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Desert Magazine BOOK Shcp

kin. Paintings from the 19th century portray INGS by Edwin Deakin, edited by Ruth Mahood.
early missions prior to modern restorations. Fine WHEN ORDERING BOOKS Fine, full color reproductions depicting 21 fa-
text gives history of each. Full color reproduc- mous missions painted in 1870 by Deakin as
tions. $7.50. PLEASE they appeared before restoration projects began.
Beautiful book. 58 pages, $7.50.
"BOBBED" WIRE by Jack Glover. An illustrated Add 25 cents PER ORDER
guide to the identification and classification of THE NEVADA ADVENTURE, a History by James
barbed wire which helps to date old sites and (Not Each Book) Hulse. Covers era from prehistoric Indians to
relics. Soft cover. $5.00. ranching, atomic testing and tourism of today.
for handling and mailing 306 pages, $7.50.
Slone. Modern classic that tells the story of the California residents add 4 percent NEVADA'S TURBULENT YESTERDAYS by Don Ash-
opening of the Far West from 1840 to 1900. sales tax, regardless of whether you baugh. The best book about Nevada's ghost
$6.50. are a Republican or Democrat. towns and the rugged individuals who built
them. 346 pages, $7.50.
Hine. Part of the Yale Western Americana series CALIFORNIA, A Guide to the Golden State.
tells the stories behind the bizarre religious Edited by Harry Hansen and newly revised, it
and political colonies that found a haven in WILDFLOWERS OF THE GRAND CANYON by John contains an encyclopedia of facts from early
early California. Paper. $1.45. Stockert. Fine photos and description. Paper, days up to the Space Age. Mile by mile de-
$1.25. scriptions to camping spots and commercial ac-
CAMPING AND CLIMBING IN BAJA by John commodations. Maps. Hardcover, $7.95.
W. Robinson. Guide to the Sierra San Pedro FIRE OVER YUMA by Peter Odens. Historical
Martir and Sierra Juarez of upper Baja Cali- tales and anecdotes from the Lower Colorado GUIDE TO COINS. Recent U.S. coin prices,
fornia. Paper, $2.95. River area. Paper. $1.00. Canadian, Mexican and foreign coins, medals,
tokens and emergency money, Colonial, Terri-
Lester Reed. Recounts episodes of pioneers cov- by Russell Elliott. First detailed work to cover
ering an area from Owens Lake to Anza-Bor- the promoters and leaders who influenced the 1200 BOTTLES PRICED by John C. Tibbitts. Up-
rego and from San Bernardino east to Twenty- state's second mining boom. 344 pages, $5.95. dated edition of one of the best of the bottle
nine Palms. Spiral-bound. $5.95. books. $4.00.
STATE. Newly revised and edited by Joseph arly book contains probably as much about the Lynn Blumenstein. Photographs of over 700
Miller. Past and present covered. Highly recom- California Indian society as we will ever know. bottles with articles that tell the story and a
mended. 532 pages, illustrations and maps. 62 pages, $4.00. photograph of each. $4.25.
AUSTRALIANS AND THE GOLD RUSH by Jay by Spencer Murray. Photos and other descrip-
Monaghan. New facets of both California and tive information relative to date, quantity, and
Australia gold rushes neglected by historians. Clyde Forsythe's Famous . . . value. Paper. $1.00.
Brings alive the age of the sale. 317 pages,

Gold Strike
$6.50. RELACIONES by Zarate Salmeron. Written by
17th century Franciscan and is only source of
CHALLENGE TO SCIENCE, THE UFO ENIGMA by knowledge published for Spanish explorations
Jacques and Janine Vallee. Penetrating study into Arizona and New Mexico from 1538 to
of the "flying saucer" legend. 267 pages, $5.95. 1626. 121 pages, $6.00.


Stuart. Filled with local color and nostalgia for
high-button shoes and shivarees. 241 pages,
AMPHIBIANS by Robert C. Stebbins. A Peterson
Field guide. 207 species, 569 illustrations, 185
in full color, 192 maps. The best book of this
type. Hardcover. $4.95.
HISTORIC SPOTS IN CALIFORNIA Revised by Four Mining Camp Scenes
William N. Abeloe. Only complete guide to Cali- HAWAII COOK BOOK. Exotic recipes adapted
fornia landmarks with maps, photos and lively to ingredients available anywhere. Color photos.
text covering both historical and modern eras. All In 4-Color $1.95.
639 pages, $10.00.
NATIVE SHRUBS of Southern California by Peter
BUTTERFIELD OVERLAND MAIL by Waterman L. Each 14"xl7" with white margins H. Raven. Well illustrated, some in color, with
Ormsby, a New York newspaperman who was interesting text and descriptions of shrubs. Paper.
the only through passenger on this first west- on high quality paper suitable for $1.95.
bound stage. Western Americana, 177 pages
Gilbert S. Maxwell. Concerns the history, legends
THE LIFE OF THE DESERT by Ann and Myron No lettering or folds. and descriptions of Navajo rugs. Full color
Sutton. Covers desert creatures, perennial water photos. Paper, $2.00.
problems and how animals and plants survive.
231 pages, $4.95. OLD CALIFORNIA MINES (1899) by Charles Yale.
ONLY Reprint from early mining industry records.
OFF THE BEATEN TRACK IN BAJA by Erie Stanley Photos show different types of mining, mainly

Gardner. About people and places in enchant- in Mother Lode country. Text contains statistics
ing Baja California of Mexico. Colored photos and discussions of early problems $2.00.
368 pages, $8.95.
HANDBOOK OF CRYSTAL AND MINERAL COL- Canyon to the Mexican Border by Russ Leada-
LECTING by William Sanborn. Describes environ-
A SET brand. Maps for each trip with photographs,
ment typical of collection sites and physical Postage & Tax included historical information, recreational facilities,
properties of minerals and crystals. Paper, 81 campsites, hiking trails, etc. Paper, 165 pages,
pages, $2.00. $1.95.

2 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

Volume 30 Number 9 CONTENTS
4 Books for Desert Readers

JACK PEPPER 6 Beware the Conenosed Bloodsucker

CHORAL PEPPER 8 Little Denmark, U.S.A.

ELTA SHIVELY 10 Treasure Finders

Executive Secretary By W. E. OSBORNE

MARVEL BARRETT 12 Trapped in Tar


14 Lost Adams Mine

15 When It's Hot
Staff Writer

EDITORIAL OFFICES: 74-109 Larrea, Palm Desert,

California 92260. Area Code 714 346-8144. 18 Have You Snagged a Cui-ui?
Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs not By DORIS CERVERI
accompanied by self addressed, stamped and zip
coded envelopes will NOT be returned.
21 No Town for the Ghost
ciates Inc., 1709 West 8th Street, Los Angeles, By HELEN WALKER
California 90017, HUbbard 3-0561—115 New
Montgomery, San Francisco, California 94105,
DOuglas 2-4994. Listed in Standard Rate & Data.
22 The Case of the Blue Bucket Gold
Desert, California 92260. Area Code 714 346-
8144. DESERT MAGAZINE is published monthly;
1 year, $5.00; 2 years, $9.50; 3 years, $13.00.
26 Can the Devil be Conquered?
Foreign subscribers add 75 cents for postage. By JOHN W. ROBINSON
See Subscription Order Form in back of this issue.
28 Along Nevada's Meadow Valley Country
DESERT is published monthly by Desert Magazine, By ROBERTA STARRY
Palm Desert, Calif. Second Class Postage paid at
Palm Desert, Calif., and at additional mailing 30 Cave of Death
offices under Act of March 3, 1879. Title regis-
tered NO. 358865 in U. S. Patent Office, and By MAURICE KILDARE
contents copyrighted 1967 by Desert Magazine.
Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs cannot
be returned or acknowledged unless full return
32 Horsethief of the Kingstons
postage is enclosed. Permission to reproduce con- By DEKE LOWE
tents must be secured from the editor in writing.
SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $5.00 per year in U.S.,
Canada and Mexico. $5.75 elsewhere. Allow five
34 Corinne, Utah
weeks for change of address. Be sure to send By LAMBERT FLORIN
both old and new address.
36 DESERT Cookery
The dramatic photograph of Bodie, 37 Hints for Desert Travelers
California is by E. G. Anderson, of By BRUCE BARRON
Burbank, California, who captures
the spirit of the famous former gold 38 Back Country Travel
rush town, now preserved as a State By JACK PEPPER
Park. Gold was first discovered in
Mono County in 1852 but it was not 42 Fort Churchill
until 10 years later that Bodie be- By JAN S. PAUL
came a rip roaring community whose
reputation was summed up in the 43 Letters from our Readers
slogan "The Bad Men From Bodie."

September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 3

[You'll thrill to this bright, new collec-1
I tion of western and scenic Christmas I
| cards. In full color, by the west's lead- I
ing artists, they're just great! Our 18th I
I year of happy customers. A postcard I DIRECTORY OF SOUTHERN
I TODAY will fetch our 20 page catalog. I
NEVADA PLACE NAMES Books reviewed may be ordered
from the DESERT Magazine Book
FREE SAMPLE A N D CATALOG By Walter R. Averett Order Department, Palm Desert,
With special attention given to obscure California 92260. Please include
or forgotten names, this book contains 25c for handling. California resi-
1300 entries covering all of Clark County, dents must add 4 % sales tax.
over half of Lincoln County, part of Nye Enclose payment with order.
County and a few adjacent places in Ari-
zona and California. It includes topo-
graphic features, such as Bootleg Canyon, MOHAVE DESERT RAMBLINGS
Just Published By Sewell "Pop" Lofinck
west of Boulder City where there was
How 88,648 once a moonshine still; springs, such as
Bootleg Spring located dangerously close
The author is well-known as a pros-
pector and long time resident of the area
Heavy Smokers to Mormon Well; towns, such as the all-
but-lost ghost of Johnnie; political sub-
now covered by the U.S. Ordnance Test
Station on the Mojave desert, for which
Stopped Smoking divisions and mining districts past, pre- he once served as a guard in an isolated
sent, remembered and forgotten. The ori- area of the north range. Later he was
NEW YORK—The Anti-Tobacco Center of
America has just published a booklet which
gin of the name is given as well as his- transferred into the Public Information
explains how 88,648 heavy smokers (of whom torical data and exact location. There are office to write a weekly column for the
many are physicians) have stopped smoking some names that will even stump old- Station's newspaper. It is these columns,
without straining their will power. This book- timers. Here are a few samples—Purga- filled with "Pop-isms" about the desert,
let is available free of charge to smokers. All tory Hole, Rappelje, Smiley's Spur, Pikes
you need to do, to obtain it, is to send your nature, solitude, wildlife, prospecting and
narrte and address to The Anti-Tobacco Cen-
Diggings and Angle City. This book is a people, that were collected by the Matur-
ter of America, Dept. A-63-L, 366 Fifth Ave- real sleeper for collectors of Western ango Museum at China Lake, California,
nue, New York 1, New York. This offer is Americana. Edition limited to 300 copies.
and put into book form. There are chap-
open while the supply of these booklets lasts. Hardcover, 114 pages, $5.00.
ters on how to salt a mine, find purple
bottles, plant cacti, survive in the arid
REPUBLISHED BY WATER WITCHING desert, and interpret petroglyphs. It is
POPULAR DEMAND By Earl Shannon an interesting book, written in the folksy
style of a beloved desert character. Paper-
This reviewer has read a lot about
Nevada's water witching and this paperback book
is exceptionally good. Its author ap-
back, illustrated with photos, 160 pages,
proaches the subject of dowsing for water
Turbulent and mineral as scientifically as it is pos-
sible to approach a subject of mystery. He
By Lambert Florin
Yesterday discounts the "nut" theories relative to
"witching" for lost persons, objects, and
so forth, as well as the mystics and their
If you already own any or all of Lam-
bert Florin's marvelous hardcover ghost
By DON ASHBAUGH gimmicks. He doesn't make any claims, town series, you will definitely want this
only details his own experiments which guide which includes maps and mileages.
Hell Raising Boom Towns have covered a period of 30 years and If you haven't the hard cover books, you
many parts of the U.S. He has graphed will want this anyway to enjoy the out-
of a Thousand Killings!
his results and made deep studies into standing photographs taken by the
Factual in every detail yet as exciting as a geology in an effort to understand why author and to learn of ghost towns and
novel, Nevada's Turbulent Yesterday is "witching" works, as his results satisfy mining camps in 15 western states, includ-
tops in its field. For 10 years as Sunday ing British Columbia and Alaska. Main
him that it does. He believes it is minerals
editor of the Review Journal, the late Don attractions in each town are mentioned,
carried and deposited by water along
Ashbaugh collected material for his book.
underground courses that produces the along with information about what lies
Now back in print, this excellent book is a
must for arm chair adventures as well as reaction which indicates the presence of at the end of side roads, but for historical
active explorers. Hard cover, 349 pages, 67 water, rather that the water itself, because background and colorful incidents relative
priceless historical photographs. Price: }7.50 "dead" water (water buried in containers to the towns and their former lively occu-
plus 25 cents for mailing. Calif, residents for experimental purposes) does not pro- pants, you are referred to the hard cover
add 30 cents sales tax. Send check or money duce a reaction. The writing style is in- ghost town series which covers all of the
order to DESERT MAGAZINE BOOK formal and the book is entertaining to sites which are included in this guide.
SHOP, Palm Desert, Calif. 92260. Please read, whether or not you accept water The book is large format, cardboard
include your zip code. witching as an art. 132 pages, $2.75.
cover, 96 pages, $2.25.
4 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967
By Bowman and Heizer A true story of adventure, illustrated
The identification of Anza's remains, with over 300 photographs
after they were located in their burial and five pages in color...
place at Arizpe, Arizona in 1963, wound
up the long and fascinating story of
Anza's adventures and exploration in the
Southwest. Along with Junipero Serra,
founding missionary, and Miguel Cos-
tanso, engineer and explorer, Juan Bau-
tista de Anza set a cornerstone in the his- OFF THE DFFTHB
tory and development of California. Of
the first two, much is known, but the
adventures of Anza have been shrouded BEATEN BEATS'
in myth. TRACK
Anza was a true trailblazer, a visionary BAJA
and a doer. The authors of this book seem
to prove, however, that Anza is not pro-
perly considered the founder of San Fran-
cisco. He did select the general location
of the presidio on San Francisco Bay, but
not the site itself. This is based upon the
differences between the suggested site
described in Anza's diary and the one
where later it was actually located. Other
generally accepted facts about Anza and
city of San Francisco are also exploded in
this fascinating book. Illustrated with
photographs. Hardcover, 179 pages, $8.75
By Sandra Dallas When Choral Pepper, Editor of DESERT MAGAZINE, joined the
latest Erie Stanley Gardner expedition into Baja California, she little
This intriguing title arose from a cus-
tom of the raw frontier when Western realized she would be flying in helicopters over literally unexplored
hotels that catered to miners rented beds country. Nor did she realize that readers would demand far more
for eight-hour shifts. A sleeping guest material on the expedition than she could possibly crowd into five
might be clawed by a bedmate's spurs instalments in the magazine. Here is a book that is a detailed account
and chewed up by bedbugs, but he was of these modern-day adventures—the story of the first helicopter ever
always comforted with the landlord's
posted promise that there would be "No to be seen in Santa Rosalia, in Mulege, in San Ignacio . . . the story
More Than Five in a Bed." of exploring hidden canyons where no human has set foot to ground
Other famed early Colorado hotels in modern times. $8.95
were both lavish and lascivious. Oysters,
champagne, wild game and crusty French Other books of adventure by Erie Stanley Gardner:
bread made sophisticated voyagers from
Eastern cities feel right at home and al- HUNTING LOST MINES BY HELICOPTER $7.50
though the menu might read "tabble
Dote" followed by a cup of "demy tass," THE WORLD OF WATER $5.00
the fare and decor were as opulently Vic- THE DESERT IS YOURS $7.50
torian and, sometimes, as proper as that THE HIDDEN HEART OF BAJA $7.50
of Boston.
With a theme built around the famous HUNTING THE DESERT WHALE $6.00
hotels of Colorado's early mining days,
the author has put together a book filled
with robust humor and atmosphere. In- At bookstores everywhere
cluded are a number of lively tales re-
and worthwhile historically, this is also
counting such incidents. Well-researched
a fun book to read and would make a
fine gift. Hardcover, many illustrations,
208 pages, $5.95.

September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 5
by Sylvia Kircher

ISERABLY sick to his

stomach "George Gray"
lurched from his bed and
gasped, "I feel awful."
Then he complained of
itching all over, even the
soles of his feet and palms of his hands.
A nettle-like rash spread over his body
and a few minutes later, weak and de-
pressed, his skin clammy, and his pulse
quickened, he was assisted back into bed
by his wife. Then she called the doctor.
By the time the doctor had arrived
there were localized swellings in the
glands of George Gray's neck and groin
and on the back of his left thigh were
several round, red, painful inflamma-
tions about two inches in diameter, each
with a hard, whitish welt in its center.
The doctor, recognizing them as insect
bites, was able to determine almost im-
mediately that George's "illness" was a
severe allergic reaction to the insect
As he administered medication, the
doctor recalled a similiar case. Quickly
he removed blankets, sheets and pillow
covers from the bed and methodically
inspected them. Finding nothing, he
then yanked back the mattress from the
box spring. In the middle was a black
bug about three-fourths inches long with
a protruding, cone-shaped snout and a
body that looked as if someone had
pinched it flat in the middle. "That,"

6 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

said the doctor, "is what I was looking stick their stylets into other insects, ro- stripped, and be sure all windows have
for. And it's filled with your blood, dents or even chickens. tight fitting screens. At night, check
George." A member of an interesting family, the your bedding thoroughly before crawling
The insect is variously called the Kiss- Reduviidae, which includes the Corsairs in. This is particularly important with
ing Bug, the Assassin Bug, the Bellow (another mean biting, but handsome, small children.
Bug, or entomologists call it Triatoma black and amber fellow), the Bee Assas- Recommended first aid treatment for
protracta. In a few cases (about 5%) sins, and the beneficial Giant Wheel the Bloodsucker's bite is an application of
where someone is known to be extremely Bugs, the Western Conenosed Blood- hot Epsom salts over the puncture point as
hypersensitive to insect venom, the bite suckers are found from California east soon as possible. If any symptoms of acute
of this insect may lead to anaphylactic into Utah, and south into Arizona and distress or shock are evidenced, put the
shock, and unconsciousness. Hospitaliza- Mexico. They are particularly active in victim to bed immediately, keep him
tion is then required. More usually, how- May and June, continuing their activity warm, and call a doctor.
ever, a bite, or several, will cause intense throughout the summer until October or Let me make it absolutely clear at this
itching, some pain, and extensive swell- later, depending on the weather. They point that the Southwest is not seething
ing, sometimes as much as a foot in di- are parasites on Wood Rats, which may with hosts of Conenose Bloodsuckers in-
ameter, around the area of the puncture be a boon to city folks who don't have the tent on your blood. They are, more realis-
wound. Discomfort may last for several wood rat's bulky, stick houses in their tically, only a noxious minority group
weeks. So subtly does the Conenose pene- back yards, but a pesky nuisance to peo- among the many thousands of insects
trate the skin that, frequently, sleeping ple living in foothill or country locations which are entirely beneficial and harm-
victims are not even aware of having been who might. Wood Rat nests should be less. You may never encounter one. But
bitten until the following morinng. Then, eliminated, if possible, from the vicinity you should be familiar with them, just as
not being familiar with our noxious near wherever Conenosed Bloodsuckers you should be familiar with, and hence
friend, they blame the bite on just about are known to have inflicted their painful try to avoid, all injurious insects as well
anything else that's handy, including bites on an unsuspecting victim. as other injurious arthropods such as
cpiders. During the day these pests hide out- ticks, scorpions and Black Widow spiders.
Though a bad bed companion, the doors under rocks and debris or else in- But don't condemn all of them because
Conenose is not a Bed Bug. True Bed doors in bedding, draperies or rugs. At of the obnoxious habits of a few. Learn to
Bugs (Cimimidae) feed entirely on night they can sometimes be seen crawl- differentiate between the injurious and
warmblooded animals such as man, birds, ing over walls, floors or ceilings. If you non-injurious and, whenever possible, try
and bats, whereas Conenoses—to give live in an area that Conenoses are known to observe the others with interest and
them a modicum of credit—feed on man to inhabit, it would be a good idea to curiosity. After all, who can take issue
only if necessary. They much prefer to have all doors in your house weather- with a Ladybird beetle or a butterfly? •


