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MEXICAN OFFICIAL JOURNAL Wednesday, December 3, 2003

Mexican Official Standard NOM-002-SCT, Lit !f "a#ard!$ $%tance and &ateria &!re $$all' tran(!rted
At the margin a seal with the National Crest, saying United Mexican States! Secretariat o"
Comm#nications and $rans%ort National Standardi&ation Cons#ltati'e Committees "or (and,
Air, Maritime and )orts $rans%ortation
M*+,CAN -..,C,A( S$ANDA/D N-M!002!SC$02003, (,S$ -. 1A2A/D-US SU3S$ANC*S AND
MA$*/,A(S M-/* USUA((4 $/ANS)-/$*D
AA/-N D4C1$*/ )-($-(A/*5, Under Secretary o" $rans%ort and )resident o" the National
Standardi&ation Cons#ltati'e Committees o" (and trans%ort and Air $rans%ort, 6ointly with C*SA/
)A$/,C,- /*4*S /-*(, Coordinator 7eneral o" )orts and Merchant Marine and )resident o" the
National Standardi&ation Cons#ltati'e Committee o" Maritime $rans%ort and )orts, with "o#ndation on
articles 38, %arts ,, ,9, 9,, ,+, +,,, +,9, +9,, +9,,, +9,,,, ++9 AND ++9,, o" the -rganic (aw o" .ederal
)#blic Administration: ;
o" the .ederal (aw o" Administrati'e )roced#res: <
, 3= %art ,,, ;0 %arts ,,,, 9,
+,,,, +9, and +9,,: ;< and ;3 o" the .ederal (aw on Metrology and Standardi&ation: >
, %art 9, o" the (aw
o" /oads, 3ridges and .ederal A#to $rans%ortation: ?
, %art 9, 3@ and 83 o" the (aw o" Na'igation: <
, %arts ,,, and 9 o" the (aw o" Ci'il A'iation: <
and <? o" the /eg#lation "or the (and $rans%ort o"
1a&ardo#s Materials and Wastes: 8
%art +,,, o" the ,nterior /eg#lation o" the Secretariat o"
Comm#nications and $rans%ort and other ordainments that may be a%%licable, and
$hat "or the e""ects o" sa"ety and e""iciency, it is necessary to establish "or all di""erent means o"
trans%ortation, a #ni"ormity in the -""icial Designation o" the ha&ardo#s materials and s#bstances, its
corres%onding UN n#mber, the class o" risA and the ty%e o" %acAaging and %acAages, as well as its s%ecial
$hat as a res#lt o" the commitments "rom the NA.$A between Mexico, the United States and Canada, on
Cha%ter ,+ BMeas#res Concerning Standardi&ationC, article @0> BUse o" ,nternational StandardsC, it is
established that each %art will #se as a base "or their own meas#res, as "ar as trans%ort is concerned, the
/ecommendations o" the United Nations -rgani&ation, Model /eg#lation, "or the $rans%ort o" Dangero#s
$hat ha'ing com%lied with the %roced#re established in the .ederal (aw on Metrology and Standardi&ation
and its /eg#lation, on .ebr#ary ?, 2003, it was %#blished "or general %#blic comment the )ro6ect o" the
Mexican -""icial Standard )/-4!N-M!002!SC$02002, (ist o" ha&ardo#s s#bstances and materials more
#s#ally trans%orted
$hat with the %rior a#thori&ation o" the National Standardi&ation Cons#ltati'e Committees o" (and
$rans%ort, Air $rans%ort and Maritime $rans%ort and )orts, it is now iss#ed the Mexican -""icial Standard
N-M!002!SC$02003, (ist o" ha&ardo#s s#bstances and materials more #s#ally trans%orted
Mexico, D. on the second day o" the month o" -ctober o" the year two tho#sand and three! $he
)resident o" the National Standardi&ation Cons#ltati'e Committees o" (and $rans%ort and Air $rans%ort,
Aar+n )'c"ter ,!lt!lare-.- Signat#re! $he )resident o" the National Standardi&ation Cons#ltati'e
Committee "or Maritime $rans%ort and )orts, C/ar ,atrici! Re'e R!el.- Signat#re
