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Vol. 21, No.

6 June 1999 V 20TH ANNIVERSARY

CE Refereed Peer Review

Treating Bone
Deformities with
★Circular external fixation using
the Ilizarov method is a novel
Circular External
surgical option for correcting
angular limb deformities and
lengthening deformed bones
Skeletal Fixation
of companion animals.
North Carolina State University
KEY FACTS Denis J. Marcellin-Little, DEDV
ABSTRACT: The Ilizarov method of circular external fixation has remarkable benefits in treat-
■ The Ilizarov circular external
ing bone deformities. It relies on unique external fixation devices and distraction osteogenesis.
fixation method involves placing
Rings placed around the limbs are interconnected with threaded rods and fixed to the bone
rings around the limbs; the rings using small-diameter wires under tension. The angle and distance between rings can be
are fixed to the bone with wires changed, leading to change in the shape of the bone. With distraction osteogenesis, new bone
that are 1- to 1.5-mm in diameter forms at the osteotomy site when it is slowly distracted after surgery.
and under 0 to 90 kg of tension.

imb deformities in dogs are most frequently caused by abnormal bone
■ Joint malformations (except joint growth but can also be a consequence of fracture malunion, joint contrac-
subluxations) and degenerative ture, or polyarthritis. Abnormal bone growth may be secondary to physeal
joint disease secondary to growth injuries, dwarfism, hypertrophic osteodystrophy, multiple cartilaginous exos-
deformities cannot be corrected toses, or hyperparathyroidism.1–4 The most common angular limb deformities
with circular external fixators are antebrachial, representing 0.74% of all bone problems.5 Limb deformities in
(CEFs); growth deformities cats are rare. Tarsal hyperextension and torsion have been reported in kittens,6
should be treated before irrevers- but the prevalence, cause, and pathogenesis of these problems are unknown.
ible joint damage occurs. Bone deformities of the tarsus, carpus, and extremities also occur in Scottish-fold
cats with osteodystrophy.7
■ Mild angular deformities with Conventional treatment options for limb deformities include conservative
length deficits can be treated management8; physeal resection with fat grafting9; physeal stapling10; transverse,
with CEFs; severe angular oblique, cuneiform, or dome osteotomies (transsection of bone)8,11; ostectomies
deformities are ideally treated (removal of a fragment of bone) with or without fat grafting12,13; and stabiliza-
with hinged CEFs. tion with external coaptation,8,11 bone plates,14 or conventional external fixa-
tors.15,16 The major drawback of all of these methods is that the shape of the
■ Following a delay of 2 to 7 bone cannot be changed after surgery. Limb alignment is determined while the
days after osteotomy, the site patient is anesthetized and not bearing weight, making the cosmetic and func-
is distracted 0.5 to 2 mm daily, tional results of surgery less predictable. Because bone shape and length are set at
in two to four steps, until the the time of surgery, additional surgeries may be necessary to treat incomplete de-
deformity is corrected 2 to 8 formity corrections and recurrent deformities in growing dogs. To address this
weeks later. issue, adjustable fixation techniques have been attempted, with bone movement
made possible by the use of rubber bands or adjustable connecting bars on exter-
nal fixators.17–20 The results of these methods have been unpredictable.19
Small Animal/Exotics 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium June 1999

