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"# %&&'(%)*' #'+'),'- September 11, 2014 Contact: KrIsten 8yrne, 619682J841
./01234/ 5/6/78/8 97: 1! 234/ 8;75/ 8<7<31= 83</8
87= .3/>1? 0763! @ 8'A*'&B'# CC? DECF 0eco8Ike San 0Iego, the City of San Diegos
partner to prIvately fund, Implement, and operate a cItywIde bIke share program, today
released a map of bIke share statIon locatIons that wIll be Installed for theIr launch thIs fall.
The map Includes 11J sItes that have been approved to date. 0eco8Ike Is contInuIng to work
wIth property owners and the communIty on remaInIng sItes that wIll complete the network
of 180 bIke sharIng statIons.

ThIs Is an Important mIlestone for bIke sharIng In San 0Iego, saId 0avId SIlverman, 0eco8Ike
San 0Iego's ExecutIve FepresentatIve. We antIcIpate confIrmIng all sItes In the network
wIthIn the next few weeks, and wIll begIn InstallIng statIons later thIs month.

n 201J, 0ECD8KE sIgned a 10year contract wIth the CIty of San 0Iego to create a cItywIde
network of 180 bIke share statIons for shortterm rentals. 0eco8Ike statIons wIll be located In
communItIes from PacIfIc 8each to San YsIdro, provIdIng a robust network that wIll gIve the
publIc a vIable and envIronmentallyfrIendly transportatIon choIce. The convenIence of beIng
able to rent a bIke at one locatIon and drop off at another encourages bIcyclIng as a mode of
travel, rather than relyIng on cars.

Whether its commuting to work, running errands or simply enjoying a nIce bIke rIde for
exercise, automated bike sharing programs fulfill all those needs in a very efficient manner,
said Silverman. Its convenient, easy to use and its green transportation at its best.

To view the map of approves sites, visit DecoBike San Diegos website at

0eco8Ike servIce Is scheduled to launch on Dctober J0, 2014 In 0owntown San 0Iego and
surroundIng communItIes. ServIce wIll contInue to expand from these areas, wIth the entIre
network comIng In operatIon over the followIng several months.

7B"H* ./01234/
0ECD8KE Is an awardwInnIng developer of bIcycle sharIng programs and equIpment desIgned
to move cItIes, unIversItIes and corporate campuses quIcker and more effIcIently than ever
before. From large cItywIde bIkeshare systems to small corporate programs, 0ECD8KE
programs all accomplIsh the goal of ImprovIng the qualIty of lIfe for communItIes whIle easIng
traffIc and parkIng congestIon wIth relIable and sustaInable transportatIon. For more
InformatIon about 0ECD8KE, vIsIt

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