,n the elaboration o" this Mexican -""icial Standard %artici%atedD
S*C/*$A/,A$ -. C-MMUN,CA$,-NS AND $/ANS)-/$
D,/*C$-/A$* 7*N*/A( -. .*D*/A( AU$-$/ANS)-/$A$,-N
D,/*C$-/A$* 7*N*/A( -. $A/,..S, /A,(/-AD AND MU($,M-DA( $/ANS)-/$A$,-N
D,/*C$-/A$* 7*N*/A( -. M*/C1AN$ MA/,N*
D,/*C$-/A$* 7*N*/A( -. C,9,( A*/-NAU$,CS
D,/*C$-/A$* 7*N*/A( -. (*7A( AND EU/,D,CA( MA$$*/S
M*+,CAN ,NS$,$U$* -. $/ANS)-/$A$,-N
S*C/*$A/,A$ -. $1* ,N$*/,-/
D,/*C$-/A$* 7*N*/A( -. C,9,( )/-$*C$,-N
NA$,-NA( C*N$*/ -. D,SAS$*/ )/*9*N$,-N
S*C/*$A/,A$ -. $1* *N9,/-NM*N$ AND NA$U/A( /*S-U/C*S
NA$,-NA( *C-(-74 ,NS$,$U$*
D,/*C$-/A$* 7*N*/A( -. ,N$*7/A( D,(,7*NC* -. /,S54 MA$*/,A(S AND AC$,9,$,*S
S*C/*$A/,A$ -. NA$,-NA( D*.*NS*
D,/*C$-/A$* 7*N*/A( -. $1* .*D*/A( /*7,S$/4 -. .,/*A/MS AND *+)(-S,9*S C-N$/-(
D,/*C$-/A$* 7*N*/A( -. M,(,$A/4 ,NDUS$/4
S*C/*$A/,A$ -. *N*/74
NA$,-NA( C-MM,SS,-N -. NUC(*A/ SA.*$4 AND SA.*7UA/DS
D,/*C$-/A$* 7*N*/A( -. () 7AS
S*C/*$A/,A$ -. (A3-/ AND S-C,A( )/*9,S,-N
D,/*C$-/A$* 7*N*/A( -. SA.*$4 AND 1*A($1 A$ W-/5
7-9*/NM*N$ -. $1* .*D*/A( D,S$/,C$
D,/*C$-/A$* 7*N*/A( -. C,9,( )/-$*C$,-N
)*$/-(*-S M*+,CAN-S
NA$,-NA( C1AM3*/ -. $/ANS.-/MA$,9* ,NDUS$/4
NA$,-NA( C1AM3*/ -. CA/7- AU$- $/ANS)-/$
NA$,-NA( ASS-C,A$,-N -. $1* C1*M,CA( ,NDUS$/4
M*+,CAN ASS-C,A$,-N -. N-N D*S$/UC$,9* $*S$ C-M)AN,*S
M*+,CAN ASS-C,A$,-N -. )A,N$S AND D,*S MANU.AC$U/*/S
NA$,-NA( ASS-C,A$,-N -. A/-MA$,C )/-DUC$S MANU.AC$U/*/S
ASS-C,A$,-N -. CA/7- CA//,*/S -. $1* C*N$/A( 2-N* -. $1* S$A$* -. 9*/AC/U2
NAC,-NA( D* CA//-C*/,AS, SA D* C9
7/U)- ,N$*/M*+
DU)-N$ D* M*+,C-, SA D* C9
7/U)- ,NDUS$/,A( /*S,S$-(
D*SC C-/)-/A$,9-, SA D* C9
7/U)- $MM, SA
6. -b6ecti'e
2. .ield o" a%%lication
1. /e"erences
7. De"initions
8. Classi"ication and designation o" the ha&ardo#s s#bstances and materials
9. $ables Annexes to the Standard
:. 3ibliogra%hy
;. 1armoni&ation with international standards and lineaments
<. *n"orcement
60. Com%liance
66. Sanctions
62. 9alidity
61. $ransitory
6. O%=ecti>e
$his Mexican -""icial Standard has as an ob6ecti'e to identi"y and classi"y the ha&ardo#s s#bstances and materials
more #s#ally trans%orted, according to its class, risA di'ision, s#bsidiary risA, n#mber assigned by the -rgani&ation o"
the United Nations, as well as the s%ecial %ro'isions to which its trans%ortation m#st be s#b6ect to as well as the
method o" %acAage and %acAaging
2. Field !f A((licati!n
$his Mexican -""icial Standard is obligatory, within the s%here o" their res%onsibilities "or shi%%ers, carriers and
recei'ers o" the ha&ardo#s s#bstances and materials, trans%orted thro#gh the general means o" comm#nication by
land, maritime and air
1. Reference
.or the correct a%%lication o" this Standard, it is necessary to cons#lt the "ollowing Mexican -""icial Standards, or
those s#%erseding themD
N-M!0>2!*C-(0@3 *S$A3(,S1,N7 $1* C1A/AC$*/,S$,CS -. 1A2A/D-US WAS$*, A (,S$ -.
$1*M AND $1* (,M,$S $1A$ MA5*S A 1A2A/D-US WAS$* DAN7*/-US, DU*
$- ,$S $-+,C,$4 $- $1* *N9,/-NM*N$
N-M!0>3!*C-(0@3 *S$A3(,S1,N7 $1* $*S$ )/-C*DU/*S $- )*/.-/M $1* *+$/AC$,-N
$*S$ .-/ $1* *(*M*N$S $1EA$ MA5*S A WAS$* -/ /*S,DU* DAN7*/-US
.-/ ,$S $-+,C,$4 $- $1* *N9,/-NM*N$
N-M!0>;!*C-(0@3 *S$A3(,S1,N7 $1* )/-C*DU/* $- D*$*/M,N* $1* ,NC-M)A$,3,(,$4
3*$W**N $W- -/ M-/* /*S,DU*S, C-NS,D*/*D AS DAN7*/-US 34 N-M!
