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Title: A Room of Ones Own

Author: Virginia Woolf

[* This essa is !ase" u#on two #a#ers rea" to the Arts So$iet at Newnharn an" the O"taa at %irton in
O$to!er &'()* The #a#ers were too long to !e rea" in full+ an" ha,e sin$e !een altere" an" e-#an"e"*.
/ut+ ou ma sa+ we as0e" ou to s#ea0 a!out women an" fi$tion1what+ has that got to "o with a room
of ones own2 3 will tr to e-#lain* When ou as0e" me to s#ea0 a!out women an" fi$tion 3 sat "own on the
!an0s of a ri,er an" !egan to won"er what the wor"s meant* The might mean sim#l a few remar0s a!out
Fann /urne4 a few more a!out 5ane Austen4 a tri!ute to the /ront6s an" a s0et$h of 7aworth 8arsonage un"er
snow4 some witti$isms if #ossi!le a!out Miss Mitfor"4 a res#e$tful allusion to %eorge Eliot4 a referen$e to Mrs*
%as0ell an" one woul" ha,e "one* /ut at se$on" sight the wor"s seeme" not so sim#le* The title women an"
fi$tion might mean+ an" ou ma ha,e meant it to mean+ women an" what the are li0e+ or it might mean
women an" the fi$tion that the write4 or it might mean women an" the fi$tion that is written a!out them+ or it
might mean that somehow all three are ine-tri$a!l mi-e" together an" ou want me to $onsi"er them in that
light* /ut when 3 !egan to $onsi"er the su!9e$t in this last wa+ whi$h seeme" the most interesting+ 3 soon saw
that it ha" one fatal "raw!a$0* 3 shoul" ne,er !e a!le to $ome to a $on$lusion* 3 shoul" ne,er !e a!le to fulfill
what is+ 3 un"erstan"+ the first "ut of a le$turer to han" ou after an hours "is$ourse a nugget of #ure truth to
wra# u# !etween the #ages of our note!oo0s an" 0ee# on the mantel#ie$e for e,er* All 3 $oul" "o was to offer
ou an o#inion u#on one minor #oint1a woman must ha,e mone an" a room of her own if she is to write
fi$tion4 an" that+ as ou will see+ lea,es the great #ro!lem of the true nature of woman an" the true nature of
fi$tion unsol,e"* 3 ha,e shir0e" the "ut of $oming to a $on$lusion u#on these two :uestions1women an"
fi$tion remain+ so far as 3 am $on$erne"+ unsol,e" #ro!lems* /ut in or"er to ma0e some amen"s 3 am going to
"o what 3 $an to show ou how 3 arri,e" at this o#inion a!out the room an" the mone* 3 am going to "e,elo# in
our #resen$e as full an" freel as 3 $an the train of thought whi$h le" me to thin0 this* 8erha#s if 3 la !are the
i"eas+ the #re9u"i$es+ that lie !ehin" this statement ou will fin" that the ha,e some !earing u#on women an"
some u#on fi$tion* At an rate+ when a su!9e$t is highl $ontro,ersial1an" an :uestion a!out se- is that1one
$annot ho#e to tell the truth* One $an onl show how one $ame to hol" whate,er o#inion one "oes hol"* One
$an onl gi,e ones au"ien$e the $han$e of "rawing their own $on$lusions as the o!ser,e the limitations+ the
#re9u"i$es+ the i"iosn$rasies of the s#ea0er* Fi$tion here is li0el to $ontain more truth than fa$t* Therefore 3
#ro#ose+ ma0ing use of all the li!erties an" li$enses of a no,elist+ to tell ou the stor of the two "as that
#re$e"e" m $oming here1how+ !owe" "own ! the weight of the su!9e$t whi$h ou ha,e lai" u#on m
shoul"ers+ 3 #on"ere" it+ an" ma"e it wor0 in an" out of m "ail life* 3 nee" not sa that what 3 am a!out to
"es$ri!e has no e-isten$e4 O-!ri"ge is an in,ention4 so is Fernham4 ;3 is onl a $on,enient term for some!o"
who has no real !eing* <ies will flow from m li#s+ !ut there ma #erha#s !e some truth mi-e" u# with them4 it
is for ou to see0 out this truth an" to "e$i"e whether an #art of it is worth 0ee#ing* 3f not+ ou will of $ourse
throw the whole of it into the waste=#a#er !as0et an" forget all a!out it*
7ere then was 3 >$all me Mar /eton+ Mar Seton+ Mar ?armi$hael or ! an name ou #lease1it is
not a matter of an im#ortan$e@ sitting on the !an0s of a ri,er a wee0 or two ago in fine O$to!er weather+ lost in
thought* That $ollar 3 ha,e s#o0en of+ women an" fi$tion+ the nee" of $oming to some $on$lusion on a su!9e$t
that raises all sorts of #re9u"i$es an" #assions+ !owe" m hea" to the groun"* To the right an" left !ushes of
some sort+ gol"en an" $rimson+ glowe" with the $olour+ e,en it seeme" !urnt with the heat+ of fire* On the
further !an0 the willows we#t in #er#etual lamentation+ their hair a!out their shoul"ers*
The ri,er refle$te" whate,er it $hose of s0 an" !ri"ge an" !urning tree+ an" when the un"ergra"uate
ha" oare" his !oat through the refle$tions the $lose" again+ $om#letel+ as if he ha" ne,er !een*
There one might ha,e sat the $lo$0 roun" lost in thought* Thought1to $all it ! a #rou"er name than it
"eser,e"1ha" let its line "own into the stream* 3t swae"+ minute after minute+ hither an" thither among the
refle$tions an" the wee"s+ letting the water lift it an" sin0 it until1ou 0now the little tug1the su""en
$onglomeration of an i"ea at the en" of ones line: an" then the $autious hauling of it in+ an" the $areful laing
of it out2 Alas+ lai" on the grass how small+ how insignifi$ant this thought of mine loo0e"4 the sort of fish that a
goo" fisherman #uts !a$0 into the water so that it ma grow fatter an" !e one "a worth $oo0ing an" eating* 3
will not trou!le ou with that thought now+ though if ou loo0 $arefull ou ma fin" it for oursel,es in the
$ourse of what 3 am going to sa* /ut howe,er small it was+ it ha"+ ne,ertheless+ the msterious #ro#ert of its
0in"1#ut !a$0 into the min"+ it !e$ame at on$e ,er e-$iting+ an" im#ortant4 an" as it "arte" an" san0+ an"
flashe" hither an" thither+ set u# su$h a wash an" tumult of i"eas that it was im#ossi!le to sit still* 3t was thus
that 3 foun" mself wal0ing with e-treme ra#i"it a$ross a grass #lot* 3nstantl a mans figure rose to inter$e#t
me* Nor "i" 3 at first un"erstan" that the gesti$ulations of a $urious=loo0ing o!9e$t+ in a $ut=awa $oat an"
e,ening shirt+ were aime" at me* 7is fa$e e-#resse" horror an" in"ignation* 3nstin$t rather than reason $ame to
m hel#+ he was a /ea"le4 3 was a woman* This was the turf4 there was the #ath* Onl the Fellows an" S$holars
are allowe" here4 the gra,el is the #la$e for me* Su$h thoughts were the wor0 of a moment* As 3 regaine" the
#ath the arms of the /ea"le san0+ his fa$e assume" its usual re#ose+ an" though turf is !etter wal0ing than
gra,el+ no ,er great harm was "one* The onl $harge 3 $oul" !ring against the Fellows an" S$holars of
whate,er the $ollege might ha##en to !e was that in #rote$tion of their turf+ whi$h has !een rolle" for ABB ears
in su$$ession the ha" sent m little fish into hi"ing* What i"ea it ha" !een that ha" sent me so au"a$iousl
tres#assing 3 $oul" not now remem!er* The s#irit of #ea$e "es$en"e" li0e a $lou" from hea,en+ for if the s#irit
of #ea$e "wells anwhere+ it is in the $ourts an" :ua"rangles of O-!ri"ge on a fine O$to!er morning* Strolling
through those $olleges #ast those an$ient halls the roughness of the #resent seeme" smoothe" awa4 the !o"
seeme" $ontaine" in a mira$ulous glass $a!inet through whi$h no soun" $oul" #enetrate+ an" the min"+ free"
from an $onta$t with fa$ts >unless one tres#asse" on the turf again@+ was at li!ert to settle "own u#on
whate,er me"itation was in harmon with the moment* As $han$e woul" ha,e it+ some stra memor of some
ol" essa a!out re,isiting O-!ri"ge in the long ,a$ation !rought ?harles <am! to min"1Saint ?harles+ sai"
Tha$0era+ #utting a letter of <am!s to his forehea"* 3n"ee"+ among all the "ea" >3 gi,e ou m thoughts as
the $ame to me@+ <am! is one of the most $ongenial4 one to whom one woul" ha,e li0e" to sa+ Tell me then
how ou wrote our essas2 For his essas are su#erior e,en to Ma- /eer!ohms+ 3 thought+ with all their
#erfe$tion+ !e$ause of that wil" flash of imagination+ that lightning $ra$0 of genius in the mi""le of them whi$h
lea,es them flawe" an" im#erfe$t+ !ut starre" with #oetr* <am! then $ame to O-!ri"ge #erha#s a hun"re"
ears ago* ?ertainl he wrote an essa1the name es$a#es me1a!out the manus$ri#t of one of Miltons #oems
whi$h he saw here* 3t was <C?3DAS #erha#s+ an" <am! wrote how it sho$0e" him to thin0 it #ossi!le that an
wor" in <C?3DAS $oul" ha,e !een "ifferent from what it is* To thin0 of Milton $hanging the wor"s in that
#oem seeme" to him a sort of sa$rilege* This le" me to remem!er what 3 $oul" of <C?3DAS an" to amuse
mself with guessing whi$h wor" it $oul" ha,e !een that Milton ha" altere"+ an" wh* 3t then o$$urre" to me
that the ,er manus$ri#t itself whi$h <am! ha" loo0e" at was onl a few hun"re" ar"s awa+ so that one $oul"
follow <am!s footste#s a$ross the :ua"rangle to that famous li!rar where the treasure is 0e#t* Moreo,er+ 3
re$olle$te"+ as 3 #ut this #lan into e-e$ution+ it is in this famous li!rar that the manus$ri#t of Tha$0eras
ESMOND is also #reser,e"* The $riti$s often sa that ESMOND is Tha$0eras most #erfe$t no,el* /ut the
affe$tation of the stle+ with its imitation of the eighteenth $entur+ ham#ers one+ so far as 3 $an remem!er4
unless in"ee" the eighteenth=$entur stle was natural to Tha$0era1a fa$t that one might #ro,e ! loo0ing at
the manus$ri#t an" seeing whether the alterations were for the !enefit of the stle or of the sense* /ut then one
woul" ha,e to "e$i"e what is stle an" what is meaning+ a :uestion whi$h1!ut here 3 was a$tuall at the "oor
whi$h lea"s into the li!rar itself* 3 must ha,e o#ene" it+ for instantl there issue"+ li0e a guar"ian angel !arring
the wa with a flutter of !la$0 gown instea" of white wings+ a "e#re$ating+ sil,er+ 0in"l gentleman+ who
regrette" in a low ,oi$e as he wa,e" me !a$0 that la"ies are onl a"mitte" to the li!rar if a$$om#anie" ! a
Fellow of the ?ollege or furnishe" with a letter of intro"u$tion* That a famous li!rar has !een $urse" ! a
woman is a matter of $om#lete in"ifferen$e to a famous li!rar* Venera!le an" $alm+ with all its treasures safe
lo$0e" within its !reast+ it slee#s $om#la$entl an" will+ so far as 3 am $on$erne"+ so slee# for e,er* Ne,er will 3
wa0e those e$hoes+ ne,er will 3 as0 for that hos#italit again+ 3 ,owe" as 3 "es$en"e" the ste#s in anger* Still an
hour remaine" !efore lun$heon+ an" what was one to "o2 Stroll on the mea"ows2 sit ! the ri,er2 ?ertainl it
was a lo,el autumn morning4 the lea,es were fluttering re" to the groun"4 there was no great har"shi# in "oing
either* /ut the soun" of musi$ rea$he" m ear* Some ser,i$e or $ele!ration was going forwar"* The organ
$om#laine" magnifi$entl as 3 #asse" the $ha#el "oor* E,en the sorrow of ?hristianit soun"e" in that serene air
more li0e the re$olle$tion of sorrow than sorrow itself4 e,en the groanings of the an$ient organ seeme" la##e" in
#ea$e* 3 ha" no wish to enter ha" 3 the right+ an" this time the ,erger might ha,e sto##e" me+ "eman"ing
#erha#s m !a#tismal $ertifi$ate+ or a letter of intro"u$tion from the Dean* /ut the outsi"e of these magnifi$ent
!uil"ings is often as !eautiful as the insi"e* Moreo,er+ it was amusing enough to wat$h the $ongregation
assem!ling+ $oming in an" going out again+ !using themsel,es at the "oor of the $ha#el li0e !ees at the mouth
of a hi,e* Man were in $a# an" gown4 some ha" tufts of fur on their shoul"ers4 others were wheele" in !ath=
$hairs4 others+ though not #ast mi""le age+ seeme" $rease" an" $rushe" into sha#es so singular that one was
remin"e" of those giant $ra!s an" $rafish who hea,e with "iffi$ult a$ross the san" of an a:uarium* As 3 leant
against the wall the Eni,ersit in"ee" seeme" a san$tuar in whi$h are #reser,e" rare t#es whi$h woul" soon
!e o!solete if left to fight for e-isten$e on the #a,ement of the Stran"* Ol" stories of ol" "eans an" ol" "ons
$ame !a$0 to min"+ !ut !efore 3 ha" summone" u# $ourage to whistle1it use" to !e sai" that at the soun" of a
whistle ol" 8rofessor ==== instantl !ro0e into a gallo#1the ,enera!le $ongregation ha" gone insi"e* The outsi"e
of the $ha#el remaine"* As ou 0now+ its high "omes an" #inna$les $an !e seen+ li0e a sailing=shi# alwas
,oaging ne,er arri,ing+ lit u# at night an" ,isi!le for miles+ far awa a$ross the hills* On$e+ #resuma!l+ this
:ua"rangle with its smooth lawns+ its massi,e !uil"ings an" the $ha#el itself was marsh too+ where the grasses
wa,e" an" the swine rootle"* Teams of horses an" o-en+ 3 thought+ must ha,e haule" the stone in wagons from
far $ountries+ an" then with infinite la!our the gre !lo$0s in whose sha"e 3 was now stan"ing were #oise" in
or"er one on to# of another* an" then the #ainters !rought their glass for the win"ows+ an" the masons were !us
for $enturies u# on that roof with #utt an" $ement+ s#a"e an" trowel* E,er Satur"a some!o" must ha,e
#oure" gol" an" sil,er out of a leathern #urse into their an$ient fists+ for the ha" their !eer an" s0ittles
#resuma!l of an e,ening* An unen"ing stream of gol" an" sil,er+ 3 thought+ must ha,e flowe" into this $ourt
#er#etuall to 0ee# the stones $oming an" the masons wor0ing4 to le,el+ to "it$h+ to "ig an" to "rain* /ut it was
then the age of faith+ an" mone was #oure" li!erall to set these stones on a "ee# foun"ation+ an" when the
stones were raise"+ still more mone was #oure" in from the $offers of 0ings an" :ueens an" great no!les to
ensure that hmns shoul" !e sung here an" s$holars taught* <an"s were grante"4 tithes were #ai"* An" when the
age of faith was o,er an" the age of reason ha" $ome+ still the same flow of gol" an" sil,er went on4 fellowshi#s
were foun"e"4 le$tureshi#s en"owe"4 onl the gol" an" sil,er flowe" now+ not from the $offers of the 0ing* !ut
from the $hests of mer$hants an" manufa$turers+ from the #urses of men who ha" ma"e+ sa+ a fortune from
in"ustr+ an" returne"+ in their wills+ a !ounteous share of it to en"ow more $hairs+ more le$tureshi#s+ more
fellowshi#s in the uni,ersit where the ha" learnt their $raft* 7en$e the li!raries an" la!oratories4 the
o!ser,atories4 the s#len"i" e:ui#ment of $ostl an" "eli$ate instruments whi$h now stan"s on glass shel,es+
where $enturies ago the grasses wa,e" an" the swine rootle"* ?ertainl+ as 3 strolle" roun" the $ourt+ the
foun"ation of gol" an" sil,er seeme" "ee# enough4 the #a,ement lai" soli"l o,er the wil" grasses* Men with
tras on their hea"s went !usil from stair$ase to stair$ase* %au" !lossoms flowere" in win"ow=!o-es* The
strains of the gramo#hone !lare" out from the rooms within* 3t was im#ossi!le not to refle$t1the refle$tion
whate,er it ma ha,e !een was $ut short* The $lo$0 stru$0* 3t was time to fin" ones wa to lun$heon*
3t is a $urious fa$t that no,elists ha,e a wa of ma0ing us !elie,e that lun$heon #arties are in,aria!l
memora!le for something ,er witt that was sai"+ or for something ,er wise that was "one* /ut the sel"om
s#are a wor" for what was eaten* 3t is #art of the no,elists $on,ention not to mention sou# an" salmon an"
"u$0lings+ as if sou# an" salmon an" "u$0lings were of no im#ortan$e whatsoe,er+ as if no!o" e,er smo0e" a
$igar or "ran0 a glass of wine* 7ere+ howe,er+ 3 shall ta0e the li!ert to "ef that $on,ention an" to tell ou that
the lun$h on this o$$asion !egan with soles+ sun0 in a "ee# "ish+ o,er whi$h the $ollege $oo0 ha" s#rea" a
$ounter#ane of the whitest $ream+ sa,e that it was !ran"e" here an" there with !rown s#ots li0e the s#ots on the
flan0s of a "oe* After that $ame the #artri"ges+ !ut if this suggests a $ou#le of !al"+ !rown !ir"s on a #late ou
are mista0en* The #artri"ges+ man an" ,arious+ $ame with all their retinue of sau$es an" sala"s+ the shar# an"
the sweet+ ea$h in its or"er4 their #otatoes+ thin as $oins !ut not so har"4 their s#routs+ foliate" as rose!u"s !ut
more su$$ulent* An" no sooner ha" the roast an" its retinue !een "one with than the silent ser,ingman+ the
/ea"le himself #erha#s in a mil"er manifestation+ set !efore us+ wreathe" in na#0ins+ a $onfe$tion whi$h rose all
sugar from the wa,es* To $all it #u""ing an" so relate it to ri$e an" ta#io$a woul" !e an insult* Meanwhile the
wineglasses ha" flushe" ellow an" flushe" $rimson4 ha" !een em#tie"4 ha" !een fille"* An" thus ! "egrees
was lit+ half=wa "own the s#ine+ whi$h is the seat of the soul+ not that har" little ele$tri$ light whi$h we $all
!rillian$e+ as it #o#s in an" out u#on our li#s+ !ut the more #rofoun"+ su!tle an" su!terranean glow whi$h is the
ri$h ellow flame of rational inter$ourse* No nee" to hurr* No nee" to s#ar0le* No nee" to !e an!o" !ut
oneself* We are all going to hea,en an" Van"$0 is of the $om#an1in other wor"s+ how goo" life seeme"+
how sweet its rewar"s+ how tri,ial this gru"ge or that grie,an$e+ how a"mira!le frien"shi# an" the so$iet of
ones 0in"+ as+ lighting a goo" $igarette+ one sun0 among the $ushions in the win"ow=seat*
3f ! goo" lu$0 there ha" !een an ash=tra han"+ if one ha" not 0no$0e" the ash out of the win"ow in
"efault+ if things ha" !een a little "ifferent from what the were+ one woul" not ha,e seen+ #resuma!l+ a $at
without a tail* The sight of that a!ru#t an" trun$ate" animal #a""ing softl a$ross the :ua"rangle $hange" !
some flu0e of the su!$ons$ious intelligen$e the emotional light for me* 3t was as if someone ha" let fall a sha"e*
8erha#s the e-$ellent ho$0 was relin:uishing its hol"* ?ertainl+ as 3 wat$he" the Man- $at #ause in the mi""le
of the lawn as if it too :uestione" the uni,erse+ something seeme" la$0ing+ something seeme" "ifferent* /ut
what was la$0ing+ what was "ifferent+ 3 as0e" mself+ listening to the tal02 An" to answer that :uestion 3 ha" to
thin0 mself out of the room+ !a$0 into the #ast+ !efore the war in"ee"+ an" to set !efore m ees the mo"el of
another lun$heon #art hel" in rooms not ,er far "istant from these4 !ut "ifferent* E,erthing was "ifferent*
Meanwhile the tal0 went on among the guests+ who were man an" oung+ some of this se-+ some of that4 it
went on swimmingl+ it went on agreea!l+ freel+ amusingl* An" as it went on 3 set it against the !a$0groun"
of that other tal0+ an" as 3 mat$he" the two together 3 ha" no "ou!t that one was the "es$en"ant+ the legitimate
heir of the other* Nothing was $hange"4 nothing was "ifferent sa,e onl here 3 listene" with all m ears not
entirel to what was !eing sai"+ !ut to the murmur or $urrent !ehin" it* Ces+ that was it1the $hange was there*
/efore the war at a lun$heon #art li0e this #eo#le woul" ha,e sai" #re$isel the same things !ut the woul"
ha,e soun"e" "ifferent+ !e$ause in those "as the were a$$om#anie" ! a sort of humming noise+ not
arti$ulate+ !ut musi$al+ e-$iting+ whi$h $hange" the ,alue of the wor"s themsel,es* ?oul" one set that humming
noise to wor"s2 8erha#s with the hel# of the #oets one $oul"** A !oo0 la !esi"e me an"+ o#ening it+ 3 turne"
$asuall enough to Tennson* An" here 3 foun" Tennson was singing:
There has fallen a s#len"i" tear
From the #assion=flower at the gate*
She is $oming+ m "o,e+ m "ear4
She is $oming+ m life+ m fate4
The re" rose $ries+ ;She is near+ she is near4
An" the white rose wee#s+ ;She is late4
The lar0s#ur listens+ ;3 hear+ 3 hear4
An" the lil whis#ers+ ;3 wait*
Was that what men humme" at lun$heon #arties !efore the war2 An" the women2
M heart is li0e a singing !ir"
Whose nest is in a water" shoot4
M heart is li0e an a##le tree
Whose* houghs are !ent with thi$0=set fruit+
M heart is li0e a rain!ow shell
That #a""les in a hal$on sea4
M heart is gla""er than all these
/e$ause m lo,e is $ome to me*
Was that what women humme" at lun$heon #arties !efore the war2 There was something so lu"i$rous in
thin0ing of #eo#le humming su$h things e,en un"er their !reath at lun$heon #arties !efore the war that 3 !urst
out laughing* an" ha" to e-#lain m laughter ! #ointing at the Man- $at+ who "i" loo0 a little a!sur"+ #oor
!east+ without a tail+ in the mi""le of the lawn* Was he reall !orn so+ or ha" he lost his tail in an a$$i"ent2 The
tailless $at+ though some are sai" to e-ist in the 3sle of Man+ is rarer than one thin0s* 3t is a :ueer animal+ :uaint
rather than !eautiful* 3t is strange what a "ifferen$e a tail ma0es1ou 0now the sort of things one sas as a
lun$h #art !rea0s u# an" #eo#le are fin"ing their $oats an" hats*
This one+ than0s to the hos#italit of the host+ ha" laste" far into the afternoon* The !eautiful O$to!er
"a was fa"ing an" the lea,es were falling from the trees in the a,enue as 3 wal0e" through it* %ate after gate
seeme" to $lose with gentle finalit !ehin" me* 3nnumera!le !ea"les were fitting innumera!le 0es into well=
oile" lo$0s4 the treasure=house was !eing ma"e se$ure for another night* After the a,enue one $omes out u#on a
roa"13 forget its name1whi$h lea"s ou+ if ou ta0e the right turning+ along to Fernham* /ut there was #lent
of time* Dinner was not till half=#ast se,en* One $oul" almost "o without "inner after su$h a lun$heon* 3t is
strange how a s$ra# of #oetr wor0s in the min" an" ma0es the legs mo,e in time to it along the roa"* Those
There has fallen a s#len"i" tear
From the #assion=flower at the gate*
She is $oming+ m "o,e+ m "ear====
sang in m !loo" as 3 ste##e" :ui$0l along towar"s 7ea"ingle* An" then+ swit$hing off into the other
measure+ 3 sang+ where the waters are $hurne" u# ! the weir:
M heart is li0e a singing !ir"
Whose nest is in a water" shoot4
M heart is li0e an a##le tree * * *
What #oets+ 3 $rie" alou"+ as one "oes in the "us0+ what #oets the wereF
3n a sort of 9ealous+ 3 su##ose+ for our own age+ sill an" a!sur" though these $om#arisons are+ 3 went
on to won"er if honestl one $oul" name two li,ing #oets now as great as Tennson an" ?hristina Rossetti were
then* O!,iousl it is im#ossi!le+ 3 thought+ loo0ing into those foaming waters+ to $om#are them* The ,er
reason wh that #oetr e-$ites one to su$h a!an"onment+ su$h ra#ture+ is that it $ele!rates some feeling that one
use" to ha,e >at lun$heon #arties !efore the war #erha#s@+ so that one res#on"s easil+ familiarl+ without
trou!ling to $he$0 the feeling+ or to $om#are it with an that one has now* /ut the li,ing #oets e-#ress a feeling
that is a$tuall !eing ma"e an" torn out of us at the moment* One "oes not re$ogniGe it in the first #la$e4 often
for some reason one fears it4 one wat$hes it with 0eenness an" $om#ares it 9ealousl an" sus#i$iousl with the
ol" feeling that one 0new* 7en$e the "iffi$ult of mo"ern #oetr4 an" it is !e$ause of this "iffi$ult that one
$annot remem!er more than two $onse$uti,e lines of an goo" mo"ern #oet* For this reason1that m memor
faile" me1the argument flagge" for want of material* /ut wh+ 3 $ontinue"+ mo,ing on towar"s 7ea"ingle+
ha,e we sto##e" humming un"er our !reath at lun$heon #arties2 Wh has Alfre" $ease" to sing
She is $oming+ m "o,e+ m "ear*
Wh has ?hristina $ease" to res#on"
M heart is gla""er than all these
/e$ause m lo,e is $ome to me2
Shall we la the !lame on the war2 When the guns fire" in August &'&H+ "i" the fa$es of men an"
women show so #lain in ea$h others ees that roman$e was 0ille"2 ?ertainl it was a sho$0 >to women in
#arti$ular with their illusions a!out e"u$ation+ an" so on@ to see the fa$es of our rulers in the light of the shell=
fire* So ugl the loo0e"1%erman+ English+ Fren$h1so stu#i"* /ut la the !lame where one will+ on whom
one will+ the illusion whi$h ins#ire" Tennson an" ?hristina Rossetti to sing so #assionatel a!out the $oming
of their lo,es is far rarer now than then* One has onl to rea"+ to loo0+ to listen+ to remem!er* /ut wh sa
;!lame2 Wh+ if it was an illusion+ not #raise the $atastro#he+ whate,er it was+ that "estroe" illusion an" #ut
truth in its #la$e2 For truth * * * those "ots mar0 the s#ot where+ in sear$h of truth+ 3 misse" the turning u# to
Fernham* Ces in"ee"+ whi$h was truth an" whi$h was illusion2 3 as0e" mself* What was the truth a!out these
houses+ for e-am#le+ "im an" festi,e now with their re" win"ows in the "us0+ !ut raw an" re" an" s:uali"+ with
their sweets an" their !ootla$es+ at nine o$lo$0 in the morning2 An" the willows an" the ri,er an" the gar"ens
that run "own to the ri,er+ ,ague now with the mist stealing o,er them+ !ut gol" an" re" in the sunlight1whi$h
was the truth+ whi$h was the illusion a!out them2 3 s#are ou the twists an" turns of m $ogitations+ for no
$on$lusion was foun" on the roa" to 7ea"ingle+ an" 3 as0 Cou to su##ose that 3 soon foun" out m mista0e
a!out the turning an" retra$e" m ste#s to Fernham*
As 3 ha,e sai" alrea" that it was an O$to!er "a+ 3 "are not forfeit our res#e$t an" im#eril the fair
name of fi$tion ! $hanging the season an" "es$ri!ing lila$s hanging o,er gar"en walls+ $ro$uses+ tuli#s an"
other flowers of s#ring* Fi$tion must sti$0 to fa$ts+ an" the truer the fa$ts the !etter the fi$tion1so we are tol"*
Therefore it was still autumn an" the lea,es were still ellow an" falling+ if anthing+ a little faster than !efore+
!e$ause it was now e,ening >se,en twent=three to !e #re$ise@ an" a !reeGe >from the south=west to !e e-a$t@
ha" risen* /ut for all that there was something o"" at wor0:
M heart is li0e a singing !ir"
Whose nest is in a water" shoot4
M heart is li0e an a##le tree
Whose !oughs are !ent with thi$0=set fruit1
#erha#s the wor"s of ?hristina Rossetti were #artl res#onsi!le for the foll of the fan$1it was nothing of
$ourse !ut a fan$1that the lila$ was sha0ing its flowers o,er the gar"en walls+ an" the !rimstone !utterflies
were s$u""ing hither an" thither+ an" the "ust of the #ollen was in the air* A win" !lew+ from what :uarter 3
0now not+ !ut it lifte" the half=grown lea,es so that there was a flash of sil,er gre in the air* 3t was the time
!etween the lights when $olours un"ergo their intensifi$ation an" #ur#les an" gol"s !urn in win"ow=#anes li0e
the !eat of an e-$ita!le heart4 when for some reason the !eaut of the worl" re,eale" an" et soon to #erish
>here 3 #ushe" into the gar"en+ for+ unwisel+ the "oor was left o#en an" no !ea"les seeme" a!out@+ the !eaut of
the worl" whi$h is so soon to #erish+ has two e"ges+ one of laughter+ one of anguish+ $utting the heart asun"er*
The gar"ens of Fernham la !efore me in the s#ring twilight+ wil" an" o#en+ an" in the long grass+ s#rin0le" an"
$arelessl flung+ were "affo"ils an" !lue!ells+ not or"erl #erha#s at the !est of times+ an" now win"=!lown an"
wa,ing as the tugge" at their roots* The win"ows of the !uil"ing+ $ur,e" li0e shi#s win"ows among generous
wa,es of re" !ri$0+ $hange" from lemon to sil,er un"er the flight of the :ui$0 s#ring $lou"s*
Some!o" was in a hammo$0+ some!o"+ !ut in this light the were #hantoms onl+ half guesse"+ half
seen+ ra$e" a$ross the grass1woul" no one sto# her2==an" then on the terra$e+ as if #o##ing out to !reathe the
air+ to glan$e at the gar"en+ $ame a !ent figure+ formi"a!le et hum!le+ with her great forehea" an" her sha!!
