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Task 1: The School and Learning Environment

Name of student: Marianela Camacho Estay

Name of School: Niños Cantores de Viña del Mar

Number of students: 9

Date: September 28th, 2009 Class: 5th grade.

Briefly and objectively describe the following aspects:

1. The school:

Niños Cantores de Viña del Mar is a private school located in San Pablo
de la Cruz street #401 in Viña del Mar. It is a small school because
there are about 200 students. It is a simple organization, the Principal
and two coordinators (one for High school and one for primary school).
As far as I see, I can say that the school it is not working effectively.
When students arrive late in the morning around 9 a.m. there is no
consequence, therefore they feel free to do whatever they want.

2. The classroom

Since there are only nine students in the classroom, it is a very easy
group to deal with. It seems that the activities engaged all the students
due to the small group. The classroom is very small, and in my opinion
it is not well organized. It is possible to see thousands of papers posted
on the wall giving an untidy look.

3. The activities & resources

a) Most of activities are similar, the teacher works with Project 1

book, she picks some exercises and makes the students work on that.
When the students are done with the activities she checks the
answers orally and on the whiteboard. I think that the book is a
critical part of the daily activities.

b) Despite of the fact that the school belongs to the private system;
the institution does not have many available resources. There is a
small computer lab and a video room. Besides, there is only one data
show projector for all the school.

Task 2: Student´s learning

In this second observation task, you should focus on the things that help
to create conditions for effective learning and on the aspects that play a
part in preventing learning.

1. The learners
I think that the students are very motivated and willing to learn
English. They do all the activities that the teacher delivers. They
feel happy participating of the assignments.

2. Behaviour during classroom activities

Since there are only 9 students, everybody has the chance to be
involved in an activity. So, when the teacher is checking the
answers everybody at least once will have the opportunity to
participate. Most of the students’ participation is orally or by
writing on the whiteboard.
3. Discuss the learning styles and levels of English in the classroom.

3. Discuss the learning styles and levels of English in the classroom.

Students do not seem to have a high level of English. Only a couple

of students are able to develop effectively the activities given by the

In relation to learning styles, it has been a hard task for me, due to
the teacher only gives them handouts to solve individually, using
reading and writing skills.

Observation scale High Mediu Low Not

m Observ
Observations clear & well informed ....

Demonstrates understanding of ....

social and educational factors
Objective & factual information .....

Evidence of active search of .....

Use of English expression clear ,.....


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