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215 Church Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106

Dear book lover,

Get your students and young readers excited about social studies and presidential history with the
Kid Presidents Quizzo Event Kit.

This October, Quirk Books will release Kid Presidents: True Tales of Childhood from
Americas Presidents (October 28, 2014; Ages 9 to 12; $13.95) written by David Stabler and
featuring full color illustrations from Doogie Horner.

The kids who grew up to be president started out like a lot of other children. Some struggled with
schoolwork and got into fights; others pranked their teachers and infuriated their parents.
William Howard Taft was forced to take dance lessons. Gerald Ford struggled with dyslexia.
Theodore Roosevelt had a bedroom museum full of dead animals. Kid Presidents features
twenty captivating true stories from the childhoods of American presidents, complete with lively
text and more than 200 cartoon illustrations. Laugh-out-loud funny and packed with cool facts,
its the perfect read for all young future leaders of the free world.

Suggestions for making the most of this event kit:
Have your young readers spend some time on and read the excerpt.
Encourage young readers to read Kid Presidents.
Split young readers into teams or have young readers choose their team. Make one copy
of the enclosed Answer Key.
Encourage young readers to choose team names based on presidents names.
Allow teams to work together to answer questions.
Reward winners with prizes. Quirk would love to provide you with Kid Presidents
posters and textbook covers for prizing. Contact for giveaways.

Visit for more information about the book, an educators guide, and an

Id love to hear from you and would appreciate seeing photos and hearing anecdotes of your
experience of using the book and this kit in the classroom.


Nicole De Jackmo
Associate Director of Publicity & Marketing
215-627-3581 x217

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1. Tiue oi False: Young ueoige Washington choppeu uown a cheiiy tiee.
2. Tiue oi False: Baiack 0bama's fiist job was scooping ice cieam at Baskin Robbins.
S. Tiue oi False: ueoige W. Bush was a seiious stuuent.
4. Tiue oi False: William Bowaiu Taft enjoyeu ice-skating anu took uancing lessons
twice a week.
S. Tiue oi False: Anuiew }ackson was the fiist piesiuent who was boin in a log cabin.

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1. Young Theouoie Roosevelt's hobby was:
a) iunning eiianus foi his mom
b) playing baseball
c) stuuying animal specimens

2. Young Richaiu Nixon was a shy anu seiious stuuent. What uiu he uo to challenge his
a) sing
b) uance
c) both A anu B

S. As a chilu, Anuiew }ackson uevelopeu a ieputation foi toughness. Who was the
biggest bully that }ackson took on as a chilu.
a) his biothei Bugh
b) King ueoige III of Englanu
c) Ameiican iebels

4. Lynuon }ohnson was known as Ameiica's fiist "euucation piesiuent" but as a chilu
he was:
a) a teachei's pet
b) the peifect stuuent
c) a class clown

S. When ueoige Washington was a kiu he wanteu to be a:
a) faimei
b) miushipman in the Biitish Navy
c) chef

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Woik togethei to iuentify the names of the piesiuents pictuieu.
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2&#13 4
1. False.
ueoige Washington uiu not chop uown a cheiiy tiee. This was a stoiy inventeu by a
pastoi nameu Nason Weems.
2. Tiue.
Anu he has hateu ice cieam evei since!
S. False.
ueoige W. Bush was a class clown! As a fouith-giauei, he giabbeu a pen anu uiew a
mustache, beaiu, anu Elvis Piesley-style siuebuins on his face. Bis classmates founu
it hilaiious!
4. Tiue.
William Bowaiu Taft was giaceful anu light on his feet.
S. Tiue.

2&#13 9
1. C) stuuying animal specimens.
When Theouoie Roosevelt was twelve, he uonateu pait of his collectiona uozen
mice, a bat, a tuitle, foui biius' eggs, anu the skull of a ieu squiiielto the Ameiican
Nuseum of Natuial Bistoiy.
2. C) both A anu B.
Young Richaiu Nixon uanceu anu sang in his school's musicals.
S. B) King ueoige III of Englanu.
In 1779, tioops loyal to King ueoige III killeu Anuiew }ackson's biothei Bugh
uuiing an assault. 0nce }ackson heaiu the news, he voweu to avenge his biothei's
ueath anu enlisteu in the militia.
4. C) a class clown.
Lynuon }ohnson hau a ciush on his teachei, anu to get hei attention he pulleu
pianks anu was uisiuptive. The funny thing about this stoiy is that soon aftei
giauuating fiom college, Lynuon }ohnson became a teachei.
S. B) miushipman in the Biitish Navy.
Young ueoige Washington wanteu to be like his oluei biothei anu become a
miushipman in the Biitish Navy, but aftei theiis fathei passeu away the family
neeueu ueoige to help iun theii faim.

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1. Bill Clinton
2. 0lysses uiant
S. Abiaham Lincon
4. Baiack 0bama
S. ueoige Washington

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Team Name: ___________________________________________________________

2&#13 45 6-#, &- 7)8*,
Wiite in the coiiect answei:

1. Tiue oi False: ___________________________

2. Tiue oi False: ___________________________

S. Tiue oi False: ___________________________

4. Tiue oi False: ___________________________

S. Tiue oi False: ___________________________

2&#13 95 (#8+$/8, .:&$;,
Ciicle the coiiect answei:

1. a) iunning eiianus foi his mom
b) playing baseball
c) stuuying animal specimens

2. a) sing
b) uance
c) both A anu B

S. a) his biothei Bugh
b) King ueoige III of Englanu
c) Ameiican iebels

4. a) a teachei's pet
b) the peifect stuuent
c) a class clown

S. a) faimei
b) miushipman in the Biitish Navy
c) chef

Team Name: ___________________________________________________________

2&#13 <5 =$;+#-, 2&#13
Wiite in the name of the coiiect piesiuent:



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