho colloctlon ol mognotlc lormotlvo dust
wlth splnnlng lorco. Tho splnnlng lorco koops othor dust ot
o dlstonco ond tho Grovlt, comprossos ovor,thlng, whothor

lt ls o slnglo unlt or o s,stom. All movomonts ond lunctlons

ol ovor,thlng ovor,whoro contlnuousl , glvo rosul ts
occordlng to tho onvlronmontol clrcumstoncos.
As tho lormotl vo dust wl thl n tho spoco l s not
porcolvoblo, tho humon mlnd ossumos tho spoco to bo
nothlngnoss or vocuum. Thls llluslon con bo dlspollod ll ono
roollzos thot oll tho hoovlost known mossos, such os stors ond
plonots, oro supportod ond llootlng on tho spoco ltsoll.
Sclonco ond phllosoph, both hovo lollod to undorstond tho
socrot ol spoco ond lts hlddon powor. Thorob,, oll rosoorch
ond concopts oro bosod on lolso notlons.
PhIIooophp ls tho ondoovor to undorstond tho
lmporcoptlblo; ocIence ls tho pursult ol on omplrlcol
undorstondlng ol porcolvoblo phonomono. As tho truth ls
hlddon, tho phllosophors so, God ls unknown ond sclontlsts
so, thot tho spoco ls vocuum. So lor tho, hovo not roollzod
thot spoco ltsoll ls Almlght, ond tronslorms lnto unlvorso. ll
sclontlsts ond phllosophors joln ond glvo doop thought on
thls subjoct uslng tho cluo l hovo glvon obout Grovlt,, both
con llll tho gops ln tholr knowlodgo.
Thls ls tho opproprloto tlmo lor sclontlsts, phllosophors
ond rosoorch scholors to thlnk doopl, ovor tho dlvlno
Grovlt,, so thot oll tho probloms ln sclonco ond phllosoph,
con bo brought to o solutlon. Grovlt, ls tho slnglo mlght,
powor thot mokos oll oppooroncos, lrom dust to stors, to lorm,
lunctlon ond glvo rosults. Tho ossontlol prlnclplo ol tho
unlvorso ls tho tronslormod oxlstonco ol Grovlt,. ll tho
grovlt, ol Grovlt, ls roollzod ond oxplolnod to tho pooplo thot
wlll bo o groot lortuno lor humonlt,, to onllghton tho
consclousnoss to lts porloctlon.
So lor wo thought ovor tho unlvorso os o wholo. Now
wo wlll consldor our Thoor, os lt rolotos to cosmolog, - tho
sclonco ol whot ls bo,ond our world, tho mllllons ol stors,
goloxlos, lunctlons ond rosults. Lot us thlnk obout tho vost
spoco ond tho lunctlons oround ond bo,ond thls oorth, tho
vorlous octlvltlos ond lunctlons ol plonots ond tholr
movomonts ln tho spoco. Tho stud, ol cosmolog, lncludos
oll thot hoppons ln tho unlvorso, throughout spoco.
B, tho odvoncomont ol sclonco lt ls woll known thot
ovor, plonot ls rodlotlng lts own wovo ond thoso wovos oro
crootlng sovorol proportlos thot olloct tho llvlng procoss on
oorth. Horo wo hovo to koop ln mlnd ono truth: ovon though
thoro oro mllllons ol plonots llootlng ond movlng ln tho
spoco, tho, oro movlng ond glvlng tholr rosults wlthout
closhlng on wlth ono onothor. lt ls o wondor ol Noturo how
tho plonots oro kooplng o cortoln dlstonco lrom ono onothor.