7. )efiniti!n
2a#ard!$ S$%tance.- *'ery element, combination, material, or mixt#re o" them, that inde%endently o" its
%hysical state, re%resents a %otential risA "or health, en'ironment, sa"ety o" the #sers and %ro%erty o" third %arty ones:
also, #nder this de"inition are considered the biological agents which are ca#se o" diseases
2a#ard!$ &aterial.- $hose dangero#s s#bstances, their resid#es, their %acAaging, %acAages, and all other
com%onent that constit#te the cargo that will be trans%orted by the #nits
*E ?,*@.- )acAaging 7ro#%
S"i((er.- A %erson or com%any that in its own name or o" a third %arty one, hires the ser'ices o" trans%ortation o"
ha&ardo#s materials
Carrier.- A#to trans%orter, railroad, maritime or aerial com%any
C!niAnee.- $he %erson or com%any recei'ing ha&ardo#s materials
$he terms and de"initions not contained in this %oint and that the Secretariat o" the *n'ironment and Nat#ral
/eso#rces, this Secretariat o" comm#nications and trans%ort or the corres%onding agencies to which this a%%ly, will
be #nderstood as de"ined in the terms %ro'ided by the laws, reg#lations, in its case, the de"initions originated in
international instr#ments, rati"ied by the Mexican 7o'ernment
8.- Official tran(!rtati!n deiAnati!n and claificati!n !f t"e "a#ard!$ $%tance and &aterial.
.or the identi"ication o" the ha&ardo#s s#bstances and materials by its class o" risA or di'ision, UN n#mber
assigned by the United Nations -rgani&ation, inherent s#bsidiary risAs, as well as s%ecial %ro'isions to which its
trans%ortation m#st be s#b6ect to, the gro#% and method o" %acAaging and %acAages that m#st be #tili&ed, will be
%er"ormed according to what is established on $ables < and 2 o" this Mexican -""icial Standard
,n the case that the o""icial designation "or the trans%ort o" a ha&ardo#s s#bstance or material is not ex%ressly
considered on $ables < and 2 o" this Standard, the shi%%er will establish the classi"ication, by taAing the generic
designations listed on $able ; o" this Standard, considering "or s#ch action the %redominant dangero#s
characteristics o" the s#bstance or material in the case, "or which and i" so considered con'enient, can be remitted to
the MSDS, or thro#gh an a%%ro'ed and accredited testing laboratory
8.6 7eneral %ro'isions
8.6.6 $ables < and 2 o" this Mexican -""icial Standard, are not exha#sti'e, they incl#de only the most
#s#ally trans%orted ha&ardo#s s#bstances and materials $he tables will contin#e to be com%leted with the end o"
integrate as "ar as %ossible, all the ha&ardo#s s#bstances and materials that d#e to its commercial im%ortance, are
trans%orted more "reF#ently $his will be achie'ed thro#gh a modi"ication to the Standard, %#blished on the
Federati!n Official J!$rnal and according to the modi"ications and act#ali&ations o" the latest edition o" the Model
/eg#lation o" the United Nations, /ecommendations on the $rans%ort o" Dangero#s 7oods
8.6.2$he s#bstance or material shown ex%ressly by its name on the (ists o" 1a&ardo#s S#bstances and Materials,
will be trans%orted according to the %ro'isions established "or that s#bstance or material $o do the trans%ortation o"
ha&ardo#s s#bstances or materials that are not ex%ressly mentioned in the (ists o" 1a&ardo#s S#bstances and
Materials, it m#st be #sed a BgenericC term that contains the Bnot otherwise s%eci"iedC GN-SH $he s#b6ect s#bstance
or material, can only be trans%orted when their intrinsic dangero#s %hysical!chemical %ro%erties ha'e been
determined, a"ter which, it will be classi"ied according to the de"initions and criteria that describes it more adeF#ately
$he Shi%%er himsel" will %roceed to classi"y his ha&ardo#s s#bstances and materials, or else, thro#gh the res#lts o"
tests %er"ormed and g#aranteed by an accredited laboratory, that will attest that s#ch s#bstances or materials do not
satis"y the %arameters to be considered as s#ch -nce the class to which the s#bstance or material belongs to,
com%liance o" all the reF#isites "or the shi%%ing and trans%orting which are established on the %ro%er reg#lation m#st
be com%lied with
8.6.1S#bstances or materials that are %res#med to ha'e ex%losi'e characteristics, m#st be considered %rimordially to
incl#de them #nder class < Some collecti'e e%igra%hs may be o" the generic ty%e or B Not -therwise S%eci"iedC, as
"ar as its sa"ety is always g#aranteed both excl#ding the trans%ort o" normal conditions to the s#bstances or materials
extremely dangero#s, as well as ha'ing in consideration all the s#bsidiary risAs that may be %resent on some
s#bstance or material
8.6.7$he lists o" ha&ardo#s s#bstances and materials, do not incl#de s#bstances and materials "or which
trans%ortation is "orbidden or controlled, in certain means o" trans%ortation, %artly beca#se it wo#ld be im%ossible to
ha'e an exha#sti'e list o" them 1owe'er, the "act that a s#bstance or material is not %recisely noted on the (ists o"
1a&ardo#s Materials which incl#de the s#bstances and materials more #s#ally trans%orted, sho#ld not be considered