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September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 7

A cool escape for desert dwellers

Little Denmark, U. S. A.
by Jack Delaney
OLVANG, CALIFORNIA is An unforgettable event will be offered main street, so it is easy to find. You'll
the "eatin'est" town in Saturday and Sunday mornings—aeble- enjoy meeting Mr. Merrill and will find
the West! Any hour of skiver breakfasts prepared and served that he is a very helpful and pleasant
the day you'll see crowds along the main street (Copenhagen person with whom to spend a few minutes
of eager eaters in the Drive), under the shadow of a Danish and from whom to gain a bit of know-
bakery-coffee shops that windmill. Aebleskiver are pancake-like ledge about the beautiful Santa Ynez
dominate the business district. Day-long balls, cooked in heavy cast iron skillets Valley.
coffee breaks are in vogue here, and containing round depressions for shaping Many California towns started from
these usually end with a carton of goodies the delicious morsels. During the cele- scratch and just "growed." Solvang has
under the arm of the pastry patron, for bration, volunteer bakers will attract large been a planned community from the be-
later enjoyment. At mealtimes, the ecsta- audiences by their display of proficiency ginning. It was founded in 1911 by
tic smacking of lips during the dessert as they deftly turn the little sphere with three members of a group of Danish edu-
course is a sight to see—or to hear! After knitting needles. cators. Their purpose was the establish-
all, authentic Danish pastry is just about In case you have never visited this pic- ing of a community where the arts and
the ultimate in taste treats. turesque village, it should be pointed out customs of their homeland could be re-
Strangely, the continuous intake of deli- that it is well equipped with modern created. Also, it was their desire to
cious, rich pastries as a daily routine here motels, restaurants, bakeries, and gift build a folk school for the western Danes.
appears to present no serious weight shops. "Quaint" is the word most often Solvang was born on 9000 acres of the
problem for the residents. From my de- used to describe Solvang. Its windmills, old Spanish land grant known as Rancho
tailed observation of the local gals, in homes, stores and customs carry an San Carlos de ]onata.
their colorful Danish garb, I can truth- authentic Danish theme. This is a town of Atterdag College was opened in 1914
fully report that they are trim and shapely. flags—everywhere you'll see the Ameri- and its educational program was patterned
The local men are—sorry, I was too busy can and Danish flags flying side by side. after the Danish Grand View College in
taking inventory on the beautiful gals to The Danish flag, the Dannebrog, is the Iowa. The theory of education was to
check on the local men! oldest flag in the world. It came into instill a philosophy in our young people
Solvang, an accurate small-scale fac- being in the year 1219- to create wholesome, productive lives,
simile of a fascinating Old World city, An unique custom in Denmark is the rather than lives geared toward accumu-
is about 45 miles north of Santa Barbara, display of various insignia, or emblems, lating wealth. There were no textbooks,
in the Santa Ynez Valley. For a pleasant at the entrances to shops as an indication no examinations, and no degrees. History
interlude, drive along the freeway (U.S. of the products they offer. For instance, a was the main subject, as it points out
101) to the vicinity of Buellton, then bakery displays a Danish kringle (a form where we have failed and helps us to
east on Highway 246 a couple of miles to of pastry), while a shoe store is identified learn from these failures. Atterdag Col-
this Danish-American town of 2000 by a boot hanging over the sidewalk. This lege operated full time until 1937, and
happy people. It is one of the leading practice is followed, to some extent, in as a summer school until 1951.
tourist attractions in Southern California, Solvang. Another indication of Danish This Danish folk school ceased to
playing host to 250,000 visitors each year, background is the artificial storks grac- operate because of the compulsory educa-
many of whom are repeaters. ing the roof lines of some of the build- tion laws of the State of California, with
Whether your visit is a return or a first ings. The people of their Old World which some of the school's policies were
time occasion, it is sugested that you con- counterpart believe that a stork on the in conflict. Evidently, the concept of
sider the weekend beginning Friday, Sep- roof brings good luck—so long as it teaching young people how to be down-
tember 15. It will be during these three stays on the roof! to-earth, hard-working, useful citizens
days that Solvang will present a fairyland
of music, color, and gaiety, matched only Should you have any questions per- was not enough. An effort should have
by Old World festivals of bygone years. taining to Solvang or its accommodations, been made to teach them to be thinkers,
This is the weekend of the Annual Dan- just look up King Merrill, editor of the ready and willing to solve the problems of
ish Days Celebration. It would be well, Santa Ynez Valley News and of the in- the world—provided they can borrow
however, to arrange reservations in ad- formative magazine, In The Beautiful their parents' cars. At any rate, good
vance, if you plan to stay in Solvang or Santa Ynez Valley. The business office old Atterdag is no longer serving as an
the general vicinity. of the newspaper is located on the town's educational institution. The building is

8 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

now a part of the Solvang Lutheran ws OLIVOS
Near the center of town is Old Mis-
sion Santa Ines (Ities is the Spanish
spelling retained by the church) which
was founded in 1804. It was the 19th
in the chain of 21 California Missions,
and is known as The Hidden Gem of
the Missions. Tours are conducted daily
through the magnificent museum, Chapel
of the Madonnas, the Church with ori-
ginal hand-painted murals, and the lovely
gardens. An estimated 100,000 people
visit the Mission each year. It has sur-
vived trouble, turbulence, secularization,
and earthquake these many years. Today,
it stands as a fine example of restored
early California architecture and atmos-
phere. SOLVANG
The proverbial Little Red Schoolhouse "WiNISH W V r t "

can be seen in the town of Ballard, a Little red schoolhouse at Ballard. Map of Little Denmark, U.S.A
few miles from Solvang. It is a one-room
school built in 1883 that has been in
continuous use as an educational center
ever since. This is truly a Valley his-
toric gem. It can be reached by driving
east on Mission Drive (Route 246) a
short distance and turning left on Alamo
Pintado Road to Ballard. A right turn on
Baseline Avenue, then a left turn on
Cottonwood Street brings you to the
Originally, the Little Red Schoolhouse
handled all grades in one room and the
children did their own janitorial work.
At least, the girls swept and dusted the
schoolroom each week (there is no rec-
ord of what the boys did). At present, it
has an enrollment of about 18 children
in grades one through four, and they are
examples of leadership in achievement.
Their Drum and Bugle Corps is a top
prize-winning musical marching unit!
Winner of the grand prize in the Wes- Above: Old Mission San lues. Below: Solvang street scene.
tern Band Festival in Santa Barbara, it
was awarded a resolution from the Cali-
fornia State Senate commending the corps
for its musical and marching ability.
This one side trip is worthwhile, even
though it may be the only one you will
want to take with so many reasons for
returning to the scene of activity. After
an aebleskive breakfast and a couple of
pastry breaks, try one of Solvang's famous
open-faced sandwiches for lunch. At din-
nertime, be sure to order something dif-
ferent, with a name that is difficult to
pronounce. Just point to the item on the
menu—the waitress will smile knowingly.
Even though every day is a Danish Day in
Solvang, the friendly residents send you
this message: Velkommmen til 1967
Danske Dage! •

September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 9

Dr. Osborne, international authority on advanced electronics who
pursues treasure hunting as a hobby, prepared the following
article at the request of DESERT Magazine for the vast number
of readers who write to this office in quest of reliable information
about metal detectors from an objective source.


by W. E. Osborne

LECTRONIC METAL loca- If the purchase of a good instrument is

tors are tricky animals. accompanied by a resolution to daily
The very best one de- achieve better results through such study
signed is no better than and practice—instead of placing the in-
the skill of its operator, strument in the same category as a new
a n d many purchasers spade or fishing pole—then, and only
(and builders) of high-quality instru- then, can it become a real "treasure-
ments have obtained poor results finder."
through no fault of the device itself. For My first unit was built in 1927, with
the peak performance which I am sure the search coil wound around the wood-
most users desire, a top-grade locator de- en rim of a bicycle wheel. I used a
mands operating ability which only seri- straight transmitter circuit, single tube
ous practice and some study can acquire. (battery drain 0.25 amps!), which by
today's standards is very insensitive, and
mainly used for pipe-finding. Over the
ensuing 40 years my design assignments
in this field have included military mine
detectors for the U.S., British and Austra-
lian Forces, magnetometers for submarine
detection, and nuclear detection devices.
Some non-technical comments on current
metal locator types may therefore be of
interest to those DESERT readers who,
like myself, have an urge to seek gold
whenever circumstances will permit.
The transmitter-receiver (TR) prin-
ciple is one of the two most popular types
of locator. Two loop antennae (trans-
mitter and receiver) are usually mounted
at each end of a carrying pole, at right
angles to each other, to minimize direct
The three detectors above are all different beat-frequency types, built by the writer
pickup between the two. The transmitter
over the last 10 years. All have built-in battery chargers, car or line. Similar detectors coil (frequency about 70-100 Khz) is at
are manufactured commercially. The writer's experimental infrared mine detector is the rear and is mounted vertically for
held like a drill gun. Meter variations indicate actual shape of buried object, but maximum penetration, and when its
not composition. radiated field is interrupted by metal, a

10 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

The author's "buried object locator", much the same as in the TR, but there is
mounted on tripod for test purposes, and no receiver. A second signal (at the same FROM
looking at M-19 anti-tank mine (plastic). frequency) is provided by a shielded and
crystal-controlled oscillator. Both sig-
nals are fed to a special "mixer" trans-
istor. Metal in the field of the transmitter
loop (the search coil), changes this one
frequency, and the mixer output, normally
zero, then produces a "beat" which is the
difference between the two signals. The
whole unit can be smaller, lighter, and
draw less battery power than a TR. For
this reason I prefer and use it. Recharge-
able batteries, with a sub-miniature char-
with the All New
ger built in, are also a feature of my own
instrument. Recharging is done by either
automobile or house current.
Infrared mine detectors are a recent
development. No search coil is used, as
the instrument is basically a passive infra- \\
red receiver. The detector in less expen-
sive models is an uncooled cell of lead
selenide or indium antimonide. Better
Treasure Locator!
units use an uncooled immersed bolo- The 'Commander' 720
meter. As any buried object will possess unsurpassed for locating
different infrared characteristics to those buried treasure, coins, Civil
of the surrounding earth, it is revealed War relics and for beach-
as a reflected pattern on the surface. Un- combing, features the
fortunately, rocks, wood, and even paper "Tell-Tone" Signal. Locates
are included. However, as the shape of any metal object under dirt,
the buried object can be read by an ex- sand, mud, rock, etc. No
perienced operator, much needless dig- cumbersome cords —
reflection and distortion takes place which
ging is avoided. No commercial models completely transistorized,
is received by the other coil, and converted
are yet available. Size and weight are ex- battery powered.
to an audible change of pitch. The limit-
ing factor on range with the TR type tremely small.
is the amount of direct (undistorted) Magnetometers are a wonderful aid in EFFECTIVE DEPTH RANGE
locating either metal or oil. The older (Under Normal Conditions)
radiation from T to R loop, and this
blankets the tiny reflected signal from types, with a depth range of about 500
buried metal at longer range. Complex feet on a submarine, have since been
3" Bullet
phase cancellation circuitry will improve greatly improved. The two basic types
7" Penny
this by up to a 10/1 ratio, and I have are the flux-gate, and total-field (nu-
8-12" Silver
been obliged to incorporate this on very clear precession). The former cancels
large military units. The extra expense, out the earth's magnetic field (to zero),
18" Pistol
size, and weight involved, however, would and measures any unbalance created by
24" Jar of
limit its commercial use, even if FAA submerged or buried objects such as metal Coins
regulations on transmitter output were or oil. The latter starts with the total 30" Kettle
not violated by the extra power and range fields, and adds or subtracts for the ob- 36" Placer Gold
jects. Vehicle-mounting is usually neces- Deposit
that becomes temptingly possible. I know
sary, and costs several thousand dollars. 48" . . . Metal Chest
of only one small (hand-carried) military
60" Large Metallic
mine detector of the TR type, and while A number of other principles are used Object
the range was equal to that of several in locator design, but space prohibits dis-
others, it was poorly regarded for reasons cussion here. They include conductivity
of size, weight, and awkwardness. I measurement of the earth; pulsed ("ra-
would, therefore, personally place the TR dar") types which are long-range, meet
type second to the beat-frequency (BF) FAA rules, but which also require a
series, even though excellent results are vehicle; and a balanced 3-coil magnetic THE GOLDAK COMPANY, INC.
1544 West Glenoaks Blvd.,
possible. See the comparison table (be- bridge as used in many World War II Glendale, California 91201
low) of ranges. mine detectors. Gentlemen: Please send free literature on Goldak
treasure locators.
The range of a BF locator can equal A final word. When buying an instru- n I enclose $1.00 for my American Treasure
and may exceed that of a TR type, but ment, it is safer to follow the axiom that, Hunters' Guide (reg. $2.00 value).
only with extremely careful design. Op- "You get what you pay for." An elec- Name
eration is more critical, as fine tuning tronic metal detector can then be a won-
down to a one-cycle beat is required for derful investment, if you follow the
top sensitivity. Frequency should be advice in the first paragraph. Good City

around 100 Khz. The transmitter can be hunting! • State _ Zip Code
September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 11
Trapped in Tar
by Ben Traywick
In 1769, Gaspar de Portola was the and an observation pit has been con-
first to record seeing the "tar pits of La structed so visitors can see the skulls and
OME of the most fierce Brea." Three years later, Jose Longinos bones just as they were trapped and sub-
and frightful creatures Martinez reported a lake of pitch in sequently entombed in Pleistocene time.
ever created on this which bubbles formed and burst contin- In one mass of tar, comprising less
earth sleep entombed in ually. Animals would step into it, then than 4 cubic yards, Dr. Merriam found
pits of tar within the were unable to escape because their feet more than 50 skulls of the dire wolf, 30
city of Los Angeles, Cali- were held fast; finally they would sink skulls of the sabre-tooth cat, and numer-
fornia. Here is the cemetery of the horri- below the surface. Even in that early ous remains of horse, sloth, bison, coyote
ble Thunder Beast, the great cats, gigantic year he remarked on the presence of huge and bird. Remains found in the tar pits
mammoths, huge bears, and the fierce, bones that appeared to be petrified in have changed little from the original
terrible dragons of ancient lands and seas. the tar. state.
The name "fossil" has been given to
all organic bodies, animal or vegetable, In 1844 Duflot De Mofras, during his Portions of the skull and skeleton of a
buried naturally in terrestrial strata and explorations of Oregon and California, woman were found at a depth of 6 to 9
more or less pertified. The earth has not recorded the presence of "the pits of as- feet. All the bones were definitely from
always presented the calm aspect of sta- phaltum." He remarked that the pits one individual and clearly resembled the
bility which it now exhibits. It has had its reached the surface in small pools of aboriginal people who had inhabited
convulsions and its physical revolutions. mineral water which was imbibed by ani- Southern California and the Channel Is-
A thousand causes, aqueous, igneous, and mals and birds. At a glance, the tar pit lands prior to the arrival of the white
atmospheric, are continually at work modi- appeared to be a pool of water, a decep- man. At a level of 8 to 18 feet, the
fying the external form of the earth by tion which entrapped many creatures. wooden bunt foreshaft for an atlatl dart
destroying and rebuilding. However, man No one recognized the importance of and 3 broken atlatl dart foreshafts were
would have to live for several million the fossil bones in the tar pits until W. W.
uncovered, an indication that an atlatl-
years in order to be able to understand Orcutt visited them in 1905. He dug a using people once inhabited the La Brea
the tremendous changes that occur. sabre-tooth cat skull and portions of the area when animals, that are now extinct,
skeleton of a huge ground sloth. Dr. John roamed California.
Entire mountains ranges have been C. Merriam (University of California) It is believed that the climate in Plei-
formed by upheavals within the earth examined the bones and strongly recom- stocene years was very nearly the same as
only, over a long period of geological mended that further excavating be con- it is today and the surrounding terrain
time, to be worn down and washed into ducted. Allan Hancock, who owned was rolling with a semi-arid type of
the seas again. And to the opposite, ocean Rancho La Brea on which the tar pits vegetation. This environment caused the
beds have lain beneath the water for were located, granted exclusive excavation area to abound with bison, horse, ele-
millions of years only to have at last been privileges to the county of Los Angeles in phant, mammoth, sloth, antelope, and
thrust up several hundreds of feet. Such 1913. The county museum conducted the camel. The most prevalent forms of life
actions as these formed the asphalt beds excavation and now has the fossils on uncovered at La Breat were those of pred-
of La Brea, which are actually part of a display.
sedimentary series consisting of sands, atory animals. Obviously this was a dir-
clays, gravel and angular rubble with a Later Hancock gave the 23 acres en- ect result of the effective lure offered by
depth area of 40 to 190 feet. Beneath closing the fossil tar beds to Los Angeles the victims trapped in the tar, bringing
these deposits are the older formations of county for a public park, called Hancock the flesh eating animals directly to the
marine shales and sandstones with inter- Park. Over the years, trees, shrubs, and pool.
bedded oil sands. It is from these that the plants of the types that grew in Califor- Apparently the tar trap and its vicinity
tar comes. nia during the Ice Age have been planted was an excellent feeding ground for the

12 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

dire wolf and the sabre-tooth cat. This is than their cousins, the mastodon and the to study in detail. However, this is not
reflected by the extraordinary numbers elephant. Skeletons have been found true of the La Brea tar pit because of the
of wolf and cat remains buried in the tar. that measured 16 feet from the shoulder. rapid entombment and preserving powers
Extinct forms of mammals actually rep- The ivory tusks were curved with a spiral of the tar. As many as 126 different
resent the greatest portion of skeletal re- turn outwards, up to 15 feet in length, kinds of birds were recovered, some with
mains taken from the tar pit. In the dog and fitted into the upper jaw. A massive skeletal remains so well preserved they
family, the dire wolf outnumbers the skull furnished an attachment area for were reassembled and mounted for dis-
coyote and the gray wolf. In the cat fam- the muscles and tendons necessary to play. One of the most unusual was an
ily, the sabre-tooth and the great cat or manipulate the trunk and support the extinct condor-like vulture. This huge
lion-like feline exceeds the puma and long, heavy tusks. bird stood approximately two-and-one-
lynx. Among the bears, the short faced Though the grazing ground sloth was half-feet tall, had a wing span of over
bear is twice as abundant as the black or smaller than the mastodon it possessed 12 feet and, when alive, probably weigh-
grizzly bear. considerable bulk and weight. Its muzzle ed over 50 pounds.
The short faced bear possessed a shor- was blunt, the jaws armed with lobate Because of the discovery of fossil rec-
tened face, as the name implies, and grinding teeth. The reconstructed skele- ords, such as those in the La Brea tar
crowded cheek-teeth. The principal cut- ton shows this creature was massive, with pit, traces of a past infinitely longer
ting teeth are more like those of a dog the anterior limbs much longer than the than man had hitherto suspected have
than those of a bear, thereby indicating posterior, the articulation of the foot been studied. Some have no clear rela-
that this bear was more carnivorous than oblique to the leg; great, short toes armed tionship to living things, nor living
true bears. Approximately the size of the with powerful claws, and the beast un- things a clear relationship to them, but
Alaskan Kodiak bear of today, they are doubtedly possessed a tremendous crush- as strange, terrible, and incredible as
believed to have been the largest flesh ing strength. This strength and claws they may seem, they are but what life
eating mammal occurring at La Brea. helped the sloth evade its natural enemies, has produced on its way to its present
the great cats and packs of the dire wolf. state. Generation by generation over
Though about the size of today's Afri-
Its teeth indicate a died of vegetable countless millions of years, it has chang-
can lion, the sabre-tooth cat's front limbs
foods, leaves and small twigs. ed from the wonder it was to the wonder
were strong and powerful while its hind
Because of the fragile physical make- it is. There has been no creation since
limbs were relatively light. The short or
up of birds, it is exremely rare that the beginning of life; life has evolved
bobbed tail was similar to that of the
fossilized remains are found in condition continually, eternally. •
bob-cat or lynx. A true cat possesses 30
teeth, but the sabre-tooth had only 26.
In the cheek-tooth region, the principal
cutting teeth were fitted for a slashing BIG '»«•
action. Its upper canines were great _ CATALOG
dagger-like teeth, elongated in a long cur- Equip with Armstrong Hi-Flotation
truck tires. Tested in Baji! Proven
vature and flattened transversely. These in competition! For Jeep, Scout, HI-FLOTATION TIRES
sabre-teeth were not biting organs, but Bronco, Toyota, Datsun, Land
Rover, half ton Ford. Chev.. C M C .
stabbing daggers. In attacking large Dodge, International Pickups and
campers. 11:00 X IS" - 16". 6 - 8 -
prey the huge cat sought a vulnerable 10 - ply, extra wide • " ONE piece

spot on the neck, dug its claws in deep wheels - no exchange necessary.
Low-Low prices. We ship anywhere.
by using the strong front limbs and then
stabbed repeatedly with the long, upper
canines, inflicting deep jagged wounds.
To accomplish this the lower jaw swung
downward giving a huge gape to the BOX 181, SOUTH GATE,
mouth, then the powerful head and neck CALIFORNIA 9 0 2 8 0
muscles gave vicious thrusts to the long
teeth. 213 569-8041 OR 564-3478
Skeletons of the great cat, one of the
true cats, were found in the pit. It was
one fourth again as large as any cat living
PROSPECTORS Uncover the history of the desert
Take along the new
today. Although it is generally referred GOLD-MASTER Model S63
to as a lion it has on occasion been called Mineral, Metal, and Treasure Finde
a gigantic jaguar. This monster cat was
the most formidable predatory animal at It can detect gold a n d silver
La Brea. nuggets. Rings, Coins, Veins,
and treasures.
Bison were even more numerous than • No cumbersome Earphones, a powerful speaker,
horses in the Pleistocene years of La Brea is used • Two highly sensitive loops—one for , —
detecting small nuggets, one for treasures and
and it appears that these extinct animals veins • Simple to Operate • Complete instruc-
tions . . . and fresh batteries • A small natural
fell easy victims to the tar pit. Consider- gold nugget which it will detect is included.
Easy terms available Send today for FREE literature
ably larger than the modern buffalo,
5% Discount For Cash
they measured more than seven feet tall WHITE'S ELECTRONICS
at the hump. $29.50 Down 1011 Pleasant Valley Rd.Room 121
Bal. $10.57 Per Mo. Sweet Home, Oregon
Mammoths were considerably larger

September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 13

By reader request DESERT Magazine will reprint a series of
Mitch Williams Says: articles written by the dean of lost mine yarns, John Mitchell,
which appeared originally in 1940 and 1941.
Before It Gets

Too Civilized See
America's New
in special air conditioned 4-wheel-
drive tour cars. Plan now to see
this scenic wonderland.
Float trips on the exotic Colorado
and Green Rivers

down Mexico way. Two big 25-day
photographic safaris through Baja
from top to tip each Jan., Feb.,
and March. Now is the time for
that Grand Adventure.