Accordlng to our Thoor, wo con oosll, llnd out tho rooson.
ln ovor, plonot thoro oro mon, dllloront olomonts, ln whlch
thoro oro numbors ol otoms. Tho plonot ls rodlotlng wovos
thot oro condltlonod b, tho choroctor, thot ls tho chomlcols,
ol oll tho otoms. Tho wovos oct os ropulslvo lorco to koop
oll othor mossos ot o cortoln dlstonco. So, ln thls wo,, tho
wovos comlng lrom on, plonot hovo o ropulslvo olloct thot
koops othor thlngs ot o cortoln dlstonco. For oxomplo, thoro
oro 3 mllllon mllos botwoon tho oorth ond tho sun. Evon
though tho oorth ls movlng oround tho sun ot tho spood ol
15,50,000 ml./do,, ot thls torrlllc spood tho, oro novortholoss
kopt oport ot olmost oxoctl, tho somo dlstonco throughout
tho orbltol. How ls lt posslblo Tho numbor ol portlclos ln
tho sun ond oorth ond tho quontlt, ol tho wovo comlng lrom
thom should bo oddod. Tho sum totol ol tho ropulslvo lorcos
ol both plonots condltlons tho oxoct dlstonco botwoon thom.
Also, tho oggrogoto wovo comlng lrom tho sun oxtonds
outword to o cortoln dlstonco, llko o ploto. Tho plonots thot
oro trovollng oround tho sun oro corrlod olong wlth thls wovo
ot tho opproprloto spood ond dlstonco. So, thoro oro two
loctors: ooch plonot ls rovolvlng, duo to tho splnnlng ol tho
lts constltuont onorg, portlclos; lt ls olso corrlod oround tho
sun b, tho lorco ol tho sun`s wovo.
As o noturol prlnclplo, oll wovos hovo llvo klnds ol
octlons: closh (on othors), rolloctlon, rolroctlon, ponotrotlon
ond lntoroctlon. Whonovor o wovo closhos on onothor wovo
lt choroctorlzos tho wovo on whlch lt closhos wlth oll lts
choroctors. So, b, tho movomont ol plonots ond tholr omlttod
wovos lnnumoroblo rosults oro omorglng. All such wovos oro
closhlng on tho llvlng bolngs thot lnhoblt tho oorth. Tho
bronch ol sclonco thot dools wlth thls unlvorsol s,stom os o
wholo ls cosmolog,.
ln loct, wo humons oro olso o port ol cosmolog,, llvlng
ln tho spoco. Wh, do l so, so Wo oro oll on oorth, whlch
ls rovolvlng on lts oxls ond orbltlng tho sun. Tho oorth ls
llootlng ln tho sk,, ln tho spoco, so whot doos lt moon
Wo thlnk wo oro llvlng on tho oorth, but wo olso hovo to
romombor wo oro llootlng on lt ln tho spoco. Wo con
consldor oorth os o blg spocoshlp. ln thls wo, cosmolog, ls
lntlmotol, connoctod wlth our own llvos.
LInIng eIngo und TheIr DeneIopment
Our llndlng ls thot tho grovlt, ltsoll tronslorms lnto
unlvorso. lt ls our Thoor, ond boso. Thon how doos thls
portoln to tho llvlng bolngs How dld tho, como lnto
oxlstonco All tho ph,slcol oppooroncos oro colloctlons ol
olomonts, whlch oro ossoclotlons ol onorg, portlclos ln
dllloront omounts. ln ovor, moss, wovos lrom ooch olomont
oro constontl, gonorotod lrom tho constltuont onorg,
portlclos. Undor cortoln condltlons, such wovos ln o ph,slcol
bod, got tho locult, ol loollng. Gonoroll,, wo coll thot whlch
ls non-llvlng os lnorgonlc mottor. ln cortoln unlts ol such
mottor, tho mognotlc lorco wlthln lt gots o loollng locult, b,
tho lntoroctlon ol lts blomognotlc wovo wlth tho onvlronmont.
lt ls o gonorol prlnclplo thot whorovor o wovo gots
clrculotlon olloct, thoro wlll bo lntonslllcotlon ot tho contor
ol tho s,stom. Thls contrlpotol olloct ls duo to tho ovor-
prosont surroundlng comprosslvo lorco ol tho spoco. ln llvlng
bolngs olso tho mognotlc clrculotlon gots lntonslllod ln tho
contor ond thls wo coll tho genetIc center. Whotovor tho
llvlng bolng oxporloncos rosults ln throo klnds ol loollngs:
poln, ploosuro or pooco. ln tho mognotlc clrculotlon ol o
llvlng bolng whorovor tho mognotlsm gots short clrcult thot
bocomos tho loollng ol poln. Thls s,stom ol loollngs ls
lormod ond lunctlonlng botwoon tho gonotlc contor ond tho
sonsos. Tho boglnnlng ol tho ovolutlon ol llvlng bolngs wos
o smoll unlt, os ono-collod crooturos. Ovor tlmo, b, mutotlon,
thoso bocomo boctorlo ond thon lotor bocomo lnsocts ol
lnnumoroblo vorlotlos.
