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To become familiar with Surpacs Pit Design tools.
To construct a pit with a ramp starting from a base.
To calculate the volume between a designed pit and a topography.
To generate a final surface using a designed pit and natural topography.
iles used in this lab e!ercise are found in the following folder"
The Pit Design module is a suite of functions that allow you to design"
an e!cavation #pit$ from the bottom up or the top down
a land fill or waste dump from the top down or bottom up
a road which re%uires cut and fill of topography
The Pit Design module uses normal String data to build a pit by progressively e!panding
or contracting toes and crests. &enches are constructed by either e!panding or
contracting closed strings' either upwards or downwards depending on where the design
is started' by a certain bench height. That is' pit design may be started on surface and
designed downward to a base' or from a base and upward to topography. (hich way a
design is started depends on what data is available' the specific data involved' and the
re%uirements of the pro)ect.
(hen e!panding #or contracting$ closed strings to construct benches' they are done so
on a point*by*point basis at specified angles. These angles are the pit wall slope
measured from one toe to the ne!t crest #upwards$ or one crest to the ne!t toe
#downwards$. The pit wall slope is defined by the user in any of three different ways"
+ne constant slope for the entire pit. This is used for simple pit designs.
,ach point in the segment to be e!panded is done so at a slope angle
specified by a value in the points description field #D1$. This is used where
different parts of the pit perimeter re%uire different pit wall slopes according to
geotechnical constraints.
,ach point in the segment to be e!panded is done so at a slope angle
specified by where the point lies in relation to a -slope string file. . -slope
string file consists of cloc/wise' closed segments defining the areas of different
pit wall slopes. 0n the points description field #D1$ is the value of the pit wall
slope of that particular 1one or area. This is used where different areas of the
pit property re%uire different pit wall slopes according to geotechnical
&enches may be constructed in one of three ways"
By bench
2ominate a single height by which to elevate a toe or lower a crest. The
resulting segment will be elevated or lowered by the nominated bench height.
To ele!tion
2ominate a single elevation to which a toe will be elevated or a crest will be
lowered. The resulting segment will reside entirely on the same nominated
To DT"
2ominate a DT3 to which a toe will be elevated or a crest will be lowered. The
resulting segment will conform to elevations determined by the nominated DT3
The widths of benches are obtained by e!panding crests #or contracting toes$ by a
certain ber% &i'th.
(hen design a pit' either from the top down or bottom up' you may choose to include a
r!%p. 4amps are defined by points along their edge and by a gradient. ,!its from the
ramps onto the benches may be included as part of the ramp design. +nce the ramp is
defined it will automatically be designed as the pit design progresses. There are two
types of ramps"
1. Circ#l!r (!%ps" 5ircular ramps' either cloc/wise or anti*cloc/wise follow the
perimeter or wall of the pit. Their sense #cloc/wise or anti*cloc/wise$ depends on
how the pit is designed6 either from the bottom upwards or from the top
downwards. 5ircular ramps may be edited' deleted' added at any time during
the pit design. Switchbac/s are used to reverse a circular ramps direction.
2. )ll C#t (!%ps" .ll 5ut ramps do not follow the wall or perimeter of the pit.
0nstead' they follow a pre*defined centreline. The perimeter of the pit then is
reformed to accommodate the re%uirements of the all cut ramp.
.nti*cloc/wise ramp built
from bottom upwards.
5loc/wise ramp built from
bottom upwards.
50459:.4 4.3P
.ll*5ut ramp following a pre*defined centreline.
.::*59T 4.3P
1. 5onstruct a pit from the base up to topography. Start with the file pit1.str. &uild the pit
with 1;m bench heights and <m bench widths #berm widths$' at a pit wall slope of <;=
until it reaches topography #topo1.str$. 0nclude a ramp in your pit design.
2. 5reate a surface #DT3$ of your pit and generate a final surface using it and the
topography #topo1.str$.
7. >enerate a final' mined surface using your pit and the topography #topo1.str$.
8. 5alculate the cut volume of your designed pit.
:oad Slope String ile
Select method of pit wall slope
2ew 4amp
,dit 4amp
:oad DT3 Surface
Display DT3 Surface +ffsets
?ide DT3 Surface +ffsets
,!pand Segment by &erm (idth
,!pand Segment by &ench ?eight
,!pand Segment to ,levation
,!pand Segment to DT3 Surface
,!pand String by &erm (idth
,!pand String by &ench ?eight
,!pand String to ,levation
,!pand String to DT3 Surface
*+ Constr#ct ! pit $ro% the b!se #p to topogr!phy+ St!rt &ith the $ile pit1.str+ B#il'
the pit &ith *,% bench heights !n' -% bench &i'ths .ber% &i'ths/0 !t ! pit &!ll
slope o$ -,1 #ntil it re!ches topogr!phy .topo1.str/+ Incl#'e ! r!%p in yo#r pit
a. rom the 2avigator clic/ and drag the file pit1.str into the viewport to open it.