Circular external fixators (CEFs) represent a new DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT PLANNING
surgical method for treating bone deformities in hu- Classification of Bone Deformities
mans and companion animals.21–23 CEFs are also called A precise understanding of the pathologic process is
ring fixators, fine-wire fixators, or Ilizarov fixators (in necessary to treat bone deformities using CEFs. Bone
honor of the surgeon who developed their application deformities may be classified as unifocal (i.e., abnormal
method and popularized their use in humans in the bone shape in one location; Figure 1) or multifocal
Soviet Union in the 1950s).24 Originally developed for (i.e., abnormal bone shape in multiple locations; Figure
fracture repair, the use of CEFs in treating bone defor- 2). Unifocal deformities are common in dogs and in-
mities has increased over time. Ilizarov introduced sev- clude premature physeal closures in the first few weeks
eral unique concepts: (1) Bone fixation is provided by after physeal injury as well as fracture malunions. Uni-
small-diameter wires that are under tension and con- focal deformities originate at the intersection of two
nected to rings surrounding the limbs; (2) rings con- lines representing the center of the long axis of the
nected by articulated threaded rods can be assembled proximal and distal parts of the limb (Figure 1). Prema-
in unlimited configurations; and (3) the bone can be ture physeal closures of a single bone (e.g., femur) or
gradually distracted after osteotomy, and bone healing paired bones (e.g., radius and ulna) as well as mal-
will occur within the resulting gap—a phenomenon unions are treated with corrective osteotomy of the af-
called distraction osteogenesis. The combination of dis- fected bones. In puppies with significant remaining
traction osteogenesis and the limitless geometric flexi- growth potential, premature physeal closures of one
bility of CEFs allows bone deformities to be corrected paired bone (e.g., ulna) are treated with ostectomy of
progressively and precisely in a few weeks after surgical the restricting bone (e.g., ulnar ostectomy). After a few
placement of the frame and osteotomy of the de- weeks of growth, premature physeal closures of paired
formed bone. This article presents the applications of bones often become multifocal deformities when the
CEFs in treating limb deformities in companion ani- bone with less growth potential impairs growth of the
mals. bone with more growth potential. Multifocal deformi-
ties also result from metabolic
bone diseases and chondrodys-
plastic dwarfism. Multifocal de-
formities are treated with correc-
tive osteotomies of the affected

Components of
Bone Deformities
Bone deformities have several
components, including angula-
tion, length deficit, rotation,
and translation. It is important
to identify and specifically treat
each of these components.

Angulation can be measured
on both the animal and radio-
graphs. Angular deformities may
be overestimated if measured on
a weightbearing limb because
the deformity may cause joint
Figure 1A Figure 1B Figure 1C
instability. Angular deformities
Figure 1—(A) Craniocaudal and (B) mediolateral radiographic views of the antebrachium measured on radiographs may
of (C) an 11-month-old Siberian husky with a malunion secondary to an untreated Salter be underestimated if linear trac-
II fracture of the distal radial physis. A unifocal bone deformity is visible. Two lines are tion is placed on the extremities
drawn on the radiographs, in the center of the paw and in the center of the antebrachium. (e.g., by taping the foot). Angu-
These lines intersect at the distal radial physis, which is the origin of the deformity.
lation can be measured on ra-


Compendium June 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Small Animal/Exotics

diographs by comparing lines drawn in the center of used for comparison. In antebrachial growth deformi-
the proximal and distal parts of the normal and affected ties, the length deficit of both the radius and ulna
limbs (Figure 1). should be measured; the length deficit is generally larg-
The general alignment of the limb should be evaluat- er in the bone that had the original growth problem.
ed in the medial-to-lateral (ML) and cranial-to-caudal When radiographs taken at different times are available,
(CC) directions. Most deformities have ML and CC length deficit should be measured for each time because
components, which means that most deformed bones variations can help indicate the cause of deformity.
are angled in a valgus or varus direction and are bowed. When angulation is present in a limb, the functional
As a general rule, the ML component of the deformity length of the limb is less than the anatomic length of all
is more critical than is the CC component because, un- bone segments.
like the hip and shoulder joints, distal joints move only
in the CC direction. Within limits, a dog with a bowed Rotation
radius can correct for the deformity by flexing or ex- Rotation of a deformed limb should be determined
tending its elbow or carpus, but a dog with a valgus de- during the orthopedic examination by comparing the
formity of the carpus cannot adjust the position of its directions of the planes defined by flexion and exten-
limb to compensate. However, these compensations sion of the joint above and below the deformity (Figure
only partially correct angular deformities. 3). Rotation cannot be reliably determined radiographi-
Length Deficit
The length deficit present in a deformed bone should Translation
be determined by comparing the lengths of affected Translation within a bone is the displacement of a
and opposite limbs on ML and CC radiographic pro- bone segment in relation to the rest of that bone per-
jections. The ML radiographic view is often more use- pendicular to the long axis. Translation may be present
ful than the CC view because the limb is more likely to in the absence of angulation or rotation, creating an S-
be parallel to the radiographic cassette with the ML shaped bone. Although rare in animals, translation may
view. If both limbs are abnormal, a littermate may be be present in fracture malunion or nonunion.

