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VoLGA A Whitepaper - Martin Sauter, August !!

Voice over L#$ via Generic Access %VoLGA&
A Whitepaper - August !!"
V '.!
Table of Contents
1 Executive Summary..............................................................................................................2
2 VoLGA Overview.................................................................................................................3
3 Handover...............................................................................................................................7
4 Quaity o! Service................................................................................................................."
# $nternationa %oamin&...........................................................................................................'
( Emer&ency )a*.................................................................................................................1+
7 ,re*ent and -uture Aternative*..........................................................................................11
" Summary. )oncu*ion and Ac/nowed&ment*...................................................................12
' Li*t o! A00reviation* -or Ea*y %e!erence..........................................................................14
VoLGA A Whitepaper - Martin Sauter, August !!"
' $(ecutive Summar)
#he Move to *ac+et Switche, Wireless -etwor+s
1it2 t2e 3uic/y ri*in& u*e o! mo0ie teecommunication networ/* !or 0road0and $nternet
acce**. networ/ o4erator* and teecommunication vendor* decided t2at it wa* time to de!ine
and im4ement next &eneration networ/ tec2noo&ie* to /ee4 u4 wit2 t2e demand. 52e mo*t
widey ado4ted next &eneration *tandard i* re!erred to a* L5E. or Lon& 5erm Evoution. L5E
i* a 4ro6ect o! t2e 52ird Generation ,artner*2i4 ,ro6ect 73G,,
8 and o!!er* an u4&rade 4at2
!or a ma6or t2ird &eneration wiree** networ/ tec2noo&ie*. 9a*ed on t2e $nternet ,rotoco
7$,8. it !uy evera&e* t2e !exi0iity o! 4ac/et *witc2in& and !oow* t2e 4at2 ta/en in !ixed
ine networ/* wit2 :SL. ca0e and !i0er to t2e 2ome de4oyment*.
-o -ative Voice an, SMS in L#$
12ie 4ac/et *witc2ed wiree** networ/* 2ave many advanta&e*. t2ere i* a*o a ma6or
di*advanta&e; Voice ca* and S<S me**a&in&. t2e main revenue &enerator* o! mo0ie
networ/ o4erator*. are no on&er avaia0e in L5E. a* t2ey are 0a*ed on a circuit *witc2ed
radio and core networ/ in!ra*tructure. 5o counter t2i* i**ue. 3G,, 2a* *o !ar ado4ted two
di!!erent a44roac2e*;
.all/ac+ to G or 0G 1or Voice
52e !ir*t *oution. de*i&ned to 0e avaia0e eary on. i* re!erred to a* )ircuit Switc2ed
-a0ac/ 7)S-98. A* t2e name im4ie* it aow* mo0ie device* to !a 0ac/ to 2G or 3G
networ/* !or circuit *witc2ed *ervice* *uc2 a* voice ca*. 52e main 4ro0em* wit2 t2i*
a44roac2 are on&er ca *etu4 time* w2ic2 re*ut in a *i&ni!icant de&radation o! t2e u*er
ex4erience and t2e nece**ity !or *o!tware u4&rade* on circuit *witc2ed networ/ node* *uc2 a*
t2e <o0ie Switc2in& )enter* 7<S)*8.
2MS As a *otential Solution .or the Mi, an, Long #erm
A *oution envi*a&ed !or t2e mid and on& term i* to introduce networ/ o4erator 0a*ed voice
*ervice* in L5E wit2 t2e $, <utimedia Su0*y*tem 7$<S8. :eveo4ment o! t2i* !uy $, 0a*ed
4at!orm !or ric2 media communication incudin& voice ca* 0e&un many year* a&o !or
=<5S. %ecenty. en2ancement* 2ave 0een *4eci!ied !or 2andin&>over on&oin& $<S 0a*ed
voice ca* to circuit *witc2ed networ/* *uc2 a* GS< w2en t2e u*er eave* t2e =<5S or L5E
covera&e area durin& a ca. :ue to t2e *i&ni!icant com4exity o! t2e *y*tem. 2owever. it i*
i/ey t2at it wi *ti ta/e *evera year* 0e!ore ar&e *cae commercia $<S de4oyment* wi
0e underta/en.
Voice over L#$ via GA-
A t2ird *oution. w2ic2 t2i* 4a4er wi !ocu* on. i* Voice over L5E via Generic Acce**
?etwor/. or VoLGA !or *2ort. w2ic2 i* de!ined 0y t2e VoLGA !orum
. Here. t2e conce4t i*
to connect t2e aready exi*tin& <o0ie Switc2in& )enter* to t2e L5E networ/ via a &ateway.
A* no !a0ac/ to a e&acy networ/ i* re3uired. ca *etu4 time* are not increa*ed and t2e
u*er@* 3uaity o! ex4erience i* con*i*tent wit2 t2at o! t2e 2G or 3G voice environment.
VoLGA i* 0a*ed on t2e exi*tin& 3G,, Generic Acce** ?etwor/ 7GA?8 *tandard. w2ic2 i*
de4oyed !or exam4e 0y 5><o0ie in t2e =S and Oran&e in -rance. 52e 4ur4o*e o! GA? i*
to extend mo0ie *ervice* over a &eneric $, acce** networ/. One o! t2e 4o4uar a44ication* o!
GA? i* wit2 1i>-i>ena0ed 42one*. 1it2 GA?>0a*ed dua>mode mo0ie 42one*. a *ervice*
VoLGA A Whitepaper - Martin Sauter, August !!"
are eit2er avaia0e over t2eir GS< networ/* a* u*ua. or over 1i>-i at 2ome or in 4u0ic
4ace*. <ovin& 0etween t2e two networ/ tec2noo&ie* i* !uy tran*4arent to t2e u*er.
On t2e networ/ *ide. VoLGA ony re3uire* *o!tware en2ancement* to t2e circuit to 4ac/et
&ateway* w2ic2 aready exi*t !or GA?. ?o modi!ication* are re3uired on t2e <o0ie
Switc2in& )enter* or t2e L5E core and acce** networ/ node*. 52i* ena0e* a ra4id
deveo4ment and mar/et introduction. e*4eciay in muti>vendor <S) networ/
environment*. -urt2ermore. VoLGA ena0e* t2e u*e o! a ot2er circuit *witc2ed *ervice* over
L5E wit2out any modi!ication* in t2e networ/. One o! t2e*e a44ication* i* t2e *2ort me**a&e
*ervice 7S<S8. w2ic2 i* not ony a *i&ni!icant revenue &enerator 0ut a*o an im4ortant too !or
mo0ie device 4rovi*ionin& over t2e air and a re3uirement o! t2e Euro4ean =nion !or
in!ormin& *u0*cri0er* a0out voice and data c2ar&e* w2ie t2ey are roamin& in anot2er
On t2e mo0ie device *ide. t2e 4rotoco *tac/ initiay deveo4ed !or GA? can a*o 0e re>u*ed
in ar&e 4art*. 52e two main *o!tware addition* re3uired are to incude t2e L5E acce**
tec2noo&y a* a radio 0earer to&et2er wit2 a modi!ied 2andover 4rocedure. a* t2e VoLGA
a44roac2 aow* !or a *moot2 2andover o! on&oin& voice ca* to GS< or =<5S w2en t2e
*u0*cri0er eave* t2e L5E covera&e area.
