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8elow, you wlll flnd some suggesLlons for sequenclng a program of learnlng abouL gender and
gender dlverslLy across grade-levels. 1hese assume a proacLlve approach Lo Lhe creaLlon of a
gender lncluslve school seLLlng. As wlLh any currlculum developmenL, Lhe key ls Lo maLch Lhe
needs of Lhe speclflc conLexL Lo Lhe maLerlals, acLlvlLles and resources belng used. ln some
cases, a parLlcular sLudenL's or sLaff member's gender may requlre addlLlonal acLlvlLles or
approaches for supporLlng Lhe school communlLy Lo be fully accepLlng and lncluslve of Lhe
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Cverarchlng concepLs:
1here are loLs of ways Lo be boys or glrls or someLhlng else. lsn'L lL greaL?!?!
1oys are Loys, halr ls halr, colors are colors, and cloLhes are cloLhes
SomeLlmes Lhls ls confuslng. We geL messages abouL some Lhlngs belng for boys and
some Lhlngs belng for glrls.
klds can do or be or llke or wanL anyLhlng because Lhey are lndlvlduals wlLh hopes and
llkes and deslres. 1hls ls noL A"(/*+" Lhey are boys or glrls.

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Cverarchlng concepLs:
Cender ls very complex and noL [usL abouL bodles. We all have a rlghL Lo be ourselves.
Cender lncludes a relaLlonshlp beLween bodles, expresslon and ldenLlLy
Who you are ls noL abouL whaL oLhers Lell you, buL someLhlng you deLermlne for
yourself (even when you geL messages LhaL say oLherwlse)
eople deserve Lo be LreaLed wlLh klndness and respecL

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Cverarchlng ConcepLs
Cender ulverslLy: 8lnary vs. MulLl-dlmenslonal Models of Cender
Cender ln naLure
Cender ln hlsLory and across culLures
CerLaln Lypes of bodles are LhoughL of as boy and cerLaln Lypes as glrl, buL LhaL's noL
Lrue for everyone
klds can be boys, glrls, boLh, or nelLher
Cender depends on culLure and hlsLory 310-788-4412 lnfo[

B,$$)" F(G00)
Cverarchlng ConcepLs
Soclal expecLaLlons and llmlLaLlons abouL gender. WhaL happens Lo gender non-expanslve
8oles and responslblllLles wlLhln a communlLy, belng an ally
- ?oung AdulL LlLeraLure
- orLrayals of gender ln books
1he blology of gender
WhaL are some of Lhe pressures Lo conform Lo gender expecLaLlons, aL Lhe school and
ln general? WhaL happens Lo klds when Lhey don'L?
Pave you ever felL llke an ouLslder, elLher for your own reasons or because you were
LreaLed as such?
WhaL does belng an ally look llke?

H,IG F(G00)
Cverarchlng ConcepLs
Cender as a soclal consLrucL
Cender and clvll rlghLs lssue
- 1he complexlLy of gender ls seen across vlrLually every aspecL of socleLy
- Pow have porLrayals of gender ln Lhe medla affecLed our undersLandlngs of gender?
- WhaL are some of Lhe ways gender ls undersLood ln dlfferenL culLures?
- WhaL ls Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween gender and lssues of power ln our socleLy?
- ?oung AdulL LlLeraLure
- orLrayals of gender ln books
- 1he blology of gender
- Why ls lL dlfflculL Lo come up wlLh solld sLaLlsLlcs abouL Lransgender people?
- Pow have lssues relaLed Lo gender dlverslLy shown up over Lhe pasL 3 - 10 years?
- Cender and SporLs
- uebaLes ln sychology: 1he uSM-3, 8alslng Cender-expanslve Chlldren

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