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A ees ORIGINAL 'SANTANIONICA, ‘Te 310.506.9800 Isr Kump & ALDISERT ULP 1896 Wasnine B ‘(KINSELLA WEITZMAN ‘Santa Monica, California 90401 cat Telephone: 310.566.9800 Facehmile: 310.566.9850 wos ‘Attorneys for Plaintiff Coupleguys, we SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, CENTRAL DISTRICT otcetior 1 IseLs te SER KUMP & ALDISERT ‘LLP 2 LDISERT (SBN 115334) Caleta 3 GuaDR. aionaanenn (SBN 217551) ‘AS ANE eC poclevads Sd Floor pec 04 2088 ‘ Rat 5 6 7 8 9 uw 83 COUPLEGUYS, INC., a California CASE NO. B c 42 13 12 || corporation, COMPLAINT FOR: 13 Plaintiff, 1, LIBEL; 4 vs. 2. FALSE LIGHT INVASION OF 15 || SOHN DOE, an individual, PRIVACY; 6 Defendant. 3. COMM 18 4, VIOLATION OF CALIFORNIA CIVIL i CODE § 3344 a DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL FH Trial Date: None Set 22 red ie if fps a 26 27 os 1os1.0900249007.1 14349 SASAYPROPR RATION OF NAME AND LIKENESS; oorsse Dent BEseq 2585 aay ac ,8 S328 835 gy 28 52 "SRD FLOOR ‘90401 KINSELLA WEITZMAN ISER KUMP & ALDISERT LLP (806 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD. ‘SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA “Ter 310,500,080 + Fx 310.566.0850 13 Alle ms \ 14 4, Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs | through 3 as though fully set forth 15 ||herein, 16 5, Since the spring of 2009, Doc has maintained an ongoing campaign to spread lies 17] about Livingston on the intemet. Doe’s online smeor tactics include, but are not limited to, 1 Plaintiff Coupleguys, Inc. (“Plaintif{”) alleges as follows: The Pa 1. Plaintiffs, and at all relevant times was, a corporation organized and existing ‘under the laws of the state of California, with its principal place of business in Los Angeles, California, Plaintiffs a “loan-out” corporation that furnishes the professional services of Ron 2 3 4 5 6|| Livingston in the entertainment industry. 1 2, The true name of Defendant John Doe (“Doe”) is unknown to Plaintiff at this time, §|| iho therefore sues Doe by such fictitious name, When the true name of Doe is ascertained, 9 Plaintiff will amend this Complaint to identify him or her. 10 Jurisdiction un 3, Jurisdiction is proper in the Superior Court of the State of California for the County 12|| of Los Angeles pursuant to section 410.10 of the Code of Civil Procedure. 18 | (@) falsely asserting that Livingston isin a romantic relationship with a man named “Lee 19|| Dennison,” (b) creating websites devoted to propagating his or her lies, (¢) impersonating, 20 || Livingston online, and (4) secretly and maliciously altering le; 21 ||to include false statements about Livingston’s relationship status and 'sexual orientation, These 22|\Iies have reached potentially millions of people, and Plaintiff's representatives have received os | inquiries from the press asking about the veracity ofthe false statements Doe has published. 6. Specifically, and by way of example, starting in or about May 2009 and continuing ‘through the present, Doe accessed the “Ron Livingston” page on the encyclopedia website 26 || www. (the “Wikipedia Page”) and published or caused to be published on the 27|| Wikipedia Page, without Plait 28 || alleged relationship with a man named “Lee Dennison.” Plaintiff's tepresentatives frequently 5 knowledge or consent, false allegations regarding Livingston's 1 0000249007. COMPLAINT "0401 ‘Ter 310,306.8800 * FAX310.566.9850 KUMP 4 ALDISERT LLP ‘SAO FLOOR 808 Witshine BOULEVARD, ‘SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA ‘KINSELLA WEEDZMAN ISER 3h 323 26 27 access the Wikipedia Page to correct these false statements, but Doe changes them back almost immediately. 