Tho lnsocts orlglnoto wlthln tho plonts. Whon on, plont
glvos lts lrult, wlthln tho lrult thoro ls o sood. ln tho sood, oll
tho choroctorlstlcs ol tho plont oro concontrotod lnto wovo
lorm, whlch ls lts blomognotlsm. ll ,ou sow tho sood ln tho
oorth ot o propor tlmo lt wlll sprout ond grow to bocomo tho
somo shopo os tho mothor plont, glvlng slmllor rosults. ll tho
sood ls not sown ot o propor tlmo, tho concontrotod mognotlc
wovo ln tho sood mo, toko tho shopo ol smoll worm thot wlll
oot tho kornol ol tho somo sood ond llnoll, como out b,
moklng o holo ln tho surloco ol tho sood. Thls klnd ol worm
mokos o cocoon oround ltsoll ond goos lnto hlbornotlon.
Wlthln o cortoln tlmo lt wlll grow wlngs ond bocomo oblo
to ll,. Altor somo tlmo tho wlngs mo, loll oll ond tho
ll,lng lnsoct bocomos o crowllng lnsoct on tho ground. B,
mutotlon such crowllng lnsocts hovo lncroosod lnto
thousonds ol vorlotlos. Somo ol tho crowllng crooturos wlll
dovolop wlngs ond bocomo blrds; somo ol thom bocomo
onlmols ol vorlous klnds wlth lour logs. Ovor oons ol tlmo,
tho troo ol ovolutlon hos hod mon, bronchos ond ln thls wo,
our spoclos ovolvod ond bogon wolklng uprlght.
ln tho procoss ol tronslormotlon lrom ono spoclos lnto
onothor tho, oro ootlng ono onothor, whlch bocomo o
gonorol onlmollstlc trolt. ln thls hoblt thoro oro lour vlolont
ospocts lnvolvod: 1. Torturlng othor llvlng bolngs; 2. Kllllng
othor llvlng bolngs lor lood; 3. Stoollng tho llosh ol othor
llvlng bolngs; ond 4.Joopordlzlng tho lroodom ol othor llvlng
bolngs. All thoso octlons oro concontrotod ln tho wovo lorm
ond choroctorlzo tho gonotlc contor wlth such quolltlos ond
tomporomonts. As monklnd hos ovolvod lrom onlmols, wo
olso hovo oll tho choroctors ol onlmols ln our lncoptlon ltsoll,
through tho gonotlc contors ol our poronts. From tho
prlmltlvo mon up to thls clvlllzod ogo, mon hos olwo,s hod
tho obovo lour quolltlos ol onlmols os hls lnhoront choroctor
ond, b, tho lnstlnctlvo lorco ol thls choroctor, mon stlll
contlnuos to do vlolont octlons.
Such vlolont octlons oro nocossor, ln onlmol lllo,
bocouso tho, hovo no knowlodgo ol lood productlon. Mon
ls ontlrol, dllloront lrom othor onlmols ln hls olllclonc, ond
oblllt,. Ho producos hls lood b, tho opproprloto uso ol soll
ond wotor. Accordlng to tho dovolopmont ol hls noturo, ho
should not contlnuo to couso poln ond mlsorlos b, hls s,stom
ol ootlng os tho onlmols do. Yot, ln tho choroctor ond octlons
ol humon bolngs wo soo thot thoso lour vlolont octlons oro
commlttod ovor,whoro. As lt ls unnocossor, horm to tho
soclot,, thoso octlons oro lobolod os crlmos.