VoLGA a*o ena0e* a *moot2 introduction o! &o0a L5E roamin&. $! *u44orted 0y t2e
vi*ited networ/. a *ervice* can 0e deivered via t2e VoLGA circuit to 4ac/et &ateway and
t2e <o0ie Switc2in& )enter* in t2e vi*ited networ/. $n ca*e VoLGA i* not *u44orted. t2e
VoLGA &ateway and t2e <o0ie Switc2in& )enter* in t2e 2ome networ/ may 0e u*ed
in*tead. at2ou&2 t2i* i* currenty not de*cri0ed in t2e *4eci!ication. 12ie t2e 0ene!it* !or t2e
u*er are o0viou*. t2i* !exi0iity i* a*o very u*e!u !rom t2e networ/ o4erator@* 4oint o! view
a* it aow* deivery o! crucia *ervice* *uc2 a* mandatory in!ormation on roamin& c2ar&e*
via S<S w2ie roamin&.
52e !oowin& c2a4ter* wi now &o into more detai* and *2ow 2ow VoLGA wi wor/ in
4ractice !rom a tec2nica 4oint o! view.
VoLGA 3verview
52e root* o! @Voice over L5E via GA?@ 7VoLGA8 are t2e 3G,, Generic Acce** ?etwor/
7GA?8 *4eci!ication* w2ic2 add 1i>-i a* an acce** tec2noo&y to 3G,, 0a*ed networ/* *uc2
a* GS< and =<5S. GA? re3uire* dua mode mo0ie device* w2ic2 2ave 0ot2 a
GS<A=<5S radio inter!ace and a 1i>-i radio inter!ace. Suc2 mo0ie device* are avaia0e
today !rom a num0er o! manu!acturer* incudin& Sam*un&. ?o/ia. Sa&em. LG. H5)
. Sony>Eric**on and %$< 79ac/0erry8
. 12en t2e*e dua>mode device* detect t2e
avaia0iity o! a *uita0e 1i>-i networ/. e.&. at 2ome or a 4u0ic 2ot*4ot. t2ey connect to t2e
1i>-i acce** 4oint and re&i*ter wit2 t2e GS<A=<5S core networ/ over t2e 1i>-i in/ and
t2e $nternet. A GA? &ateway *ecurey connect* a *u0*cri0er to t2e in!ra*tructure o! a networ/
o4erator and voice ca* and ot2er circuit *witc2ed *ervice* *uc2 a* S<S are t2en *ecurey
tran*4orted 0etween t2e mo0ie device and t2e Gateway over t2e intermediate 1i>-i in/ and
$nternet acce** networ/.
VoLGA re>u*e* t2i* 4rinci4e 0y re4acin& t2e 1i>-i acce** wit2 L5E. -rom a mo0ie device
4oint o! view t2ere i* not muc2 di!!erence 0etween t2e two acce** met2od* 0ecau*e 0ot2
VoLGA A Whitepaper - Martin Sauter, August !!"
networ/* are 0a*ed on $,. 52i* re>u*e o! GA? wa* initiay ex4ored in t2e 3G,, 5ec2nica
%e4ort 23."7'
and at t2e 0e&innin& o! 2++'. t2e VoLGA -orum wa* !ounded to !o*ter t2e
creation o! detaied *4eci!ication document* and *u0*e3uent deveo4ment o! t2e *oution.
VoLGA in the -etwor+
-i&ure 2.1 &ive* an overview o! t2e 0a*ic networ/ *etu4 !or VoLGA in t2e 2ome networ/ a*
de*cri0ed in t2e Voice over L5E via Generic Acce** Sta&e 2 *4eci!ication
. -or an ea*y *tart.
t2e o4tiona inter!ace* t2at ena0e ex4icit 3uaity o! *ervice in t2e L5E networ/ and t2o*e
re3uired !or 2andin& over on&oin& voice ca* to a circuit *witc2ed networ/ are not *2own.
52e*e are di*cu**ed *e4aratey !urt2er down in t2e document.
52e ony new networ/ eement introduced i* t2e VoLGA Acce** ?etwor/ )ontroer
7VA?)8. *2own in &reen in t2e !i&ure 0eow. A ot2er networ/ eement* and t2e inter!ace*
0etween t2em aready exi*t and are reu*ed wit2out any modi!ication*.
VoLGA 1rom the L#$ -etwor+ *oint o1 View
On t2e L5E *ide. t2e VA?) connect* to t2e ,ac/et :ata ?etwor/ Gateway 7,>G18 via t2e
*tandard SGi inter!ace. 9ot2 *i&nain& and u*er data tra!!ic 7i.e. t2e voice 4ac/et*8 are
tran*4orted over t2i* inter!ace. -rom an L5E core networ/ 4oint o! view t2e VA?) oo/* i/e
any ot2er $, 0a*ed externa node and $, 4ac/et* exc2an&ed 0etween a wiree** device and t2e
VA?) are tran*4arenty !orwarded t2rou&2 t2e Evoved ,ac/et )ore 7E,)8 networ/.
.igure .'; 9a*ic VoLGA networ/ *etu4
VoLGA 1rom the 4ircuit Switche, -etwor+ *oint o1 View
On t2e circuit *witc2ed networ/ *ide t2e A>inter!ace i* u*ed to connect t2e VA?) to a GS<
<o0ie Switc2in& )enter 7<S)8. 52e $u>inter!ace i* u*ed to connect t2e VA?) to t2e =<5S
<S). 52e VA?) t2u* oo/* i/e a GS< 9a*e Station )ontroer 79S)8 to a GS< <S) and
i/e a =<5S %adio ?etwor/ )ontroer 7%?)8 to a =<5S <o0ie Switc2in& )enter. 12ic2
inter!ace i* u*ed in 4ractice de4end* on t2e re3uirement* o! t2e networ/ o4erator. A* t2e A
VoLGA A Whitepaper - Martin Sauter, August !!"
and $u inter!ace* are u*ed wit2out any en2ancement*. t2e <S)* are not aware t2at t2e
mo0ie* are not directy connected via t2eir re*4ective radio networ/* 0ut in*tead are
connected over L5E. )on*e3uenty. no c2an&e* are re3uired on t2e*e networ/ node* to
*u44ort voice. S<S and ot2er *ervice* over t2e L5E networ/.
5egistering to the -etwor+
12en a mo0ie device i* *witc2ed on and detect* an L5E networ/ it !ir*t re&i*ter* wit2 t2e
<o0iity <ana&ement Entity 7<<E8 over t2e L5E acce** networ/. 52e <<E u*e* t2e S(a
inter!ace to t2e Home Location %e&i*ter A Home Su0*cri0er Server 7HL%AHSS8 to retrieve t2e
*u0*cri0er data re3uired !or aut2enticatin& and mana&in& t2e u*er.