7, nor about August 2009, Doe published or caused to be published, without Plaintiff's knowledge or consent, « false “profile” on the popular social networking website (“Facebook”), which profile purports to represent, be created by, be authorized by, and/or be associated with Livingston (the “Livingston Profile”). The Livingston Profile contains a photograph of Livingston and the statement that Livingston is “in a relationship with Lee Dennison.” Doe has also impersonated Livingston through the Livingston Profile by ‘writing and posting “updates” on the Livingston Profile purportedly authored by Livingston. 8. Incr about August 2009, Doe also published or eaused to be published a profile on Facebook under the name “Lee Dennison” (the “Dennison Profile”). ‘The Dennison Profile also contains pictures of Livingston, states that “Lee Dennison” is “friends” with Livingston, and states that “Lee Dennison” is “in a relationship with Ron Livingston.” The Dennison Profile also ‘contains links to two fictional and fabricated “interviews” (which, on information and belief, are ‘written by Doe) that further allege that Livingston is romantically involved with “Lee Dennison.” (The Livingston Profile and the Dennison Profile are referred to collectively herein as the “Facebook Profiles.”) 6, Plaitffis informed and believes, and based thereon alleges, that Doe created other false Facebook profiles for the purpose of posting “comments” on the Facebook Profiles in an attempt to add credibility to the story that Livingston and “Lee Dennison” are romantically involved and/or living together. 10. Doc also published or caused to be published, on a Facebook “fan page” dedicated to Livingston, similar false allegations regarding an alleged relationship between Livingston and “Lee Dennison.” es oot9007 3 COMPLAINT ‘SAO FLOOR ‘20407 (0.888,0860 A B08 Witshine BOULEVARD, ‘SANTA MONICA, CAUIFOR! Ter 310.566.9800 * Fax31| JEINSKLLA WEITZMAN ISER KUMP & ALDISERT LLP a SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION n (False Light Invasion of Privacy) ies 16. Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 15 s though fully set forth {14 necein 1 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION 2 (Liben, 3 11. PlaintifPinconporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 10 as though fully set forth 4||herein, 5 12, The miscepresentations contained in the Wikipedia Page, the Facebook Profiles, 6 ll end the Facebook “fan page” described above are libelous per se because they have a tendency on 77} their face to injure Plaintiff's business and reputation. 8 13. The Wikipedia Page, Facebook Profiles, and Facebook “fan page” and have been 49)|| seen and read by members of the public who searched for a Facebook or Wikipedia entry for Mr. 10] Livingston. u 14, Asa direct and proximate result of the above-described publications, Plaintiff has 2 soffered a loss to its business and reputation and has suffered damages in an amount to be 13 | determined at tit, but which exceeds the jurisdictional minimum of this Cour. 14 15. Doe’s conduct as herein alleged. is despicable and was undertaken by Doe with a 15 || willful and conscious disregard of Plaintiff's rights. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and based 16 || thereon alleges, that Doe did the acts as herein alleged with an intent to injure Plaintiff and to 17|| subject Plaintiff to cruel and unjust hardship in conscious disregard of Plaintiff's rights, and that 18 || said acts were done willfully, maliciously, and ‘oppressively. Plaintiff is therefore entitled to an 19 additional award of punitive and/or exemplary damages in an amount sufficient to punish Doe and 20 || to deter him or her from committing such despicable acts in the future. 