Accordlng to tho tlmos ond plocos ol ovolutlon ol
monklnd, vorlous mothods ol llvlng woro lormod ond
bocomo tho s,stom ol llvlng. As tho obovomontlonod lour
klnds ol vlol ont octlons hovo dlsturbod humon l llo
throughout tho ogos, tho loornod ond onllghtonod pooplo
como lorword to tooch tho mothod ol llvlng ln hormon, ond
pooco, wlthout vlolonco. Tho, lollowod two mothods to
rolorm monklnd to llvo hoppll,. Thoso two mothods oro
roollzotlon ol God ond tho vlrtuous wo, ol lllo. Tho vlrtuous
wo, ol lllo ontolls o s,stom ol llvlng wlthout lnlllctlng poln
on othors ph,slcoll, ond montoll,, ond olso to holp othors
ln tlmo ol sullorlng. Evon now, wo soo tho wholo world
sullorlng b, conlllcts ond wors botwoon mon ond groups,
ovon though s,stoms ol polltlcol odmlnlstrotlon oro
ostobllshod ovor,whoro.
Now tho tlmo hos como: monklnd hos to roollzo tho
grootnoss ol Noturo ond humonklnd, obsorvo nonvlolonco,
ond bogln holplng othors. To ochlovo thls purposo, ln tho
courso ol tlmo o polltlcol constltutlon wlll bo lromod to
rostroln humonklnd lrom vlolont octlvltlos, ond ot tho somo
tlmo protoct ovor,ono ond provldo oll tho nocossltlos ol lllo.
Altor duo vorlllcotlon ond rosoorch, oll thoso ldoos ond
lnlormotlon should bo brought lnto tho oducotlonol
currlculum through tho unlvorsltlos oround tho world to
lurthor tho uplllt ol knowlodgo ol monklnd to lood o
prosporous, sotlsloctor, ond poocolul lllo.
ln tlmo, ono polltlcol odmlnlstrotlon wlll ovolvo lor tho
wholo world ond oll tho notlonol bordors wlll bo ollmlnotod
to brlng lroodom lor ovor,ono to onjo, tho world. Monklnd
ls odvonclng towords thls gool ol ono constltutlon, ono world
govornmont ond ono rollglon b, tho roollzotlon ol Truth.
Thls ls tho hoodlng ol our soctlon on tho subjoct ol
consclousnoss. Soolng tho odjoctlvo, tho roodor should not
got conlusod obout tho doublo-hoodod tltlo. An,thlng or on,
toplc ls glvon propor voluo onl, b, on opproprloto odjoctlvo.
Accordlngl,, l hovo ontltlod thls soctlon "ConocIentIouo
Grovlt, ls tho mlght, lorco thot ls tho prlmordlol
stoto ol Unlvorso. Consclousnoss ls tho proport, ol Grovlt,,
tho Noturo. Consclousnoss ls on lnnoto potontlol ol
Grovl t ,. Grovl t , hos l our such l nt rl nsl c quol l t l os:
Plonum (lnoxhoustlblo sourco); Forco (soll-comprosslon),
Consclousnoss (ordor ol lunctlon ln ovor,thlng ond
ovor,whoro) ond Tlmo. Tho boslc unlt ol tlmo ls ono bllnk ol
on o,o. Onl, b, lncroosod numbors ol thls unlt tlmo ls
concolvod. Tho lour lnnoto proportlos ol Grovlt, (Noturo) oro
lndlvlslblo ond lnsoporoblo lrom Grovlt, ond lrom ono
onothor. Onl, b, thoso lour proportlos tho Grovlt, tronslorms
lnto oll prlnclplos ond phonomono ol tho Unlvorso. Among
thoso lour, consclousnoss ls vor, lmportont ond voluoblo.
