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Your amazing new life begins now! Here's what you can
look forward to:
Shortcut guide to learning the most profitable skill
known to man.
Why it's actually better to start out broke.
How to figure out your market's hot buttons.
Where the money is and how to get it.
How to find a market of players with dumb money.
How to create a headline that will make you rich.
Discover the internet marketing guru's closely guarded
How to use your subconscious like a search engine to
get the wealth (or anything else) you want. (When you
ask these power questions your mind will manifest
whatever you ask for).
How to get rid of your limiting beliefs that are
holding you back (And you might not even be aware they
How to reprogram your mind for success (Turns out rich
people think differently, but if you can see the world
from their perspective you will also become wealthy).
And a lot more...
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The Oldest Secrets In Business
Do you want to quit your job and live a happy, wealthy and comfortable life?
Do you want the freedom to do what you want when you want?
Do you want to make money without having to constantly work?
Do you want to have the resources to spend as much time with your family as you want?
Do you want to work from a spare bedroom (or your kitchen table)?
Do you want financial freedom and peace of mind?
Do you want complete job security?
Let me start by saying this isnt a technical manual! "his isnt a guide on how to set up an
#ma$on affiliate site or anything like that!
"hese secrets you are about to learn dont rely on an technology! %n fact, if the internet crashed
tomorrow you would still be able to make more in a month than the average #merican worker makes
all year!
"hese secrets are as old as a caveman selling a haunch of meat! "hese same techniques were
used by chariot salesman in ancient &ome! #nd they will be the same methods used to make windfalls
when we are getting te'ts to tiny cellphones imbedded in our brains!
"hese secrets have more in common with (!"! )arnum drawing huge crowds to his carnival
side shows than to modern cable "* ads! "hey have more in common with "he +nquirer than
glamorous make up in *ogue!
,our level of school doesnt matter! %n fact, literary writers have a distinct disadvantage! % would
rather take a used car salesman in a seer sucker suit and turn him into an internet marketer than a guy
with a degree in +nglish Lit!
Who Am I And Why Am I Telling You This?
%m about to reveal these secrets to you but first let me tell you why you should listen to me! %t
starts all the way back in the -.s when my parents first got dial up internet for the house! % was in my
early teens at the time! #nd % was instantly hooked, dreaming about the possibilities, surfing for hours
and chatting in #/L chat rooms!
#nd!! building really bad 0eocities websites about my favorite show at the time1 Dragon )all 2!
3ast forward to college and %m building websites for people as a side job! %n my fourth year was
% became disillusioned with what % was learning and where my life was going! % knew % didnt want to
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be another cog in the machine and % wasnt learning any useful skills going to class! 4y grades slipped
and % dropped out!
#t this time, % started building websites for clients full time! #s a freelance, % got my first taste
of selling, handling objections and providing service! /ver time % got tired of dealing with the same
problems over and over, % wasnt enjoying it anymore so % put up a website to make 5passive income6!
(% put 5passive income6 in quotations because its a misnomer, there is no truly passive income
the way internet marketers sell it!)
4y website was a store selling high7end water filters from a manufacturer in #rlington, "8!
/ne night, % was surfing around looking for internet marketing hacks and % ran across the concept of
9+/ and the concept of backlinks!
% decided to give it a try! #nd to my surprise, within weeks my site was the first result on
0oogle for some good keywords! #nd the traffic started flowing in!!!
)ut conversions were low! % had no idea how copywriting worked, %n fact % didnt even know
what that was!
)ut % knew % was missing something!!!
#nd the wolves were at the door!
"hen % came across #:#%s Accelerated Program for Six Figure Copywriting and it clicked! %
needed good copy! 9o % shelled out the ;<.. or whatever it was and at the time that was a huge amount
of money for me! % got a sick feeling in my stomach and physically cringed when % hit the order button!
3or the ne't month % ate ramen noodles, stopped partying and went through the program! :hat %
learned allowed me to create a website that out performed all other salesman and the manufacturer in
no time flat!
% built up a huge list of customers and affiliates!!!
"hen % got bored with it and sold the site off (at huge profit) to my competition!
#fter that % was hooked! %ve since spent more than ;=.,... on sales, marketing and
copywriting courses, books, newsletters, courses, etc!
4ost recently my sales system made two ;<..,... per month contracts for one of my clients!
#nother sales system is making four dollars for every dollar spent!
)ut it wasnt always this way, in fact when % started out % had absolutely nothing!!! 4eaning, %
was homeless without a car!
:ell, technically % did have two things1 a slow as molasses 4acbook and a library card!
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:ith the secrets you can learn in this report % now live in a =>.. square foot vaulted ceiling
home on some ranch acreage with my girlfriend Diana and our cocker bull )uster outside my
hometown of +l (aso, "e'as!
%m not telling you this to brag, %m telling you this because this stuff works in the real world, its
based on e'perience, not theory!
#nd you can get results like this for yourself, you just need to learn the same things % did! ,ou
are just as capable as me (if not more so)! #nd, since youre smarter than % was starting out and youre
actually learning the craft, you will shortcut your time to success and miss the avoidable and painful
mistakes % had to endure!
How To Mae Your !reams "ome True In #Almost$ %o Time
%f you want all your dreams to come true in a short amount of time youve come to the right
place! ,ou might be just starting out in the 5internet marketing6 world, stumbling from guru to guru,
not making the money you dreamed of (and know is possible)!
#nd thats fine! %n fact, its completely normal! (retty much every entrepreneur has a story about
being broke or going through bankruptcy!
)efore 0ary ?albert wrote his 5@oat of #rms6 letter, the most mailed piece in history (over
A..,...,... sent), he was dead broke using his utility money to pay for stamps while he and his wife
sat in a dark house without running water waiting for orders that would never come!
#nd he lived like that for years! %magine having not one success, not even a minor one, for
years and years! (eople calling him cra$y, his wife giving him grief, but knowing you have what it
takes to make it!
:hen )en 9uare$, author of > 9teps to 3reedom, made his first minor success, he quickly lost
;>.,... to a crooked list broker! %t almost sunk him before he even got off the ground! ?e has to
second mortgage his home!
:hen Bohn @arlton was starting out as a freelance copywriter he had an /liveti typewriter with
a sticky g key, one months rent, a tank of gas in his beat up old (!/!9!, and a lead on some books that
might help him out!
%ts almost a right of passage for successful entrepreneurs!
)ut it doesnt have to be that way for you! 9ure, you are going to want to fail forward because
thats how you learn what works is through e'perience!