"ress1$oul" it !e the famous s$holar+ $oul" it !e 5==== 7==== herself2 All was "im+ et intense too+ as if the s$arf
whi$h the "us0 ha" flung o,er the gar"en were torn asun"er ! star or swor"1the gash of some terri!le realit
lea#ing+ as its wa is+ out of the heart of the s#ring* For outh====
7ere was m sou#* Dinner was !eing ser,e" in the great "ining=hall* Far from !eing s#ring it was in fa$t
an e,ening in O$to!er* E,er!o" was assem!le" in the !ig "ining=room* Dinner was rea"* 7ere was the sou#*
3t was a #lain gra, sou#* There was nothing to stir the fan$ in that* One $oul" ha,e seen through the
trans#arent li:ui" an #attern that there might ha,e !een on the #late itself* /ut there was no #attern* The #late
was #lain* Ne-t $ame !eef with its atten"ant greens an" #otatoes1a homel trinit+ suggesting the rum#s of
$attle in a mu"" mar0et+ an" s#routs $urle" an" ellowe" at the e"ge+ an" !argaining an" $hea#ening an"
women with string !ags on Mon"a morning* There was no reason to $om#lain of human natures "ail foo"+
seeing that the su##l was suffi$ient an" $oal=miners "ou!tless were sitting "own to less* 8runes an" $ustar"
followe"* An" if anone $om#lains that #runes+ e,en when mitigate" ! $ustar"+ are an un$harita!le ,egeta!le
>fruit the are not@+ string as a misers heart an" e-u"ing a flui" su$h as might run in misers ,eins who ha,e
"enie" themsel,es wine an" warmth* For eight ears an" et not gi,en to the #oor+ he shoul" refle$t that there
are #eo#le whose $harit em!ra$es e,en the #rune* /is$uits an" $heese $ame ne-t+ an" here the water=9ug was
li!erall #asse" roun"+ for it is the nature of !is$uits to !e "r+ an" these were !is$uits to the $ore* That was all*
The meal was o,er* E,er!o" s$ra#e" their $hairs !a$04 the swing="oors swung ,iolentl to an" fro4 soon the
hall was em#tie" of e,er sign of foo" an" ma"e rea" no "ou!t for !rea0fast ne-t morning*
Down $orri"ors an" u# stair$ases the outh of Englan" went !anging an" singing* An" was it for a guest+
a stranger >for 3 ha" no more right here in Fernham than in Trinit or Somer,ille or %irton or Newnham or
?hrist$hur$h@+ to sa+ ;The "inner was not goo"+ or to sa >we were now+ Mar Seton an" 3+ in her sitting=
room@+ ;?oul" we not ha,e "ine" u# here alone2 for if 3 ha" sai" anthing of the 0in" 3 shoul" ha,e !een #ring
an" sear$hing into the se$ret e$onomies of a house whi$h to the stranger wears so fine a front of gaiet an"
$ourage* No+ one $oul" sa nothing of the sort* 3n"ee"+ $on,ersation for a moment flagge"* The human frame
!eing what it is+ heart+ !o" an" !rain all mi-e" together+ an" not $ontaine" in se#arate $om#artments as the
will !e no "ou!t in another million ears+ a goo" "inner is of great im#ortan$e to goo" tal0* One $annot thin0
well+ lo,e well+ slee# well+ if one has not "ine" well* The lam# in the s#ine "oes not light on !eef an" #runes*
We are all 8RO/A/<C going to hea,en+ an" Van"$0 is+ we 7O8E+ to meet us roun" the ne-t $orner1that is
the "u!ious an" :ualifing state of min" that !eef an" #runes at the en" of the "as wor0 !ree" !etween them*
7a##il m frien"+ who taught s$ien$e+ ha" a $u#!oar" where there was a s:uat !ottle an" little glasses==>!ut
there shoul" ha,e !een sole an" #artri"ge to !egin with@==so that we were a!le to "raw u# to the fire an" re#air
some of the "amages of the "as li,ing* 3n a minute or so we were sli##ing freel in an" out among all those
o!9e$ts of $uriosit an" interest whi$h form in the min" in the a!sen$e of a #arti$ular #erson+ an" are naturall
to !e "is$usse" on $oming together again1how some!o" has marrie"+ another has not4 one thin0s this+ another
that4 one has im#ro,e" out of all 0nowle"ge+ the other most amaGingl gone to the !a"1with all those
s#e$ulations u#on human nature an" the $hara$ter of the amaGing worl" we li,e in whi$h s#ring naturall from
su$h !eginnings* While these things were !eing sai"+ howe,er+ 3 !e$ame shamefa$e"l aware of a $urrent
setting in of its own a$$or" an" $arring e,erthing forwar" to an en" of its own* One might !e tal0ing of S#ain
or 8ortugal+ of !oo0 or ra$ehorse+ !ut the real interest of whate,er was sai" was none of those things+ !ut a
s$ene of masons on a high roof some fi,e $enturies ago* Iings an" no!les !rought treasure in huge sa$0s an"
#oure" it un"er the earth* This s$ene was for e,er $oming ali,e in m min" an" #la$ing itself ! another of lean
$ows an" a mu"" mar0et an" withere" greens an" the string hearts of ol" men1these two #i$tures+ "is9ointe"
an" "is$onne$te" an" nonsensi$al as the were+ were for e,er $oming together an" $om!ating ea$h other an"
ha" me entirel at their mer$* The !est $ourse+ unless the whole tal0 was to !e "istorte"+ was to e-#ose what
was in m min" to the air+ when with goo" lu$0 it woul" fa"e an" $rum!le li0e the hea" of the "ea" 0ing when
the o#ene" the $offin at Win"sor* /riefl+ then+ 3 tol" Miss Seton a!out the masons who ha" !een all those
ears on the roof of the $ha#el+ an" a!out the 0ings an" :ueens an" no!les !earing sa$0s of gol" an" sil,er on
their shoul"ers+ whi$h the sho,elle" into the earth4 an" then how the great finan$ial magnates of our own time
$ame an" lai" $he:ues an" !on"s+ 3 su##ose+ where the others ha" lai" ingots an" rough lum#s of gol"* All that
lies !eneath the $olleges "own there+ 3 sai"4 !ut this $ollege+ where we are now sitting+ what lies !eneath its
gallant re" !ri$0 an" the wil" un0em#t grasses of the gar"en2 What for$e is !ehin" that #lain $hina off whi$h
we "ine"+ an" >here it #o##e" out of m mouth !efore 3 $oul" sto# it@ the !eef+ the $ustar" an" the #runes2
Well+ sai" Mar Seton+ a!out the ear &)JB==Oh+ !ut ou 0now the stor+ she sai"+ !ore"+ 3 su##ose+ !
the re$ital* An" she tol" me1rooms were hire"* ?ommittees met* En,elo#es were a""resse"* ?ir$ulars were
"rawn u#* Meetings were hel"4 letters were rea" out4 so=an"=so has #romise" so mu$h4 on the $ontrar+ Mr ====
wont gi,e a #enn* The SATERDAC REV3EW has !een ,er ru"e* 7ow $an we raise a fun" to #a for offi$es2
Shall we hol" a !aGaar2 ?ant we fin" a #rett girl to sit in the front row2 <et us loo0 u# what 5ohn Stuart Mill
sai" on the su!9e$t* ?an anone #ersua"e the e"itor of the ==== to #rint a letter2 ?an we get <a" ==== to sign it2
<a" ==== is out of town* That was the wa it was "one+ #resuma!l+ si-t ears ago+ an" it was a #ro"igious
effort+ an" a great "eal of time was s#ent on it* An" it was onl after a long struggle an" with the utmost
"iffi$ult that the got thirt thousan" #oun"s together* [* We are tol" that we ought to as0 for KAB+BBB at least* *
* * 3t is not a large sum+ $onsi"ering that there is to he !ut one $ollege of this sort for %reat /ritain+ 3relan" an"
the ?olonies+ an" $onsi"ering how eas it is to raise immense sums for !os s$hools* /ut $onsi"ering how few
#eo#le reall wish women to !e e"u$ate"+ it is a goo" "eal*1<ADC STE87EN+ EM3<C DAV3ES AND
%3RTON ?O<<E%E*. So o!,iousl we $annot ha,e wine an" #artri"ges an" ser,ants $arring tin "ishes on
their hea"s+ she sai"* We $annot ha,e sofas an" se#arate rooms* ;The amenities+ she sai"+ :uoting from some
!oo0 or other+ ;will ha,e to wait* [* E,er #enn whi$h $oul" he s$ra#e" together was set asi"e for !uil"ing+
an" the amenities ha" to !e #ost#one"*1R* STRA?7EC+ T7E ?AESE*.
At the thought of all those women wor0ing ear after ear an" fin"ing it har" to get two thousan"
#oun"s together+ an" as mu$h as the $oul" "o to get thirt thousan" #oun"s+ we !urst out in s$orn at the
re#rehensi!le #o,ert of our se-* What ha" our mothers !een "oing then that the ha" no wealth to lea,e us2
8ow"ering their noses2 <oo0ing in at sho# win"ows2 Flaunting in the sun at Monte ?arlo2 There were some
#hotogra#hs on the mantel#ie$e* Mars mother1if that was her #i$ture1ma ha,e !een a wastrel in her s#are
time >she ha" thirteen $hil"ren ! a minister of the $hur$h@+ !ut if so her ga an" "issi#ate" life ha" left too few
tra$es of its #leasures on her fa$e* She was a homel !o"4 an ol" la" in a #lai" shawl whi$h was fastene" ! a
large $ameo4 an" she sat in a !as0et=$hair+ en$ouraging a s#aniel to loo0 at the $amera+ with the amuse"+ et
straine" e-#ression of one who is sure that the "og will mo,e "ire$tl the !ul! is #resse"* Now if she ha" gone
into !usiness4 ha" !e$ome a manufa$turer of artifi$ial sil0 or a magnate on the Sto$0 E-$hange4 if she ha" left
two or three hun"re" thousan" #oun"s to Fernham+ we $oul" ha,e !een sitting at our ease to=night an" the
su!9e$t of our tal0 might ha,e !een ar$haeolog+ !otan+ anthro#olog+ #hsi$s+ the nature of the atom+
mathemati$s+ astronom+ relati,it+ geogra#h* 3f onl Mrs Seton an" her mother an" her mother !efore her ha"
learnt the great art of ma0ing mone an" ha" left their mone+ li0e their fathers an" their gran"fathers !efore
them+ to foun" fellowshi#s an" le$tureshi#s an" #riGes an" s$holarshi#s a##ro#riate" to the use of their own se-+
we might ha,e "ine" ,er tolera!l u# here alone off a !ir" an" a !ottle of wine4 we might ha,e loo0e" forwar"
without un"ue $onfi"en$e to a #leasant an" honoura!le lifetime s#ent in the shelter of one of the li!erall
en"owe" #rofessions* We might ha,e !een e-#loring or writing4 mooning a!out the ,enera!le #la$es of the
earth4 sitting $ontem#lati,e on the ste#s of the 8arthenon+ or going at ten to an offi$e an" $oming home
$omforta!l at half=#ast four to write a little #oetr* Onl+ if Mrs Seton an" her li0e ha" gone into !usiness at the
age of fifteen+ there woul" ha,e !een1that was the snag in the argument1no Mar* What+ 3 as0e"+ "i" Mar
thin0 of that2 There !etween the $urtains was the O$to!er night+ $alm an" lo,el+ with a star or two $aught in
the ellowing trees* Was she rea" to resign her share of it an" her memories >for the ha" !een a ha## famil+
though a large one@ of games an" :uarrels u# in S$otlan"+ whi$h she is ne,er tire" of #raising for the fineness of
its air an" the :ualit of its $a0es+ in or"er that Fernham might ha,e !een en"owe" with fift thousan" #oun"s
or so ! a stro0e of the #en2 For+ to en"ow a $ollege woul" ne$essitate the su##ression of families altogether*
Ma0ing a fortune an" !earing thirteen $hil"ren1no human !eing $oul" stan" it* ?onsi"er the fa$ts+ we sai"*
First there are nine months !efore the !a! is !orn* Then the !a! is !orn* Then there are three or four months
s#ent in fee"ing the !a!* After the !a! is fe" there are $ertainl fi,e ears s#ent in #laing with the !a!* Cou
$annot+ it seems+ let $hil"ren run a!out the streets* 8eo#le who ha,e seen them running wil" in Russia sa that
the sight is not a #leasant one* 8eo#le sa+ too+ that human nature ta0es its sha#e in the ears !etween one an"
fi,e* 3f Mrs Seton+ 3 sai"+ ha" !een ma0ing mone+ what sort of memories woul" ou ha,e ha" of games an"
:uarrels2 What woul" ou ha,e 0nown of S$otlan"+ an" its fine air an" $a0es an" all the rest of it2 /ut it is
useless to as0 these :uestions+ !e$ause ou woul" ne,er ha,e $ome into e-isten$e at all* Moreo,er+ it is e:uall
useless to as0 what might ha,e ha##ene" if Mrs Seton an" her mother an" her mother !efore her ha" amasse"
great wealth an" lai" it un"er the foun"ations of $ollege an" li!rar+ !e$ause+ in the first #la$e+ to earn mone
was im#ossi!le for them+ an" in the se$on"+ ha" it !een #ossi!le+ the law "enie" them the right to #ossess what
mone the earne"* 3t is onl for the last fort=eight ears that Mrs Seton has ha" a #enn of her own* For all the
$enturies !efore that it woul" ha,e !een her hus!an"s #ro#ert1a thought whi$h+ #erha#s+ ma ha,e ha" its
share in 0ee#ing Mrs Seton an" her mothers off the Sto$0 E-$hange* E,er #enn 3 earn+ the ma ha,e sai"+
will !e ta0en from me an" "is#ose" of a$$or"ing to m hus!an"s wis"om1#erha#s to foun" a s$holarshi# or to
en"ow a fellowshi# in /alliol or Iings+ so that to earn mone+ e,en if 3 $oul" earn mone+ is not a matter that
interests me ,er greatl* 3 ha" !etter lea,e it to m hus!an"*
At an rate+ whether or not the !lame reste" on the ol" la" who was loo0ing at the s#aniel+ there $oul"
!e no "ou!t that for some reason or other our mothers ha" mismanage" their affairs ,er gra,el* Not a #enn
$oul" !e s#are" for ;amenities4 for #artri"ges an" wine+ !ea"les an" turf+ !oo0s an" $igars+ li!raries an" leisure*
To raise !are walls out of !are earth was the utmost the $oul" "o*
So we tal0e" stan"ing at the win"ow an" loo0ing+ as so man thousan"s loo0 e,er night+ "own on the
"omes an" towers of the famous $it !eneath us* 3t was ,er !eautiful+ ,er msterious in the autumn
moonlight* The ol" stone loo0e" ,er white an" ,enera!le* One thought of all the !oo0s that were assem!le"
"own there4 of the #i$tures of ol" #relates an" worthies hanging in the #anelle" rooms4 of the #ainte" win"ows
that woul" !e throwing strange glo!es an" $res$ents on the #a,ement4 of the ta!lets an" memorials an"
ins$ri#tions4 of the fountains an" the grass4 of the :uiet rooms loo0ing a$ross the :uiet :ua"rangles* An"
>#ar"on me the thought@ 3 thought+ too+ of the a"mira!le smo0e an" "rin0 an" the "ee# arm$hairs an" the
#leasant $ar#ets: of the ur!anit+ the genialit+ the "ignit whi$h are the offs#ring of lu-ur an" #ri,a$ an"
s#a$e* ?ertainl our mothers ha" not #ro,i"e" us with an thing $om#ara!le to all this1our mothers who foun"
it "iffi$ult to s$ra#e together thirt thousan" #oun"s+ our mothers who !ore thirteen $hil"ren to ministers of
religion at St An"rews*
So 3 went !a$0 to m inn+ an" as 3 wal0e" through the "ar0 streets 3 #on"ere" this an" that+ as one "oes
at the en" of the "as wor0* 3 #on"ere" wh it was that Mrs Seton ha" no mone to lea,e us4 an" what effe$t
#o,ert has on the min"4 an" what effe$t wealth has on the min"4 an" 3 thought of the :ueer ol" gentlemen 3 ha"
seen that morning with tufts of fur u#on their shoul"ers4 an" 3 remem!ere" how if one whistle" one of them ran4
an" 3 thought of the organ !ooming in the $ha#el an" of the shut "oors of the li!rar4 an" 3 thought how
un#leasant it is to !e lo$0e" out4 an" 3 thought how it is worse #erha#s to !e lo$0e" in4 an"+ thin0ing of the
safet an" #ros#erit of the one se- an" of the #o,ert an" inse$urit of the other an" of the effe$t of tra"ition
an" of the la$0 of tra"ition u#on the min" of a writer+ 3 thought at last that it was time to roll u# the $rum#le"
s0in of the "a+ with its arguments an" its im#ressions an" its anger an" its laughter+ an" $ast it into the he"ge* A
thousan" stars were flashing a$ross the !lue wastes of the s0*
One seeme" alone with an ins$ruta!le so$iet* All human !eings were lai" aslee#1#rone+ horiGontal+
"um!* No!o" seeme" stirring in the streets of O-!ri"ge* E,en the "oor of the hotel s#rang o#en at the tou$h of
an in,isi!le han"1not a !oots was sitting u# to light me to !e"+ it was so late*
The s$ene+ if 3 ma as0 ou to follow me+ was now $hange"* The lea,es were still falling+ !ut in <on"on
now+ not O-!ri"ge4 an" 3 must as0 ou to imagine a room+ li0e man thousan"s+ with a win"ow loo0ing a$ross
#eo#les hats an" ,ans an" motor=$ars to other win"ows+ an" on the ta!le insi"e the room a !lan0 sheet of #a#er
on whi$h was written in large letters WOMEN AND F3?T3ON+ !ut no more* The ine,ita!le se:uel to lun$hing
an" "ining at O-!ri"ge seeme"+ unfortunatel+ to !e a ,isit to the /ritish Museum* One must strain off what was
#ersonal an" $i"ental in all these im#ressions an" so rea$h the #ure flui"+ the essential oil of truth* For that ,isit
to O-!ri"ge an" the lun$heon an" the "inner ha" starte" a swarm of :uestions* Wh "i" men "rin0 wine an"
women water2
Wh was one se- so #ros#erous an" the other so #oor2 What effe$t has #o,ert on fi$tion2 What
$on"itions are ne$essar for the $reation of wor0s of art2==a thousan" :uestions at on$e suggeste" themsel,es*
/ut one nee"e" answers+ not :uestions4 an" an answer was onl to !e ha" ! $onsulting the learne" an" the
un#re9u"i$e"+ who ha,e remo,e" themsel,es a!o,e the strife of tongue an" the $onfusion of !o" an" issue" the
result of their reasoning an" resear$h in !oo0s whi$h are to !e foun" in the /ritish Museum* 3f truth is not to !e
foun" on the shel,es of the /ritish Museum+ where+ 3 as0e" mself+ #i$0ing u# a note!oo0 an" a #en$il+ is truth2
Thus #ro,i"e"+ thus $onfi"ent an" en:uiring+ 3 set out in the #ursuit of truth* The "a+ though not a$tuall wet+
was "ismal+ an" the streets in the neigh!ourhoo" of the Museum were full of o#en $oal=holes+ "own whi$h sa$0s
were showering4 four=wheele" $a!s were "rawing u# an" "e#ositing on the #a,ement $or"e" !o-es $ontaining+
#resuma!l+ the entire war"ro!e of some Swiss or 3talian famil see0ing fortune or refuge or some other
"esira!le $ommo"it whi$h is to !e foun" in the !oar"ing=houses of /looms!ur in the winter* The usual
hoarse=,oi$e" men #ara"e" the streets with #lants on !arrows* Some shoute"4 others sang* <on"on was li0e a
wor0sho#* <on"on was li0e a ma$hine* We were all !eing shot !a$0war"s an" forwar"s on this #lain foun"ation
to ma0e some #attern*
The /ritish Museum was another "e#artment of the fa$tor* The swing="oors swung o#en4 an" there one
stoo" un"er the ,ast "ome+ as if one were a thought in the huge !al" forehea" whi$h is so s#len"i"l en$ir$le"
! a !an" of famous names* One went to the $ounter4 one too0 a sli# of #a#er4 one o#ene" a ,olume of the
$atalogue+ an" the fi,e "ots here in"i$ate fi,e se#arate minutes of stu#efa$tion+ won"er an" !ewil"erment* 7a,e
ou an notion of how man !oo0s are written a!out women in the $ourse of one ear2 7a,e ou an notion
how man are written ! men2 Are ou aware that ou are+ #erha#s+ the most "is$usse" animal in the uni,erse2
7ere ha" 3 $ome with a note!oo0 an" a #en$il #ro#osing to s#en" a morning rea"ing+ su##osing that at the en"
of the morning 3 shoul" ha,e transferre" the truth to m note!oo0* /ut 3 shoul" nee" to !e a her" of ele#hants+ 3
thought+ an" a wil"erness of s#i"ers+ "es#eratel referring to the animals that are re#ute" longest li,e" an" most
multitu"inousl ee"+ to $o#e with all this* 3 shoul" nee" $laws of steel an" !ea0 of !rass e,en to #enetrat the
hus0* 7ow shall 3 e,er fin" the grains of truth em!e""e" in all this mass of #a#er2 3 as0e" mself+ an" in "es#air
!egan running m ee u# an" "own the long list of titles* E,en the names of the !oo0s ga,e me foo" for
thought* Se- an" its nature might well attra$t "o$tors an" !iologists4 !ut what was sur#rising an" "iffi$ult of
e-#lanation was the fa$t that se-1woman+ that is to sa1also attra$ts agreea!le essaists+ light=fingere"
no,elists+ oung men who ha,e ta0en the M*A* "egree4 men who ha,e ta0en no "egree4 men who ha,e no
a##arent :ualifi$ation sa,e that the are not women* Some of these !oo0s were+ on the fa$e of it+ fri,olous an"
fa$etious4 !ut man+ on the other han"+ were serious an" #ro#heti$+ moral an" hortator* Merel to rea" the titles
suggeste" innumera!le s$hoolmasters+ innumera!le $lergmen mounting their #latforms an" #ul#its an" hol"ing
forth with lo:ua$it whi$h far e-$ee"e" the hour usuall allote" to su$h "is$ourse on this one su!9e$t* 3t was a
most strange #henomenon4 an" a##arentl1here 3 $onsulte" the letter M1one $onfine" to the male se-*
Women "o not write !oo0s a!out men1a fa$t that 3 $oul" not hel# wel$oming with relief+ for if 3 ha" first to
rea" all that men ha,e written a!out women+ then all that women ha,e written a!out men+ the aloe that flowers
on$e in a hun"re" ears woul" flower twi$e !efore 3 $oul" set #en to #a#er* So+ ma0ing a #erfe$tl ar!itrar
$hoi$e of a "oGen ,olumes or so+ 3 sent m sli#s of #a#er to lie in the wire tra+ an" waite" in m stall+ among
the other see0ers for the essential oil of truth*
What $oul" !e the reason+ then+ of this $urious "is#arit+ 3 won"ere"+ "rawing $art=wheels on the sli#s of
#a#er #ro,i"e" ! the /ritish ta-#aer for other #ur#oses* Wh are women+ 9u"ging from this $atalogue+ so
mu$h more interesting to men than men are to women2 A ,er $urious fa$t it seeme"+ an" m min" wan"ere" to
#i$ture the li,es of men who s#en" their time in writing !oo0s a!out women4 whether the were ol" or oung+
marrie" or unmarrie"+ re"=nose" or hum#=!a$0e"1anhow+ it was flattering+ ,aguel+ to feel oneself the o!9e$t
of su$h attention #ro,i"e" that it was not entirel !estowe" ! the $ri##le" an" the infirm1so 3 #on"ere" until
all su$h fri,olous thoughts were en"e" ! an a,alan$he of !oo0s sli"ing "own on to the "es0 in front of me*
Now the trou!le !egan* The stu"ent who has !een traine" in resear$h at O-!ri"ge has no "ou!t some metho" of
she#her"ing his :uestion #ast all "istra$tions till it runs into his answer as a shee# runs into its #en*
The stu"ent ! m si"e+ for instan$e+ who was $o#ing assi"uousl from a s$ientifi$ manual+ was+ 3 felt
sure+ e-tra$ting #ure nuggets of the essential ore e,er ten minutes or so* 7is little grunts of satisfa$tion
in"i$ate" so mu$h* /ut if+ unfortunatel+ one has ha" no training in a uni,ersit+ the :uestion far from !eing
she#her"e" to its #en flies li0e a frightene" flo$0 hither an" thither+ helter=s0elter+ #ursue" ! a whole #a$0 of
houn"s* 8rofessors+ s$hoolmasters+ so$iologists+ $lergmen+ no,elists+ essaists+ 9ournalists+ men who ha" no
:ualifi$ation sa,e that the were not women+ $hase" m sim#le an" single :uestion1Wh are some women
#oor2==until it !e$ame fift :uestions4 until the fift :uestions lea#t franti$all into mi"stream an" were $arrie"
awa* E,er #age in m note!oo0 was s$ri!!le" o,er with notes*
To show the state of min" 3 was in+ 3 will rea" ou a few of them+ e-#laining that the #age was hea"e"
:uite sim#l+ WOMEN AND 8OVERTC+ in !lo$0 letters4 !ut what followe" was something li0e this:
?on"ition in Mi""le Ages of+
7a!its in the Fi9i 3slan"s of+
Worshi##e" as go""esses !+
Wea0er in moral sense than+
3"ealism of+
%reater $ons$ientiousness of+
South Sea 3slan"ers+ age of #u!ert among+
Attra$ti,eness of+
Offere" as sa$rifi$e to+
Small siGe of !rain of+
8rofoun"er su!=$ons$iousness of+
<ess hair on the !o" of+
Mental+ moral an" #hsi$al inferiorit of+
<o,e of $hil"ren of+
%reater length of life of+
Wea0er mus$les of+
Strength of affe$tions of+
Vanit of+
7igher e"u$ation of+
Sha0es#eares o#inion of+
<or" /ir0enhea"s o#inion of+
Dean 3nges o#inion of+
<a /rueres o#inion of+
Dr 5ohnsons o#inion of+
Mr Os$ar /rownings o#inion of+ * * *
7ere 3 "rew !reath an" a""e"+ in"ee"+ in the margin+ Wh "oes Samuel /utler sa+ ;Wise men ne,er sa
what the thin0 of women2 Wise men ne,er sa anthing else a##arentl* /ut+ 3 $ontinue"+ leaning !a$0 in m
$hair an" loo0ing at the ,ast "ome in whi$h 3 was a single !ut ! now somewhat harasse" thought+ what is so
unfortunate is that wise men ne,er thin0 the same thing a!out women* 7ere is 8o#e:
Most women ha,e no $hara$ter at all*
An" here is <a /ruLre:
<es femmes sont e-trMmes+ elles sont meilleures ou #ires :ue les
a "ire$t $ontra"i$tion ! 0een o!ser,ers who were $ontem#orar* Are the $a#a!le of e"u$ation or in$a#a!le2
Na#oleon thought them in$a#a!le* Dr 5ohnson thought the o##osite* [* ;NMen 0now that women are an
o,ermat$h for them+ an" therefore the $hoose the wea0est or the most ignorant* 3f the "i" not thin0 so+ the
ne,er $oul" he afrai" of women 0nowing as mu$h as themsel,es*N * * * 3n 9usti$e to the se-+ 3 thin0 it !ut $an"i"
to a$0nowle"ge that+ in a su!se:uent $on,ersation+ he tol" me that he was serious in what he sai"*1
/OSWE<<+ T7E 5OERNA< OF A TOER TO T7E 7E/R3DES*. 7a,e the souls or ha,e the not souls2
Some sa,ages sa the ha,e none* Others+ on the $ontrar+ maintain that women are half "i,ine an" worshi#
them on that a$$ount* [* The an$ient %ermans !elie,e" that there was something hol in women+ an"
a$$or"ingl $onsulte" them as ora$les*1FRAOER+ %O<DEN /OE%7*. Some sages hol" that the are
shallower in the !rain4 others that the are "ee#er in the $ons$iousness* %oethe honoure" them4 Mussolini
"es#ises them* Where,er one loo0e" men thought a!out women an" thought "ifferentl* 3t was im#ossi!le to
ma0e hea" or tail of it all+ 3 "e$i"e"+ glan$ing with en, at the rea"er ne-t "oor who was ma0ing the neatest
a!stra$ts+ hea"e" often with an A or a / or a ?+ while m own note!oo0 riote" with the wil"est s$ri!!le of
$ontra"i$tor 9ottings* 3t was "istressing+ it was !ewil"ering+ it was humiliating* Truth ha" run through m
fingers* E,er "ro# ha" es$a#e"*
3 $oul" not #ossi!l go home+ 3 refle$te"+ an" a"" as a serious $ontri!ution to the stu" of women an"
fi$tion that women ha,e less hair on their !o"ies than men+ or that the age of #u!ert among the South Sea
3slan"ers is nine1or is it ninet2==e,en the han"writing ha" !e$ome in its "istra$tion in"e$i#hera!le* 3t was
"isgra$eful to ha,e nothing more weight or res#e$ta!le to show after a whole mornings wor0* An" if 3 $oul"
not gras# the truth a!out W* >as for !re,its sa0e 3 ha" $ome to $all her@ in the #ast+ wh !other a!out W* in the
future2 3t seeme" #ure waste of time to $onsult all those gentlemen who s#e$ialiGe in woman an" her effe$t on