Tag-a-Long Tours CITY

Dept. B 156 N. 1st W.
Moab, Utah 84532
Phone 801 253-4346 by John Mitchell
IEUTENANT W. H. Em- Adams organized several expeditions
ory, in his Notes of a to search for his old workings and was

WESTERN Military Reconnaissance

from Fort Leavenworth
well known around Fort Wingate, New
Mexico, where he purchased provisions

GATEWAYS Kansas to San Diego in

California, published in
1848, states: "The Prieto (Black) river
flows down from the mountains freight-
and equipment for his many trips into the
wild country to the southwest of the fort.
As nearly as can be ascertained the
Magazine of the Golden Circle place where Adams and Landreau were
ed with gold. Its sands are said to be rescued was about 25 miles northwest of
WESTERN GATEWAYS IS A QUAR- full of the precious metal. A few ad- Silver City, New Mexico. It was to this
TERLY MAGAZINE FEATURING venturers who ascended the river hunting place that Adams came in later years, and
TRAVEL INFORMATION, MAPS, beaver washed the sands at night when
he was often seen in that region.
ARTICLES, AND PICTURES OF they halted and were richly rewarded.
THE INDIAN COUNTRY, UTAH'S Tempted by their success, they made a The fact that the two men had traveled
CANYONLANDS, LAKE POWELL, second trip and were attacked and most of south after the massacre would indicate
AND THE FOUR CORNERS AREA. them killed by the Indians. My authority that the rich deposits were located near the
Join us in time for the for this statement is Landreau, who, headwaters of the Black river, but Adams
Autumn issue, featuring: though an illiterate man, is truthful." had only a hazy recollection of the days
when he and his companion wandered,
• The Green River to Moab Adams and Landreau headed south exhausted and fearful of the Indians,
Friendship Cruise after the massacre and were picked up in from the scene of the attack.
an exhausted condition by a scouting party
• "Bonus in Bones" Adams died at the age of 93 without
from the Army of the West, near the
• The latest map of the relocating the gold. The search has con-
headwaters of the Gila river. After the
Canyonlands National Park tinued to this day and more than one
lapse of 20 years Adams returned to the
man has lost his life on the trail in quest
Apache country and tried to relocate the
Wesl.rn Gateways • 2115 Talklngton of the lost diggings.
Flagstaff, Ariz. 86001
ruins of the log cabin and the corral that
he and his former partners had construct- If the story is true, the buckskin pokes,
• 1 yr. $1.80 • 3 yrs. $4.50 heavy with $60,000 in gold, still rot be-
Send to:
ed near the rich diggings. The object of
the search was about $60,000 worth of neath the ashes of the old cabin floor. No
Name gold dust left buried under the cabin doubt the place is now overgrown with
floor and the narrow gulch from which vegetation, and only by mere accident
City State Zip Code
the gold had been washed. will the treasure be recovered. •

14 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

When It's Hot go where it's not
by Jack Delaney
Where spring comes in the summer, Pacific Coast that was settled by non- in 1769, while searching for mission
Latin races. This is stated neither as a locations, and Father Junipero Serra
And summer comes in the jail; good nor as a bad point, but simply as a studied the region about 30 miles to the
Where jail comes in the winter, fact. There was no Catholic church here north in 1776, they traveled along El
until late 1926, according to Father Camino Real, which is some distance east
And winter comes not at all! William O'Dwyer of St Patrick's Catho- of the site of present-day Carlsbad.
lic Church. When Father Juan Crespi As a result of their travels, missions
HIS POEM, author un- surveyed the adjacent San Luis Rey area were eventually established at Oceanside
known, was used in the
masthead of the Carls-
bad Journal, and its fore-
runner the C a r l s b a d
Champion, for m a n y
years and was responsible for people
showing up in droves. Whether they were
lovers of poetry, lovers of cool ocean
breezes, or just plain lovers is beside the
point. It was the friendly atmosphere and
pleasant tempo of life they found here
that appealed to them.
During the sizzling summer, or any
other time of the year, should you feel
the urge to substitute surf and sand for
the smoke and smog of your churning city,
or roaring seas for the roasting sun of
your favorite desert area, why not try this
resort community with the mixed-up sea-
sons? Carlsbad, California, a few miles
south of Oceanside, is 35 miles north
of San Diego and about midway between
Los Angeles and Tijuana, Mexico. Above: Hanseatic House and gazebo over (San Luis Rey de Francia) and at San
It is one of the few cities along the original mineral well of old Karlsbad. Juan Capistrano, much to the delight of
Below: Bird sanctuary at Buena Vista the swallows who were returning each
Lagoon. year to nothing but grassy fields. These
were, and still are, major institutions and
the countryside surrounding them is pic-
turesque and beautiful. However, it is
true that Southern California mission his-
tory might have been slightly different if
the good Padres had not bypassed "the
city of three seasons" on their trek north
in search of the ideal in real estate.
The formal beginning of Carlsbad was
related to the discovery of a mineral
spring here in 1882. An early settler,
John Frazier, located it while digging a
well for his homesite. Friends who drop-
ped by for a drink—of water, naturally—
all agreed that the product of his new
well had a peculiar taste. They reasoned
that anything with such an off-beat taste
must have health-giving properties. Mr.
Frazier had samples of it analyzed. He
was amazed to learn that the water was
identical in taste and chemical content to

September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 15

that of the Ninth Spa in Karlsbad, Bo- King Karl I of Bohemia after whom Carlsbad, California was named.
hemia !
This famous Old World watering
place, founded by King Karl I of Bo-
hemia, was originally named Karl's Badt
(Karl's bath), and was later popularly
known as Karlsbad. It is interesting to
note that Carlsbad, California was named
after the European Spa because of the
similarity of the water in its mineral well.
News of the discovery spread to many
states. As a result, Germans, Bohem-
ians, and English people from all over
the United States flocked to this haven of
health to drink the peculiar tasting waters
and receive the expected benefits.
Special railroad excursions and other
promotions were instrumental in the de-
velopment of Carlsbad. Tourists were
given the opportunity to taste the min-
eral water at a "fountain of youth" piped
directly to the train depot! However, it
is possible that the mild summer climate,
the sun-splashed surf, and the sheer
beauty of sea, sand, and rocks, had thera-
peutic value in excess of the mineral
The famous old well of Carlsbad, which
served a noble purpose for many years,
has now ceased to function. It is a Cali-
fornia landmark, designated as a histori-
cal site in 1955 by the State Assembly.
Be sure to ree it when you visit this resort.
It is located in the 2800 block of Carls-
bad Boulevard, not far from the center of
the business district. The little gazebo at
the surface of the well is a scaled likeness
of the lookout over the old city of Karls-
bad, Bohemia.
In connection with this historical shrine
an unique development is taking shape.
It is named "Olde Karlsbad" and can best
be described as "A Bit of Old Europe
in America." A quaint village of Old
World shops, transplanted to sunny Cali-
fornia, Olde Karlsbad hopes to reflect the
beauty of our world and the wealth of
its ancestry. Buildings have been chosen
for replicas because of their beauty, or brought from Munich, you will see the In this one central location you will see
their historical importance. You will en- original mineral well. the crown, the old mineral well, and Olde
joy strolling the cobblestone courtyard Olde Karlsbad's art gallery, is also the Karlsbad—the dream of Mr. and Mrs.
and viewing the two structures that have •home of the exquisite replica of King Christiansen that is coming true. The
now been completed. Karl's crown. The original is one of the Christiansens, who are the leading author-
The principal building at present is finest examples of medieval lily crowns ities on the history of this area, are gra-
the Hanseatic House, copied from the in existence. There are 91 rubies, sap- cious hosts. You'll find them eager to
age-old buildings of the Hanseatic Lea- phires, and emeralds, and 20 pearls in it. answer your questions and make your
gue which, in the 13th century, brought It is kept at Prague and is displayed to visit an interesting and enjoyable occasion.
Europe out of the Dark Ages. Next to the public twice yearly. The replica, At the northern boundary of the city is
this structure is a replica of Anton which you will see here, contains synthetic
Buena Vista Lagoon, one of the few fresh
Dvorak's home in Karlsbad, with the stones, but is accurate in every other de-
water lagoons remaining on the West
plaque that tells of his New World tail. Made of copper, it is double-plated
Symphony. Beneath these buildings is an with 24 karat gold. As a club project of Coast. Covering about 325 acres, it is
interesting high-walled art gallery. By the Del Norte Gem and Mineral Society close to the ocean and has high and
passing through an iron gate at the lower of Carlsbad, it required 2700 man-hours scenic shorelines. Buena Vista is known
level, which is secured by a great lock to complete. as the principal sanctuary for migratory

16 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

fowl on the Pacific Flyway. It offers re- Palomas Airport Road, only a few min- Those who wish to enjoy a stay at the
fuge to thousands of feathered tourists utes from downtown. Special racing events beach in their campers, tents, or even
each year and is a permanent home for are featured here each week throughout sleeping bags, may do so at Carlsbad
many species. In 1959, the Buena Vista most of the year. Beach State Park. Facilities consisting of
Audubon Society recorded 225 varieties Thus far in our outline of the attrac- flush toilets, drinking water, hot showers,
of birds habitating the sanctuary during tions of Carlsbad, an emphasis has been laundries, tables, stoves, and cupboards
a 12-month study. placed on the unusual points of interest are offered and all roads are surfaced.
The wide variety of bird life in a con- that you, as a sightseer, might want to The charge has been $2.00 per automo-
centrated area has earned the lagoon a see. However, as a visitor or vacationer, tive vehicle per night for some time.
national reputation among nature lovers. you might have more interest in beach (Better check on a possible slight increase,
The refuge can be reached from the busi- attractions. You'll find them here in a recently announced.) Sites are assigned
ness district by driving north on Jeffer- wide variety—deep-sea fishing, cruising, on a first come—first served basis daily
son Street. Just follow this street around surfing, skin-diving, swimming, sunbath- at 8:00 a.m. This oceanfront park in-
the lagoon to the parking area and enjoy ing, and miscellaneous beach fun. The cludes 4000 feet of beach strand and is
a session of bird-watching at close range. ocean activity is safe—eagle-eyed life- patronized by the same hungry sand-
The shoreline stopping place will be in- guards are on hand to watch the little pipers, pelicans, and seagulls as any other
vaded by famished fowl soon after you tykes, as well as teen-aged, middle-aged, stretch of our Pacific waterfront.
arrive, so be sure to bring some stale and golden-aged tykes. "There's something for everyone at
bread or other goodies for them. The strand is clean, wide, and gently Carlsbad" is not just a Chamber of Com-
On the southern fringe of the commun- sloping. It welcomes the stately surf and merce slogan, though it would be an
ity is Agua Hedionda Lagoon, which is tames it. As a beachcomber, you can appropriate one. It is my own impres-
ll/ 2 miles long and y2 mile wide. It has hike along the sand in the early morning sion after having spent many days, on
been called the largest inland body of salt and see what the night tides have brought several occasions this year, in this inter-
water along the Pacific Coast. This is a in—a redwood log from some distant esting area. There is "meat" here for the
natural spot for water skiing, small boat point, a mysterious box, a fishing net historian, the artist, the rockhound, the
sailing, rowing, fishing, and a multitude float, or millions of tiny seashells of many bird-watcher, the lagoon-lover, the boat-
of other water sports. The location from shapes and hues. Along the surf edge ing enthusiast, the automobile racer or
Interstate Freeway 5 is: east on Tamar- run long-beaked sandpipers and, occa- observer, and the beach cavorter. Why not
ack Avenue to Adams Street, then right sionally, dignified pelicans searching for toss a few items into the car, point it
on Adams about a mile to the quarter- food. Swooping gulls cock beady eyes toward the Pacific Ocean, and let it take
mile channel that extends out from the for goodies. This is their feeding ground you to this resort—where the land ends
'agoon on the north shore. and they know it! and the sea begins? •
It is here that the Janss Corporation
is developing a multi-million dollar resi-
dential marina, known as Bristol Cove.
This will be a beautiful palm tree-lined
channel-front living area for boating en-
thusiasts and those who enjoy an invi-
gorating nautical atmosphere. A possible
difficulty for those who choose this ideal
location is that their luxury living quar-
ters might be invaded by friends every
week-end, who just happened to be pass-
ing through with their swim togs, fishing
gear, and a boat hitched to the rear of
their cars. Fortunately, the developers
have anticipated this possibility and have
a solution to the problem.
Zoning for building sites at Bristol
Cove permit construction of two to ten
rental units per lot. If the resident is
overrun with friends, he can hang out a
"no vacancy" sign! Also, a large area on
BIG SIX-BIG POWER. TOYOTA packs the power of 135 workhorses in the big 6-cylinder
each side of the mouth of the channel has engine. Even at 12,000-foot high altitudes, TOYOTA brute power pulls through-keeps
been earmarked for the development of driving, dimbing up 67% steep grades! Why get stalled or hung up? Get a TOYOTA LAND
major hotels, restaurants, and shops. This CRUISER and MOVE UP TO THE BIG 6:
means that you and I will be able to sleep, Rush me the facts on the TOYOTA LAND CRUISER and the name of my nearest dealer.
eat, and enjoy ourselves here soon, even
if we are not friends of one of the owners (Dept. DM-9), 2055 W. 190th St., Torronce, Calif. 90501
of a channel-front house. Name
A few miles southeast of Agua Hedi-
I Address- City_ State. . Zip_
onda Lagoon is a dragway for speedsters.
The Tough Ones Come From TOYOTA, Japan's No. 1 Automobile Manufacturer.
This fabulous combined drag-strip and
sports car track is called the world's most
modern layout. Carlsbad Raceway is beau-
tifully situated on rolling hills along
4-WHEEL DRIVE .1m > mmmmmmmmmmmm^Ksmmmmmmm
September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 17
OULD YOU believe there
Have You Snagged a Cui-ui exists a prehistoric fish
so odd and unusual that
by Doris Cerveri it is found in no other
lake in the world except
one in western Nevada?
The cui-ui (pronounced quee-wee) is
just such a fish. Although many people
are not aware of this oddity, ichthyologists
have known about them for some time.
These large, ugly, clumsy fish have been,
and still are, somewhat of a mystery.
Since they were first reported in 1868,
research has led some authorities to be-
lieve they are a form of prehistoric life.
Years before this, however, Paiute Indians
no doubt were sustained by these fish
alone when other food was scarce.
A sucker-type fish without teeth, they
have an extra bottom fin, a fact most in-
teresting to fish scholars. They are only
seen during the brief spawning season
which lasts approximately one month,
starting about the end of April, when
they begin the hazardous journey up the

18 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

Truckee River in western Nevada to pro-
pagate their young. It has been reported
that spawning is more active at night, and Make Your Outings More Fun
so also is their migration.
It is customary for them to deposit
their eggs in shallow water where the Stop By And See Our . . . METAL DETECTORS
flow is rapid. This often exacts an enor- • Detectron
mous toll from the young for a sudden Western Artifacts, Indian Collection, Jewelry
fall in the volume of the water may leave Display, Lapidary Equipment, Tumblers, Gold • Rayscope Find
nests high and dry in a single day. Dur- Pans, Dry Washers, Books on Treasures and Get the Best . . .
Lost Mines . . . and other items of fun for
Top Guarantee . . Gold
ing the breeding season, males differ Easy to Operate
the entire family. For information just write From Old Coins
from the females in color. The head and t i or call: $75.00 to
body of the male is extremely robus, broad $165.00 Treasures
and round, and is completely scaled with
large, even scales which resemble those COMPTON ROCK SHOP
found of a snake more than those of a Ph. 632-9096 1405 South Long Beach Blvd. Compton, California 90221
fish. In the female the whole upper sur-
face is dark brownish-black, not the