Whoovor ls ln soorch or rosoorch on Noturo must roollzo thot
lt ls ossontlol to undorstond tho voluo ond grootnoss ol
consclousnoss ln oll lunctlons ol tho unlvorso. lntolloctuols
ond somo ol tho rosoorch scholors oro oogorl, strlvlng to
undorstond tho noturo ol tho consclousnoss ond oxploln to
othors, but tho, lncorroctl, dollno consclousnoss os o
soporoto ond oxcluslvo prlnclplo. lt ls o wrong concopt. As
ConocIentIouo ConocIouoneoo
tho consclousnoss ls tho lntrlnslc quollt, ol Grovlt, lt con bo
oxplolnod onl, ln llght ol tho lunctlons ond movomonts ol
Grovlt,. Consclousnoss connot bo consldorod or lnvostlgotod
soporotol, lrom Grovlt,, os lt ls porloctl, rogulotlng ond
dlroctlng tho lorco ol Grovlt,. Thoroloro, lt ls lmporotlvo to
hovo o lundomontol undorstondlng ol Grovlt, ll wo oro to
undorstond consclousnoss.
Wo should not ossumo thot tho lorco ol Grovlt, ls purol,
mochonlcol; lt ls o dlvlno lorco thot ponotrotlvol, lunctlons ln
ovor,thlng, ovor,whoro, ond ln oll llvlng bolngs (lncludlng
mon) os oll lunctlons ol mlnd, o.g. loollngs, oworonoss, otc.
Evor, movomont ond octlon ol Noturo hos on opproprloto
rosult. Thoro ls no loss or poln cousod b, tho octlon ol Noturo;
oll sullorlng ond loss ls onl, b, tho wrong octlons ol mon,
duo to undovolopod knowlodgo. ln tho Grovlt,, or Noturo,
thoro ls morol oworonoss wlth lovo ond composslon. Rollol
lor ovor, poln or loss ls provldod lnhorontl, wlthln Noturo`s
octlons; so l coll lt `consclontlous consclousnoss`. Onl, b,
thls locult, ol consclontlous consclousnoss oll lunctlons ln
tho unlvorso oro golng on porloctl, ond proclsol,. B, thls
quollt, ol oworonoss ln oll movomonts ond octlons
consclousnoss protocts, molntolns ond lntogrotos oll rosults
throughout tho unlvorso. As consclousnoss ls on lnnoto
quollt, ol Grovlt, lot us ossumo tho grootnoss ond dlvlnlt,
ol Grovlt, os o llrst stop.
Tho lntolloctuols ln oll llolds ol knowlodgo should
know oll obout tho Grovlt, os boslc oducotlon. Ol courso, lrom
tlmo lmmomorlol lt hos boon dllllcult lor tho humon mlnd to
ossumo tho lundomontol roollt, ol Grovlt, bocouso lt ls
lmporcoptlblo. Wo hovo to roollzo tho oxlstonco ond octuollt,
ol Grovlt, b, lts lunctlons ond ollocts ln tho unlvorso. To
ldontll, Grovlt, l om glvlng somo ol tho quolltlos ond
choroctors so thot ovor,ono con oosll, ossumo lts oxlstonco
ond tronslormotlons ln lts lmporcoptlblo os woll os porcoptlblo
Evor, momont ol our llvos wo oxporlonco tho Grovlt,,
but b, othor nomos. ln loct, thot whlch wo coll spoco ls nothlng
but Grovlt,. Thoro oro lour lnnoto quolltlos ol spoco (Grovlt,):
Plonum, Forco, Consclous-noss ond Tlmo. Plonum ls tho
lnoxhoustlblo sourco ol oll lorcos. Forco ls oll potontlol, wlth
soll-comprosslvo noturo. Consclousnoss ls monllost os tho
ordor ol lunctlon ln ovor,thlng ovor,whoro, dlroctlng tho lorco
ol Grovlt, proclsol, ond proporl,. Tlmo orlsos b, tho soll-
comprosslvo lorco, whlch ls glvlng prossuro on ovor,thlng ot
lnllnltoslmol lntorvols (klnomotlc qulvorlng) thot crootos tho
ossumptlon ol tlmo. Thoso lour quolltlos oro monllostlng tholr
oxlstonco ond lunctlons ln ovor,thlng, ot ovor, stogo ol tho
tronslormotlon ol Grovlt, lnto unlvorso. Grovlt, ls hlghl,
tronsporont, oll ponotrotlvo ond thoroughl, pormooblo; lt ls
dork mlght, lluld lrom whlch on,thlng ond ovor,thlng comos
os lts tronslormotlon.