#nd not every ad you put out there is going to be a winner!
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%n fact, "ed Cicholas, the legendary ;A billion direct marketer said he would be happy if one out
of every ten ads was profitable! ?e knew that one winning ad would more than pay for the nine losers!
)ut most people are too scared to take a risk, even a small one! #s my friend Devin used to say,
5Co risk, no reward!6
)ut you arent going to have to take a risk really! % mean, do you have a dollar to spare for a
domain name? Do you have si' dollars a month for hosting your website?
#nd youre not even going to risk that much!
Why Most &ntre'reneurs (ail
) And How To A*oid Their Mistaes
?eres what %m getting at1 4ost entrepreneurs fail because they do things out of order! 4ost
people find a product they like, fall in love with it, pay money setting up production!!!
!!!and then try to market it!
%ts as if the selling is an after thought! "hats cra$y, its backwards! :hat the savvy marketer
does is first find the hot market, then find a product that fulfills that markets needs!
3ind a parade and get in front of it!
:hat you want to do is start fishing in a crowded pool! #nd %m going to tell you later an easy
way to figure out some hot markets!
)ut first, before you even start looking for your dream market, you need to get your beliefs and
attitudes in order!
3alse beliefs, usually instilled in your childhood, are the number one reason you arent
achieving the success you know you are capable of! "hese little mind viruses are holding you back and
you dont even know they e'ist because they are buried deep in your subconscious mind!
% know you might be thinking, 5/h no, this new age garbage isnt for me!6 #nd % agree with
you! %ts not for me either!
#lthough most successful entrepreneurs wont tell you this, they all go through this process! %t
was first e'posed in Boe Darbos famous book The Lazy Man's ay To !iches! ?e described it as the
%magine you mind like an iceberg, your conscious mind is the tip that sticks out of the water!
#nd you subconscious mind is the -.E of the ice below the surface!
,ou can use the power of your subconscious mind to your benefit instead of using it to sabotage
yourself like most people do!
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%f your mind was a search engine like 0oogle, what kind of results would your thinking get?
"he battle is won or lost in your mind before you take your first steps!
)ut there is a very simple way your can reprogram your mind for success results!
3irst you have to write down, with a pen and paper, your objectives and your goals! /bjectives
are your dreams (to make ;=,...,..., to build your dream house, to travel across #merica in an &*
without having to worry about money or being able to quit your job and live a better, happier, more free
lifestyle)! ,our goals are the specific milestones along the way!
9ay, if you want to earn ;=,...,... a year within F years, then break it down! ,oull have to
make ;G<.,... a year, thats ;G.,HII a month! Ce't, youll have to go find someone who will pay you
that much!
"hats means going to school, getting a degree, then finding a company who will give you that
much for your e'pertise! 0ood luck with that!
"urns out, theres a better way!
But you won+t learn it at school,
%n fact, there is not a school in the world that will teach you any of these skills! Bust look at the
very successful people who did not do well in school!
:inston @hurhill failed a year in high school!
"homas +dison was considered dumb!
@olonel 9anders of Dentucky 3ried @hicken dropped out when he was =F!
Dave "homas, founder of :endys dropped out of high school!
)illionaire entrepreneur &ichard )ranson, owner of *irgin, dropped out of high school when he
was =A!
9teve :o$niak, creator of #pple @omputers didnt finish college!
"hats because a highly functioning mind cannot be measured by rote memori$ation and then
vomiting back up said information onto standardi$ed tests! "hats how you make robots, not creative
successful happy people who provide value!
"hats how you make cubicle drones who are easily replaceable! :here your boss, whose on a
power trip, can say to you one morning, 5,oure fired!6 for any reason! #nd thats what people call job
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"o me, that doesnt sound safe! "o me it sounds like a scam! )ut its fair, employees dont take
risks so they get paid what they are worth! )ut youll always be on the e'penses side of the accounting
"ontrol Your Own (ate And Secure Your (uture
/n the other hand, when you create your own value and give it to your own flock then you can
never be 5fired!6 &emember, when you are advertising, you are talking to a moving parade!
9o if you cant find a boss who will pay you twenty thousand a month, then you are going to
find a way to give value to people in e'change for their cash!
"his is the point where most people will open a bar or a restaurant, or some other brick and
mortar! )ut thats a crap shoot! %t requires a huge amount of capital to start and run, a lot of employees,
ra$or thin margins, and =H hour days!
"hen how are you going to make your million, you ask?
:ith informationJ
:e live in the information age! %ts never been easier for the average joe to publish his own
information1 books, ebooks, audio, dvd, teleseminars, webinars, blogs, enewsletters, etc!
#nd becoming an information marketer is easier than you think! :ell get to the nuts and bolts
)ut now, lets get back to getting your beliefs helping you succeed! "his is where most
motivational people will tell you just imagine what you want, think positive and your dreams will
)ut thats not the whole picture!
:eve grown up being imprinted with the beliefs of unhappy, poor, miserable people that came
right before us! %m sure you recogni$e the phrase, 5?ard7earned cash!6 "his is false! :e have to be
careful of the phrases we use in our advertising and the phrases we use to talk to ourselves!
Cow, %m not saying you arent going to have to put in some work but you know whose really
working hard? %ts those guys making minimum wage, living paycheck to paycheck, barely able to
support themselves, one disaster away from ruin at any given second!
"he difference between being broke and being poor is poverty is a mindset while being broke is
:ith the skills youre going to learn in this book, if you are broke, youll be able to shoot off a
short email, write a letter, put up a < page website and make enough money to live the lifestyle of your
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%ts really about being in control of your own destiny! % know, because you are reading this, you
dont want to be trapped in the rat race until you die or retire! ,ou know its possible, you see other
people doing it and you want that for yourself!
You Are "a'a-le O. /etting True Wealth
3irst, know that you are just as capable, if not more so, than the people who are wealthy right
now! ,ou have just the same amount of time in your day as they do!
"he rich dont work harder or longer than you! %n fact, they work a lot less!
,ou dont have to come from a wealthy family, have a rich uncle, get investors, get a loan from
a bank, get an 5angel investor6 or have anything else!
,ou can easily finance this type of operation from your personal money, even if you barely have
any! ,ou can run it yourself, working out of your own home for only a couple hours a day!
,ou dont need technical skills, or even know how to use the computer very well!
,ou will need to learn copywriting and %m going to give you a crash course in the most useful
skill you will ever learn1 how to "e a master salesman in print! %ts going to give you such a tremendous
advantage in every area of your life!