A!ter re&i*terin& wit2 t2e L5E networ/. t2e mo0ie t2en e*ta0i*2e* a connection to t2e
VA?). How t2i* i* done de4end* on t2e VoLGA *4eci!ic con!i&uration in!ormation *tored in
t2e mo0ie device. -ir*t. a *uita0e $, connection need* to 0e in 4ace. $n t2e 2ome networ/
t2e de!aut 0earer mi&2t 0e u*ed. $t i* a*o 4o**i0e to u*e a *e4arate 0earer and $, addre** !or
t2e 4ur4o*e. 52e 2o*t name or $, addre** o! t2e VA?) can 0e 4re>4rovi*ioned in t2e mo0ie
device or can 0e ac3uired 0y 3ueryin& a :ynamic Ho*t )on!i&uration ,rotoco 7:H),8 *erver
in t2e networ/ over t2e 0earer t2at wa* e*ta0i*2ed !or VoLGA in t2e 4reviou* *te4. Once t2e
$, addre** o! t2e VA?) i* /nown. t2e mo0ie e*ta0i*2e* a *ecure $,Sec tunne to it over t2e
L5E radio networ/ t2rou&2 t2e L5E core networ/ and over t2e SGi inter!ace. :urin& t2e
4roce** t2e VA?) aut2enticate* t2e u*er wit2 t2e 2e4 o! aut2entication in!ormation *tored in
t2e HL%AHSS. w2ic2 it contact* over t2e :@ inter!ace.
?ext. t2e mo0ie device re&i*ter* to t2e <S) t2rou&2 t2e *ecure tunne and t2e VA?). 52e
:irect 5ran*!er A44ication ,art 7:5A,8 4rotoco i* u*ed !or t2i* 4ur4o*e. w2ic2 i* aready
/nown !rom GS< and =<5S. <e**a&e* are tunneed tran*4arenty 0etween t2e mo0ie
device and t2e <S) 0y a networ/ com4onent* invoved. <erey t2e VA?) add*
in!ormation *uc2 a* a ce>id 72G8 or t2e *ervice area identi!ier 73G8 to t2e initia re&i*tration
me**a&e a* de!ined in t2e GS< and =<5S *tandard* re*4ectivey.
3utgoing Voice 4alls over L#$
-i&ure 2.2 *2ow* t2e *i&nain& exc2an&e to e*ta0i*2 a mo0ie ori&inated voice ca over L5E.
A *i&nain& and contro 4ane me**a&e* 0etween t2e =E and t2e VA?) are tran*4orted over
t2e e*ta0i*2ed $,Sec tunne. $n a !ir*t *te4. t2e mo0ie device *end* a me**a&e to t2e VA?)
to c2an&e t2e connection !rom ide to dedicated *tate. A!terward*. a *tandard GS<A=<5S
)< Service %e3ue*t me**a&e i* *ent to e*ta0i*2 a connection to t2e <S). 12en t2e VA?)
receive* t2e me**a&e it create* a dedicated *i&nain& connection to t2e <S) over t2e A> or $u
inter!ace !or t2i* u*er and !orward* t2e me**a&e. 52e <S) t2en u*uay aut2enticate* t2e u*er
and activate* ci42erin& 7*te4 4 and # in t2e !i&ure8. 52en. t2e mo0ie device *end* a Setu4
me**a&e in *te4 (. w2ic2 contain* amon& ot2er t2in&*. t2e 42one num0er o! t2e 4er*on t2at i*
to 0e caed. 52e <S) ac/nowed&e* t2e re3ue*t wit2 a )a ,roceedin& me**a&e in *te4 7.
A* t2e <S) t2in/* o! t2e VA?) a* a GS< 9a*e Station )ontroer or =<5S %adio ?etwor/
)ontroer. it t2en *end* an A**i&nment %e3ue*t me**a&e to t2e VA?) to re3ue*t t2e
e*ta0i*2ment o! a circuit *witc2ed 0earer c2anne. 52e VA?) tran*ate* t2i* me**a&e into an
Activate )2anne me**a&e to t2e mo0ie device in *te4 ' to 4re4are it !or t2e exc2an&e o! $,
4ac/et* containin& voice data. O4tionay. 3uaity o! *ervice !or t2e voice 4ac/et* can 0e
en*ured 0y activatin& a *econd 0earer in t2e L5E networ/ 7*te4 118. 52i* i* !urt2er di*cu**ed
0eow. Once t2e mo0ie device i* 4re4ared !or t2e voice data *tream. an A**i&nment %e*4on*e
me**a&e i* *ent 0ac/ to t2e <S) in *te4 13 to *i&na to it t2e *ucce**!u @4*eudo@
e*ta0i*2ment o! a circuit *witc2ed c2anne in t2e radio networ/. Once t2e ca 2a* 0een
e*ta0i*2ed wit2 t2e ot2er 4arty. t2e <S) *end* Aertin& and )onnect <e**a&e* 7*te4 14 and
VoLGA A Whitepaper - Martin Sauter, August !!"
1#8 w2ic2 t2e mo0ie device ac/nowed&e*. 52e voice 4at2 i* t2en e*ta0i*2ed and t2e voice
conver*ation can 0e&in.
52e voice *i&na i* eit2er tran*mitted in a (4 /0itA* 5:< time*ot on t2e A>inter!ace in t2e
ca*e o! a GS< <S) or via an A5< or $, 0a*ed data !ow in t2e ca*e o! a =<5S <S). 52e
VA?) tran*ate* t2i* data *tream into $, 4ac/et* !or tran*mi**ion over t2e L5E networ/ and
vice ver*a. 52e *tandardiBed %ea>time 5ran*!er ,rotoco 7%5,8 i* u*ed !or t2i* 4ur4o*e and
t2i* i* t2e *ame %5, 4rotoco t2at i* a*o u*ed 0y many ot2er voice over $, *oution* *uc2 a*
t2o*e utiiBin& S$, and $<S.
.igure .; )a !ow !or a mo0ie ori&inated voice ca 7VoLGA *ta&e 2 *4eci!ication. -i&ure
2ncoming Voice 4alls over L#$
$ncomin& voice ca* wor/ in a *imiar way. A* !rom t2e <S) 4oint o! view no connection i*
currenty e*ta0i*2ed to t2e mo0ie device. a *tandard 4a&in& me**a&e i* *ent to t2e VA?) a*
i! it were t2e 9S) or %?). A* t2e VA?) 2a* an e*ta0i*2ed $,Sec tunne to t2e mo0ie
device it can !orward t2e 4a&in& me**a&e directy to t2e mo0ie. A o! t2i* i* tran*4arent to
t2e L5E networ/. i.e. t2e 4a&in& me**a&e *ent t2rou&2 t2e $,Sec tunne i* not *een and a*o
not needed 0y t2e L5E networ/ to !ind t2e mo0ie device.
VoLGA A Whitepaper - Martin Sauter, August !!"
-rom t2e L5E networ/ 4oint o! view. t2e 4a&in& me**a&e i* not vi*i0e a* it i* tran*4orted
in*ide an $,Sec data 4ac/et. $! t2e mo0ie device@* *tate in t2e L5E networ/ i* @active@. t2e $,
4ac/et i* deivered immediatey wit2out deay. $t coud a*o 0e t2at t2e mo0ie device 2a*
0een inactive !or *ome time. A* a con*e3uence t2e 42y*ica connection 0etween t2e networ/
and t2e mo0ie device 2a* 0een reea*ed. 52e device@* $, addre** 2a* 0een 4re*erved.