Figure 3—Determination of the

rotational deformity of a bone in
a 6-month-old Boston terrier.
Comparing the plane of flexion
and extension of the proximal
joint (A) with the plane of flex-
ion and extension of the distal
Figure 2A Figure 2B Figure 2C
joint and extremity (B) deter-
Figure 2—(A) Craniocaudal and (B) mediolateral radiographic views of the antebrachium of mines the degree of rotation of a
(C) a 6-month-old Irish wolfhound with a bilaterally abnormal distal ulnar physeal growth. A limb segment. This dog has 65˚
multifocal bone deformity is present; the radius is curved throughout its length. of external rotation (arrow).


Small Animal/Exotics 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium June 1999

Indications for Circular A dynamometric tensioner (Small

External Fixation Bone Fixator; Hofmann S.a.S.,
In my experience, the indica- Monza, Italy) is optimal because
tions for using CEFs to treat it has graduations that corre-
bone deformities are (1) a length spond to wire tension. In dogs
deficit of 20% or more, (2) pre- weighing less than 5 kg, 1-mm
mature physeal closure in pup- (diameter) wires are used with-
pies with significant growth po- out tension. In 5- to 10-kg dogs,
tential (with the exception of 1-mm wires are used with 20 to
premature closure of the distal 30 kg of tension. In 10- to 20-
ulnar physis treated with ulnar kg dogs, 1.2-mm wires are used
ostectomy), or (3) joint subluxa- with 30 to 50 kg of tension. In
tion of 3 mm or more without Figure 4A dogs weighing more than 20 kg,
degenerative joint disease. An- 1.5-mm wires are used with 60
gular deformities of 20˚ or more to 90 kg of tension.25 To avoid
without a length deficit or joint frame deformation, tension on
subluxation may be treated with wires fixed to posts and partial
CEFs, plates, or conventional rings should not exceed 30 kg.
external fixation. CEFs are rare- When the osteotomy site is in
ly used to treat dogs with de- the metaphysis and the space is
formed limbs with subluxated too limited to place two rings, a
joints and severe degenerative single ring may be used. A third
joint disease. Severely abnormal Figure 4B wire connected to a post or an
joints are likely to remain pain- end-threaded half-pin connect-
Figure 4—Standard circular external fixator for treat-
ful, and therefore limb function ed to a cube should be added to
ment of bone deformity. (A) A severe, multifocal,
may not improve after surgery. antebrachial deformity is present in a 1-year-old
enhance the stability of fixation
mixed-breed dog. (B) A two-ring standard fixator to the short bone segment. Spe-
GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF has been placed with acute correction of angular and cialized wires with a larger di-
THE ILIZAROV METHOD rotational deformities. ameter ball at their midpoint
Frame Structure (called olive wires) may also be
Several CEF systems are com- used. These wires prevent trans-
mercially available.22 The cost of lation of the bone segment in
frames ranges from $250 to relation to the wires. Incom-
$500, depending on size and plete rings may be used to
complexity. CEFs should have avoid interfering with the
at least four rings and span the joint’s range of motion (ROM);
entire length of each bone seg- the rings are interconnected
ment. Rings should be placed at with three or four connecting
the proximal metaphysis, 5 to rods, depending on the size of
10 mm proximal to the osteoto- the patient. Hinges or hemi-
my site, 5 to 10 mm distal to the spheric washers may be used to
osteotomy site, and at the distal place rings at an angle to each
metaphysis. Two transosseous other.
wires are placed on each ring,
one wire above and one below Surgical Placement
Figure 5A Figure 5B of the Frame
the ring. Ideally, wires should be
placed at a 90˚ (but not less than Figure 5—(A) Circular external fixator with hemi- Several methods have been
45˚) angle to one another, meet spheric washer for treatment of a tibial fracture. A used to treat bone deformities
near the center of the bone, and three-ring frame is secured to the tibia with four with CEFs, including standard
always avoid neurovascular bun- wires proximally and two wires and a half-pin distal- circular external fixation, hemi-
ly. (B) Hemispheric washers are placed between the spheric washer fixation, hinged
connecting rods and the distal ring to allow angula-
Tension should be applied to circular external fixation, and
tion of the ring in relation to the rods.
the wires using wire tensioners. push constructs. When stan-