)ut first, write down your objectives (your big dreams)! Cow break your objectives down into
goals that will help you get there!
%n the e'ample, making a million a year is your objective, creating your own information
product to sell is your goal!
"hen youre going to program your subconscious search engine reali$e your dreams! "his gets
into what people call affirmations! #n affirmation is saying something like, 5% am rich!6 )ut, if youve
every tried this before, you know it doesnt work!
%ts missing the crucial element1 %f your subconscious is a search engine, why not ask it a
!on+t 0ie To Yoursel.
%nstead of lying to yourself, which actually hurts your self esteem, ask yourself, 5:hy am %
rich?6 and your mind will have no choice but to find you an answer to that question!
#nd your mind is so much more powerful than a search engine, it actually gives you results in
the form of shaping your reality around you!
?eres some of my power questions1
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5:hy am % wealthy, healthy and happy?6
5:hy do % create value?6
5:hy am % a top copywriter?6
5:hy do % make ;=.,... a month working I. hours a week?6
5:hy can % easily afford to live the lifestyle % want?6
5:hy am % able to travel comfortably anytime % want anywhere % want?6
5:hy am % capable of obtaining wealth?6
Cow, write down your own subconscious power searches! Bust form your goals and objectives
in to questions that assume you already have what you want!
"his technique can work for any area of your life! #nd its remarkable how the results almost
miraculously manifest themselves in your life! "ry it out for a month and see how it improves your life!
How To Sell Something And Be Ha''y !oing It
:hat are you going to sell to make that money?
:ell, whats the point of making a bunch of money if you are miserable doing it? ,ou want to
be the IE of people that is happy and wealthy otherwise its not even worth it!
Here's how you can do that1 0et a piece of paper and a pen and write down your passions,
hobbies and interests!
?eres what my list looks like1
9now skiing
?omemade vegetable juice
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Cow, find out which passion you share with a lot of other people! (referably people with 5dumb
money6 to spend!
)asically, you want to find a lot of people who are 5irrationally passionate6! "hings like golfing,
sailing, skiing, etc! (referably things that require lots of money to be a part of! 9o you know they have
5dumb money6 to spend!
3or my list, % know people who ski are irrationally passionate about their hobby and have lots of
5dumb money6 they like to spend on new equipment, lavish vacations and (most importantly)
)ecause %ve decided to sell information products and now %ve found a niche % can share my
passion with, now % have to figure out what my market wants!
"he best way to find out your markets 5hot buttons6 is to test!
Test small,
Here's what I mean: 3or the golf market, it is impossible to sell a product on how to putt
better! +ven though people will tell you they would like to learn how to putt better, its not something
they will spend money on!
"his was discovered through testing, trying to put out products on how to putt better and having
them fail! ,eah, putting better will take some strokes off your game but its not a 5hot button6!
"urns out, what people really want is to learn how to drive the ball hundreds of yards down the
fairway so they can turn to their friends and see the ama$ed look on their faces, know they won the
pissing contest and brag about it at the bar afterward!
Dnowing how to putt better isnt going to give them the satisfaction they desire! "his is your hot
Here's a story: %magine yourself at a fancy party in Cew ,ork @ity and in walks the most
beautiful woman youve ever seen! "hroughout the night you see every guy in the room make their
pitch to her! "here are guys talking about their money, their mansions, their fast cars! "here are guys
saying they are a producer and they can get her in the movies! "hee are guys telling her they are agents
and they can get her modeling gigs! "here are young guys with ripped abs!
)ut somehow, you know something about her they dont!
,ou know she is addicted to heroin!
9o after all the other guys have crashed and burned you walk up to her, pull out a baggie of
white powder and say, 5"his is the best heroin in Cew ,ork! Do you want to go do some with me?6
:ho do you think she is going to go home with?
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#nd it didnt take a lot words, or hype, or being funny or anything! ,ou just had to know what
she wants the most and give it to her!
Cow, most of you are probably not in the illegal drug business but this same principle applies to
legal products too!
,eah % know its e'aggerated but % would rather get the point across in an e'aggerated way and
have you remember it!
:here were we?
/h yeah!!!
#nd before you think you have to be an e'pert on the subject, let me show you another e'ample
that will destroy that myth!
:hat information product could % come up with for the skiing market?
,eah, % could manufacture skis, jackets, or boots! )ut then % would have to develop a product,
test, manufacture and deal with the headaches that come along with it!
% could write a simple report giving them information they would pay money for! :ith
information products people arent buying the paper and binding, they are buying the information
inside! 9o you can market up your product <, =., G. times cost and still have people willing to buy it!
Cow lets come up with a product!
3irst % would go down to the library and get =< to G. books on skiing! "hen % would skim
through each one, reading the headlines, sub7heads, key words, and any other important information %
could get quickly!
:hen you do this for =< books in a row, youll soon figure out which ones are garbage and
which ones are worth reading further because youll come across similar information through out!
Cow look through you notes and see if anything pops out at you that is truly secret information
people will want!
#nd dont think just because its been published before that you cant sell it to people! 4ost
authors dont know how to market their books so most people wont even know the information even if
it has been published before!
Cow make sure the information is accessible! ,eah, you might have found a way to lose weight
by only eating rice and living in the coldest climate and swimming in free$ing water for < hours a day!!!
)ut people will not want that information because its not helpful to them!
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/n the other hand, if youve found a relatively unknown secret that "iger :oods put out on how
to drive the ball four hundred yards straight down the fairway, then youve got yourself some
information that people will give you money for!
3or the ski market, lets think of something they would want!
Do you think % could sell a product with a headline like1
7 Skiing 'Heaven Resorts' You Can
Stay For Less han !"## $ %eek&'
% think some people would be interested in that information! #nd you dont have to be an e'pert
skier to write it down! %n fact you dont even have to know how to ski!
"he trick is to pick the right list! "his is even more important than the copy!
Here's why: ,ou could write the most ama$ing direct mail letter with the best headline possible
about how to service you own sewing machine! #nd if you sent that letter to people who have bought a
product on how to fi' their own 4ustangs in their home garage, you arent going to get a very good
,our list selection is the most important element! %n fact, if you pick the right list of the hottest
buyers you could get a great response with mediocre copy! Bust because you are pitching the right
product to the right people!
?eres an e'ample1 %f you were going to open a burger shack, what would you want? 0ood,
fresh ingredients? # good location in a high traffic area? "he best atmosphere?
%ll give you all of that and if you give me just one thing % know %ll put you out of business!
:hats that you ask?
