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... through Bertha Dudde

Fulfilment of prayer .... Conditions ....
Whoeer spea!s "y name in faith #ill re$eie the fullness of "y
strength and loe in his heart. Behold% your &ody is earthly and
eerything surrounding you is also earthly in its outer form' &ut
#hat is #ithin you is% li!e that #hi$h is hidden in the outer form%
diine su&stan$e% and this feels the input of "y strength and
e(perien$es it as e(tremely &eneolent.
)nd for that reason you should al#ays regard the spirit #ithin
you and disregard all outer appearan$es. )fter all% * gae you the
form for the maturing of the spirit and #ill surely !no# ho# to
maintain it as #ell. +o #hy do you #orry a&out it, .... Whoever
thinks of his soul and concerns himself with its welfare,
his body really need not worry about the things it
needs ....
* gae you eerything you $an see in $reation .... * gae you
eerything for a purpose .... *f you fulfil this purpose you #ill
hae in a&undan$e #hat you re-uire for your &ody.
)nd if you are an(ious% $all "e and mention "y name #ith
$omplete faith and you #ill not suffer earthly hardship ....
Whoeer trusts in "e $ompletely already lies from "y strength
and is also master of #orldly things &e$ause * pla$e all strength
into a trusting heart to turn it fully to#ards "e so that * $an ta!e
possession of this heart .... .nderstand this% "y $hild ....
)ll people on earth are allo#ed to simply oi$e their re-uests and
they #ill &e granted fulfilment% proiding they $all "e in their
hearts% &eliee in "e and sin$erely loe "e ....
Be$ause he #ho loes "e &o#s to "y #ill% he #ho &eliees in "e
does not dou&t "y po#er and loe% and if he $alls on "e he
$onfesses his #ea!ness and% li!e a fearful $hild% trustingly $omes
to the Father .... )nd * $an fulfil his prayer% after all% * )m #aiting
for the $all that arises from the alley of earth to "e.
/o#eer% #here one of these re-uirements is not fulfilled% #here
loe% faith and trusting prayer are missing% the earthly $hild has
yet to pass tests to find the path to "e.
0ou so often #ant useless things and if * then don1t ans#er your
prayer you dou&t and don1t -uery the reason' you don1t -uestion
to #hat e(tent you yourseles may &e to &lame for not finding
Behold% #hen "y true $hildren e(press their re-uests to "e they
also leae it to "e ho# to deal #ith their prayer &e$ause they
al#ays !no# that * #ould not let them go #ithout if it #as not
ne$essary for the &enefit of their soul. 2or do they as! for
anything &ut #hat their heart di$tates .... and are therefore
already $learly guided &y the spirit #ithin themseles ....
3hus the prayer of su$h a $hild al#ays meets "y approal and
$onse-uently #ill also find fulfilment. )nd if you feel the need to
as! for something that seres the preseration of your earthly
&ody% the /eaenly Father #ill surely not deny your re-uest.
"y $hildren are ta!en $are of #ith mu$h loe and are supplied
#ith eerything they re-uire #heneer their faith tells them to
$all "y name and to $onfide in "e &e$ause 4Whateer you as!
the Father in "y name #ill &e gien to you ....1
5u&lished &y friends of ne# reelations of God 6 *nformation%
do#nload of all translated reelations% theme7&oo!lets at8

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