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Item 10.

3 – Edinburgh Leisure Creches

Council notes:

The budget pressures on Edinburgh Leisure with respect to retaining crèche

facilities at sports centres

That the Administration’s Single Outcome Agreement requires sports facilities

to be provided for all users, including parents of young children

Edinburgh Leisure’s commitment to provision for under 5’s and growing their
programme of physical activity sessions so they can have fun and stay active
independently of their parents

Edinburgh Leisure’s commitment (press release 24 November 2009) to

‘ensuring that as many people as possible in Edinburgh get started and stay
active’ and to exploring alternative delivery options for the current crèche
service. Exploration of those options has already commenced; and

That information has been provided to crèche users together with an invitation
to engage with Edinburgh Leisure should they be interested in providing the
crèche service by alternative means. Edinburgh Leisure intends meeting user
groups in January to discuss progress.

Council agrees to work with Edinburgh Leisure, private organisations, not for
profit groups and voluntary organisations to identify models to allow crèche
facilities to remain available.

Council also notes that dialogue between Edinburgh Leisure and the Council
is continuing on this and other matters.

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