A star*ing crowd1
@ontrary to popular belief, good copywriters cant sell a refrigerator to an +skimo! ,ou could lie
and tell him its a space heater! )ut anyone could sell water to a man dying of thirst! )ecause you have
what he already needs!
%f you tried to sell ra$ors to men in rural &ussia, you would first have to change their habits
about wearing beards! "his is almost impossible and it would not be profitable! )ut companies are
attempting similar impossible feats everyday with disastrous consequences!
9o instead of trying to change someones habits, simple join the conversation already going on
in his head!
Bust figure out what people are already spending their money on! "his is an important difference
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in other tools like 0oogle keyword tool! Bust because someone is searching for a term doesnt mean
they are going to spend money on products about it!
#nd this is also the reason so media marketing is a graveyard! Bust because someone says they
are into something on their 3acebook page doesnt mean they are going to spend money on it (or even
that they really do like it)! %n social medias case, people are putting things on their to look cool to their
#nother e'ample of people telling you something because they thing you want to hear it is how
many people will tell you they read the bible! %t turns out not that many people actually read the bible!
#nd those same people that say they read the bible will probably also not tell you they read the
+nquirer! )ut if you look at the circulation of "he +nquirer, it is one of the most read publications ever,
so statistically, those people are lying!
% mean, would you get fishing advice from the fish?
(robably not if you want to catch anything!
/n the other hand, people spend their money on what they are actually interested in! "o find out
what people are shelling out cash for you have to look through the 9tandard &ate and Data 9ervice
books! #nd actually they dont even publish the physical books any more!
:hich is too bad for me because it used to be my night time reading, just flipping through the
pages, seeing the bi$arre things people buy!
#nyway, in the 9&D9 directory you will find a list of people who own lists of people who
bought something! :hat youll see is a bunch of data cards1 the universe, what the product they bought
is, the price of what they bought, the name of the person who own the list, and how much it is to rent
the list!
Cow, lets say youre flipping through the 9&D9 and you find that A million people bought a
maga$ine called @ruisers, for people who like to cruise around in their sailboats for ;A.! @an you think
of a product they might want?
?ow about a report on, 5> @ruising (aradise %slands ,ou @an )e #t %n Less "han I Days 3rom
Cow!!! +ven %f ,ou Dont ?ave # 9ailboatJ6
Cow lets say you send out a letter that and you get a IE response rate, for a ;A. report! 3or
every =... letters you send out I. people will buy! "hats a gross profit of ;=,H..! Cow subtract the
cost of mailing, about ;A.., and the list rental, about ;=.. and that gives us a net profit of ;=,=.. per
thousand names!
:ith a IE response rate and a universe of A million names, thats =H.,... people who will buy
your product at ;A., which comes out to!!!
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#nd thats off of one little report you can put together in a weekend! #nd, since you are testing
small, you only invest the initial ;>.. to mail =... names, then you take your earnings and 5roll out6!
:hen you roll out you just send letter to a bigger group of names! Like if you tested with =,... then
you can roll out to <,... then =.,... then G.,...!
)ut keep you testing small because you want to, 5"est small, fail small!6 (lus, there are tricks to
rolling out so you dont get scammed by a dishonest list broker! :ell talk more about that later!
)ut this is The Lazy Man's ay To #nline !iches, youre saying! :hat does sending letters have
to do with any of this? %ts the same principle online! %n fact every form of media has the same
principles behind them including letters, space ads, radio, television, and the internet!
The Same Stu.. Wors On The We-
:hat the savvy marketers know is the internet is just another media! "he same old7school
salesmans tools work (and thats all that works)! %n fact, if you want to get good at copywriting for the
internet, you should read as many books by salesman as possible, especially the legendary 5pots and
pans6 man 2ig 2iglar (% recommend "he 9ecrets of @losing the 9ale)!
9o the same stuff works on the web! %f you put up a sales page and you get a GE response rate
with =... visitors a day and a ;A. report, thats ;=,G.. a day gross profit! #nd G. people you can add
to your mailing list and market to on the back7end (where your real money is) forever!
%n fact, the back7end is so profitable, a lot of marketers will lose money on the front end just to
get people on their list because they know their lifetime customer value will more than pay for getting
them on the list!
,ou can e'pect a name on your list to be worth about ;=7G a month if you market to them in the
right way (which %ll show you how to do)!
%n the e'ample about you are adding about G. names a day, =F. names a week, <A. names a
month, or A,>G. names a year! 9o within a year you will be making ;A,>G. a month without doing
anything practically!
%n five years you will be making ;II,A.. a month just on your listJ
%t comes down to the often repeated fact your list is your most important asset! ,ou could lose
everything and rebuild overnight if all you had was your list!
%n fact, you should keep a physical copy of your list and you might want to think about getting a
safety deposit bo' at your bank and put an updated list in their every week! "reat your list like gold and
it will pay off for you!
Cow getting your prospects to your sales page is where your marketing comes in! /ne of the
best ways to get qualified traffic is to have your own flock of affiliates! "hese are the guys with their
own lists in your niche who will send traffic to your sales page for a percentage of the sales, usually
- 15 -
<.E 7 >.E!
,ou want to make it worthwhile for your affiliates to send you traffic! 9o give them a good
commission, as much as you profitably can! )ecause remember, youre not just going after a one shot
deal here, you want to get people on your list and build a long profitable relationship with them for
years right?
% mean, they are doing the hard work for you, youre not having to pay out of pocket for putting
up space ads or adwords!
"here was a study done, where people were offered free money but only on the condition they
had to share a percentage with someone else! %t was found people would refuse free money if someone
else was getting a percentage they felt was unfair!
4ake it worth their while and they will bring you visitors and cash! ,ou could even have an
affiliate contest where you give pri$es away to the top performing affiliates! % suggest, doing it based on
traffic sent that converted because some affiliates will send a bunch of unqualified traffic your way that
doesnt convert!
%t was discovered with sales teams, that people will work harder for pri$es like a tv, electronics,
computers, plane tickets, etc than they will for cash bonuses! %ts just one of those things about human
nature that doesnt make sense, but you can use that to your advantage now to motivate your affiliates!
9peaking of human nature, now that you are a savvy marketer, you have to pay attention to
peoples behavior! "o get to know people for who they really are, not who they want you to believe they
are! "heres a big difference! )ecause, if you dont know what makes humans tick, why people buy, and
the triggers you can use to close them, youve lost the battle already!
/n the other hand, if you become a student of reality, seeing the world and people for what it
really is, then you have won the battle before its started!