whate,er it ma !e1#oliti$s+ $hil"ren+ wages+ moralit1numerous an" learne" as the are* One might as well
lea,e their !oo0s uno#ene"*
/ut while 3 #on"ere" 3 ha" un$ons$iousl+ in m listlessness+ in m "es#eration+ !een "rawing a #i$ture
where 3 shoul"+ li0e m neigh!our+ ha,e !een writing a $on$lusion* 3 ha" !een "rawing a fa$e+ a figure* 3t was
the fa$e an" the figure of 8rofessor ,on P engage" in writing his monumental wor0 entitle" T7E MENTA<+
MORA<+ AND 87CS3?A< 3NFER3OR3TC OF T7E FEMA<E SEP* 7e was not in m #i$ture a man
attra$ti,e to women* 7e was hea,il !uilt4 he ha" a great 9owl4 to !alan$e that he ha" ,er small ees4 he was
,er re" in the fa$e* 7is e-#ression suggeste" that he was la!ouring un"er some emotion that ma"e him 9a! his
#en on the #a#er as if he were 0illing some no-ious inse$t as he wrote+ !ut e,en when he ha" 0ille" it that "i"
not satisf him4 he must go on 0illing it4 an" e,en so+ some $ause for anger an" irritation remaine"* ?oul" it !e
his wife+ 3 as0e"+ loo0ing at m #i$ture2 Was she in lo,e with a $a,alr offi$er2 Was the $a,alr offi$er slim an"
elegant an" "resse" in astra0han2 7a" he !een laughe" at+ to a"o#t the Freu"ian theor+ in his $ra"le ! a #rett
girl2 For e,en in his $ra"le the #rofessor+ 3 thought+ $oul" not ha,e !een an attra$ti,e $hil"* Whate,er the
reason+ the #rofessor was ma"e to loo0 ,er angr an" ,er ugl in m s0et$h+ as he wrote his great !oo0 u#on
the mental+ moral an" #hsi$al inferiorit of women* Drawing #i$tures was an i"le wa of finishing an
un#rofita!le mornings wor0* Cet it is in our i"leness+ in our "reams+ that the su!merge" truth sometimes $omes
to the to#* A ,er elementar e-er$ise in #s$holog+ not to !e "ignifie" ! the name of #s$hoanalsis+ showe"
me+ on loo0ing at m note!oo0+ that the s0et$h of the angr #rofessor ha" !een ma"e in anger* Anger ha"
snat$he" m #en$il while 3 "reamt* /ut what was anger "oing there2 3nterest+ $onfusion+ amusement+ !ore"om
1all these emotions 3 $oul" tra$e an" name as the su$$ee"e" ea$h other throughout the morning* 7a" anger+
the !la$0 sna0e+ !een lur0ing among them2 Ces+ sai" the s0et$h+ anger ha"* 3t referre" me unmista0a!l to the
one !oo0+ to the one #hrase+ whi$h ha" rouse" the "emon4 it was the #rofessors statement a!out the mental+
moral an" #hsi$al inferiorit of women* M heart ha" lea#t* M $hee0s ha" !urnt* 3 ha" flushe" with anger*
There was nothing s#e$iall remar0a!le+ howe,er foolish+ in that*
One "oes not li0e to !e tol" that one is naturall the inferior of a little man13 loo0e" at the stu"ent ne-t
me1who !reathes har"+ wears a rea"=ma"e tie+ an" has not sha,e" this fortnight* One has $ertain foolish
,anities* 3t is onl human nature+ 3 refle$te"+ an" !egan "rawing $artwheels an" $ir$les o,er the angr
#rofessors fa$e till he loo0e" li0e a !urning !ush or a flaming $omet1anhow+ an a##arition without human
sem!lan$e or signifi$an$e* The #rofessor was nothing now !ut a faggot !urning on the to# of 7am#stea" 7eath*
Soon m own anger was e-#laine" an" "one with4 !ut $uriosit remaine"* 7ow e-#lain the anger of the
#rofessors2 Wh were the angr2 For when it $ame to analsing the im#ression left ! these !oo0s there was
alwas an element of heat* This heat too0 man forms4 it showe" itself in satire+ in sentiment+ in $uriosit+ in
re#ro!ation* /ut there was another element whi$h was often #resent an" $oul" not imme"iatel !e i"entifie"*
Anger+ 3 $alle" it* /ut it was anger that ha" gone un"ergroun" an" mi-e" itself with all 0in"s of other emotions*
To 9u"ge from its o"" effe$ts+ it was anger "isguise" an" $om#le-+ not anger sim#le an" o#en*
Whate,er the reason+ all these !oo0s+ 3 thought+ sur,eing the #ile on the "es0+ are worthless for m
#ur#oses* The were worthless s$ientifi$all+ that is to sa+ though humanl the were full of instru$tion+
interest+ !ore"om+ an" ,er :ueer fa$ts a!out the ha!its of the Fi9i 3slan"ers* The ha" !een written in the re"
light of emotion an" not in the white light of truth* Therefore the must !e returne" to the $entral "es0 an"
restore" ea$h to his own $ell in the enormous hone$om!* All that 3 ha" retrie,e" from that mornings wor0 ha"
!een the one fa$t of anger* The #rofessors13 lum#e" them together thus1were angr* /ut wh+ 3 as0e" mself+
ha,ing returne" the !oo0s+ wh+ 3 re#eate"+ stan"ing un"er the $olonna"e among the #igeons an" the #rehistori$
$anoes+ wh are the angr2 An"+ as0ing mself this :uestion+ 3 strolle" off to fin" a #la$e for lun$heon* What is
the real
nature of what 3 $all for the moment their anger2 3 as0e"* 7ere was a #uGGle that woul" last all the time
that it ta0es to !e ser,e" with foo" in a small restaurant somewhere near the /ritish Museum* Some #re,ious
lun$her ha" left the lun$h e"ition of the e,ening #a#er on a $hair+ an"+ waiting to !e ser,e"+ 3 !egan i"l rea"ing
the hea"lines* A ri!!on of ,er large letters ran a$ross the #age* Some!o" ha" ma"e a !ig s$ore in South
Afri$a* <esser ri!!ons announ$e" that Sir Austen ?ham!erlain was at %ene,a* A meat a-e with human hair on it
ha" !een foun" in a $ellar*
Mr 9usti$e ==== $ommente" in the Di,or$e ?ourts u#on the Shamelessness of Women* S#rin0le" a!out
the #a#er were other #ie$es of news* A film a$tress ha" !een lowere" from a #ea0 in ?alifornia an" hung
sus#en"e" in mi"=air* The weather was going to !e fogg* The most transient ,isitor to this #lanet+ 3 thought+
who #i$0e" u# this #a#er $oul" not fail to !e aware+ e,en from this s$attere" testimon+ that Englan" is un"er
the rule of a #atriar$h* No!o" in their senses $oul" fail to "ete$t the "ominan$e of the #rofessor* 7is was the
#ower an" the mone an" the influen$e* 7e was the #ro#rietor of the #a#er an" its e"itor an" su!=e"itor* 7e was
the Foreign Se$retar an" the 9u"ge* 7e was the $ri$0eter4 he owne" the ra$ehorses an" the a$hts* 7e Was the
"ire$tor of the $om#an that #as two hun"re" #er $ent to its sharehol"ers* 7e left millions to $harities an"
$olleges that were rule" ! himself* 7e sus#en"e" the film a$tress in mi"=air* 7e will "e$i"e if the hair on the
meat a-e is human4 he it is who will a$:uit or $on,i$t the mur"erer+ an" hang him+ or let him go free* With the
e-$e#tion of the fog he seeme" to $ontrol e,erthing* Cet he was angr* 3 0new that he was angr ! this to0en*
When 3 rea" what he wrote a!out women13 thought+ not of what he was saing+ !ut of himself* When an arguer
argues "is#assionatel he thin0s onl of the argument4 an" the rea"er $annot hel# thin0ing of the argument too*
3f he ha" written "is#assionatel a!out women+ ha" use" in"is#uta!le #roofs to esta!lish his argument an" ha"
shown no tra$e of wishing that the result shoul" !e one thing rather than another+ one woul" not ha,e !een
angr either* One woul" ha,e a$$e#te" the fa$t+ as one a$$e#ts the fa$t that a #ea is green or a $anar ellow* So
!e it+ 3 shoul" ha,e sai"* /ut 3 ha" !een angr !e$ause he was angr* Cet it seeme" a!sur"+ 3 thought+ turning
o,er the e,ening #a#er+ that a man with all this #ower shoul" !e angr* Or is anger+ 3 won"ere"+ somehow+ the
familiar+ the atten"ant s#rite on #ower2 Ri$h #eo#le+ for e-am#le+ are often angr !e$ause the sus#e$t that the
#oor want to seiGe their wealth* The #rofessors+ or #atriar$hs+ as it might !e more a$$urate to $all them+ might !e
angr for that reason #artl+ !ut #artl for one that lies a little less o!,iousl on the surfa$e* 8ossi!l the were
not ;angr at all4 often+ in"ee"+ the were a"miring+ "e,ote"+ e-em#lar in the relations of #ri,ate life* 8ossi!l
when the #rofessor insiste" a little too em#hati$all u#on the inferiorit of women+ he was $on$erne" not with
their inferiorit+ !ut with his own su#eriorit* That was what he was #rote$ting rather hot=hea"e"l an" with too
mu$h em#hasis+ !e$ause it was a 9ewel to him of the rarest #ri$e* <ife for !oth se-es1an" 3 loo0e" at them+
shoul"ering their wa along the #a,ement1is ar"uous+ "iffi$ult+ a #er#etual struggle* 3t $alls for giganti$
$ourage an" strength* More than anthing+ #erha#s+ $reatures of illusion as we are+ it $alls for $onfi"en$e in
oneself* Without self=$onfi"en$e we are as !a!es in the $ra"le* An" how $an we generate this im#on"era!le
:ualit+ whi$h is et so in,alua!le+ most :ui$0l2 / thin0ing that other #eo#le are inferior to one self* /
feeling that one has some innate su#eriorit1it ma !e wealth+ or ran0+ a straight nose+ or the #ortrait of a
gran"father ! Romne1for there is no en" to the #atheti$ "e,i$es of the human imagination1o,er other
#eo#le* 7en$e the enormous im#ortan$e to a #atriar$h who has to $on:uer+ who has to rule+ of feeli g that great
num!ers of #eo#le+ half the human ra$e in"ee"+ are ! nature inferior to himself* 3t must in"ee" !e one of the
$hief sour$es of his #ower* /ut let me turn the light of this o!ser,ation on to real life+ 3 thought* Does it hel# to
e-#lain some of those #s$hologi$al #uGGles that one notes in the margin of "ail life2 Does it e-#lain m
astonishment of the other "a when O+ most humane+ most mo"est of men+ ta0ing u# some !oo0 ! Re!e$$a
West an" rea"ing a #assage in it+ e-$laime"+ ;The arrant feministF She sas that men are sno!sF The
e-$lamation+ to me so sur#rising1for wh was Miss West an arrant feminist for ma0ing a #ossi!l true if
un$om#limentar statement a!out the other se-2==was not merel the $r of woun"e" ,anit4 it was a #rotest
against some infringement of his #ower to !elie,e in himself*
Women ha,e ser,e" all these $enturies as loo0ing=glasses #ossessing the magi$ an" "eli$ious #ower of
refle$ting the figure of man at twi$e its natural siGe* Without that #ower #ro!a!l the earth woul" still !e swam#
an" 9ungle* The glories of all our wars woul" he un0nown* We shoul" still !e s$rat$hing the outlines of
"eer on the remains of mutton !ones an" !artering flints for shee# s0ins or whate,er sim#le ornament too0 our
unso#histi$ate" taste* Su#ermen an" Fingers of Destin woul" ne,er ha,e e-iste"* The ?Gar an" the Iaiser
woul" ne,er ha,e worn $rowns or lost them* Whate,er ma !e their use in $i,iliGe" so$ieties+ mirrors are
essential to all ,iolent an" heroi$ a$tion* That is wh Na#oleon an" Mussolini !oth insist so em#hati$all u#on
the inferiorit of women+ for if the were not inferior+ the woul" $ease to enlarge* That ser,es to e-#lain in #art
the ne$essit that women so often are to men* An" it ser,es to e-#lain how restless the are un"er her $riti$ism4
how im#ossi!le it is for her to sa to them this !oo0 is !a"+ this #i$ture is fee!le+ or whate,er it ma !e+ without
gi,ing far more #ain an" rousing far more anger than a man woul" "o who ga,e the same $riti$ism*
For if she !egins to tell the truth+ the figure in the loo0ing=glass shrin0s4 his fitness for life is "iminishe"*
7ow is he to go on gi,ing 9u"gement+ $i,iliGing nati,es+ ma0ing laws+ writing !oo0s+ "ressing u# an"
s#ee$hifing at !an:uets+ unless he $an see himself at !rea0fast an" at "inner at least twi$e the siGe he reall is2
So 3 refle$te"+
$rum!ling m !rea" an" stirring m $offee an" now an" again loo0ing at the #eo#le in the street* The
loo0ing=glass ,ision is of su#reme im#ortan$e !e$ause it $harges the ,italit4 it stimulates the ner,ous sstem*
Ta0e it awa an" man ma "ie+ li0e the "rug fien" "e#ri,e" of his $o$aine* En"er the s#ell of that illusion+ 3
thought+ loo0ing out of the win"ow+ half the #eo#le on the #a,ement are stri"ing to wor0* The #ut on their hats
an" $oats in the morning un"er its agreea!le ras*
The start the "a $onfi"ent+ !ra$e"+ !elie,ing themsel,es "esire" at Miss Smiths tea #art4 the sa to
themsel,es as the go into the room+ 3 am the su#erior of half the #eo#le here+ an" it is thus that the s#ea0 with
that self=$onfi"en$e+ that self=assuran$e+ whi$h ha,e ha" su$h #rofoun" $onse:uen$es in #u!li$ life an" lea" to
su$h $urious notes in the margin of the #ri,ate min"*
/ut these $ontri!utions to the "angerous an" fas$inating su!9e$t of the #s$holog of the other se-1it is
one+ 3 ho#e+ that ou will in,estigate when ou ha,e fi,e hun"re" a ear of our own1were interru#te" ! the
ne$essit of #aing the !ill* 3t $ame to fi,e shillings an" nine#en$e* 3 ga,e the waiter a ten=shilling note an" he
went to !ring me $hange* There was another ten=shilling note in m #urse4 3 noti$e" it+ !e$ause it is a
fa$t that still ta0es m !reath awa the #ower of m #urse to !ree" ten=shilling notes automati$all* 3 o#en it an"
there the are* So$iet gi,es me $hi$0en an" $offee+ !e" an" lo"ging+ in return for a $ertain num!er of #ie$es of
#a#er whi$h were left me ! an aunt+ for no other reason than that 3 share her name*
M aunt+ Mar /eton+ 3 must tell ou+ "ie" ! a fall from her horse when she was ri"ing out to ta0e the
air in /om!a* The news of m lega$ rea$he" me one night a!out the same time that the a$t was #asse" that
ga,e ,otes to women* A soli$itors letter fell into the #ost=!o- an" when 3 o#ene" it 3 foun" that she ha" left me
fi,e hun"re" #oun"s a ear for e,er* Of the two1the ,ote an" the mone1the mone+ 3 own+ seeme" infinitel
the more im#ortant* /efore that 3 ha" ma"e m li,ing ! $a"ging o"" 9o!s from news#a#ers+ ! re#orting a
"on0e show here or a we""ing there4 3 ha" earne" a few #oun"s ! a""ressing en,elo#es+ rea"ing to ol" la"ies+
ma0ing artifi$ial flowers+ tea$hing the al#ha!et to small $hil"ren in a 0in"ergarten* Su$h were the $hief
o$$u#ations that were o#en to women !efore &'&)* 3 nee" not+ 3 am afrai"+ "es$ri!e in an "etail the har"ness of
the wor0+ for ou 0now #erha#s women who ha,e "one it4 nor the "iffi$ult of li,ing on the mone when it was
earne"+ for ou ma ha,e trie"* /ut what still remains with me as a worse infli$tion than either was the #oison
of fear an" !itterness whi$h those "as !re" in me* To !egin with+ alwas to !e "oing wor0 that one "i" not wish
to "o+ an" to "o it li0e a sla,e+ flattering an" fawning+ not alwas ne$essaril #erha#s+ !ut it seeme" ne$essar
an" the sta0es were too great to run ris0s4 an" then the thought of that one gift whi$h it was "eath to hi"e1a
small one !ut "ear to the #ossessor1#erishing an" with it m self+ m soul+==all this !e$ame li0e a rust eating
awa the !loom of the s#ring+ "estroing the tree at its heart* 7owe,er+ as 3 sa+ m aunt "ie"4 an" whene,er 3
$hange a ten=shilling note a little of that rust an" $orrosion is ru!!e" off+ fear an" !itterness go* 3n"ee"+ 3
thought+ sli##ing the sil,er into m #urse+ it is remar0a!le+ remem!ering the !itterness of those "as+ what a
$hange of tem#er a fi-e" in$ome will !ring a!out* No for$e in the worl" $an ta0e from me m fi,e hun"re"
#oun"s* Foo"+ house an" $lothing are mine fore,er* Therefore not merel "o effort an" la!our $ease+ !ut also
hatre" an" !itterness* 3 nee" not hate an man4 he $annot hurt me* 3 nee" not flatter an man4 he has nothing to
gi,e me* So im#er$e#ti!l 3 foun" mself a"o#ting a new attitu"e towar"s the other half of the human ra$e*
3t was a!sur" to !lame an $lass or an se-+ as a whole* %reat !o"ies of #eo#le are ne,er res#onsi!le for
what the "o* The are "ri,en ! instin$ts whi$h are not within their $ontrol* The too+ the #atriar$hs+ the
#rofessors+ ha" en"less "iffi$ulties+ terri!le "raw!a$0s to $onten" with* Their e"u$ation ha" !een in some was
as fault as m own* 3t ha" !re" in them "efe$ts as great* True+ the ha" mone an" #ower+ !ut onl at the $ost
of har!ouring in their !reasts an eagle+ a ,ulture+ fore,er tearing the li,er out an" #lu$0ing at the lungs1the
instin$t for #ossession+ the rage for a$:uisition whi$h "ri,es them to "esire other #eo#les fiel"s an" goo"s
#er#etuall4 to ma0e frontiers an" flags4 !attleshi#s an" #oison gas4 to offer u# their own li,es an" their
$hil"rens li,es* Wal0 through the A"miralt Ar$h >3 ha" rea$he" that monument@+ or an other a,enue gi,en u#
to tro#hies an" $annon+ an" refle$t u#on the 0in" of glor $ele!rate" there* Or wat$h in the s#ring sunshine the
sto$0!ro0er an" the great !arrister going in"oors to ma0e mone an" more mone an" more mone when it is a
fa$t that fi,e hun"re" #oun"s a ear will 0ee# one ali,e in the sunshine* These are un#leasant instin$ts to
har!our+ 3 refle$te"* The are !re" of the $on"itions of life4 of the la$0 of $i,iliGation+ 3 thought+ loo0ing at the
statue of the Du0e of ?am!ri"ge+ an" in #arti$ular at the feathers in his $o$0e" hat+ with a fi-it that the ha,e
s$ar$el e,er re$ei,e" !efore* An"+ as 3 realiGe" these "raw!a$0s+ ! "egrees fear an" !itterness mo"ifie"
themsel,es into #it an" toleration4 an" then in a ear or two+ #it an" toleration went+ an" the greatest release
of all $ame+ whi$h is free"om to thin0 of things in themsel,es* That !uil"ing+ for e-am#le+ "o 3 li0e it or not2 3s
that #i$ture !eautiful or not2 3s that in m o#inion a goo" !oo0 or a !a"2 3n"ee" m aunts lega$ un,eile" the
s0 to me+ an" su!stitute" for the large an" im#osing figure of a gentleman+ whi$h Milton re$ommen"e" for m
#er#etual a"oration+ a ,iew of the o#en s0*
So thin0ing+ so s#e$ulating 3 foun" m wa !a$0 to m house ! the ri,er* <am#s were !eing lit an" an
in"es$ri!a!le $hange ha" $ome o,er <on"on sin$e the morning hour* 3t was as if the great ma$hine after
la!ouring all "a ha" ma"e with our hel# a few ar"s of something ,er e-$iting an" !eautiful1a fier fa!ri$
flashing with re" ees+ a tawn monster roaring with hot !reath* E,en the win" seeme" flung li0e a flag as it
lashe" the houses an" rattle" the hoar"ings*
3n m little street+ howe,er+ "omesti$it #re,aile"* The house #ainter was "es$en"ing his la""er4 the
nursemai" was wheeling the #eram!ulator $arefull in an" out !a$0 to nurser tea4 the $oal=hea,er was fol"ing
his em#t sa$0s on to# of ea$h other4 the woman who 0ee#s the green gro$ers sho# was a""ing u# the "as
ta0ings with her han"s in re"mittens* /ut so engrosse" was 3 with the #ro!lem ou ha,e lai" u#on m shoul"ers
that 3 $oul" not see e,en these usual sights without referring them to one $entre* 3 thought how mu$h har"er it is
now than it must ha,e !een e,en a $entur ago to sa whi$h of these em #loments is the higher+ the more
ne$essar* 3s it !etter to !e a $oal=hea,er or a nursemai"4 is the $harwoman who has !rought u# eight $hil"ren of
less ,alue to the worl" than+ the !arrister who has ma"e a hun"re" thousan" #oun"s2 it is useless to as0 su$h
:uestions4 for no!o" $an answer them* Not onl "o the $om#arati,e ,alues of $harwomen an" lawers rise an"
fall from "e$a"e to "e$a"e+ !ut we ha,e no ro"s with whi$h to measure them e,en as the are at the moment* 3
ha" !een foolish to as0 m #rofessor to furnish me with ;in"is#uta!le #roofs of this or that in his argument
a!out women* E,en if one $oul" state the ,alue of an one gift at the moment+ those ,alues will $hange4 in a
$enturs time ,er #ossi!l the will ha,e $hange" $om#letel* Moreo,er+ in a hun"re" ears+ 3 thought+
rea$hing m own "oorste#+ women will ha,e $ease" to !e the #rote$te" se-* <ogi$all the will ta0e #art in all
the a$ti,ities an" e-ertions that were on$e "enie" them* The nursemai" will hea,e $oal*
The sho#woman will "ri,e an engine* All assum#tions foun"e" on the fa$ts o!ser,e" when women were
the #rote$te" se- will ha,e "isa##eare"1as+ for e-am#le >here a s:ua" of sol"iers mar$he" "own the street@+
women an" $lergmen an" gar"eners li,e longer than other #eo#le* Remo,e that #rote$tion+ e-#ose them
to the same e-ertions an" a$ti,ities+ ma0e them sol"iers an" sailors an" engine="ri,ers an" "o$0 la!ourers+ an"
will not women "ie off so mu$h ounger+ so mu$h :ui$0er+ than men that one will sa+ ;3 saw a woman to="a+
as one use" to sa+ ;3 saw an aero#lane* Anthing ma ha##en when womanhoo" has $ease" to !e a #rote$te"
o$$u#ation+ 3 thought+ o#ening the "oor* /ut what !earing has all this u#on the su!9e$t of m #a#er+ Women an"
Fi$tion2 3 as0e"+ going in"oors*
3t was "isa##ointing not to ha,e !rought !a$0 in the e,ening some im#ortant statement+ some authenti$
fa$t* Women are #oorer than men !e$ause1this or that* 8erha#s now it woul" !e !etter to gi,e u# see0ing for
the truth+ an" re$ei,ing on ones hea" an a,alan$he of o#inion hot as la,a+ "is$oloure" as "ish=water* 3t woul" !e
!etter to "raw the $urtains4 to shut out "istra$tions4 to light the lam#4 to narrow the en:uir an" to as0 the
historian+ who re$or"s not o#inions !ut fa$ts+ to "es$ri!e un"er what $on"itions women li,e"+ not throughout
the ages+ !ut in Englan"+ sa+ in the time of EliGa!eth*
For it is a #erennial #uGGle wh no woman wrote a wor" of that e-traor"inar literature when e,er other
man+ it seeme"+ was $a#a!le of song or sonnet* What were the $on"itions in whi$h women li,e"2 3 as0e"
mself4 for fi$tion+ imaginati,e wor0 that is+ is not "ro##e" li0e a #e!!le u#on the groun"+ as s$ien$e ma !e4
fi$tion is li0e a s#i"ers we!+ atta$he" e,er so lightl #erha#s+ !ut still atta$he" to life at all four $orners* Often
the atta$hment is s$ar$el #er$e#ti!le4 Sha0es#eares #las+ for instan$e+ seem to hang there $om#lete !
themsel,es* /ut when the we! is #ulle" as0ew+ hoo0e" u# at the e"ge+ torn in the mi""le+ one remem!ers that
these we!s are not s#un in mi"=air ! in$or#oreal $reatures+ !ut are the wor0 of suffering human !eings+ an" are
atta$he" to grossl material things+ li0e health an" mone an" the houses we li,e in*
3 went+ therefore+ to the shelf where the histories stan" an" too0 "own one of the latest+ 8rofessor
Tre,elans 73STORC OF EN%<AND* On$e more 3 loo0e" u# Women+ foun" ;#osition of an" turne" to the
#ages in"i$ate"* ;Wife=!eating+ 3 rea"+ ;was a re$ogniGe" right of man+ an" was #ra$tise" without shame !
high as well as low* * * * Similarl+ the historian goes on+ ;the "aughter who refuse" to marr the gentleman of
her #arents $hoi$e was lia!le to !e lo$0e" u#+ !eaten an" flung a!out the room+ without an sho$0 !eing
infli$te" on #u!li$ o#inion* Marriage was not an affair of #ersonal affe$tion+ !ut of famil a,ari$e+ #arti$ularl
in the Q$hi,alrousN u##er $lasses* * * * /etrothal often too0 #la$e while one or !oth of the #arties was in the
$ra"le+ an"
marriage when the were s$ar$el out of the nurses $harge* That was a!out &HRB+ soon after ?hau$ers
time* The ne-t referen$e to the #osition of women is some two hun"re" ears later+ in the time of the Stuarts* ;3t
was still the e-$e#tion for women of the u##er an" mi""le $lass to $hoose their own hus!an"s+ an" when the
hus!an" ha" !een assigne"+ he was lor" an" master+ so far at least as law an" $ustom $oul" ma0e him* Cet e,en
so+ 8rofessor Tre,elan $on$lu"es+ ;neither Sha0es#eares women nor those of authenti$ se,enteenth=$entur
memoirs+ li0e the Vernes an" the 7ut$hinsons+ seem wanting in #ersonalit an" $hara$ter* ?ertainl+ if we
$onsi"er it+ ?leo#atra must ha,e ha" a wa with her4 <a" Ma$!eth+ one woul" su##ose+ ha" a will of her own4
Rosalin"+ one might $on$lu"e+ was an attra$ti,e girl* 8rofessor Tre,elan is s#ea0ing no more than the
truth when he remar0s that Sha0es#eares women "o not seem wanting in #ersonalit an" $hara$ter*
Not !eing a historian+ one might go e,en further an" sa that women ha,e !urnt li0e !ea$ons in all the
wor0s of all the #oets from the !eginning of time1?ltemnestra+ Antigone+ ?leo#atra+ <a" Ma$!eth+ 8he"re+
?ressi"a+ Rosalin"+ Des"emona+ the Du$hess of Malfi+ among the "ramatists4 then among the #rose writers:
Millamant+ ?larissa+ /e$0 Shar#+ Anna Iarenina+ Emma /o,ar+ Ma"ame "e %uermantes1the names flo$0 to
min"+ nor "o the re$all women ;la$0ing in #ersonalit an" $hara$ter* 3n"ee"+ if woman ha" no e-isten$e sa,e
in the fi$tion written ! men+ one woul" imagine her a #erson of the utmost im#ortan$e4 ,er ,arious4 heroi$
an" mean4 s#len"i" an" sor"i"4 infinitel !eautiful an" hi"eous in the e-treme4 as great as a man+ some thin0
e,en greater [&*.* /ut this is woman in fi$tion* 3n fa$t+ as 8rofessor Tre,elan #oints out+ she was lo$0e" u#+
!eaten an" flung a!out the room* [&* ;3t remains a strange an" almost ine-#li$a!le fa$t that in Athenas $it+
where women were 0e#t in almost Oriental su##ression as o"alis:ues or "ru"ges+ the stage shoul" et ha,e
#ro"u$e" figures li0e ?ltemnestra an" ?assan"ra Atossa an" Antigone+ 8he"re an" Me"ea+ an" all the other
heroines who "ominate #la after #la of the QmisognistN Euri#i"es* /ut the #ara"o- of this worl" where in
real life a res#e$ta!le woman $oul" har"l show her fa$e alone in the street+ an" et on the stage woman e:uals
or sur#asses man+ has ne,er !een satisfa$toril e-#laine"* 3n mo"ern trage" the same #re"ominan$e e-ists* At
all e,ents+ a ,er $ursor sur,e of Sha0es#eares wor0 >similarl with We!ster+ though not with Marlowe or
5onson@ suffi$es to re,eal how this "ominan$e+ this initiati,e of women+ #ersists from Rosalin" to <a"
Ma$!eth* So too in Ra$ine4 si- of his trage"ies !ear their heroines names4 an" what male $hara$ters of his shall
we set against 7ermione an" An"roma:ue+ /ereni$e an" Ro-ane+ 8he"re an" Athalie2 So again with 3!sen4
what men shall we mat$h with Sol,eig an" Nora+ 7e"a an" 7il"a Wangel an" Re!e$$a West21F* <* <E?AS+
TRA%EDC+ ##* &&H=&S*.