2owever. and t2u* it i* *ti o&icay 4re*ent !or t2e networ/ in or around t2e area o! t2e 0a*e
*tation t2at wa* a*t u*ed to communicate wit2 it. 52i* area i* re!erred to a* t2e trac/in& area.
52e <<E can t2en re>e*ta0i*2 contact to t2e mo0ie device 0y *endin& an L5E 4a&in&
me**a&e via a 0a*e *tation* o! t2e device@* a*t /nown trac/in& area. 12en t2e L5E 4a&in&
me**a&e i* received 0y t2e mo0ie device it re>e*ta0i*2e* radio contact. A!terward*. t2e $,Sec
enca4*uated 4ac/et containin& t2e 4a&in& me**a&e i* deivered to t2e mo0ie and t2e ca
e*ta0i*2ment *i&nain& can commence. 52e time re3uired !or t2e L5E 4a&in& i* *imiar to t2e
time re3uired to 4a&e t2e mo0ie device in a circuit *witc2ed wiree** networ/. 52ere!ore. t2e
ca e*ta0i*2ment time !or a voice ca over L5E i* *imiar to t2at o! a GS< or =<5S
0 6an,over
A very im4ortant !unctionaity o! VoLGA i* it* a0iity to 2and over on&oin& ca* !rom t2e
L5E networ/ to a GS< or =<5S networ/ w2en t2e u*er eave* t2e L5E covera&e area. $n
!act. t2i* i* one o! t2e mo*t vaua0e di!!erentiator* t2at networ/ o4erator *u44ied voice
*ervice* 2ave com4ared to over>t2e>to4 Vo$, *ervice*. Service* *uc2 a* S/y4e cannot !a
0ac/ to a circuit *witc2ed c2anne a* t2ey are 4urey 0a*ed on $, and t2u* 2ave no mean* to
interact wit2 t2e radio networ/.
.igure .0: 52e Sv inter!ace u*ed 0y VoLGA !or circuit *witc2ed 2andover*
-or VoLGA. 2andover mec2ani*m* are u*ed w2ic2 2ave 0een initiay *4eci!ied !or $<S
Sin&e %adio Voice )a )ontinuity 7S%>V))8 in 3G,, 5S 23.21(
. 52e 0a*ic 2andover *te4*
are a* !oow*;
VoLGA A Whitepaper - Martin Sauter, August !!"
12en t2e mo0ie re&i*ter* wit2 t2e L5E networ/ it *i&na* it* S%>V)) ca4a0iity to
t2e <<E. 52e networ/ i* t2u* aware t2at t2i* 4rocedure need* to 0e executed w2en
t2e mo0ie device i* a0out to eave t2e L5E covera&e area w2ie a 0earer i* active.
12en t2e 0a*e *tation 7t2e e?ode98 detect* t2at t2e mo0ie device coud 0e 0etter
*erved 0y a 2G or 3G ce it can in*truct t2e mo0ie device to mea*ure t2e *i&na
*tren&t2 o! *uc2 nei&20orin& ce*. 9a*ed on t2e*e mea*urement re*ut* or 0a*ed on
4re>con!i&ured vaue*. t2e e?ode9 t2en in!orm* t2e <<E t2at a 2andover to a 2G or
3G ce i* re3uired.
52e <<E in turn in!orm* t2e VA?) a0out t2e 2andover w2ic2 i* a0out to 0e made.
52e me**a&e incude* in!ormation *uc2 a* t2e tar&et ce>id and t2e id o! t2e
*u0*cri0er !or w2ic2 t2e 2andover i* to 0e made. -or t2i* 4ur4o*e. t2e <<E u*e* t2e
S%>V)) inter!ace Sv a* *2own in -i&ure 2.3. $n ca*e t2e me**a&e i* *ent to t2e VA?)
!or a *u0*cri0er t2at u*e* $<S in*tead o! VoLGA. it@* 4o**i0e to !orward t2i* me**a&e
unatered to t2e <S). -or carity. t2i* inter!ace i* not *2own in -i&ure 2.3.
$n t2e next *te4 t2e VA?) u*e* t2e in!ormation it 2a* received !rom t2e <<E to
create a *tandard GS< or =<5S 2andover me**a&e to t2e indicated tar&et ce. $! t2e
tar&et ce i* connected to t2e *ame <S) a* t2e VA?). t2e tar&et ce i* 4re4ared !or
t2e 2andover ocay and t2e 2andover i* executed a* *oon a* t2e ce i* ready. -rom an
<S) 4oint o! view t2e 2andover oo/* no di!!erent !rom a *tandard GS< or =5<S
2andover. $n ca*e t2e tar&et ce i* connected to a di!!erent <S). a *tandard $nter>
<S) 2andover 4rocedure i* initiated.
-or VoLGA. t2e <S) doe* not 2ave to *u44ort t2e new Sv inter!ace a* it i* terminated in t2e
VA?). 52ere!ore. no modi!ication* are re3uired on t2e <S) !or VoLGA 2andover*.
7 8ualit) o1 Service
Anot2er im4ortant VoLGA !eature t2at *et* it a4art !rom over t2e to4 Vo$, a44ication* i* t2e
a0iity to activate networ/ 0a*ed 3uaity o! *ervice mea*ure* to en*ure t2at t2e re3uired
0andwidt2 !or t2e ca i* re*erved t2rou&2out t2e wiree** networ/ and e*4eciay 0etween t2e
0a*e *tation and t2e mo0ie device. A&ain. mec2ani*m* and networ/ node* t2at 2ave
ori&inay 0een *4eci!ied !or $<S are reu*ed. $n a 3G,, wiree** networ/. t2e ,oicy
)2ar&in& %ue -unction 7,)%-8 entity i* re*4on*i0e !or a44rovin& and di*tri0utin& 3uaity o!
*ervice re3ue*t* !rom a44ication* 2o*ted in t2e networ/ to t2e underyin& tran*4ort networ/
node* *uc2 a* t2e ,>G1. S>G1 and t2e e?ode9 7t2e 0a*e *tation8. -i&ure 2.4 *2ow* 2ow t2e
VA?) can re3ue*t QoS 0y connectin& to t2e ,)%- via t2e *tandardiBed %x inter!ace.
5o activate QoS !or a ca t2e VA?) contact* t2e ,)%- durin& *te4 11 in t2e ca
e*ta0i*2ment 4roce** a* *2own in -i&ure 2.2 and re3ue*t* t2at 4ac/et* to and !rom certain $,
addre**e* and =:, 4ort* 0e &iven a 2i&2er 4riority in t2e networ/. 9a*ed on t2e *u0*cri4tion
4ro!ie o! t2e u*er in t2e HL%AHSS. t2e re3ue*t i* &ranted or denied. $! &ranted. t2e ,)%-
e*ta0i*2e* a *econdary 0earer t2rou&2out t2e L5E networ/ and a*o in!orm* t2e mo0ie
device. ,ac/et* matc2in& t2e criteria *et a0ove are t2en &iven a 4re!erentia treatment 0y a
networ/ com4onent* and a*o t2e mo0ie device a* u4in/ ca4acity mi&2t a*o 0e imited.