9un "su, author of The Art of ar said if you know yourself, and know your enemy, then you
will win before the fighting starts!
David /gilvy said advertising is like war without the venom! 0etting someones attention,
pushing their hot buttons, manipulating their emotions and getting them to want what you are selling is
an inherently hostile action!
@ivilians have no idea the amount of sales resistance there is in the general public! ,ou have to
e'perience it to know it!
"heres a story about a general in the Dorean war, he was under heavy fire from all directions,
and someone runs up to him with a bo' full of guns! 9o he yells, 5% dont have time to talk to a
salesman right now!6
+ven if you have e'actly what someone needs in that moment they will resist buying it from
you! #nd if they do buy it from you they will resent you for making them want it!
- 16 -
% mean, #mericans are bombarded with thirty thousand ads a dayJ #nd most of them are
annoying yelling ads! %ts no wonder there is such a resistance to advertising! )ut, its only natural,
because if you bought from every ad or salesman then you would be perpetually broke and in debt!
%ts a survival mechanism and you have to get past that to even get their attention! "he best way
to do that is to not seem like an advertisement at all! #lmost five times as many people read the articles
as they do the ads! 9o make your ad look like an article! (ut useful information your market wants to
Dont hard sell! %ts useless!
%nstead, make it seem like youre the one doing them a favor! #nd you should beJ Cobody
should ever sell something they are not =..E confident will improve your customers lives! Cot only is
it dishonest, it will hurt your sales and it will hurt your career!
,ou customer isnt dumb, she is your wife! ,ou wouldnt lie to your wife, dont lie to mine! (lus,
people can tell when you are not being completely honest and one of your biggest obstacles to closing
is getting your prospect to trust you!
Turn Your "ustomers Into 0i.etime Mem-ers
)uild trust by giving away good information and people will come back to you forever and buy
whatever you put out! "reat them the way you wish you were treated (but never are)!
3ind out everything you can about your customer! "hings like their birthday, then send them a
birthday card! % mean, when was the last time you got a birthday card from some company you gave
your cash to?
4y guess is never!
#nd neither have your customers been treated like that by any other marketer! )e unique, do
something special and they will reward you with loyalty and referrals!
/D, lets get back to it!
)y now youve written down your objectives, goals and what your passions are! #nd youve
figured out which one of your passions you share with a large crowd of players with money!
#nd youve figured out some of your markets 5hot buttons6! Cow its time to write up your
report! "heres no easy way around this! #ctually, you could pay someone to write your report for you!
Bust give them the guidelines and let them go! %t might cost you anywhere from a couple hundred to a
couple thousand! %ts not a lot if you are saving time, your most precious resource but in the beginning,
if you dont have that kind of capital, youre going to have to bite the bullet and write it yourself!
How To /et Ma2imum &..ort In Minimum Time
- 17 -
?eres where time management comes into the picture! 4ost people want to have already
written something and enjoy the rewards of the writers life! ,eah, its romantic when you think about it
like that!
:hats not so romantic is some guy pecking at his keyboard alone in a room for hours at a time!
0oing to sleep early so you can get up in the morning and write is not so appealing when your friends
are having a good time partying!
)ut, could you spend a couple hours a day for a couple months so you can live the lifestyle you
can only dream of right now?
4ost people wont!
"hats why you are going to write about a passion of yours! ,oure passion should come through
in your writing! % mean, if you cant get e'cited about your product why would anyone else?
"here is a very simple technique to getting ma'imum focus for short bursts of time! % think %
first heard about it from legendary copywriter +ugene 9cwart$! )asically, what % do is set a time for II
minutes and II seconds! During this time % cannot leave my desk, % cannot do anything else besides just
sit there or write!
:hen the time is up % set the timer again for =. minutes! 3or this break time % have to get up
from my desk, walk around, clean some dishes, play with )uster (my cocker bull), nap, play guitar, day
dream, make some lemonade! ,ou can do anything you want with this time but % would discourage you
from watching television!
"his is the time you want to give your mind a break from focusing! Do something you enjoy
that doesnt require a lot of brain power!
:hen the ten minutes is up, set the clock for II minutes and II seconds and start the process all
over again! ,ou can set the timer for I. minutes (% only use II1II because %m la$y, so % just press the I
four times)!
"his technique has other positive psychological effects on your motivation! #t the end of the
day, you can say to yourself, % wrote for < sessions today! "his has a benefit of being specific, instead of
just saying % wrote until % got tired!
"his is what works best for me, you use whatever time management methods work best for you!
%ve figured out % can write about =,... words per session! 4y goal is to write for si' sessions a day or
about A,... words a day!
#t this rate % can finish a I. page report in a couple days! "he same for a long copy sales letter!
#nd another thing about writing is you can do it whenever you want! #re you a morning person
or a night owl?
(ersonally, % like to get up early, drink some coffee and bang out some sessions before lunch
- 18 -
and then take the afternoon to do whatever % want! "his way % can spend time with my girlfriend and
my friends in the evening and still get to bed early enough to wake up and do it all over again!
/n the other hand, you might be a night owl! Bohn @arlton says he doesnt get up until noon and
does his best writing late at night!
"his is a big reason the corporate writers arent as prolific as freelancers! @orporation have rigid
time structures and other rules that murder creativity! "urns out you cant force someone to be creative
during certain periods of time! %t just doesnt work that way!
/k, enough of that!
Cow were cooking with gas! ,ouve got your passion you share with a lot players with money,
your markets 5hot buttons6, youve got your time management down and youre writing your report!
,oure getting so close to your objective of making a million dollars a year!
%n fact!!!
You are +ust one good sa,es ,etter away -rom .eing rich/
:ell get into writing your sales page in a second but first, how much are you going to charge
for your report?
Lets break it down!
%f you charge ;< for your report youre going to have to sell G..,... copies to reach your goal!
%f you charge ;G. youre going to have to sell <.,... to reach your goal!
%f you charge ;=.. youll have to sell =.,... to become a millionaire!
Do you think it would be harder to convince =.,... people to buy a one hundred dollar product
or convince G..,... people to buy a ;< product?
"his is why its important to look through the 9&D9 data cards and see how much people are
paying already for products in your niche! %f you are trying to sell to a list of people who have bought a
similar product for ;G.., you dont want to insult them by only charging ;G. for yours!
"his works on the web too! 3igure out who your competition is and what they are selling their
products for! "hen price yours the same or more!
)ut really, the only way to figure out your price is to test! &un a split test where the only
variable you change is the price! ,ou might be surprised you get more sales at a higher price!