that its trans%ortation can be done witho#t restrictions, since the instability inherent to certain s#bstances and
materials may re%resent certain risAs liAe ex%losion, %olymeri&ation with strong heat emission or release o" toxic
gases, which in their ma6ority may be a'oided thro#gh the #tili&ation o" %ro%er %acAages and %acAaging or else,
thro#gh %roced#res o" dil#tion, stabili&ation, addition o" some inhibitor, re"rigeration or any other s%ecial ca#tion
%ro'isions ,n these cases the %roced#re has to be in accordance with %oint ><2 o" this Standard
8.6.8 When ca#tion meas#res are %rescribed on the (ist o" 1a&ardo#s S#bstances and Materials "or a determined
s#bstance or material G"or exam%le, that they are Bstabili&edC or Bcontain a determined %ercentage GIH o" water or
%hlegmati&erCH, that s#bstance or material can not be normally trans%orted, i" s#ch meas#res ha'e not been taAen,
#nless the material a%%ears indicated in another section G"or instance, on class <H, witho#t any indication relati'e to
ca#tion meas#res or with the indication o" di""erent meas#res
8.2 -""icial trans%ort designation
8.2.6$he o""icial trans%ort designation is the %art o" the denomination that better describes the ha&ardo#s s#bstances
and materials and that a%%ears in #%%er case letters on the (ist o" 1a&ardo#s S#bstances and Materials, in some
cases with digits, 7reeA letters or the %re"ixes BsecC, BtercC, m, n, o, %, that are an integral %art o" the designation
Some times between bracAets another o""icial trans%ort designation is %rescribed a"ter the %rinci%al designation,
"or exam%leD *$1AN-( G*$14(,C A(C-1-(H
8.2.2 $he %arts o" a denomination a%%earing in lower case letters, are not considered elements o" the o""icial
designation o" trans%ort, exce%ting in the case o" indications as Bsec!B, Bterc!B, Bm!B, Bn!B, Bo!B and B%!B
8.2.1 ," there are con6#nctions liAe BandC or BorC in lower case letters or i" in some elements o" the nameare se%arated
by comas, it is not necessary to indicate that name wholly in the shi%%ing doc#ment or in the marAings o" the
%acAages and %acAaging $his is the case, %artic#larly, when a combination o" se'eral di""erent denominations
that is shown with a single UN n#mber
8.2.7 $he "ollowing exam%les show how the -""icial designation "or trans%ort m#st be chosen in s#ch casesD
a@ UN <0>? (,71$*/S or (,71$*/ /*.,((S! ,t will be considered as -""icial designation "or trans%ort, the
most a%%ro%riated o" the two "ollowing designationsD
(,71$*/ /*.,((S
%@ UN 320? -/7AN-M*$A((,C C-M)-UND or C-M)-UND S-(U$,-N or C-M)-UND D,S)*/S,-N,
WA$*/ /*AC$,9*, .(AMMA3(*, N-S As an o""icial designation "or trans%ort, the best o" the "ollowing
combinations can be #tili&edD
-/7AN-M*$A((,C C-M)-UND, WA$*/ /*C$,N7, .(AMMA3(*, N-S
-/7AN-M*$A((,C S-(U$,-N, WA$*/ /*AC$,N7, .(AMMA3(*, N-S
-/7AN-M*$A((,C D,S)*/S,-N, WA$*/ /*AC$,N7, .(AMMA3(*, N-S
As a com%lement "or each one o" the generic denominations GN-SH, to the o""icial designation "or trans%ort
will be added the technical name o" the material, the generic denominations with res%ect o" which is
considered necessary to add that data, ha'e assigned on col#mn 8 o" table 2 o" this Standard, S%ecial
)ro'ision 2?;, exce%t that a national law or international agreement %rohibits to di'#lge it
8.2.8 When an o""icial designation "or trans%ort is assigned to a ha&ardo#s s#bstance or material as a BN-SC
generic denomination, to which ha'e also been assigned S%ecial )ro'ision 2?;, it m#st be added Gimmediately a"ter
the BN-SC generic denominationH in bracAets the technical name or a%%ro'ed chemical name or another name that is
o" common #se in man#als, %eriodic %#blications and scienti"ic or technical texts Commercial brands or names sho#ld
not be #tili&ed "or this end ,n the case o" %esticides, only the common name a%%ro'ed by the ,nternational Standards
-rgani&ation G,S-H sho#ld be #tili&ed, or other names incl#ded in the /ecommended Classi"ication o" )esticides by
1a&ard and 7#idelines to Classi"ication@ o" the World 1ealth -rgani&ation GW1-H or in the *xcl#si'e )esticide Catalog
o" the ,ntersecretariat Commission "or the Control and Use o" )esticides, .ertili&ers and $oxic S#bstances
GC,C-)(A.*S$H, or else the name or names o" the acti'e ingredients o" the s#bstances
AdeF#ate ex%ressions can also be #sed, s#ch asD BcontainsC, or BcontainingC or other names s#ch as
Bmixt#reC,Bsol#tionC, etc, as well as the %ercentage o" the technical com%onent, "or exam%leD UN <@@3 .(AMMA3(*
(,JU,D N-S GC-N$A,NS +4(*N* AND 3*N2*N*H, 3, )7 ,,
8.2.9 When a mixt#re o" ha&ardo#s materials is described with one o" the Bgeneric denominationsC or BN-SC, to
which ha'e been also assigned S%ecial )ro'ision 2?;, on col#mn 8 o" table 2 o" the (ists o" 1a&ardo#s S#bstances and
Materials, it will be indicated in bracAets the two %redominant risA com%onents o" the mixt#re $his is not a%%licable i"
any o" the com%onents o" %redominant risA is a controlled s#bstance according to the national laws or an international