8 OOO lbs
olive color usually seen in suckers. How-
ever, females are sometimes called black
Divers who have gone down as far as
100 feet after the spawning season is

report seeing the fish at a depth of 40 to

50 feet. Pyramid Lake is full of plankton,
over have never seen a cui-ui, while others

a very minute form of animal and plant
organisms, and the water is thick with
algae, which is sufficient food for fish.
Fishermen report they will not rise to
bait and are taken without a fight only
during the brief spawning season.
As soon as the spawning season starts,
Paiutes from the Pyramid Lake Reserva-
tion and sportsmen can be seen standing
knee-deep in the shallow water of the
lake. The fish are taken with improvised
gaffs or three-pronged snag hooks, which
are drawn quickly through the muddy
water on a chalk line.
Each fish averages four to eight pounds,
but usually only the filets, weighing about King Winches provide extra muscle for tough situations.
a pound, are eaten, although the Indians Back country bound? Head for the high country more confident steep grades
sometimes boil the rest of the fish for a will not stop you . . . or travel along river bottoms, in mud, marshy areas or
snow and know that you can move out even if you're bogged down. With a King
soup. Years ago the Paiutes boiled the Winch rough road or trail obstacles need not delay or detour you, for you have
smaller of the two bladders which the 8,000 lbs. of pulling power at your command. There's a King Winch designed
fish has and made a glue to fasten their just for 'Jeep', Land-Rover, Scout and other vehicles. Lightweight, but with the
arrow feathers. muscle you need for tough situations, a King offers many uses for the out-
doorsman. Find out more. . . write for literature. Just give make and model of
When the cui-ui were more numerous, your vehicle.
Indian women peddled them in Reno, 33
miles distant. Paiutes are known as the
cui-ui eaters, but the rich, oily flavor of
the fish, which tastes something like a
cross betwen a trout and a mackerel,
appeals to others as well.
Pyramid Lake, approximately 30 miles
long and 11 miles wide, is entirely with-
in the Pyramid Indian Reservation and
fishing rights to it are controlled by the King Winches, made to fit 'Jeep' vehicles,
Want to climb a ravine... or stuck to the
Paiute Indians. Anyone wishing to fish axles? Unspool cable, attach to tree or other and formerly available only through 'Jeep'
must first secure a permit at the general anchor, engage your King Winch and move dealers are now available from any quali-
out. fied dealer or direct from the Koenig plant.
store at Nixon, a small Indian settlement
near the lake. The price is reasonable
and many sportsmen try their luck for
Box 7726, Dept. D-8- Houston, Texas 77007-UN 9-6611(713)
September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 19
The Squaw and her basket formation at Pyramid Lake. of fish representing several distinct forms.
As climatic conditions caused the lake to
break up into smaller ones, many fish
This strange inland sea, which has not
been destroyed by 1000 years of relent-
less desert sun, is shaped like a harp.
Since the building of Derby Dam on the
Truckee River for irrigation purposes sev-
eral years ago, however, the level of the
lake has been dropping at the rate of
three and one-half feet annually.
Pyramid Lake is the only remaining
body of fresh water to contain offspring
of the cui-ui found in Lake Lahontan.
It has been reported, but not authenti-
cated, that the cui-ui has relatives in cer-
tain lakes in Australia, and some species
appear to be related to fish found in
Utah. Indians say there was a spotted
fish lighter in color existing in Lake
Winnemucca, known as the izhi-cui-ui.
(Winnemucca Lake on the east, separated
by a low range of hills from Pyramid,
dried up in 1932.)
South of the large pyramidal island
trout when the cui-ui are not in season. discovered, it was the scene of the first stands Anaho, an islet of about 250 acres
Approximately 50 years ago the lake was disastrous Indian war in Nevada, when built up in in long 100-foot terraces and
famous for huge cutthroat trout. A 42- the area was still a territory. Pyramid crowned by crags of tufa. Here can be
pound giant is on display in the museum Lake is a portion of what is left of ancient found one of the largest pelican rookeries
at Carson City. Lake Lahontan, a body of water having in the western United States. North of
Equally mysterious is the entire Pyra- no outlet. It is fed by the water of the the "Needles," another outstanding cal-
mid region, still as primitive as it was in Truckee River flowing from Lake Tahoe careous formation, are subterranean hot
1844 when John Fremont came upon it. in the Sierra Mountains. Lake Lahontan springs. In caves near the lake there are
The large rock pyramid after which he was larger than Lake Erie and existed numerous fossilized fragments of several
named the lake is a natural stone forma- thousands of years ago in the western varieties of fish. Major discoveries by the
tion standing 50 stories high and is older half of Nevada, covering approximately Nevada State Museum's archaeological sur-
and larger than the pyramids of Egypt. 8,422 square miles. About 886 feet deep, vey crew revealed evidence that prehistoric
Approximately 16 years after the lake was it was originally the home of thousands man lived in these caves probably about
11,000 years ago.
Another peculiar thing about the lake
is its color. In winter the water is gray
MACDONALD TELF like the North Atlantic; in August it is
emerald green. At other times it alter-
PR AMP ***a
nates between deep Mediterranean blue
and topaz and is fine for swimming.
•h Some individuals say that it tastes like
Alka Seltzer gone flat. Its shoreline is
barren of shrubs or trees, except for desert
sagebrush. The development of Pyramid
Lake for recreational purposes by private
A SOLID FAVORITE FOR enterprises recently was made possible by
FASTER, SAFER GOING! a bill approved by Congress and signed
Other Luxury Features: Alu- by President Johnson. The measure al-
minum Exterior - Beautiful lows 99-year leases of land on the Paiute
Interior Paneling - Heavy 1 " MACDONALD CAMPER CO. AC 21 3-442-5301
Indian reservation which embraces the
Fiberglass Insulation - 84 11015 E. Rush St., El Monte, Calif. 91733
Inches Wide - Adjustable Send me FREE information and brochure on your i
lake. At nearby Nixon there is an inter-
Roof Vents • Three-Burner ' Campers and also the Camper Kit. esting trading post to visit and the route
Stove with Oven - Formica 1
NAME I back to Reno via Wadsworth and Sparks
Counters . . . and More! ' ADDRESS • offers a distinct change of scenery from
OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK | CITY ZONE PHONE I the direct approach on State 33. •

20 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967 XXX

No Town for the Ghost
by Helen Walker
thus keeping two breweries at full pro- they gave up one by one — all except
duction. Every conceivable need was satis- Henry W. Hartley.
fied by the enterprising mercantile stores "Hartley Hermit," he was referred to
that fronted on the plaza. now. Living with unbelievable elegance
The most sensational claim to fame was tastefully selected from the disintegrating
provided by Meadow Lake. Each Satur- town, he continued to work his mine
day night a gaily lighted double-decker while other mine owners fruitlessly
steamer traversed the one-and-one-half searched the world over for an answer to
EADOW LAKE is your re- mile long lake, providing the rollicking the mysterious ore. When old age finally
ward for having driven miners unusual entertainment. They were overtook Henry, he sold his claim and
20 miles on a county- met at the opposite dock by beguiling fe- made plans to finish his life traveling.
maintained d i r t road males and eager gamblers who led them But again fate stepped into the scene.
which you turned onto off to saloons and bawdyhouses for fur- Henry died before he left his beloved
from Highway 89, about ther gaiety. town. Friends buried him on a hilltop
10 miles beyond Truckee, California. Hopes were high in this new mecca, overlooking the site with these words on
Your map will reveal that you have assays were good. Everyone was con- his marker, "He died with the firm be-
taken one giant step out of the barren vinced that this time they had hit a bon- lief his town would someday live again.
desert and that you are at the site of anza for sure. They kept so busy proving 1820-1892."
a town called Summit City, also known it to themselves and others that the Soon thereafter the town was demol-
as Meadow Lake City. As you follow truth was either overlooked or, perhaps, ished by fire. People said a wayfarer,
the road around the mile-long lake, your ignored. No one wanted to fact the fact seeking shelter in the remains of the Ex-
doubts will be confirmed by a brown celsior Hotel, started it by leaving a
forestry marker. In 10 short years, Mea- RENO
smoldering campfire. Today there is not
dow Lake City was born, flourished, one foundation or brick to show where
died and then vanished into the soil on these people lived, worked, and hoped for
which it had been built. Only this brown the fame and fortune that tortured their

marker stands today, where yesteryear a minds. Meadow Lake is truly a ghost
town of 5000 people pursued fame and JTRUCKEE
A town, with no home even for the ghost. •
When Henry W. Hartley discovered
gold in this basin, that summer in 1863,
he did not forsee the turn of events. Per-
haps it was just fate that the whispers of that goodfeflowship was holding the
his rich assay reports crept across the town together, not the product.
valley to a restless Virginia City. Timing Finally mine owners were forced to ad-
was perfect. The future of the Corn- mit the problem. Ore was being yielded,
stock looked hopeless. Eager ears were but the strangely obdurate ore was not
alert for any news of richer strikes. As paying. A strange mixture of arsenic,
soon as the snows melted, the relocation antimony, lead and other ingredients was
began. Word spread and people poured neutralizing the effects of quicksilver and
in over the four existing roads, some with preventing amalgamation. The mines
tools to work, others with decks and dice were not making money.
to play. A city was born and it matured Bad news spread as fast as good.
overnight. By 1866, the population ex- People, so eager to be among the first
plosion had hit a record 4000. A check to arrive, left with the same haste. By
on statistics showed that 1200 mining early fall it was all over. Doors swayed in
claims had been' recorded, 500 buildings the cool autumn breezes while chipmunks
had been completed and others going and rats took over the empty buildings.
up as fast as material was available. Ele- The few diehards who stuck it out had
gant hotels welcomed newcomers and 90 a choice of magnificent hotels with lavish
saloons did a round-the-clock business, furnishings, but even with these luxuries,

September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 21

On a recent expedition to the Oregon desert with
Erle Stanley Gardner, we solved • • •

The Case of the

Blue Bucket Gold
by Choral Pepper
Editor of DESERT Magazine

HEN FAMOUS w r i t e r - this part of the trek, there is suddenly no

adventurer Erie Stanley further mention of Meek. So what hap-
Gardner invited us to pened to Meek?
accompany him on an ex- The other paradox is that portions of
pedition into the rela- Herren's trail, as well as those of two
tively unknown regions other parties who took the ill-fated Meek
of the Oregon desert, I dropped every- cutoff, are visible enough to have been
thing to delve into the mystery of a his- retraced by prospectors for more than a
toric gold strike found and lost by a century, yet never has a significant clue
wagon train of immigrants to Oregon to the source of the Blue Bucket gold
in 1845. These settlers, astray in the been found!
strange, arid desert, had only one goal It was this latter paradox that caused
in mind—to possess land, not gold. me to recall a conversation with DESERT
Nevertheless, the yellow rocks they reader Lois Pierce from Hoodsport, Wash-
scooped from a damp streambed into a ington, who visited our office some time
blue wooden bucket gave birth to one ago. Mrs. Pierce is descended from two
of the great legends of the West. The Uncle Erie and Rueb Long do a little familes of the immigrant train that took
Lost Blue Bucket Gold is to Oregon prospecting along the Blue Bucket trail, the Meek cutoff in a group of wagons
what Pegleg's Black Gold is to Southern trailbossed by a man named William
California and the Lost Dutchman Mine had convinced a large segment of the T'Vault. Her father, James Miller Allen,
is to Arizona. huge train that he could guide it through and her maternal grandfather, Rufus
After devoting several weeks to re- a desert cutoff that would shorten the Riggs, were among the leaders who
search on this subject, I was struck by trek from Fort Boise to Oregon's Wil- helped Meek escape when others in the
two startling paradoxes. One related to lamette Valley. Meek had initiated his train threatened his life for having con-
an inconsistency in the reported activities "terrible trail" at the head of a group of ned them into hiring him as a guide into
of the immigrants' hired guide, Stephen wagons led by a man named Herren, but country he only pretended to know. Lois
Meek. He was the confidence man who toward the end of Herren's account of Pierce's unexpected revelation explained

Our caravan of Grasshoppers set forth on a new Oregon adventure.

22 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

The camp we found in the Lost Forest was a dry camp surrounded with sand dunes! toward a landmark now known as
Wagontire Mountain where trappers had
told him there was a spring. Then he
retraced his tracks to Crane's Prairie
where he arrived in time to meet the
T'Vault train and lead it through a pass
to the south. It was his hope that they
could find adequate water and pasturage
along a southern parallel to the Herren
route until water became more abundant
and they could work their way north to
rejoin the Herren party at Wagontire.
The only thing wrong with his idea
was that after they had negotiated the
pass to the south, it didn't give entree
to any traversable terrain to the north or
west. Water was abundant in places, but
so highly alkali it even made the animals
sick. Consequently, the T'Vault train
wandered further and further off-course,
until Meek finally admitted that he was
hopelessly lost.
After dispensing with his services, the
train sent out its own scouts who eventu-
ally found a way to the north where the
train picked up the Herren tracks and
followed them to a common destination.
It was at this reunion, with the desperate
trials of the terrible trail behind and com-
paratively easy travel ahead, that a mem-
ber of the T'Vault train exhibited to some
friends of the Herren train the yellow
rocks he had tossed into his tool chest
after finding them in the bottom of his
water bucket. Dan Herren hammered one
on a tire rim to determine if it was malle-
able enough to be gold. Farmers that
why Meek's name had suddenly dis-
appeared from the journals of the Herren
party. It also provided a clue to the
mystery of the lost Blue Bucket Gold.
Meek had separated from the Herren
train to join T'Vault. This lost bit of
history had sent scores of serious prospec-
tors searching the wrong trail.
Here is what happened.
Because water and graze grew scarce
when the immigrants entered into the
Oregon desert, the huge train split into
units of some 50 to 100 wagons, travel-
ing about 100 miles apart. A first split-
off of these separate parties occurred at
the north fork of the Malheur River
when the Tetherall-Parker parties grew
suspicious of Meek's guidance and took
off on their own to the north. Meek
continued in the lead with the Herren
party, guiding it through the rough ter-
rain of Crane's Prairie where there was
barely enough water and pasture to
accommodate the cattle. At this point,
a unit led by a man named McNary de-
parted from the Herren trail and para-
lelled it slightly to the north. Meek, Jack Pepper, Rueb Long, Erie Stanley Gardner, Sam Hicks and f. W. Black estimate
meanwhile, directed the Herren party the location of the third grave on a topographical map.

September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 23

they were, the men who witnessed this the well exist no more. Fanning out
historic occasion decided that the golden through fragrant sagebrush in all direc-
metal was only brass! Nevertheless, Dan Watonlire tions, we searched for the grave of a
Herren's name became associated with the small golden-haired girl of the Military
Blue Bucket gold and it is along his Immigrant Trail.
trail—the wrong trail—that five genera- Jack Pepper became our first hero
tions of prospectors have concentrated when he shouted from a hillside that he
their search. had found it. Early diaries described
There is an additional reason for this this grave as one covered with rocks, and
historical lapse which I shall mention in indeed it was. There was some contro-
the interest of history buffs. The 1845 versy among our members, however, be-
Oregon Immigrant Train began its trek cause the grave lay in a north-south direc-
west from Missouri. Divided into a series tion. J. W. Black, self-acknowledged
of smaller wagon trains in order to facili- expert on burial etiquette, insisted that
tate travel, each group chose its own all graves lay east and west, so this
leaders, adopted its own slogans, and car- couldn't be a grave. Uncle Erie tried
ried on a friendly competition with the tried to tell him that those placed on a
other groups. In most cases a train was hillside must lie perpendicular to the
identified with the name of its leader, slope of the land, no matter in what
but one group, departing from St. Joseph, compass direction, but J. W. would have
elected to call itself "The Military Immi- none of this. Then Bruce Barron's metal
grant Train." William T'Vault was ap- detector buzzed over a toy enamel cup
pointed Commander and other members of 19th century vintage. We couldn't
were given military rank according to re- find the ox yoke that the immigrants
sponsibilities. All gear—buckets, shovel reportedly left to mark this grave, but the
The place to search for a rich pocket of discarded toy cup seemed to prove that
handles, tools and so forth—were painted
gold is along the ridge below the lava. Jack had found a child's grave.
a uniform blue and the members of the
train accepted typical military regimen- cap of Coyote Hill between the two
creeks. Following a gravel road, we cut cross-
tation. It was a member of this train— country to U.S. Highway 395 near the
the Military Immigrant Train—who interest in this adventure because a side- Alkali Lake Station. The second grave
scooped the gold nuggets into one of light in the Pierce narrative revealed that had been reached by the wagon train
the train's blue buckets. However, when his own grandmother had numbered from a narrow valley along the rim-
the original train entered the Oregon among the travelers of this train. rocks of Venator Canyon and held the
desert, it divided into smaller segments Our primary clue, according to diaries corpse of a woman who had died of
and only the unit still led by T'Vault possessed by Mrs. Pierce, depended upon fever. Not having enough rock to mound
retained the Military Immigrant Train the finding of three graves, each located this grave, the mourners outlined it with
identification. The remaining members, a day's travel apart, with the first one rocks and left a wagon wheel for a
who now traveled with Herren, Teth- about 12 miles from the dry stream bed marker. It is located on the flat above
erow or McNary, went down in history where the gold was found. Because our the present Walter Lehman sheep camp
as members of the "Meek Cutoff Trail camp was in the Lost Forest to the north, about three miles northeast of the Station.
Train." near where scouts of the Military Immi- Now came the moment! If we could
Years later, after the California gold grant Train found water near the end of locate the third grave, we would be
rush bad joggled a memory of gold their trek, we scheduled our search for within 12 miles of the source of the
found along the immigrant trail, occa- the third grave first, following their Blue Bucket gold, as that was approxi-
sional references to the "Military Immi- trail in reverse. After first getting sup- mately the mileage covered in one day's
grant Train" became confused with an plies at the nearby community of Christ- travel by the wagon train and this burial
actual Oregon Central Military expedi- mas Valley we started our search. occurred the day following the camp
tion that crossed a portion of their trail Right from the start we were in luck. where the gold was found. The grave
around 1847. Thus, the fourth split-off It was dusty traveling, even dirtier than was occupied by the corpse of a man who
from the Meek Cutoff train became lost in Baja, as we guided our fleet of seven was buried beside the trail on flat land
to history until Lois Pierce matched a grass-hopper vehicles along a sandy road that lay below a series of low hills near
collection of family diaries to tales of the frequented more by sheep than by motors. the end of an alkali lake. A wagon tail-
lost Blue Bucket gold and made a trip We stopped to visit with a Basque gate was left to mark the grave.
to southeastern Oregon to see if the ter- shepherd who had been in this country Very often, as any desert wanderer
rain fit the theory. It did. Mrs. Pierce only three years. He was intrigued with knows, modern highways follow the same
then published her findings. Unfor- Bruce Barron's grasshopper with a bronco paths of least resistance along which
tunately, her lack of familiarity with the saddle mounted above the motor, but he pioneers blazed their earlier trails. Here
region produced some minor inaccuracies wasn't intrigued enough to risk exchang- was a case in point. Just inside a fenced
which reflected upon the authenticity of ing it for the reliable qualities of his pasture near the highway rest station we
her historically important work. With the horse! found a dirt mound that looked like a
help of Reub Long, who wrote The Ore- Soon we turned into a broad valley grave. Moreover, since this terrain was
gon Desert and who "came here when the studded with juniper trees. In the dis- relatively free of rock, it occurred to us
sun was just a little thing and the moon tance a windmill marked the abandoned that the grave might have been outlined
was not yet born," we set out to recheck Goodrich Wells Ranch, but the old build- with rocks, rather than entirely covered,
Mrs. Pierce's clues. Reub took a personal ings which used to stand on a slope near as was grave number two. Under a

24 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

From left to right: Using a White Elec-
tronic Goldmaster and a Goldak Com-
mander, Pepper and DeShazer check out
rock-covered grave on hillside near the
old Goodrich Well where windmill still
stands. The author visits with a Basque
shepherd who prefers horses to Grass-
hoppers. With their White Electronic
Goldmaster, DeShazer and Pepper in-
vestigate one of the lava potholes in
Foley Creek where DeShazer believes the
Blue Bucket gold was found. The author,
however, thinks the potholes in nearby
Rabbit Creek are a hotter location, but did
not have time to check it out with a

thick covering of blow sand, Dick De- directly into the bed of a normally dry the gold wasn't actually seen until later
Shazer, our most determined Blue Bucket stream where lava potholes were filled when that particular bucket was emptied
gold hunter, identified a rock outline with fresh water. of water, and that the rocks weren't
encircling the mound. This satisfied us After finally getting the animals under seriously examined until the T'Vault
that we had found the grave—almost control, the men guided their wagons train was out of danger and had rejoined
exactly 12 miles from the one at the into a circle on a flat above the creek the Herren group, are facts that have con-
sheep camp. bed. There were now but 30 of the 45 fused historians. But there is little doubt
While driving to the hogback summit wagons led by T'Vault when he left the that the gold came from a dry streambed
dirt road, five miles south of the rest Herren route at Crane's Prairie to proceed in this region. Further substantiating this
station on U. S. 395, we spotted a gentle south under the guidance of Meek. Along is the fact that two rich gold deposits have
mountain pass over which the wagon the creek bed grew juniper trees, so the been mined within five miles of our pro-
train logically had passed, shortening men cut some down and hauled them to jected source of the Blue Bucket gold.
its distance from ours by a few miles— camp for firewood. They then dug a Controversy among our group arose
a difference which induced further con- deep hole into the damp sand to obtain when we discovered two dry streambeds
troversy among our group as to the exact additional water. However, for their within two-and-one-half miles of each
location for the Blue Bucket gold. party of 150 persons and 250 head of other, both fitting the description of that
Here is what we had to guide us, stock, it was hardly adequate. The water which produced the Blue Bucket gold.
taken from Lois Pierce's notes. was not clear and it tasted heavily of Both were floored with lava and both
Three days after the train had moved mineral, although it was blessedly not contained a series of water-filled potholes.
out of the marshes (now the Hart Moun- alkali as had been most of the water And both lay on the same trail.
tain Antelope Range), the oxen dragged found prior to this camp. Dick DeShazer, our hero of the mo-
their wagons through sagebrush across Scouts were sent ahead to establish a ment because it was he, working from a
the dry, dreary terrain of a low pass be- route to the northwest. Soon they returned topographical map, who had located lava
tween Rabbit and Coyote Hills. (Our to report that more alkali water lay beds on the map and pinpointed the spot,
dirt road followed this route.) Suddenly before them. Every man, woman and insisted that the location was the second
the oxen bellowed and charged forward, child was ordered to fill every available one we came to, Foley Creek. This would
endangering the wagons and members of container the evening before they broke have been the first creek bed reached from
the train. The immigrants had seen black camp. It was at this time, included among the opposite direction, which the wagon
clouds to the northwest on the previous a settling of rocks in one of the blue train had traveled, and it is certain the
day. Now they realized that a brief storm wooden water buckets, that the yellow train would have stopped immediately
had deposited water and the animals had nuggets were obtained which later insti- when the oxen discovered the water.
scented it. Onward the oxen plummeted, tuted the Blue Bucket gold legend. That Continued on page 35