%t has to do with human psychology, where we perceive something of a higher price to be higher
- 19 -
value, although its probably not true! "he keyword there is perceived, you want people to perceive
your product to be high value!
/D, now youve got your product (or at least a good idea for what youre going to create)!
)ut how are you going to sell it?
,eah, you can slap up a website but how are you going to get people there and then convince
them to buy?
:ell get to traffic techniques in a little! )ut first lets talk about copywriting! "his is perhaps the
most important skill you should develop! %t will help you improve all areas of your life, its an
invaluable skill you can carry with you into anything you do!
)eing able to e'press your ideas in a clear and concise manner is vital to your success, not just
with internet marketing, but with everything!
"he written word is the basis for everything including advertising!
5# well written sales message can change the world!6 0ary ?albert
:ith the right message to the right audience you can create wealth, influence elections, build
businesses overnight, and get just about anything else you want in life!!! fast cars, nice houses, beautiful
9peaking of women, % want to use ?alberts famous personal ad as an e'ample! :hen you are
reading it, listen for the flow of words, notice how easy it is to read, and picture yourself sitting at a bar
having a normal conversation with your buddy!
?eres the headline of the personal ad published in the L# "imes in Kinsert date hereL by 0ary
(retty good right, huh?
,ou want to read the rest of this incredible ad? ,ou can check out the entire classified here1 "he
- 20 -
0ary ?albert Letter
:hen 0ary was asked if he was worried about offending people he said, 5Dont worry about
offending the dogs, concentrate on selling the fo'es!6
"his is how you should write your ads! Dont write for everyone, dont even write for everyone
in your market! 0et your target laser sight, dont worry about anyone else e'cept the person you are
trying to sell!
#nd dont worry about offending people! 9omeone will always be offended by hard7hitting,
attention7grabbing, no holds7barred ads! #s Dan Dennedy said, 5%f you havent offended someone by
noon youre not an e'pert!6
4ost people have built in governors, censors between your brain and your fingers! ,ou must get
rid of these! "he first time you write an ad it should flow out of your without thinking! Dont worry
about grammar, sentence structure or if what you are saying could get you in hot water with a
regulatory agency! Bust because you write it down doesnt mean you are going to publish it!
4ost copywriters are trying to wear two hats at the same time! "here is a time for writing and
there is a time for editing! +ach task takes two different parts of your brain to accomplish!
#nd there is a difference between work like research, fact finding and interviewing and creative
work like copywriting! "he 5sales detective6 research part is completely logical thinking while writing
is creative!
)ut copywriting shouldnt be creative in the way you might be thinking since its based on old7
school sales techniques, plain language and conversational tone! @utesy slogans and fancy words have
no place in direct response! %n fact, you can answer any question you might have about your sales page
by asking yourself the question, 5:ould this help a salesman sell face7to7face?6
%magine two door7to7door salesman walking down the street! "he first salesman knocks on
doors, gives his pitch and asks for the order! %f what hes doing is effective he will have a pocket full of
cash at the end of the day!
%f what hes doing doesnt work hell know because his pockets will be empty! )ut hell know!
"he second salesman just walks down the sidewalk hollering a slogan at every house! #t the end
of the day he wont know whether he had any effect at all on sales!
4ost advertising today is like the second guy speaking in general terms and not asking for the
order! %f you dont try to close, people will not buy! %ts that simple! #nd if you dont have a system for
selling, then you will be at the mercy of the buyers system for buying (most dont have one)!
,ou have to take your prospect by the hand and guide him down the slippery slide of your sales
page, all the way to the end where you ask for the sale, and mention everything he will lose out on if he
doesnt buy M right now!
- 21 -
)ecause delay is the death of the sale!
%f you cant get someone to buy immediately then you should try to get him onto you list, turn
him into a warm lead you can market to on the back7end! )ecause your biggest hurdle is trust! ?e
simply doesnt trust what youre saying is true, or that your product delivers what you say it does!
%t takes some people more than => visits to your site before their initial purchase! ?ow are you
going to get them to come back after their first visit?
"heres only one way1 get them on your list! #nd after they get on your list, give them useful
information! Dont just bombard them with ads! %n the early days of internet marketing guy would be
getting so many people on their lists they would 5@hurn and )urn6! )last them with offers until they
"his is a shortsighted approach! ,ou are going to be different, youre going to treat people the
way you want to be treated! 9end them useful information, interesting stories, stuff that will really help
them! ,ou can also have an actual conversation with them!
%n your autoresponder sequence, your first message could say something like, 5:hat kind of
business are you in?6 #nd thats it! :hen people respond to your autoresponder, then you can have a
real conversation, build rapport, get onto the same side of the table where they see you as a beneficial
partner, not just some marketer trying to sell them junk!
#re you really trying to help people? %f not you should choose another line of work! "o inspire
people to give you money, first you have to be passionate and enthusiastic yourself!
)ecause nobody cares about you or your needs! "his is the major underlying reason most ads
suck! ,our prospects dont care about you or what youve done or even the breakthrough technology
your using in your product! "hey only care about themselves!
+veryone is selfish!
)ut this is a good thing in advertising! %t makes people predictable! 0ive them something they
want more than the money they will have to give you it, and you can sell a certain percentage of them!
0oing by the numbers, if you are getting more money than the cost of the ad and your overhead, then
you can scale up and make some real moolah!
Hiing 3' 4il-ourne+s 5olcano And
"oming (ace to (ace With a !eadly Beast
/ne hot late spring afternoon % decided to go hiking in an e'tinct volcano about half an hour
outside of town! 9o % hiking up over the rim and into the sunken part in the middle! % was looking for
(eridot, a green gemstone you can only find in a couple places in the world!
#fter hitting a jack pot, filling up my backpack % was heading back to the car along a dried up
river bed along the rim! % rounded a blind corner and looked up to see I.7F. javelina (wild boar) with
the alpha male, a F.. pound snarling beast with =G inch long tusks getting ready to charge me!
- 22 -
:hat javelinas do is try to gore you with their tusks and then wait until you die of infection to
eat you! % was about F. miles from civili$ation in the middle of the @hihuahua desert!
Cow, there is no way to avoid giving this situation your full attention! ,ou should endeavor to
make your like this snarling boar! %t should jump and gore your readers psyche, he should read your
entire copy almost as if he was hypnoti$ed and if he doesnt buy right away, your promises should wake
him up in the night until he buys!
"here are only a couple things you have to get right in advertising, but by 0od, you really have
to get them right!