agreement that %rohibits its di'#lging it ," a mixt#re o" ha&ardo#s materials has a com%o#nd that carries a label o"
s#bsidiary risA, this com%o#nd m#st be shown as one o" the two technical names a%%earing in bracAets
$he "ollowing exam%les show how to choose the o""icial designation "or trans%ort, along with the technical
name, in the case o" materials carrying the BN-SC indication
UN 2003 M*$A( A(54(S, N-S Gtrimethylgali#mH
UN 2@02 )*S$,C,D*, (,JU,D, $-+,C, N-S Gdra&oxolonH
8.2.: $he o""icial designation "or trans%ort may be #sed in sing#lar or %l#ral, according to the case 1owe'er, i"
%ortions o" it contain terms that delimitate its sense, the order o" these in the doc#ments or the marAings o" the
%acAages is "ac#ltati'e, "or exam%leD B )1*N4(M*/CU/,C, C-M)-UNDC, can also be shown as B C-M)-UND,
8.2.; .or materials o" class < commercial or military names containing the o""icial designation "or trans%ort can be
#sed, com%lemented with a descri%ti'e text
8.2.< Unless it already a%%ears on the (ists o" 1a&ardo#s S#bstances and Materials in #%%er case letters with its
a%%ro%riate name and d#e to the 'ario#s %hysical states o" its di'erse isomers, that may be a liF#id or a solid G"or
exam%leD D,N,$/-$-(U*N*S, (,JU,D: D,N,$/-$-(U*N*S, S-(,DH, to the o""icial designation o" trans%ort will be
added, the F#ali"ications B(,JU,DC or BS-(,DC according to the case, or BM-($*NC, when a s#bstance that is solid is
%resented "or its trans%ortation in a molten state G"or exam%leD A(54()1*N-(S, S-(,D, N-S, M-($*NH
Sa'e "or the s#bstances o" s%ontaneo#s reaction and organic %eroxides and #nless the name is already shown in #%%er
case letters on col#mn 2 o" the lists o" ha&ardo#s materials, the word BS$A3,(,2*DC will be added, as %art o" the o""icial
designation o" trans%ort o" a s#bstance that witho#t stabili&ation, it wo#ld not be "easible to be trans%orted since it may
react in a dangero#s manner #nder normal trans%ortation conditions *xam%leD B -/7AN,C $-+,C (,JU,D, N-S,
8.1 Mixt#res and sol#tions containing a ha&ardo#s s#bstance
8.1.6 *'ery mixt#re or sol#tion that contains a ha&ardo#s s#bstance ex%ressly mentioned on the (ists o" 1a&ardo#s
S#bstances and Materials and one or se'eral s#bstances that are not incl#ded on the (ists, m#st be treated according
to the reF#irements established "or the ha&ardo#s s#bstances, indicating what %acAage or %acAaging is a%%ro%riate to
the %hysical state o" the mixt#re or sol#tion, #nlessD
a@ $he mixt#re or sol#tion is ex%ressly listed in this Standard:
%@ -n the s%eci"ic section designated on this Standard that indicates ex%licitly that the denomination
re"ers only to the s#bstance or material in its %#re state:
c@ $he class o" risA, the %hysical state or the %acAing gro#% o" the sol#tion or the mixt#re are di""erent
to those o" the ha&ardo#s s#bstance or material:
d@ $here is a signi"icant change on the meas#res to be ado%ted on emergency sit#ations
8.1.2 .or the sol#tions and mixt#res that are classi"ied according to the %ro'isions relati'e to the ha&ardo#s
s#bstance, on the o""icial designation o" trans%ort will be added, according to the case, the word BS-(U$,-NC or the
word BM,+$U/*C, "or exam%leD BAC*$-N* ,N S-(U$,-NC Also the concentration o" the sol#tion or mixt#re m#st be
indicated, "or exam%leD BAC*$-N*, S-(U$,-N A$ ?>IC
8.1.1 Mixt#res or sol#tions containing one or more s#bstances ex%ressly mentioned on the (ists o" 1a&ardo#s
S#bstances and Materials or classi"ied #nder a N-S entry and one or 'ario#s s#bstances not s#b6ect to the
/eg#lations "or the trans%ort o" ha&ardo#s s#bstances and materials, will be exem%t o" the a%%lication o" this
last one i" the risA characteristics o" the mixt#re or sol#tion are s#ch that does not satis"y criteria o" any class
or di'ision Gincl#ding criteria o" h#man ex%erienceH
8.7 )re%onderance o" the risA characteristics
a@ $able > m#st be #tili&ed as a g#ide to determine the class in which a s#bstance or material sho#ld be
incl#ded, a mixt#re or sol#tion that %resents more than one risA, when these do not a%%ear on the list o"
ha&ardo#s s#bstances and materials o" table 2
%@ .or s#bstances and materials that ha'e m#lti%le risAs and that are not listed s%eci"ically by its o""icial
designation "or the trans%ort on table 2, the most rigoro#s gro#% o" %acAaging indicated "or the res%ecti'e risA
o" the s#bstances and materials, will ha'e %riority o'er the other %acAaging gro#%s
c@ $he %riority o" the risA characteristics o" the "ollowing materials or s#bstances that ha'e not been taAen in
consideration within table > o" risA %re%onderance, since its %rimary characteristics will always ha'e %riority
- S#bstances and ob6ects o" Class <
- 7ases o" Class 2
- S%ontaneo#s reaction and similar s#bstances and desensiti&ed ex%losi'es o" Di'ision ;<
- )yro%horic S#bstances o" Di'ision ;2
- S#bstances o" Di'ision >2
- S#bstances o" Di'ision 8< toxicity by inhalation with a %acAing gro#% ,, K
- S#bstances o" Di'ision 82
- Materials o" Class ?
