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1. Trace the path of urea from the glomerulus to the exterior of the body.

Glomerular capsule

2. Compile a table showing the components of a nephron, functions and

features that allow each part to function efficiently.
3. State the functions of each of the following components of the urinary
a) Ureter ..
b) Urinary bladder
c) Urethra

4. Describe and explain the importance of each of the following processes :

a) Pressure filtration (glomerular filtration)

b) Tubular reabsorption

c) Tubular secretion

5. Explain the role of the countercurrent mutiplier in a kidney.

6. Describe the role of each of the following substances in the body.

a) Renin
b) Angiotensin II..
c) Aldosterone..
d) ADH (antidiuretic hormone)..
e) ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide) ..
f) Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
g) Calcitriol...
h) Erythropoietin..

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