A ,er :ueer+ $om#osite !eing thus emerges* 3maginati,el she is of the highest im#ortan$e4 #ra$ti$all
she is $om#letel insignifi$ant* She #er,a"es #oetr from $o,er to $o,er4 she is all !ut a!sent from histor*
She "ominates the li,es of 0ings an" $on:uerors in fi$tion4 in fa$t she was the sla,e of an !o whose
#arents for$e" a ring u#on her finger* Some of the most ins#ire" wor"s+ some of the most #rofoun" thoughts in
literature fall from her li#s4 in real life she $oul" har"l rea"+ $oul" s$ar$el s#ell+ an" was the #ro#ert of her
3t was $ertainl an o"" monster that one ma"e u# ! rea"ing the historians first an" the #oets afterwar"s
1a worm winge" li0e an eagle4 the s#irit of life an" !eaut in a 0it$hen $ho##ing u# suet* /ut these monsters+
howe,er amusing to the imagination+ ha,e no e-isten$e in fa$t* What one must "o to !ring her to life was to
thin0 #oeti$all an" #rosai$all at one an" the same moment+ thus 0ee#ing in tou$h with fa$t1that she is Mrs
Martin+ age" thirt=si-+ "resse" in !lue+ wearing a !la$0 hat an" !rown shoes4 !ut not losing sight of fi$tion
either1that she is a ,essel in whi$h all sorts of s#irits an" for$es are $oursing an" flashing #er#etuall* The
moment+ howe,er+ that one tries this metho" with the EliGa!ethan woman+ one !ran$h of illumination fails4 one
is hel" u# ! the s$ar$it of fa$ts* One 0nows nothing "etaile"+ nothing #erfe$tl true an" su!stantial a!out her*
7istor s$ar$el mentions her* An" 3 turne" to 8rofessor Tre,elan again to see what histor meant to him* 3
foun" ! loo0ing at his $ha#ter hea"ings that it meant==== ;The Manor ?ourt an" the Metho"s of O#en=fiel"
Agri$ulture * * * The ?ister$ians an" Shee#=farming * * * The ?rusa"es * * * The Eni,ersit * * * The 7ouse of
?ommons * * * The 7un"re" Cears War * * * The Wars of the Roses * * * The Renaissan$e S$holars * * * The
Dissolution of the Monasteries * * * Agrarian an" Religious Strife * * * The Origin of English Sea=#ower* * * The
Arma"a* * * an" so on* O$$asionall an in"i,i"ual woman is mentione"+ an EliGa!eth+ or a Mar4 a :ueen or a
great la"* /ut ! no #ossi!le means $oul" mi""le=$lass women with nothing !ut !rains an" $hara$ter at
their $omman" ha,e ta0en #art in an one of the great mo,ements whi$h+ !rought together+ $onstitute the
historians ,iew of the #ast* Nor shall we fin" her in $olle$tion of ane$"otes* Au!re har"l mentions her* She
ne,er writes her own life an" s$ar$el 0ee#s a "iar4 there are onl a han"ful of her letters in e-isten$e* She left
no #las or #oems ! whi$h we $an 9u"ge her* What one wants+ 3 thought1an" wh "oes not some !rilliant
stu"ent at Newnham or %irton su##l it2==is a mass of information4 at what age "i" she marr4 how man
$hil"ren ha" she as a rule4 what was her house li0e+ ha" she a room to herself4 "i" she "o the $oo0ing4 woul" she
!e li0el to ha,e a ser,ant2 All these fa$ts lie somewhere+ #resuma!l+ in #arish registers an" a$$ount !oo0s4 the
life of the a,erage EliGa!ethan woman must !e s$attere" a!out somewhere+ $oul" one $olle$t it an" ma0e a !oo0
of it* 3t woul" !e am!itious !eon" m "aring+ 3 thought+ loo0ing a!out the shel,es for !oo0s that were not
there+ to suggest to the stu"ents of those famous $olleges that the shoul" rewrite histor+ though 3 own that it
often seems a little :ueer as it is+ unreal+ lo#=si"e"4 !ut wh shoul" the not a"" a su##lement to histor+ $alling
it+ of $ourse+ ! some in$ons#i$uous name so that women might figure there without im#ro#riet2 For one often
$at$hes a glim#se of them in the li,es of the great+ whis0ing awa into the !a$0 groun"+ $on$ealing+ 3 sometimes
thin0+ a win0+ a laugh+ #erha#s a tear* An"+ after all+ we ha,e li,es enough of 5ane Austen4 it s$ar$el
seems ne$essar to $onsi"er again the influen$e of the trage"ies of 5oanna /aillie u#on the #oetr of E"gar
Allan 8oe4 as for mself+ 3 shoul" not min" if the homes an" haunts of Mar Russell Mitfor" were $lose" to the
#u!li$ for a $entur at least* /ut what 3 fin" "e#lora!le+ 3 $ontinue"+ loo0ing a!out the !oo0shel,es again+ is that
nothing is 0nown a!out women !efore the eighteenth $entur* 3 ha,e no mo"el in m min" to turn a!out this
wa an" that*
7ere am 3 as0ing wh women "i" not write #oetr in the EliGa!ethan age+ an" 3 am not sure how the
were e"u$ate"4 whether the were taught to write4 whether the ha" sitting=rooms to themsel,es4 how man
women ha" $hil"ren !efore the were twent=one4 what+ in short+ the "i" from eight in the morning till eight at
night* The ha" no mone e,i"entl4 a$$or"ing to 8rofessor Tre,elan the were marrie" whether the li0e" it
or not !efore the were out of the nurser+ at fifteen or si-teen ,er li0el* 3t woul" ha,e !een e-tremel o""+
e,en u#on this showing+ ha" one of them su""enl written the #las of Sha0es#eare+ 3 $on$lu"e"+ an" 3 thought
of that ol" gentleman+ who is "ea" now+ !ut was a !isho#+ 3 thin0+ who "e$lare" that it was im#ossi!le for an
woman+ #ast+ #resent+ or to $ome+ to ha,e the genius of Sha0es#eare* 7e wrote to the #a#ers a!out it* 7e also
tol" a la" who a##lie" to him for information that $ats "o not as a matter of fa$t go to hea,en+ though the
ha,e+ he a""e"+ souls of a sort* 7ow mu$h thin0ing those ol" gentlemen use" to sa,e oneF 7ow the !or"ers of
ignoran$e shran0 !a$0 at their a##roa$hF
?ats "o not go to hea,en* Women $annot write the #las of Sha0es#eare*
/e that as it ma+ 3 $oul" not hel# thin0ing+ as 3 loo0e" at the wor0s of Sha0es#eare on the shelf+ that the
!isho# was right at least in this4 it woul" ha,e !een im#ossi!le+ $om#letel an" entirel+ for an woman to ha,e
written the #las of Sha0es#eare in the age of Sha0es#eare* <et me imagine+ sin$e fa$ts are so har" to $ome !+
what woul" ha,e ha##ene" ha" Sha0es#eare ha" a won"erfull gifte" sister+ $alle" 5u"ith+ let us sa*
Sha0es#eare himself went+ ,er #ro!a!l+==his mother was an heiress1to the grammar s$hool+ where he ma
ha,e learnt <atin1O,i"+ Virgil an" 7ora$e1an" the elements of grammar an" logi$* 7e was+ it is well 0nown+
a wil" !o who #oa$he" ra!!its+ #erha#s shot a "eer+ an" ha"+ rather sooner than he shoul" ha,e "one+ to marr
a woman in the neigh!ourhoo"+ who !ore him a $hil" rather :ui$0er than was right* That es$a#a"e sent him to
see0 his fortune in <on"on* 7e ha"+ it seeme"+ a taste for the theatre4 he !egan ! hol"ing horses at the stage
Ver soon he got wor0 in the theatre+ !e$ame a su$$essful a$tor+ an" li,e" at the hu! of the uni,erse+
meeting e,er!o"+ 0nowing e,er!o"+ #ra$tising his art on the !oar"s+ e-er$ising his wits in the streets+ an"
e,en getting a$$ess to the #ala$e of the :ueen* Meanwhile his e-traor"inaril gifte" sister+ let us su##ose+
remaine" at home* She was as a",enturous+ as imaginati,e+ as agog to see the worl" as he was* /ut she was not
sent to s$hool* She ha" no $han$e of learning grammar an" logi$+ let alone of rea"ing 7ora$e an" Virgil* She
#i$0e" u# a !oo0 now an" then+ one of her !rothers #erha#s+ an" rea" a few #ages* /ut then her #arents $ame in
an" tol" her to men" the sto$0ings or min" the stew an" not moon a!out with !oo0s an" #a#ers* The woul"
ha,e s#o0en shar#l !ut 0in"l+ for the were su!stantial #eo#le who 0new the $on"itions of life for a woman
an" lo,e" their "aughter1in"ee"+ more li0el than not she was the a##le of her fathers ee* 8erha#s she
s$ri!!le" some #ages u# in an a##le loft on the sl !ut was $areful to hi"e them or set fire to them* Soon+
howe,er+ !efore she was out of her teens+ she was to !e !etrothe" to the son of a neigh!ouring wool=sta#ler* She
$rie" out that marriage was hateful to her+ an" for that she was se,erel !eaten ! her father* Then he $ease" to
s$ol" her* 7e !egge" her instea" not to hurt him+ not to shame him in this matter of her marriage* 7e woul" gi,e
her a $hain of !ea"s or a fine #etti$oat+ he sai"4 an" there were tears in his ees* 7ow $oul" she "iso!e him2
7ow $oul" she !rea0 his heart2 The for$e of her own gift alone "ro,e her to it* She ma"e u# a small #ar$el of
her !elongings+ let herself "own ! a ro#e one summers night an" too0 the roa" to <on"on* She was not
se,enteen* The !ir"s that sang in the he"ge were not more musi$al than she was* She ha" the :ui$0est fan$+ a
gift li0e her !rothers+ for the tune of wor"s* <i0e him+ she ha" a taste for the theatre* She stoo" at the stage
"oor4 she wante" to a$t+ she sai"*
Men laughe" in her fa$e* The manager1a fat+ looseli##e" man1guffawe"*
7e !ellowe" something a!out #oo"les "an$ing an" women a$ting1no woman+ he sai"+ $oul" #ossi!l
!e an a$tress* 7e hinte"1ou $an imagine what*
She $oul" get no training in her $raft* ?oul" she e,en see0 her "inner in a ta,ern or roam the streets at
mi"night2 Cet her genius was for fi$tion an" luste" to fee" a!un"antl u#on the li,es of men an" women an" the
stu" of their was* At last1for she was ,er oung+ o""l li0e Sha0es#eare the #oet in her fa$e+ with the same
gre ees an" roun"e" !rows1at last Ni$0 %reene the a$tor=manager too0 #it on her4 she foun" herself with
$hil" ! that gentleman an" so1who shall measure the heat an" ,iolen$e of the #oets heart when $aught an"
tangle" in a womans !o"2==0ille" herself one winters night an" lies !urie" at some $ross=roa"s where the
omni!uses now sto# outsi"e the Ele#hant an" ?astle*
That+ more or less+ is how the stor woul" run+ 3 thin0+ if a woman in Sha0es#eares "a ha" ha"
Sha0es#eares genius* /ut for m #art+ 3 agree with the "e$ease" !isho#+ if su$h he was1it is unthin0a!le that
an woman in Sha0es#eares "a shoul" ha,e ha" Sha0es#eares genius* For genius li0e Sha0es#eares is not
!orn among la!ouring+ une"u$ate"+ ser,ile #eo#le* 3t was not !orn in Englan" among the Sa-ons an" the
/ritons* 3t is not !orn to="a among the wor0ing $lasses* 7ow+ then+ $oul" it ha,e !een !orn among women
whose wor0 !egan+ a$$or"ing to 8rofessor Tre,elan+ almost !efore the were out of the nurser+ who were
for$e" to it ! their #arents an" hel" to it ! all the #ower of law an" $ustom2 Cet genius of a sort must ha,e
e-iste" among women as it must ha,e e-iste" among the wor0ing $lasses* Now an" again an Emil /ront6 or a
Ro!ert /urns !laGes out an" #ro,es its #resen$e* /ut $ertainl it ne,er got itself on to #a#er* When+ howe,er+
one rea"s of a wit$h !eing "u$0e"+ of a woman #ossesse" ! "e,ils+ of a wise woman selling her!s+ or e,en of a
,er remar0a!le man who ha" a mother+ then 3 thin0 we are on the tra$0 of a lost no,elist+ a su##resse" #oet+ of
mute an" inglorious 5ane Austen+ some Emil /ront6 who "ashe" her !rains out on the moor or mo##e"
an" mowe" a!out the highwas $raGe" with the torture that her gift ha" #ut her to* 3n"ee"+ 3 woul" ,enture to
guess that Anon+ who wrote so man #oems without singing them+ was often a woman* 3t was a woman E"war"
FitGgeral"+ 3 thin0+ suggeste" who ma"e the !alla"s an" the fol0=songs+ $rooning them to her $hil"ren+ !eguiling
her s#inning with them+ or the length of the winters night*
This ma !e true or it ma !e false1who $an sa2==!ut what is true in it+ so it seeme" to me+ re,iewing
the stor of Sha0es#eares sister as 3 ha" ma"e it+ is that an woman !orn with a great gift in the si-teenth
$entur woul" $ertainl ha,e gone $raGe"+ shot herself+ or en"e" her "as in some lonel $ottage outsi"e the
,illage+ half wit$h+ half wiGar"+ feare" an" mo$0e" at* For it nee"s little s0ill in #s$holog to !e sure that a
highl gifte" girl who ha" trie" to use her gift for #oetr woul" ha,e !een so thwarte" an" hin"ere" ! other
#eo#le+ so torture" an" #ulle" asun"er ! her own $ontrar instin$ts+ that she must ha,e lost her health an"
sanit to a $ertaint* No girl $oul" ha,e wal0e" to <on"on an" stoo" at a stage "oor an" for$e" her wa into the
#resen$e of a$tor=managers without "oing herself a ,iolen$e an" suffering an anguish whi$h ma ha,e !een
irrational1for $hastit ma !e a fetish in,ente" ! $ertain so$ieties for un0nown reasons1!ut were none the
less ine,ita!le* ?hastit ha" then+ it has e,en now+ a religious im#ortan$e in a womans life+ an" has so wra##e"
itself roun" with ner,es an" instin$ts that to $ut it free an" !ring it to the light of "a "eman"s $ourage of the
rarest* To ha,e li,e" a free life in <on"on in the si- teenth $entur woul" ha,e meant for a woman who was #oet
an" #lawright a ner,ous stress an" "ilemma whi$h might well ha,e 0ille" her* 7a" she sur,i,e"+ whate,er she
ha" written woul" ha,e !een twiste" an" "eforme"+ issuing from a straine" an" mor!i" imagination*
An" un"ou!te"l+ 3 thought+ loo0ing at the shelf where there are no #las ! women+ her wor0 woul"
ha,e gone unsigne"* That refuge she woul" ha,e sought $ertainl* 3t was the reli$ of the sense of $hastit that
"i$tate" anonmit to women e,en so late as the nineteenth $entur*
?urrer /ell+ %eorge Eliot+ %eorge San"+ all the ,i$tims of inner strife as their writings #ro,e+ sought
ineffe$ti,el to ,eil themsel,es ! using the name of a man* Thus the "i" homage to the $on,ention+ whi$h if
not im#lante" ! the other se- was li!erall en$ourage" ! them >the $hief glor of a woman is not to !e tal0e"
of+ sai" 8eri$les+ himself a mu$h=tal0e"=of man@ that #u!li$it in women is "etesta!le* Anonmit runs in their
!loo"* The "esire to !e ,eile" still #ossesses them* The are not e,en now as $on$erne" a!out the health of their
fame as men are+ an"+ s#ea0ing generall+ will #ass a tom!stone or a sign#ost without feeling an irresisti!le
"esire to $ut their names on it+ as Alf+ /ert or ?has* must "o in o!e"ien$e to their instin$t+ whi$h murmurs if it
sees a fine woman go !+ or e,en a "og+ ?e $hien est a moi* An"+ of $ourse+ it ma not !e a "og+ 3 thought+
remem!ering 8arliament S:uare+ the Sieges Allee an" other a,enues4 it ma !e a #ie$e of lan" or a man with
$url !la$0 hair* 3t is one of the great a",antages of !eing a woman that one $an #ass e,en a ,er fine negress
without wishing to ma0e an Englishwoman of her*
That woman+ then+ who was !orn with a gift of #oetr in the si-teenth $entur+ was an unha## woman+
a woman at strife against herself* All the $on"itions of her life+ all her own instin$ts+ were hostile to the state of
min" whi$h is nee"e" to set free whate,er is in the !rain* /ut what is the state of min" that is most #ro#itious to
the a$t of $reation2 3 as0e"* ?an one $ome ! an notion of the state that furthers an" ma0es #ossi!le that
strange a$ti,it2 7ere 3 o#ene" the ,olume $ontaining the Trage"ies of Sha0es#eare* What was Sha0es#eares
state of min"+ for instan$e+ when he wrote <EAR an" ANTONC AND ?<EO8ATRA2 3t was $ertainl the state
of min" most fa,oura!le to #oetr that there has e,er e-iste"* /ut Sha0es#eare himself sai" nothing a!out it* We
onl 0now $asuall an" ! $han$e that he ;ne,er !lotte" a line* Nothing in"ee" was e,er sai" ! the artist
himself a!out his state of min" until the eighteenth $entur #erha#s* Rousseau #erha#s !egan it* At an rate+ !
the nineteenth $entur self=$ons$iousness ha" "e,elo#e" so far that it was the ha!it for men of letters to "es$ri!e
their min"s in $onfessions an" auto!iogra#hies* Their li,es also were written+ an" their letters were #rinte" after
their "eaths* Thus+ though we "o not 0now what Sha0es#eare went through when he wrote <EAR+ we "o 0now
what ?arlle went through when he wrote the FREN?7 REVO<ET3ON4 what Flau!ert went through when he
wrote MADAME /OVARC4 what Ieats was going through when he trie" to write #oetr against the $oming
"eath an" the in"ifferen$e of the worl"*
An" one gathers from this enormous mo"ern literature of $onfession an" self=analsis that to write a
wor0 of genius is almost alwas a feat of #ro"igious "iffi$ult* E,erthing is against the li0elihoo" that it will
$ome from the writers min" whole an" entire* %enerall material $ir$umstan$es are against it* Dogs will !ar04
#eo#le will interru#t4 mone must !e ma"e4 health will !rea0 "own* Further+ a$$entuating all these "iffi$ulties
an" ma0ing them har"er to !ear is the worl"s notorious in"ifferen$e* 3t "oes not as0 #eo#le to write #oems an"
no,els an" histories4 it "oes not nee" them* 3t "oes not $are whether Flau!ert fin"s the right wor" or whether
?arlle s$ru#ulousl ,erifies this or that fa$t* Naturall+ it will not #a for what it "oes not want* An" so the
writer+ Ieats+ Flau!ert+ ?arlle+ suffers+ es#e$iall in the $reati,e ears of outh+ e,er form of "istra$tion an"
"is$ouragement* A $urse+ a $r of agon+ rises from those !oo0s of analsis an" $onfession* ;Might #oets in
their miser "ea"1that is the !ur"en of their song* 3f anthing $omes through in s#ite of all this+ it is a mira$le+
an" #ro!a!l no !oo0 is !orn entire an" un$ri##le" as it was $on$ei,e"*
/ut for women+ 3 thought+ loo0ing at the em#t shel,es+ these "iffi$ulties were infinitel more
formi"a!le* 3n the first #la$e+ to ha,e a room of her own+ let alone a :uiet room or a soun"=#roof room+ was out
of the :uestion+ unless her #arents were e-$e#tionall ri$h or ,er no!le+ e,en u# to the !eginning of the
nineteenth $entur* Sin$e her #in mone+ whi$h "e#en"e" on the goo"will of her father+ was onl enough to
0ee# her $lothe"+ she was "e!arre" from su$h alle,iations as $ame e,en to Ieats or Tennson or ?arlle+ all
#oor men+ from a wal0ing tour+ a little 9ourne to Fran$e+ from the se#arate lo"ging whi$h+ e,en if it were
misera!le enough+ sheltere" them from the $laims an" trannies of their families* Su$h material "iffi$ulties were
formi"a!le4 !ut mu$h worse were the immaterial* The in"ifferen$e of the worl" whi$h Ieats an" Flau!ert an"
other men of genius ha,e foun" so har" to !ear was in her $ase not in"ifferen$e !ut hostilit* The worl" "i" not
sa to her as it sai" to them+ Write if ou $hoose4 it ma0es no "ifferen$e to me* The worl" sai" with a guffaw+
Write2 Whats the goo" of our writing2 7ere the #s$hologists of Newnham an" %irton might $ome to our
hel#+ 3 thought+ loo0ing again at the !lan0 s#a$es on the shel,es* For surel it is time that the effe$t of
"is$ouragement u#on the min" of the artist shoul" !e measure"+ as 3 ha,e seen a "air $om#an measure the
effe$t of or"inar mil0 an" %ra"e A mil0 u#on the !o" of the rat* The set two rats in $ages si"e ! si"e+ an" of
the two one was furti,e+ timi" an" small+ an" the other was gloss+ !ol" an" !ig* Now what foo" "o we fee"
women as artists u#on2 3 as0e"+ remem!ering+ 3 su##ose+ that "inner of #runes an" $ustar"* To answer that
:uestion 3 ha" onl to o#en the e,ening #a#er an" to rea" that <or" /ir0enhea" is of o#inion1!ut reall 3 am
not going to trou!le to $o# out <or" /ir0enhea"s o#inion u#on the writing of women* What Dean 3nge sas 3
will lea,e in #ea$e* The 7arle Street s#e$ialist ma !e allowe" to rouse the e$hoes of 7arle Street with his
,o$iferations without raising a hair on m hea"*
3 will :uote+ howe,er+ Mr Os$ar /rowning+ !e$ause Mr Os$ar /rowning was a great figure in
?am!ri"ge at one time+ an" use" to e-amine the stu"ents at %irton an" Newnham* Mr Os$ar /rowning was
wont to "e$lare ;that the im#ression left on his min"+ after loo0ing o,er an set of e-amination #a#ers+ was that+
irres#e$ti,e of the mar0s he might gi,e+ the !est woman was intelle$tuall the inferior of the worst man* After
saing that Mr /rowning went !a$0 to his rooms1an" it is this se:uel that en"ears him an" ma0es him a human
figure of some !ul0 an" ma9est1he went !a$0 to his rooms an" foun" a sta!le=!o ling on the sofa1;a mere
s0eleton+ his $hee0s were $a,ernous an" sallow+ his teeth were !la$0+ an" he "i" not a##ear to ha,e the full use
of his lim!s* * * *
QThats ArthurN [sai" Mr /rowning.* Q7es a "ear !o reall an" most high=min"e"*N The two #i$tures
alwas seem to me to $om#lete ea$h other* An" ha##il in this age of !iogra#h the two #i$tures often "o
$om#lete ea$h other+ so that we are a!le to inter#ret the o#inions of great men not onl ! what the sa+ !ut !
what the "o*
/ut though this is #ossi!le now+ su$h o#inions $oming from the li#s of im#ortant #eo#le must ha,e !een
formi"a!le enough e,en fift ears ago* <et us su##ose that a father from the highest moti,es "i" not wish his
"aughter to lea,e home an" !e$ome writer+ #ainter or s$holar* ;See what Mr Os$ar /rowning sas+ he woul"
sa4 an" there so was not onl Mr Os$ar /rowning4 there was the SATERDAC REV3EW4 there was Mr %reg1
the ;essentials of a womans !eing+ sai" Mr %reg em#hati$all+ ;are that T7EC ARE SE88ORTED /C+ A D
T7EC M3N3STER TO+ MEN1there was an enormous !o" of mas$uline o#inion to the effe$t that nothing
$oul" !e e-#e$te" of women intelle$tuall* E,en if her father "i" not rea" out lou" these o#inions+ an girl $oul"
rea" them for herself4 an" the rea"ing+ e,en in the nineteenth $entur+ must ha,e lowere" her ,italit+ an" tol"
#rofoun"l u#on her wor0* There woul" alwas ha,e !een that assertion1ou $annot "o this+ ou are in$a#a!le
of "oing that1to #rotest against+ to o,er$ome* 8ro!a!l for a no,elist this germ is no longer of mu$h effe$t4 for
there ha,e !een women no,elists of merit* /ut for #ainters it must still ha,e some sting in it4 an" for musi$ians+
3 imagine+ is e,en now a$ti,e an" #oisonous in the e-treme* The woman $om#oser stan"s where the a$tress
stoo" in the time of Sha0es#eare* Ni$0 %reene+ 3 thought+ remem!ering the stor 3 ha" ma"e a!out
Sha0es#eares sister+ sai" that a woman a$ting #ut him in min" of a "og "an$ing*
5ohnson re#eate" the #hrase two hun"re" ears later of women #rea$hing*
An" here+ 3 sai"+ o#ening a !oo0 a!out musi$+ we ha,e the ,er wor"s use" again in this ear of gra$e+
&'()+ of women who tr to write musi$*
;Of Mlle* %ermaine Tailleferre one $an onl re#eat Dr 5ohnsons "i$tum $on$erning+ a woman #rea$her+
trans#ose" into terms of musi$* QSir+ a womans $om#osing is li0e a "ogs wal0ing on his hin" legs* 3t is not
"one well+ !ut ou are sur#rise" to fin" it "one at all*N [* A SERVEC OF ?ONTEM8ORARC MES3?+ ?e$il
%ra+ 8* (HJ*. So a$$uratel "oes histor re#eat itself*
Thus+ 3 $on$lu"e"+ shutting Mr Os$ar /rownings life an" #ushing awa the rest+ it is fairl e,i"ent that
e,en in the nineteenth $entur a woman was not en$ourage" to !e an artist* On the $ontrar+ she was snu!!e"+
sla##e"+ le$ture" an" e-horte"* 7er min" must ha,e !een straine" an" her ,italit lowere" ! the nee" of
o##osing this+ of "is#ro,ing that* For here again we $ome within range of that ,er interesting an" o!s$ure
mas$uline $om#le- whi$h has ha" so mu$h influen$e u#on the womans mo,ement4 that "ee#=seate" "esire+ not
so mu$h that S7E shall !e inferior as that 7E shall !e su#erior+ whi$h #lants him where,er one loo0s+ not onl
in front of the arts+ !ut !arring the wa to #oliti$s too+ e,en when the ris0 to himself seems infinitesimal an" the
su##liant hum!le an" "e,ote"* E,en <a" /ess!orough+ 3 remem!ere"+ with all her #assion for #oliti$s+ must
hum!l !ow herself an" write to <or" %ran,ille <e,eson=%ower: ;* * * notwithstan"ing all m ,iolen$e in
#oliti$0s an" tal0ing so mu$h on that su!9e$t+ 3 #erfe$tl agree with ou that no woman has an !usiness to
me""le with that or an other serious !usiness+ farther than gi,ing her o#inion >if she is as0"@* An" so she goes
on to s#en" her enthusiasm where it meets with no o!sta$le whatsoe,er+ u#on that immensel im#ortant su!9e$t+
<or" %ran,illes mai"en s#ee$h in the 7ouse of ?ommons* The s#e$ta$le is $ertainl a strange one+ 3 thought*
The histor of mens o##osition to womens eman$i#ation is more interesting #erha#s than the stor of that
eman$i#ation itself* An amusing !oo0 might !e ma"e of it if some oung stu"ent at %irton or Newnham woul"
$olle$t e-am#les an" "e"u$e a theor+==!ut she woul" nee" thi$0 glo,es on her han"s+ an" !ars to #rote$t her of
soli" gol"*
/ut what is amusing now+ 3 re$olle$te"+ shutting <a" /ess!orough+ ha" to !e ta0en in "es#erate earnest
on$e* O#inions that one now #astes in a !oo0 la!elle" $o$0=a="oo"le"um an" 0ee#s for rea"ing to sele$t
au"ien$es on summer nights on$e "rew tears+ 3 $an assure ou* Among our gran"mothers an" great=
gran"mothers there were man that we#t their ees out* Floren$e Nightingale shrie0e" alou" in her agon* [*
See ?ASSANDRA+ ! Floren$e Nightingale+ #rinte" in T7E ?AESE+ ! R* Stra$he*.