- *xce%ting the s#bstances or mixt#res that com%ly with the criteria o" Class =, ha'ing a toxicity by inhalation or
%owder or 'a%ors GC(>0 Blethal concentration >0CH, in the ranA o" %acAing gro#% ,, b#t "or toxicity thro#gh oral
ingestion or sAin contact, only on the %acAing gro#% ,,, ranA or less, which sho#ld be assigned to Class =
8.7.6 ,n all shi%%ing doc#ments, m#st be always indicated, the most s%eci"ic a%%licable denomination to the
ha&ardo#s s#bstance or material
9. Ta%le annexed t! t"e Standard
$able <D (ist o" 1a&ardo#s S#bstances and Materials more Us#ally $rans%orted, by al%habetical order
$able 2D (ist o" 1a&ardo#s S#bstances and Materials more Us#ally $rans%orted, by n#merical order
$able 3D S%ecial )ro'isions /elati'e to Determined S#bstances and Materials
$able ;D (ist o" -""icial 7eneric Denomination "or $rans%ortation or corres%onding to S#bstances and Materials Not
-therwise S%eci"ied
$able >D -rder o" )re%onderance o" the /isA Characteristics G /isA Class and )acAing 7ro#%H
$able 8D (ist o" S#bstances o" S%ontaneo#s /eaction
9.6 7eneral ,ndications "or Cons#ltation o" table <
(ist o" 1a&ardo#s S#bstances and Materials more Us#ally $rans%orted, by al%habetical order, and is inter%reted as
a@ $his table is not a general index o" %ro'isions, it is a list in al%habetical order o" the s#bstances and materials that are
listed in n#merical order on table 2 and designed with a "ormat o" three col#mns that indicate the "ollowingD
Firt C!l$&n, shows the name o" the s#bstance or material
Sec!nd C!l$&n, shows the risA class and di'ision to which the s#bstance or material belongs to
T"ird C!l$&n, shows the assigned n#mber by the United Nations -rgani&ation, "or the s#bstance or material
%@ $o establish the al%habetical order, altho#gh being %art o" the o""icial designation o" trans%ort, it was not taAen
in consideration the "ollowing elementsD n#mbers: names o" the 7reeA letters, abbre'iations BsecC and BtercC and the
letters BNC GnitrogenH: BnC GnormalH, BoC GorthoH, BmC Gmeta LgoalMH, B%C G%ara L"orMH and N*) GN-SH
c@ $he name o" a s#bstance or material in #%%er case letters constit#tes an o""icial designation o" trans%ort
d@ $he name o" a s#bstance or material in #%%er case letters "ollowed by the ex%ression Bsee or looA "orC
constit#tes an o%tional o""icial designation "or trans%ort or else, it is %art o" an o""icial designation o" trans%ort
e@ A denomination in lower case letters "ollowed by the ex%ression Bsee or looA "orC, is not an o""icial designation
o" trans%ort, b#t a synonym
f@ ,n a denomination containing a %art ex%ressed in #%%er case letters and another in lower case letters, it will be
#nderstood that the latter is not a %art o" the o""icial designation o" trans%ort
A@ $he o""icial designation o" the s#bstance or material may be #sed in sing#lar or %l#ral, as it may be more
a%%ro%riate "or the %#r%oses o" the shi%%ing doc#ments and the marAing o" the %acAage and %acAaging
9.2 7eneral Cons#ltation ,ndications "or $able 2
$able 2 (ist o" 1a&ardo#s S#bstances and Materials more Us#ally $rans%orted, by n#merical order, is di'ided in <<
col#mns which indicate the "ollowingD
C!l$&n 6B BUN NOCD contains the serial n#mber assigned to the s#bstance or materials in the United Nations
C!l$&n 2B BName and Descri%tionCD o""icial designation o" trans%ort is indicated, in #%%er case letters,
sometimes "ollowed by a descri%ti'e text shown in lower case lettering -""icial designation o"
trans%ort may be gi'en in %l#ral when there are isomers o" the same classi"ication 1ydrates o"
organic s#bstances may be incl#ded, according to the case, #nder the o""icial designation "or
trans%ort o" the anhydro#s s#bstance
C!l$&n 1B BClass or Di'isionCD %oints o#t the class or di'ision and in the case o" class <, the com%atibility gro#%
assigned to the material or s#bstance according to the classi"ication system described in section >
C!l$&n 7B BS#bsidiary /isAC this col#mn contains the n#mber o" class or di'ision o" the im%ortant s#bsidiary
risAs that ha'e been determined, a%%lying the classi"ication system described in section >
C!l$&n 8B BUN %acAing0%acAaging gro#%CD )oints o#t the n#mber o" the gro#% o" %acAing and %acAaging o" the
United Nations G,, ,, or ,,,H assigned to the material or s#bstance ," more than one gro#% is indicated
"or the %rod#ct in F#estion, the gro#% o" %acAage or %acAaging o" the s#bstance or %re%aration to be
trans%orted, will be determined according to its %ro%erties, a%%lying the classi"ication criteria
established on section >
