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Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus is a controversial figure and people already know his real
history. This history isn't presented by the mainstream media. Even the name
of Columbus is very similar to Colombia. Colombia is an old name for the
Goddess in mythology. Colombia has been the female name for America as
well. Washington D.C. is called the District of Colombia as an independent city
with its citizens having no voting rights for the Presidency for a time. The fourth
and highest degree emblem in the Knights of Columbus depicts a dive-bombing white
dove. The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic version of a Masonic Order. Its members are
made up of politicans, bankers, and other elitists in America. The highest degree in the K
of C is the 4th Degree. Jeb Bush and Alan Keyes are famous Knights of Columbus. The
goal of the Knights of Columbus is to make America as Catholic as possible under the
authority of the Pope from the Vatican. It’s pretty clear cut what their intensions are. The
logo of the Knights of Columbus 3rd Degree has a fasces image. The fasces is a symbol of
authority, which is found in Congress and fascist nations (like in Mussolini‘s Italy, and
Hitler‘s Nazi Germany). Disturbingly the fasces is also found at US Senate, the Colorado
seal, and the dime. Why is this symbol on the K of C emblem when it claims to be a
benetial and beneficent organization? The reason is that the Knights of Columbus
embrace centralized authority under the Pope, which is similar to the concept of a fasces
(a fasces have multiple rods bound together around an axe. That means that folks are
groups together in a centralized authority even a dictatorship in some cases). The French
word for dove is “Colombe.” Sacrificial doves, representing virgins were known in
Masonic circles as the Columbe. Many of the British royal crowns/scepters are topped
with the white dove. Even Christopher Columbus' birth place is disputed. He was born as
it is believed between August 25 and August 31 of 1451 in Genoa, Italy. His father was
Domenico Colombo being a middle class wood weaver. His mother was Susanna
Fontanarossa. The original name of Columbus in 15th century Genoese language was
Christoffa Corombo. The name is rendered in modern Italian as Cristoforo Colombo, in
Portuguese as Cristóvão Colombo (formerly Christovam Colom), in Catalan as Cristòfor
Colom and in Spanish as Cristóbal Colón. In 1473 Columbus began his apprenticeship as
business agent for the important Centurione, Di Negro and Spinola families of
Genoa. Later he allegedly made a trip to Chios, a Genoese colony in the Aegean Sea.
In May 1476, he took part in an armed convoy sent by Genoa to carry a valuable
cargo to northern Europe. He docked in Bristol, England; Galway, Ireland and was
possibly in Iceland in 1477. Columbus wasn’t first man to discover America. The
Native Americans first discovered the North and South American continents.
According to Alexander von Humboldt, in his work “Admirabiles
Auscultationes (Chapter 94, p. 836),” it says that “in the sea which extends
beyond the Pillars of Hercules (the Strait of Gibraltar), an island was
discovered by the Carthaginians [...], a number of days distant by boat.”
Diodorus Siculus differed in attributing the island’s discovery to the

The painting above shows Columbus using a specialized hand sign making rumors
abound that Columbus was apart of some secret society. Some believe that Columbus's
father in law was connected to the Knights of Christ in Portugal. Columbus had lived in
Portugal from 1476 to 1484, making various sea voyages. Columbus's wife was the
daughter of one of Henry's favorite Captains and the first governor of Porto Santo.
Columbus spent some time living in Porto Santo, and examining his father-in-law's papers
and charts. In Lisbon, a young Christopher Columbus meets Felipa Perestrello at Sunday
Mass. Columbus marries this daughter of a famous family and soon moves to Madera.
Christopher Columbus' navigators were members of the extant Portuguese Templar Order,
and the Templar cross was featured prominently on the sails of his ships in 1492. The
Knights of Christ were the descendants of the Knights Templar in Portugal. After the
Templar order's suppression by Pope Clement in 1312, King Denis set about creating a
new order for the displaced knights in his realm. He instituted the "Christi Militia" under
the patronage of Saint Benedict in 1317 (some sources say August 14, 1318), and Pope
John XXII approved this order by a Papal bull on March 14, 1319 "AD EA EX QVIBVIS." It's
not a secret that Columbus had links to Merovingian bankers like the Medicis of Italy. and
others in the esoteric crowd. Michael Howard's "Occult Conspiracy wrote that:

“Columbus was associated with a political group that supported the ideas of Dante, one of
the alleged Grand Masters of the Order of the Rosy Cross, who is known to have used
codes and ciphers in his writings, a practice associated with membership of a secret
society. Columbus’ voyages of discovery were sponsored by Leonardo da Vinci and
Lorenzo de Medici, both initiates of secret societies, who found the explorer wealthy
patrons among European Royalty and aristocracy.” (p.74)

“...Columbus...believed when he landed in America that God had led him to

the New Jerusalem. The idea of America as the fulfilment of a biblical
prophecy concerning the foundation of a spiritual Utopia on Earth was a
central belief in the Rosicrucian philosophy of the seventeenth century.”
(Occult Conspiracy, p.74)

Some believe that Columbus has Jewish ancestry (there is nothing wrong with that. It just
shows the historical makeup of Christopher Columbus). The Jewish scholar, Eliezer
Segal, cites Columbus’ biographer S. de Madariaga and the Jewish historian Cecil Roth,
as providing the most cogent arguments in favor of this view:

“...there has been some weighty scholarly debate over the possibility that
Columbus, though undeniably a devout and zealous Catholic, might also have
been the proud descendant of Spanish Jews. Ironically, this view has been
championed by some patriotic Spaniards, who would rather have him a Spanish
Jew than an Italian gentile. “...there has been some weighty scholarly debate over
the possibility that Columbus, though undeniably a devout and zealous Catholic,
might also have been the proud descendant of Spanish Jews. Ironically, this view
has been championed by some patriotic Spaniards, who would rather have him a
Spanish Jew than an Italian gentile. There is evidence that Columbus spoke
Spanish while still living in Italy, an unusual situation unless his family had
originated in Spain. Spanish-speaking Jewish refugees from the Inquisition were
numerous in the Genoa area...."
The Papal House of Anjou financed Columbus. People classify him as a hero, but he
wasn't. He was a Roman Catholic, imperialist, greedy gold seeker. If he didn't act like
an imperialist, things might of been much different in South America, Mexico, and
Latin America. His mission to visit America was commissioned by Ferdinand and
Isabella. Both people inaugurated the Spanish Inquisition at Seville 12 years before
Columbus's first journey. One August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus began to sail from
Spain with 3 ships of the Niña, the Pinta and the Santa María. He used the maps and charts
of a dead pilot named Alonso Sanchez. He came into the island of Santo Domingo in
October 12. Martin Alonso Pinzón, the captain of the Pinta was the first to land,
followed by Vicente Yañez Pinzón, the captain of the Niña. Christopher Columbus
created colonies in San Salvador and Haiti. They did inhumane treatment toward the
Native Americans living there, which set a precedent for the conquistadors of the
following century. Even the great biographer of Columbus named Samuel Eliot
Morrision admitted that Columbus plus his allies forced people to starve and die in
Hispaniola during 1492. He said that only 60,000 Native Americans lived by 1508 and
in Ovideo, it's doubtful whether 500 Native Americans remained. When Columbus first
came ashore and was greeted by the Arawak Native Americans with smiles, gifts and
food, he wrote in his log: “They brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and
many other things … they willingly traded everything they owned … They do not bear
arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut
themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made of cane … They
would make fine servants … With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them
do whatever we want.” (Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States”). From
the very outset Columbus was writing about conquering and enslaving the natives.
Meanwhile the Arawaks, brought gifts, prepared food, and traded everything they owned.
Morrison wrote that Columbus returned to Spain as a common criminal after he was
relieved of his governship. The deluded explorer wrote a friend, 'At a time
when I was entitled to expect rewards and retirement, I was incontinently
arrested and sent home loaded with chains.' Today, many people know about
Christopher Columbus' crimes against humanity. His ships wore the emblem of the
Knights Templar since that's an old European logo. It's been said that Columbus
married a women whose related to the Knights Templar (as some researchers believe
that the Templar came into America long before Columbus did). Christopher
Columbus wrote a book called "The Book of Prophecies." He claimed it dealt
with future events and even prophecies. He wrote that the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ
will never come unless the Gospel of Jesus Christ would be preached all over the
Earth (which is true since the NT explicitly says this). He also in the book wanted a
Crusade to take back the Holy Land from Muslims to be ruled by the Papacy. This
covert Crusade is according now with the Vatican's ownership of some lands in the
Holy Land.