September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 25

Can You Conquer the Devil?
by John W. Robinson

HEN YOU approach it of Providence to the thirsty desert below. name of this small store and gasoline sta-
from the fishing village Of the three names, El Picacho del Diablo tion seemed ridiculously out of place then,
of San Felipe on Baja is the most fitting. Composed of huge but four days later, returning from our
California's gulf coast, jagged slabs of fractured granite tower- rugged wilderness adventure, the wel-
its twin crags of jagged ing almost two miles high, the peak is come cold drinks and gasoline seemed a
granite soar high above a challenge to climb, a wonder just to Paradise indeed.
the arid desert. From the west, its rocky look at. Strangely, this summit of the The pyramidal, forked summit of El
spires hide behind the high, forested Sierra San Pedro Martir is not on the Picacho del Diablo and, directly behind,
crest of the San Pedro Martir plateau. central massif of the range, but the high the pine-clad ridgeline of the Sierra San
Only from an occasional vantage point point of a sheer, pinnacled ridge that juts Pedro Martir loomed higher and higher
does its forked summit appear between out boldly in a mighty arc, first east and as we traveled west, then south, then
notches in hazy-blue ridgeline, as if then north from the eastern escarpment. west again across the cactus-rich San Fel-
playing a giant's game of hide-and-seek. Separating this mighty picacho from the ipe Desert. A network of sandy desert
On most maps this majestic mountain main plateau is the yawning chasm of tracks crisscross much of this arid ex-
peak, summit of the rugged San Pedro Canon del Diablo, a deep gorge that panse. Most of these tracks, some barely
Martir Range and crown of all Baja carves a huge semicircle around the peak. discernable, have been forged by Mexican
California, is labeled Cerro de la En- This magnificent Mountain of the leneros — literally "woodchoppers," but
cantada (Mountain of the Enchanted), Devil was our destination—46 hikers of more exactly collectors of firewood. De-
the name given to it by the Mexican the Sierra Club's Desert Peaks Section, mand for Palo de Fierro (Ironwood) by
government. But to those who live in Los Angeles. For weeks we had been Mexicali housewives is sufficient to keep
its shadows and to mountaineers who preparing for this adventure and now, as them in business, roaming the desert from
have challenged its airy crags, it will al- we crossed the border at Mexicali and one side to another, continually searching
ways be El Picacho del Diablo (The headed down the long, lonely stretches of for this valauble source of fuel.
Peak of the Devil). The Spanish called paved highway toward San Felipe, our Our sandy ruts finally terminated at
it La Providencia (The Providence), anticipation was about to be rewarded. the base of the steep, lower spurs of the
supposedly because the moisture from About 96 miles south of Mexicali, we range and we hoisted packs for our four-
its melting snows was considered a gift turned off the highway at El Paraiso. The day adventure. A two-mile hike through

26 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

a desert garden of spiny ocotillo, needle- a Jekyll and Hyde character, as its "per-
spiked cholla, barrel-like bisnaga, green- sonality" is dependent upon which route
barked palo verde, and shady ironwood you take.
brought us to the imposing portal of Next morning, just as the first faint
Canon del Diablo. Massive sidewalls of inkling of dawn silhouetted the canyon
smooth whitish granite plunged down walls, 42 of us started up a steep, rocky
from towering, broken ridges to form this chute. Slowly the cedar forest receded
impressive V-shaped passage into the rug- as we scrambled over brush and around
ged heart of the San Pedro Martir. This boulders—upward, ever upward toward
would be our round-about route to the our lofty, far-off objective. Our spirits
summit. heightened as we entered the Slot Wash,
It is easy to understand why the early a steep, hanging gully that forges a bee-
Spanish pioneers labelled this Devil's line toward the twin summits. Parties
Canyon. The massive entrance is blocked have failed in the past because they were
by a smooth, sheer granite waterfall, sur- unable to find this wash; it can not be
mounted only with patience and climbing seen from below as it hangs over a 400-
skill. In the great canyon itself are more foot cliff. Up this precipitous slot we
waterfalls, boulders large and small that climbed, occasionally using a rope over
have toppled from the steeply sloping difficult pitches, our sturdy, lug-soled
sidewalls and, in spots, thorny brush, all boots pressing firmly and surely against
factors which make travel slow and tor- rock faces and granite domes, towering the steeply inclined granite.
tuous. Yet there is great beauty in this 4000 feet above us. The route to the As we neared 10,000 feet, scattered
savage chasm. An all-year rushing stream twin summits, tortuously intricate, looked white firs eked out a marginal existence
cascades over numerous falls and darts impossible. Many a mountaineer has in cracks amid the crags, replacing the
playfully over and around boulders. Lush failed here in the past. This stately, sav- Parry pinon. Isolated from the main
ferns and other greenery sprout beside age peak has been described as possessing Continued on Page 37
sparkling pools, adding a luxuriant tropi-
cal flavor to the desert setting. In the
lower canyon, ocotillo, cholla, bisnaga,
agave and a few giant cactus dot the
slopes. Sheer walls of light-colored gra-
nite contrast sharply with dark metamor-
phic slopes and ridges to form a back-
drop of rugged grandeur.
Most canyons fluting the precipitous
eastern scarp of the San Pedro Martir run
generally east and west. Canon del Diablo
follows this format for two miles; then
the great gorge makes a sharp turn and
runs almost straight south for six miles,
paralleling the main escarpment. This
parallel direction to the chasm, along
with the gneisses evident in the canyon
bottom, suggest the Canon del Diablo lies
along a fault structure.
About half way up, the canyon nar-
rows. Eons of water erosion have worn
the granite round and smooth and it is
beautifully marbled with soft browns,
lavenders, and yellows, as if painted by
an artist. Just beyond the first cedars,
nature's harbinger of cooler, more moist
elevations are encountered.
The upper reaches of the 15-mile long
gorge are blanketed with cedars and oaks,
with an occasional yellow pine protuding
above the tangled greenery. Here, on a
level bench above the streambed, shaded
by stately cedars, we made camp. In two
days we had forged a lengthy semi-circle
around El Picacho del Diablo and now
were directly below the western flank of
the great peak. Looking up, we viewed a
foreboding picture—jagged ridges, sheer

September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 27

Along Nevada's

Meadow Valley Country

By Robert Starry EARS AGO horse thieves area noted for its trout streams and ex-
gave travelers a bad time cellent deer hunting. The rough beau-
in an area of eastern Ne- tiful canyons provide unlimited camping
vada that today offers not areas and hiking trips and there are
only safe passage, but un- Apache tears and other stones to lure
excelled recreation in the rockhounds.
scenic outdoors. Highway 93, holiday For camper and trailer travelers, Ker-
highway from Mexico to Canada, enters shaw-Ryan State Park on the south out-
Nevada through joshua forests, moon- skirts of Caliente is a unique treat. Trailer
surfaced cliffs and a smooth valley. Here parking, camping and picnic facilities are
Indian, settler, miner and renegade have tucked back in a cup, sheltered by color-
vied for supremacy. ful cliffs covered with wild flowers, vines
Tree-covered mountains stop abruptly and a miniature oak forest. Fruit trees in
as the road enters into the shadows of the the camp site, once part of a ranch
great, brick colored cliffs. Then appears orchard, provide both fruit and shade and
Caliente, a quiet town shaded by aged harbor birds whose songs accompany the
cotton wood trees. Once an important relaxing sound of a waterfall that trickles
from the face of the cliff and spreads out
Union Pacific Railroad center, the com-
at its base into a pond thick with crisp,
munity still revolves around a dilapi-
green watercress.
dated, but regal, depot-hotel. Modern
accommodations are also available in the On U.S. 93, a half-mile south of Cali-
ente, a huge sign announces Rainbow
Canyon. For 22 miles a graded, all-
Leaving U.S. S3, six miles north of weather road winds among prosperous
Caliente, a new road gives access to ranches. Between the colorful, changing
Beaver Dam State Park, a wilderness cliffs framing this valley, a busy stream

28 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

feeds a roadside garden of wild flowers. Robber's Roost, 16 miles from the de- Road travels between two mountain
Giant mounds with whip-cream topping parture point of U.S. 93, was once a ranges of unspoiled beauty. In the spring
stand beside long twists of golden taffy hangout for horse and cattle thieves. As there are miles of wild flowers reaching
formations. It is beautiful country with the canyon leaves the tall cliffs and from the wandering creek to the foot-
every mile offering a change in color spreads between rounded hills there is a hills. Later, cactus with magenta, gold,
and form. At any time of the year you small Union Pacific railroad settlement green and white blooms splash vivid
will find Rainbow Canyon spectacularly named Elgin. This is the point to turn colors across the terrain. In the fall, wild
scenic. back, if you do not wish to venture into asters, burro bush and goldenrod hail
Abandoned ranch buildings, caves and more remote country, but for real back the change of season. Through the warm
secluded picnic spots contribute added country exploring, there is a road that months of summer Desert Willow along
pleasure to the trip. Indians traveled here turns right just opposite Elgin. It is a the washes, spreads a violet haze.
long before the first known explorer, narrow dirt road, but passable for all The creek bottoms and dry washes have
types of vehicles unless you are following some agate, obsidian, and occasional arrow
Jedediah Smith, passed this way in 1826.
a storm that may have deepened some heads and fossil shells wash down from
Following the winding stream, skirting
of the washes. For passenger cars, an the mountains. Deer range in the high
some boulders and climbing over others,
inquiry at Elgin is advisable. altitudes and ducks frequent the springs
Smith worked south to the Indian village
Within a mile the mountain shapes and water holes. Here are no fences,
of Moapa. Travel was rough, but this was
change. Vegetation takes on a semi- traffic, sirens nor restrictions.
the easiest way south through the rugged
desert aspect and the blue of great dis- The dirt road ends at U.S. 93 in the
ranges. Indian cave, a half mile from the big ranch country of Pahranagat Valley
road, is worth the short hike from the tances beckons. Thousands of acres on
the right are part of the Riggs Ranch north of Las Vegas. A small hand-paint-
direction sign that calls attention to it. ed sign between two juniper posts says
where wild cattle and horses ignore tame
Anthropologists estimate the cave's picto- that Elgin is 35 miles back on a road that
ones that graze within sight of the road.
graphs to be approximately 3,000 years These ranch trails are not for modern travels through Riggs Ranch, Kane
old. Artifacts discovered in these and cars, so the marvel of watching a wild Springs, Sunflower, Willow Creek, and
other caves in the vicinity are on display stallion drive the mares and colts ahead Grapevine, none of which appear on most
in the county museum at Pioche and in of him to safety is a sight only for those maps.
state university collections. who can rough it beyond the beaten Long ago renegades and horse thieves
Echo and Grape Vine Canyon are color- track. found this to be big country that hid
ful picnic spots close to the main road. For the next 30 miles, Kane Springs them from the hangman. Today it is still
big country, minus the renegades. •

Datsun 4 wheel drive Patrol:

145 horsepower "six"
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And more!
Datsun Pickup, i
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Dealers, parts & service coast to coast

September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 29

Lowest Photo Print Prices
Highest Quality
Cave of Death
Dev. & print 8 Jumbo prints by Maurice Kildare
from Kodacolor film $1.78
Dev. & print 1 2 Jumbo prints
from Kodacolor film $2.42 ANYON DIABLO, in north of smoke and reflected light reached him
Dev. & print 1 2 Jumbo prints and central Arizona, has been
new roll of Kodacolor film $3.30
right out of the ground. Stealthily, they
Reprints from Kodacolor negs $ .16
called the Devil's Can- examined the terrain until they discovered
yon since early frontier a crack about ten inches wide which over-
Send for price sheets times. Hidden in its 250- hung a deep underground cave. Peering
and envelopes foot gorge is a section over from rim rocks, they saw Apaches
All other
called the Cave of Death. This is the entering and leaving the mouth of the
Photo prices are
longest subterranean passage in Arizona; cave that lay under a land bridge below.
comparably low
it is also the most spectacular and least This was their first knowledge that the
known. No speleologists have ever in- cave existed. Within hours it was to be-
MARKET BASKET PHOTO CO. spected it. The one archaeologist who come the Cave of Death.
P. O. Box 370, Yuma, Arizona or looked into it departed hurriedly after he When they described the cave to old
P. O. Box 2830, San Diego, California spotted a psuedo cave dweller's habitation Chief B'ugoettin, he grinned hugely. His
in its depth. sister and her four children had been
On the record it has been explored murder victims of the hated raiders. "We
for nearly five miles by amateur scien- must kill them all!" he exclaimed, and
tists. There are reports that two men they set about devising a plan.
once walked 11 miles eastward from cav- Moving carefully through the canyon,

ern to cavern and never reached the
end. The cave is in a concealed location,
now entered via a 40-foot-deep pit
through narrow, tunnel-like walls of solid
the Navajos gathered dry wood and
brush and piled it on the rim above the
cave mouth. Then they set it afire and
shoved it over the cliff so the fumes were
stone. The Navajos, resident nomads in
Large Level Lots the area for several centuries, did not
know of the caves existence until 1878.
sucked into the cave by the draft. While
this went on below, they sent a rain of
WATER AND POWER bullets through the crack above in the
TO EACH LOT June of that year a large band of Chiri- ceiling of the cave.
cahua Apaches from southern Arizona When the Apaches found they could
$695 Price
instituted a raid over the Little Colorado
River. In the northern section of the
Painted Desert they struck at a community
not possibly escape the death trap, they
offered to pay blood money (goods) for
those killed during the raids, but the
Park your Trailer, Down of hogans at the base of Newberry and
Build a Home or
Hold for Investment $10 Month Garces mesas. After seizing loot and kill-
ing more than 50 peaceful men, women
Navajos only derided them for begging
for their lives and set up new fires at
N O INTEREST the cave's mouth.
and children, they disappeared south of
the river in malpais and cinder bed coun- As was discovered later, the Apaches
ELMER L. BUTLER try. made a last desperate attempt for sur-
BOX 486, KINGMAN, ARIZONA 86401 vival. Their ponies were throat-cut, quar-
The enraged Navajos, seeking ven- tered and the big haunches of flesh piled
geance for their murdered families, swept into the narrow cave opening, but there
southward, hoping to cut off the enemy were not enough strong men left to com-
while they descended the Mogollon Rim plete the barricade. In the early morning
trails. The Apaches did not appear there, hours the gruesome cries ceased. Eternal

however, so the leaders of the fighting silence took over.
Navajos, B'uguoettin, Natani and Red- The scene was almost unbelievable.
shirt, decided that the Apaches were hid- Most of the cave floor was packed with
That thief with "LOCK STRAP"! ing underground and dispatched scouts bloody carcasses of ponies, intermingled
A revolutionary new to inspect the deep volcanic cracks that with dead Apaches. Forty-two raiders'
design secures' all radiated from the San Francisco peaks. bodies were counted. The Navajos' ven-
G.I. fuel cans to it-
self and locks your
Another party, including B'ugoettin geance had been terrible and complete.
gas filler cap - at- Begay, son of the chief, and Bahe, search-
taches to back of On their return home, the Navajos
ed the terrain around Meteor Crater.
carrier. All steel
While returning in the dusk, they spotted halted at Herman Wolf's trading post and
construction - zinc
plated. a suspicious movement in a tributary of gave him the details of the Apache anni-
Model D $ 7.50 Canyon Diablo (just off U.S. Highway 66 hilation. He was then the only white man
Dealers inquiries invited at a spot near Two Guns). Concealing living in their country. After that the
their horses, they crawled through the tall Navajos believed that the cave was cursed
LOCK STRAP grass toward the disturbance. Suddenly, by tortured spirits and they refused to
329 West Lomita Ave , Dept. D, Glendale, Calif 91204 B'ugoettin Begay halted. The voices of go near that section of the canyon.
California residents add 4 % sales tax.
Apaches, the noise of horses, the odor The story of the cave never did spread

30 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

Ruined walls at Canyon Diablo's rim. ing that, Miller was clawed by a caged
mountain lion in his zoo. He recovered,
but the next year was attacked by a lynx
cat and spent six months in the Winslow
hospital. Following this, his beautiful
17-year-old daughter died in an automo-
bile accident. Tourists fared no better.
More fatal accidents occurred there than
anywhere else on Highway 66. On many
such sites an Apache skull was perched
on a pyramid of stones as a warning to
drivers to be careful. Today the skulls
have been replaced by small white crosses.
Before his lease had expired, Miller
closed his cave and moved away because
of poor business. Subsequent owners of
the property have never reopened it. The
present owner of Two Guns, which he has
widely. It wasn't until 1923, when Earl tourists with a wild animal zoo, curio renamed Two Gun Town, is Benjamin
M. Cundiff took a range claim on 320 shop and restaurant. Both were cautioned (Ben) Dreher. He has had offers to re-
acres around it and leased a portion of by Navajos that they should leave the open the cave with a small-tracked train
Canyon Diablo's rim to Harry (Indian) area and when bad luck struck at Two installed to haul sightseers through, but
Miller, that others in the area even knew Guns, the Navajos were not surprised. he shakes his head dubiously. It is a
it existed. After investigating the cave The first tragedy was the wanton murder mystery cave, and a death cave, and so it
as a possible tourist attraction, Miller of Cundiff in 1926, a shooting never ex- will remain until experienced speleologists
hired Hopi Indians to clean out the bones plained. Then his big store burned down, prime its virgin depths and discover the
and other debris. He then constructed a destroying all the family property. Follow- cause of its origin. •
Hopi-type house on the rim above the
cave and paved paths over a wooden
bridge and down into the first two
caverns. Unable to believe that ancient
cliff dwellers had never lived in the cave,
he constructed copies of ancient walls in
the grottos and indentations of the long
passageways and created others outside in
the canyons. In them, as stage props, he
scattered the Apache skeletal remains.
It was due to Miller's claims of ancient
habitation that an archaeologist entered
the caverns. After taking one look, he
left, laughing. Any cave once inhabited
leaves blackened walls that endure for
centuries afterwards. There were none
in the death cave that Miller now called
the Mystery Cave.
This name was not too far wrong. Just
how was it created? The great under-
ground caverns were not water carved.
There are no rounded surfaces of stone;
they appear as clean breaks, and sharp
edged. Strangely, there exists no evidence
of wild animals nor snakes having lived
in the caverns, nor no sign of bats. Life
seems to have shunned the caverns from
the begining of time. A creepy silence
pervades the interior. The temperature re-
mains the year round at approximately 50
degrees. Strange sounds are heard in the
vicinity, but they do not issue from the
Cundiff built a large store with living
quarters at one end of the first highway
bridge constructed over Canyon Diablo
in 1913 and Miller attempted to attract Present owner stands near entrance to one of the caverns.