Compendium June 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Small Animal/Exotics

dard CEFs are used with or with- and the stress placed on the
out hemispheric washers (Fig- frame. In my experience, post-
ures 4 and 5), the angular and operative limb function after
rotational deformity is corrected standard external fixation is
acutely during surgery and not as good as with hinged fix-
frame adjustments are limited ation; studies show that an ad-
to lengthening or longitudinal ditional surgery was needed in
displacement of bone. When 29% to 67% of dogs treated
lengthening is performed with- with this method. 29–31 In a
out angular correction, distrac- study of 38 dogs, the clinical
tion occurs at the connecting results were considered to be
rods separating the rings above good or excellent in 68% of
and below the osteotomy site; dogs.29
these rods are called linear mo- Figure 6A Figure 6B
tors of distraction or simply lin- Hemispheric Washer
ear motors. Angular correction Fixation
and lengthening are both per- Hemispheric washers can be
formed progressively after sur- used to assemble CEF frames.
gery when using hinged CEFs Using this method, the con-
(Figures 6 and 7) or push con- necting rods do not have to be
structs (Figure 8). perpendicular to the rings (Fig-
ure 5). A ring is placed at an
Standard Circular angle perpendicular to the long
External Fixation axis of both the proximal and
In standard circular external distal parts of the deformed
fixation, the frame is built dur- limb, an osteotomy is per-
ing surgery. The most proximal formed, and the deformity is
and distal rings are attached corrected acutely. Adjusting the
perpendicular to the proximal hemispheric washers minimizes
and distal parts of the deformed the osteotomy gap and helps
bone, respectively. Osteotomy is Figure 6C maintain limb alignment. Al-
then performed. Rotational and Figure 6—Hinged circular external fixation for treat- though this method is rapid, its
angular deformities are correct- ment of a forelimb deformity in a 7-month-old male use should be limited to mod-
ed acutely (Figure 4). Connect- Australian shepherd dog. (A) Preoperatively, a valgus erate deformities because the
ing rods and additional rings deformity, cranial bowing, and a length deficit are connecting rods can only be
present. (B) A three-ring, hinged circular external fix-
are placed. When necessary, pro- ator was placed and a radial osteotomy was per- angled by 6˚ using the Imex
gressive lengthening is started formed. A partial ring has been used proximally to Circular External Fixator Sys-
after a delay of 2 to 3 days at a avoid restricting the range of movement of the elbow tem (Imex Veterinary Inc.,
rate of 1 to 2 mm daily divided joint. (C) After 9 days of correction, the osteotomy Longview, TX) or 12˚ using
in two to four increments.26–28 site is distracted to lengthen the bone and the angular Hofmann’s Small Bone Fixator
Standard circular external fix- deformity is corrected. System. As with standard cir-
ation requires limited preopera- cular external fixation, length-
tive planning and is simple to perform because ring ening is begun after a delay of 2 to 3 days at a rate of 1
placement is based on visual estimation of the limb to 2 mm daily divided in two to four increments.
shape. However, this method has several disadvantages
compared with hinged fixation. It is more traumatic Hinged Circular External Fixation
than is hinged fixation because the periosteum has to Hinged CEFs have two connecting rods with a
be transected or elevated beyond the osteotomy site to strategically placed hinge (Figure 6). The angular defor-
allow immediate movement at the site. In addition, the mity is corrected when the limb pivots around the
immediate realignment of the distal part of the limb in hinge. A connecting rod called the angular motor of dis-
relation to the proximal part results in limited contact traction or angular motor allows progressive correction
between proximal and distal bone segments; this un- of the deformity (Figures 6 and 7). The frame is pre-
even osteotomy gap may increase bone-healing time assembled so that the rings are placed at an angle corre-