28 17. By publishing or causing to be published the false allegations described above, Doe 26|| has portrayed Plaintiff in a false light. u 18, The false light created by Doe’s actions as alleged herein would be highly offensive 28 || to a reasonable person in Plaintiff's position. 1043, 00002890071 4 COMPLAINT ‘JKuNSmLtA WEITZMAN ISER KUMP é& ALDISERT LLP 808 WiLsHine BOULEVARD, 3AD FLOOR ‘SANTA MONICA, CALIFORRIA ‘Te 310.866.9800 » FAX 310.586.9960 ‘90401 1 19. Doe knew the publications alleged herein would ereate a false impression about Plaintiff or acted with reckless disregard for the truth. 20. Asadirect and proximate result of the above-described publications, Plaintiff has suffered a 1oss to its business and reputation and has suffered damages in an amount to be 21. — Doe’s conduct as herein alleged is despicable and was undertaken by Doe with a willful and conscious disregard of Plaintiff's rights. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and based thereon alleges, that Doe did the acts as herein alleged with an intent to injure Plaintiff and to subject Plaintiff to cruel and unjust hardship in conscious disregard of Plaintiff's ight, nd that 10 || said acts were done willfully, maliciously, and oppressively. Plaintiff is therefore entitled to an a 3 4 5 || determined at trial, but which exceeds the jurisdictional minimum of this Court, 6 1 8 9 11 || adaitional award of punitive and/or exemplary damages in an amount sufficient to punish Doe and 12 ||to deter him or her from committing such despicable acts in the future. B ‘THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION 14 (Common Law Misappropriation of Name and Likeness) 18 22, Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 21 as though fully set forth 16 || berein. 17 23. — Inpublishing or causing to be published the allegations described above, Doe used 18 || Plaintif?’s name, likeness, and identity without Plaintiff's permission, 19 24. — Doe gained an advantage by using Plaintiff's name, likeness, and identity on 20 || internet sites not associated with or endorsed by Plaintiff, but rather created and maintained by 21 || Doe. 2 25. As adirect and proximate result of the above-described use of Plaintiff's name, 23 || likeness, and identity, Plaintiff has suffered a loss to its business and reputation and has suffered. 304 || damages in an amount to be determined at trial, but which exceeds the jurisdictional minimum of ips this Court. 26 26. — Doe’s conduct as herein alleged is despicable and was undertaken by Doe with 27|\ willful and conscious disregard of Plaintiff's rights. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and based 28 || thereon alleges, that Doe did the acts as herein alleged with an intent to injure Plaintiff and to ows. aooonp007 5. COMPLAINT: ‘90401 608 Wicsiie BOULEVARD, SF FLOOR ‘GANTARAONICA, CALIFORIIA Ter 310.868.9800 * FAX310.500.9850 KINSELLA WEITZMAN ISER KUMP & ALDISHRT LLP 1 | subject Plaintiff to oruel and unjust hardship in conscious disregard of Plaintifs rights, and that || suid acts were done willfully, maliciously, and oppressively. Plaintiff is therefore entitled fo an 3] adational award of punitive an/or exemplary damages in an amount sufficient to punish Doe and 4\|to deter him or her from committing such despicable acts in the future, 5 FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION 6 (Violation of California Civil Code § 3344) 7 27, Plaintiff incorporates by reference paragraphs 1 through 26 as though fully set forth 8 herein. 9 28, _ Inpublishing or causing to be published the allegations described above, Doe 10 knowingly used Plaintiff's name, likeness, and photograph, without Plaintif's consent, to 11 advertise the false and misleading Facebook Profiles and other internet sites. 