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Nama ____________________ Tgl ___________
A. Fill in with have or has !
1 Nina __________ a duck
2 They ____________ two gooses
3 He ______________ a cock
4 Father ______________ ten goats
5 We ______________ a hamster

6 Goat ___ A Kerbau
7 Hen ___ b Kura kura
8 Cow ___ C Kelinci
9 Cock ___ D Ayam jantan
10 Buffalo ___ E Ayam betina
11 Turtle ___ F Sapi
12 Horse ___ G Kambing
13 Sheep ___ H Kelinci
14 Rabbit ___ I Ikan
15 fish ___ J domba

16 Two I cats have
17 Has a Mother - fish
18 is barking The Dog
19 Likes - a rabbit - She
20 is in the ponds The fish

Nama ____________________ Tgl ___________
A. Fill in with have or has !
1 Nina __________ a duck
2 They ____________ two gooses
3 He ______________ a cock
4 Father ______________ ten goats
5 We ______________ a hamster

6 Goat ___ A Kerbau
7 Hen ___ b Kura kura
8 Cow ___ C Kelinci
9 Cock ___ D Ayam jantan
10 Buffalo ___ E Ayam betina
11 Turtle ___ F Sapi
12 Horse ___ G Kambing
13 Sheep ___ H Kelinci
14 Rabbit ___ I Ikan
15 fish ___ J domba

16 Two I cats have
17 Has a Mother - fish
18 is barking The Dog
19 Likes - a rabbit - She
20 is in the ponds The fish

Nama ____________________ Tgl ___________
A. Fill in with have or has !
1 Nina __________ a duck
2 They ____________ two gooses
3 He ______________ a cock
4 Father ______________ ten goats
5 We ______________ a hamster

6 Goat ___ A Kerbau
7 Hen ___ b Kura kura
8 Cow ___ C Kelinci
9 Cock ___ D Ayam jantan
10 Buffalo ___ E Ayam betina
11 Turtle ___ F Sapi
12 Horse ___ G Kambing
13 Sheep ___ H Kelinci
14 Rabbit ___ I Ikan
15 fish ___ J domba

16 Two I cats have
17 Has a Mother - fish
18 is barking The Dog
19 Likes - a rabbit - She
20 is in the ponds The fish

Nama ____________________ Tgl ___________
A. Fill in with have or has !
1 Nina __________ a duck
2 They ____________ two gooses
3 He ______________ a cock
4 Father ______________ ten goats
5 We ______________ a hamster

6 Goat ___ A Kerbau
7 Hen ___ b Kura kura
8 Cow ___ C Kelinci
9 Cock ___ D Ayam jantan
10 Buffalo ___ E Ayam betina
11 Turtle ___ F Sapi
12 Horse ___ G Kambing
13 Sheep ___ H Kelinci
14 Rabbit ___ I Ikan
15 fish ___ J domba

16 Two I cats have
17 Has a Mother - fish
18 is barking The Dog
19 Likes - a rabbit - She
20 is in the ponds The fish

Nama _____________________NO _______
A. Choose the correct answer by crossing
letter a, b, or c !

1. Giraffe, zebra, lion, etc can be see in the..
a. Zoo
b. Mosque
c. Museum

2. .... is a place for saving money
a. the hospital
b. the bank
c. the zoo

3. the students go to .... everyday
a. post office
b. school
c. beach

4. If you want to Bandung by Bus, you
should go to ....
a. railway station
b. bus tation
c. police station

5. Mother goes to the ...., to buy (membeli)
fruits and vegetables
a. beach
b. zoo
c. market

6. A : .... is the bus station ?
B : next to the zoo
a. what
b. where
c. who

7. I want to read a lot of books, I must go to
a. Drug store
b. Library
c. Post office

8. Doctor and nurse work in the .....
a. Movie
b. Palace
c. Hospital

9. O L P T S - I H A, the correct
arrangement is ....
a. House
b. Hospital
c. Haspital

10. Dono : is it an airport ?
Doni : No, .....
a. it is
b. it
c. it is not
B. Match with available answer !
11. beach (....) a. taman
12. airport (....) b. perosotan
13. park (....) c. pantai
14. seesaw (....) d. taman
15. slide (....) e. bandara
C. Complete the sentences !
_____ at the children are in the playground.
Lani is playing on a __________. Mahar is
climbing the _________________. Boas and
Mahar are riding the ___________.
It is a ______________ playground

seesaw jungle gym
Look at crowded swing

Nama _________________ Tgl _______
A. Choose the correct answer by crossing
letter a, b, or c !

