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Jika anda membeli BlackBerry dari distributor resmi BlackBerry, silahkan ke operator dengan


laporan kehilangan dari kepolisian.
bukti pembelian asli
kartu garansi
[UPDATE] FAQ Prosedur Suspend PIN
Blackberry Hilang
[ Diedit ]
-- - 10-02-2013 09:48 PM oleh dnaftali
sesuai judul, mengacu pada salah satu tips di :

ternyata masih banyak ditemui kasus kehilangan yang tidak dapat tertangani atau mendapat
jawaban memuaskan.

berikut adalah update FAQ prosedur pelaporan bila blackberry kamu hilang.


Apa saja sih yang perlu kamu bawa saat melapor ke operator bila blackberry kamu hilang?
laporan kehilangan dari kepolisian.
bukti pembelian asli
kartu garansi
Lapornya kemana ?
Laporkan ke gerai operator penyedia layanan Blackberry Service yang kamu gunakan pada saat

Apasih yang kemudian akan dilakukan bila kita melapor ?
Operator akan memblok/suspend PIN blackberry kita hingga tidak dapat digunakan oleh oknum
pencuri (tidak bertanggungjawab)

Kalau dijawab "Maaf kami tidak bisa membantu untuk memblok PI N" oleh CS Operator
bagaimana ?
Mintalah berbicara dengan manager CS

Kalau jawabannya sama seperti diatas bagaimana?
Katakan melalui Forum Dukungan Blackberry atau @blackberrybantu Operator bisa membantu
mensuspend blackberry (garansi resmi) yang hilang

Kalau masih juga dijawab gak bisa?
Mintalah sang manager meng-eskalasi kasus ke RIM, karena setiap operator punya layanan
menyambungkan ke call centre RIM secara GRATI S (jangan takut, layanan eskalasi ada versi
indonesianya kok)

Kalau gak mau nyambungin gimana?
Laporkan waktu pelaporan, nama operator, alamat gerai operator, nama manager, nama CS
di sini (selanjutnya anda akan dihubungi oleh pihak terkait untuk menanyakan data-data lanjut)
nantinya akan di follow up oleh tim dari RIM.


Saya kehilangan BB sekitar sebulan yang lalu di mangga dua square, setelah itu, BB lgs tidak
aktif. Tapi saya coba terus menerus add selama sebulan..
Puji Tuhan sekitar seminggu yg lalu, saya di accept oleh pin lama saya, yg ternyata adalah
seorang Bapak yg baru sekitar 3hri membeli BB saya di Mangga Dua Mall. Saya jelaskan
dahulu masalahnya, bahwa BB yg skrg dia pegang adalah BB saya yang kecurian, dan dia
bersedia bekerja sama untuk mengembalikan BB tsb.
Mekanismenya, kami ber2 pergi toko t4 yg menjual BB tsb ke dia.saya jelaskan,bahwa toko tsb
memiliki BB yg dicuri,mohon dikembalikan baik2, karena kalau tidak,oleh polisi bisa ditangkap
dengan tuduhan penadahan(Pencuri dan penadah sama2 bersalah di mata hukum).
Akhirnya setelah diskusi alot, toko tsb mengganti uang si Bapak, dan Bapak tsb mengembalikan
BB ke saya.Akhirnya setelah sebulan, saya bisa berkumpul kembali dgn bb tercinta
*hint: bila BB hilang, kt dgn modal dus asli dan kuitansi pembelian, bisa ke ktr BB (kalau jkt
ada di Roxy Mall) utk meminta BB tsb diblokir total, jd tdk bisa dipakai sama sekali.Hal itulah
yg sy jelaskan ke Bapak yg membeli BB sy,bahwa kalau beliau tdk bersedia membantu,ya ud
saya blokir aja BB lama sy,toh ud ga bs balik ke sy lgi. Pasti dong,dia lbh milih bantuin
sy *ngancam dikit gpp kan,toh demi memperoleh hak kita sendiri..Semoga pengalaman sy bs
berguna buat teman2 sekalian..Jgn pasrah aja kalau BB ilang,msh ada jln utk mendptkan
kembali..jg biar toko hp agar berhati2..jgn membeli BB yg tdk jelas asal usulnya,bs jd itu hsl
curian.klo toko tdk ada yg mau membeli,toh pencurinya akan malas sendiri mencuri BB

Have you lost your BlackBerry or had it stolen?

This question is often asked here in the Forum, and specific information in one thread would be a
good resource and a good place for those to ask questions who might face either circumstance.
And, let me say to start -- Sorry about your loss. Now, let's minimize the damage!

Tracking the device: Unless you have previously installed on your BlackBerry a software such
as BlackBerry Protect or SmrtGuard, there is no way to track or trace the physical location of the
device. BlackBerry Protect is free and avaialble in most all countries for BlackBerry users. I
highly advise you install it for its over-the-air data backup if for no other reason.

When you lose your BlackBerry, Protect can pinpoint the last known location of your device --
as long as it is still powered on and the SIM card is still inserted and the SIM has not been
blocked or disabled by your mobile provider. Since a thief often will first remove the SIM card,
that will obviously not allow you to locate it. Protect can also remotely perform a backup of the
data and wipe the device should you have left it with no password protection. You can also send
a "please return me" message to the screen of the BlackBerry, or offer a reward if found.