September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 31

Horsethief of the Kingstons
by Deke Lowe
OCKHOUNDS go there to appears Crystal Springs at the Silver Rule chandise, he set the stage for an annual
look for amethyst crys- Mine; then, Beck Springs at the Stan- occasion. Horses had multiplied on the
tals, but few other desert dard Slag Iron Mine; and the eastern- California grasslands to such an extent
wanderers are aware of a most spring is called Horsethief. This that they threatened the range. It became
sleepy spring named serves as headquarters for a cattle ranch. necessary to hold roundups to slaughter
Horsethief in the King- Over the past 20 years or so, there has vast numbers of useless stock. Thus
ston Mountain Range. High in the been a tendency to shift the name to Horse Armijo's overland route was well worn
mountain's crags range a number of Springs, but if its history were better by vaqueros.
mountain sheep, secure from hunters, known, the colorful name, "Horsethief," There were others who followed it, too.
but stalked by another enemy, the moun- would be a celebrated one. Large caravans of merchandise went west
tain lion. The monolithic structure Lying just inside California in the ex- over the route to California and in the
thrusts up through and towers above an treme northeast corner of San Bernadino springtime, when the range was green
older formation of limestone, quartzite, County, Horsethief Spring provided rest with tender grasses and shrubs, great
and shale which surrounds it in the man- and grazing for stolen animals hastily herds of horses were driven over it. In
ner of a halo. In contrast to the main part driven over the Mojave Desert. Irate 1842, one band on record consisted of
of the mountain, these sedimentary rocks Mexicans would pursue them to the King- over 4000 horses eastbound from South-
are host to a treasure of immense min- ston Mountains, but would never dare to ern California.
eral wealth. The range is sharply divided enter the isolated range. This lucrative market attracted the at-
by a deep ranyon separating the larger In 1829 Antonio Armijo, a Santa Fe tention of Mountain Men. In a quest for
southern portion from the northern part. Mexican trader, sent out an expedition furs, they blazed some of the earliest
This fault, running east and west, serves from there to San Gabriel and blazed a routes across the desert. Jed Smith visit-
as a channel to carry water from a series route called the Spanish Trail. Returning ed Mission San Gabriel and followed the
of springs. The westernmost spring is to Santa Fe with a large band of horses Mojave River both going and returning.
located at the Smith Talc Mine. Next he had received in exchange for his mer- In 1829, the year of the Armijo Expedi-

32 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

tion, the Ewing Young party with Kit gun. Legend whispers that there are a
Carson crossed to San Gabriel and return- number of unmarked graves.
ed through the Mojave and Colorado During World War I, the high price
deserts. The following year William of lead and zinc caused considerable min-
Wolfskill used the newly blazed Armijo ing activity. Rich pockets of ore were
route. Later Joseph Redford Walker mined from numerous places in the lime-
passed over part of the trail and in his stone near the Springs. The Chambers HzowEtts:
company was Old Bill Williams and claim expired after the Old Man's son
Alexis Godey. Pegleg Smith left his and heir, Johnny, left the springs in AMERICA'S
prints on it too, until California became 1923 for a fling in Los Angeles. After
part of the Union and he gave up his his grim life in the mountains, rich living NEW VACATION LAND!
title of Master Horsethief. One of the in the city proved too much. For no other LAKE POWELL
last big hauls occurred in 1845 when apparent reason, he died there. RAINBOW BRIDGE
Beckworth gathered 1800 head of horses But Horsethief Springs continued to GLEN CANYON DAM
and after a five-day chase, escaped beyond cater to human survival, even though no TRIPS from ONE HOUR to FIVE DAYS
the Cajon to the safety of Horsethief one established a valid claim. Jack SPECIAL ONE DAY TRIP to RAINBOW BRIDGE
Springs. "Blackie" Dailey lived there for a num- Fishing unexcelled. Water Sports. Finest
photography. Complete Marina. Boat
The Old Spanish Trail was marked by ber of years, Nels Noon wandered and Motor Rentals. Accommodations.
an astounding number of bones of dead through with a string of horses, and New Motel. Trailer Park.
animals from the Mojave to the Muddy Cross Country Mike hiked over the trail Write for Information
River east of Las Vegas. Fremont noted yearly and stayed a day or so. During this ART GREENE
this fact in his journal in 1844, while time, talc properties were developed and CANYON TOURS, INC.
moving between Bitter Springs and Salt the road was improved to permit truck- WAHWEAP LODGE and MARINA
Springs. He did not know, or at least ing. Slowly the area became productive P. O. Box 1 597 Page, Arizona
failed to mention, that the great numbers again. Phone 645-2761
strewn on both sides of the trail were due In the early 1940s, Harry Adams, a
mainly to horsethieves pushing the ani- cattleman well versed in raising stock on
mals beyond endurance to escape their the- unpredictable desert ranges, acquired DESERT Magazine Bookshop
wrathful owners. a vast area under the Bureau of Land
When the horsethieves ceased to use Management. His holdings included miles Since 1937 The World's Largest
the springs, only an occasional prospector of desert range on all sides of the King-
Selection of Books on The West
or Indian visited the little oasis until the ston Range and Horsethief Springs. He
arrival of the Lee brothers in the mid built a comfortable house to replace the
1870s. The Lees were cattlemen and fol- old cabin. No man ever knew the region
lowed the mining strikes supplying freshly as well as Adams. Searching out each hid-
butchered beef. One of the brothers, Cub den water seep, he utilized every acre of
Lee, ranged cattle over the Amargosa range to the fullest advantage. As time
Desert and mountains. In Sandy Valley, passed, he built fences, drilled wells, and
20 miles south of Horsethief, there is a piped water to dry ranges. His herd grew
spring called Cub Lee Spring. At Horse- and he prospered until the winter of 1950
thief he built a cabin and planted the cot- when a dry cycle dried up the grass and
tonwood trees that still tower above the no new growth came forth. Adams was
springs and cover the acre of level ground forced to shift his herd to irrigated pas- Read About It — 20 years of
secluded deep in a ravine. From 1875 tures in Southern California and Horse- witching are described in the
until 1900 he used this Kingston moun- thief became a lonely outpost again. fascinating 132-page book by
tain spring and meadow for his summer A decade later, the Mitchells arrived Earl V. Shannon.
range. During the winter he ranged far to begin building a new cattle operation.
out over the desert and along the Amar- The heavens have been kind to them and
gosa River in Tecopa Canyon. While the range has come back. Water Witching:
living in the stone cabin above the springs Today there is an air of respectability
at Shoshone, he had trouble with his In- in the Kingston Mountains. The tedious
My Experiences
dian wife. After she had run away a few business of mining talc, iron and other and Findings
times, he solved his problem in typical minerals is carried on in an orderly
frontier fashion. He shot her on her next manner. Huge trucks snake their way Try It Yourself — Complete
attempt to escape. Authorities were not into the mines to haul away dazzling witching kit, with forked dow-
in accord with this method, however, so white talc from underneath peaks in- sing rod, pendulum, and illu-
Cub Lee passed from the scene and habited by mountain sheep who often strated instructions available
Horsethief again reverted to nature. with book.
stand for hours, listening and watching
Shortly after Cub Lee lost his claim, an in puzzled bewilderment. Book — $2.75
"Old Man" Chambers and his two sons In spite of these activties, however, Book and kit — $3.75
established their headquarters at Horse- there are still hidden canyons as quiet
thief Springs and mined highgrade from and remote from civilization as they Send check to
the Silver Rule Mine. Living in this re- were when Pegleg Smith and his boys EARL V. SHANNON
mote spot, far from the arms of the law, whooped into camp after a successful BOX 8764
Chambers ruled the area with a quick raid on the Mexican rancheros. • ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO 8 7 ) 0 8

September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 33

A monthly feature by
the author of
Ghost Town Album,
Ghost Town Trails,
Ghost Town Shadows,
Ghost Town Treasures
and Boot Hill

Corinne, Utah

ORINNE, STARTED Out to set aside as the site for "The University," The slot machine contained a bunch of
be a roaring metropolis, implying that such an edifice was in the legal - looking documents with blank
"The Chicago of the planning stage. Actually erected was an spaces left for the names of "litigants"
West." It ended up as a elaborate opera house which attracted a and Corinne's judge, influenced by bri-
small farming commun- number of theatrical celebrities of the day. bery, pre-signed them. Although no con-
ity of perhaps 50 people. One series of lurid advertisements even sultation was required, a $2.50 gold piece
Some said that sin had something to do promised that those who bought land in was. When this was slipped into the slot
with the failure of Corrine's ambitions. Corrine would find the streets paved and a handle cranked, there emerged a
Located 66 miles north of Salt Lake with gold. Strangely enough, this was only decree, gilt-edged and declared legal. An
City, the hamlet was near the meeting one of such glittering predictions that was added service was made available for
poing of the railroad work gangs of founded on fact. those who found a personal visit incon-
the Union Pacific and the Central Pacific. When rich deposits of gold and silver venient. The whole thing could be
The junction of the two railroads them- were discovered in the Oquirrh Moun- handled by mail so long as the fee was
selves was at Promontory Summit, only a tains to the south, a smelter was construct- forthcoming.
few miles from Corinne. ed at Corinne. The ore was shipped The divorce mill succeeded as a busi-
Railroad camps of the Old West were across Great Salt Lake, then much larger ness venture, but after a time was sud-
anything but dull and Corinne became the and deeper, brought a short distance up denly declared illegal and a lot of babies
gaudiest, wildest and most violent of any the Bear River and hauled to the new born of second marriages found them-
of them. Polyglot railroad crews, China- smelter. Soon huge piles of slag and tail- selves illegitimate. The subsequent tangle
men, Swedes, Mexicans, and Chileans, all ings began to accumulate on the fringes of took years to unravel and the lawyers
steamed up from weeks of laying tracks, the town. An enterprising citizen, notic- again reaped a harvest.
swarmed into Corinne on payday in search ing these heaps of waste on the muddy Beginning in the early 1870s a series
of women, whiskey, gambling and hell- street in front of his house, shoveled the of disasters befell the "Burg on the Bear."
fire in general. There they found every- stuff into the deeper puddles. Everyone Continuing recession of Great Salt Lake
thing they desired. Because of her close followed suit and soon Corinne's streets made shipping impractical when docks
proximity to Brigham Young's cluster of were high and dry. After this was accom- were left high and dry. Surrounding lands
Mormon towns, Corinne's lack of moral plished, someone discovered that the smel- so lavishly irrigated with water from the
rectitude was especially conspicuous, al- ter had been inefficient in extracting value Bear River began to show white deposits
though it was said that devout followers from the ore and the clinkers which paved of alkali salt, which subsequently steril-
of the Prophet occasionally slipped in, the streets contained gold and silver. ized the soil. An epidemic of diphtheria
just to see the sights, of course. Everyone then went to work mining his struck in 1872, but the final blow came
During Corinne's greatest prosperity, it own stretch of street and soon the when the main road was routed away to
included 19 saloons, two dance halls, nu- thoroughfares were rougher than before. the Lucien cut-off.
merous gambling houses and many cribs Corrine did not become another Today a shrunken remnant, Corinne
and parlors where were displayed the Chicago, but at one time it did take nevertheless is worth a visit. There is a
charms of some 80 fancy women. Seeing on a faint resemblance to Reno. A pair rail museum in the old depot and ancient
all this activity, promoters generated an of lawyers from the firm of Johnson and engines and cars on the tracks outside.
artificial boom in real estate by advertis- Underdunk set up a business that was The old city center still displays genuine
ing Corrine as the future "Chicago of lucrative as long as it lasted. They de- relics of Corinne's busy years. The bank
the West" and sold lots for as high as veloped a slot machine to suit their pur- building at left in our photo has a frame
$1000, a fancy figure for the times. Or- pose and inserted an ad in the Corinne front, stone and brick rear. The solid sec-
nate folders described the benefits sure newspaper which read "Divorces Secur- tion contained vaults and doubled as a
to accrue and maps showed a large area ed—Presence Unnecessary—Fee $2.50." jail. At right is the old livery stable. •

34 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

The Case of the Blue Bucket Gold It is Uncle Erie's suggestion that the historic fossils to collect, miles of sky-
Continued from page 25 best way to detect the source of this gold covered fragrant sagebrush to cover on
would be by following along below the wheels, and spectacular scenery to photo-
However, Rabbit Creek, my choice for ridge of lava that caps the rim of Coyote graph. Next month we'll write more
the source of the Blue Bucket gold, would Hill between Rabbit and Foley Creeks. about our adventures with the Erie Stan-
have been discovered when the party sub- Some place within that relatively short ley Gardner expedition to Oregon. •
sequently searched for more water. I con- distance it is highly likely you will dis-
tend that the animals would have con- cover a very rich pocket of gold. The
taminated the first pot holes in their ridge is not especially high and the slope
reckless plunge and that when the second
water source was found, buckets would
have been filled from it and picked up
is steep for only about ten feet, directly
below the cap. Sagebrush is fairly thick
and there might be snakes, so take care.
Cooking and
by the wagons when they advanced to
that spot along their trail. Another fac-
The terrain is extremely rough. You
might make it through with a trail bike, Camping on the
tor which impressed me was the generous but the distance is not far to hike from
stand of juniper trees in the dry bed of
Rabbit Creek. Water here could have been
the road, if you are tough and deter-
discovered when the men were searching
Because we are writers, not prospectors, by Choral Pepper
for firewood.
we'll leave the results of this new Blue
It had been a long, dirty trek from Bucket theory for you to prove, but we
our camp to these streambeds. We sympa- hope to hear about it if you have any luck. with a chapter on
thized totally with the immigrants. Their It isn't often we run across a bonafide
only advantage, if you can consider it as story like this that sets 122 years of his- Driving and Surviving
such, was that their camp was established tory back on its ear.
here and we had to travel two "looks" on the Desert
When you go to the Oregon desert,
back to our camp in the Lost Forest. by Jack Pepper
allow yourself plenty of time to look
(Rueb Long tells us that on the Oregon
around. There is more variety there than
desert distance is measured in "looks."
in any desert country we know. There is
Two looks equal about a four-hour
a Lost Forest where we camped, a
drive.) Dick and Jack tried metal detec- sapphire lake where we bathed amid
tors over a spot or two in Foley Creek
and also collected some sand to pan back
swirling dunes, ice caves to explore, pre- COOKING and
at camp, but they didn't have time to CAMPING
dig to bedrock where the gold would
have been, nor did they follow the stream
on the DESERT
bed to its mouth where gold, if it exists, CHORAL PEPPER
would most likely have originated. Re- OREGON'S

sults were nil, but the tests can hardly
be considered fair.
Rabbit Creek, my hot spot, appears to
rise from a highly mineralized crevice in
a mountain visible from the road. It
would be easiest to check this one out
first. According to Uncle Erie, who is a
pretty savvy amateur geologist, gold has
been discovered under lava caps in similar Comfortable Lodge
areas of northern California. The way I Two Modern Motels
understand it, there were once stream Excellent Food
beds in such regions that were loaded with Complete Supplies
gold. Then a volcano erupted, often some Cooking and Camping on the Desert" is
distance away, and the lava ran down Free Camp Grounds more than just a book on preparing for a
through these stream beds and solidified, 5100 Foot Airstrip desert outing or making meals that will
trapping the heavy gold underneath. Fol- Boating . . . Fishing appeal while in camp. This book is a brief
lowing that, eons of erosion, cloudbursts Water Skiing manual on how to survive in the desert . . .
and shifting strata finally exposed sec- 9-hole, 3500-yard golf course the book is a must for anyone making a
trip to the desert, whether it is his first or
tions of these gold-laden streambeds Riding Stables fiftieth. BILL HILTON, Santa Barbara News-
where nuggets, water worn into pebble- Hunting Headquarters Press.
like smoothness, were released and washed (Deer and Birds)
from crevices that extended below the Explore historic immigrant trails . . . find ONLY $3.95
lava cap. Eventually these nuggets were Indian and prehistoric artifacts . . . see
carried downstream during raging storms. sand dunes and the mysterious Lost Forest. Plus 25 cents mailing charges. California
When the water grew quiet, the golden Search for the Lost Blue Bucket Gold. addresses add 1 6 cents tax. Send check or
pebbles dropped to the bottoms of the money order to Desert Magazine,
Write or call:
pot holes where they remained buried CHRISTMAS VALLEY LODGE Palm Desert, Calif. 92260
until the Military Immigrant train scoop- Box 2 4 0 , R. S. Silver Lake, Oregon 9 7 6 3 8
ed them into a blue wooden bucket. Telephone: Area Code 503 5 7 6 - 2 2 1 2

September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 35


Cheese layer: 1 package lemon Jello 1 envelope unflavored gelatin

1 envelope unflavored gelatin 1 package lime Jello V4 cup cold water
2 tablespoons cold water 2 cups liquid (pineapple 1 cup mayonnaise
14 c u p hot water juice plus water) 1 cup cream, whipped
I V 2 cups small-curd cottage cheese, 1 cup crushed pineapple, drained V2 teaspoon salt
sieved 1 cup mayonnaise IV2 cups cooked diced chicken
1 3 oz. package softened cream 1 cup creamed cottage cheese % cup slivered almonds
cheese 1 cup evaporated milk /4 cups halved seedless grapes
V i cup mayonnaise 1 cup chopped nuts V4 cup broth in which chicken was
1/2 cup finely diced celery cooked
Heat liquid and dissolve gelatin in it.
Soften gelatin in cold water, then Allow to jell, but not set. Then whip Soak gelatin in cold water for five
dissolve in hot water. Blend cheeses until fluffy and fold in remaining in-
and salad dressing; add gelatin and minutes, add to broiling broth and
gredients. Chill.
celery, mix well. Pour into molds stir until dissolved. Combine with
which have been decorated with a mayonnaise and salt. When cool
very thin slice of cucumber and a few LEBANESE SALAD add chicken, nuts and grapes and
slices of stuffed olives. You may 1 pound can kidney beans fold in whipped cream. Chill in mold
make this salad in individual molds 4 tablespoons oil until firm. Place mold on large red
or a large fish mold. If you use small Juice of 1 lemon
molds, use shallow ones rather than lettuce leaf and surround with curves
Salt and pepper to taste
deep ones, as this is a loaf salad. Chopped dill, parsley and mint of peeled cantaloupe.
4 scallions, sliced fine
Salmon layer:
1 tomato, sliced
1 envelope unflavored gelatin 1 hard-cooked egg, quartered
1/4 cup cold water
Drain kidney beans. Blend oil, lemon
1 tablespoon lemon juice juice, salt and pepper in salad bowl. 1 qt. cut up cooked chicken
% cup mayonnaise Add beans and mix well. Scatter dill, 1 cup sliced celery
1 cup finely chopped celery parsley, mint and scallions over 1 red apple, sliced thinly,
2 tablespoons India relish beans. Top with tomato and egg. unpeeled
1 1 Ib. can of salmon Serves 4. 1 10-oz. can water chestnuts
Soften gelatin in cold water, then IV2 cups toasted slivered almonds
set in hot water until it is completely CORNISH HENS WITH ORANGE 1 cup mayonnaise
AND SHERRY V2 cup commercial sour cream
dissolved. Add lemcn juice. Cool
slightly. Combine gelatin and may- For 6 hens: y 2 teaspoon curry powder
Boil together y2 can orange juice 1 tablespoon soy sauce
onaise; add celery and India relish
concentrate, 2 tablespoons honey,
and liquid from salmon. Remove IV2 teaspoons Soy sauce, IV2 table- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
skin and bones from salmon, flake it spoons vinegar. When blended, cool 1 small can pineapple tidbits,
and add to other mixture. Make first and add a pinch of ginger and % drained
layer and give it t i m e t o set before cup Sherry. Spoon this sauce over
adding the salmon layer. Unmold hens in broiler or flat pan and let Mix chicken, celery, apple slices,
on lettuce and pass a bowl of the stand for an hour or so. Spoon the sliced water chestnuts and half of
fallowing dressing: % cup mayon- sauce over the hens, breast side up almonds. Combine mayonnaise, curry
naise and V4 cup of cream whipped and bake in 350 degree oven for IV2
powder, soy sauce, lemon juice and
hours. If top is getting too brown,
or 14 cup Imo. Add 2 tablespoons sour cream. Add to first mixture.
turn over the last half hour. I also
finely diced cucumber. If cream is use this sauce to cook chicken Allow to ripen for several hours. Gar-
used, fold i n , if Imo, stir i n . breasts. nish with rest of almonds.

36 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

Can You Conquer the Devil?