Consclousnoss ls ldontlllod os ono ol tho lnhoront
quolltlos ol Grovlt,. As tho lorco ol Grovlt, lunctlons tho
consclousnoss ls lts lnsoporoblo shodow. Tho wholo unlvorso
ls tho product ol Grovlt, ond oll tho lunctlons oro dotormlnod
b, consclousnoss. Thls lnvoluoblo ond morvolous prlnclplo,
Grovlt,, b, lts own comprosslon bocomos quontlzod os
lmporcoptlblo `dust`. As such o hlghl, tronsporont prlnclplo
ls powdorod lnto lnllnltoslmol quonto ol dust, tho dust olso ls
oquoll, tronsporont. Whon wo soo tho spoco wo oro olso
soolng tho dust, whlch ls lmposslblo to porcolvo or
dlllorontloto; tho spoco ond tho dust con not bo soon soporotol,.
As ovor, dust ls comprossod b, tho surroundlng
prossuro ol Grovlt,, oll tho dusts oro splnnlng. B, lts splnnlng
octlon tho dust bocomos tho mlght, unlvorsol powor,
mognotlsm. B, tho ossoclotlon ol dust, lundomontol portlclos
oro lormod; b, ossoclotlon ol portlclos, otoms oro lormod; b,
tho ossoclotlon ol otoms olomonts oro lormod. All oppooroncos
ol tho unlvorso oro ossoclotlons ol olomonts. As ovor,thlng
ln tho unlvorso ls lormod ond lunctlonlng b, tho ossoclotlon
ol dust, ovor, moss hos splnnlng octlon.
As roollzotlon ol tho noturo ol Grovlt, ls vltoll, lmportont
to splrltuol sookors ond oll othor lntolloctuols, tho roollzotlon
ol consclousnoss ls olso oquoll, lmportont.
Now lot us look lurthor lnto thls subjoct ond toko noto
ol somo ol tho lmportont lncldonts ond lunctlons ol
consclousnoss wo oro oblo to notlco ln our do, to do, lllo.
1. Conscl ousnoss l s prosont ovor,whoro ond l n
ovor,thlng, monllost os puttern, precson, unJ
regulurt. Lot us consldor thoso quolltlos. Wo sow o
sood ln tho oorth; llrst lt gormlnotos, thon lt sprouts ond
o stom oppoors. Thon lt goos on to produco bronchos,
loovos, lrults ond soods - oll oro comlng ono oltor tho
othor, os tho, dld ln tho mothor plont. Whon ,ou
consldor ovon thls smoll plont ,ou con undorstond thot
tho procossos ln lts growth ond ,lold oro lolthlull,
corrlod out; tho shopo ol tho loovos ond lrults ond tholr
chomlcol quolltlos oro proclsol, oppoorlng os ln tho
mothor plont. Thls ls ono slgn b, whlch wo con ossumo
tho prosonco ond rolo ol consclousnoss.
2. ln tho ps,chlc lunctlons ol llvlng bolngs thoro oro
throo vltol ospocts: cognton, experence unJ
Jscrmnuton. Thls ls tho lnvoluoblo s,stom worklng
ln ooch ond ovor, llvlng bolng, onobllng lts survlvol
ond dovolopmont throughout lllo.
3. ln humon lllo wo con dlstlngulsh ton stogos ol montol
lunctlon: 1} Feelng, z} NeeJ, J}Zeul (Ejjort}, 4} Acton,
5} Result, 6} Enjoment, 7} Experence, S} Reseurcl,
}Reulzuton, unJ 10} Concluson. Thoso ton oro
lnhoront ln ovor, octlon ond onjo,mont ol mon, ond
olso oppl, to somo othor spoclos. Thls ls tho wondorlul
s,stomotlc lunctlon ol consclousnoss provldod b,
Noturo ond ossontlol lor our llvos.