Small Animal/Exotics 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium June 1999

lengthening are both initiated 2 to 3 days after surgery

at a rate of 1 to 2 mm daily divided in two to four in-
Hinged CEFs may include several sets of hinges to
treat multifocal deformities. Each set is placed at the
origin of the deformity, and correction is performed
with separate angular motors (Figure 7). The results of
using hinged CEFs to treat limb deformities have been
fair to excellent. In a series of eight treatments in seven
dogs with antebrachial deformities using hinged CEFs,
postoperative limb function and cosmesis were good to
excellent, with mean residual deformities of 2.7˚ and
2.7% of bone length (mean deformities before surgery
were 32˚ and 12%).28 Treatment duration ranged from
29 to 71 days. The dogs spent 4 to 6 days in the hospi-
tal in the perioperative period, and owners did most of
the adjustments at home. Owner errors leading to clini-
cal problems did not occur.

Push Constructs
Push constructs are sometimes used to treat multifo-
Figure 7A Figure 7B
cal bone deformities. The frames include two full rings
separated by two half rings (Figure 8). An angular mo-
Figure 7—Hinged frame with two sets of hinges for treatment of
tor joins the two full rings on the concave aspect of the
(A) a multifocal bone deformity in a 1-year-old dog. (B) A
three-ring circular external fixator with two sets of hinges is bone. An osteotomy is performed in the midsection of
fixed to the radius with a combination of wires and half-pins to the bone. The deformity is corrected progressively by
treat a varus deformity of the radial midshaft, a valgus deformity increasing the length of the angular motor and “push-
of the distal radius, and a length deficit. ing” the two half rings. Push constructs have been used
successfully in large dogs32 but are, however, cumber-
some and complex to manage.
sponding to the amount of deformity. The line joining
the hinges is perpendicular to the direction of the de- POSTOPERATIVE CARE AND
formity and tangential to the bone at the level of the DEFORMITY CORRECTION
origin of the deformity. With this particular hinge Pain medications (e.g., oxymorphone or carprofen)
placement, the deformity is corrected in CC and ML are given during and shortly after surgery. Triple antibi-
directions simultaneously and progressively after sur- otic ointment is placed at the wire–skin interface im-
gery.28 If the deformity is a combination of valgus and mediately after surgery and is reapplied daily. Gauze
cranial bowing, the hinge will be at the craniomedial sponges are loosely packed under the rings, and the
aspect of the bone and both components of the defor- frame is wrapped to secure the sponges. This bandage is
mity will be corrected when the frame pivots around changed daily for 3 to 5 days. After this time, wound
the hinge’s axis. management is limited to the application of triple an-
Although mathematic equations can be used to de- tibiotic ointment and a wrap or sleeve around the
termine frame structure, in practice I use graphic meth- frame. The limb is not bandaged to avoid interfering
ods to prepare the frame before surgery.28 During sur- with weightbearing.
gery, the preassembled frame is placed around the limb. Physiotherapy starts on the day after surgery and
The wires are placed and secured to the proximal and continues as long as postoperative limb edema is pres-
distal rings. An osteotomy of the bone is performed ent or the dog is not able to bear its full weight. Physio-
with an oscillating saw or osteotome. The rotational therapy includes massaging the swollen extremity with
component of the deformity is corrected acutely by dis- gentle finger strokes in a distal to proximal direction,
connecting the two hinged connecting rods and the an- applying a hot pack, and performing passive ROM ex-
gular motor from the distal ring, rotating the distal ring ercises of the joints above and below the frame. Outside
by a predetermined number of holes, and reconnecting activity is limited to leash walks, but low-impact exer-
it to the connecting rods. Angular correction and cises (e.g., climbing steps or indoor play with a ball) are