2 29, ‘The above-described use of Plaintiff's name, likeness, and photograph was directly 13 | connected to Doe's purpose of promoting the Facebook Profiles and dther internet sites containing 14 || false allegations about Plaintiff. ' 1s 30. Asadirect and proximate result of the above-described use of Plaintiff's name, 16 | ikeness, and photograph, Plaintiff has suffered a loss to its business and reputation and has 17] suffered damages in an amount to be determined at trial, but which exceeds the jurisdictional 18 || minimum of this Court, rt 31. Doe's conduct as herein alleged is despicable and was undertaken by Doe with a 20 || willful and conscious disregard of Plaintif’s rights. Plaintiffs informed and believes, and based 21|| thereon alleges, that Doe did the acts as herein alleged with an intent to injure Plaintiff and to 22_| subject Plaintiff to cruel and unjust hardship in conscious disregard of PlaintifP's rights, and that seid acts were done willfully, maliciously, and oppressively. Plaintiff s therefore entitled to an additional award of punitive and/or exemplary damages in an amount sufficient to punish Doe and {to deter him or her from committing such despicable acts in the future. j 041, 000024900.1 6 ‘COMPLAINT 1 PRAYER FOR RELIEF 2 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment against Doe as follows: 3 1. For damages according to proofs 4 2, For punitive damages in a sum to be determined atthe time of tril; 5 3, ForPlaintf’s altomeys? fees and costs of suit as allowable by statute and law and 4 6 4, For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper. 7 i 8|| DATED: December 4, 2009 KINSELLA WEITZMAN ISER KUMP & 55.8 ‘ALDISERT LLP < & 9 th Bzo 10 055 By: Beez ul Chad R: Fitzgerald i i see Attorneys for Plaintiff Coupleguys, Inc. ® # 13 ; 428 3 i 3 14 gee z i 16 § 7 18 i 19 20 a £ 6p3 iba a5 26 i 27 28 toe nomconasne7 7 y COMPLAINT 808 Witstine BOULEVARD, 3A0 FLOOR ‘CALIFORNIA 90401 Fax 310.566.9850 ‘SANTA MONICA Ter 310.566.9800 + {KINSELLA WaIr2MAN ISER Kump &: ALDISERT LLP DATED: December 4, 2009 141. 0000249007 ‘OR RY Plaintiff hereby demands trial by jury on all issues and causes of action triable by jury- KINSELLA WEITZMAN ISER KUMP & ALDISERT LLP By: Chad R. Fitzs Attorneys for Plaintiff Coupleguys, Inc. g COMPLAINT om EE a [Gregory J. Aldisert ‘Cinoota Weitzman loor Kump & Aldisert LLP LE Dsoes 808 Wilshire Bivd., Ste. 300 SUP UTE ANG “A 90401-1894 Santa Me STO-5GE-0800 |e DEG 14 2008 ss va papoawe oeWK “SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS. ANGELES ann ams " ‘areeer snoness: 111 North Hill Street, By. avune soonest Los Angeles, CA 90012. ‘CITY ANO ZIP COOE: \L DISTRICT ‘seanca mame: CENTRAL GASENAME: — Couploguys, Inc. v. John Doe: E COVER SHEET ‘Complex Gase Designation CASE NINIOERS CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET | "Counter (older —BCEL TS EY (armour, enous ig Flos win fet appearence by defondant noe UL rat (Cal. Rules of Gourt, rule 3.402) wer: ems 1-6 Balow must be completed (gee Instructions on page 2). 7 Ghee one box Felow fo tha case type thal best describes thie case ‘Auto Tor ‘Contract Provislonaly Complex OW Litigation Auto (22) (Branch of contractiwarranty (06) {Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3400-3.403) Uninsured motorist (46) (TT ute 3.740 cotections (08) [| anttrast Trade regulation (03) ‘Othor PUPDIWD (Personal Injury/Property Other collections (09) 5) construction detect (10) Bamagerrongful Death) Tort a Insurance coverage (18) J mass tort (40) Jsbestos (04) Other contract (37) EE securities iigation (28) Product titty (24) Real Property Envirosmentat Tie tor (20) (FJ weseat malpractice 48) Je