VoLGA A Whitepaper - Martin Sauter, August !!"
.igure .7; En*urin& Quaity o! Service !or t2e Voice )a wit2 t2e ,)%-
9 2nternational 5oaming
12en a *u0*cri0er roam* to a !orei&n L5E networ/ t2e VoLGA *4eci!ication aow* !or two
Local :rea+out
52e !ir*t and 4re!erred *cenario i* t2at VoLGA i* nativey *u44orted in t2e roamin& networ/.
$n t2i* ca*e. t2e mo0ie u*e* a VA?) and <S) in t2e vi*ited networ/. 5o &et t2e *u0*cri0er@*
*u0*cri4tion in!ormation !rom t2e HL% A HSS in t2e 2ome networ/. inter!ace* t2at aready
exi*t today !or *tandard internationa GS< and =<5S roamin& are u*ed. -or 0iin&. t2e
*tandard internationa 0iin& 4rocedure i* u*ed.
$n a de!aut *etu4 today. a roamin& *u0*cri0er away* contact* a 2G or 3G Gateway G,%S
*u44ort node 7GGS?8 in t2e 2ome networ/. 52i* i* convenient !or t2e u*er a* 2e doe*n@t 2ave
to c2an&e t2e con!i&uration o! 2i* device w2ie roamin&. However. t2i* *c2eme re3uire* t2at
a $, tra!!ic i* routed to t2e *u0*cri0er@* 2ome networ/. 52i* i* not ony very uneconomica
0ut it i* a*o im4o**i0e to contact networ/ node* in t2e vi*ited networ/ *uc2 a* a oca
VA?). -or L5E. it i* i/ey t2at t2e *ame *c2eme i* u*ed !or many 4ur4o*e*. $n t2i* ca*e t2e
&ateway node i* t2e 2ome ,>G1.
5o reac2 t2e VA?) in t2e vi*ited networ/ a !eature re!erred to a* @oca 0rea/out@ i* u*ed. $t
wa* *tandardiBed aready in t2e eary =<5S *4eci!ication* 0ut to t2i* day i* u*ed ony very
itte i! at a. Loca 0rea/out aow* t2e u*e o! a GGS? 7in ca*e o! GS< and =<5S8 or a ,>
G1 7in ca*e o! L5E8 in t2e vi*ited networ/ and i* controed 0y u*in& a vi*ited networ/
*4eci!ic Acce** ,oint ?ame 7A,?8 w2ic2 2a* to 0e con!i&ured in t2e mo0ie device. 52e
VoLGA *4eci!ication mandate* a i*t o! networ/* and a**ociated A,?* in t2e mo0ie device
!or t2at 4ur4o*e. $n addition. a de!aut A,? i* *4eci!ied w2ic2 i* u*ed i! t2e !orei&n networ/ i*
not in t2e i*t.
VoLGA A Whitepaper - Martin Sauter, August !!"
Once t2e mo0ie device 2a* e*ta0i*2ed an $, connection to t2e ,>G1 in t2e vi*ited networ/.
t2e *tandard 4rocedure* de*cri0ed earier 7e.&. a :H), oo/u48 are u*ed to determine t2e $,
addre** o! t2e VA?) in t2e vi*ited networ/. -or t2e *o!tware o! t2e mo0ie device t2i*
4rocedure i* t2e *ame a* i! t2e ,>G1 wa* in t2e 2ome networ/. 9y u*in& oca 0rea/out it i*
t2u* very *im4e to ena0e internationa VoLGA roamin&.
S<S me**a&e* !or roamin& *u0*cri0er* are !orwarded to t2e <S) in t2e vi*ited networ/ to
w2ic2 t2e *u0*cri0er i* attac2ed and !rom t2ere via t2e VA?) to t2e mo0ie device. A&ain.
t2i* i* a **tandard roamin& 4rocedure. Su0*cri0er ori&inated S<S me**a&e* !oow t2e *ame
route in t2e o44o*ite direction.
6ome -etwor+ 5outing
$n ca*e t2e vi*ited networ/ doe* not *u44ort VoLGA nativey it i* 4o**i0e to u*e an A,?
t2at e*ta0i*2e* a connection to t2e ,>G1 in t2e 2ome networ/ o! t2e *u0*cri0er. 52i* i*
currenty not de*cri0ed *4eci!icay 0ut t2e *tandard woud aow !or t2i*. A* de*cri0ed a0ove.
t2i* i* w2at 2a44en* today !or a *tandard $, connection !or mo*t roamer* anyway. 52ere are
*evera di*advanta&e* 2owever;
52e voice 4ac/et* need to 0e routed 0ac/ to t2e 2ome networ/. -or ca* into t2e 2ome
country o! t2e *u0*cri0er t2i* i* not muc2 o! an inconvenience 0ut !or ca* to t2e
vi*itin& country a oo4 !rom t2e vi*ited country to t2e 2ome country and 0ac/ i*
introduced in t2e *4eec2 4at2.
52e VA?) in t2e 2ome networ/ and t2e <<E in t2e vi*ited networ/ mi&2t not 0e
a0e to communicate wit2 eac2 ot2er. A* a con*e3uence. 2andover* 0etween t2e
vi*ited L5E networ/ and a GS< or =<5S networ/ in t2e !orei&n country are not
Emer&ency ca* are not 4o**i0e in t2i* *etu4. a* a 2ome networ/ <S) i* u*ed t2at
can@t connect t2e ca to an emer&ency center in t2e vi*ited country. $t i* t2ere!ore
e**entia t2at an automatic !a0ac/ i* 4er!ormed to a GS< or =<5S networ/ in t2e
vi*ited networ/ 0e!ore an emer&ency ca i* attem4ted. 52i* i* di*cu**ed in more detai
in t2e next *ection.
:e*4ite t2e*e di*advanta&e* it mi&2t *ti 0e !avora0e to 4rovide VoLGA *ervice* !rom t2e
2ome networ/ in vi*ited networ/* t2at do not *u44ort it nativey. 52i* way. it i* 4o**i0e !or
exam4e to en*ure deivery o! S<S me**a&e*. !or exam4e !or roamin& tari!! in!ormation or
E= mandated 0i>*2oc/ warnin&
; $mergenc) 4alls
Emer&ency ca* to 4oice. !ire de4artment* and medica *ervice* i* an im4ortant !eature o!
wiree** networ/*. $n 4ractice t2e u*er dia* a *tandardiBed *2ort code *uc2 a* 112. '11. etc. A
*4ecia ca *etu4 4rocedure i* t2en u*ed to en*ure t2at room i* made !or t2i* ca in ca*e t2e
networ/ i* overoaded. $n *ome countrie*. t2e identity o! t2e ce !rom w2ic2 t2e emer&ency
ca wa* e*ta0i*2ed i* !orwarded to t2e emer&ency center to 2e4 ocate t2e 4er*on re3uirin&
emer&ency a**i*tance.