Hints for Desert Travelers Continued from Page 27

plateau by the deep gorge of Canon del
Diablo and whipped by hot desert up-
by Bruce Barron drafts on both sides, die peak has de-
veloped a strange floral mixture of
Upper Sonoran, Transition, and Boreal
type vegetation.
When we surmounted the last great
slab, we were atop the north summit,
10,154 feet above sea level. Several
hundred yards away, looking equally as
high, was the slightly lower south summit.
Spread out before us was a magnificent
panorama. To the west was the lofty,
forest-covered plateau of the Sierra San
Pedro Martir and beyond, in the distance,
glimmered the waters of the Pacific. To
the east, the dull browns and greys of
the arid San Felipe Desert and its low,
debris-buried mountain ranges contrasted
sharply with the deep blue of the Sea of
Cortez. Beyond, barely discernable
through the haze, the dark hills of Sonora
formed a backdrop to nature's impressive
Soon it was time to retreat. Down we
•^rambled, back into the shaded bowels of
the Devil's chasm. The next day, our
On a recent sojourn to Baja with Bruce Barron, well-known photographer Bill Belknap fourth, we retraced our steps down the
offered the following advice canyon and back to the cars.
Under a brilliant desert sunlight, ex- carry film in a small styrofoam ice This majestic Mountain of the Devil
perienced photographers often get into chest or a large mouth Thermos jug. had shared with us her intimate secrets.
arguments with their light meters. To She was not conquered. Somehow this
3 Protect your camera from heat and latter expression, so often used by climb-
their chagrin, the light meter is usually dust when not in use. Experienced
right. With the exception of reflected ers, leaves the implication that the peak
photographers often paint their cam- <s bowed, defeated. But El Picacho del
light from glaring sand dunes or large eras white for additional heat reflec- Diablo is not subdued; proudly she raises
bodies of water, the pastel colors of the tion. her rocky horns, commanding the respect
desert absorb great quantities of light. 4 For sharp contrast, take advantage of and admiration of all who challenge her
Cacti and other desert flora are usually a early morning and late afternoon lofty heights and airy crags. Other men
drab grey-green, while rocks in the sur- illumination. have reached her in the past. More will
rounding terrain are created with a Concentrate on a central focal point for follow. •
brown light-absorbing patina called desert your photos and don't spoil subject matter
varnish. Here are some hints for getting by cramming in too much detail.
the best results from your camera:
Backlighting (shooting toward the sun)
1 Use and trust your light meter.
2 Heat is highly detrimental to film so
can often produce interesting silhouette
affects. • Magic
(JUNE to DEC. 1966)

Containing Choral Pepper's

Exclusive Report on
Baja California
ONLY $3.00

DESERT Magazine
"Yours is one of the worst cases of claustrophfciii&V ve found." Depl. MB, Palm Desert, Calif. 92260

September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 37



by Bill Bryan Grave Vandals
A $100 reward will be paid for infor-
mation leading to the arrest and convic-
First off this month we here at DES- head. The two clubs I mentioned are not tion of those persons who stole a tomb-
ERT want to thank you for your response sheriff's posse units or in any way offi- stone and looted a grave in the 116-year-
to our four wheel drive review. We re- cially connected with the sheriff's de- old Red Dog Pioneer Cemetery in Nevada
cieved a very nice note from Pat and Gar- partment. This is the first search the City, California. The crime was committed
land Peed, Jr., two of the originators of Hemet club has participated in, and one just after the first of January, 1967. Infor-
the National Four Wheel Drive Associa- of many which the Indio club members mation or evidence should be reported, if
tion. Pat served for many years as secre- have volunteered to serve. These searches possible, direct to the Nevada County,
tary of the California Association of Jeep usually last one or two days, and many California, Sheriff's Office, or to the
Clubs, a job which Judy Jensen has now. times we have spent an entire night dri- nearest police or sheriff's department for
We also received a nice letter from the ving and searching for lost people or transmittal to Nevada County.
Arizona Association of Four Wheel Drive downed air planes.
Clubs telling of a movie they produced Undersheriff Frank Gallino, of Nevada
Did you know—Four-wheel-drive ve- County, said that the reward has been
on a "Show Me" trip they held for gov- hicle sales are up 17% while most others posted by the Nevada City and Grass Val-
ernment officials to their favorite four are down . . . that the granddaddy of
wheel drive territory. They say the trip four-wheel-drive in Southern California,
was most successful and the officials were
Harry Bushert of Hemet, Calif., is mov-
surprised at the territory we back country
ing to Colorado? . . . That a young boy
enthusiasts enjoy traversing.
was killed, in Riverside, riding in a four-
Four-wheel-drive clubs again proved wheel drive that overturned going down
their value to its members and public the street, and the vehicle had NO roll
agencies of Southern California in June. bar—or the Jeep that was struck from
As most of you probably have heard, two behind and rolled over with two men,
Border Patrolmen were kidnapped from while stopped at a stop sign. They had
their inspection station by smugglers near seat belts and roll bar; two more lives
Oak Grove, California early on a Satur- saved with a roll bar . . . About the three
day morning. A nation-wide manhunt vehicles making a speed run to La Paz,
was started by the F.B.I, and the Border Baja; Edwin Pearlman tells me his part-
Patrol. They searched the area all day ner made it in 4 1 % hours. Non-stop in
Saturday and Sunday with hundreds of a Toyota from Tijuana to Mexicali, to
men both on the ground and in the air. San Felipe to La Paz . . . About those new
Sunday evening the Riverside County Selectro hubs from Dualmatic? . . . About
Sheriff's Department called the Hemet that rear tire carrier for the Jeepster . . .
Jeep Club of Hemet, California and the Clarence Carter tells me they are stock-
Sareea Al Jamel Four Wheel Drive Club ing Jeepster accessories at San Bernardino
of Indio, California requesting them to Jeep Center . . . Remember Van Putte,
join the search at 5:00 a.m. Monday. the good guy from Kaiser Jeep you used
At the prescribed time 8 vehicles from to see on many trips; we hear he has left
the Indio club and 12 from the Hemet Jeep and has a Buick dealership now in
club reported to the command post at the the midwest. Don't forget, Purex bottles
Anza Forestry Station. At approximately make good water storage jugs for those
7:00 we were given our search area in- dry camp trips. You can also fill them
structions and sent on our way in search with water, freeze them, to provide ice ley Odd Fellows Lodges, since the dese-
of their missing car, and the two patrol- water for quite some time. cration was committed in the Odd Fel-
men. At approximately 8:30 the missing Attention four-wheel drive clubs and lows' section of the old cemetery, and
car was found in a branch of the Bautista other outdoor organizations: Please place also these charitable lodges would like to
Canyon and several hundred feet away in us on your club newspaper mailing list. help put a stop to some of this particularly
a desert cabin the patrolmen were found We are always interested in hearing what despicable vandalism.
handcuffed to a stove and shot in the is going on around us. Gallino also said that there are mount-

38 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

TRAVEL Calendar
Sound Cff! Western Events
The wilderness act by Congress closed I would like permission to reproduce
vehicular travel into most of the high the article by Bill Bryan that appears in Information on Western Events must be
Sierra fishing lakes and hunting grounds the July-August '67 issue. It is very good received at DESERT six weeks prior to sched-
—and I would like to send the copy to uled date.
around Fresno, California. Since then, the
Forest Service has agreed to allow vehicu- Gov. Reagan. It deserves his attention.
lar trails to be built into many areas JOHN R. BUSH, JR. DEEPEST VALLEY THEATRE, Aug. 19 thru
through the watershed area. These trails, Los Angeles, Calif. Sept. 3, near Lone Pine, Calif. Musicals pre-
sented in spectacular outdoor natural theater.
built and maintained entirely by the Four
Wheel Drive Club of Fresno, California, I was reading the article on educate LAS VEGAS GEM CLUB'S 2nd Annual Rock-
encompass most of the lakes in the Fresno and prosecute in the April issue of Desert hound Convention, Sept. 2-5, Tonopah, Nevada.
County, and a few in Madera County. A page 38. I met a ranch foreman at Cima Swapping all days, daily field trips, room for
Dome last week. My wife, son and myself 500 campers.
4WD vehicle is necessary to negotiate
them as they are steep, rough and rocky. explore the Kelso area quite often. We
UTAH STATE FAIR, Sept. 8-17, Salt Lake
A permit is necessary to travel over just love it, and the foreman told us that City, Utah.
these trails, which can be obtained in per- people "if you can call them people,"
son at the Sierra National Forest Office, shoot up his water tanks and steal his COUNCIL OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY GEM
4831 East Shields Ave., Fresno, Califor- tools and so on. They broke into his AND MINERAL SOCIETIES 4th Annual
ranch house and stole his rifle and other Swap Meet, Sept. 10, Balboa Park, San Diego,
nia. . Further information on these trails Calif.
may be obtained by writing to the Four things not long ago. THAT is the reason
Wheel Drive Club of Fresno, P.O. Box why persons who respect other people's LOS ANGELES COUNTY FAIR, Sept. 15-
1574, Fresno, Calif. 93716. property and the law cannot enjoy the Oct. 1, Pomona, Calif.
freedom that was given them. I wish there
were a way to get through to the type of MEXICAN INDEPENDENCE DAY, Sept.
15-16, Balboa Park Bowl, San Diego, Calif.
ing reports of vandalism to cemeteries person who destroys things that cannot be Colorful yearly event celebrating Mexico's
around the State, and he warned that his replaced such as petroglyphs, etc. Please rebellion against Spain.
department is prepared to deal harshly keep writing these articles, maybe some-
with this crime against decency in Nevada day it will get through to them. SOLVANG DANISH DAYS, Sept. 15-17, Sol-
County, and he asks the cooperation of vang, Calif. Festivities with the townspeople
BRUCE DOBBS, recreating the old days of Denmark. Solvang
all responsible citizens in reporting to the Santa Ana, Calif. is famous for its Danish food. Santa Ynez
Sheriff's department any suspicion of Valley Rock Club holds their bi-annual rock
cemetery vandalism, such as: tombstones show in Solvang, Sept. 16-17.
I would like to find out about anyone
being used for any purpose in a private
who explores the desert regions, ghost CABRILLO FESTIVAL, Sept. 21-28, San
home, such as patio paving slabs, or coffee Diego, Calif. Celebrating the 425th anniversary
towns or gold mines on motorcycles.
tables, or sideboard serving tables; also of the discovery of California at San Diego.
small grave markers or "footstones" being I am very interested myself; however, Colorful pageant, festival and Spanish dances.
made into bookends or any other use; also in reading your magazine, I get the im-
cemetery signs or other objects used or pression jeeps are used mostly. UNLIMITED HYDROPLANE RACES, Sept.
I am mostly interested in clubs operat- 24, Mission Bay, San Diego, Calif. World's
displayed in a private home. fastest boats compete. Climax of Aqua Week.
ing in the Glendale-San Fernando Valley
An investigation made by the Nevada area. SAN DIEGO COUNTY ROCKHOUND
County Sheriff's Office into the disapper- JERRY WALD, GEMBOREE, Sept. 30-Oct. 1. Scottish Rite
ance of a tombstone from a North San 161 Screenland Drive, Masonic Memorial Center, Mission Valley,
Juan cemetery, led to the recovery of one San Diego, Calif.
Burbank, Calif.
stolen from a Dutch Flat, Placer County,
pioneer cemetery. Three high school Gem and Mineral Show, Sept. 30-Oct 1,
youths pleaded guilty to the offense, and Please accept my sincere thanks for Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds, Watsonville,
have been sentenced by Judge George placing an item in Sound Off regarding Calif.
Yonehiro of the Colfax-Alta-Dutch Flat my request for plans for a dry washer.
Justice Court to 50 days' work, each, of I have had several responses to the item SAN GABRIEL VALLEY Gem and Mineral
already. Show, Oct. 14-15, Masonic Temple, 50 West
clean-up in said cemetery. Duarte Rd., Arcadia. Admission and parking
There is considerable talk, as well as free.
The tombstone from the Red Dog activity around Phoenix, that the price of
Cemetery marked the grave of Stephen gold will be revised upward within the DALY CITY ROCKHOUNDS Golden Gate
Conaway, who died in a fatal mining next several months. Gem and Mineral Show, Oct 21-22, War
Memorial Bldg., 6655 Mission St., Daly City,
accident on March 2, 1871. HARLEY L. REITER, Calif.

September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 39

SEVENTY-FIVE CALIFORNIA gold areas, $1.00.
Gold p a n s — 1 2 " $3.50; 16" $4.00. Leather
dust poke 1.50. Walkeri, Box 606, Oak View,

Calif. 93022.

Complete beauty treatment in one jar. Write:
LAND ROVER OWNERS—Armstrong Hi-Flotationt BOTTLE COLLECTORS, treasure hunters, prospec- Lola Barnes, 963 North Oakland, Pasadena,
tires, 9 " wide wheels, genuine Rover centers. tors and explorers—this is the book for you! California 91104.
Free catalog. Cepek, Box 181-D, South Gate, "California Nevada Ghost Town Atlas". Mod-
California 90280. ern highway maps that lead to the fabulous
camps of yesterday. Complete with photos • GEMS
• BOOKS - MAGAZINES and historical background for 400 sites. Price POCKET GOLD, $2. Placer gold, $2. Gold dust,
$2.00 postpaid. Cy Johnson, Box 288, Susan- $ 1 . Attractively displayed. Postpaid. Money-
OUT-OF-PRINT books at lowest prices! You ville, Calif. 96130. back guarantee. Lester Lea, Box 1125D, Mt.
name it—we find itl Western Americana, "GUIDE TO Old Bottles, Contents & Prices." 250 Shasta, California 96067.
desert and Indian books a specialty. Send illustrations, ads, labels plus price list, $2.75. ATTENTION ROCKHOUNDSI Come and browse.
us your wants. No obligation. International Valuable cross reference to "Handbook for the Supplies, minerals, slabs, rough rock, equip-
Bookfinders, Box 3003-D, Beverly Hills, Calif. Bottleologist;" 1000 bottles, description and ment, black lights, books. Shamrock Rock
rarity, $2.75. Richard Fike, 1135 Maxfield Shop, 593 West La Cadena Drive, Riverside,
"OVERLOOKED FORTUNES" in minerals and gem
Dr., Ogden, Utah 84404. Calif. Phone 686-3956.
stones; here are a few of the 300 or more
you may be overlooking: uranium, vanadium, A BOTTLE COLLECTOR'S Book and "The Past In CHOICE MINERAL specimens, gems, cutting ma-
tin, tungsten, columbium, tantalum, nickel, Glass" by Pat and Bob Ferraro—two most terial, machinery, lapidary and jewelers sup-
cobalt, gold, silver, platinum, iridium, beryl- complete sources available for novice and ad- plies, mountings, fluorescent lamps, books.
lium, emeralds, etc. Some worth $1 to $2 a vanced bottle collectors. Illustrations, check- Sumner's, 21108 Devonshire. Chat«wnrth Cal.
pound, others $25 to $200 per ounce; an lists, explanations. $3.25 each postpaid. The
emerald the size of your thumb may be Little Glass Shack, 3161-B 56th St., Sacra-
worth $1000 or more; learn how to find, mento, Calif. 95820. • GUEST RANCHES - MOTELS
identify and cash in on them. New simple FOR SALE: Complete files of Arizona Highways C-BAR-H GUEST Ranch—Rest or Play—a real
system. Send for free copy "Overlooked For- Magazine from 1947 to 1966. Make offer. western holiday. American plan includes
tunes in Minerals," it may lead to knowledge Mrs. E. E. Evans, 2779 Avenue A, Yuma, three delicious meals each day, horseback
which may make you rich! Duke's Research Arizona 85364. riding, comfortable cottages, swimming pool,
Laboratory, Box 666-B, Truth or Consequences ranch lodge activities, hay rides, sports
NEVADA TREASURE Hunters Ghost Town Guide. galore. P.O. Box 373D, Lucerne Valley, Calif.
New Mexico 87901.
Large folded map. 800 place name glossary. Area Code 714, CH 8-7666.
"A GUIDE For Insulator Collectors" (with prices). Railroads, towns, camps, camel trail. $1.50.
127 pages, 168 insulators described, sketched Theron Fox, 1296-C Yosemite, San Jose 26, ALAMOS, SONORA, Mexico. Furnished home for
and priced, 4 group photographs, copies of California. rent to couple, three to six months, available
10 patents, copies from old catalogs—and Feb. 1 968. Good tenants more important than
"GEMS & MINERALS," the monthly guide to
more. An exciting new collecting field, start high rent. Write owner: Hathaway, Calle Mina
gems, minerals, and rock hobby fun. $4.50
now and don't be sorry later. By J. C. Tib- No. 6, Alamos, Sonora, Mexico.
year. Sample 25c. Gems & Minerals, Mentone,
bitts, order from me at "The Little Glass Calif. 92359.
Shack," 3161 56th Str., Apt. B., Sacramento, • HOME STUDY
COMPLETELY NEW — Excitingly differentl "101
Calif. 95820. $3.00 (plus 12c tax for Cali-
Ghost Town Relics"—Beautiful color cover, LEARN OIL painting by mail. Also casein or
fornians) plus 25c for mail orders.
lists over 140 relics, over 100 relic photos. acrylic. Amateur, advanced. Easy, fascinating,
"ASSAULT ON BAJA," E. Washburn, 3934 Article on restoring, utilization of relics. A naturalistic. Easy payments. Art, Box 486,
Cortland, Lynwood, Calif. $2.00 tax included, price guide included. $3 ppd. Wes Bressie, Montrose, Colorado.
"zest of dicsovery" writes Belden; "wide- Rt. 1 , Box 582, Eagle Point, Oregon 97524.
eyed experience" says Powell USC. GHOST TOWN GUIDErComplite guide to over • INDIAN GOODS
ARIZONA TREASURE Hunters Ghost Town Guide, 100 ghost towns in California, only $1.95.
W. Abbott, 1513 West Romneya Drive, Ana- FINE RESERVATION-MADE Navajo, Zuni, Hopi
large folded map 1881, small early map, jewelry. Large selection of old pawn and
1200 place name glossary, mines, camps, heim, California.
Kachina dolls. Fine old baskets. Navajo rugs,
Indian reservations, etc. $1.50. Theron Fox, FRANK FISH—Treasure Hunter—said Gold Ts Yei blankets, Chimayo blankets and vests,
1296-E Yosemite, San Jose, California. where you find it. His book "Buried Treasure pottery. Kaibab moccasins. A collector's para-
& Lost Mines" tells how and where to look, dise! Open daily 10 to 5:30, closed Mondays.
SURVIVAL BOOKS! Guerrilla Warfare, Wilder-
93 locations, photos and maps. 19x24 Buffalo Trading Post, Highway 18, Apple
ness Living, Medical, Guns, Self Defense,
colored map pinpointing book locations. Book Valley, Calif.
Nature. Books—Vital, Fascinating, Extraor-
$1.50. Map $1.50. Special: both $2.50 post-
dinary; Catalog free. Adobe Hacienda, AUTHENTIC INDIAN jewelry, Navajo rugs, Chi-
paid. Publisher, Erie Schaefer, 14728 Peyton
Route 3, Box 517A, Glendale, Arizona 85301. mayo blankets, squaw boots. Collector's
Drive, Chino, Calif. 91710.
items. Closed Tuesdays. Pow-Wow Indian
GUIDE TO MEXICO'S gems and minerals: locali-
GHOST TOWN MAPS—New book titled "Califor- Trading Post, 19967 Ventura Blvd., East
ties, mines, maps, directions, contacts. Eng-
nia Ghost Town Trails" has pictures, maps to Wood I and Hills, Calif. Open Sundays.
lish-Spanish glossary, too. $2.00 postpaid.
California ghost towns. $2.95. A Abbott, SELLING 20,000 Indian relics. 100 nice ancient
Gemac, Mentone, Calif. 92359.
1513 West Romneya Drive, Anaheim, Calif. arrowheads $25. Indian skull $25. List free.
TREASURE BOOKS and maps for ghosttowners, Lear's, Glenwood, Arkansas.
treasure hunters, bottle, rock, arrowhead col- • COLOR SLIDES
lectors, gold panners. Free brochure. Pierce
Publishing, Box 5 2 2 1 , Dept. A-9, Abilene, DESERT FLOWERS, Animals, birds, 24 color slides MAPS
Texas 79605. $3.00. Free catalog with order. World Wide SECTIONIZED COUNTY maps — San Bernardino
colorslides 10c and 15c each. Eddings 8D $3; Riverside $ 1 ; Imperial, small $ 1 , large
"1200 BOTTLES PRICED"—well illustrated, com- Roberts, Corning, N.Y. 14830.
$2; San Diego $1.25; Inyo $2.50; Kern $1.25,
plete description, covers entire field, 164
BIRDS, INSECTS. For set of three slides, Birds other California counties $1.25 each. Nevada
pages, by J. C. Tibbitts, first president of
in Flight, send $1.00. Free catalog. John Ste- counties $1 each. Include 4 percent sales tax.
Antique Bottle Collectors Association and edi-
venson, Box 1263, Chula Vista, Calif. 92012. Topographic maps of a l l mapped western
tor of the "Pontil," $4.75 post paid. The
Little Glass Shack, 3161 56th St., Apt. B, areas. Westwide Maps Co., 114 West Third
Street, Los Angeles 13, California.
Sacramento, Calif. 95820. • EQUIPMENT - SUPPLIES
MAPS: PIONEER-HISTORICAL. Mississippi River to
THE BOTTLE TRAIL, One through Eight. Continua- 12 VOLT BED WARMER for campers, trailers, Pacific Ocean. "West-Southwest" 3 0 " x 5 0 " ;
tion of Wood-Molds and Blow-Pipe added in boats, completely automatic. Sleep warm in "West-Northwest" 2 1 " x 5 0 " — $2 each,
volume 8. $2.15 each book, prepaid. May cold weather without heavy blankets. Send folded, $3 each tubed. They show old forts,
Jones, Box 23, Nara Visa, New Mexico 88430. for free information. Abbott Enterprises, P.O. fur posts, towns, railroads, cattle trails, stage
Box 4262, Anaheim, Calif. 92803. and telegraph lines, Indian areas, "Trails of
BOOKS: BURIED Treasure, Ghost Towns, Indians
and Outlaws. Send 5c stamp for listing, many ENJOY BACKPACK camping. Free booklet tells Tears," immigrant routes. Most everything
clearance bargains. D-J Books, Box 3352, how. Gerry, Dept. 15, Boulder, Colorado 'dated. 1 Maps, Box 56N, Tijeras, New Mexico
San Bernardino, Calif. 92404. 80302. 87059.