minentdereintverse TE tesurance coverage clans sting to ho (Other PuPDIWD (23) ‘condemnation (14) ‘above listed provisionelly complex case: Non PUPDAND (Other) Tor (i wrrongtt eviction (9) ‘types (1) Tr] pusness tonnfobuslness practi (07) (—] Other rel pene (25) Enforcoment of Judgment Sows rats on Untantut Detainee TJ Eetorcoment of toment (20) [Te ostemation 13) 2 commerciat 1) Miscatlaneous Civil Complaint [Frau 16) ( residortiat (92) Crcoen inteiecast property (19) Tongs 38) 1 otmer complaint (not specified above) (42) [Co)Protessional negigence (25) Judioial Review Miscoltaneous Civil Petition Joner romPuPonD ton 5) {Asse trot (05) [] Parnertip an corporate governance (24) Employment T= Jretiion re: arbivation award (11) () other pettion (not specod above) (43) J Wrongiut termination (8) | Wet of mandate (02) [J other employment (16) | Other judicial review (3°) ee ining exceptional judiclet management: 2. CT Carge numberof separately represented parts ’b. [=] Extensive motion practice raising iffcutt or novel 2, (—) jigovee that willbe tmo-consuming to resolve c. [1] Substantial amount of documentary evidence 3, Remedies sought (check all that apply): @. ica} 4, Number of causes of action (speci): 4 5. Thiscase [_] is [J ienot aclass action sult 6 0 fr NOTICE «s Plaintif must fie this cover sheet with the first paper filed in the action or proceeding Grate ott ode Force ote wa retnecae) Ca a sarcions «SERCO sheet inadtion oar cover shee reqiod by eal cout re ‘other parties to the action or proceeding. «s Unlete this is @ collecions case under rule 3.740 or a complex case, this cover shee TThiscase [} fe [LX] isnot complex under rule 3.400 of the Calfernia Rules of Court. ifthe case is complex, mark the «tris case fs complex under rule 3.400 et seq, ofthe California Rules of Cour, you must serve a copy of this cover sheet on all 4. [) Large number of witnesses Coordination wit related actions pending in one or more courts in other counties, states, or counties, or ina federet cour +. [J Substantial postjudgment judicial supervision monetary b, L—] nonmonetary; dectaratory or injunctive reef c. [X_} puntve if there ere any knovm related cases, fle and serve a notice of related case. (You mray us0: ate: ber 4, 2009 Dip Bin 808 er “RRATIRE OF PAR OR (except small claims cases or cases fled ‘of Coun, rule 3.220.) Failure to fle may resul wil be used for statistical purposes only. Ta ties core am TATA TENA IT a Seren ttn eran 9880 instRUcNs on HowTo compLeTe THE cov@sHeer i emato Joti and Others Filing First Papers. if you are flog @ ist paper (for example, @ copa in a cv cage, you m To, Paintin yh your tt paper, ne Cel Case Cover Shoal cntanod on page +. This infrmation wil be used comple Sor ar ere ang numbers of cases fled, You must complete tems 1 tough & on te sheet, I lem 1, you must check Stats aout pes hat bout doeerioon the case. Ite cae fis bth a general end a mote spenifeypo of case Het in Hem on ee Gone: te cane hee muliple cases of acon, check te box tat best indicate tho primary cause of ecbon. heck he more speci he ane, example ofthe cases tha belong under each case type In em 1 are provided below. A cover TRestinuc be ted ony wn your rel pepe. Faure to fe a cover sheet wih tho fret paper fled ina ch case may subject party, Rs ‘Pentel oF both to sancione Under rules 230 and 3.220 ofthe Galfomia Rules of Cour. Je Partos in Rue 2.740 Collections Cases. A 'oletons case" under re 3740 Is defined as an action for recovery of money owed Tra cin ated to be catan tats rot more than $25,000, excise of intrest and atlorey' fees, arising fom a tancacton in wich propery, sewees, or money was acqufed on cred. A ‘coleclons case does not include an action seeking the