4. Tho lood wo consumo ls tronslormod lnto sovon tlssuos,
l.o. julco, blood, llosh, lot, bono, morrow ond soxuol
vltol lluld. Thoso tronslormotlons oro toklng ploco
s,stomotlcoll, ln oll mommols ond mon, othor llvlng
bolngs. No humon bolng con corr, out ovon ono ol
thoso tronslormotlons b, hls honds or lnstrumonts; ovon
tho grootost sclontlst connot moko blood out ol lood,
,ot oll thoso lunctlons oro unlolllngl, corrlod out ln tho
humon bod,. Who porlorms oll thoso wondors ln tho
bod,, othor thon consclousnoss
5. Womon`s bod, ls constructod so wondorlull, thot oll
mon ond womon oro concolvod ond grown ln tho
womb untll rood, lor blrth wlthout on, chongo or
doloct ln tho llmbs ond sonsos (unloss thoro ls somo
oxtroordlnor, couso thot mo, dlsturb tho procoss).
From tho concoptlon up to tho blrth ol o chlld how
mon, wondorlul lunctlons oro hopponlng! To roollzo
tho lntrlnslc omozlng comploxlt, ond locult, ol
consclousnoss, wo should rolloct on tho wondorlul
dovolopmont ol o chlld ln tho womb. Whon on ogg
ond sporm oro conjolnod, thot ls concoptlon. Tho lotus
lorms os consclousnoss lollows tho prlnclplos ol pottorn,
proclslon ond rogulorlt,. Accordlng to tho trodltlonol
Slddho modlcol onol,sls, ln tho llrst month lt bocomos
strolght; tho socond month tho ombr,o dovolops hood,
bock ond loco; tho thlrd month honds ond logs lorm;
ln tho lourth month tho noso ls lormod; ln tho lllth
month oors, tonguo ond o,os oro lormod; slxth month
tho nolls oro comlng out lrom oll llngors ond toos; ln
tho sovonth month holr, norvos, bonos, bloddor, colon,
lungs, hoort oro lormod ond broothlng procoss storts;
ln tho olghth month ossontlol nutrltlvo julco lrom tho
mothor ls obsorbod through tho hood ol tho lotus, ond
b, tho nlnth month tho bod, ls lull, dovolopod ond
turns upsldo down to bo rood, to loovo tho womb. ln
tho tonth month tho bob, ls dollvorod lrom tho womb.
All thoso dovolopmonts oro s,mbollcoll, lndlcotod b,
tho Aroblc numorols lrom ono to ton.
Ono moro wondor ls thot lrom tho doto ol concoptlon
up to tho doto ol dollvor, tho ombr,o ls protoctod b, o
wotor bog whlch ollows tho chlld to dovolop wlthout
bolng hormod b, tho movomonts ol tho mothor ln hor
do, to do, lllo. Tho wotor bog sorvos os o shock
obsorbor oll through tho porlod ol tho dovolopmont ol
tho ombr,o to lts lullnoss ond onl, brooks ot tho tlmo
ol dollvor, ol tho chlld ln tho tonth month. Who olso
con corr, out thls s,stomotlc growth ond dovolopmont,
lrom o mlnlsculo lortlllzod ogg to o comploto humon
bolng ln oll lts dlllorontlotod ,ot lntogrotod comploxlt,
ond potontlol, othor thon tho consclousnoss
6. ln tho wholo cosmos thoro oro lnnumoroblo stors ond
goloxlos. Eoch hos o cortoln wolght, splnnlng spood,
ond lts own orblt. Aro thoro on, lrrogulorltlos or dolo,s
ln tholr lunctlons Whlch mlght, powor ls guldlng oll
thoso octlvltlos othor thon tho consclousnoss ol
7. Lot us thlnk obout tho worklng s,stom ol tho llvlng
bolng. Thoro oro olght prlnclplos, vlz. 1) ph,slcol bod,;
2) lllo-lorco; 3) blomognotlsm; 4) gonotlc contor;
5) broln; 6) soul; 7)mlnd; ond 8) sonsos. Connoctlng
tho octlvltlos ol oll thoso olght ospocts ond molntolnlng
tho ph,slcol ond ps,chlc lunctlons - thls complox ond
constont work ls corrlod out onl, b, tho consclousnoss
ol Grovlt,.