1. You .... to school by bicycle
a. go
b. goes
c. are

2. .... goes to Bandung by bus
a. You
b. We
c. He

3. n i t - r a, rearrange is ....
a. trina
b. trian
c. train

4. e n a - l , rearrange is ....
a. plene
b. plane
c. plein

5. A : What is your .... transportation ?
B : My favorite transportation is car
a. favorite
b. by
c. goes

6. y a - .... h t, the missing letter is
a. h
b. c
c. g

7. The ship is .... transportation
a. land
b. sea
c. air

8. ..... is air transportation
a. plane
b. pedicab
c. yacht

9. Kami pergi ke Jogja naik pesawat,
in English is ....
a. They go to Jogja by plane
b. We go to Jogja by ship
c. We go to Jogja by plane

10. Ayah pergi ke kantor naik mobil,
in English is ....
a. Father go to office by car
b. Father goes to office by car
c. Mother goes to office by car

B. Match with available answer !
11. pedicab (....) a. kereta api
12. bicycle (....) b. sepeda
13. train (....) c. delman
14. raft (....) d. becak
15. cart (....) e. rakit
C. Complete the word !
16. kapal laut : s __ i ___
17. pesawat : a __ r__ p __ an __
18. motor : motor __ __ __ e
19. kapal selam : __ ub __ a __ ine
20. truk : __ __ u __ k

Nama _________________ Tgl _______
A. Choose the correct answer by crossing
letter a, b, or c !

1 Aku ingin minum air putih, in english is
a. I want to drink milk
b. I want to eat plain water
c. I want to drink plain water

2 like I ice cream dont
a. I like ice cream
b. I dont like ice cream
c. I dont ice cream like

3 A : Is it a milk ?
B : Yes, ....
a. it is
b. it is not
c. no, it is not

4 A : what do you want to .... ?
B : I .... to eat pizza
a. drink want
b. eat want
c. want eat

5 s a n - .... w i - ... h,
the missing letter are ....
a. d dan c
b. n dan c
c. c dan d

6 d o n e - l o, rearrange is ....
a. nodel
b. noodel
c. noodle
7 I like guava juice.
Guava means ....
a. jeruk
b. pisang
c. jambu

8 X : What .... you want to eat ?
a. does
b. do
c. did

9 Tina : What does she like ?
Tini : She .... bread
a. likes
b. like
c. to like

10 Father likes to drink a .... of coffee
a. cup
b. bottle
c. plate

Complete the words !
11. The baby likes to drink ___________
12. My father like to drink a cup of ______
13. Nina likes to eat noodle and ________
14. Mother is cooking ________ in the
15. I like to eat ________ with jam (selai)
Fill in Indonesian !
16. Fried rice = _________________
17. Soya cake = _________________
18. Pop corn = _________________
19. meat ball = _________________
20. Tea = _________________

Nama _________________ Kls : ______
A. Choose the correct answer by crossing
letter a, b, or c !

1 X : .... is it ?
Y : Its ten oclock
a. what
b. what time
c. who

2 A : .... is cooking in the kitchen ?
B : my mother
a. what
b. what time
c. who

3 Lani : Lets play badminton
Lina : __, ______. I am tired (lelah)
a. No, Lets
b. Lets go
c. No, thanks

4 Mahar : Lets swim
Boas : No, I ... to read
a. want
b. bored
c. tired

5 Bona : Lets .... football
Boni : Ok, Its fun !
a. playing
b. to play
c. play

6 Mutia is listening ....
a. TV
b. radio
c. book
7 Boas and Mahar are ...
a. swimming
b. swim
c. to swim

8 I wake up (bangun) at .... in the morning
a. five o clock
b. seven o clock
c. nine o clock

9 Kick the ball, means ....
a. melempar bola
b. meninju bola
c. menendang bola

10 Its .... o clock
a. eight
b. nine
c. ten

Complete the words with am/are/is !
11. They ........ walking
12. Bona and Boni ........ playing football
13. I ........ reading a book
14. My father ........ swimming
15. Lisa ....... cooking
Complete the words !
16. I am _________________ a book
17. They are _________________ radio
18. You are _________________ TV
19. Dani is __________________ in the
20. They are playing _________________
in the field

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