folowing: 1) to ameges, @) puive émages, (9) recovery of eal propery, (@) recovery of personal property, or (6) a prejudgment wt of atthe, ‘The Hdorlitcaton ef @ coco as © ule 9.740 Colecions cate on Oe form means tha wll be exempt fom te general imeor-serice ‘eauirements and caso managoroat ules, unless a defendant les a responsive pleading. A ule 3.740 colectons ease ibe subject to he requirements for sence and obtaining a judgment in re 3.780. f ‘To paris in Complex Cases. In complex coses ony, pales must mls use te Civil Case Cover Sheet to designate wheter the aso is complex a pant Believes the case is complex under rule 3.400 of te Calfora Rules of Cou, this must be inicated by ‘Completing the epproprate bore in tems 1 and 2, ra plaintf designates a case as compex, th caver shest must be served wt the Corplarton at patos tothe action, A defendant may fla and serve no lator tan the tne of fs ft appearance a finder in Ye pleiniffs designation, a counter-designation that the case is not comple, o, ifthe plaintiff has made no designation, a designation that the case is complex. CASE TYPES AND EXAMPLES ‘ito Tt : Contet Provisional Complex hi Ligation (. det) Doar sey Sry of Cetera (8) FiusttSotctaee Sano) aaenrat Sea alse Uist tos) ho indecent caer Gmaructon eae 19. pele cee aay eee Q gets cea conchae Stach Star Gia ig as To 4 hats srw em = Siena hen Ee fet fouance Gorge Cae ‘other PUPDMWD (Peroonal Injury? Comer breath of ConvecuWara (ating ton Pr ‘Dame | Death) ny Property Damagenengha Dest) cote monroe on too ype lees obo) at) Teese 0) ek aoa Enforcement of dugmert ‘besos Penn Stet rmson NeatCaectoe vata odode Ox of ‘Wrongful Death Insurance Cover at County) voi ae saree cnt Aoscal ape Stier Soe sis Sse Jost enchant omer Sonat ‘mii sgery Aver yes Surgeons Seniesa Ee rain Aer cnr ener A Saate Sin Sota Bue ellen al ey ot omens ere “net te ee at lmatnvene ter cre dpe Tremans Cay (6.9, Coronal) ria mei wus ate Gs iscotanaots vt Compan Intontonol Gost Injury/PDIWD ‘te Fel oat og, cunt) ICO) (e9, asenut, yndolsm) onsen of (ther Compl (ot pected Interionalinfieion of pncceate: above) (42) ee So er eS naaow lg icine conan arson Ite elon ro sone ena Unawi Dotan ecaska in UPDAND (Other) Tort, ‘Gomera (31 3F Commercial Compa Bunnoce ToUnlor Busnes Reson ce) oan ewe Drugs (3) (he case votes legal cacao i romano) gg, dct ge, Ce nfo corn, eee ea act rep no Coors Rote) clneous Cv Paton (08) Judicial Review eee oan nde x cet at (05) Govemanca i) ey bain fe kato ar (1) a etn nt pated wae Famer Na sow) 2) Inteectl Property (19) Wisi Adminttve Mandar Ce Harasgment een eg Nicest ot Monae ne Stari an vwGcohet itd Cut case oe en moxtical or legal) Review : erne POND Tot 3) Ores set Rove Go) rit rata foe ‘Wrongful Termination (38). Notice of Appeababor cae Other Employment (15) ‘Commissioner Appeals ‘Other Givi Petition wane CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Page __ORIGINAL _—@ MREIT TIS CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ADDENDUM AND STATEMENT OF LOCATION (CERTIFICATE OF GROUNDS FOR ASSIGNMENT TO COURTHOUSE LOCATION) Tus form oqured pursuant to LASC Local Rul 2.0 allnew ei cave ings nthe Loe Angeles Superior COW Item |. Check the types of hearing and fil in the estimated length of hearing expected for this case: So eae rey ves ciassacTon? (_]ves vnmrencaser [_]YES TMEESTWMTEDFOR TAAL ‘6__(] Hours: [1 ones Item Il, Select the correct district and courthouse | Jocation (4 steps - If you checked | "Limited Case", skip to Item Il, Pg. 4): Stop 1: After first completing the Civil Case Cover Shest Form, find the main civil case cover sheet heading for your case in. the left margin below, and, to the right in ‘Column A, the Civil Case Cover Sheet case type you selected. Step 2: Check one Superior Court type ‘of action in Column B below which best describes | the nature of this case. Step 3: In Column G,orcle the reason forthe cout location choice that apples tothe type of ection you have checker For any exception to the court location, see Los Angeles Superior Court Local Rule 2.0. ‘Applicable Reasons for Choosing Courthouse Location (See Column © below) 4. clans Actions must be fed into County Cnurhouse, Canal Dek © Lacan f propery or pomonelly owraged veil 1 awe Acne et (Sar cau, oreSodhyinuyroperyOmnsge. 