How To Stay Ali*e While Scu-a !i*ing In The "ari--ean
%ts kind of like when my and my buddy were living on a sailboat in the @aribbean! :e had a
gas powered air compressor on the front of the boat with G.. foot lines! :e would park our boat right
off of a reef and dive of the front!
:hen we were teaching new people to dive, theres only a couple things you have to do right
but you really have to do them right or you can emboli$e, where too much o'ygen if forced from your
lungs into your bloodstream, and die! )ecause of this, you cant hold you breath underwater! %ts counter
intuitive though!
:hen you go do the water pressure pushes on your lungs and increases the amount of o'ygen
they can hold! "his is fine because when you surface, the pressure will go back to normal and youll be
)ut if you hold you breath while you surface, the o'ygen has nowhere to go, so it goes into your
bloodstream and gets trapped in your heart and brain and you die!
9o when were teaching someone the rules, we didnt just say, 5Dont hold you breath, /D got
it? 0ood, moving on!!!6
Cope, we drilled it into them, hammered the point over and over until we were sure they got it!
#nd so it is with advertising!
Listen, if you dont get this, youre going to have to work for a living and its going to kill you!
"he way % see it is %m trying to save your life here! 9o if it feels like %m beating a dead horse with
some points, then you should really pay attention to those!
"he most important part of your sales page1 the headline! 3ive times as many people read your
headline than read the body copy! 9o it makes sense that your headline is H.E of your cost, and your
success! /r four out of every five ad dollars is spent on the headline!
9o, if your headline is not strong, does not catch attention, does not promise big, if its not clear
youve wasted H.E of your money and time!
- 23 -
@heck out some of these winning headlines1
?ere is the headline for the famous /ne legged 0olfer by Bohn @arlton1
?ere is the headline and opening of the letter Bohn @arlton wrote for &odale, a very
conservative publisher!!!
?ere is the opening to @arltons 5?uman @omputer6 ad1
- 24 -
#nd heres a bunch more winning headlines by Bohn @arlton1
- 25 -
- 26 -
- 27 -
- 28 -
,our headline should make a promise or be news! "hats it! Dont try to prove your claim! ,our
headline is like an ad for your ad! %ts the ticket on the meat! 0ive it a first class ticket! "ell your reader
- 29 -
what they will gain by reading further (or what they will lose if they dont)!
Deep it as short as possible but tell the full story! # GG word headline that says something will
sell more than a A word headline that doesnt!
"his is where you touch your readers consciousness and!!!
6oin the con*ersation already going on in his head,
?ow do you figure out what their internal conversation is?
:ell, youre going to have to go out and talk to people in your market! #sk them questions, let
them tell you what they are thinking! :atch the same shows they watch, read the same maga$ines and
,ou have to become a student of reality! 3ind out what really motivates people and not what
they want you to believe!
4ost importantly, you must have empathy! "his is different from sympathy! :ith sympathy you
are feeling for their situation! :ith empathy you actually put yourself in their shoes, see things from
their perspective!
%hat wou,d a detective do to so,ve a murder0
?e would put himself into the shoes of the killer! #sk himself, 5%f % was the killer what would %
do?6 )ecome a gum shoe detective, really get into it!
:here do most entrepreneurs go wrong? "hey are bad at what they do! ,ouve got to live this,
breathe it, get your heart into it! 0et your ass into the game!
4ost people think about spending their time! "his is a very short term view! /nly a few think
about investing their time!!! and e'pecting a return on their investment! "his is a long term view and %
suggest you start thinking this way!
)ecome a student of advertising, which is to say become a student on being a 5master salesman
in print!6 %nvest your time learning from the masters that have come before you! ,ou know, most
internet marketers are charging thousands of dollars for courses that are rehashed advice from the
forefathers of modern advertising you can get for less than five dollars sometimes!
"hese modern marketers just know how to hide their sources! :ell %m going to give you their
sources, so you can give yourself a masters!
How To 6oin The Scri-e+s /uild
%n the olden times, it used to be, instead of going to school, you had to apprentice yourself under
a master! #ll the masters were part of a guild, like if you wanted to learn how to write you would join
- 30 -
the scribes guild!
#nd you were sworn to not reveal the secrets you learn under pain of death! "hen you would
study for years so maybe one day you would become a journeyman and maybe even become a master!
,ou know what, %m going to tell you a secret right now so powerful you could triple your
website profits overnight!
"heres a lot of secrets, quickly frankly, % dont think youre ready for but heres a good one right
now1 %f you have an 5/rder Cow6 button on your sales page that brings someone to an order form, you
are standing on the edge of a cliff just throwing your money away! #nd %m going to tell you why!
Did you know you get one sale for every twenty visitors to your order form page?
:hy is that you think? %ts not because people just like to window shop order pages on the
3irst of all, people ask way too much information! Dont ask for someones phone number!
(eople dont trust that you wont start telemarketing to them! %s it worth losing a sale over?
)ut also, computers are unforgiving! %f you enter one wrong number in the bo' youre going to
have to fill the whole form out again!
The !i..erence Between &..iciency And &..ecti*eness
,eah, % know what youre saying right now, 5)ut its efficient!6 +verybody on the web is going
for efficiency, but what you should really be going after is being effective!
Let me tell you the difference between being efficient and being effective! %magine a guy
floating down the 4ississippi river on the nicest kayak with the best paddle! #nd hes super efficient,
making the perfect B strokes, going ma'imum distance with minimum effort! )ut what if you told him
to paddle to +l (aso, "e'as? %t doesnt matter how good hes paddling, hell never make it to +l (aso,
because +l (aso is not on the 4ississippi river!
/n the other hand, if you put a guy in the &io 0rande, lets say on a log, and you tell him to get
to +l (aso, well, even if hes paddling with one arm, barely going anywhere, he will eventually make it
to +l (aso!
"hats the difference between being effective and being efficient! ,ou should strive for both but
being effective is more important! )ut people will say, 5)ut % want to capture their email address!!!6
and so on! Co, what you want is to make the sale!
%nstead of putting an order button at the bottom of your page, put a =7H.. number where your
prospect can call, talk to a real person and order over the phone!
:hat internet marketer is doing that right now? Cot a whole lot! 3or all you nerds who dont
want to interact with people, or press the flesh, it would be good to talk to your customers, get to know
- 31 -
them, and figure out more things to sell them! /r you can use a fulfillment house to to take care of your
orders and try for the upsells!
!on+t !iscriminate
%n the past couple of years, people have started to trust the internet enough to buy products like
this but there is a certain percentage of people who either dont or cant buy through the internet! Dont
discriminate against people who want to give you their money! 4ake it is easy as possible to give you
money in any way they can!