Small Animal/Exotics 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium June 1999

encouraged to stimulate the use of I distract the osteotomy site by 1

the affected limb. Owners of dogs mm daily as a baseline for limb
in which bone lengthening of more lengthening. I increase this amount
than 10% of bone length is planned to 2 mm daily in large dogs
are instructed to recognize early younger than 6 months of age that
signs of contracture of the flexor have undergone metaphyseal os-
muscles (e.g., reluctance to bear teotomies. I decrease this amount
weight, loss of ROM when extend- to 0.5 mm daily when contracture
ing the joint). If flexor contracture of the flexors is developing.
occurs, the distraction rate is de- When progressive angular correc-
creased and exercise and physical tion with hinged CEFs is per-
therapy are increased. formed without lengthening, an
In dogs, frame adjustments for opening wedge is created at the
correcting angular deformities and transcortex (from the hinge) with-
lengthening are started after a delay out bone displacement at the cis-
of 0 to 10 days.19,27,33–35 In my expe- cortex. The angular motor is ad-
rience, a delay of 2 to 3 days before justed so that the displacement of
distraction of metaphyseal deformi- the transcortex is 1 mm daily. This
ties is ideal in medium to large dogs amount is increased to 2 mm daily
younger than 1 year of age.28 This Figure 8A in large-breed puppies that have
delay should be increased in smaller undergone metaphyseal osteotomies.
or older dogs, when the osteotomy When lengthening and angular cor-
is diaphyseal, 35 or when an acute rection are combined, the overall
correction of the angular deformity distraction rate in large-breed pup-
is performed. pies with metaphyseal osteotomies
The original distraction rate is is 1.6 mm divided evenly between
0.25 mm every 6 hours.36 Because lengthening (0.8 mm) and angular
this rate may lead to premature distraction (0.8 mm at the transcor-
union of the distracted bone in im- tex).
mature, large-breed dogs,28 it may The optimal distraction frequen-
be adjusted if an increase or de- cy (i.e., the number of times the
crease of the osteogenic potential of frame is adjusted daily) is unknown.
the bone is suspected. Factors influ- Ilizarov found that the greater the
encing bone healing during distrac- frequency, the better the outcome
tion include the age of the dog, size would be. 40 Welch, however,
of the bone, location of the osteoto- showed that a higher frequency did
my, and proposed amount of not enhance the biologic nature
lengthening. Dogs younger than 6 and mechanic strength of the new
months of age heal faster than do bone.41 Many surgeons in Europe
older dogs.29 Large bones appear to recommend four adjustments daily.
heal faster than do small bones, per- Figure 8B Surgeons in North America gener-
haps because the blood supply of Figure 8—(A) Mediolateral radiograph of the ally recommend two adjustments
smaller bones is less than that of antebrachium of (B) a 9-month-old Great daily because most owners do not
larger bones and less vascular bones Dane with a forelimb deformity. A push have the opportunity to adjust the
heal slower. 37,38 Metaphyseal os- construct is used to correct the caudal defor- frame in the middle of the day. I
teotomies heal faster than do dia- mity (cranial bowing). (From Thommasini have had good clinical results ad-
physeal osteotomies.35 The distrac- MD, Betts CW: Use of the “Ilizarov” exter- justing frames twice daily.28 With
tion rate is decreased when a large nal fixator in a dog. Vet Comp Orthop Trau- antebrachial deformities, elbow
amount of lengthening is required matol 4(3):70–76, 1991. Reproduced with joint subluxation can be corrected
to let soft tissue adapt to the trac- by displacing the ulna in relation to
tion placed during lengthening.28 the radius. I start these adjustments
Experimentally, daily distraction rates ranging from immediately after surgery at the rate of 0.5 mm twice
0.5 to 2 mm have led to bone formation.39 In practice, daily.


Compendium June 1999 20TH ANNIVERSARY Small Animal/Exotics

ENDIU Radiographs are obtain- ally left untreated unless limb function is impaired or a

ed every 7 to 10 days dur- pain response is present on palpation. If focal signs of