7. Lecatn where pera Hoy, 3. Locaton were couse of acon aoe. 1 Locafonwrer dtendenespondent tctons wholy- 4 Lecaton wner boy in deh or damage occured . Cecalom here ong ormere of te pares ese, 2 [eeaton wnere performance requred or dfencant restos 418. Lovain of taborCommesioner Ofce, ‘Step 4: Fillin the information requested on page 4 in Item III; complete Item IV, Sign the deciaration. A B . c ‘vt Coxe Cove Shoat {ype of Action Applicable Reasons - s reeaoan. Soo Stop 3 Above 2 ‘to @2) Ta Arico weior Vetice Personal lnuy/Propery Damagarwrorata Dean | 1.244 SS Son J 8070 Asbestos Property Carace gs [2 A7221 Asbestos - Persona! Injury/Wvrongtul Death Be roduc Llabily (24) [2 Aras0 Produet Liaity (nat asbestos of toxcfnvitonment) 142.3448 BS estat [2 A72t0 Medical Mapractc -Phystians & Surgeon 4.2, Ef o, TS) rraKo ome Protestoa Heath Care Mepracico ad z R corner [1 A280 Promises tity (9. sp and fa) 42.4 & | peronateiry [J Arase entinst Body jr Property Damagertronght Dea (e9 ‘5 2 | Propenty Damage ft : 1 eS sect sine ° ea) (1 Arar0 ‘tenons eticton of Emotion! Otoss 12,3. af (1 A7220 other Personal nyPropany Damegor natu Death 12 : 1 [_teee Tat on TJ Aso29 Ofer CommercavBusinoes Tot (rt ruafreac of corre) 142.3, 7 i oe ee 128 2 + #5 futon) [EC] A8010 Detanaton andes 00 i Frewsci6) J Avot Fraud ro contac) 1.2.3 3 | 2 BA 2 Lary 100 (ov. 0107 CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ADDENDUM TASC, rule 20 (ov. 0307) 2 LASC Approved 02.08 AND STATEMENT OF LOCATION ee sos oo @ pater oar contrac put(not eacrlsuranceftavanesigence) 2 5 jmorrme Coupleguys, Inc. v. John Doe eee B a B. cover ype dren pepieab Romana eo |_ acer ay nels atere ig Professional 1) Ab017 Legal Malpractice 123. 23 “Go [A205 ote Presnell es 128 H cone 25) [J pe02s ote Non Perea uyPropaty Damage tt 23 t Tt [2 As007 wrongit Teminaion 2.3. _| “B | thar Employment T_] A6024 Other Employment Compiaint Case: 14,243. a 8) 1 As109 Leer Commissions: Appeats 1%. Lam Coat Unt Deaf rah canner Ta) naroc ceca of anions Cont ot UnewrDwaer orang | vane [) ne00s.conteenareny seach Seer Pa votaaresigoee) | 2.5. (ears T=) neor9 Nefaet each of Coc Waray (aus 1.2.8 [J 0026 other Breach of ContractWarranty (not fraud or negigence) 12,6. Saas Te] e002 Cottons Case Seller Plant 2,846. i oy TS] n00%2 otter Promissory NoeColactone Cae i 28 a agen er) (me contat [rete contac Fraud an 1 8031 Tortious interference [5] A6060 cer Real Property (not eminent domain, landlordenent, forectosure)) 2. ee eee inne Domalvinverse [1 7300. Eminent DomainCondernnation Number of parcels __ 2 ezrin j wenger | [a] tzd_wenghevon Cae ne B | onerrestpronery [1 As01e Mortgage Foreclosure 2 8. 