Moreo,er+ it is all ,er well for ou+ who ha,e got oursel,es to $ollege an" en9o sitting=rooms1or is
it onl !e"=sitting=rooms21of our own to sa that genius shoul" "isregar" su$h o#inions4 that genius shoul"
!e a!o,e $aring what is sai" of it* Enfortunatel+ it is #re$isel the men or women of genius who min" most
what is sai" of them* Remem!er Ieats* Remem!er the wor"s he ha" $ut on his tom!stone* Thin0 of Tennson4
thin0 !ut 3 nee" har"l multi#l instan$es of the un"enia!le+ if ,er fortunate+ fa$t that it is the nature of the
artist to min" e-$essi,el what is sai" a!out him* <iterature is strewn with the wre$0age of men who ha,e
min"e" !eon" reason the o#inions of others*
An" this sus$e#ti!ilit of theirs is "ou!l unfortunate+ 3 thought+ returning again to m original en:uir
into what state of min" is most #ro#itious for $reati,e wor0+ !e$ause the min" of an artist+ in or"er to a$hie,e
the #ro"igious effort of freeing whole an" entire the wor0 that is in him+ must !e in$an"es$ent+ li0e
Sha0es#eares min"+ 3 $on9e$ture"+ loo0ing at the !oo0 whi$h la o#en at ANTONC AND ?<EO8ATRA* There
must !e no o!sta$le in it+ no foreign matter un$onsume"* For though we sa that we 0now nothing a!out
Sha0es#eares state of min"+ e,en as we sa that+ we are saing something a!out Sha0es#eares state of min"*
The reason #erha#s wh we 0now so little of Sha0es#eare1$om#are" with Donne or /en 5onson or Milton1is
that his gru"ges an" s#ites an" anti#athies are hi""en from us* We are not hel" u# ! some ;re,elation whi$h
remin"s us of the writer* All "esire to #rotest+ to #rea$h+ to #ro$laim an in9ur+ to #a off a s$ore+ to ma0e the
worl" the witness of some har"shi# or grie,an$e was fire" out of him an" $onsume"* Therefore his #oetr flows
from him free an" unim#e"e"* 3f e,er a human !eing got his wor0 e-#resse" $om#letel+ it was Sha0es#eare* 3f
e,er a min" was in$an"es$ent+ unim#e"e"+ 3 thought+ turning again to the !oo0$ase+ it was Sha0es#eares min"*
That one woul" fin" an woman in that state of min" in the si-teenth $entur was o!,iousl im#ossi!le*
One has onl to thin0 of the EliGa!ethan tom!stones with all those $hil"ren 0neeling with $las#e" han"s4 an"
their earl "eaths4 an" to see their houses with their "ar0+ $ram#e" rooms+ to realiGe that no woman $oul" ha,e
written #oetr then*
What one woul" e-#e$t to fin" woul" !e that rather later #erha#s some great la" woul" ta0e a",antage
of her $om#arati,e free"om an" $omfort to #u!lish something with her name to it an" ris0 !eing thought a
monster* Men+ of $ourse+ are not sno!s+ 3 $ontinue"+ $arefull es$hewing ;the arrant feminism of Miss Re!e$$a
West4 !ut the a##re$iate with sm#ath for the most #art the efforts of a $ountess to write ,erse* One woul"
e-#e$t to fin" a la" of title meeting with far greater en$ouragement than an un0nown Miss Austen or a Miss
/ront6 at that time woul" ha,e met with* /ut one woul" also e-#e$t to fin" that her min" was "istur!e" ! alien
emotions li0e fear an" hatre" an" that her #oems showe" tra$es of that "istur!an$e* 7ere is <a" Win$hilsea+ for
e-am#le+ 3 thought+ ta0ing "own her #oems* She was !orn in the ear &JJ&4 she was no!le !oth ! !irth an" !
marriage4 she was $hil"less4 she wrote #oetr+ an" one has onl to o#en her #oetr to fin" her !ursting out in
in"ignation against the #osition of women:
7ow we are fallenF fallen ! mista0en rules+
An" E"u$ations more than Natures fools4
De!arre" from all im#ro,ements of the min"+
An" to !e "ull+ e-#e$te" an" "esigne"4
An" if someone woul" soar a!o,e the rest+
With warmer fan$+ an" am!ition #resse"+
So strong the o##osing fa$tion still a##ears+
The ho#es to thri,e $an neer outweigh the fears*
?learl her min" has ! no means ;$onsume" all im#e"iments an" !e$ome in$an"es$ent* On the
$ontrar+ it is harasse" an" "istra$te" with hates an" grie,an$es* The human ra$e is s#lit u# for her into two
#arties* Men are the ;o##osing fa$tion4 men are hate" an" feare"+ !e$ause the ha,e the #ower to !ar her wa
to what she wants to "o1whi$h is to write*
AlasF a woman that attem#ts the #en+
Su$h a #resum#tuous $reature is esteeme"+
The fault $an ! no ,irtue !e re"eeme"*
The tell us we mista0e our se- an" wa4
%oo" !ree"ing+ fashion+ "an$ing+ "ressing+ #la+
Are the a$$om#lishments we shoul" "esire4
To write+ or rea"+ or thin0+ or to en:uire+
Woul" $lou" our !eaut+ an" e-haust our time+
An" interru#t the $on:uests of our #rime*
Whilst the "ull manage of a ser,ile house
3s hel" ! some our utmost art an" use*
3n"ee" she has to en$ourage herself to write ! su##osing that what she writes will ne,er !e #u!lishe"4
to soothe herself with the sa" $hant:
To some few frien"s+ an" to th sorrows sing+
For gro,es of laurel thou wert ne,er meant4
/e "ar0 enough th sha"es+ an" !e thou there $ontent*
Cet it is $lear that $oul" she ha,e free" her min" from hate an" fear
an" not hea#e" it with !itterness an" resentment+ the fire was hot
within her* Now an" again wor"s issue of #ure #oetr:
Nor will in fa"ing sil0s $om#ose+
Faintl the inimita!le rose*
T the are rightl #raise" ! Mr Murr+ an" 8o#e+ it is thought+ remem!ere" an" a##ro#riate" those
Now the 9on:uille oer$omes the fee!le !rain4
We faint !eneath the aromati$ #ain*
3t was a thousan" #ities that the woman who $oul" write li0e that+ whose min" was tune" to nature an"
refle$tion+ shoul" ha,e !een for$e" to anger an" !itterness* /ut how $oul" she ha,e hel#e" herself2 3 as0e"+
imagining the sneers an" the laughter+ the a"ulation of the toa"ies+ the s$e#ti$ism of the #rofessional #oet* She
must ha,e shut herself u# in a room in the $ountr to write+ an" !een torn asun"er ! !itterness an" s$ru#les
#erha#s+ though her hus!an" was of the 0in"est+ an" their marrie" life #erfe$tion* She ;must ha,e+ 3 sa+
!e$ause when one $omes to see0 out the fa$ts a!out <a" Win$hilsea+ one fin"s+ as usual+ that almost nothing is
0nown a!out her* She suffere" terri!l from melan$hol+ whi$h we $an e-#lain at least to some e-tent when we
fin" her telling us how in the gri# of it she woul" imagine:
M lines "e$rie"+ an" m em#loment thought
An useless foll or #resum#tuous fault:
The em#loment+ whi$h was thus $ensure"+ was+ as far as one $an see+ the
harmless one of ram!ling a!out the fiel"s an" "reaming:
M han" "elights to tra$e unusual things+
An" "e,iates from the 0nown an" $ommon wa+
Nor will in fa"ing sil0s $om#ose+
Faintl the inimita!le rose*
Naturall+ if that was her ha!it an" that was her "elight+ she $oul" onl e-#e$t to !e laughe" at4 an"+
a$$or"ingl+ 8o#e or %a is sai" to ha,e satiriGe" her ;as a !lue=sto$0ing with an it$h for s$ri!!ling*
Also it is thought that she offen"e" %a ! laughing at him* She sai" that his TR3V3A showe" that ;he
was more #ro#er to wal0 !efore a $hair than to ri"e in one* /ut this is all ;"u!ious gossi# an"+ sas Mr Murr+
;uninteresting* /ut there 3 "o not agree with him+ for 3 shoul" ha,e li0e" to ha,e ha" more e,en of "u!ious
gossi# so that 3 might ha,e foun" out or ma"e u# some image of this melan$hol la"+ who lo,e" wan"ering in
the fiel"s an" thin0ing a!out unusual things an" s$orne"+ so rashl+ so unwisel+ ;the "ull manage of a ser,ile
house* /ut she !e$ame "iffuse+ Mr Murr sas* 7er gift is all grown a!out with wee"s an" !oun" with !riars* 3t
ha" no $han$e of showing itself for the fine "istinguishe" gift it was* An" so+ #utting+ her !a$0 on the shelf+ 3
turne" to the other great la"+ the Du$hess whom <am! lo,e"+ hare=!raine"+ fantasti$al Margaret of New$astle+
her el"er+ !ut her $ontem#orar* The were ,er "ifferent+ !ut ali0e in this that !oth were no!le an" !oth
$hil"less+ an" !oth were marrie" to the !est of hus!an"s*
3n !oth !urnt the same #assion for #oetr an" !oth are "isfigure" an" "eforme" ! the same $auses*
O#en the Du$hess an" one fin"s the same out!urst of rage* ;Women li,e li0e /ats or Owls+ la!our li0e /easts+
an" "ie li0e Worms* * * * Margaret too might ha,e !een a #oet4 in our "a all that a$ti,it woul" ha,e turne" a
wheel of some sort* As it was+ what $oul" !in"+ tame or $i,iliGe for human use that wil"+ generous+ untutore"
intelligen$e2 3t #oure" itself out+ higgle"=#iggle"+ in torrents of rhme an" #rose+ #oetr an" #hiloso#h
whi$h stan" $ongeale" in :uartos an" folios that no!o" e,er rea"s* She shoul" ha,e ha" a mi$ros$o#e #ut in
her han"* She shoul" ha,e !een taught to loo0 at the stars an" reason s$ientifi$all* 7er wits were turne" with
solitu"e an" free"om* No one $he$0e" her* No one taught her* The #rofessors fawne" on her* At ?ourt the
9eere" at her* Sir Egerton /r"ges $om#laine" of her $oarseness1;as flowing from a female of high ran0
!rought u# in the ?ourts* She shut herself u# at Wel!e$0 alone* What a ,ision of loneliness an" riot the thought
of Margaret ?a,en"ish !rings to min"F as if some giant $u$um!er ha" s#rea" itself o,er all the roses an"
$arnations in the gar"en an" $ho0e" them to "eath* What a waste that the woman who wrote ;the !est !re"
women are those whose min"s are $i,ilest shoul" ha,e frittere" her time awa s$ri!!ling nonsense an"
#lunging e,er "ee#er into o!s$urit an" foll till the #eo#le $row"e" roun" her $oa$h when she issue" out*
E,i"entl the $raG Du$hess !e$ame a !oge to frighten $le,er girls with* 7ere+ 3 remem!ere"+ #utting awa the
Du$hess an" o#ening Doroth Os!ornes letters+ is Doroth writing to Tem#le a!out the Du$hesss new !oo0*
;Sure the #oore woman is a little "istra$te"+ shee $oul" ne,er !ee soe re"i$ulous else as to ,enture at
writeing !oo0s an" in ,erse too+ if 3 shoul" not slee# this fortnight 3 shoul" not $ome to that*
An" so+ sin$e no woman of sense an" mo"est $oul" write !oo0s+ Doroth+ who was sensiti,e an"
melan$hol+ the ,er o##osite of the Du$hess in tem#er+ wrote nothing* <etters "i" not $ount* A woman might
write letters while she was sitting ! her fathers si$0=!e"* She $oul" write them ! the fire whilst the men
tal0e" without "istur!ing them* The strange thing is+ 3 thought+ turning o,er the #ages of Doroths letters+ what
a gift that untaught an" solitar girl ha" for the framing of a senten$e+ for the fashioning of a s$ene* <isten to her
running on: ;After "inner wee sitt an" tal0 till Mr /* $oms in :uestion an" then 3 am gon* the heat of the "a is
s#ent in rea"ing or wor0ing an" a!out si-e or se,en a ?lo$0+ 3 wal0e out into a ?ommon that les har" ! the
house where a great man oung wen$hes 0ee# Shee# an" ?ows an" sitt in the sha"es singing of /alla"s4 3 goe
to them an" $om#are their ,o$es an" /eauts to some An$ient She#her"esses that 3 ha,e rea" of an" fin"e a
,aste "ifferen$e there+ !ut trust mee 3 thin0 these are as inno$ent as those $oul" !ee* 3 tal0e to them+ an" fin"e
the want nothing to ma0e them the ha##iest 8eo#le in the worl"+ !ut the 0nole"ge that the are soe* most
$ommonl when we are in the mi""est of our "is$ourse one loo0s a!oute her an" s#es her ?ows goeing into
the ?orne an" then awa the all run+ as if the ha" wings at theire heels* 3 that am not soe nim!le sta !ehi"e+
an" when 3 see them "ri,eing home theire ?attle 3 thin0 tis time for mee to retre too* when 3 ha,e su##e" 3 goe
into the %ar"en an" soe to the s"e of a small Ri,er that runs ! it where 3 sitt "owne an" wish ou with mee* * *
One $oul" ha,e sworn that she ha" the ma0ings of a writer in her* /ut ;if 3 shoul" not slee# this fortnight
3 shoul" not $ome to that1one $an measure the o##osition that was in the air to a woman writing when one
fin"s that e,en a woman with a great turn for writing has !rought herself to !elie,e that to write a !oo0 was to
!e ri"i$ulous+ e,en to show oneself "istra$te"* An" so we $ome+ 3 $ontinue"+ re#la$ing the single short ,olume
of Doroth Os!ornes letters u#on the shelf+ to Mrs /ehn*
An" with Mrs /ehn we turn a ,er im#ortant $orner on the roa"* We lea,e !ehin"+ shut u# in their #ar0s
among their folios+ those solitar great la"ies who wrote without au"ien$e or $riti$ism+ for their own "elight
alone* We $ome to town an" ru! shoul"ers with or"inar #eo#le in the streets* Mrs /ehn was a mi""le=$lass
woman with all the #le!eian ,irtues of humour+ ,italit an" $ourage4 a woman for$e" ! the "eath of her
hus!an" an" some unfortunate a",entures of her own to ma0e her li,ing ! her wits* She ha" to wor0 on e:ual
terms with men* She ma"e+ ! wor0ing ,er har"+ enough to li,e on* The im#ortan$e of that fa$t outweighs
anthing that she a$tuall wrote+ e,en the s#len"i" ;A Thousan" Martrs 3 ha,e ma"e+ or ;<o,e in Fantasti$
Trium#h sat+ for here !egins the free"om of the min"+ or rather the #ossi!ilit that in the $ourse of time the
min" will !e free to write what it li0es* For now that A#hra /ehn ha" "one it+ girls $oul" go to their #arents an"
sa+ Cou nee" not gi,e me an allowan$e4 3 $an ma0e mone ! m #en* Of $ourse the answer for man ears to
$ome was+ Ces+ ! li,ing the life of A#hra /ehnF Death woul" !e !etterF an" the "oor was slamme" faster than
e,er* That #rofoun"l interesting su!9e$t+ the ,alue that men set u#on womens $hastit an" its effe$t u#on their
e"u$ation+ here suggests itself for "is$ussion+ an" might #ro,i"e an interesting !oo0 if an stu"ent at %irton or
Newnham $are" to go into the matter* <a" Du"le+ sitting in "iamon"s among the mi"ges of a S$ottish moor+
might ser,e for frontis#ie$e* <or" Du"le+ T7E T3MES sai" when <a" Du"le "ie" the other "a+ ;a man of
$ulti,ate" taste an" man a$$om#lishments+ was !ene,olent an" !ountiful+ !ut whimsi$all "es#oti$* 7e
insiste" u#on his wifes wearing full "ress+ e,en at the remotest shooting=lo"ge in the 7ighlan"s4 he loa"e" her
with gorgeous 9ewels+ an" so on+ ;he ga,e her e,erthing1alwas e-$e#ting an measure of res#onsi!ilit*
Then <or" Du"le ha" a stro0e an" she nurse" him an" rule" his estates with su#reme $om#eten$e for e,er
after* That whimsi$al "es#otism was in the nineteenth $entur too*
/ut to return* A#hra /ehn #ro,e" that mone $oul" !e ma"e ! writing at the sa$rifi$e+ #erha#s+ of
$ertain agreea!le :ualities4 an" so ! "egrees writing !e$ame not merel a sign of foll an" a "istra$te" min"+
!ut was of #ra$ti$al im#ortan$e* A hus!an" might "ie+ or some "isaster o,erta0e the famil* 7un"re"s of women
!egan as the eighteenth $entur "rew on to a"" to their #in mone+ or to $ome to the res$ue of their families !
ma0ing translations or writing the innumera!le !a" no,els whi$h ha,e $ease" to !e re$or"e" e,en in te-t=!oo0s+
!ut are to !e #i$0e" u# in the four#enn !o-es in the ?haring ?ross Roa"* The e-treme a$ti,it of min" whi$h
showe" itself in the later eighteenth $entur among women1the tal0ing+ an" the meeting+ the writing of essas
on Sha0es#eare+ the translating of the $lassi$s1was foun"e" on the soli" fa$t that women $oul" ma0e mone !
writing* Mone "ignifies what is fri,olous if un#ai" for* 3t might still !e well to sneer at ;!lue sto$0ings with an
it$h for s$ri!!ling+ !ut it $oul" not !e "enie" that the $oul" #ut mone in their #urses* Thus+ towar"s the en"
of the eighteenth $entur a $hange $ame a!out whi$h+ if 3 were rewriting histor+ 3 shoul" "es$ri!e more full
an" thin0 of greater im#ortan$e than the ?rusa"es or the Wars of the Roses*
The mi""le=$lass woman !egan to write* For if 8R3DE AND 8RE5ED3?E matters+ an"
M3DD<EMAR?7 an" V3<<ETTE an" WET7ER3N% 7E3%7TS matter+ then it matters far more than 3 $an
#ro,e in an hours "is$ourse that women generall+ an" not merel the lonel aristo$rat shut u# in her $ountr
house among her folios an" her flatterers+ too0 to writing* Without those forerunners+ 5ane Austen an" the
/ront6s an" %eorge Eliot $oul" no more ha,e written than Sha0es#eare $oul" ha,e written without Marlowe+ or
Marlowe without ?hau$er+ or ?hau$er without those forgotten #oets who #a,e" the was an" tame" the natural
sa,ager of the tongue* For master#ie$es are not single an" solitar !irths4 the are the out$ome of man ears
of thin0ing in $ommon+ of thin0ing ! the !o" of the #eo#le+ so that the e-#erien$e of the mass is !ehin" the
single ,oi$e* 5ane Austen shoul" ha,e lai" a wreath u#on the gra,e of Fann /urne+ an" %eorge Eliot "one
homage to the ro!ust sha"e of EliGa ?arter1the ,aliant ol" woman who tie" a !ell to her !e"stea" in or"er that
she might wa0e earl an" learn %ree0* All women together ought to let flowers fall u#on the tom! of A#hra
/ehn+ whi$h is+ most s$an"alousl !ut rather a##ro#riatel+ in Westminster A!!e+ for it was she who earne"
them the right to s#ea0 their min"s* 3t is she1sha" an" amorous as she was1who ma0es it not :uite fantasti$
for me to sa to ou to=night: Earn fi,e hun"re" a ear ! our wits*
7ere+ then+ one ha" rea$he" the earl nineteenth $entur* An" here+ for the first time+ 3 foun" se,eral
shel,es gi,en u# entirel to the wor0s of women* /ut wh+ 3 $oul" not hel# as0ing+ as 3 ran m ees o,er them+
were the+ with ,er few e-$e#tions+ all no,els2 The original im#ulse was to #oetr* The ;su#reme hea" of song
was a #oetess* /oth in Fran$e an" in Englan" the women #oets #re$e"e the women no,elists* Moreo,er+ 3
thought+ loo0ing at the four famous names+ what ha" %eorge Eliot in $ommon with Emil /ront62 Di"
not ?harlotte /ront6 fail entirel to un"erstan" 5ane Austen2 Sa,e for the #ossi!l rele,ant fa$t that not one of
them ha" a $hil"+ four more in$ongruous $hara$ters $oul" not ha,e met together in a room1so mu$h so that it is
tem#ting to in,ent a meeting an" a "ialogue !etween them* Cet ! some strange for$e the were all $om#elle"
when the wrote+ to write no,els* 7a" it something to "o with !eing !orn of the mi""le $lass+ 3 as0e"4 an" with
the fa$t+ whi$h Miss Emil Da,ies a little later was so stri0ingl to "emonstrate+ that the mi""le=$lass famil in
the earl nineteenth $entur was #ossesse" onl of a single sitting=room !etween them2 3f a woman wrote+ she
woul" ha,e to write in the $ommon sitting=room* An"+ as Miss Nightingale was so ,ehementl to
$om#lain+==Qwomen ne,er ha,e an half hour * * * that the $an $all their ownN1she was alwas interru#te"* Still
it woul" !e
easier to write #rose an" fi$tion there than to write #oetr or a #la* <ess $on$entration is re:uire"* 5ane
Austen wrote li0e that to the en" of her "as* ;7ow she was a!le to effe$t all this+ her ne#hew writes in his
Memoir+ ;is sur#rising+ for she ha" no se#arate stu" to re#air to+ an" most of the wor0 must ha,e !een "one in
the general sitting=room+ su!9e$t to all 0in"s of $asual interru#tions* She was $areful that her o$$u#ation shoul"
not !e sus#e$te" ! ser,ants or ,isitors or an #ersons !eon" her own famil #art* [* MEMO3R OF 5ANE
AESTEN+ ! her ne#hew+ 5ames E"war" Austen=<eigh*. 5ane Austen hi" her manus$ri#ts or $o,ere" them with
a #ie$e of !lotting=#a#er* Then+ again+ all the literar training that a woman ha" in the earl nineteenth $entur
was training in the o!ser,ation of $hara$ter+ in the analsis of emotion*
7er sensi!ilit ha" !een e"u$ate" for $enturies ! the influen$es of the $ommon sitting=room* 8eo#les
feelings were im#resse" on her4 #ersonal relations were alwas !efore her ees* Therefore+ when the mi""le=
$lass woman too0 to writing+ she naturall wrote no,els+ e,en though+ as seems e,i"ent enough+ two of the four
famous women here name" were not ! nature no,elists* Emil /ront6 shoul" ha,e written #oeti$ #las4 the
o,erflow of %eorge Eliots $a#a$ious min" shoul" ha,e s#rea" itself when the $reati,e im#ulse was s#ent u#on
histor or !iogra#h* The wrote no,els+ howe,er4 one ma e,en go further+ 3 sai"+ ta0ing 8R3DE AND
8RE5ED3?E from the shelf+ an" sa that the wrote goo" no,els* Without !oasting or gi,ing #ain to the
o##osite se-+ one ma sa that 8R3DE AND 8RE5ED3?E is a goo" !oo0* At an rate+ one woul" not ha,e !een
ashame" to ha,e !een $aught in the a$t of writing 8R3DE AND 8RE5ED3?E* Cet 5ane Austen was gla" that a
hinge $rea0e"+ so that she might hi"e her manus$ri#t !efore anone $ame in* To 5ane Austen there was
something "is$re"ita!le in writing 8R3DE AND 8RE5ED3?E* An"+ 3 won"ere"+ woul" 8R3DE AND
8RE5ED3?E ha,e !een a !etter no,el if 5ane Austen ha" not thought it ne$essar to hi"e her manus$ri#t from
,isitors2 3 rea" a #age or two to see4 !ut 3 $oul" not fin" an signs that her $ir$umstan$es ha" harme" her wor0
in the slightest* That+ #erha#s+ was the $hief mira$le a!out it* 7ere was a woman a!out the ear &)BB writing
without hate+ without !itterness+ without fear+ without #rotest+ without #rea$hing* That was how Sha0es#eare
wrote+ 3 thought+ loo0ing at ANTONC AND ?<EO8ATRA4 an" when #eo#le $om#are Sha0es#eare an" 5ane
Austen+ the ma mean that the min"s of !oth ha" $onsume" all im#e"iments4 an" for that reason we "o not
0now 5ane Austen an" we "o not 0now Sha0es#eare+ an" for that reason 5ane Austen #er,a"es e,er wor" that
she wrote+ an" so "oes Sha0es#eare* 3f 5ane Austen suffere" in an wa from her $ir$umstan$es it was in the
narrowness of life that was im#ose" u#on her* 3t was im#ossi!le for a woman to go a!out alone* She ne,er
tra,elle"4 she ne,er "ro,e through <on"on in an omni!us or ha" lun$heon in a sho# ! herself* /ut #erha#s it
was the nature of 5ane Austen not to want what she ha" not* 7er gift an" her $ir$umstan$es mat$he" ea$h other
$om#letel* /ut 3 "ou!t whether that was true of ?harlotte /ront6+ 3 sai"+ o#ening 5ANE ECRE an" laing it
!esi"e 8R3DE AND 8RE5ED3?E* 3 o#ene" it at $ha#ter twel,e an" m ee was $aught ! the #hrase ;An!o"
ma !lame me who li0es* What were the !laming ?harlotte /ront6 for2 3 won"ere"* An" 3 rea" how 5ane Ere
use" to go u# on to the roof when Mrs Fairfa- was ma0ing 9ellies an" loo0e" o,er the fiel"s at the "istant ,iew*
An" then she longe"1an" it was for this that the !lame" her1that ;then 3 longe" for a #ower of ,ision whi$h
might o,er#ass that limit4 whi$h might rea$h the !us worl"+ towns+ regions full of life 3 ha" hear" of !ut ne,er
seen: that then 3 "esire" more of #ra$ti$al e-#erien$e than 3 #ossesse"4 more of inter$ourse with m 0in"+ of
a$:uaintan$e with ,ariet of $hara$ter than was here within m rea$h*
3 ,alue" what was goo" in Mrs Fairfa-+ an" what was goo" in A"ele4 !ut 3 !elie,e" in the e-isten$e of
other an" more ,i,i" 0in"s of goo"ness+ an" what 3 !elie,e" in 3 wishe" to !ehol"*
;Who !lames me2 Man+ no "ou!t+ an" 3 shall he $alle" "is$ontente"* 3 $oul" not hel# it: the restlessness
was in m nature4 it agitate" me to #ain sometimes* * * *
;3t is ,ain to sa human !eings ought to !e satisfie" with tran:uillit: the must ha,e a$tion4 an" the
will ma0e it if the $annot fin" it* Millions are $on"emne" to a stiller "oom than mine+ an" millions are in silent
re,olt against their lot* No!o" 0nows how man re!ellions ferment in the masses of life whi$h #eo#le earth*
Women are su##ose" to !e ,er $alm generall: !ut women feel 9ust as men feel4 the nee" e-er$ise for their
fa$ulties an" a fiel" for their efforts as mu$h as their !rothers "o4 the suffer from too rigi" a restraint+ too
a!solute a stagnation+ #re$isel as men woul" suffer4 an" it is narrow=min"e" in their more #ri,ilege" fellow=
$reatures to sa that the ought to $onfine themsel,es to ma0ing #u""ings an" 0nitting sto$0ings+ to #laing on
the #iano an" em!roi"ering !ags* 3t is thoughtless to $on"emn them+ or laugh at them+ if the see0 to "o more or
learn more than $ustom has #ronoun$e" ne$essar for their se-*
;When thus alone 3 not unfre:uentl hear" %ra$e 8ooles laugh* * * *
That is an aw0war" !rea0+ 3 thought* 3t is u#setting to $ome u#on %ra$e 8oole all of a su""en* The
$ontinuit is "istur!e"* One might sa+ 3 $ontinue"+ laing the !oo0 "own !esi"e 8R3DE AND 8RE5ED3?E+
that the woman who wrote those #ages ha" more genius in her than 5ane Austen4 !ut if one rea"s them o,er an"
mar0s that 9er0 in them+ that in"ignation+ one sees that she will ne,er get her genius e-#resse" whole an" entire*
7er !oo0s will !e "eforme" an" twiste"* She will write in a rage where she shoul" write $alml* She will
write foolishl where she shoul" write wisel* She will write of herself where she shoul" write of her $hara$ters*
She is at war with her lot* 7ow $oul" she hel# !ut "ie oung+ $ram#e" an" thwarte"2
One $oul" not !ut #la for a moment with the thought of what might ha,e ha##ene" if ?harlotte /ront6
ha" #ossesse" sa three hun"re" a ear1!ut the foolish woman sol" the $o#right of her no,els outright for
fifteen hun"re" #oun"s4 ha" somehow #ossesse" more 0nowle"ge of the !us worl"+ an" towns an" regions full
of life4 more #ra$ti$al e-#erien$e+ an" inter$ourse with her 0in" an" a$:uaintan$e with a ,ariet of $hara$ter*
3n those wor"s she #uts her finger e-a$tl not onl u#on her own "efe$ts as a no,elist !ut u#on those of
her se- at that time* She 0new+ no one !etter+ how enormousl her genius woul" ha,e #rofite" if it ha" not s#ent
itself in solitar ,isions o,er "istant fiel"s4 if e-#erien$e an" inter$ourse an" tra,el ha" !een grante" her* /ut
the were not grante"4 the were withhel"4 an" we must a$$e#t the fa$t that all those goo" no,els+ V3<<ETTE+
EMMA+ WET7ER3N% 7E3%7TS+ M3DD<EMAR?7+ were written ! women without more e-#erien$e of life
than $oul" enter the house of a res#e$ta!le $lergman4 written too in the $ommon sitting=room of that
res#e$ta!le house an" ! women so #oor that the $oul" not affor" to !u more than a few :uires of #a#er at a
time u#on whi$h to write WET7ER3N% 7E3%7TS or 5ANE ECRE* One of them+ it is true+ %eorge Eliot+
es$a#e" after mu$h tri!ulation+ !ut onl to a se$lu"e" ,illa in St 5ohns Woo"* An" there she settle" "own in the
sha"ow of the worl"s "isa##ro,al* ;3 wish it to !e un"erstoo"+ she wrote+ ;that 3 shoul" ne,er in,ite anone to
$ome an" see me who "i" not as0 for the in,itation4 for was she not li,ing in sin with a marrie" man an" might
not the sight of her "amage the $hastit of Mrs Smith or whoe,er it might !e that $han$e" to $all2 One must
su!mit to the so$ial $on,ention+ an" !e ;$ut off from what is $alle" the worl"* At the same time+ on the other
si"e of Euro#e+ there was a oung man li,ing freel with this g#s or with that great la"4 going to the wars4
#i$0ing u# unhin"ere" an" un$ensore" all that ,arie" e-#erien$e of human life whi$h ser,e" him so s#len"i"l
later when he $ame to write his !oo0s* 7a" Tolstoi li,e" at the 8rior in se$lusion with a marrie" la" ;$ut off
from what is $alle" the worl"+ howe,er e"ifing the moral lesson+ he $oul" s$ar$el+ 3 thought+ ha,e written
/ut one $oul" #erha#s go a little "ee#er into the :uestion of no,el=writing an" the effe$t of se- u#on the
no,elist* 3f one shuts ones ees an" thin0s of the no,el as a whole+ it woul" seem to !e a $reation owning a
$ertain loo0ing=glass li0eness to life+ though of $ourse with sim#lifi$ations an" "istortions innumera!le* At an
rate+ it is a stru$ture lea,ing a sha#e on the min"s ee+ !uilt now in s:uares+ now #ago"a sha#e"+ now throwing
out wings an" ar$a"es+ now soli"l $om#a$t an" "ome" li0e the ?athe"ral of Saint Sofia at ?onstantino#le*
This sha#e+ 3 thought+ thin0ing !a$0 o,er $ertain famous no,els+ starts in one the 0in" of emotion that is
a##ro#riate to it* /ut that emotion at on$e !len"s itself with others+ for the ;sha#e is not ma"e ! the relation of
stone to stone+ !ut ! the relation of human !eing to human !eing* Thus a no,el starts in us all sorts of
antagonisti$ an" o##ose" emotions* <ife $onfli$ts with something that is not life* 7en$e the "iffi$ult of $oming
to an agreement a!out no,els+ an" the immense swa that our #ri,ate #re9u"i$es ha,e u#on us* On the one
han" we feel Cou15ohn the hero1must li,e+ or 3 shall !e in the "e#ths of "es#air*
On the other+ we feel+ Alas+ 5ohn+ ou must "ie+ !e$ause the sha#e of the !oo0 re:uires it* <ife $onfli$ts
with something that is not life*
Then sin$e life it is in #art+ we 9u"ge it as life* 5ames is the sort of man 3 most "etest+ one sas* Or+ This
is a farrago of a!sur"it* 3 $oul" ne,er feel anthing of the sort mself* The whole stru$ture+ it is o!,ious+
thin0ing !a$0 on an famous no,el+ is one of infinite $om#le-it+ !e$ause it is thus ma"e u# of so man
"ifferent 9u"gements+ of so man "ifferent 0in"s of emotion* The won"er is that an !oo0 so $om#ose" hol"s
together for more than a ear or two+ or $an #ossi!l mean to the English rea"er what it means for the Russian
or the ?hinese* /ut the "o hol" together o$$asionall ,er remar0a!l* An" what hol"s them together in these
rare instan$es of sur,i,al >3 was thin0ing of WAR AND 8EA?E@ is something that one $alls integrit+ though it
has nothing to "o with #aing ones !ills or !eha,ing honoura!l in an emergen$*
What one means ! integrit+ in the $ase of the no,elist+ is the $on,i$tion that he gi,es one that this is
the truth* Ces+ one feels+ 3 shoul" ne,er ha,e thought that this $oul" !e so4 3 ha,e ne,er 0nown #eo#le !eha,ing
li0e that* /ut ou ha,e $on,in$e" me that so it is+ so it ha##ens* One hol"s e,er #hrase+ e,er s$ene to the light
as one rea"s1for Nature seems+ ,er o""l+ to ha,e #ro,i"e" us with an inner light ! whi$h to 9u"ge of the
no,elists integrit or "isintegrit* Or #erha#s it is rather that Nature+ in her most irrational moo"+ has tra$e" in
in,isi!le in0 on the walls of the min" a #remonition whi$h these great artists $onfirm4 a s0et$h whi$h onl nee"s
to !e hel" to the fire of genius to !e$ome ,isi!le* When one so e-#oses it an" sees it $ome to life one e-$laims
in ra#ture+ /ut this is what 3 ha,e alwas felt an" 0nown an" "esire"F An" one !oils o,er with e-$itement+ an"+
shutting the !oo0 e,en with a 0in" of re,eren$e as if it were something ,er #re$ious+ a stan"=! to return to as
long as one li,es+ one #uts it !a$0 on the shelf+ 3 sai"+ ta0ing WAR AND 8EA?E an" #utting it !a$0 in its #la$e*
3f+ on the other han"+ these #oor senten$es that one ta0es an" tests rouse first a :ui$0 an" eager res#onse with
their !right $olouring an" their "ashing gestures !ut there the sto#: something seems to $he$0 them in their
"e,elo#ment: or if the !ring to light onl a faint s$ri!!le in that $orner an" a !lot o,er there+ an" nothing
a##ears whole an" entire+ then one hea,es a sigh of "isa##ointment an" sas* Another failure* This no,el has
$ome to grief somewhere* An" for the most #art+ of $ourse+ no,els "o $ome to grief somewhere* The
imagination falters un"er the enormous strain* The insight is $onfuse"4 it $an no longer "istinguish !etween the
true an" the false+ it has no longer the strength to go on with the ,ast la!our that $alls at e,er moment for the
use of so man "ifferent fa$ulties* /ut how woul" all this !e affe$te" ! the se- of the no,elist+ 3 won"ere"+
loo0ing at 5ANE ECRE an" the others* Woul" the fa$t of her se- in an wa interfere with the integrit of a
woman no,elist1that integrit whi$h 3 ta0e to !e the !a$0!one of the writer2 Now+ in the #assages 3 ha,e
:uote" from 5ANE ECRE+ it is $lear that anger was tam#ering with the integrit of ?harlotte /ront6 the
no,elist* She left her stor+ to whi$h her entire "e,otion was "ue+ to atten" to some #ersonal grie,an$e* She
remem!ere" that she ha" !een star,e" of her #ro#er "ue of e-#erien$e1she ha" !een ma"e to stagnate in a
#arsonage men"ing sto$0ings when she wante" to wan"er free o,er the worl"* 7er imagination swer,e" from
in"ignation an" we feel it swer,e* /ut there were man more influen$es than anger tugging at her imagination
an" "efle$ting it from its #ath* 3gnoran$e+ for instan$e* The #ortrait of Ro$hester is "rawn in the "ar0* We feel
the influen$e of fear in it4 9ust as we $onstantl feel an a$i"it whi$h is the result of o##ression+ a !urie"
suffering smoul"ering !eneath her #assion+ a ran$our whi$h $ontra$ts those !oo0s+ s#len"i" as the are+ with a
s#asm of #ain* An" sin$e a no,el has this $orres#on"en$e to real life+ its ,alues are to some e-tent those of real
life* /ut it is o!,ious that the ,alues of women "iffer ,er often from the ,alues whi$h ha,e !een ma"e ! the
other se-4 naturall+ this is so* Cet it is the mas$uline ,alues that #re,ail* S#ea0ing $ru"el+ foot!all an" s#ort are
;im#ortant4 the worshi# of fashion+ the !uing of $lothes ;tri,ial* An" these ,alues are ine,ita!l transferre"
from life to fi$tion* This is an im#ortant !oo0+ the $riti$ assumes+ !e$ause it "eals with war* This is an
insignifi$ant !oo0 !e$ause it "eals with the feelings of women in a "rawing=room* A s$ene in a !attle=fiel" is
more im#ortant than a s$ene in a sho#1e,erwhere an" mu$h more su!tl the "ifferen$e of ,alue #ersists* The
whole stru$ture+ therefore+ of the earl nineteenth=$entur no,el was raise"+ if one was a woman+ ! a min"
whi$h was slightl #ulle" from the straight+ an" ma"e to alter its $lear ,ision in "eferen$e to e-ternal authorit*
One has onl to s0im those ol" forgotten no,els an" listen to the tone of ,oi$e in whi$h the are written to
"i,ine that the writer was meeting $riti$ism4 she was saing this ! wa of aggression+ or that ! wa of
$on$iliation* She was a"mitting that she was ;onl a woman+ or #rotesting that she was ;as goo" as a man* She
met that $riti$ism as her tem#erament "i$tate"+ with "o$ilit an" "iffi"en$e+ or with anger an" em#hasis* 3t "oes
not matter whi$h it was4 she was thin0ing of something other than the thing itself*
Down $omes her !oo0 u#on our hea"s* There was a flaw in the $entre of it* An" 3 thought of all the
womens no,els that lie s$attere"+ li0e small #o$0=mar0e" a##les in an or$har"+ a!out the se$on"=han" !oo0
sho#s of <on"on* 3t was the flaw in the $entre that ha" rotte" them* She ha" altere" her ,alues in "eferen$e to
the o#inion of others*
/ut how im#ossi!le it must ha,e !een for them not to !u"ge either to the right or to the left* What
genius+ what integrit it must ha,e re:uire" in fa$e of all that $riti$ism+ in the mi"st of that #urel #atriar$hal
so$iet+ to hol" fast to the thing as the saw it without shrin0ing*
Onl 5ane Austen "i" it an" Emil /ront6* 3t is another feather+ #erha#s the finest+ in their $a#s* The
wrote as women write+ not as men write*
Of all the thousan" women who wrote no,els then+ the alone entirel ignore" the #er#etual a"monitions
of the eternal #e"agogue1write this+ thin0 that* The alone were "eaf to that #ersistent ,oi$e+ now grum!ling+
now #atroniGing+ now "omineering+ now grie,e"+ now sho$0e"+ now angr+ now a,un$ular+ that ,oi$e whi$h
$annot let women alone+ !ut must !e at them+ li0e some too=$ons$ientious go,erness+ a"9uring them+ li0e Sir
Egerton /r"ges+ to !e refine"4 "ragging e,en into the $riti$ism of #oetr $riti$ism of se-4 [*&. a"monishing
them+ if the woul" !e goo" an" win+ as 3 su##ose+ some shin #riGe+ to 0ee# within $ertain limits whi$h the
gentleman in :uestion thin0s suita!le1;* * * female no,elists shoul" onl as#ire to e-$ellen$e ! $ourageousl
a$0nowle"ging the limitations of their se-* [*(. That #uts the matterin a nutshell+ an" when 3 tell ou+ rather to
our sur#rise+ that this senten$e was written not in August &)() !ut in August &'()+ ou will agree+ 3 thin0+ that
howe,er "elightful it is to us now+ it re#resents a ,ast !o" of o#inion13 am not going to stir those ol" #ools4 3
ta0e onl what $han$e has floate" to m feet1that was far more ,igorous an" far more ,o$al a $entur ago* 3t
woul" ha,e nee"e" a ,er stalwart oung woman in &)() to "isregar" all those snu!s an" $hi"ings an" #romises
of #riGes* One must ha,e !een something of a fire!ran" to sa to oneself+ Oh+ !ut the $ant !u literature too*
<iterature is o#en to e,er!o"*
3 refuse to allow ou+ /ea"le though ou are+ to turn me off the grass*
<o$0 u# our li!raries if ou li0e4 !ut there is no gate+ no lo$0+ no !olt+ that ou $an set u#on the
free"om of m min"*
[*& [She. has a meta#hsi$al #ur#ose+ an" that is a "angerous o!session+ es#e$iall with a woman+ for
women rarel #ossess mens health lo,e of rhetori$* 3t is a strange la$0 in the se- whi$h is in other things more
#rimiti,e an" more materialisti$*1NEW ?R3TER3ON+ 5une &'()*.