VoLGA *u44ort* emer&ency ca* a* !oow*;
A* t2e me**a&in& 0etween t2e mo0ie device and t2e <S) i* exc2an&ed tran*4arenty.
emer&ency ca* wor/ t2e *ame way over VoLGA a* in a 2G or 3G networ/. i.e. t2e *ame
me**a&e* !or ca *etu4 are 0ein& u*ed. A* L5E ce>id@* can@t 0e 4roce**ed 0y a 2G or 3G
VoLGA A Whitepaper - Martin Sauter, August !!"
<S). t2e VA?) 2a* to en*ure t2at a 4ro4er virtua ce>id re4re*entin& t2e L5E macro ce i*
a44ended to t2e initia ca *etu4 me**a&e.
$! a ,)%- i* u*ed !or 3uaity o! *ervice in t2e networ/. t2e VA?) *i&na* a di!!erent 4riority
to it durin& t2e emer&ency ca e*ta0i*2ment to en*ure a $, 4ac/et* !or t2i* ca &et t2e
2i&2e*t 4riority in t2e networ/ and e*4eciay on t2e radio in/. 52e VA?) it*e! i* aware o!
t2e emer&ency *ituation 0ecau*e t2e mo0ie device indicate* t2i* t2rou&2 t2e $,Sec tunne
0e!ore t2e actua ca e*ta0i*2ment me**a&in&. $n addition. t2e VA?) can monitor t2e ca
*etu4 me**a&in& and de*4ite not aterin& it. t2u* 0ecome* aware o! t2e emer&ency *ituation.
52e VoLGA *y*tem can a*o 0e con!i&ured to in*truct t2e mo0ie device durin& initia
re&i*tration t2at a !a0ac/ to a 2G or 3G networ/ *2oud 0e made !or emer&ency ca*. Some
o4erator* mi&2t 4re!er t2i* met2od. a* no extra data!i i* re3uired in t2e networ/ !or t2e
ocaiBation o! t2e ca.
< *resent an, .uture Alternatives
VoLGA i* not t2e ony *y*tem de*i&ned to deiver voice and S<S *ervice* over L5E
networ/*. 52i* c2a4ter 3uic/y *ummariBe* a num0er o! ot2er o4tion*. t2eir advanta&e* and
t2eir di*advanta&e* com4ared to VoLGA.
4S .all/ac+ %4S.:&
52e a44roac2 !avored 0y many 3G,, mem0er* a* an initia *oution !or deiverin& voice and
S<S *ervice* over L5E i* @circuit *witc2ed !a0ac/@. w2ic2 i* *4eci!ied in 5S 23.272
. 52e
idea 0e2ind t2i* *oution i* to u*e a 2G or 3G networ/ !or incomin& and out&oin& ca*. i.e. t2e
mo0ie 2a* to eave t2e L5E networ/ !or ma/in& or acce4tin& voice ca*. A more detaied
introduction can 0e !ound at 1iree**<ove*
-rom t2e aut2or@* 4oint o! view. t2ere are a num0er o! di*advanta&e* to )S-9;
)2an&in& to anot2er networ/ ta/e* time. w2ic2 2a* an adver*e e!!ect on ca *etu4 time*.
Aready today. u*er* 4erceive mo0ie ca *etu4 time* a* too on&. $t i* e*timated t2at even in
t2e 0e*t ca*e *cenario. 0ot2 mo0ie ori&inatin& and mo0ie terminatin& ca e*ta0i*2ment
time* woud increa*e 0y at ea*t 1.# *econd*. $n many *cenario*. it mi&2t even 0e more.
-rom a networ/ 4oint o! view a new <S) and SGS? inter!ace i* re3uired to *i&na incomin&
ca* and S<S me**a&e* to t2e <<E. 52i* inter!ace. re!erred to a* SG* in t2e *tandard*. i*
0a*ed on $, and t2ere!ore re3uire* new *o!tware on networ/ node* t2at are deiverin& t2e
main *ervice* today. Some networ/ o4erator* *ee t2i* a* a critica 4oint a* t2ey are 2e*itant to
introduce a new and un4roven !eature on critica in!ra*tructure wit2out an inten*e te*tin&
e!!ort. A*o. many networ/ o4erator* 2ave 0ou&2t <S)* and SGS?* !rom di!!erent vendor*.
!urt2er increa*in& co*t and intero4era0iity te*tin&.
On t2e 4o*itive *ide. no !a0ac/ to a 2G or 3G networ/ i* re3uired !or deiverin& S<S
me**a&e*. However. t2ere currenty *eem to 0e a num0er o! o4en i**ue*. e*4eciay around
roamin& avaia0iity and *tandardiBation &a4* concernin& concatenated S<S deivery a*
indicated in 3G,, di*cu**ion 4a4er S,>+'+42'
A *oution. on& in t2e ma/in&. i* t2e $, <utimedia Su0*y*tem. or $<S !or *2ort. $t@* core i*
0a*ed on t2e 4o4uar Se**ion $nitiation ,rotoco 7S$,8 w2ic2 i* widey u*ed in !ixed ine $,
0a*ed networ/* !or Voice over $,. -or wiree** networ/*. many addition* were *4eci!ied i/e
!or exam4e !eature* to 2ande wiree** *4eci!ic i**ue* *uc2 a* unreia0e radio connection*.
VoLGA A Whitepaper - Martin Sauter, August !!"
a44ication *erver* !or externa a44ication deveo4ment. internationa roamin&. *caa0iity.
*ecurity. etc.
12ie *tandardiBation on $<S 2a* *tarted many year* a&o. !ew i! any commercia
de4oyment* 2ave 0een underta/en *o !ar due to. amon& ot2er t2in&*. it* *i&ni!icant
com4exity. Given t2e current *tate. it i* uni/ey t2at an $<S *oution i* avaia0e in t2e !ir*t
year* o! L5E to *erve a* a voice 4at!orm. 52ere!ore. $<S wi not 0e an immediate
aternative to VoLGA. An introduction to $<S i* &iven in )2a4ter ( o!
and !or a very
detaied introduction to $<S.
i* recommended.
52e initia conce4t o! $<S wa* to 0e an $, 4at!orm ony. i.e. no tie* were *4eci!ied !or
*ervice* to roam 0etween an $, networ/ and a circuit *witc2ed e&acy networ/. Over time. it
wa* reco&niBed t2at t2i* a44roac2 i* not *uita0e !or a 4ractica de4oyment and exten*ion*
2ave 0een *tandardiBed to ena0e on&oin& voice *e**ion* to 0e 2anded over 0etween an $,
0a*ed wiree** acce** networ/ and a circuit *witc2ed acce** networ/. 52e ate*t o! t2e*e
!eature* i* Sin&e %adio Voice )a )ontinuity 7S%V))8. A* t2e *omew2at on& name o! t2e
!eature im4ie* t2at ony a *in&e radio in t2e mo0ie device 2a* to 0e active on at any one
time. even durin& a 2andover. 52i* *im4i!ie* mo0ie device deveo4ment.
3G,, 2ad t2e !ore*i&2t to *4eci!y S%V)) in an $<S inde4endent manner. 52ere!ore. t2e
VoLGA !orum decided to u*e it a* t2e mean* to 2andover VoLGA ca* !rom L5E to GS< or
=<5S. A* a re*ut. no VoLGA *4eci!ic !eature* are re3uired in t2e <S) or SGS? !or
VoLGA. w2ic2 i* a &reat 4u* !or de4oyment in a runnin& networ/.