BlackBerry, the company, cannot track your device.
Your mobile provider cannot track your device (except sometimes they can pinpoint its
general location via the cell tower it last transmitted, but usally only with a court or
police order to do so).
Unless you previously installed a GPS tracking application on the device, you cannot
track it. You can't install it after the fact.
Never would I recommend tracking a known stolen BlackBerry to look for the thief. Be
wise. That's a job for law enforcement (and Chuck Norris).
Next, call your mobile provider. If your BlackBerry is unretrievable, you need to ask your
service provider to block or suspend the SIM so that no one can make charges to your account.
Some service providers will also block or suspend the IMEI / PIN of the device also, so that it
can no longer be used on the BlackBerry network, but not all will do this. Not all carriers will do
this, only calling and asking will answer the question.

Then, report it stolen or lost to the local law enforcement. There are numerous stories of
BlackBerrys being found in cabs or turned in off the street to local police or sheriff's offices. You
might also check a local dealer in the area you lost it... I've seen lost devices returned to a
Verizon or Vodafone store, because the 'finder' of the device just felt it was easier. I have a
personal friend who recently left their BlackBerry in a cab, he hailed a second cabbie who
radio'd and drove to meet the first cabbie to retrieve the device. I saw a listing on Craig's List
recently of a person offering to return a BlackBerry they had discovered underneath their theater

What about your data? Often, the data on the device is more valuable to the owner than the
actual hardware of the BlackBerry. If you have a recent backup (made using BlackBerry Protect
or even your Desktop BlackBerry Software), that data can be restored to a new BlackBerry.

If you have questions not covered above, please ask!
If my BlackBerry is ever lost or stolen, how do I remotely lock or erase it?
Note: The BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) service will be retired by January 1, 2015; see
About the BES retirement. As of January 1, 2013, no new BES accounts are being created. UITS
recommends you replace your BlackBerry with a device that is ActiveSync compatible. To learn
more about ActiveSync, see What is Exchange ActiveSync?
Note: At Indiana University, if you have a BlackBerry, but do not have a BlackBerry Enterprise
Server (BES) account, you must contact your cellular provider for assistance. Unfortunately, IU
does not have any ability to help you secure your device in this case, so the information in this
document does not apply to you.
If you have a BlackBerry and a BES account, you have the ability to secure your device remotely.
To either lock your device or to erase it and suspend BES wireless synchronization, use the
BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager.
Note: You must use Internet Explorer 7.0 or later for this site; it will not function correctly with
any non-Internet Explorer browser.
To secure your BlackBerry:
1. Log into the Web Desktop Manager.
Note: If this is your first time accessing the site, you will need to allow an Active X
control to be installed. You may also need to add the URL to your browser's Trusted Sites;
see What is the BlackBerry Web Desktop Manager?
2. On the left, click Secure a Lost Device.
3. On the page that appears, ignore the message advising you that no BlackBerry devices are
connected to your computer. Instead, look below to the two links for the securing functions.
Choose which action you want to take, and click the associated link for it:
o Specify new device password and lock device: Since this option merely places a screen
password on the device, you may want to use it if you think a chance exists to recover
the device. If you already have a password on the device, this function can change it to
something new.
o Delete all device data and disable device: This option is simply a remotely executed
version of the Wipe handheld command on your BlackBerry; it erases the device and
resets it to its factory condition. In doing so, it also causes the device to drop its
association with the BES service, so it will no longer synchronize with your Exchange
account. Email delivery and internet functionality through the BES will no longer
function, and personal information (messages, contacts, etc.) left on the device will be
erased. However, the user interface will not be locked out, and devices that are disabled
can still make calls and perform any other task not requiring BES activation, as long as
the cellular carrier has not suspended them from its network. Disabling a device should
only be taken when data on the device must be erased, and is best done in conjunction
with your cellular provider also taking action.
Note: Once a device is wiped, you will be unable to screen-lock it from the Web Desktop
Manager. Because its association with the BES has been erased during the wipe, it will
no longer acknowledge any commands sent to it from the BES.
4. Confirm your choice.
o If you selected Specify new device password... , enter the new password into
the fields presented, then click Specify new device password and lock
device again.
o If you selected Delete all device data... , click Yes - Delete all device
data and disable device.
Within a few minutes, the device will receive the signal for the screen lock or the device wipe.
Note: None of these methods offers a guarantee of success. To execute either of the above
functions on the BlackBerry, the device must be in an area with adequate signal coverage, and
also have its antenna connected. For a device that has been lost, these requirements are
impossible to verify. It is also possible for someone to counteract the password or remote delete,
shut off the antenna, and then disable screen locking, allowing your device to be read. For these
reasons, you should have a screen locking password enabled while the device is in your
possession. This way, the device is already secured before it is ever lost or stolen.
You will also want to contact your cellular provider and ask about procedures for a lost or stolen
phone. Such cellular provider policies are outside IU's purview.

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