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This limited exercise is to both demonstrate and test the possibilities of regenerating teeth through
consciousness using processes derived from spiritual and material sources including organ regeneration,
channeling, spiritual healing and historical data. The intention is to develop reliable processes which
may be confidently offered in transformation practices.

Each participant is asked to use and report on the various processes in this exercise but not to vary
them during the exercise time frame so that all of the reporting is on exactly the same criteria. The
exercise will run for four weeks. Several of the processes will be used many times but they are
progressive in that each use builds upon the foundation of the preceding uses. Each time we use a
process we bring about a change in consciousness and this is cumulative.

Lets spend a moment to reflect on a tooth spirituality. Teeth are like assistant priests or priestesses of
the temple of your mouth. They assist with the processing of the sacrificial items that are brought into
the temple and they are damaged by items which also have negative health consequences for you and
they allow the easy passage of the spiritual words that emanate from the temple. This may seem a bit of
a stretch but consider that, every word you speak is creative. Without teeth you would choose to avoid
some words simply because no one would understand what you were saying and your creativity is
limited. Then there are the cosmetic consequences of being toothless.

All of our transformative processes are built upon our intentions. During the exercise period please
intend not only for your own successful tooth regeneration but for a successful outcome for every other
participant. In this way we build a morphic field of success around the processes so that the future
applications will be more successful, more quickly, for more people.

Each participant is asked to respect the confidentiality of the exercise and not to share the processes or
this written material with any other person [really!] during the exercise period. If you do not feel that
you are able to comply with this please delete this document and leave the exercise immediately.

This exercise will test the possibilities of altered states of consciousness, of time travel, of having the
possibility of new choices in every moment and the freedom of participating in the processes of


There are a number of written processes which follow. Ideally, they should be read aloud as this will
involve more of your senses and enhance your participation in the transformation which occurs. Some
are to be used daily, others less often.

Beyond, simply mouthing the words, your intentions, as I have said, are really important and should be
in your mind each time you read the process treat it as if it is your heart-felt desire.

You will also need to add two other factors every time you use the processes your emotions and your
gratitude. Read each time, while holding the emotion you will feel when your teeth are regenerated and
with the gratitude you will be expressing. The words of the processes could be described as a prayer and
you will be demonstrating that you are living in a world of answered prayers which is a nice place to

When you report on your progress you will be asked to note the emotions you felt among the other
things you have noticed.

You will be asked to report once each of the four weeks that this exercise covers by email to and list the processes you have used, your responses, changes you have noticed
and your emotions at the time. I will be compiling this material into one report and each participant will
receive a copy with suggestions for the most effective way to proceed with this in your future practice.

You will, hopefully, be participating in a new way of being that releases tooth regeneration as a regular
part of our practice for the benefit of all. You will also be smiling a lot to show off your new teeth.

FOUNDATIONAL PROCESS [Use once on the first day of each week]

I AM in spirit, I AM one with the Creator-of-All
My healing blesses all of creation.
My intention with this process is to develop a foundation for the regeneration of my tooth [teeth].

I AM able to journey within myself. I contact the consciousness within my body to seek support for

the regeneration of my tooth. I connect with my gums, my other teeth, my jaw bone, my face and with
my stomach in each case seeking support for the regeneration of our missing tooth as with part of us
missing we are all diminished.

As I feel the support growing around me I offer blessings and thanks to each participating part of my
body. I AM open to guidance and the new ways that this support may manifest physically and give

REGENERATION PROCESS [Use once each day]

I AM in spirit, I AM one with the Creator-of-All
My healing blesses all of creation.
My intention with this process to begin a work of regeneration of my tooth[teeth].

I journey back in time, my soul knows exactly when, to just before the first decision I made, which was
to trigger the event(s) that lead to the loss of my tooth. From that place and time I make a new choice. I
will not participate in negative decisions but will follow the bright and shining path of the Creator that
will enable me to attain the dental health that the Creator and I had planned for me to have now.

Having removed the cause of the missing tooth, I can now release the effects, as by changing the past I
allow the present moment to change. This allows the process of regeneration or replacement to begin in
my new reality. So it does.

REBUILDING A TOOTH [Use once each day]

I AM in spirit, I AM one with the Creator-of-All
My healing blesses all of creation.
My intention with this process is to commence the work of regeneration of my tooth.

Working with my energetic body I select a stem cell from my spine to place in the site of the missing
tooth. Using the energy, that the Creator supplies, I add new life and purpose to the site of the potential
new tooth. Using the basic building matter from the sphere of living matter I completely pack this site
and can visualize the new tooth completely formed, securely in place.
This new tooth attains the standard that the Creator and I had planned for.
I am abundantly blessed.

ACCEPTANCE PROCESS [Use once each day]

I AM in spirit, I AM one with the Creator-of-All
My healing blesses all of creation
My intention is to participate in a miracle of tooth regeneration.

I go within to communicate with my Higher Self and sources of guidance.
From this place of safety and security, I seek access to the flow of healing and love, which is the source
of all regeneration and miracles. I know now that access is always available.

I know that I receive all the healing that I can accept as I come into alignment with my soul purpose
and my gratitude is limitless.
I am blessed by the Creator-of-All.

RIVER OF LIFE PROCESS [Use once at the end of each week]

I AM in spirit, I AM one with the Creator-of-All
My healing blesses all of creation
My intention with this process is to understand my progress in the energetic and physical levels of the
tooth regeneration process.

I journey to the Point of Knowledge of my soul. From here I can see the flowing river which represents
my life to this moment. Each part of the scene has a message of guidance for me. The way the water
flows, the land it runs through, the fish, birds or animals the weather and the feelings it generates in
me as I watch. As I understand these signals, I see the progress of the tooth regeneration project.

Healing Completion Symbol

Send a report for each week to so that we can analyze and enhance the results.

Process 1
day 2
day 3
day 4
day 5
day 6
day 7

Rebuilding a


River of Life

For each process please show the time of day you used it, in your time zone. Please note any special
feelings or reactions you had on any particular day for any of the processes and your general comments.

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