The Imperialism done by various nations is nothing new. Yet, the Columbian
interaction with the Western world changed the history of humankind. Humans in
terms of religious, political, agricultural, economic, scientific, and technological
interaction between the Old World and the New World starting to ascend into
extreme heights. The Rossyln Chapel has imagery of corn, aloe cactus, found on the
archways and ceiling. These plants were officially discovered in America and first
brought to Europe in the 16th century. One possibility of why these plants were
there is that Westerners and others came into ancient America before Columbus
did, which is true.

Christopher Columbus is something else.

Pope Alexander VI supported Columbus and wanted him to , " 'to bring the profess the Catholic Faith...' " This coercion of forced conversion
against people is definitely immoral since all humans have the right to the
freedom of conscience (plus the freedom of religion). This is ironic since Rodrigo
Borgia or Alexander VI would use a forged document called the Donation of Constantine
to give large parts of the North and South American continents (or West of the Cape
Verde Islands) to Spain by theft. Columbus committed adultery against his own wife by
going out with a woman named Beatrice de Haran. Haran had a child by him. Columbus
didn't marry Haran since she was a commoner and he wanted to be apart of the
aristocratic class. The harm against didn't end with Christopher Columbus. John Cabot
(He was Venetian and he worked under the British people) came into the North
American continent as early as 1497. He landed in the island of Newfoundland. Even in
during the 1970s, Bush Sr. masterminded a covert program that sterilized over 40% of
Native American women against their will and without their consent. Columbus even
forced Native Americans to be slaves and sent them into Seville in ships for a slave
market. He forced Native American people from the island of Espanola in 1495 to
surrender goods including gold ore, which is nothing more than armed robberty.
Columbus‘ law of tribune caused much of the Taino people to be murders for their gold
and the increasing of the power of admirals plus Monarchs. By 1540, the Taino abroginal
population was virtually gone. Christopher Columbus' actions are the exact way we
should not act like or conduct of every affairs. A Native American said that:
“…Christopher Columbus is a symbol, not of a man, but of imperialism. Imperialism and
colonialism are not something that happened decades or generations ago, but they are still
happening now with the exploitation of people … dispossessed from their land and forced
out of subsistence economies and into market economies – those processes are still
happening today.” -John Mohawk, Seneca, 1992
Columbus is apart of a long list of Papal/Jesuit terrorism and extremists exposed
by the new film called “A Lamp in the Dark” which is an excellent film lasting
about 3 hours talking about Erasmus, Constantine, the Jesuits, and other
important subject matter dealing with the history of the preservation of the Holy
Bible. Literally, men, women, and children shed their blood, so we could
read the Bible in our own specific tongue. “Martyr’s Mirror” is another great
book that shows the history of the martyrs of Christianity from the apostles to
around the 17th century A.D. I’ve learned a lot of information about church
history from Martyr’s Mirror alone for a myriad of years. The Jesuits have been
involved in wars and other evils. Napoleon I spoke of the Jesuits as in the
following words: “…The Jesuits are a MILITARY organization, not a religious
order. Their chief is a general of an army, not the mere father abbot of a
monastery. And the aim of this organization is power – power in its most despotic
exercise – absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the
volition of a single man [i.e., the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits].
Jesuitism is the most absolute of despotisms [sic] – and at the same time the
greatest and most enormous of abuses…" Many patriots, Christians, and other leaders
fought against imperialism plus other like minded tyrannies for centuries. So, I want to
make that clear. Even those in Denver, Colorado protested Columbus Day. Life is filled
with pain at times. So, we go through these trials and tribulations, but God-given
human resiliency can always inspire us to make extraordinary accomplishments in
our lives. Regardless of where you’re from or what background you are, you are
equal to every other human being with equal value to every other human being.

By Timothy

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