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= SWAFE 'SWAFE Dynamic Power & Cooling Solutions Is 70% of your cost of managing servers revolves around keeping the lights on eg., power and cooling, maintenance, upgrades and 20% to 25% consists of the cost of the hardware? ‘Some Facts +The cost of your data center pawer and cooling can be mare than your server and storage equipment, + Today's new servers are nov producing 7o-£o times higher performance for the seme dollar ‘costs as 8-10 years ago. At the same time, the equivalent performance per watt has increased 26 times, ‘+ Arrecent study by HP and the Uptime Institute suggests that for most of the world’s data ‘centers, 63 percent of the power's associated with cooling the IT equipment ‘The increasing data center costs seem to be contradictory to the server statistics just described. What ls ceiving thi i the rising cost of power an! cooling far this equipment. CIO's ane CTO’s today are waking of a nev, cet of hurdles actoclated with these equipments and the emerging environmental eficiencies ~ data center power and cooling, in particular — of data centers. Driven primarily by the ‘growth of new blade servers detigned to minimize space use, but require at rninimum twice the ‘amount of power as traditional rack-mounted servers, and therefore more cooling, data center managers must quickly address the current and future data center povier and cooling infrastructure, or face serious disruptions to service. Distinctively, designs must ensure the total date center power delivered is suitable to supply the floor space at high energy densities. In addition, the data center cooling capacity necessary to remove the ‘total heat output must be present. Detailed designs and equipment selections should reduce ht spots and provide adequate cooling to every part ofthe data center. 'SWAFE Business Process Management Pvt, Ltd. a company wrth vision to bring technology closer to ‘people who need it most with innovative ways and make it affordable, offers five various parameters for improved energy efficiency. Reduction in energy consumption Right sizing of equipments Plan and Standardize Energy efficientdesigns Consistent Monitaring and benchmarking the seope of lmprovement

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