[*( ;3f+ li0e the re#orter+ ou !elie,e that female no,elists shoul" onl as#ire to e-$ellen$e !
$ourageousl a$0nowle"ging the limitations of their se- >5ane Austen [has. "emonstrate" how gra$efull this
gesture $an !e a$$om#lishe" * * *@*1<3FE AND <ETTERS+ August &'()*.
/ut whate,er effe$t "is$ouragement an" $riti$ism ha" u#on their writing1an" 3 !elie,e that the ha" a
,er great effe$t1that was unim#ortant $om#are" with the other "iffi$ult whi$h fa$e" them >3 was still
$onsi"ering those earl nineteenth=$entur no,elists@ when the $ame to set their thoughts on #a#er1that is that
the ha" no tra"ition !ehin" them+ or one so short an" #artial that it was of little hel#* For we thin0 !a$0 through
our mothers if we are women* 3t is useless to go to the great men writers for hel#+ howe,er mu$h one ma go to
them for #leasure* <am!+ /rowne+ Tha$0era+ Newman+ Sterne+ Di$0ens+ De Uuin$e1whoe,er it ma !e1
ne,er hel#e" a woman et+ though she ma ha,e learnt a few tri$0s of them an" a"a#te" them to her use* The
weight+ the #a$e+ the stri"e of a mans min" are too unli0e her own for her to lift anthing su!stantial from him
su$$essfull* The a#e is too "istant to !e se"ulous* 8erha#s the first thing she woul" fin"+ setting #en to #a#er+
was that there was no $ommon senten$e rea" for her use*
All the great no,elists li0e Tha$0era an" Di$0ens an" /alGa$ ha,e written a natural #rose+ swift !ut not
slo,enl+ e-#ressi,e !ut not #re$ious+ ta0ing their own tint without $easing to !e $ommon #ro#ert*
The ha,e !ase" it on the senten$e that was $urrent at the time* The senten$e that was $urrent at the
!eginning of the nineteenth $entur ran something li0e this #erha#s: ;The gran"eur of their wor0s was an
argument with them+ not to sto# short+ !ut to #ro$ee"* The $oul" ha,e no higher e-$itement or satisfa$tion than
in the e-er$ise of their art an" en"less generations of truth an" !eaut* Su$$ess #rom#ts to e-ertion4 an" ha!it
fa$ilitates su$$ess* That is a mans senten$e4 !ehin" it one $an see 5ohnson+ %i!!on an" the rest* 3t was a
senten$e that was unsuite" for a womans use* ?harlotte /ront6+ with all her s#len"i" gift for #rose+ stum!le"
an" fell with that $lums wea#on in her han"s* %eorge Eliot $ommitte" atro$ities with it that !eggar "es$ri#tion*
5ane Austen loo0e" at it an" laughe" at it an" "e,ise" a #erfe$tl natural+ sha#el senten$e #ro#er for her own
use an" ne,er "e#arte" from it* Thus+ with less genius for writing than ?harlotte /ront6+ she got infinitel more
sai"* 3n"ee"+ sin$e free"om an" fullness of e-#ression are of the essen$e of the art+ su$h a la$0 of tra"ition+ su$h
a s$ar$it an" ina"e:ua$ of tools+ must ha,e tol" enormousl u#on the writing of women* Moreo,er+ a !oo0 is
not ma"e of senten$es lai" en" to en"+ !ut of senten$es !uilt+ if an image hel#s+ into ar$a"es or "omes* An" this
sha#e too has !een ma"e ! men out of their own nee"s for their own uses* There is no reason to thin0 that the
form of the e#i$ or of the #oeti$ #la suit a woman an more than the senten$e suits her* /ut all the ol"er forms
of literature were har"ene" an" set ! the time she !e$ame a writer* The no,el alone was oung enough to !e
soft in her han"s another reason+ #erha#s+ wh she wrote no,els* Cet who shall sa that e,en now ;the no,el >3
gi,e it in,erte" $ommas to mar0 m sense of the wor"s ina"e:ua$@+ who shall sa that e,en this most #lia!le
of all forms is rightl sha#e" for her use2 No "ou!t we shall fin" her 0no$0ing that into sha#e for herself when
she has the free use of her lim!s4 an" #ro,i"ing some new ,ehi$le+ not ne$essaril in ,erse+ for the #oetr in her*
For it is the #oetr that is still "enie" outlet*
An" 3 went on to #on"er how a woman nowa"as woul" write a #oeti$ trage" in fi,e a$ts* Woul" she
use ,erse2==woul" she not use #rose rather2
/ut these are "iffi$ult :uestions whi$h lie in the twilight of the future* 3 must lea,e them+ if onl !e$ause
the stimulate me to wan"er from m su!9e$t into tra$0less forests where 3 shall !e lost an"+ ,er li0el+
"e,oure" ! wil" !easts* 3 "o not want+ an" 3 am sure that ou "o not want me+ to !roa$h that ,er "ismal
su!9e$t+ the future of fi$tion* so that 3 will onl #ause here one moment to "raw our attention to the great #art
whi$h must !e #lae" in that future so far as women are $on$erne" ! #hsi$al $on"itions* The !oo0 has
somehow to !e a"a#te" to the !o"+ an" at a ,enture one woul" sa that womens !oo0s shoul" !e shorter+ more
$on$entrate"+ than those of men+ an" frame" so that the "o not nee" long hours of stea" an" uninterru#te"
wor0* For interru#tions there will alwas !e* Again+ the ner,es that fee" the !rain woul" seem to "iffer in men
an" women+ an" if ou are going to ma0e them wor0 their !est an" har"est+ ou must fin" out what treatment
suits them1whether these hours of le$tures+ for instan$e+ whi$h the mon0s "e,ise"+ #resuma!l+ hun"re"s of
ears ago+ suit them1what alternations of wor0 an" rest the nee"+ inter#reting rest not as "oing nothing !ut as
"oing something !ut something that is "ifferent4 an" what shoul" that "ifferen$e !e2 All this shoul" !e "is$usse"
an" "is$o,ere"4 all this is #art of the :uestion of women an" fi$tion* An" et+ 3 $ontinue"+ a##roa$hing the
!oo0$ase again+ where shall 3 fin" that ela!orate stu" of the #s$holog of women ! a woman2 3f through
their in$a#a$it to #la foot!all women are not going to !e allowe" to #ra$tise me"i$ine1 7a##il m thoughts
were now gi,en another turn*
3 ha" $ome at last+ in the $ourse of this ram!ling+ to the shel,es whi$h hol" !oo0s ! the li,ing4 !
women an" ! men4 for there are almost as man !oo0s written ! women now as ! men* Or if that is not et
:uite true+ if the male is still the ,olu!le se-+ it is $ertainl true that women no longer write no,els solel* There
are 5ane 7arrisons !oo0s on %ree0 ar$haeolog4 Vernon <ees !oo0s on aestheti$s4 %ertru"e /ells !oo0s on
8ersia* There are !oo0s on all sorts of su!9e$ts whi$h a generation ago no woman $oul" ha,e tou$he"* There are
#oems an" #las an" $riti$ism4 there are histories an" !iogra#hies+ !oo0s of tra,el an" !oo0s of s$holarshi# an"
resear$h4 there are e,en a few #hiloso#hies an" !oo0s a!out s$ien$e an" e$onomi$s* An" though no,els
#re"ominate+ no,els themsel,es ma ,er well ha,e $hange" from asso$iation with !oo0s of a "ifferent feather*
The natural sim#li$it+ the e#i$ age of womens writing+ ma ha,e gone* Rea"ing an" $riti$ism ma ha,e gi,en
her a wi"er range+ a greater su!tlet* The im#ulse towar"s auto!iogra#h ma !e s#ent* She ma !e !eginning
to use writing as an art+ not as a metho" of selfe-#ression* Among these new no,els one might fin" an answer to
se,eral su$h :uestions* 3 too0 "own one of them at ran"om* 3t stoo" at the ,er en" of the shelf+ was
$alle" <3FES ADVENTERE+ or some su$h title+ ! Mar ?armi$hael+ an" was #u!lishe" in this ,er month of
O$to!er* 3t seems to !e her first !oo0+ 3 sai" to mself+ !ut one must rea" it as if it were the last ,olume in a
fairl long series+ $ontinuing all those other !oo0s that 3 ha,e !een glan$ing at1<a" Win$hilseas #oems an"
A#hra /ehns #las an" the no,els of the four great no,elists* For !oo0s $ontinue ea$h other+ in s#ite of our
ha!it of 9u"ging them se#aratel* An" 3 must also $onsi"er her1this un0nown woman1as the "es$en"ant of all
those other women whose $ir$umstan$es 3 ha,e !een glan$ing at an" see what she inherits of their
$hara$teristi$s an" restri$tions* So+ with a sigh+ !e$ause no,els so often #ro,i"e an ano"ne an" not an anti"ote+
gli"e one into tor#i" slum!ers instea" of rousing one with a !urning !ran"+ 3 settle" "own with a note!oo0 an" a
#en$il to ma0e what 3 $oul" of Mar ?armi$haels first no,el+ <3FES ADVENTERE*
To !egin with+ 3 ran m ee u# an" "own the #age* 3 am going to get the hang of her senten$es first+ 3
sai"+ !efore 3 loa" m memor with !lue ees an" !rown an" the relationshi# that there ma !e !etween ?hloe
an" Roger* There will !e time for that when 3 ha,e "e$i"e" whether she has a #en in her han" or a #i$0a-e* So 3
trie" a senten$e or two on m tongue*
Soon it was o!,ious that something was not :uite in or"er* The smooth gli"ing of senten$e after senten$e
was interru#te"* Something tore+ something s$rat$he"4 a single wor" here an" there flashe" its tor$h in m ees*
She was ;unhan"ing herself as the sa in the ol" #las* She is li0e a #erson stri0ing a mat$h that will not light+
3 thought* /ut wh+ 3 as0e" her as if she were #resent+ are 5ane Austens senten$es not of the right sha#e for
ou2 Must the all !e s$ra##e" !e$ause Emma an" Mr Woo"house are "ea"2 Alas+ 3 sighe"+ that it shoul" !e so*
For while 5ane Austen !rea0s from melo" to melo" as MoGart from song to song+ to rea" this writing was li0e
!eing out at sea in an o#en !oat* E# one went+ "own one san0* This terseness+ this short=win"e"ness+ might
mean that she was afrai" of something4 afrai" of !eing $alle" ;sentimental #erha#s4 or she remem!ers that
womens writing has !een $alle" flower an" so #ro,i"es a su#erfluit of thorns4 !ut until 3 ha,e rea" a s$ene
with some $are+ 3 $annot !e surewhether she is !eing herself or someone else* At an rate+ she "oes not lower
ones ,italit+ 3 thought+ rea"ing more $arefull* /ut she is hea#ing u# too man fa$ts* She will not !e a!le to use
half of them in a !oo0 of this siGe* >3t was a!out half the length of 5ANE ECRE*@ 7owe,er+ ! some means or
other she su$$ee"e" in getting us all1Roger+ ?hloe+ Oli,ia+ Ton an" Mr /igham1in a $anoe u# the ri,er* Wait
a moment+ 3 sai"+ leaning !a$0 in m $hair+ 3 must $onsi"er the whole thing more $arefull !efore 3 go an
3 am almost sure+ 3 sai" to mself+ that Mar ?armi$hael is #laing a tri$0 on us* For 3 feel as one feels
on a swit$h!a$0 railwa when the $ar+ instea" of sin0ing+ as one has !een le" to e-#e$t+ swer,es u# again* Mar
is tam#ering with the e-#e$te" se:uen$e* First she !ro0e the senten$e4 now she has !ro0en the se:uen$e* Ver
well+ she has e,er right to "o !oth these things if she "oes them not for the sa0e of !rea0ing+ !ut for the sa0e of
$reating* Whi$h of the two it is 3 $annot !e sure until she has fa$e" herself with a situation* 3 will gi,e her e,er
li!ert+ 3 sai"+ to $hoose what that situation shall !e4 she shall ma0e it of tin $ans an" ol" 0ettles if she li0es4 !ut
she must $on,in$e me that she !elie,es it to !e a situation4 an" then when she has ma"e it she must fa$e it* She
must 9um#* An"+ "etermine" to "o m "ut ! her as rea"er if she woul" "o her "ut ! me as writer+ 3 turne"
the #age an" rea" * * * 3 am sorr to !rea0 off so a!ru#tl* Are there no men #resent2 Do ou #romise me that
!ehin" that re" $urtain o,er there the figure of Sir ?harles /iron is not $on$eale"2 We are all women ou assure
me2 Then 3 ma tell ou that the ,er ne-t wor"s 3 rea" were these1;?hloe li0e" Oli,ia * * * Do not start* Do
not !lush* <et us a"mit in the #ri,a$ of our own so$iet that these things sometimes ha##en* Sometimes
women "o li0e women*
;?hloe li0e" Oli,ia+ 3 rea"* An" then it stru$0 me how immense a $hange was there* ?hloe li0e" Oli,ia
#erha#s for the first time in literature* ?leo#atra "i" not li0e O$ta,ia* An" how $om#letel ANTONC AND
?<EO8ATRA woul" ha,e !een altere" ha" she "one soF As it is+ 3 thought+ letting m min"+ 3 am afrai"+ wan"er
a little from <3FES ADVENTERE+ the whole thing is sim#lifie"+ $on,entionaliGe"+ if one "are" sa it+
a!sur"l* ?leo#atras onl feeling a!out O$ta,ia is one of 9ealous* 3s she taller than 3 am2 7ow "oes she "o her
hair2 The #la+ #erha#s+ re:uire" no more* /ut how interesting it woul" ha,e !een if the relationshi# !etween
the two women ha" !een more $om#li$ate"* All these relationshi#s !etween women+ 3 thought+ ra#i"l re$alling
the s#len"i" galler of fi$titious women+ are too sim#le* So mu$h has !een left out+ unattem#te"* An" 3 trie" to
remem!er an $ase in the $ourse of m rea"ing where two women are re#resente" as frien"s* There is an
attem#t at it in D3ANA OF T7E ?ROSSWACS* The are $onfi"antes+ of $ourse+ in Ra$ine an" the %ree0
trage"ies* The are now an" then mothers an" "aughters* /ut almost without e-$e#tion the are shown in their
relation to men* 3t was strange to thin0 that all the great women of fi$tion were+ until 5ane Austens "a+ not onl
seen ! the other se-+ !ut seen onl in relation to the other se-* An" how small a #art of a womans life is that4
an" how little $an a man 0now e,en of that when he o!ser,es it through the !la$0 or ros s#e$ta$les whi$h se-
#uts u#on his nose* 7en$e+ #erha#s+ the #e$uliar nature of woman in fi$tion4 the astonishing e-tremes of her
!eaut an" horror4 her alternations !etween hea,enl goo"ness an" hellish "e#ra,it1for so a lo,er woul" see
her as his lo,e rose or san0+ was #ros#erous or unha##* This is not so true of the nineteenth=$entur no,elists+
of $ourse* Woman !e$omes mu$h more ,arious an" $om#li$ate" there* 3n"ee" it was the "esire to write a!out
women #erha#s that le" men ! "egrees to a!an"on the #oeti$ "rama whi$h+ with its ,iolen$e+ $oul" ma0e so
little use of them+ an" to "e,ise the no,el as a more fitting re$e#ta$le* E,en so it remains o!,ious+ e,en in the
writing of 8roust+ that a man is terri!l ham#ere" an" #artial in his 0nowle"ge of women+ as a woman in her
0nowle"ge of men*
Also+ 3 $ontinue"+ loo0ing "own at the #age again+ it is !e$oming e,i"ent that women+ li0e men+ ha,e
other interests !esi"es the #erennial interests of "omesti$it* ;?hloe li0e" Oli,ia* The share" a la!orator
together* * ** 3 rea" on an" "is$o,ere" that these two oung women were engage" in min$ing li,er+ whi$h is+ it
seems+ a $ure for #erni$ious anaemia4 although one of them was marrie" an" ha"13 thin0 3 am right in stating
1two small $hil"ren* Now all that+ of $ourse+ has ha" to !e left out+ an" thus the s#len"i" #ortrait of the
fi$titious woman is mu$h too sim#le an" mu$h too monotonous* Su##ose+ for instan$e+ that men were onl
re#resente" in literature as the lo,ers of women+ an" were ne,er the frien"s of men+ sol"iers+ thin0ers+ "reamers4
how few #arts in the #las of Sha0es#eare $oul" !e allotte" to them4 how literature woul" sufferF We might
#erha#s ha,e most of Othello4 an" a goo" "eal of Anton4 !ut no ?aesar+ no /rutus+ no 7amlet+ no <ear+ no
5a:ues1literature woul" !e in$re"i!l im#o,erishe"+ as in"ee" literature is im#o,erishe" !eon" our $ounting
! the "oors that ha,e !een shut u#on women* Marrie" against their will+ 0e#t in one room+ an" to one
o$$u#ation+ how $oul" a "ramatist gi,e a full or interesting or truthful a$$ount of them2 <o,e was the onl
#ossi!le inter#reter* The #oet was for$e" to !e #assionate or !itter+ unless in"ee" he $hose to ;hate women+
whi$h meant more often than not that he was unattra$ti,e to them*
Now if ?hloe li0es Oli,ia an" the share a la!orator+ whi$h of itself will ma0e their frien"shi# more
,arie" an" lasting !e$ause it will !e less #ersonal4 if Mar ?armi$hael 0nows how to write+ an" 3 was !eginning
to en9o some :ualit in her stle4 if she has a room to herself+ of whi$h 3 am not :uite sure4 if she has fi,e
hun"re" a ear of her own1!ut that remains to !e #ro,e"1then 3 thin0 that something of great im#ortan$e has
For if ?hloe li0es Oli,ia an" Mar ?armi$hael 0nows how to e-#ress it she will light a tor$h in that ,ast
$ham!er where no!o" has et !een* 3t is all half lights an" #rofoun" sha"ows li0e those ser#entine $a,es where
one goes with a $an"le #eering u# an" "own+ not 0nowing where one is ste##ing* An" 3 !egan to rea" the !oo0
again+ an" rea" how ?hloe wat$he" Oli,ia #ut a 9ar on a shelf an" sa how it was time to go home to her
$hil"ren* That is a sight that has ne,er !een seen sin$e the worl" !egan+ 3 e-$laime"* An" 3 wat$he" too+ ,er
$uriousl* For 3 wante" to see how Mar ?armi$hael set to wor0 to $at$h those unre$or"e" gestures+ those
unsai" or half=sai" wor"s+ whi$h form themsel,es+ no more #al#a!l than the sha"ows of moths on the $eiling+
when women are alone+ unlit ! the $a#ri$ious an" $oloure" light of the other se-* She will nee" to hol" her
!reath+ 3 sai"+ rea"ing on+ if she is to "o it4 for women are so sus#i$ious of an interest that has not some
o!,ious moti,e !ehin" it+ so terri!l a$$ustome" to $on$ealment an" su##ression+ that the are off at the fli$0er
of an ee turne" o!ser,ingl in their "ire$tion* The onl wa for ou to "o it+ 3 thought+ a""ressing Mar
?armi$hael as if she were there+ woul" !e to tal0 of something else+ loo0ing stea"il out of the win"ow+ an"
thus note+ not with a #en$il in a note!oo0+ !ut in the shortest of shorthan"+ in wor"s that are har"l slla!le" et+
what ha##ens when Oli,ia1this organism that has !een un"er the sha"ow of the ro$0 these million ears1feels
the light fall on it+ an" sees $oming her wa a #ie$e of strange foo"10nowle"ge+ a",enture+ art* An" she
rea$hes out for it+ 3 thought+ again raising m ees from the #age+ an" has to "e,ise some entirel new
$om!ination of her resour$es+ so highl "e,elo#e" for other #ur#oses+ so as to a!sor! the new into the ol"
without "istur!ing the infinitel intri$ate an" ela!orate !alan$e of the whole*
/ut+ alas+ 3 ha" "one what 3 ha" "etermine" not to "o4 3 ha" sli##e" unthin0ingl into #raise of m own
se-* ;7ighl "e,elo#e"1;infinitel intri$ate1su$h are un"enia!l terms of #raise+ an" to #raise ones own
se- is alwas sus#e$t+ often sill4 moreo,er+ in this $ase+ how $oul" one 9ustif it2 One $oul" not go to the ma#
an" sa ?olum!us "is$o,ere" Ameri$a an" ?olum!us was a woman4 or ta0e an a##le an" remar0+ Newton
"is$o,ere" the laws of gra,itation an" Newton was a woman4 or loo0 into the s0 an" sa aero#lanes are fling
o,erhea" an" aero#lanes were in,ente" ! women* There is no mar0 on the wall to measure the #re$ise height
of women* There are no ar" measures+ neatl "i,i"e" into the fra$tions of an in$h+ that one $an la against the
:ualities of a goo" mother or the "e,otion of a "aughter+ or the fi"elit of a sister+ or the $a#a$it of a
house0ee#er* Few women e,en now ha,e !een gra"e" at the uni,ersities4 the great trials of the #rofessions+
arm an" na,+ tra"e+ #oliti$s an" "i#loma$ ha,e har"l teste" them* The remain e,en at this moment almost
un$lassifie"* /ut if 3 want to 0now all that a human !eing $an tell me a!out Sir 7awle /utts+ for instan$e+ 3
ha,e onl to o#en /ur0e or De!rett an" 3 shall fin" that he too0 su$h an" su$h a "egree4 owns a hall4 has an heir4
was Se$retar to a /oar"4 re#resente" %reat /ritain in ?ana"a4 an" has re$ei,e" a $ertain num!er of "egrees+
offi$es+ me"als an" other "istin$tions ! whi$h his merits are stam#e" u#on him in"eli!l* Onl 8ro,i"en$e $an
0now more a!out Sir 7awle /utts than that* When+ therefore+ 3 sa ;highl "e,elo#e"+ ;infinitel intri$ate of
women+ 3 am una!le to ,erif m wor"s either in Whita0er+ De!rett or the Eni,ersit ?alen"ar* 3n this
#re"i$ament what $an 3 "o2 An" 3 loo0e" at the !oo0$ase again* There were the !iogra#hies: 5ohnson an"
%oethe an" ?arlle an" Sterne an" ?ow#er an" Shelle an" Voltaire an" /rowning an" man others* An" 3
!egan thin0ing of all those great men who ha,e for one reason or another a"mire"+ sought out+ li,e" with+
$onfi"e" in+ ma"e lo,e to+ written of+ truste" in+ an" shown what $an onl !e "es$ri!e" as some nee" of an"
"e#en"en$e u#on $ertain #ersons of the o##osite se-* That all these relationshi#s were a!solutel 8latoni$ 3
woul" not affirm+ an" Sir William 5onson 7i$0s woul" #ro!a!l "en* /ut we shoul" wrong these illustrious
men ,er greatl if we insiste" that the got nothing from these allian$es !ut $omfort+ flatter an" the #leasures
of the !o"* What the got+ it is o!,ious+ was something that their own se- was una!le to su##l4 an" it woul"
not !e rash+ #erha#s+ to "efine it further+ without :uoting the "ou!tless rha#so"i$al wor"s of the #oets+ as some
stimulus4 some renewal of $reati,e #ower whi$h is in the gift onl of the o##osite se- to !estow* 7e woul" o#en
the "oor of "rawing=room or nurser+ 3 thought+ an" fin" her among her $hil"ren #erha#s+ or with a #ie$e of
em!roi"er on her 0nee1at an rate+ the $entre of some "ifferent or"er an" sstem of life+ an" the $ontrast
!etween this worl" an" his own+ whi$h might !e the law $ourts or the 7ouse of ?ommons+ woul" at on$e
refresh an" in,igorate4 an" there woul" follow+ e,en in the sim#lest tal0+ su$h a natural "ifferen$e of o#inion
that the "rie" i"eas in him woul" !e fertiliGe" anew4 an" the sight of her $reating in a "ifferent me"ium from his
own woul" so :ui$0en his $reati,e #ower that insensi!l his sterile min" woul" !egin to #lot again+ an" he
woul" fin" the #hrase or the s$ene whi$h was la$0ing when he #ut on his hat to ,isit her* E,er 5ohnson has his
Thrale+ an" hol"s fast to her for some su$h reasons as these+ an" when the Thrale marries her 3talian musi$
master 5ohnson goes half ma" with rage an" "isgust+ not merel that he will miss his #leasant e,enings a
Streatham+ !ut that the light of his life will !e ;as if gone out*
An" without !eing Dr 5ohnson or %oethe or ?arlle or Voltaire+ one ma feel+ though ,er "ifferentl
from these great men+ the nature of this intri$a$ an" the #ower of this highl "e,elo#e" $reati,e fa$ult among
women* One goes into the room1!ut the resour$es of the English language woul" he mu$h #ut to the
stret$h+ an" whole flights of wor"s woul" nee" to wing their wa illegitimatel into e-isten$e !efore a woman
$oul" sa what ha##ens when she goes into a room* The rooms "iffer so $om#letel4 the are $alm or
thun"erous4 o#en on to the sea+ or+ on the $ontrar+ gi,e on to a #rison ar"4 are hung with washing4 or ali,e