1 9 7
9 - 1
9 9 9 ing distraction. Because a infection are present, bacterial culture and sensitivity
ANNIVERSARY 25% difference is routinely are performed and antibiotics are given. Skin irritation
present between planned from the rings can be avoided if a space of 10 mm or
A LookBack and actual adjustments,28
the distraction rates are ad-
more is present between the rings and the skin and if
partial rings are used near the flexor side of the joints
The common bone growth justed based on the most adjacent to the frame (Figure 6).
deformities in dogs were described recent radiographs. Dis- In my experience with antebrachial lengthening of
in the 1960s and 1970s. At that traction is continued until 20% of radial length or more, the ROM of the carpus
time, the bone stabilization
the proper limb length is is decreased in all dogs at the time of frame removal but
options after corrective osteotomies
achieved. The frame is re- returns to preoperative values after a few months.28
moved when the new bone Physiotherapy and controlled activity (walking and
were limited to plate or
bridges the osteotomy site low-impact exercises) are critical to promote flexion
rudimentary external fixation.
on radiographs. Frame re- and extension of the carpus during and in the few
Gavriil Ilizarov, MD,
moval generally takes place weeks after lengthening.
popularized circular external 3 to 5 weeks after the end Complications may be secondary errors in surgical
fixation in the 1950s in Siberia. of adjustments. The pa- technique.42 Some errors originate at the time of sur-
His method, however, was not tients are sedated with oxy- gery, including bone misalignment, thermal trauma to
made available to treat pets at morphone or medetomi- the bone, and vascular or neurologic injury. Some er-
that time. Antonio Ferretti, a dine, the wires are cut, and rors are secondary to an excessively weak frame struc-
veterinarian from Milan, Italy, the frame is removed from ture, including too few rings, low wire tension, small-
first introduced the Ilizarov the limb. The wires and diameter wires, or an excessively stiff frame. Finally,
method and the use of ring wire–skin interface are pre- some errors are secondary to inappropriate postopera-
fixators in veterinary medicine in pared with chlorhexidine tive management, such as when the delay before dis-
1984. Over the years, specific diacetate solution, and the traction is too short, distraction is too rapid or erro-
frames and surgical methods were wires are pulled through neous, the frequency of distraction is low, or muscle
designed to treat companion the limb. No bandage is contracture is not recognized early.
animals. Through publications, placed on the limb after The complications present in my first 16 patients
seminars, and courses, thousands frame removal. For 3 weeks with deformities that were treated with CEFs included
of veterinarians have been after frame removal, activi- serous wire drainage in most dogs, skin irritation in one
exposed to the Ilizarov method
ty is limited to leash walks dog in which the frame contacted the skin, wire break-
over the years. The method is
and low-impact exercises. age in two dogs (related to weak frames), a premature
bone union in one dog (resulting from a slow distrac-
now used by a growing number
COMPLICATIONS tion rate), a delayed union after distraction of a diaphy-
of veterinarians worldwide.
Complications of circu- seal osteotomy in a 1-year-old Labrador retriever, a
Without a doubt, the most
lar external skeletal fixa- minimally displaced radial fracture, and focal os-
dramatic enhancement that the tion include serous pin-tract teomyelitis in two dogs. One owner adjusted the frame
Ilizarov method has brought to drainage, wire breakage, incorrectly for 5 days at home. The frame was readjust-
the treatment of limb deformities skin irritation from the ed in one step at the time of reevaluation, and the de-
in humans and animals is the rings, vascular injuries, formity was successfully treated.
ability to design a treatment denervation, muscle con-
based on specific geometric tractures, persistent angu- CONCLUSION
anomalies. Angulation, rotation, lar deformities, persistent The Ilizarov method is a revolutionary method of
translation, and particularly length deficit, premature treating limb deformities. Length deficits can be treated
length can now be corrected union, delayed union, by slow distraction of the bone, and complex angular
progressively after surgery. nonunion, bone fracture, deformities can be treated with hinged frames. Optimal
bone infection, loss of treatment of bone deformities requires a good under-
ROM of adjacent joints, standing of the pathologic process and the geometry of
and luxation of adjacent the deformity. In order to evaluate the benefits of this
joints. 42 Serous pin-tract method, it is important to document limb cosmesis
drainage occurs in a ma- and function before surgery and compare these findings
jority of dogs and is gener- with the long-term limb cosmesis and function after


Small Animal/Exotics 20TH ANNIVERSARY Compendium June 1999

deformity correction. Although most of the clinical ex- 17. Newton CD, Nunamaker DM, Dickinson CR: Surgical
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19. Yanoff SR, Hulse DA, Palmer RH, et al: Distraction osteo-
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