This string will form the b!se of the pit you will create.
b. rom the Mine Design menu choose Pit design' Select slope method.
c. ill the subse%uent form as follows"
d. rom the Mine Design menu choose Pit design' Set slope gradient.
e. ill the subse%uent form as follows"
f. rom the Mine Design menu choose Pit design' New ramp.
g. . prompting message will appear as/ing you to ASelect the first ramp pointB then
ASelect the second ramp pointB. 5hoose the sides of the ramp as in the following
h. ill the subse%uent form as follows"
i. rom the Mine Design menu choose Expand segment, By bench height.
. . prompting message will appear as/ing you to ASelect the segment to be
e!pandedB. 5lic/ to select the base string.
!. ill the subse%uent form as follows"
First r!%p point
Secon' r!%p point
l. 2otice that the prompting te!t reappears giving you the chance to select another
segment to e!pand. ?it the ,S5.P, /ey to e!it the function.
m. rom the Mine Design menu choose Expand segment, By berm width.
n. . prompting message will appear as/ing you to ASelect the segment to be
e!pandedB. 5lic/ to newly e!panded crest string. That is the outermost string.
o. ill the subse%uent form as follows"
p. 2otice that the prompting te!t reappears giving you the chance to select another
segment to e!pand. ?it the ,S5.P, /ey to e!it the function.
". 2ow you will load a surface topography so that you can build the pit to match the
surface. rom the Mine Design menu' choose Pit design, #oad D$M s%rface.
r. ill the subse%uent form as follows"
s. rom the Mine design menu' choose Pit design, Display D$M s%rface offsets.
t. . prompting message will appear as/ing you to ASelect the segment to display
the DT3 offsetsB.
%. 5lic/ to select the outermost segment. The vertical distances from the points
around the selected segment to the surface are displayed.
&. rom the Mine design menu' choose Pit design, 'ide D$M s%rface offsets.
w. Fou have )ust built one bench. 4epeat steps i+ trough p+ until your pit is within
2;m of the surface.
x. rom the Mine design menu' choose Expand segment, $o D$M s%rface.
y. ill the subse%uent form as follows. 2ote that the Minim%m ( &al%e and the
Maxim%m ( &al%e may be different from yours.
(. 2otice that sometimes after e!panding a segment errors or odd geometry may
form in the e!panded segment' such as in the following diagram. These
geometrical problems may be easily corrected using the Edit functions.
2+ Cre!te ! s#r$!ce .DT"/ o$ yo#r pit+
a. 5hec/ the layer chooser in the first toolbar to ma/e sure the layer in which your
pit resides is the active layer"
b. rom the S%rfaces menu' choose )reate D$M from layer.
c. .pply the subse%uent form"
3+ Gener!te ! $in!l0 %ine' s#r$!ce #sing yo#r pit !n' the topogr!phy .topo1.str/+
a. rom the 2avigator' clic/ and drag to open the topography DT3 file #topo1.dtm$
and the DT3 file of your pit.
b. rom the S%rfaces menu choose )lip or intersect D$M*s, #ower triangles of +
L!yer chooser
These points sho#l'
be %oe' or 'elete'+
c. ill the subse%uent form as follows"
d. . prompting message will as/ you to ASelect first trisolationB. 5hoose one of the
2 DT3s.
e. . second prompting message will as/ you to ASelect second trisolationB. 5hoose
the ne!t DT3.
f. The final' mined surface will appear in the specified layer #final surface$ after
some time calculating.
4+ C!lc#l!te the c#t ol#%e o$ yo#r 'esigne' pit+
a. 0n order to calculate a volume you always re%uire 7 things" 2 surfaces and a
boundary string. 0n this case the boundary string will be the outermost string in
the pit. That is' calculate the volume inside of this string and between the 2
DT3s. Fou' therefore' must /now what number the outermost string in your pit
design is. To fin this out use the function to identify a point on that string.
4emember the string number because youll need it in the ne!t step.
b. rom the ,ol%mes menu choose )%t and fill between D$M*s.
c. ill the subse%uent form as follows"
Please note that AyourGpitB is the name of the pit design youve save from step *+'
and string H 72 is the number of the outermost string in your pit design.

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