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Action Plan to Combat Reaction


a) Intensive activities are carried out by the religious reactionar y groups to erode the image of
the official institutions of the state, particularly the TS K (Turkish General Staff). Efforts are
under way to defame retired and active military staff w ho have made substantial contributions
to the TSK by making unfounded allegations against them in the context of the Ergenekon

b) Enemy Elements:

(1) regard the TSK as the sole institution capable of preventing their aim of establishing a regime
based on religious principles by disbanding Atatür k’s Principles and Revolutions and toppling
the secular, democratic and social state of law;

(2) publish, via media that support them, any information and documents seized which undermine
the TSK;

(3) attempt to depict the meetings of unity and solidarity in which the public has shown intensive
interest as having been planned by Ergenekon;

(4) claim that – under the umbrella of Ergenekon – the TSK cooperates with various terror
networ ks including PKK terror network.

(5) create false news claiming that the top level commanders are Jewish, Armenian, pro-Sebatay,

(6) broadcast audio and video recordings w hich they claim belong to TSK staff in order to keep
the public preoccupied and cause information pollution.

c) Friendly elements:

(1) systematically implement propaganda efforts, via press and publication organs, revealing
the hidden face of the religiously reactionar y groups

(2) carry out information activities in suppor t of TSK staff and their members.

(3) monitor and control the members and families of TSK staff who are believed to be
infiltrators, as well as the people they are in contact with.

(4) increase measures in the area of computer and document security.


To put an end to hesitation over this issue by revealing the hidden face of the religious
reactionary elements and to eradicate public support for such networks. To minimize the
impact of the erosive campaigns staged in the framework of Ergenekon and to put an end to
the negative propaganda against the Turkish Armed Forces." .


a) Operation Plan

(1) General Information

Information suppor t activities will be executed to make clear that the AKP government is
trying to establish a state based on Islamic Law by over throwing the secular and democratic
order. [Information support activities will be executed to] expose the truth about various
groups that support them and the radical religious groups like the Fethullah Gulen group, to
undermine public support for them, and to put an end to their activities”.

(2) Activities will be synchronized and executed in three sections

a) Plans and General Activities

(1) The propaganda to be executed will focus on the theme that there is no
opposition to religion.

(2) Actions will be carried out in a way that does not make it seem like there is an
effort to change the agenda. The religious media will not have the oppor tunity to
take up this topic.

(3) The theme, 'Fethullah Gulen supporters are out of control, attacking the Turkish
Armed forces head on,' will be pursued and work towards getting even
conservative citizens to say 'this is too much, we are all Muslims, but these
supporters of Fethullah Gulen are making provocations in order to attack the
Turkish Armed Forces' will be carried out

(4) Suspect reactionar y officers and non commissioned officers will be tipped off for
carrying out reactionar y propaganda. Subsequently, news will be published about
their morally negative character.

(5) Through fear propaganda reactionary TSK staff members w ho could not be
identified via the [above] operation will be identified by forcing them to make
mistakes or give in voluntarily.

(6) During the raids against the addresses of Gulen dormitories (ısık evleri) to be
conducted under military law, weapons, ammunitions, plans and other material
will be arranged to be found so that the Fethullah Gulen group is described as an
armed terrorist organization; Pro-Fethullah Armed Terror Organisation (FATO)
investigations will be conducted under military jurisdiction.

(7) The issue of moderate Islam will be particularly emphasized, with the fact that Fehtullah Gulen
followers act under US guidance and aim to degrade the originality of Islam being voiced intensively.

b) Media Activities

(1) Persons w ho we keep on stand- by, such as İskender Evrenseloğlu and Ömer Öngüt,
will make actions and speeches that attract public attention. [In doing so, they will
convey the sense of being] associated with FG in particular but also with other
reactionar y Islamist groups, so that the public develops a sense of similarity between
all such groups.

(2) It will be ensured that TSK staff members who are caught or w ho confess make
statements in line with the themes determined by us and that these statements
receive wide coverage in the press.

(3) News articles will be written that Turkish Armed Forces staff members arrested under
Ergenekon investigation are innocent and that they are slandered just because they
effectively fight reactionary Islam

(4) It will be ensured that figures such as Nurettin Veren make statements about the FG
group on TV programs in line with the themes requested by us.

(5) TSK staff members belonging to the Kurdoglu sect and other sects will be removed
from the TSK. This, however, will be done on the grounds that they are affiliated with
the FG group so that public opinion thinks a blow has been struck against the FG

(6) News will be published pointing out that the lack of actions by the PKK terrorist
organization against schools, classrooms and hostels of FG in Easter n and
Southeaster n Anatolia regions as well as in the north of Iraq is a clear sign that there
is a link and an agreement between the two networ ks.

(7) Negative news will be made about series such as “Kur tlar Vadisi” (The Valley of the
Wolves), “Kollama” (Protection) and “Tek Türkiye” (One Tur key), w hich are popular
among the public and which mislead public opinion on the current events. This will be
done to ensure that they lose credibility.

(8) By ensuring intense coverage of images and news of students worshipping in schools
that are par t of the National Education Ministry, the public image of the National
Education Ministry will be er oded.

(9) News will be made that AKP members have not given up on their luxurious lifestyles
at a time when the impact of the economic crisis is acutely felt in our countr y. Public
opinion would be informed of the fact that this situation “conflicts with Islamic
understanding” and that the image they try to create of being “of the people” does
not reflect reality.

(10) By keeping provocative news about Armenia and Greece constantly on the
agenda, expansion of nationalist parties’ base will be ensured.

c) Black Propaganda

(1) Voice recordings which would appear to be broadcast by the religiously
reactionary (people) yet which lead listeners to find us right will be arranged in
order to create information pollution over the issue of voice recordings, which
has recently been debated extensively.

(2) Any staff members – no matter the group to which they belong – lured into being
caught by way of their connection to certain information and documents will be
framed as FG followers in their statements. Once their names are made public in
press, news will be published about their morally negative characteristics.

(3) People possessing the most negative moral qualities will be chosen from among
the above staff members’ friends and presented as these staff members’ best
friends. It is these people w ho will be show n as emblematic of FG followers.

(4) "House raids will be carried out and it will be ensured that besides weapons and
munitions, objects are found that will point to relations with groups that
Fethullah Gulen supporters will be made to appear associated with (Jewishness,
CIA, MOSSAD, Moon Sect, Khomeini, etc)."

(7) It will be ensured that information and documents that arouse Anti-Alevite
feelings are found in such houses as part of house raids."

(8) It will be ensured that people will connect by phone to popular radio and
television programs, pretend to be outraged Fethullah Gulen followers, and say
things like, “Yes, brother, anybody who messes with us is an Ergenekon
sympathizer, it is our duty to struggle with them. No one has the power to mess
with us.”

(5) By causing key communication specialists who are AKP followers to make
contradictor y statements in public, a popular perception that the AKP suffers from
internal disagreements and rifts will be created.

Dursun Cicek

[Signat ure]

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