9ome people might not have credit cards or paypal accounts! :hat if someone wants to send
you a check or a money order? #re you going to refuse him?
)ut thats what -.E of internet marketers are doing right now!
%n fact, if you get a prospect through the internet you want to do everything you can to take that
relationship off the internet and into snail mail where you can isolate him! /n the web you prospect can
(and will) find all of your competition! )ut if youre the only source of information he can get through
the mail, hes going to stick with you!
1et your 2ros2ect in a vacuum'
,eah, of course hes going to get all your competitions stuff too, but you want to position
yourself in a unique enough way to separate yourself from the pack! /ffer information they cant get
anywhere else! "hen youve got your own flock, your most important asset!
#fter your initial sale, you can offer to send a free ink7and7paper report for free or as an upsell!
3or those who dont know, an upsell works after the initial purchase, you simply ask your customer if
they want to buy a similar product! "he most famous upsell is 4cDonalds, 5,ou want fries with that?6
,ou can e'pect about I.E of your customer to go for the upsell! Lets do a little math to see
how important the upsell (and the back7end in general) are!
How To 3se The 0aw O. "om'ounding To Mae You 7ich
,ou own the widgetcompany!com and you are getting =... unique visitors a day! ,ou have a
product for sale for ;F> and you have a GE response! #nd an upsell for ;=F> with a G<E response!
Let me get out the calculator!!! and here are the figures1
3onth,y -igures
I. days O I.,... visitors
A.. sales O ;GH,G..
=<. upsells O ;GG,.<.
"otal O ;<.,G<.
- 32 -
%f you didnt have the upsell you would leave ;GG,.<. on the table a month!
Cow lets take a look at how important tracking and testing are! %f you arent tracking all your
numbers, you should start right now! :hat you can track you can test, what you can test you can
Lets say through split testing you find a way to increase traffic by <E, a headline that increases
sales response to G!<E, you raise you initial price to ;<F and you upsell to ;=<F and increase the upsell
response to I.E!
Here are your im2roved month,y -igures:
I. days O I=,<.. visitors
>H> sales O ;FG,<G<
GIA upsells O ;IA,IFF
"otal O ;>H,HA-
3rom tracking, testing and those small improvements you are now making an e'tra ;GH,A=- a
month (and getting an additional =H> customers you can market to on the back7end forever)! "racking
is even easier on the internet, theres software to do it for you (%t used to be, the way to split test a
mailing was to make two stacks of order cards, and then drag a sharpie down the edge of one stack and
hand count the returns)!
The 8ower o. Social 8roo.
%n the dating game, having a circle of leaders around you and girlfriend on your arm makes you
more appealing than if youre alone and single! %n effect, youve been vetted already! ?umans are social
creatures, were easily influenced by a group!
%f your product is good people will offer positive comments! %f not, simply ask your customers
if they were satisfied and would they give a one sentence 5testie6! # good testimonial should emphasi$e
one benefit! %t should be one to two sentences long!
,ou can even offer to write a testie for someone and have them approve it! # couple good testies
can dramatically increase response rate!
Here+s the 9 Boos You Should To 7ead
To Be A To' &arner Online
Maximum Profit In Minimum Time by 0ary ?albert! "his is the first do$en letters from his
newsletter! ,ou can read all of 0arys letters for free at "he 0ary ?albert Letter
Kickass Copywriting Secrets Of A Marketing Rebel by Bohn @arlton! #n 5insider6 shortcut
guide to creating sensational ads that will supercharge your business, your wealth, and your life!!! even
if you flunked +nglishJ
irst !un"re" Million by ?aldeman Bulius! +very publisher dreams of selling =.. million
- 33 -
books! +! ?aldeman Bulius made it happen! 3ew publishers truly know what the #merican public wants
to read! 3ewer still know what key words in a title can trigger a buying fren$y! )e different and gain
control of your publishing success by applying the results of +! ?aldeman Buliuss ama$ing, scientific
e'periment! ?e published thousands of books, all with the same cover design, si$e and price! "he only
thing that set them apart was the title! ?e discovered a change of a single word literally could mean
thousands more in sales! 0ain an insight into the #merican publics buying habits without breaking the
bank! #pply key words that trigger your buyers insatiable appetites and be the ne't publishing success!
Dont hesitate, because your competitors sure wont!
!ow To #rite A $oo" A"%ertisement by *ictor 9chwab! 0et FF years of advertising writing
e'perience in the time it takes to read this bookJ ,ou can learn to write compelling advertisements that
will make people notice them, read them, and act upon them! %n fact, you can learn to write such
powerful advertisements that people actually go out and demand the product advertised and no other!
?ow can you do this? )y using the same elements that have made top copywriters like *ictor /!
9chwab e'cel at their craft!
Teste" A"%ertising Met&o"s by Bohn @aples! ?ere is the 5bible6 of proven advertising
techniques! # legend in advertising for more than si'ty years, Bohn @aples still serves as a guide to
generations of creative marketing people!
T&e Robert Collier 'etter (ook by &obert @ollier! "his book earned &obert @ollier the
distinction of being one of the greatest marketing minds in history! ?is sales letters were successful
because he wrote to his readers needs! #s an e'pert in marketing, his sales savvy and writing e'pertise
placed hundreds of millions in his clients pockets! #nd these techniques are directly transferable to the
%nternet, whether through web copy or email or whatever!
Scientific A"%ertising by @laude ?opkins! "he father of modern advertising! "est marketing!
@oupon sampling! @opy research! #ll are standard practices in todays world of advertising! #ll were
invented by @laude @! ?opkins!
My 'ife In A"%ertising by @laude ?opkins! @laude @ ?opkins (=HHA M =-IG) worked for
various advertisers including )issell @arpet 9weeper @ompany, 9wift P @ompany and Dr! 9hoops
patent medicine company until, at the age of F=, he was hired by #lbert Lasker to write copy for Lord
P "homas advertising agency (forerunner to todays 3oote, @one P )elding)! ?e stayed for =H years!
(eople used to have to travel to auctions and pay thousands of dollars for some of these books!
Cow you can order the lot from #ma$on, delivered right to your door for less than ;=..!
)ecause there is no institutional school in the world that will teach you these skills, every
copywriter ever has been self taught! Dont try to reinvent the wheel, learn from the master who came
before you! #nd dont pay thousands of dollars to internet marketers who are just rehashing these
%f you have questions, comments or suggestions shoot me an email at1
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