C!l$&n 9B DS%ecial )ro'isionsD ,n it, there is a n#mber that taAes yo# to the s%ecial %ro'isions o" table 3,
a%%licable to the material or s#bstance S%ecial Dis%ositions are a%%lied to e'ery a#thori&ed
%acAing gro#% "or a determined s#bstance or material, exce%t that the text indicates clearly another
C!l$&n :B B(imited J#antitiesCD in this col#mn it is shown the maxim#m F#antity by %acAage and interior
%acAing a#thori&ed "or the trans%ort o" the s#bstance or material in F#estion, according to the
%ro'isions o" the Mexican -""icial Standard N-M!0<<!SC$ 2, that relates to limited F#antities $he
word BNoneC in this col#mn , means that it is not %ermitted to trans%ort the s#bstance or materials
#nder the Standard o" limited F#antities
C!l$&n ;B B,nstr#ctions "or %acAing0%acAagingC $his col#mn contains al%han#merical codes that taAes to the
corres%onding s%ecial %ro'isions o" %acAing and %acAaging o" the corres%onding Standard ,n the
s%ecial instr#ctions o" %acAing and %acAaging, the s%ecial %ro'isions "or %acAing and %acAaging are
indicated, incl#ding the intermediate b#lA containers G,3CPsH as well as the large %acAages and
%acAaging that may be #tili&ed "or the trans%ort o" ha&ardo#s s#bstances and materials
A code that incl#des the letter B)C maAes re"erence to the instr#ctions o" %acAages and %acAaging
a%%licable to %acAages and %acAaging described in the %ro%er Standard "or organic %eroxides
A code incl#ding the letters B,3CC maAes re"erence to the instr#ctions o" %acAage and %acAaging o"
a%%licable to the #sage o" ,3CPs
A code that incl#des the letters B()C maAes re"erence to the instr#ctions o" %acAaging "or the #sage
o" large %acAages and %acAaging
When no s%eci"ic code is signaled, it will be considered that the s#bstance or material is not
a#thori&ed "or the ty%e o" %acAage and %acAaging that may be #sed in the "rame o" the instr#ctions
"or %acAages and %acAaging carrying that code
," in the col#mn a%%ears the letters N0/, it means that it is not necessary to %acA or #se %acAages
"or the s#bstance or material in F#estion
C!l$&n <B BS%ecial )ro'isions "or )acAages and )acAagingCD this col#mn contains al%han#merical Aeys that
taAes yo# to the corres%onding s%ecial %ro'isions o" %acAages and %acAaging o" the a%%ro%riate
Standard ,n the s%ecial instr#ctions o" %acAage and %acAaging are indicated the s%ecial %ro'isions
o" %acAage and %acAaging Gincl#ding the ,3CPs and large 'ol#me %acAagesH
A s%ecial %ro'ision "or %acAage and %acAaging that incl#des the letters B))C, indicates that there is a
s%ecial %ro'ision a%%licable to the #se o" the instr#ctions "or %acAage and %acAaging that carries the
code * in the corres%onding Standard
A s%ecial %ro'ision incl#ding the letter B3C, re"ers to a s%ecial %ro'ision "or %acAage and %acAaging
a%%licable to the #se o" the instr#ctions "or %acAage and %acAaging that carry the code ,3C within
the corres%onding Standard
A s%ecial %ro'ision incl#ding the letter B(C, maAes re"erence to the s%ecial %ro'isions o" %acAage and
%acAaging that carry the code B()C in the corres%onding Standard
C!l$&n 60B B ,nstr#ctions "or %ortable tanAsCD this col#mn shows a n#mber %receded o" the letter BCC that taAes
to the corres%onding instr#ction o" the a%%ro%riate Standard, that %rescribes the ty%e or ty%es o"
tanAs demanded "or the trans%ort o" the s#bstance or materials in %ortable tanAs
C!l$&n 66B BS%ecial %ro'isions "or %ortable tanAsCD ,n this col#mn a n#mber %receded by the letters BC)C is
indicated, that taAes to the s%ecial %ro'isions that are a%%lied to the trans%ort o" the s#bstance or
material in %ortable tanAs
9.2.6 Abbre'iations and symbols
-n the 1a&ardo#s Materials list the "ollowing abbre'iations or symbols are #tili&ed with the meanings indicated belowD
A%%re>iati!n C!l$&n MeaninA
N-S 2 Not -therwise S%eci"ied
Q 2 ,tem in which it is %ossible to cons#lt a more detailed ex%lanation "or
its a%%lication
9.1 7eneral Cons#ltation ,ndications o" table 3
S%ecial )ro'isions /elati'e to 1a&ardo#s S#bstances and Materials
a@ S%ecial %ro'isions relati'e to determined s#bstances or materials, are indicated on table 3 $hese %ro'isions
are identi"ied by Arabic digits and are not necessarily "o#nd in n#merical order
9.7 7eneral Cons#ltation ,ndications o" table ;
(ist o" -""icial Designations "or $rans%ort, 7eneric or Corres%onding to 7ro#%s o" S#bstances and Materials not
S%eci"ied in -ther )lace
a@ S#bstances and materials not a%%earing with their %ro%er name in the %ro'isions o" table 2, m#st be classi"ied
according to what is indicated on %art > o" this Standard, determining as the o""icial designation "or trans%ort,
