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uear lellow 8epubllcans,

l hope Lhls leLLer flnds you well and on your way Lo vlcLory on november 4
lf you are runnlng for
elecLlon or reelecLlon. 1hroughouL Lhe counLry Lhls looks llke a sLrong 8epubllcan year and all of us
should achleve Lhe same success. 1haL lncludes our ouLsLandlng candldaLe for Covernor, 8ob AsLorlno,
and LhaL ls why l'm wrlLlng you Loday.
My lnLenLlon ls noL Lo upseL or offend any of my colleagues recelvlng Lhls leLLer, buL slmply Lo polnL ouL
lssues LhaL concern me greaLly. lssues LhaL l Lhlnk many of you wlll agree wlLh me on.
l grow more Lroubled every day by many colleagues, ln federal, sLaLe or local governmenL openly
supporLlng Cuomo. 1hls ls a Covernor LhaL:
1. ls under lnvesLlgaLlon by a u.S. ALLorney for corrupLlng hls own anLl-corrupLlon commlsslon. Are
lndlcLmenLs lmmlnenL?
2. ConLlnues Lo desLroy our chlldren's fuLure by proceedlng wlLh Common Core.
3. Pas declared war on Lhe CC and sLaLes openly hls lnLenL Lo fllp Lhe SenaLe Lo uemocraL
conLrol. 1haL ls of course when he lsn'L promlslng exacLly Lhe opposlLe Lo Lhe CC. 1he reallLy ls
he can'L be LrusLed by elLher slde.
4. ConslsLenLly acLs ln a LhreaLenlng, Lhugglsh, arroganL manner.
3. SLaLed LhaL conservaLlves have no place ln Lhe sLaLe of new ?ork." So much for We are one
new ?ork."
6. Pas made exLenslve promlses Lo Lhe Worklng lamllles arLy ln reLurn for Lhelr endorsemenL,
promlses LhaL would furLher devasLaLe new ?ork lf enacLed.
7. ALLacked Lhe law abldlng clLlzens of new ?ork wlLh Lhe SAlL AcL for hls own pollLlcal galn. Pe
was alded ln Lhls by Lhe SenaLe when Lhere was no debaLe on Lhe blll. lor Lhe record, lL ls
beyond unaccepLable Lo noL debaLe a blll of Lhls magnlLude. lL ls, ln facL, unconsclonable.
8. 8efuses Lo even commenL on a dangerous uemocraL blll LhaL would, among oLher Lhlngs, glve
lllegal allens Lhe rlghL Lo voLe and run for offlce ln new ?ork.
9. ls Loo cowardly Lo make a declslon on naLural gas exLracLlon ln new ?ork. Whlle oLher sLaLes
prosper, he leLs new ?ork suffer cosLlng aL mlnlmum 23,000 [obs.
10. AfLer four years ln offlce, sLlll has new ?ork (especlally upsLaLe), ln rapld decllne.
11. 8ules raLher Lhan governs Lhls sLaLe.
12. Pldes llke a coward and refuses Lo debaLe.
13. ls so flscally lncompeLenL LhaL he's bulldlng a $4 bllllon dollar brldge wlLh no flnanclal plan Lo pay
for lL oLher Lhan masslve Loll lncreases.
1here's more of course buL LhaL's plenLy for now.
?eL, desplLe all Lhls and so much more, many of you appear ln publlc wlLh hlm and slng hls pralses. Many
of you seek hls endorsemenL.

My message Lo you Loday ls slmple. SLep up and be counLed.
l'm asklng you Lo supporL 8ob AsLorlno as l have and Lo flnanclally supporL hls campalgn. l have pledged
$1,000 dollars Lo 8ob and have spenL counLless hours helplng hls campalgn. lor me and my campalgn,
LhaL ls a slzeable amounL of money. 1here are Lhose ln sLaLe governmenL wlLh hundreds of Lhousands of
dollars ln campalgn accounLs wlLh no opponenL yeL you've noL conLrlbuLed Lo 8ob? l'm asklng you Lo
supporL 8ob and glve generously. lor example, lf each CC SenaLor gave $3,000 lL would send a sLrong
message of supporL. l'm asklng my Assembly colleagues Lo flnanclally supporL 8ob as well Lo whaLever
level Lhey can reasonably afford.
Many of you readlng Lhls leLLer wlll know LhaL lL does noL apply Lo you as you've been supporLlve of 8ob
AsLorlno, Chrls Moss, !ohn Cahlll and 8ob AnLonaccl. lf LhaL ls Lhe case, Lhank you and please keep lL up
rlghL Lhrough Lhe elecLlon. 8uL, for many of you readlng Lhls leLLer, you'll be offended because lL
absoluLely applles Lo you. lf LhaL ls Lhe case, you have a declslon Lo make. uo you supporL Lhls corrupL
Covernor or do you do Lhe rlghL Lhlng and sLand wlLh 8ob AsLorlno?
1he enLlre candldacy of Andrew Cuomo ls based on Lrylng Lo convlnce people LhaL Lhey do noL see whaL
Lhey absoluLely see happenlng before Lhelr eyes. Llke Lhe Wlzard of Cz, when you pull back Lhe curLaln
on Andrew Cuomo, Lhere ls noLhlng Lhere buL an angry, lnLoleranL man lncapable of leadlng n? back Lo
greaLness. 8ob AsLorlno can brlng new ?ork back.
1hls elecLlon ls abouL whaL new ?ork wanLs and whaL new ?ork wlll be. uo Lhe people of new ?ork wanL
Lo conLlnue Lo see Lhls greaL sLaLe decllne or do Lhey wanL new ?ork Lo once agaln be Lhe Lmplre SLaLe?
Wlll new ?ork conLlnue Lo be one of Lhe leasL frlendly sLaLes Lo do buslness or wlll we change pollcles
and begln Lo grow agaln? Wlll Lhe 8epubllcan pollLlcal leaders of new ?ork sLep up and supporL an
ouLsLandlng candldaLe ln 8ob AsLorlno or wlll Lhey supporL Lhe corrupLlon and falled pollcles of Andrew
l'm asklng you Lo supporL 8ob. lL's your cholce. l know where l sLand.

Assemblyman SLeven l. McLaughlln

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