3ver-the-#op Vo2*
Some networ/ o4erator* mi&2t a*o decide to &o an entirey di!!erent way and o!!er voice
*ervice* over L5E wit2 externa 4artner*. =C networ/ o4erator @3@. !or exam4e. 2a* 4artnered
wit2 S/y4e
to deiver voice *ervice* in addition to t2eir own circuit *witc2ed *ervice*. 12ie
t2eir S/y4e cient a*o u*e* circuit *witc2ed re*ource* !or t2e time 0ein& t2i* coud c2an&e
3uic/y in t2e !uture.
52ere are two tec2nica di*advanta&e* o! 4artnerin& wit2 externa voice *ervice 4rovider*.
2owever. 52e !ir*t one i* t2at externa voice *ervice 4rovider* 2ave no contro over 3uaity o!
*ervice in t2e wiree** networ/ and t2u* t2ey can@t en*ure a &ood 3uaity o! ex4erience under
a oad *ituation*. A 4otentia *oution to t2i* i**ue coud 0e to in*ta o&ic in t2e networ/ to
en*ure 3uaity o! *ervice !or data *tream* t2at are reco&niBed to 0eon& to an externa voice
*ervice t2e u*er 2a* *u0*cri0ed to. ,)%- !unctionaity coud 0e u*ed !or t2i* a* de*cri0ed
earier 0ut t2ere i* no *tandardiBed way to o!!er t2i* yet.
52e *econd 4ro0em wit2 Over>t2e>5o4 Vo$, i* t2at ca* can@t 0e 2anded over to a circuit
*witc2ed 2G or 3G networ/ w2en a u*er eave* t2e L5E covera&e area. Li/e 0e!ore. t2i* i*
0ecau*e externa a44ication* can@t 0e tied into t2e wiree** networ/ in!ra*tructure ea*iy. 52i*
i* a *eriou* di*advanta&e. a* L5E networ/* wi 2ave an in!erior networ/ covera&e com4ared
to GS< !or many year* to come.
= Summar), 4onclusion an, Ac+nowle,gments
52i* 4a4er 2a* *2own t2at VoLGA 2a* a num0er o! *i&ni!icant advanta&e* over ot2er Voice
over $, *oution* !or L5E. On t2e networ/ *ide. VoLGA doe* not re3uire u4datin& any o! t2e
exi*tin& networ/ com4onent*. t2u* en*urin& a very 3uic/ and *moot2 mar/et introduction.
$n*tead. a deveo4ment i* concentrated in t2e VoLGA Acce** ?etwor/ )ontroer 7VA?)8.
VoLGA A Whitepaper - Martin Sauter, August !!"
$n addition. VoLGA ena0e* ot2er circuit *witc2ed *ervice* !rom day one wit2out any
additiona deveo4ment. One o! t2o*e i* S<S !or 4er*on to 4er*on me**a&in&. a *i&ni!icant
revenue &enerator !or mo0ie networ/ o4erator*. $n addition. S<S i* a*o u*ed !or u4datin&
t2e con!i&uration o! mo0ie device* and !or tran*mittin& mandatory roamin& in!ormation
me**a&e* in Euro4e. 0ot2 e**entia *ervice* w2en networ/* are aunc2ed.
On t2e mo0ie device* *ide it i* a*o i/ey t2at VoLGA can 0e deveo4ed very 3uic/y. a* t2e
aready exi*i*tin& GA? 4rotoco *tac/ can 0e mo*ty re>u*ed. 52e ony ma6or c2an&e in t2e
*o!tware i* 2andover 2andin&. a* t2e networ/ 0a*ed Sin&e %adio Voice )a )ontinuity
7S%V))8 !eature wi 0e u*ed.
And !inay. VoLGA can a*o en*ure a *moot2 introduction o! &o0a roamin&. $n ca*e it i*
*u44orted in t2e vi*ited networ/. oca 0rea/out aow* u*in& t2e VA?) and <S)* in t2e
vi*ited networ/. -or networ/ o4erator* aunc2in& L5E a* a data ony networ/ or ony wit2
voice o4tion* not *u44orted 0y a mo0ie device. it i* a*o 4o**i0e to u*e t2e VA?) and t2e
<S)* o! t2e 2ome networ/.
52e main di*advanta&e* o! VoLGA at t2i* 4oint are a* !oow*;
-ir*t. it i* not !uy *tandardiBed yet a* t2e *ta&e 3 *4eci!ication 2a* not yet 0een !inaiBed.
52i* i* ex4ected *2orty. 2owever. A* it i* i/ey t2at t2e *ta&e 3 *4eci!ication wi 0e 0a*ed on
t2e e3uivaent GA? *ta&e 3 *4eci!ication. vendor* can aready deveo4 4roduct* wit2out
waitin& !or a !ina *ta&e 3 *4eci!ication 0ein& 4u0i*2ed 0y t2e VoLGA !orum.
Second. VoLGA i* currenty not a wor/ item in 3G,,. 52ere are 4ro0a0y *evera rea*on* !or
t2i*. one 0ein& t2at t2e num0er o! !eature* !or %eea*e ' wa* aready 2i&2 and mo*t mem0er*
wanted to en*ure t2e ti&2t com4etion deadine wa* met w2ic2 woud 2ave 0een more di!!icut
wit2 an extended 4ro6ect *co4e. Some o44o*ition !or t2e wor/ item 2a* a*o 0een met !rom
3G,, 4artici4ant* w2ic2 !avor ot2er Voice over L5E *oution*. 52e *ituation i* t2u* *imiar
to t2e *ituation durin& t2e eary time* o! GA?. w2ic2 wa* a*o !ir*t deveo4ed out*ide 3G,,
0e!ore it wa* incuded a* a *4eci!ication ater>on.
-rom a com4exity 4oint o! view. VoLGA ma/e* it very *im4e to evera&e exi*tin& 2G and
3G circuit *witc2ed e3ui4ment in ive networ/* !or L5E. 52i* i* e*4eciay 0ecau*e no
*o!tware en2ancement* are re3uired on exi*tin& networ/ node*.
:ue to t2i* and ot2er advanta&e* o! VoLGA de*cri0ed a0ove. t2e aut2or o! t2i* 4a4er 0eieve*
t2at VoLGA 2a* t2e c2ance to 0ecome a wide*4read Voice over L5E *oution and wi en*ure
t2at two o! t2e main revenue &enerator* !or networ/ o4erator*. voice ca* and S<S. wi 0e
avaia0e in L5E networ/* very eary on.
52e aut2or woud i/e to t2an/ 3G,, !or t2eir very o4en 4oicy. i.e. reea*in& a di*cu**ion
document*. re4ort* and *4eci!ication* on t2eir we0*ite in a very timey manner. 52i* &reaty
*im4i!ie* re*earc2 on mo0ie to4ic* and !o*ter* !a*ter deveo4ment. $n addition. t2e aut2or
woud i/e to t2an/ Cineto 1iree**
!or t2eir *u44ort and !or *4on*orin& t2i* w2ite4a4er.
VoLGA A Whitepaper - Martin Sauter, August !!"