that, among those named on that listing, s#its best the identi"ication o" the s#bstance or material to deal with,
th#s, the names on $able 2 that describe the s#bstance or material, m#st be #sed as the shi%%ing name o" the
ha&ardo#s s#bstance or material in F#estion
%@ $he list, besides the main generic items gi'en on $able 2, considers all the corres%onding denominations to
gro#%s o" s#bstances Bnot otherwise s%eci"iedC
9.7.6 ,n this list, the generic names or N-S are gro#%ed according to its risA class or di'ision $he names ha'e
been %laced into three gro#%s as "ollowsD
- S%eci"ic denominations, co'ering a gro#% o" s#bstances or materials o" determined chemical or technical
- Denominations "or %esticides o" Class 3 and Di'ision 8<, and
- 7eneral denominations, corres%onding to gro#%s o" s#bstances or materials that ha'e one or more
dangero#s %ro%erties in general
9.8 7eneral Cons#ltation ,ndications o" table >
$able >, -rder o" )re%onderance o" the /isA Characteristics, m#st be #tili&ed to determine the class in which
a s#bstance or material sho#ld be incl#ded, a mixt#re or sol#tion that %resents more than one risA, when s#ch
s#bstance or material, mix or sol#tion %resenting more than one risA, when s#ch s#bstance or material, mix or
sol#tion is not classi"ied on tables < and 2 o" this Standard
9.9 7eneral Cons#ltation ,ndications "or table 8
,n this table, the classi"ication by re"erence has been determined "or those s#bstances that are technically
%#re, sa'e "or the cases in which a concentration less than <00I is indicated, or when the concentration is
di""erent, the s#bstances can then be classi"ied in a di""erent manner
:. 4i%li!Ara("'
a@ .ederal (aw on Metrology and Standardi&ation and its /eg#lation
%@ /ecommendations on the $rans%ort o" Dangero#s 7oods, Model /eg#lation, iss#ed by the
United Nations -rgani&ation, $wel"th /e'ised *dition, New 4orA and 7ene'a, 200<
c@ ,nternational Maritime Code "or Dangero#s 7oods G,MD7@: Amendment 2@!@8
d@ Annex <= to the Chicago Agreement on ,nternational Ci'il A'iation D-C @2=;!AN0@0> o" the
$echnical ,nstr#ctions "or the Sa"e $rans%ort o" Dangero#s 7oods by Air ,CA-, G<@@?!<@@=H
;. 2ar&!ni#ati!n Eit" internati!nal tandard and reA$lati!n
$his -""icial Mexican Standard is eF#i'alent toD
a@ /ecommendations on the $rans%ort o" Dangero#s 7oods, Model /eg#lation, iss#ed by the
United Nations -rgani&ation, $wel"th /e'ised *dition, New 4orA and 7ene'a, 200<
%@ ,nternational Maritime Code "or Dangero#s 7oods G,MD7H Amendment 2@!@8
c@ Annex <= to the Chicago Agreement on ,nternational Ci'il A'iation D-C @2=;!AN0@0> o" the
$echnical ,nstr#ctions "or the Sa"e $rans%ort o" Dangero#s 7oods by Air ,CA- G<@@?!<@@=H
<. S$(er>ii!n
$he Secretariat o" Comm#nications and $rans%ort, thro#gh the Directorates 7enerals with a#thority, is the com%etent
A#thority to watch the com%liance o" this -""icial Mexican Standard
60. C!&(liance
$his Standard is obligatory in the 7eneral Means o" Comm#nication "or the $rans%ort o" 1a&ardo#s S#bstances and
Materials, with "o#ndation in the Ci'il A'iation (aw and its /eg#lation: (aw o" Na'igation and its /eg#lation: (aw o"
)orts and its /eg#lation: /eg#lation "or the $rans%ort o" 1a&ardo#s Materials and Wastes and any other international
doc#ments signed by o#r co#ntry "or the land, air and sea trans%ortation
66. Sancti!n
Non com%liance o" what is established in this Mexican -""icial Standard will be sanctioned by this Secretariat, according
to what is established in the (aw o" Ci'il A'iation and its /eg#lation: (aw o" Na'igation and its /eg#lation: (aw o" )orts
and its /eg#lation: /eg#lation "or the $rans%ort o" 1a&ardo#s Materials and Wastes and all other legal ordainments that
may res#lt a%%licable, witho#t %re6#dice o" those im%osed by other agencies o" the .ederal *xec#ti'e branch o" the
7o'ernment while exercising their attrib#tions or o" the res#lting ci'il or criminal res%onsibility
62. Falidit'
$his Mexican -""icial Standard will enter in 'igor 80 days a"ter its %#blication in the Federati!n Official J!$rnal.
61. Tranit!r'
FIRST. $his Mexican -""icial Standard, s#bstit#tes N-M!002!SC$20<@@;, (ist o" 1a&ardo#s s#bstances and materials
more #s#ally trans%orted, %#blished in the Federati!n Official J!$rnal dated -ctober 30, <@@>
SECON). Col#mns "rom = to << o" table 2 o" this Standard are ill#strati'e, as "ar as they are %#blished and act#ali&ed
the a%%ro%riate Mexican -""icial Standards $hey may also be 'alid "or the international trade

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