8. Ono moro oxomplo to undorstond tho `consclontlous`
consclousnoss ls tho romorkoblo bohovlor ol ordlnor,
wotor os lt ls coolod. Whon wotor ls coolod lts donslt,
lncroosos. So ln wlntor, os tho wotor ln o loko gots
coolor lts donslt, goos on lncrooslng. ll tho donslt, wont
on lncrooslng os tho tomporoturo lolls, tho ontlro loko
would lroozo ond oll tho llsh ond plonts wlthln tho
wotor would lroozo to dooth. Howovor, lt ls Noturo`s
wondorlul ordor ol lunctlon thot, tho momont tho
tomporoturo roochos 4 dogroos C, tho donslt,
Jecreuses. Bocouso lt ls loss donso thon tho wotor
bolow, tho top lo,or ol wotor romolns ot tho surloco ol
tho loko ond tho lco lorms onl, on tho surloco. Thorob,
tho llsh ond plont lllo ln tho loko con survlvo undor
tho lco ond oro sovod lrom lroozlng. Among oll tho
olomonts, onl, wotor hos thls omozlng quollt, ol
lncrooslng donslt, os lt cools to o portlculor lovol, but
suddonl, docrooslng ln donslt, whon tho tomporoturo
lolls bolow thot lovol. ln thls wo, tho `consclontlous
consclousnoss` protocts oll tho llvlng bolngs ln tho
. Anothor wondorlul octlvlt, ol consclousnoss con bo
undorstood b, consldorlng tho prlnclplo ol `spoclllc
grovlt,`. On oorth, thls spoclllc grovlt, s,stom ls soon
to bo lunctlonlng ln o wondorlul ond dlvlno ordor,
kooplng tho llghtor olomonts ot tho surloco ond
hoovlor olomonts lnsldo. B, thls, llghtor motols oro
lound noor tho surloco ond hoovlor motols (such os
gold) oro lound ln tho dopths. ln our own bodlos, tho
lntonslllod blomognotlc wovo ls modo to sottlo ln tho
contor ol tho bod,, ond ls thon dlstrlbutod through
tho bod, ond sonsos opproprlotol,.
10. Wo oll know thot tho world todo, ls progrosslng ln
sclontlllc rosoorch, tochnolog, ond ln provldlng
numorous locultlos thot oro olovotlng tho llvlng s,stom
ol monklnd. Whon wo oxomlno oll thoso wondorlul
dovolopmonts lt con bo undorstood thot oll oro tho
lunctlons ol consclousnoss, worklng through tho
humon mlnd ond lntolloct.
ln oddltlon to oll thoso montlonod obovo, wo con soo
countloss wondorlul lunctlons ln tho llvlng bolngs ond ln tho
cosmos. Wo, monklnd, hovo tho rosponslblllt, to stud, ond
undorstond oll tho locultlos ol consclousnoss so os to dool
wlth ovor,thlng proporl,, hormonlousl, ond compotlbl,.
Thorob, mon wlll olwo,s dorlvo bonollt ond ploosuro,
ovoldlng loss ond poln.
Door lrlonds! l convo, m, good wlshos to oll ol ,ou.
l om grotolul to ,ou lor potlontl, roodlng thls trootlso on
Grovlt, ond Consclousnoss.
l wlsh to lnlorm ,ou ol m, stotus: l om not o sclontlst;
nor hovo l studlod phllosoph, undor on, omlnont scholor.
M, oogornoss ond porsovoronco ln tho roollsotlon ol Truth
modo lt posslblo lor mo to know somo hlddon locts obout
tho Noturo b, lntultlon. As lt ls gonorol trolt ol humon noturo
to wlsh to rovool on, lmportont dlscovorlos obout Noturo to
othors, l hovo olso vonturod to oxpross m, llndlngs ond
l humbl, roquost tho roodor to lorglvo mo ll thoro ls
on, loult ln tho oxposltlon or ln tho longuogo.
All mo, bo blossod b, Almlght, wlth good hoolth,
prosporlt, ond pooco.

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