" List o1 A//reviations .or $as) 5e1erence
2G 2
&eneration wiree** networ/*D re!er* to GS< networ/* in t2i* 4a4er.
3G 3
&eneration wiree** networ/*D re!er* to =<5S networ/* in t2i*
3G,, 3
Generation ,artner*2i4 ,ro6ectD re!er* to t2e or&aniBation in c2ar&e
o! GS<. =<5S and L5E *tandard*
A,? Acce** ,oint ?ameD An identi!ier &iven to t2e networ/ w2en a 4ac/et
*e**ion i* *tarted *o t2e networ/ can contact t2e de*ired &ateway node
to e*ta0i*2 an $nternet connection
9S) 9a*e Station )ontroerD A radio networ/ eement in 2G networ/* t2at
contro* a num0er o! 0a*e *tation*.
)S-9 )ircuit Switc2ed -a0ac/D A met2od to !a 0ac/ !rom L5E to a 2G or
3G networ/ !or voice ca*.
:H), :ynamic Ho*t )on!i&uration ,rotocoD =*ed in $, networ/* to a**i&n an
$, addre**. de!aut &ateway $, addre** and ot2er networ/ 0a*ed
4arameter* to a device w2en it connect* to t2e networ/.
e?ode9 En2anced ?ode9D A L5E radio 0a*e *tation
GA? Generic Acce** ?etwor/D A met2od to u*e a GS< or =<5S core
networ/ over 1i>-i 71LA?8 acce**.
GA?) GA? )ontroer; 52e networ/ eement 0etween t2e 1i>-i acce** and
0ac/2au networ/ on one *ide and t2e mo0ie core networ/ on t2e
GS< Go0a Sy*tem !or <o0ie communication.
HL% A HSS Home Location %e&i*ter A Home Su0*cri0er ServerD 52e data0a*e in t2e
mo0ie core networ/ w2ere *u0*cri0er in!ormation i* *tored
$<S $, <utimedia Su0*y*temD Su44ortin& *tructure !or next &eneration
mutimedia a44ication* in !ixed an wiree** networ/*.
$, $nternet ,rotoco.
L5E Lon& 5erm EvoutionD )ommony u*ed acronym u*ed !or networ/
0eyond 3G. 5ec2nicay t2e u*e o! t2i* term. 2owever. i* not 3uite
correct a* it wa* ony a 4ace2oder !or a new radio networ/ acronym.
52e correct term* are E>=5%A? 7En2anced =<5S 5erre*tria %adio
Acce** ?etwor/8 and SAE 7Sy*tem Arc2itecture Evoution8.
<<E <o0iity <ana&ement EntityD 52e node in t2e networ/ re*4on*i0e !or
mana&in& t2e mo0iity o! re&i*tered *u0*cri0er* in t2e networ/.
<S) <o0ie Switc2in& )enterD A circuit *witc2ed core networ/ node !or
voice me**a&in&. A*o !orward* S<S me**a&e* 0etween t2e mo0ie
*u0*cri0er and t2e S<S Service )enter.
,)%- ,oicy )2arin& %ue -unctionD 52e node in t2e networ/ w2ic2 en!orce*
3uaity o! *ervice 4er re3ue*t o! 2i&2er ayer a44ication* *uc2 a*
VoLGA. $<S and ot2er*.
VoLGA A Whitepaper - Martin Sauter, August !!"
QoS Quaity o! ServiceD <ec2ani*m* to en*ure t2at $, 4ac/et* !or
a44ication* are deivered in a timey manner !or a44ication* *uc2 a*
Vo$, w2ic2 are very intoerant to 4ac/et deay and 6itter.
%?) %adio ?etwor/ )ontroer. =<5S radio networ/ eement controin& a
num0er o! 0a*e *tation*.
S<S S2ort <e**a&e Service.
S%V)) Sin&e %adio Voice )a )ontinuityD =*ed !or exam4e in L5E to 2and
over a Vo$, ca to a circuit *witc2ed networ/ t2at doe* not *u44ort
5:< 5ime :ivi*ion <uti4exin&D Le&acy met2od *ti widey u*ed today in
wiree** networ/* to tran*4ort voice ca*.
=<5S =niver*a <o0ie 5eecommunication Sy*tem.
VA?) VoLGA Acce** ?etwor/ )ontroerD 52e networ/ eement re3uired 0y
VoLGA w2ic2 connect* t2e circuit *witc2ed <S) to t2e 4ac/et
*witc2ed L5E ?etwor/.
Vo$, Voice over $,D <et2od* to tran*4ort voice ca* over $, networ/*.
VoLGA Voice over L5E via Generic Acce**.
1i>-i 1iree** -ideityD Sometime* a*o re!erred to a* 1iree** LA? or
E1F 52e 52ird Generation ,artner*2i4 ,ro6ect G 2tt4;AAwww.3&44.or&
E2F 52e VoLGA -orum G 2tt4;AAwww.VOLGA>!orum.comA
E3F H5) S2adow $$ > 2tt4;AAwww.i4u.comAartice1"412.2tm
E4F 52e <otoroa <orri*on > 2tt4;AAumatoday.0o&*4ot.comA2++'A+"Auncoverin&>motoroa>
E#F GA? device manu!acturer*;
2tt4;AAen.wi/i4edia.or&Awi/iAGenericHacce**Hnetwor/I:evice* 7ver*ion !rom 3+ Juy
E(F 3G,, 5% 23."7' > Study on )ircuit Switc2ed 7)S8 domain *ervice* over evoved ,ac/et
Switc2ed 7,S8 acce**D Sta&e 2. 3G,, %eea*e "
E7F Voice over L5E via Generic Acce**D Sta&e 2 S4eci!icationD ,2a*e 1 G Avaia0e at t2e
VoLGA -orum we0*ite
E"F 3G,, 5S 23.21( > Sin&e %adio Voice )a )ontinuity 7S%V))8D Sta&e 2
E'F 9i S2oc/ 1arnin& 0y <arc2 2+1+ >
E1+F 3G,, 5S 23.272 > )ircuit Switc2ed 7)S8 !a0ac/ in Evoved ,ac/et Sy*tem 7E,S8D
Sta&e 2
E11F $ntroduction to )S -a0ac/ > 2tt4;AAmo0ie*ociety.ty4e4ad.comAmo0ieHi!eA2++"A+'Ate>
E12F 3G,, di*cu**ion 4a4er S,>+'+42' >
VoLGA A Whitepaper - Martin Sauter, August !!"
E13F <artin Sauter. 9eyond 3G > 9rin&in& ?etwor/*. 5ermina* and t2e 1e0 5o&et2er; L5E.
1i<AK. $<S. 4G :evice* and t2e <o0ie 1e0 2.+. 2++'. $S9?; '7">+47+7#1""(
E14F )amario et a. 52e 3G $, <utimedia Su0*y*tem 7$<S8; <er&in& t2e $nternet and t2e
)euar 1ord*. 2++". $S9?; '7">+47+#1((21
E1#F 3=C and S/y4e 4artner*2i4 > 2tt4;AAwww.totatee.comAview.a*4xL$:M44#+#7
E1(F Cineto 1iree** > 2tt4;AAwww./ineto.comA

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