28) () As082 Quiet Tite 8 el A021 Unlawtit Detsiner-Commorcial not crugs or wrongful evston) 2.6. == Renwenl 2 [_naozo rev Selaner eset ot dug orwrongtteveton | 2.8. ¥ [edie 8 | oert To pecan unawtdetanarruns 2.6 B[rdbamnoon [sen svar cae 28 i Petiton we Ativaton(t1)| =) ABt1S Potton o CampevContn/vacate Arbitration 2.8 LAGI 100 Rev. 0107) CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ADDENDUM TASC, rule 2.0 LASC Approved 02-08, AND STATEMENT OF LOCATION Page 2 of 4 huicil Review (Cent d.) Miscellaneous Civil Petitions Enforcement ‘of Judgment Miscellaneous Civil Complatats sar a Ba Ee a) Eforoment of Judgment 2) A B c " Type of Action Appllesbio Reasons - ow" Sony (cheek only oe) Woe Sep S Above TL) sist Wit-Aemineratve Mandamus 2.8 wit of Manat J psts2 wit- Mandamus on Lites Cot Caso Mator 2 (2) [16163 weit- other Limted Court Case Review 2 Omer ey oven [2 Ast50 othe: Wri sua Revi ‘nts ue jon 1.208 fatness To} na008 Antuelrede Regt ‘canstueson Detct(10)] [=] A807 Conatetn cotost 4.2.3 5 i Sean ttt 2 A8008 isis involving Mass Tort to 2e® g a Secures Ligation 26) |} A9006 Secures Ligation Case 1428 ‘Toxic Tor environmental 1,2,3.8 B | edt | ane ram roenoam insurance Coverge = ae ‘Claims from Complex [1 At014 Insurance CoveregeSubrogation (complex ease only), 1 Astt sister state Judgmont 1 Aet00 Abstract of Judgment {1 A6107 Contession of Jutgment (non-domestic relations) [71 A6140 Administrative Agency Award (not unpaid taxes) 1 40114 PetiiontCertticate for Entry of Judgment on Unpaid Tax [1 Asi12 other Enforcement of Judgment Case, seme Fas [1 Ast24 EXdedDependent Aduit Abuse Case (18190 Election Contest 1 A6110 Petiton for Change of Name 1 2 Aet70 Petition for Reliet from Late Claim Law 1 A610 Other civ Petition RICO 27) TJ A033. Rackatenng RCO) Coe hee 6030 1. aH courconpente | C2 MD aan a Oop 28 arenes Aten) | a). ABD#D Inn Ret On (ot comesicmarssmen) 248 [sort ter commer Compan Ceo fontaine complex) 128 2 8000 other Cis Complaint (nomtortinon-comolen) 4,2,8. ParpeangConeton| J. asta Partin rd Gononta Greene ae 2. [potas cv Hrassment : 2.3.8 8 [rates Worse Haesoment 208 98 2,944.8 LAGIY 109 (Rev. 01107) LASC Approved 03.04 GIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ADDENDUM AND STATEMENT OF LOCATION USC, rule 2.0 Page 3 of 4 2 “worrmmie Coupleguys, Inc. v. John Doe Age NUMBER Item It. Statement of Location: Enter the ‘address of the accident, party's residence ‘or place of business, performance, or ‘other circumstance indicated in Item Ii., Step 3 on Page 1, as the proper reason for filing in the court location you selected. TERED. GHEE TNE MER UNDER COLORING WHIT APPLES THIS CASE Cr. m2. os Os Os. Cs. C7. Ds. Ce. Ch. ai are are ‘Sherman Oaks CA 91423 L J tem IV, Declaration of Assignment: | declare under penalty ‘of perjury under the laws of the|State of California that the ferayomg is tue ané correct and thatthe above-eitied mater is property fled for assignment tothe LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT ‘courthouse in the CENTRAL District of the Los Angeles Superior Court {Code Civ, Proc., § 362 et seq,, and LASC Local Rule 2.0, subds. (0), () and (2). ‘PenariRe OF ATTORNEVENG PARTY Chad R. Fitzgerald 13701 Riverside Dr. #500 Dated: December 4.2009 __ PLEASE HAVE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS COMPLETED AND READY TO BE FILED IN ORDER TO PROPERLY COMMENCE YOUR NEW COURT CASE: Original Complaint or Petition. If fing @ Complaint, a completed Summons form for issuance by the Clerk. Civil Case Cover Sheet form CM-010. ‘Complate Addendum to Civil Case Cover Sheet form LAGIV 109 (Rev 01/07), LASC Approved 03-04. Payment in full ofthe filing fee, unless foes have bean waived. ‘Signed order appointing the Guardian ad Litem, JC form FL-835, ifthe plant or petitoner is @ minor under 18 years of age, or if required by Court. 7. Additional copies of docurnents to be conformed by the Clerk. Copies of the cover sheet and this addendum ‘must be served along with the summons and complaint, or other initiating pleading in the case. oorene Laci 109 Rev. 0107) CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ADDENDUM ees LASC Approved 03-04 AND STATEMENT OF LOCATION fee

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