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Limitless Energy from Nucleons

A long term interest going back to student days in how elements react to form products,
never resolved a nagging feeling that the chemical structure thought at university was not
reflecting the true nature of elemental makeup. In particular, there was a difficulty in
grasping the lectures which dealt with the way atoms are constructed and how the outer
electrons interacted to form molecules. The lectures left a poor grasp of many
components of the structure that could not be fully accepted and an alternative way of
looking at the atomic construct was developed and presented for discussion. The basic
idea was summarised in the “About Us” page in

The concept of energy and mass interchanging was challenged and an alternative theory
of the nucleon construct put forward. Recently, work was completed that calculated an
estimate of the energy aggregated within sub-atomic particles, that was contained by the
sub-atomic fields. A Periodic Table in terms of “Approximate Total Energy” aggregated
within the atom was tabulated using “Atomic Mass Units” (amu). See attached Graph.
The calculation used the values of an Electron being associated with an energy of
0.511MeV, the proton 938MeV and the neutron 939.7, (940)MeV. As an example only
Hydrogen contains 938.511MeV, Carbon 11271MeV, Oxygen 15028MeV, Silicon
26299MeV, Calcium 37570MeV, Iron 52601MeV,Copper 60117MeV, Silver
101450MeV, Gold 185068MeV,Lead 194458MeV, Uranium 223583MeV etc.

The calculated figures were derived from the quoted figure of an electron having
0.00054858 amu, a proton 1.00730000 amu and a neutron 1.00870000 amu. By dividing
the amu of a proton by the amu of an electron, a figure of 1.00730000 ÷ 0.00054858 =
1836.46amu i.e. the proton has about 1837 times the mass of an electron. When the mass
value of a neutron was divided by the mass value of an electron, the neutron has
1.00870000 ÷ 0.00054858 = 1839.02amu i.e. the neutron has about 1839 times the mass
of the electron. One electron is said to have an energy value of 0.511MeV so that 1
proton will have 938.46MeV of energy associated with its mass and the neutron will have
939.74MeV of energy associated with its mass. Atoms therefore, have energy aggregated
within the various sub-atomic structures that is contained there by the powerful fields that
are generated by the construct.

What is obvious from the increasing amount of energy contained within atoms of the
Periodic Table, is that elements are depositories for pure energy and the possibility of
releasing such energy to fuel useful work from any old bit of rock or substance, remains a
mot attractive commercial prospect. The current problem is to find a way to release the
energy contained within sub-atomic particles.

The requirement arises because fusion and fission, is not the best way to produce the
energy needs for humanity. Nucleons, contain vast amounts of energy when compared to
the current best means of creating energy by fusion. As an example only:
1D2 + 1T 3 = 2He4 + 17.6MeV + 0n1

Fusion reactions between Deuterium and Tritium, release 17.6MeV whereas, the
nucleons of say Silicon, contain about 26299MeV of energy that could be released by
counteracting the fields containing the energy within sub atomic particles . The larger
atoms contain many thousands of times the energy of the optimum fusion reaction
technology so that a way to tap the nucleonic energy is being considered.

Nucleonic energy is contained by fields that when weakened, will release the contents of
pure energy from the containment, to be converted into various useful forms of energy.
No radioactive release occurs from such reaction, unlike fusion and fission both of which
release radiation by products. Inexhaustible, clean energy is envisaged from any matter
that is to hand.
Approximate Total Energy
Contained in Atoms of the Periodic Table
in MeV

What is needed is to find a way to counteract precessive electromagnetic fields.

The movement of the magnetic and electric fields along whichever axis, generates a
spiral formation of energy which must exert an effect on all things in the fields
proximity. Of particular interest in precession is what happens when two such generated
fields of opposing value, interact. For instance if the electric and magnetic fields move
about a given axis in one direction and then a particle interacts with this assembly
moving in the opposite direction, then the counter precession would tend to slow each
precessive field environment down. This is exactly the effect that would be needed to
reduce the field strength of baryonic entities. Reducing the strength of containing fields
would allow the escape of energy restrained within the field boundaries

Might the matter antimatter reaction be this very process.

The matter antimatter interaction results in energy being given off and releases two (2)
gamma rays of electromagnetic radiation. Theoretically, the gamma rays ought to be
repelled, away from the site of reaction and head off into space in opposite directions.
The characteristics of each gamma ray needs to be different and directly opposite in their
details. What this means is that the gamma ray released from the matter component will
have one group of characteristics whilst the gamma ray released from the antimatter
component, will have a group of characteristics that are in effect, a mirror image of the
matter gamma ray.

This difference in characteristics is fundamentally important to the composition of the

sub nuclear structure and may be the principal factor in maintaining the mass/energy

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