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Sim Van Der Rym & Stuart Cowan

Solution grow from Place
Ecological Design begins with the intimate knowledge of a
particular place.
Ecological accounting informs design
Trace the environmental impacts of existing or proposed
Design with nature
By working with living process, we respect the needs of all
species while meeting our own.
Everyone is a designer
Listen every voice in the design process
Make Nature Visible
Effective design helps inform us of our place within nature

Green architecture
Brenda and Robert Vale
Conserving Energy
Building should be designed so as to minimize the need for fossil fuels to run
Working with Climate
Building should be designed to work with climate and natural energy sources..
Minimizing new resources
Building should be designed so as to minimize the use of new resources and
to form the resources for other architecture
Respect for users
A green architecture recognizes the importance of all people involved with it
Respect for Site
A building will touch-this-earth-lightly
All the green principles need to be embodied in a holistic approach to the built

Nancy Jack Todd and John Todd
The living world is the matrix of all design
Design should follow, not oppose, the law of life
Biological Equity must determine design
Design must reflect bio-regionality
Project should be based on renewable energy
Design shoud be sustainable through the
interation of living system
Sustainable Construction
Assesment Tools / SCAT
Model spidergraph
Indikator Sosial
Indikator Ekonomi
Indikator Environmental

Sustainable Architecture
Indikator Sosial
Kenyamanan pengguna bangunan
Akses dalam bangunan (toilet, furnitur, fitting lampu
Kemudahan akses menuju lokasi bangunan
Partisipasi dan kontrol
Segala hal yang berkaitan dengan
kesehatan,pendidikan dan keselamatan
Indikator Ekonomi
Pendayagunaan komponen lokal demi memajukan
pendapatan lokal / daerah setempat
Effiensi bangunan
Fleksibilitas tata ruang dalam dan luar bangunan
Biaya yang keluar sejak bangunan dimulai
Alokasi total dana yang dipakai untuk membangun
Indikator environment
Penggunaan air
Penggunaan energi
Pengolahan limbah
Pemilihan material dan komponen bahan
Situasi site
Tugas kelompok
Setiap kelompok mecoba memberikan penilaian tingkat
sustainabilitas arsitektur satu gedung di kota Medan. (tiap
kelompok berbeda arsitektur yang diamati)
Format tugas A2 berisi gambar tampak, denah,
potongan,detail foto( yang dianggap mengikuti kaidah
sustainable architecture )
Dengan menggunakan spidergraph berikan penilaian dan
Teknik presentasi grafis dan narasi pendukung, Print
dalam format untuk presentasi pameran
Dikumpulkan tanggal 16 February 2009 pukul 14.00 wib

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