with o#als an" sil0s4 are har" as horsehair or soft as feathers1one has onl to go into an room in an street for
the whole of that e-tremel $om#le- for$e of femininit to fl in ones fa$e* 7ow shoul" it !e otherwise2 For
women ha,e sat in"oors all these millions of ears+ so that ! this time the ,er walls are #ermeate" ! their
$reati,e for$e+ whi$h has+ in"ee"+ so o,er$harge" the $a#a$it of !ri$0s an" mortar that it must nee"s harness
itself to #ens an" !rushes an" !usiness an" #oliti$s* /ut this $reati,e #ower "iffers greatl from the $reati,e
#ower of men* An" one must $on$lu"e that it woul" !e a thousan" #ities if it were hin"ere" or waste"+ for it was
won ! $enturies of the most "rasti$ "is$i#line+ an" there is nothing to ta0e its #la$e* 3t woul" !e a thousan"
#ities if women wrote li0e men+ or li,e" li0e men+ or loo0e" li0e men+ for if two se-es are :uite ina"e:uate+
$onsi"ering the ,astness an" ,ariet of the worl"+ how shoul" we manage with one onl2 Ought not e"u$ation
to !ring out an" fortif the "ifferen$es rather than the similarities2 For we ha,e too mu$h li0eness as it is+ an" if
an e-#lorer shoul" $ome !a$0 an" !ring wor" of other se-es loo0ing through the !ran$hes of other trees at other
s0ies+ nothing woul" he of greater ser,i$e to humanit4 an" we shoul" ha,e the immense #leasure into the
!argain of wat$hing 8rofessor P rush for his measuring=ro"s to #ro,e himself ;su#erior*
Mar ?armi$hael+ 3 thought+ still ho,ering at a little "istan$e a!o,e the #age+ will ha,e her wor0 $ut out
for her merel as an o!ser,er* 3 am afrai" in"ee" that she will !e tem#te" to !e$ome+ what 3 thin0 the less
interesting !ran$h of the s#e$ies1the naturalist=no,elist+ an" not the $ontem#lati,e* There are so man new
fa$ts for her to o!ser,e* She will not nee" to limit herself an longer to the res#e$ta!le houses of the u##er
mi""le $lasses* She will go without 0in"ness or $on"es$ension+ !ut in the s#irit of fellowshi#+ into those small+
s$ente" rooms where sit the $ourtesan+ the harlot an" the la" with the #ug "og* There the still sit in the rough
an" rea"=ma"e $lothes that the male writer has ha" #erfor$e to $la# u#on their shoul"ers* /ut Mar ?armi$hael
will ha,e out her s$issors an" fit them $lose to e,er hollow an" angle* 3t will !e a $urious sight+ when it $omes+
to see these women as the are+ !ut we must wait a little+ for Mar ?armi$hael will still !e en$um!ere" with that
self=$ons$iousness in the #resen$e of ;sin whi$h is the lega$ of our se-ual !ar!arit* She will still wear the
sho"" ol" fetters of $lass on her feet*
7owe,er+ the ma9orit of women are neither harlots nor $ourtesans4 nor "o the sit $las#ing #ug "ogs to
"ust ,el,et all through the summer afternoon* /ut what "o the "o then2 an" there $ame to m min"s ee one
of those long streets somewhere south of the ri,er whose infinite rows are innumera!l #o#ulate"* With
the ee of the imagination 3 saw a ,er an$ient la" $rossing the street on the arm of a mi""le=age" woman+ her
"aughter+ #erha#s+ !oth so res#e$ta!l !oote" an" furre" that their "ressing in the afternoon must !e a ritual+ an"
the $lothes themsel,es #ut awa in $u#!oar"s with $am#hor+ ear after ear+ throughout the summer months*
The $ross the roa" when the lam#s are !eing lit >for the "us0 is their fa,ourite hour@+ as the must ha,e "one
ear after ear* The el"er is $lose on eight4 !ut if one as0e" her what her life has meant to her+ she woul" sa
that she remem!ere" the streets lit for the !attle of /ala$la,a+ or ha" hear" the guns fire in 7"e 8ar0 for the
!irth of Iing E"war" the Se,enth* An" if one as0e" her+ longing to #in "own the moment with "ate an" season+
!ut what were ou "oing on the fifth of A#ril &)J)+ or the se$on" of No,em!er &)RS+ she woul" loo0 ,ague an"
sa that she $oul" remem!er nothing* For all the "inners are $oo0e"4 the #lates an" $u#s washe"4 the $hil"ren
sent to s$hool an" gone out into the worl"* Nothing remains of it all* All has ,anishe"* No !iogra#h or histor
has a wor" to sa a!out it* An" the no,els+ without meaning to+ ine,ita!l lie*
All these infinitel o!s$ure li,es remain to !e re$or"e"+ 3 sai"+ a""ressing Mar ?armi$hael as if she
were #resent4 an" went on in thought through the streets of <on"on feeling in imagination the #ressure of
"um!ness+ the a$$umulation of unre$or"e" life+ whether from the women at the street $orners with their arms
a0im!o+ an" the rings em!e""e" in their fat swollen fingers+ tal0ing with a gesti$ulation li0e the swing of
Sha0es#eares wor"s4 or from the ,iolet=sellers an" mat$h=sellers an" ol" $rones statione" un"er "oorwas4 or
from "rifting girls whose fa$es+ li0e wa,es in sun an" $lou"+ signal the $oming of men an" women an" the
fli$0ering lights of sho# win"ows* All that ou will ha,e to e-#lore+ 3 sai" to Mar ?armi$hael+ hol"ing our
tor$h firm in our han"* A!o,e all+ ou must illumine our own soul with its #rofun"ities an" its shallows+ an"
its ,anities an" its generosities+ an" sa what our !eaut means to ou or our #lainness+ an" what is our
relation to the e,er$hanging an" turning worl" of glo,es an" shoes an" stuffs swaing u# an" "own among the
faint s$ents that $ome through $hemists !ottles "own ar$a"es of "ress material o,er a floor of #seu"o=mar!le*
For in imagination 3 ha" gone into a sho#4 it was lai" with !la$0 an" white #a,ing4 it was hung+ astonishingl
!eautifull+ with $oloure" ri!!ons* Mar ?armi$hael might well ha,e a loo0 at that in #assing+ 3 thought+ for it is
a sight that woul" len" itself to the #en as fittingl as an snow #ea0 or ro$0 gorge in the An"es* An" there is
the girl !ehin" the $ounter too13 woul" as soon ha,e her true histor as the hun"re" an" fiftieth life of
Na#oleon or se,entieth stu" of Ieats an" his use of Miltoni$ in,ersion whi$h ol" 8rofessor O an" his li0e are
now in"iting* An" then 3 went on ,er waril+ on the ,er ti#s of m toes >so $owar"l am 3+ so afrai" of the lash
that was on$e almost lai" on m own shoul"ers@+ to murmur that she shoul" also learn to laugh+ without
!itterness+ at the ,anities1sa rather at the #e$uliarities+ for it is a less offensi,e wor"1of the other se-* For
there is a s#ot the siGe of a shilling at the !a$0 of the hea" whi$h one $an ne,er see for oneself* 3t is one of the
goo" offi$es that se- $an "is$harge for se-1to "es$ri!e that s#ot the siGe of a shilling at the !a$0 of the hea"*
Thin0 how mu$h women ha,e #rofite" ! the $omments of 5u,enal4 ! the $riti$ism of Strin"!erg* Thin0 with
what humanit an" !rillian$ men+ from the earliest ages+ ha,e #ointe" out to women that "ar0 #la$e at the !a$0
of the hea"F An" if Mar were ,er !ra,e an" ,er honest+ she woul" go !ehin" the other se- an" tell us what
she foun" there* A true #i$ture of man as a whole $an ne,er !e #ainte" until a woman has "es$ri!e" that s#ot the
siGe of a shilling* Mr Woo"house an" Mr ?asua!on are s#ots of that siGe an" nature* Not of $ourse that anone
in their senses woul" $ounsel her to hol" u# to s$orn an" ri"i$ule of set #ur#ose1literature shows the futilit of
what is written in that s#irit* /e truthful+ one woul" sa+ an" the result is !oun" to !e amaGingl interesting*
?ome" is !oun" to !e enri$he"* New fa$ts are !oun" to !e "is$o,ere"*
7owe,er+ it was high time to lower m ees to the #age again* 3t woul" !e !etter+ instea" of s#e$ulating
what Mar ?armi$hael might write an" shoul" write+ to see what in fa$t Mar ?armi$hael "i" write* So 3 !egan
to rea" again* 3 remem!ere" that 3 ha" $ertain grie,an$es against her*
She ha" !ro0en u# 5ane Austens senten$e+ an" thus gi,en me no $han$e of #luming mself u#on m
im#e$$a!le taste+ m fasti"ious ear* For it was useless to sa+ ;Ces+ es+ this is ,er ni$e4 !ut 5ane Austen wrote
mu$h !etter than ou "o+ when 3 ha" to a"mit that there was no #oint of li0eness !etween them* Then she ha"
gone further an" !ro0en the se:uen$e1the e-#e$te" or"er* 8erha#s she ha" "one this un$ons$iousl+ merel
gi,ing things their natural or"er+ as a woman woul"+ if she wrote li0e a woman* /ut the effe$t was somehow
!affling4 one $oul" not see a wa,e hea#ing itself+ a $risis $oming roun" the ne-t $orner* Therefore 3 $oul" not
#lume mself either u#on the "e#ths of m feelings an" m #rofoun" 0nowle"ge of the human heart* For
whene,er 3 was a!out to feel the usual things in the usual #la$es+ a!out lo,e+ a!out "eath+ the annoing $reature
twit$he" me awa+ as if the im#ortant #oint were 9ust a little further on* An" thus she ma"e it im#ossi!le for me
to roll out m sonorous #hrases a!out ;elemental feelings+ the ;$ommon stuff of humanit+ ;the "e#ths of the
human heart+ an" ail those other #hrases whi$h su##ort us in our !elief that+ howe,er $le,er we ma !e on to#+
we are ,er serious+ ,er #rofoun" an" ,er humane un"erneath* She ma"e me feel+ on the $ontrar+ that instea"
of !eing serious an" #rofoun" an" humane+ one might !e1an" the thought was far less se"u$ti,e1merel laG
min"e" an" $on,entional into the !argain*
/ut 3 rea" on+ an" note" $ertain other fa$ts* She was no ;genius that was e,i"ent* She ha" nothing li0e
the lo,e of Nature+ the fier imagination+ the wil" #oetr+ the !rilliant wit+ the !roo"ing wis"om of her great
#re"e$essors+ <a" Win$hilsea+ ?harlotte /ront6+ Emil /ront6+ 5ane Austen an" %eorge Eliot4 she $oul" not
write with the melo" an" the "ignit of Doroth Os!orne1in"ee" she was no more than a $le,er girl whose
!oo0s will no "ou!t !e #ul#e" ! the #u!lishers in ten ears time* /ut+ ne,ertheless+ she ha" $ertain a",antages
whi$h women of far greater gift la$0e" e,en half a $entur ago* Men were no longer to her ;the o##osing
fa$tion4 she nee" not waste her time railing against them4 she nee" not $lim! on to the roof an" ruin her #ea$e
of min" longing for tra,el+ e-#erien$e an" a 0nowle"ge of the worl" an" $hara$ter that were "enie" her* Fear
an" hatre" were almost gone+ or tra$es of them showe" onl in a slight e-aggeration of the 9o of free"om+ a
ten"en$ to the $austi$ an" satiri$al+ rather than to the romanti$+ in her treatment of the other se-* Then there
$oul" !e no "ou!t that as a no,elist she en9oe" some natural a",antages of a high or"er* She ha" a sensi!ilit
that was ,er wi"e+ eager an" free* 3t res#on"e" to an almost im#er$e#ti!le tou$h on it* 3t feaste" li0e a #lant
newl stoo" in the air on e,er sight an" soun" that $ame its wa*
3t range"+ too+ ,er su!tl an" $uriousl+ among almost un0nown or unre$or"e" things4 it lighte" on
small things an" showe" that #erha#s the were not small after all* 3t !rought !urie" things to light an" ma"e
one won"er what nee" there ha" !een to !ur them* Aw0war" though she was an" without the un$ons$ious
!earing of long "es$ent whi$h ma0es the least turn of the #en of a Tha$0era or a <am! "elightful to the ear+ she
ha"13 !egan to thin01mastere" the first great lesson4 she wrote as a woman+ !ut as a woman who has
forgotten that she is a woman+ so that her #ages were full of that $urious se-ual :ualit whi$h $omes onl when
se- is un$ons$ious of itself*
All this was to the goo"* /ut no a!un"an$e of sensation or fineness of #er$e#tion woul" a,ail unless she
$oul" !uil" u# out of the fleeting an" the #ersonal the lasting e"ifi$e whi$h remains unthrown* 3 ha" sai" that 3
woul" wait until she fa$e" herself with ;a situation* An" 3 meant ! that until she #ro,e" ! summoning+
!e$0oning an" getting together that she was not a s0immer of surfa$es merel+ !ut ha" loo0e" !eneath into the
"e#ths* Now is the time+ she woul" sa to herself at a $ertain moment+ when without "oing anthing ,iolent 3
$an show the meaning of all this* An" she woul" !egin1how unmista0a!le that :ui$0ening isF==!e$0oning an"
summoning+ an" there woul" rise u# in memor+ half forgotten+ #erha#s :uite tri,ial things in other $ha#ters
"ro##e" ! the wa* An" she woul" ma0e their #resen$e felt while someone sewe" or smo0e" a #i#e as
naturall as #ossi!le+ an" one woul" feel+ as she went on writing+ as if one ha" gone to the to# of the worl" an"
seen it lai" out+ ,er ma9esti$all+ !eneath*
At an rate+ she was ma0ing the attem#t* An" as 3 wat$he" her lengthening out for the test+ 3 saw+ !ut
ho#e" that she "i" not see+ the !isho#s an" the "eans+ the "o$tors an" the #rofessors+ the #atriar$hs an" the
#e"agogues all at her shouting warning an" a",i$e* Cou $ant "o this an" ou shant "o thatF Fellows an"
s$holars onl allowe" on the grassF <a"ies not a"mitte" without a letter of intro"u$tionF As#iring an" gra$eful
female no,elists this waF So the 0e#t at her li0e the $row" at a fen$e on the ra$e$ourse+ an" it was her trial to
ta0e her fen$e without loo0ing to right or to left* 3f ou sto# to $urse ou are lost+ 3 sai" to her4 e:uall+ if ou
sto# to laugh* 7esitate or fum!le an" ou are "one for* Thin0 onl of the 9um#+ 3 im#lore" her+ as if 3 ha" #ut the
whole of m mone on her !a$04 an" she went o,er it li0e a !ir"* /ut there was a fen$e !eon" that an" a fen$e
!eon" that* Whether she ha" the staing #ower 3 was "ou!tful+ for the $la##ing an" the $ring were fraing to
the ner,es* /ut she "i" her !est* ?onsi"ering that Mar ?armi$hael was no genius+ !ut an un0nown girl writing
her first no,el in a !e"=sitting=room+ without enough of those "esira!le things+ time+ mone an" i"leness+ she "i"
not "o so !a"l+ 3 thought*
%i,e her another hun"re" ears+ 3 $on$lu"e"+ rea"ing the last $ha#ter1#eo#les noses an" !are
shoul"ers showe" na0e" against a starr s0+ for someone ha" twit$he" the $urtain in the "rawing=room1gi,e
her a room of her own an" fi,e hun"re" a ear+ let her s#ea0 her min" an" lea,e out half that she now #uts in+
an" she will write a !etter !oo0 one of these "as* She will !e a #oet+ 3 sai"+ #utting <3FES ADVENTERE+ !
Mar ?armi$hael+ at the en" of the shelf+ in another hun"re" ears time*
Ne-t "a the light of the O$to!er morning was falling in "ust shafts through the un$urtaine" win"ows+
an" the hum of traffi$ rose from the street* <on"on then was win"ing itself u# again4 the fa$tor was astir4 the
ma$hines were !eginning* 3t was tem#ting+ after all this rea"ing+ to loo0 out of the win"ow an" see what <on"on
was "oing on the morning of the (J
of O$to!er &'()* An" what was <on"on "oing2 No!o"+ it seeme"+ was
rea"ing ANTONC AND ?<EO8ATRA* <on"on was wholl in"ifferent+ it a##eare"+ to Sha0es#eares #las*
No!o" $are" a straw1an" 3 "o not !lame them1for the future of fi$tion+ the "eath of #oetr or the
"e,elo#ment ! the a,erage woman of a #rose stle $om#letel e-#ressi,e of her min"* 3f o#inions u#on an of
these matters ha" !een $hal0e" on the #a,ement+ no!o" woul" ha,e stoo#e" to rea" them* The non$halan$e of
the hurring feet woul" ha,e ru!!e" them out in half an hour* 7ere $ame an erran"=!o4 here a woman with a
"og on a lea"* The fas$ination of the <on"on street is that no two #eo#le are e,er ali0e4 ea$h seems !oun" on
some #ri,ate affair of his own* There were the !usiness=li0e+ with their little !ags4 there were the "rifters rattling
sti$0s u#on area railings4 there were affa!le $hara$ters to whom the streets ser,e for $lu!room+ hailing men in
$arts an" gi,ing information without !eing as0e" for it* Also there were funerals to whi$h men+ thus su""enl
remin"e" of the #assing of their own !o"ies+ lifte" their hats* An" then a ,er "istinguishe" gentleman $ame
slowl "own a "oorste# an" #ause" to a,oi" $ollision with a !ustling la" who ha"+ ! some means or other+
a$:uire" a s#len"i" fur $oat an" a !un$h of 8arma ,iolets* The all seeme" se#arate+ self=a!sor!e"+ on !usiness
of their own* At this moment+ as so often ha##ens in <on"on+ there was a $om#lete lull an" sus#ension of traffi$*
Nothing $ame "own the street4 no!o" #asse"*
A single leaf "eta$he" itself from the #lane tree at the en" of the street+ an" in that #ause an" sus#ension
fell* Somehow it was li0e a signal falling+ a signal #ointing to a for$e in things whi$h one ha" o,erloo0e"* 3t
seeme" to #oint to a ri,er+ whi$h flowe" #ast+ in,isi!l+ roun" the $orner+ "own the street+ an" too0 #eo#le an"
e""ie" them along+ as the stream at O-!ri"ge ha" ta0en the un"ergra"uate in his !oat an" the "ea" lea,es* Now
it was !ringing from one si"e of the street to the other "iagonall a girl in #atent leather !oots+ an" then a oung
man in a maroon o,er$oat4 it was also !ringing a ta-i=$a!4 an" it !rought all three together at a #oint
"ire$tl !eneath m win"ow4 where the ta-i sto##e"4 an" the girl an" the oung man sto##e"4 an" the got into
the ta-i4 an" then the $a! gli"e" off as if it were swe#t on ! the $urrent elsewhere*
The sight was or"inar enough4 what was strange was the rhthmi$al or"er with whi$h m imagination
ha" in,este" it4 an" the fa$t that the or"inar sight of two #eo#le getting into a $a! ha" the #ower to
$ommuni$ate something of their own seeming satisfa$tion* The sight of two #eo#le $oming "own the street an"
meeting at the $orner seems to ease the min" of some strain+ 3 thought+ wat$hing the ta-i turn an" ma0e off*
8erha#s to thin0+ as 3 ha" !een thin0ing these two "as+ of one se- as "istin$t from the other is an effort* 3t
interferes with the unit of the min"* Now that effort ha" $ease" an" that unit ha" !een restore" ! seeing two
#eo#le $ome together an" get into a ta-i$a!* The min" is $ertainl a ,er msterious organ+ 3 refle$te"+ "rawing
m hea" in from the win"ow+ a!out whi$h nothing whate,er is 0nown+ though we "e#en" u#on it so $om#letel*
Wh "o 3 feel that there are se,eran$es an" o##ositions in the min"+ as there are strains from o!,ious $auses on
the !o"2 What "oes one mean ! ;the unit of the min"2 3 #on"ere"+ for $learl the min" has so great a #ower
of $on$entrating at an #oint at an moment that it seems to ha,e no single state of !eing* 3t $an se#arate itself
from the #eo#le in the street+ for e-am#le+ an" thin0 of itself as a#art from them+ at an u##er win"ow loo0ing
"own on them* Or it $an thin0 with other #eo#le s#ontaneousl+ as+ for instan$e+ in a $row" waiting to hear some
#ie$e of news rea" out* it $an thin0 !a$0 through its fathers or through its mothers+ as 3 ha,e sai" that a woman
writing thin0s !a$0 through her mothers* Again if one is a woman one is often sur#rise" ! a su""en s#litting
off of $ons$iousness+ sa in wal0ing "own Whitehall+ when from !eing the natural inheritor of that $i,iliGation+
she !e$omes+ on the $ontrar+ outsi"e of it+ alien an" $riti$al* ?learl the min" is alwas altering its fo$us+ an"
!ringing the worl" into "ifferent #ers#e$ti,es* /ut some of these states of min" seem+ e,en if a"o#te"
s#ontaneousl+ to !e less $omforta!le than others* 3n or"er to 0ee# oneself $ontinuing in them one is
un$ons$iousl hol"ing something !a$0+ an" gra"uall the re#ression !e$omes an effort* /ut there ma !e some
state of min" in whi$h one $oul" $ontinue without effort !e$ause nothing is re:uire" to !e hel" !a$0* An" this
#erha#s+ 3 thought+ $oming in from the win"ow+ is one of them* For $ertainl when 3 saw the $ou#le get into the
ta-i$a! the min" felt as if+ after !eing "i,i"e"+ it ha" $ome together again in a natural fusion* The o!,ious
reason woul" !e that it is natural for the se-es to $o=o#erate* One has a #rofoun"+ if irrational+ instin$t in fa,our
of the theor that the union of man an" woman ma0es for the greatest satisfa$tion+ the most $om#lete ha##iness*
/ut the sight of the two #eo#le getting into the ta-i an" the satisfa$tion it ga,e me ma"e me also as0 whether
there are two se-es in the min" $orres#on"ing to the two se-es in the !o"+ an" whether the also re:uire to !e
unite" in or"er to get $om#lete satisfa$tion an" ha##iness2 An" 3 went on amateurishl to s0et$h a #lan of the
soul so that in ea$h of us two #owers #resi"e+ one male+ one female4 an" in the mans !rain the man
#re"ominates o,er the woman+ an" in the womans !rain the woman #re"ominates o,er the man* The normal
an" $omforta!le state of !eing is that when the two li,e in harmon together+ s#irituall $o=o#erating* 3f one is a
man+ still the woman #art of his !rain must ha,e effe$t4 an" a woman also must ha,e inter$ourse with the man in
her* ?oleri"ge #erha#s meant this when he sai" that a great min" is an"rognous* 3t is when this fusion ta0es
#la$e that the min" is full fertiliGe" an" uses all its fa$ulties*
8erha#s a min" that is #urel mas$uline $annot $reate+ an more than a min" that is #urel feminine+ 3
thought* /ut it woul" he well to test what one meant ! man=womanl+ an" $on,ersel ! woman=manl+ !
#ausing an" loo0ing at a !oo0 or two*
?oleri"ge $ertainl "i" not mean+ when he sai" that a great min" is an"rognous+ that it is a min" that
has an s#e$ial sm#ath with women4 a min" that ta0es u# their $ause or "e,otes itself to their inter#retation*
8erha#s the an"rognous min" is less a#t to ma0e these "istin$tions than the single=se-e" min"* 7e meant+
#erha#s+ that the an"rognous min" is resonant an" #orous4 that it transmits emotion without im#e"iment4 that it
is naturall $reati,e+ in$an"es$ent an" un"i,i"e"* 3n fa$t one goes !a$0 to Sha0es#eares min" as the t#e of the
an"rognous+ of the man=womanl min"+ though it woul" !e im#ossi!le to sa what Sha0es#eare thought of
women* An" if it !e true that it is one of the to0ens of the full "e,elo#e" min" that it "oes not thin0 s#e$iall or
se#aratel of se-+ how mu$h har"er it is to attain that $on"ition now than e,er !efore* 7ere 3 $ame to the !oo0s
! li,ing writers+ an" there #ause" an" won"ere" if this fa$t were not at the root of something that ha" long
#uGGle" me* No age $an e,er ha,e !een as stri"entl se-=$ons$ious as our own4 those innumera!le !oo0s !
