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Final Project Description and Outline:

A Project-Based Learning Experience for Teaching English to Pre-teens and Teens

Group collaboration
You will work in small groups of no less than 2 and no more than people to create a
project-!ased learning experience for "our selected age group of students# You will !e
expected to colla!orate online in a speciall" designed discussion forum so that the
instructors can o!ser$e aspects of "our progress and cooperation#
Individual work
You are expected to work as a mem!er of the group and contri!ute producti$el" to the
colla!orati$e work# You are also re%uired indi$iduall" to make a product that "ou could
use as an example of the project&s culminating assessment with "our own students#
** Please note that this group project (including your individual product ea!ple" is
a re#uired ele!ent o$ the course $or success$ul co!pletion and receiving a Passing
score **
Together "our group will de$elop a Project-Based Learning experience intended for a
specific group of students# Your group will design a cohesi$e set of lessons around "our
students& production of a clearl" defined end-product' as outlined in the instructions
!elow# (ndi$iduall"' each mem!er of "our group will make a sample of that product
which "ou' as the teacher' could use to show "our own students a model of what the" will
do as a result of their engagement in the PBL experience#
&coring ' (ubric
)or this final project "ou will recei$e a maximum of *+ points' which includes !oth
colla!orati$e and indi$idual components# Your group work grade will !e adjusted
indi$iduall" to reflect le$els of participation' should it !e necessar"#
,e$iew the scoring ru!ric in a separate file in the )inal Projects folder#
You&ll see on the timeline !elow that the final drafts are due at the end of )eek *+
Assignments su!mitted later than the due date will ha$e -+ points deducted per da"#
,ite your sources
To a$oid plagiarism' if "ou !orrow an acti$it" or idea from the (nternet or scan a print
resource' "ou need to reference the we!site or print resource so that others can $isit the
site or use the print resource in the future#
The project timeline is as follows.
/eek 0 - 1rgani2e into "our groups' assign roles' select "our age group and theme3topic
/eek 4 5 6heck-in and peer feed!ack 7You will upload a rough draft and get feed!ack
from peers and "our instructor#8
/eek 9 5 6ompleted group project and indi$idual example products are due for grading
and final peer e$aluation
&peci$ic Directions
With your group members youll need to:
:e$elop an appropriate project-!ased learning experience#
;elect an age group' theme and product "our students will produce in groups#
o /rite the goals and learning o!jecti$es#
o :esign the lesson plans
o :e$elop an assessment tool to measure student learning 7ru!ric8
Be creati$e< This should !e a fun' rele$ant project with de$eloped lessons and
acti$ities that demonstrate the ideas we co$er in this course related' !ut not
limited to moti$ating pre-teens and teens' PBL' and !est practices in ELT#
As an individual, youll need to:
6reate a sample product to ser$e as an example for "our students
=ake this final project document detailed enough so that we could take "our plans and
teach them oursel$es< >se the outline we ha$e pro$ided' or design "our own' !ut "ou
must include all the information included in the outline#

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