40 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

ASSAYS. COMPLETE, accurate, guaranteed. High- FREE 84 page catalog on detectors, books and
est quality spectrographic. Only $5.00 per maps. General Electronic Detection Co., 16238 • ^ Mail your copy and first-insertion remit-
sample. Reed Engineering, 620-R So. Ingle- Lakewood Blvd., Bellflower, Calif 90706. tance to: Trading Post, Desert Magazine,
wood Ave., Inglewood, California. Palm Desert, California 92260. Classified
TREASURE-METAL and mineral locators. Free 24 rates are 25c per word, $5 minimum
METAL AND ""Mineral markets: 2500 possible page booklet. GeoFinder Co., Box 3 7 , Lake-
per insertion.
buyers for 130 metals, minerals, ores, non- wood, Calif. 90714.
metallics and gemstones, $3.00 each. D.V.D. DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS 10TH OF
Publishers, Box 16125, Salt Lake City, Utah gold, silver, etc. Guaranteed. Terms. Free fas-
841 16. cinating booklet. Fisher Research, Dept. DM7,
YOU TOO can smelt. Reduce metals, ores and Palo Alto, Calif. 94302.
black sands, fluxing formulas and how to TREASURE, COIN and relic hunters news publi-
build a small blast furnace, $2.00. Free cation. Only $1 yearly. Sample copy 25c. A Gift That's REALLY Different!
circular. Frank Harris, Bard, Calif. 92222. Gold Bug, Box 588-D, Alamo, Calif. 94507.
DRY WASHER, packsack size 7 " x 6 " x 2 4 " , folding POWERFUL METROTECH locators detect gold, sil-
Zodiac Parties
legs, screened hopper, 5 lbs. Postpaid $18.50. ver, coins, relics. Moneyback guarantee. Terms
Information: Wilker, Rt. 3, Box 1759, Loomis,
Calif. 95650.
free information. Underground Explorations, Menus and Recipes
Dept. 3A, Bax 7 9 3 , Menlo Park, California.
By Choral Pepper
NEW FOR '671 Goldak treasure locators. Find
• OLD COINS, STAMPS coins, gold, silver. A profitable yet fun hob- Editor of DESERT Magazine
DOLLARS—1878 CC Mint $3.50, very good. by. Goldak, Dept. DMC, 1544 W. Glenoaks,
Glendale, Calif. 9 1 2 0 1 . The author plans a different party
1878-79-80-81-82 S. Mint, 1883-84-85-99-
1900-01-04 O Mint uncirculated $3 each. for every month in the year. Her
100 page catalog, Coins, 50c. Shultz, Salt • WESTERN GOODS suggestions on the guests to in-
Lake City, Utah 84110. vite and the food to serve are
GHOST TOWN items: Sun-colored glass, ame-
HOW TO Collect Coins For Profitl How to start,
where to sell. Lists of valuable coins, classi-
thyst to royal purple; ghost railroads ma- based on astrological analyses of
terials, tickets; limited odd items from camps the tastes and interests of those
fication of coins. Booklet # 5 3 C only $ 1 . Jona-
of the '60s. Write your interest—Box 64-D,
than Horton, 19328 Aguiro St., Rowland born under each of the twelve
Smith, Nevada.
Heights, Calif. 91745.
SHERIFF'S BADGES wanted: Constable, Marsha I, signs of the Zodiac.
Railroad, Indian Police. Describe, Price. Ron HARD COVER, 130 PAGES, ILLUSTRATED
• PHOTO SUPPLIES Donoho, Nye County Sheriff's Office, Mer-
cury, Nevada 89023.
CUSTOM FILM finishing by mail since 1932.
Morgan Camera Shop "The complete photo- ORIGINALLY $4.95
graphic store," 6262 Sunset Blvd., Holly- • MISCELLANEOUS
wood, California 90028. WONDERFUL NEW all-purpose cleaner for camp-
ers, boats and anything washable. Spray it
PLANTS, SEEDS on, wipe it off. It's called Oso-Eze. Non-
toxic, no harmful ingredients, safe with child-
JOSHUA TREES and Smoketrees, from seed; ren. For a sample and information, send 50c While They Last!
Desert Orchids and Desert Holly; Mesquites, to cover packaging and mailing, to George (Autographed Copies on Request)
Acacia and Desert Ironwood; thrive most any- Randall, 2319 Laurel PI., Newport Beach,
where. Constant improvement, in depth, is Order from
Calif. 92660.
the secret of our success . . . Delightful Desert Magazine Book Shop
mauve and white flowering Tamarisks in WOODEN DUCK decoys. Hand carved, unfin-
stock. New "Choice Fishpole Tamarisks," in- ished. Paint them yourself. $10.50 each. Palm Desert, California 92260
comparable dark - evergreen ornamentals. Treasure Hunt Shop, 31 East Ortega St., California residents add 20 cents sales tax.
Rancho Environmental Nursery, Twentynine Santa Barbara, California. No C.O.D.'s please.
Palms, Calif. Call 367-7914 for directions.
START A cactus garden as a hobby! Many rare
species. Five all different $1.75 plus 35c
mailing,- 8 all different $2.75 plus 75c mail- -T* _
ing; 12 all different $3.75 plus 85c mailing. fM*A*hi SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE
Cactirami, 1607 North Stone, Tucson 6, Ari- JE^E4I</i%ii PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA 92260
CHIA SEED, with story: 12 ounces, $1.50; 3 ' / ,
pound $5.00; 18 pound $21.00. Pollen Chia
Commerce, Box 2043-D, Brownsville, Texas NAME
EL RANCHO Galapagos Cactus Growers. You
are invited to visit our greenhouses and cactus D SEND GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO:
gardens on the east slope of Copper Moun-
tain. Star Route 1 , Box 7 1 0 , Twentynine NAME
Palms, California. Phone 362-4329.
400,000,000 ACRES government public land in
25 states. Some low as $1.00 acre. 1967
report. Details $1.00. Public Land, 422DM
Washington Building, Washington, D.C.
FOR INFORMATION on real estate in or near
this high desert community, please write or
visit Ralph W. Fisher, Realtor, 73644 29-
Palms Highway, Twentynine Palms, Calif.
92277. Sign Gift Card: "From
One Year $5.00 Two Years $9.50 Three Years $13.00
(Or 2 One Years) (Or Three One Years)
NEW REVOLUTIONARY analytical transistorized
metal detector. Push button tuning, automatic D ALSO SEND DESERT'S 12-ISSUE HANDSOME BROWN VINYL BINDER FOR $3.50
tuning, etc. Many models. Free catalog. Gar- (includes tax and postage)
diner Electronics Co., Dept. 5 1 , 4729 N. 7th Date Binder(s) with Year(s) • Undated
Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85013.

September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 41

Get your free
b r o c h u r e on Fort Churchill
by Jan S. Paul
Find out why Kelty
Pack is preferred by
practiced backpack-
ers. Write for free lit-
erature and back-
packer's checklist.

Dipt. D, P.O. Box 3453

1807 Victory Blvd.
i i d a l a , California


Locate Buried Treasure, Explore Ghost
Towns, Discover High Ore Deposits,
Detect Gold Nuggets, Find Lost Jewelry,
Enjoy Beachcombing, Spot Coins.

Philtron Electronics
T.V. & Radio Tubes >/2 Price
Mail Orders Accepted
We Honor BankAmericards
Stratford Square Center 1 blk no. of McFadden
10056 Cunningham Ave. off Brookhurst GUESS IT just goes to restoring the place, not so that it will be
Westminster, Calif. Area Code 714 839-1810 100% as it once was, but so that the
show how easy it is to
overlook something, even visitor can establish from information and
JtWELRY CRAFTS CATALOG though you are looking a self-guided tour how the original fort
for it and it is right under was laid out. Representative restoration is
FREE your nose. being accomplished so that the visitor can
Lapidary — rockhounding — Jewelry making. see what it was like to live at a military
add up to a fascinating creative art! The Carson City-Lake Tahoe area of
Nevada and California is a favorite hang- post in the Nevada desert at the time of
out of mine. I wouldn't even try to count the Civil War. At the same time, enough
World's largest selection - over 10,000 items
offered...imports from all parts of the world. the times I've been there. I can't honestly ruins will be left as they are so that the
say that I didn't know that somewhere processes of a century of wind and wea-
MACHINERY—SUPPLIES—ETC. east of Carson City and a few miles south ther will be graphic too.
SEND FOR FREE C A T A L O G of Route 50, the road to Fallon, was an There are overnight facilities a short
GRIEGER'S, INC. X called Old Fort Churchill. It was just distance from the fort, in a shady grove
Bepf 30 -1633 I. Walnut —, Collf.y*? that I had seen my share of famous fort along the Carson River, and day use
ruins. However, it was summer and I facilities make it an ideal place to spend
a day with a picnic basket. The close
MAPS was in the area, so I decided to head out
US 50 to Silver Springs, then turn right
on Alt. 95 for 8 miles to the marked Fort
proximity to Carson City, 43 miles via
Silver Springs, 32 on 2B; make it a com-
fortable one day trip from there, or even
Churchill turnoff. Was I due for a sur-
prise ! from Reno. Speaking of comfort, while
the place is open the year 'round, it can
Contains 36 full page maps showing the way to 90 The fort is about a mile off the high- get pretty hot in July and August, so the
ghost towns in California's deserts and mountains with
mileage to the tenth of a mile. J6 photographs show way and what I found there has restored ideal time would be in spring or fall, or
the old town sites as they appear today, not as they
did 50 or 100 years ago. Collect old bottles, western my faith in old forts. The State of even during the winter. In fact, if you
relics, antiques, buried treasure.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money back
Nevada is working to make this place are a ski fan, you can make Fort Church-
Ord.r Nowl Only $3.95
significant both as an historic monument ill and the nearby ski scene all in the
Dept. D - 19 and a state park. They are setting about same trip. •
1)13 West Romneya Drive — Anaheim, Calif.


This Month's Best Buy CANYONLANDS Dealer for
Mine Run Andamooka & Coober Pedy Opal NATIONAL PARK White's, Goldak, Detectron,
To cut good size Opals—Colorful pieces Rayscope
$22.00 per pound $40.00 for 2 pounds WITH:
KENT FROST von Mueller, 7th edition, PP. $6.00.
Send personal cheque, international money FREE—Indexes for Topo Maps, stock Western
order, bank draft. Free 16 page list of all CANYONLANDS TOURS, INC. states, each state has index.
Australian Gemstones.
294 Little Collins Street Write for our new Color Brochure 9322California Ave., South Gate, Calif.

42 / Desert Magazine / September, 1967

Letters requesting answers must

include stamped self-addressed


Little Horses . . . More Mystery . . . Renegade Remembered . . .

To the Editor: I read your article about the To the Editor: Author Morlin Childers will be To the Editor: I read with interest "The
little horses in DESERT, May 1967. The man interested to know that the mystery of Santa Search for Lopez in the June 1697 issue. I
with the little horse on his back is Jack Tooker. Maria de Los Angeles (DESERT June '67) is lived through those days and remember the
Mr. Tooker and Earnest Ritter brought quite a further intensified. In 1965 author-discoverer events. I saw Lopez as he was making his
few of these little horses out of the canyon in Robert Franklin Leslie found smelting equip- getaway. At the time I was a lad of 14 years
the 1930s. I met Mr. Ritter in 1940 and in ment, artifacts and two six-pound gold ingots living on a farm adjoining the railroad
1942 I bought two stallions and two mares in a secret room under an old unnamed chapel track 150 miles south of Salt Lake City, at
from him. We bred and raised these little which was under the supervision of Padre a placed called Oasis. On this particular occas-
horses until about 10 years ago. I built vehicles Fray Calaxtis in the middle 1700s and was ion, my brother and I, together with a couple
to scale to drive these little horses too. Enclosed an asistencia of and near to the mission of of cousins, were making our way down the
is a picture of the little horses and a vehicle. Santa Maria in Baja. railroad track on foot from the freight station
ROY L. MODGLING, ROBERT URMAN, south toward our home a mile and a half
Pomona, Calif. Phoenix, Arizona. away. A freight train heading south toward
Los Angeles had pulled onto a siding, giving
way to another train approaching from the
opposite direction. As the four of us loitered
More Lost G u n s . . . along by the side of the waiting freight, we
suddenly came abreast of a man walking out
To the Editor: In DESERT's June issue is in the brush about 100 feet from the track. I t '
a lost gun story similar to another story. This was about 7:30 in the evening of a bright
incident happened about 20 years ago when a moonlight night and quite cold. This man
soldier, stationed at Fort Huachuca, Ariz., went was walking parallel to the track in the
hiking in the southern foothills of the Santa opposite direction we were going. He was
Rita Mountains. In Rattlesnake Canyon, the seemingly very alert and was eyeing us intent-
soldier found a cave that had crates of new ly, and we him. He had on a loose coat under
rifles packed in cosmoline. He took one of which he held his arms crossed, obviously
the rifles, intending to return later for the holding something in each hand. We had an
rest. Due to army transfers and such, this eerie feeling that this was Lopez. It was just
was not possible. After his discharge and sub- at the time that the authorities were trying to
sequent return to his home in the East, he smoke him out of the Apex mine at Bingham.
took this gun to a gun dealer and learned We felt sure that their efforts would prove
What-Ho! . . . that it was a collector's item. He was never fruitless. History has vindicated us in that. I
To the Editor: I have a few comments to make able to relocate the cave. Many others have have felt certain ever since that Lopez escaped
about the article by Doris Cerveri called tried. The location of the cave indicates that on that freight into the Los Angeles area
"What-Ho Southern Nevada" in the May issue. this cache could have been for Mexicans or and likely then on into Mexico. Before morn-
Pine Creek Canyon does not have picnicking Apaches. Perhaps a DESERT reader will be ing he would have been well on his way and
facilities, but nearby Willow Creek does. It able to give us more information. out of immediate danger.
does not have a spring to wade in and the
stream dries up in the summer months. Also, CHARLES BARROS, An ordinary hobo would not be riding a
Red Rock Canyon does not lie in front of the Indio, California. freight in the dead of winter, nor would a
foot of Mt. Charleston. It is at least 20 miles common hobo leave the train and walk out
south, although it is still in the same Spring in the bush to avoid close scrutiny by a group
Mountain Range. Finally, the road to Search- of kids, or anyone else for that matter. I never
light is through a dry lake and I don't consider Yes and N o . . . knew until I read Mr. James story how Lopez
it a delightful Sunday Drive. Did the author managed to get out of the mine. That has now
really visit all of these spots? Yes! been cleared up. I submit this sequel to the
J. B. APPLEGATE, story in the thought that it might have some
To the Editor: Since you have been at the interest to you.
Las Vegas, Nevada. helm of Desert Magazine it has improved
Editor's comment: We don't know about Reno's greatly. The contents, the covers and the color L. ELMER PETERSON,
Doris Cerveri, but DESERT's editor has. Miss additions make a wonderful edition. I look for Ogden, Utah.
Cerveri's article wasn't intended as a mile-by- it each month and enjoy it to the fullest extent.
mile guide and it is always wise to get direc- Also the gift edition that you send to Mr. E.
tions locally when you travel back-country C. Guiou in Massachusetts is appreciated total-
areas. Storms can change the route of any jeep ly. Thanking you for your efforts in a grand Book Collector . . .
trail overnight. We personally enjoy the drive publication, I remain. To the Editor My husband and I were recently
between Las Vegas and Searchlight, as do many J O H N A. TENNEY, in your DESERT Magazine bookshop and I
other desert lovers. The Joshua forest, distant Los Angeles, Calif. would like to say that to my knowledge, you
mountain ranges—even the dry lake bed is have the most fabulous bookshop to be found
fascinating to us. We appreciate your informa- anywhere for people who seek interesting and
tion about the picnic ground at Willow Spring. unusual books on the West. I purchased "His-
C.P. No! toric Spots in California," "Treasury of Fron-
To the Editor: I began reading the "Desert" tier Relics" and Erie Stanley Gardner's new
about 15 years ago, even bought back copies book, "Off the Beaten Track of Baja." This
in used magazine shops and enjoyed most of last, incidentally, is his greatest to date.
Desert W h a t z i t . . . what I read. Notice I said, "enjoyed," but now My husband's family was a founder of the
To the Editor: On a trip to the Anza Borrego I am not enjoying being told how he-men Costal Valley and Ortega Chili Company,
desert, we came across an interesting puzzle thought and acted by a staff of petticoat writers, which is now owned by the Heublein Com-
which we hope a DESERT reader can solve. It including your editor. Some of the articles are pany, and I moved from Los Angeles to the
is called the "Well of the Eight Echoes" and fair and may appeal to most women, but thank San Luis Rey Valley in 1929 and attended
consists of a pipe extending above the ground heaven I'm not a woman and some of that stuff Cave Couts Guajome Ranch school, so our
a few feet, but when you talk over it, there is stirs me not at all. So I'm terminating my sub- roots in Southern California go deep. I am
a resounding echo. What causes this? How was scription and I'll buy from the newsstand for an antique collector by profession and have a
it first discovered? How deep is it? awhile when I see some of the kind of stories splendid private library containing volumes
written by men who have the feel of what about Southern California history. Your book-
ELNORA BURNS, might have been going on in the days he's shop and book mail order department furnishes
San Diego, Calif. writing about. me with one of my richese sources.
Editor's Note: Perhaps a reader can answer WALTER C. MARTIN, BARBARA J. McDANIEL,
this. Oakland, Calif. Vista, California.

September, 1967 / Desert Magazine / 43

Tjravel Quide*
ina ~^rrticle$ on the l/i/edt
The back issues of DESERT MAGAZINE are as alive today as the day they were printed. Packed
with information and detailed maps on out-of-the way places of the West, the articles are also
historically informative for both adults and students. Here are 10 back issues to enrich,
enlighten and entertain you and your friends.

All TEN Issues for only $2.00

To make room on the shelves for summer inventory we are making this special
offer which is good only as long as they last. Not only do they contain the sub-
ject matter listed below but are also filled with other exciting articles and
stories on the West.


Ot&en, SfrectaU,
1964 1965 1966


3.00 3.50 4.00


Only 3.50 Including Tax and Postage

Mail all orders to: Dept. D l , Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, Calif. 9 2 2 6 0
Personal Check or postal order must accompany all orders. Be sure to include your complete mailing address.

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