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Red nucleus connections

Efferent connexions
Rubrospinal tract
Rubrobulbar tract to v ,vii,iii,iv and vi
To inferior olivary nucleus
Rubroreticular tract
Rubrothalamic to VL nucleus of thalamus
Corticorubrospinal tract(indirect corticospinal
Tectospinal and tectobulbar tract
Superior colliculus

Dorsal tegmental decussation

Tectobulbar tract (crossed fibres end in pontine and
motor nuclei of extraocular muscle)
It is connected to nucleus of Cajal and nuclei of
posterior commissure
Also connected to iii, iv,v, vi and vestibulocochlear
Probably connected to facial and hypoglossal nuclei
for harmonious movements of lips and tongue in
Spinal nucleus of xi nerve
Coordination of eye and head movements in response
to stimulation of vestibulocochlear nerve
Inferior colliculus
Lateral lemniscus to inferior colliculus to medial
geniculate body (ipsilateral) to auditory radiation to
auditory cortex(42 Area)
Intercollicular commissure
To superior colliculus and tectospinal and
tectotegmental tracts
Auditory reflexes and localization of sounds
Superior colliculus
 i)retina(vision)
ii) spinal cord(pain and temperature)
iii) inferior colliculus(auditory)
Iv)occipital and temporal cortex(commanding and
modulating pathway)
Pretectal nucleus
From optic tract and occipital and preoccipital lobes
to both Edinger Westphal nuclei for direct and
consensual light reflexes.lesion causes Argyll
Robertson pupil(accomodation reflex present)
Substantia nigra
Connected to cortex,spinal cord.hypothalamus and
basal nuclei
Corticonigral fibres from pre and postcentral gyrus
Strionigral pathway
From subthalamus and mamillary peduncles
Nigrostriatal pathway
Nigroreticular pathway
Nigropallidal pathway

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