men a!out women in the /ritish Museum are a #roof of it* The Suffrage $am#aign was no "ou!t to !lame* 3t
must ha,e rouse" in men an e-traor"inar "esire for self=assertion4 it must ha,e ma"e them la an em#hasis
u#on their own se- an" its $hara$teristi$s whi$h the woul" not ha,e trou!le" to thin0 a!out ha" the not !een
$hallenge"* An" when one is $hallenge"+ e,en ! a few women in !la$0 !onnets+ one retaliates+ if one has ne,er
!een $hallenge" !efore+ rather e-$essi,el* That #erha#s a$$ounts for some of the $hara$teristi$s that 3
remem!er to ha,e foun" here+ 3 thought+ ta0ing "own a new no,el ! Mr A+ who is in the #rime of life an" ,er
well thought of+ a##arentl+ ! the re,iewers* 3 o#ene" it* 3n"ee"+ it was "elightful to rea" a mans writing again*
3t was so "ire$t+ so straightforwar" after the writing of women* 3t in"i$ate" su$h free"om of min"+ su$h li!ert
of #erson+ su$h $onfi"en$e in himself* One ha" a sense of #hsi$al well=!eing in the #resen$e of this well=
nourishe"+ well=e"u$ate"+ free min"+ whi$h ha" ne,er !een thwarte" or o##ose"+ !ut ha" ha" full li!ert from
!irth to stret$h itself in whate,er wa it li0e"* All this was a"mira!le* /ut after rea"ing a $ha#ter or two a
sha"ow seeme" to lie a$ross the #age* it was a straight "ar0 !ar+ a sha"ow sha#e" something li0e the letter ;3*
One !egan "o"ging this wa an" that to $at$h a glim#se of the lan"s$a#e !ehin" it*
Whether that was in"ee" a tree or a woman wal0ing 3 was not :uite sure* /a$0 one was alwas haile" to
the letter ;3* One !egan to !e tire" of ;3* Not !ut what this ;3 was a most res#e$ta!le ;34 honest an" logi$al4 as
har" as a nut+ an" #olishe" for $enturies ! goo" tea$hing an" goo" fee"ing* 3 res#e$t an" a"mire that ;3 from
the !ottom of m heart* /ut1here 3 turne" a #age or two+ loo0ing for something or other1the worst of it is that
in the sha"ow of the letter ;3 all is sha#eless as mist* 3s that a tree2 No+ it is a woman* /ut * * * she has not a !one
in her !o"+ 3 thought+ wat$hing 8hoe!e+ for that was her name+ $oming a$ross the !ea$h* Then Alan got u# an"
the sha"ow of Alan at on$e o!literate" 8hoe!e* For Alan ha" ,iews an" 8hoe!e was :uen$he" in the floo" of his
,iews* An" then Alan+ 3 thought+ has #assions4 an" here 3 turne" #age after #age ,er fast+ feeling that the $risis
was a##roa$hing+ an" so it was* 3t too0 #la$e on the !ea$h un"er the sun* 3t was "one ,er o#enl* 3t was "one
,er ,igorousl* Nothing $oul" ha,e !een more in"e$ent* /ut * * * 3 ha" sai" ;!ut too often* One $annot go on
saing ;!ut* One must finish the senten$e somehow+ 3 re!u0e" mself*
Shall 3 finish it+ ;/ut13 am !ore"F /ut wh was 3 !ore"2 8artl !e$ause of the "ominan$e of the letter
;3 an" the ari"it+ whi$h+ li0e the giant !ee$h tree+ it $asts within its sha"e* Nothing will grow there* An" #artl
for some more o!s$ure reason* There seeme" to !e some o!sta$le+ some im#e"iment in Mr As min" whi$h
!lo$0e" the fountain of $reati,e energ an" shore" it within narrow limits* An" remem!ering the lun$h #art at
O-!ri"ge+ an" the $igarette ash an" the Man- $at an" Tennson an" ?hristina Rossetti all in a !un$h+ it seeme"
#ossi!le that the im#e"iment la there* As he no longer hums un"er his !reath+ ;There has fallen a s#len"i" tear
from the #assion=flower at the gate+ when 8hoe!e $rosses the !ea$h+ an" she no longer re#lies+ ;M heart is li0e
a singing !ir" whose nest is in a water" shoot+ when Alan a##roa$hes what $an he "o2 /eing honest as the "a
an" logi$al as the sun+ there is onl one thing he $an "o* An" that he "oes+ to "o him 9usti$e+ o,er an" o,er >3
sai" turning the #ages@ an" o,er again* An" that+ 3 a""e"+ aware of the awful nature of the $onfession+ seems
somehow "ull* Sha0es#eares in"e$en$ u#roots a thousan" other things in ones min"+ an" is far from !eing
"ull* /ut Sha0es#eare "oes it for #leasure4 Mr A+ as the nurses sa+ "oes it on #ur#ose* 7e "oes it in #rotest* 7e
is #rotesting against the e:ualit of the other se- ! asserting his own su#eriorit* 7e is therefore im#e"e" an"
inhi!ite" an" self=$ons$ious as Sha0es#eare might ha,e !een if he too ha" 0nown Miss ?lough an" Miss
Da,ies* Dou!tless EliGa!ethan literature woul" ha,e !een ,er "ifferent from what it is if the womens
mo,ement ha" !egun in the si-teenth $entur an" not in the nineteenth*
What+ then+ it amounts to+ if this theor of the two si"es of the min" hol"s goo"+ is that ,irilit has now
!e$ome self=$ons$ious1men+ that is to sa+ are now writing onl with the male si"e of their !rains* 3t is a
mista0e for a woman to rea" them+ for she will ine,ita!l loo0 for something that she will not fin"* 3t is the
#ower of suggestion that one most misses+ 3 thought+ ta0ing Mr / the $riti$ in m han" an" rea"ing+ ,er
$arefull an" ,er "utifull+ his remar0s u#on the art of #oetr*
Ver a!le the were+ a$ute an" full of learning4 !ut the trou!le was that his feelings no longer
$ommuni$ate"4 his min" seeme" se#arate" into "ifferent $ham!ers4 not a soun" $arrie" from one to the other*
Thus+ when one ta0es a senten$e of Mr / into the min" it falls #lum# to the groun"1"ea"4 !ut when one ta0es a
senten$e of ?oleri"ge into the min"+ it e-#lo"es an" gi,es !irth to all 0in"s of other i"eas+ an" that is the onl
sort of writing of whi$h one $an sa that it has the se$ret of #er#etual life*
/ut whate,er the reason ma !e+ it is a fa$t that one must "e#lore* For it means1here 3 ha" $ome to
rows of !oo0s ! Mr %alsworth an" Mr Ii#ling1that some of the finest wor0s of our greatest li,ing writers
fall u#on "eaf ears* Do what she will a woman $annot fin" in them that fountain of #er#etual life whi$h the
$riti$s assure her is there* 3t is not onl that the $ele!rate male ,irtues+ enfor$e male ,alues an" "es$ri!e the
worl" of men4 it is that the emotion with whi$h these !oo0s are #ermeate" is to a woman in$om#rehensi!le* 3t is
$oming+ it is gathering+ it is a!out to !urst on ones hea"+ one !egins saing long !efore the en"* That #i$ture
will fall on ol" 5olons hea"4 he will "ie of the sho$04 the ol" $ler0 will s#ea0 o,er him two or three o!ituar
wor"s4 an" all the swans on the Thames will simultaneousl !urst out singing* /ut one will rush awa !efore
that ha##ens an" hi"e in the goose!err !ushes+ for the emotion whi$h is so "ee#+ so su!tle+ so sm!oli$al to a
man mo,es a woman to won"er* So with Mr Ii#lings offi$ers who turn their /a$0s4 an" his Sowers who sow
the See"4 an" his Men who are alone with their Wor04 an" the Flag1one !lushes at all these $a#ital letters as if
one ha" !een $aught ea,es"ro##ing at some #urel mas$uline org* The fa$t is that neither Mr %alsworth nor
Mr Ii#ling has a s#ar0 of the woman in him* Thus all their :ualities seem to a woman+ if one ma generaliGe+
$ru"e an" immature* The la$0 suggesti,e #ower* An" when a !oo0 la$0s suggesti,e #ower+ howe,er har" it hits
the surfa$e of the min" it $annot #enetrate within*
An" in that restless moo" in whi$h one ta0es !oo0s out an" #uts them !a$0 again without loo0ing at
them 3 !egan to en,isage an age to $ome of #ure+ of self=asserti,e ,irilit+ su$h as the letters of #rofessors >ta0e
Sir Walter Raleighs letters+ for instan$e@ seem to fore!o"e+ an" the rulers of 3tal ha,e alrea" !rought into
!eing* For one $an har"l fail to !e im#resse" in Rome ! the sense of unmitigate" mas$ulinit4 an" whate,er
the ,alue of unmitigate" mas$ulinit u#on the state+ one ma :uestion the effe$t of it u#on the art of #oetr* At
an rate+ a$$or"ing to the news#a#ers+ there is a $ertain an-iet a!out fi$tion in 3tal* There has !een a meeting
of a$a"emi$ians whose o!9e$t it is ;to "e,elo# the 3talian no,el* ;Men famous ! !irth+ or in finan$e+ in"ustr
or the Fas$ist $or#orations $ame together the other "a an" "is$usse" the matter+ an" a telegram was sent to the
Du$e e-#ressing the ho#e ;that the Fas$ist era woul" soon gi,e !irth to a #oet worth of it* We ma all 9oin in
that #ious ho#e+ !ut it is "ou!tful whether #oetr $an $ome of an in$u!ator* 8oetr ought to ha,e a mother as
well as a father* The Fas$ist #oem+ one ma fear+ will !e a horri" little a!ortion su$h as one sees in a glass 9ar in
the museum of some $ount town* Su$h monsters ne,er li,e long+ it is sai"4 one has ne,er seen a #ro"ig of that
sort $ro##ing grass in a fiel"* Two hea"s on one !o" "o not ma0e for length of life*
7owe,er+ the !lame for all this+ if one is an-ious to la !lame+ rests no more u#on one se- than u#on the
other* All se"u$ers an" reformers are res#onsi!le: <a" /ess!orough when she lie" to <or" %ran,ille4 Miss
Da,ies when she tol" the truth to Mr %reg* All who ha,e !rought a!out a state of se-=$ons$iousness are to
!lame+ an" it is the who "ri,e me+ when 3 want to stret$h m fa$ulties on a !oo0+ to see0 it in that ha## age+
!efore Miss Da,ies an" Miss ?lough were !orn+ when the writer use" !oth si"es of his min" e:uall* One must
turn !a$0 to Sha0es#eare then+ for Sha0es#eare was an"rognous4 an" so were Ieats an" Sterne an" ?ow#er
an" <am! an" ?oleri"ge* Shelle #erha#s was se-less* Milton an" /en 5onson ha" a "ash too mu$h of the male
in them* So ha" Wor"sworth an" Tolstoi* 3n our time 8roust was wholl an"rognous+ if not #erha#s a little too
mu$h of a woman* /ut that failing is too rare for one to $om#lain of it+ sin$e without some mi-ture of the 0in"
the intelle$t seems to #re"ominate an" the other fa$ulties of the min" har"en an" !e$ome !arren* 7owe,er+ 3
$onsole" mself with the refle$tion that this is #erha#s a #assing #hase4 mu$h of what 3 ha,e sai" in o!e"ien$e
to m #romise to gi,e ou the $ourse of m thoughts will seem out of "ate4 mu$h of what flames in m ees
will seem "u!ious to ou who ha,e not et $ome of age* E,en so+ the ,er first senten$e that 3 woul" write here+
3 sai"+ $rossing o,er to the writing=ta!le an" ta0ing u# the #age hea"e" Women an" Fi$tion+ is that it is fatal for
anone who writes to thin0 of their se-* 3t is fatal to !e a man or woman #ure an" sim#le4 one must !e woman=
manl or man=womanl* 3t is fatal for a woman to la the least stress on an grie,an$e4 to #lea" e,en with
9usti$e an $ause4 in an wa to s#ea0 $ons$iousl as a woman* An" fatal is no figure of s#ee$h4 for anthing
written with that $ons$ious !ias is "oome" to "eath* 3t $eases to !e fertiliGe"* /rilliant an" effe$ti,e+ #owerful
an" masterl+ as it ma a##ear for a "a or two+ it must wither at nightfall4 it $annot grow in the min"s of others*
Some $olla!oration has to ta0e #la$e in the min" !etween the woman an" the man !efore the art of $reation $an
!e a$$om#lishe"* Some marriage of o##osites has to !e $onsummate"* The whole of the min" must lie
wi"e o#en if we are to get the sense that the writer is $ommuni$ating his e-#erien$e with #erfe$t fullness* There
must !e free"om an" there must !e #ea$e* Not a wheel must grate+ not a light glimmer* The $urtains must !e
$lose "rawn* The writer+ 3 thought+ on$e his e-#erien$e is o,er+ must lie !a$0 an" let his min" $ele!rate its
nu#tials in "ar0ness* 7e must not loo0 or :uestion what is !eing "one* Rather+ he must #lu$0 the #etals from a
rose or wat$h the swans float $alml "own the ri,er* An" 3 saw again the $urrent whi$h too0 the !oat an" the
un"er=gra"uate an" the "ea" lea,es4 an" the ta-i too0 the man an" the woman+ 3 thought+ seeing them $ome
together a$ross the street+ an" the $urrent swe#t them awa+ 3 thought+ hearing far off the roar of <on"ons
traffi$+ into that tremen"ous stream*
7ere+ then+ Mar /eton $eases to s#ea0* She has tol" ou how she rea$he" the $on$lusion1the #rosai$
$on$lusion1that it is ne$essar to ha,e fi,e hun"re" a ear an" a room with a lo$0 on the "oor if ou are to
write fi$tion or #oetr* She has trie" to la !are the thoughts an" im#ressions that le" her to thin0 this* She has
as0e" ou to follow her fling into the arms of a /ea"le+ lun$hing here+ "ining there+ "rawing #i$tures in the
/ritish Museum+ ta0ing !oo0s from the shelf+ loo0ing out of the win"ow* While she has !een "oing all these
things+ ou no "ou!t ha,e !een o!ser,ing her failings an" foi!les an" "e$i"ing what effe$t the ha,e ha" on her
o#inions* Cou ha,e !een $ontra"i$ting her an" ma0ing whate,er a""itions an" "e"u$tions seem goo" to ou*
That is all as it shoul" !e+ for in a :uestion li0e this truth is onl to !e ha" ! laing together man ,arieties of
error* An" 3 will en" now in m own #erson ! anti$i#ating two $riti$isms+ so o!,ious that ou $an har"l fail to
ma0e them*
No o#inion has !een e-#resse"+ ou ma sa+ u#on the $om#arati,e merits of the se-es e,en as writers*
That was "one #ur#osel+ !e$ause+ e,en if the time ha" $ome for su$h a ,aluation1an" it is far more im#ortant
at the moment to 0now how mu$h mone women ha" an" how man rooms than to theoriGe a!out their
$a#a$ities1e,en if the time ha" $ome 3 "o not !elie,e that gifts+ whether of min" or $hara$ter+ $an !e weighe"
li0e sugar an" !utter+ not e,en in ?am!ri"ge+ where the are so a"e#t at #utting #eo#le into $lasses an" fi-ing
$a#s on their hea"s an" letters after their names* 3 "o not !elie,e that e,en the Ta!le of 8re$e"en$ whi$h ou
will fin" in Whita0ers A<MANA? re#resents a final or"er of ,alues+ or that there is an soun" reason to
su##ose that a ?omman"er of the /ath will ultimatel wal0 in to "inner !ehin" a Master in <una$*
All this #itting of se- against se-+ of :ualit against :ualit4 all this $laiming of su#eriorit an" im#uting
of inferiorit+ !elong to the #ri,ate=s$hool stage of human e-isten$e where there are ;si"es+ an" it is ne$essar
for one si"e to !eat another si"e+ an" of the utmost im#ortan$e to wal0 u# to a #latform an" re$ei,e from the
han"s of the 7ea"master himself a highl ornamental #ot* As #eo#le mature the $ease to !elie,e in si"es or in
7ea"masters or in highl ornamental #ots* At an rate+ where !oo0s are $on$erne"+ it is notoriousl "iffi$ult to
fi- la!els of merit in su$h a wa that the "o not $ome off* Are not re,iews of $urrent literature a #er#etual
illustration of the "iffi$ult of 9u"gement2 ;This great !oo0+ ;this worthless !oo0+ the same !oo0 is $alle" !
!oth names* 8raise an" !lame ali0e mean nothing* No+ "elightful as the #astime of measuring ma !e+ it is the
most futile of all o$$u#ations+ an" to su!mit to the "e$rees of the measurers the most ser,ile of attitu"es* So long
as ou write what ou wish to write+ that is all that matters4 an" whether it matters for ages or onl for hours+
no!o" $an sa* /ut to sa$rifi$e a hair of the hea" of our ,ision+ a sha"e of its $olour+ in "eferen$e to some
7ea"master with a sil,er #ot in his han" or to some #rofessor with a measuring=ro" u# his slee,e+ is the most
a!9e$t trea$her+ an" the sa$rifi$e of wealth an" $hastit whi$h use" to !e sai" to !e the greatest of human
"isasters+ a mere flea=!ite in $om#arison*
Ne-t 3 thin0 that ou ma o!9e$t that in all this 3 ha,e ma"e too mu$h of the im#ortan$e of material
things* E,en allowing a generous margin for sm!olism+ that fi,e hun"re" a ear stan"s for the #ower to
$ontem#late+ that a lo$0 on the "oor means the #ower to thin0 for oneself+ still ou ma sa that the min" shoul"
rise a!o,e su$h things4 an" that great #oets ha,e often !een #oor men* <et me then :uote to ou the wor"s of
our own 8rofessor of <iterature+ who 0nows !etter than 3 "o what goes to the ma0ing of a #oet* Sir Arthur
Uuiller=?ou$h writes:
[* T7E ART OF WR3T3N%+ ! Sir Arthur Uuiller=?ou$h*.
;What are the great #oeti$al names of the last hun"re" ears or so2
?oleri"ge+ Wor"sworth+ /ron+ Shelle+ <an"or+ Ieats+ Tennson+ /rowning+ Arnol"+ Morris+ Rossetti+
Swin!urne1we ma sto# there* Of these+ all !ut Ieats+ /rowning+ Rossetti were Eni,ersit men+ an" of these
three+ Ieats+ who "ie" oung+ $ut off in his #rime+ was the onl one not fairl well to "o* 3t ma seem a !rutal
thing to sa+ an" it is a sa" thing to sa: !ut+ as a matter of har" fa$t+ the theor that #oeti$al genius !loweth
where it listeth+ an" e:uall in #oor an" ri$h+ hol"s little truth* As a matter of har" fa$t+ nine out of those twel,e
were Eni,ersit men: whi$h means that somehow or other the #ro$ure" the means to get the !est
e"u$ation Englan" $an gi,e* As a matter of har" fa$t+ of the remaining three ou 0now that /rowning was well
to "o+ an" 3 $hallenge ou that+ if he ha" not !een well to "o+ he woul" no more ha,e attaine" to write SAE< or
T7E R3N% AND T7E /OOI than Rus0in woul" ha,e attaine" to writing MODERN 8A3NTERS if his father
ha" not "ealt #ros#erousl in !usiness* Rossetti ha" a small #ri,ate in$ome4 an"+ moreo,er+ he #ainte"* There
remains !ut Ieats4 whom Atro#os slew oung+ as she slew 5ohn ?lare in a ma"=house+ an" 5ames Thomson !
the lau"anum he too0 to "rug "isa##ointment* These are "rea"ful fa$ts+ !ut let us fa$e them* 3t is1howe,er
"ishonouring to us as a nation1$ertain that+ ! some fault in our $ommonwealth+ the #oor #oet has not in these
"as+ nor has ha" for two hun"re" ears+ a "ogs $han$e* /elie,e me1an" 3 ha,e s#ent a great #art of ten ears
in wat$hing some three hun"re" an" twent elementar s$hools+ we ma #rate of "emo$ra$+ !ut a$tuall+ a
#oor $hil" in Englan" has little more ho#e than ha" the son of an Athenian sla,e to !e eman$i#ate" into that
intelle$tual free"om of whi$h great writings are !orn*
No!o" $oul" #ut the #oint more #lainl* ;The #oor #oet has not in these "as+ nor has ha" for two
hun"re" ears+ a "ogs $han$e * * * a #oor $hil" in Englan" has little more ho#e than ha" the son of an Athenian
sla,e to !e eman$i#ate" into that intelle$tual free"om of whi$h great writings are !orn* That is it* 3ntelle$tual
free"om "e#en"s u#on material things* 8oetr "e#en"s u#on intelle$tual free"om* An" women ha,e alwas
!een #oor+ not for two hun"re" ears merel+ !ut from the !eginning of time* Women ha,e ha" less intelle$tual
free"om than the sons of Athenian sla,es* Women+ then+ ha,e not ha" a "ogs $han$e of writing #oetr* That is
wh 3 ha,e lai" so mu$h stress on mone an" a room of ones own* 7owe,er+ than0s to the toils of those
o!s$ure women in the #ast+ of whom 3 wish we 0new more+ than0s+ $uriousl enough to two wars+ the ?rimean
whi$h let Floren$e Nightingale out of her "rawing=room+ an" the Euro#ean War whi$h o#ene" the "oors to the
a,erage woman some si-t ears later+ these e,ils are in the wa to !e !ettere"*
Otherwise ou woul" not !e here tonight+ an" our $han$e of earning fi,e hun"re" #oun"s a ear+
#re$arious as 3 am afrai" that it still is+ woul" !e minute in the e-treme*
Still+ ou ma o!9e$t+ wh "o ou atta$h so mu$h im#ortan$e to this writing of !oo0s ! women when+
a$$or"ing to ou+ it re:uires so mu$h effort+ lea"s #erha#s to the mur"er of ones aunts+ will ma0e one almost
$ertainl late for lun$heon+ an" ma !ring one into ,er gra,e "is#utes with $ertain ,er goo" fellows2 M
moti,es+ let me a"mit+ are #artl selfish* <i0e most une"u$ate" Englishwomen+ 3 li0e rea"ing13 li0e rea"ing
!oo0s in the !ul0* <atel m "iet has !e$ome a trifle monotonous4 histor is too mu$h a!out wars4 !iogra#h
too mu$h a!out great men4 #oetr has shown+ 3 thin0+ a ten"en$ to sterilit+ an" fi$tion !ut 3 ha,e suffi$ientl
e-#ose" m "isa!ilities as a $riti$ of mo"ern fi$tion an" will sa no more a!out it* Therefore 3 woul" as0 ou to
write all 0in"s of !oo0s+ hesitating at no su!9e$t howe,er tri,ial or howe,er ,ast* / hoo0 or ! $roo0+ 3 ho#e
that ou will #ossess oursel,es of mone enough to tra,el an" to i"le+ to $ontem#late the future or the #ast of
the worl"+ to "ream o,er !oo0s an" loiter at street $orners an" let the line of thought "i# "ee# into the stream*
For 3 am ! no means $onfining ou to fi$tion* 3f ou woul" #lease me1an" there are thousan"s li0e me1ou
woul" write !oo0s of tra,el an" a",enture+ an" resear$h an" s$holarshi#+ an" histor an" !iogra#h+ an"
$riti$ism an" #hiloso#h an" s$ien$e* / so "oing ou will $ertainl #rofit the art of fi$tion* For !oo0s ha,e a
wa of influen$ing ea$h other* Fi$tion will !e mu$h the !etter for stan"ing $hee0 ! 9owl with #oetr an"
#hiloso#h* Moreo,er+ if ou $onsi"er an great figure of the #ast+ li0e Sa##ho+ li0e the <a" Murasa0i+ li0e
Emil /ront6+ ou will fin" that she is an inheritor as well as an originator+ an" has $ome into e-isten$e !e$ause
women ha,e $ome to ha,e the ha!it of writing naturall4 so that e,en as a #relu"e to #oetr su$h a$ti,it on
our #art woul" !e in,alua!le*
/ut when 3 loo0 !a$0 through these notes an" $riti$iGe m own train of thought as 3 ma"e them+ 3 fin"
that m moti,es were not altogether selfish* There runs through these $omments an" "is$ursions the $on,i$tion
1or is it the instin$t2==that goo" !oo0s are "esira!le an" that goo" writers+ e,en if the show e,er ,ariet of
human "e#ra,it+ are still goo" human !eings* Thus when 3 as0 ou to write more !oo0s 3 am urging ou to "o
what will !e for our goo" an" for the goo" of the worl" at large* 7ow to 9ustif this instin$t or !elief 3 "o not
0now+ for #hiloso#hi$ wor"s+ if one has not !een e"u$ate" at a uni,ersit+ are a#t to #la one false* What is
meant ! ;realit2 3t woul" seem to !e something ,er errati$+ ,er un"e#en"a!le1now to !e foun" in a "ust
roa"+ now in a s$ra# of news#a#er in the street+ now a "affo"il in the sun* 3t lights u# a grou# in a room an"
stam#s some $asual saing* 3t o,erwhelms one wal0ing home !eneath the stars an" ma0es the silent worl" more
real than the worl" of s#ee$h1an" then there it is again in an omni!us in the u#roar of 8i$$a"ill* Sometimes+
too+ it seems to "well in sha#es too far awa for us to "is$ern what their nature is* /ut whate,er it tou$hes+ it
fi-es an" ma0es #ermanent* That is what remains o,er when the s0in of the "a has !een $ast into the he"ge4
that is what is left of #ast time an" of our lo,es an" hates* Now the writer+ as 3 thin0+ has the $han$e to li,e more
than other #eo#le in the #resen$e of this realit* 3t is his !usiness to fin" it an" $olle$t it an" $ommuni$ate it to
the rest of us* So at least 3 infer from rea"ing <EAR or EMMA or <A RE?7ER?7E DE TEM8S 8ERDE* For
the rea"ing of these !oo0s seems to #erform a $urious $ou$hing o#eration on the senses4 one sees more intensel
afterwar"s4 the worl" seems !are" of its $o,ering an" gi,en an intenser life* Those are the en,ia!le #eo#le who
li,e at enmit with unrealit4 an" those are the #itia!le who are 0no$0e" on the hea" ! the thing "one without
0nowing or $aring* So that when 3 as0 ou to earn mone an" ha,e a room of our own+ 3 am as0ing ou to li,e
in the #resen$e of realit+ an in,igorating life+ it woul" a##ear+ whether one $an im#art it or not*
7ere 3 woul" sto#+ !ut the #ressure of $on,ention "e$rees that e,er s#ee$h must en" with a #eroration*
An" a #eroration a""resse" to women shoul" ha,e something+ ou will agree+ #arti$ularl e-alting an"
enno!ling a!out it* 3 shoul" im#lore ou to remem!er our res#onsi!ilities+ to !e higher+ more s#iritual4 3 shoul"
remin"+ ou how mu$h "e#en"s u#on ou+ an" what an influen$e ou $an e-ert u#on the future* /ut those
e-hortations $an safel+ 3 thin0+ !e left to the other se-+ who will #ut them+ an" in"ee" ha,e #ut them+ with far
greater elo:uen$e than 3 $an $om#ass* When 3 rummage in m own min" 3 fin" no no!le sentiments a!out !eing
$om#anions an" e:uals an" influen$ing the worl" to higher en"s* 3 fin" mself saing !riefl an" #rosai$all
that it is mu$h more im#ortant to !e oneself than anthing else* Do not "ream of influen$ing other #eo#le+ 3
woul" sa+ if 3 0new how to ma0e it soun" e-alte"* Thin0 of things in themsel,es*
An" again 3 am remin"e" ! "i##ing into news#a#ers an" no,els an" !iogra#hies that when a woman
s#ea0s to women she shoul" ha,e something ,er un#leasant u# her slee,e* Women are har" on women* Women
"isli0e women* Women1!ut are ou not si$0 to "eath of the wor"2 3 $an assure ou that 3 am* <et us agree+
then+ that a #a#er rea" ! a woman to women shoul" en" with something #arti$ularl "isagreea!le*
/ut how "oes it go2 What $an 3 thin0 of2 The truth is+ 3 often li0e women* 3 li0e their un$on,entionalit*
3 li0e their $om#leteness* 3 li0e their anonmit* 3 li0e1!ut 3 must not run on in this wa* That $u#!oar" there+==
ou sa it hol"s $lean ta!le=na#0ins onl4 !ut what if Sir Ar$hi!al" /o"0in were $on$eale" among them2 <et
me then a"o#t a sterner tone* 7a,e 3+ in the #re$e"ing wor"s+ $on,ee" to ou suffi$ientl the warnings an"
re#ro!ation of man0in"2 3 ha,e tol" ou the ,er low o#inion in whi$h ou were hel" ! Mr Os$ar /rowning* 3
ha,e in"i$ate" what Na#oleon on$e thought of ou an" what Mussolini thin0s now* Then+ in $ase an of ou
as#ire to fi$tion+ 3 ha,e $o#ie" out for our !enefit the a",i$e of the $riti$ a!out $ourageousl a$0nowle"ging
the limitations of our se-* 3 ha,e referre" to 8rofessor P an" gi,en #rominen$e to his statement that women are
intelle$tuall+ morall an" #hsi$all inferior to men* 3 ha,e han"e" on all that has $ome m wa without going
in sear$h of it+ an" here is a final warning1from Mr 5ohn <ang"on Da,ies* [* A S7ORT 73STORC OF
WOMEN+ ! 5ohn <ang"on Da,ies*. Mr 5ohn <ang"on Da,ies warns women ;that when $hil"ren $ease to !e
altogether "esira!le+ women $ease to !e altogether ne$essar* 3 ho#e ou will ma0e a note of it*
7ow $an 3 further en$ourage ou to go a!out the !usiness of life2 Coung women+ 3 woul" sa+ an" #lease
atten"+ for the #eroration is !eginning+ ou are+ in m o#inion+ "isgra$efull ignorant* Cou ha,e ne,er ma"e a
"is$o,er of an sort of im#ortan$e* Cou ha,e ne,er sha0en an em#ire or le" an arm into !attle* The #las of
Sha0es#eare are not ! ou+ an" ou ha,e ne,er intro"u$e" a !ar!arous ra$e to the !lessings of $i,iliGation*
What is our e-$use2 3t is all ,er well for ou to sa+ #ointing to the streets an" s:uares an" forests of the glo!e
swarming with !la$0 an" white an" $offee=$oloure" inha!itants+ all !usil engage" in traffi$ an" enter#rise an"
lo,e=ma0ing+ we ha,e ha" other wor0 on our han"s* Without our "oing+ those seas woul" !e unsaile" an" those
fertile lan"s a "esert* We ha,e !orne an" !re" an" washe" an" taught+ #erha#s to the age of si- or se,en ears+
the one thousan" si- hun"re" an" twent=three million human !eings who are+ a$$or"ing to statisti$s+ at #resent
in e-isten$e+ an" that+ allowing that some ha" hel#+ ta0es time*
There is truth in what ou sa13 will not "en it* /ut at the same time ma 3 remin" ou that there ha,e
!een at least two $olleges for women in e-isten$e in Englan" sin$e the ear &)JJ4 that after the ear &))B a
marrie" woman was allowe" ! law to #ossess her own #ro#ert4 an" that in &'&'==whi$h is a whole nine ears
ago she was gi,en a ,ote2 Ma 3 also remin" ou that most of the #rofessions ha,e !een o#en to ou for $lose
on ten ears now2 When ou refle$t u#on these immense #ri,ileges an" the length of time "uring whi$h the
ha,e !een en9oe"+ an" the fa$tthat there must !e at this moment some two thousan" women $a#a!le of earning
o,er fi,e hun"re" a ear in one wa or another+ ou will agree that the e-$use of la$0 of o##ortunit+ training+
en$ouragement+ leisure an" mone no longer hol"s goo"* Moreo,er+ the e$onomists are telling us that Mrs Seton
has ha" too man $hil"ren* Cou must+ of $ourse+ go on !earing $hil"ren+ !ut+ so the sa+ in twos an" threes+ not
in tens an" twel,es*
Thus+ with some time on our han"s an" with some !oo0 learning in our !rains1ou ha,e ha" enough
of the other 0in"+ an" are sent to $ollege #artl+ 3 sus#e$t+ to !e une"u$ate"1surel ou shoul" em!ar0 u#on
another stage of our ,er long+ ,er la!orious an" highl o!s$ure $areer* A thousan" #ens are rea" to suggest
what ou shoul" "o an" what effe$t ou will ha,e* M own suggestion is a little fantasti$+ 3 a"mit4 3 #refer+
therefore+ to #ut it in the form of fi$tion*
3 tol" ou in the $ourse of this #a#er that Sha0es#eare ha" a sister4 !ut "o not loo0 for her in Sir Si"ne
<ees life of the #oet* She "ie" oung1alas+ she ne,er wrote a wor"* She lies !urie" where the omni!uses now
sto#+ o##osite the Ele#hant an" ?astle* Now m !elief is that this #oet who ne,er wrote a wor" an" was !urie"
at the $ross=roa"s still li,es* She li,es in ou an" in me+ an" in man other women who are not here to=night+ for
the are washing u# the "ishes an" #utting the $hil"ren to !e"* /ut she li,es4 for great #oets "o not "ie4 the are
$ontinuing #resen$es4 the nee" onl the o##ortunit to wal0 among us in the flesh* This o##ortunit+ as 3 thin0+
it is now $oming within our #ower to gi,e her* For m !elief is that if we li,e another $entur or so13 am
tal0ing of the $ommon life whi$h is the real life an" not of the little se#arate li,es whi$h we li,e as in"i,i"uals
1an" ha,e fi,e hun"re" a ear ea$h of us an" rooms of our own4 if we ha,e the ha!it of free"om an" the
$ourage to write e-a$tl what we thin04 if we es$a#e a little from the $ommon sitting=room an" see human
!eings not alwas in their relation to ea$h other !ut in relation to realit4 an" the s0+ too+ an" the trees or
whate,er it ma !e in themsel,es4 if we loo0 #ast Miltons !oge+ for no human !eing shoul" shut out the ,iew4
if we fa$e the fa$t+ for it is a fa$t+ that there is no arm to $ling to+ !ut that we go alone an" that our relation is to
the worl" of realit an" not onl to the worl" of men an" women+ then the o##ortunit will $ome an" the "ea"
#oet who was Sha0es#eares sister will #ut on the !o" whi$h she has so often lai" "own* Drawing her life from
the li,es of the un0nown who were her forerunners+ as her !rother "i" !efore her+ she will !e !orn* As for her
$oming without that #re#aration+ without that effort on our #art+ without that "etermination that when she is
!orn again she shall fin" it #ossi!le to li,e an" write her #oetr+ that we $annot e-#e$t+ for that woul" he
im#ossi!le* /ut 3 maintain that she woul" $ome if we wor0e" for her+ an" that so to wor0+ e,en in #o,ert an"
o!s$urit+ is worth while*

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