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... through Bertha Dudde

Three years test of faith .... Christianity ....

Every tas invo!ves a "ertain "o##it#ent and the earth!y "hi!d
shou!d a!$ays vigorous!y strive to #eet this and not a!!o$
#edio"rity to "ree% in sin"e a $or su"h as this de#ands great
dedi"ation and is too vast to &e !iened to dai!y routine $or.
'nd thus you are advised to give a!! your $i!! and devotion to this
$or that it shou!d not suffer any !oss on a""ount of trivia!ities.
'nd no$ &egin(
It will take three complete years for Christianity as a
whole to pass its test of faith, to either become strong
within itself or to completely abandon its faith in Jesus
Christ as Saviour of the world ....
And during these three years a clear separation will be
distinctly noticeable because the world and its followers
endeavour to achieve a total separation from faith, whilst
the others unite ever more firmly and devote themselves
ever more deeply to their Saviour and Redeemer.
The !atter f!o" $i!! &e #u"h s#a!!er indeed and for this reason
great hardshi% #ust sti!! aff!i"t the $or!d to save $hat is not yet
"o#%!ete!y &ound &y )atan.
The !arge "o##unity of those $ho deny the *ord are
a%%roa"hing a dreadful ti#e.
he !ord is without mercy when "is #ords and advice are
no longer heeded and are ridiculed and laughed at.
+t is of vita! i#%ortan"e to rea!ise that ti#e after ti#e the *ord
sees to a%%roa"h the hu#an &eing $ith !ove and indness and
that ,e #eets ever #ore hardened hearts .... that ,is intention
a!$ays "on"erns the return of ,is fa!!en "hi!dren and is not
understood- thus !eaving on!y one $ay to soften their hearts- and
a!! "!e#en"y and #er"y $ou!d &e in vain- as these are ignored.
,u#an &eings "an on!y return to their Creator &y $ay of #u"h
grief and distress- even then it has to come from the heart
because the !ord takes no notice of empty prayers- and
after that there $i!! &e another se%aration $hi"h "an yet de"eive
the ignorant in the fina! hour. ' heartfe!t sigh to$ards the Father
of infinity suffi"es to de!iver a "hi!d fro# gravest %eri! ....
$ut those who are not praying in spirit and in truth will
call in vain as their "a!! "annot &e heard. and thus there $i!! not
&e #any $ho a"no$!edge their re!ationshi% $ith the Father in
the !ast hour- &ut for the fe$ it $i!! tru!y &e a &!essing ....
/u&!ished &y friends of ne$ reve!ations of God 0 +nfor#ation-
do$n!oad of a!! trans!ated reve!ations- the#e1&oo!ets at(

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