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® Asia: Japan • China • Taiwan • Korea • Malaysia • Singapore • Indonesia • India

SUPER Therm Europe: Italy • Germany • France • Belgium • Netherlands • Turkey
International Test Listings and Approvals • Greece • Spain • Russia • Ukraine
Middle East: Saudi Arabia • UAE • Oman
South America: Venezuela • Colombia • Brazil • Argentina • Chile
SUPER THERM® has been rigorously field tested and meets the highest standards. The unique formula is UL, FM, ABS,
IMO and Coast Guard approved and a VOC Compliant water-based coating. SUPER THERM® has a Class A Fire Rating Central America: Mexico • Panama • Puerto Rico • Costa Rica
against flame and smoke. Plus, it is USDA approved for use in and around food preparation areas.

SUPER THERM® outperforms traditional insulation. It counters all three forms of heat ra d iation, convection and
Africa: Egypt • Nigeria • Tanzania • South Africa • Angola WHEN IT COMES TO INSULATING
conduction. Traditional insulation only controls conduction. Experience the insulating power of SUPER THERM®.
Australia • New Zealand • Mexico • Canada • U.S.A.
The test piece was taken from
a roof in January 2006 where
SUPER THERM® was applied in
1989, and tested at Building
Material Test Center in Japan.
The climate is very severe in this
area with 38° C (100° F) in the
summer, sand storms, very
strong sun radiation, and -21° C
(-5° F) in the winter with snow
and ice.

The reflectance of near infrared

is 67.1%, but this is because
the SUPER THERM® at that
time did not contain the fourth
in 2000 and designed to block With the ability to protect from all 3 methods of heat transfer, SUPER THERM® is proven to outperform
infrared rays. Therefore, the traditional fiberglass insulation. In fact, a layer of SUPER THERM® no thicker than a single business card
result with the current SUPER
THERM® will be better.
provides the same protection as 6 inches of fiberglass. And while a moisture content of 1.5% in fiberglass reduces
its effectiveness by 35%, SUPER THERM® is specifically formulated to prevent moisture absorption. • Blocks 95% of Heat Load (blocks the absorption
and transfer of heat)
In Japan, university testing was performed on twenty one reflective coating in the market. Their average beginning reflectivi- SUPER THERM® is durable and versatile, with a 20-year lifespan under normal conditions. Neither temperature — 99% of Ultra Violet Radiation (UV)
ty was 80%. After 591 days (1.5 years), reflectivity was reduced to 58%. This is an accurate view of most all reflective coatings
nor moisture will compromise its performance. SUPER THERM® outperforms and outlasts traditional insulation
in the world market. — 92% of Visual Light (Short Wave Radiation)
in lab tests and on the field.
SUPER THERM® ’s solar reflectivity at the new stage was 92.2%, so the reduction in 15 years was less than 20%. (92.2-73=19.2)
— 99.5% of Infra Red (Long Wave Radiation)
This result proves that SUPER THERM®’s durability in reflectivity is by far excellent. SUPER THERM® is the most unique and effective insulation and • Blocks Water and Moisture Penetration—certified
SUPER THERM ’s solar reflectance after 15 years was 73%. The reduction of solar reflectance in 3 years tested for the Energy
® weatherization material in the market. and tested water barrier
Star Program by the EPA was only 0.01%.
• Blocks Mold, Mildew, Wood Rot
• Blocks Air Infiltration—permanently flexible
windbreaker and wind barrier
• Blocks 68% of All Sound Waves—sound deadening
Superior Products
International II, Inc®. • Blocks Flame Spread and Smoke—Class “A” Fire Rating ("0" Flame Spread and Smoke)
Tests prove it.
SUPER THERM® is • Interior insulation by emissivity (0.91), moisture
The right coating for ultimate protection.™ block and air block to hold convective heat inside
the better option.
Superior Products a room
International II, Inc.
Challenge: No other insulation or weatherization material in the market has the facts, tests results and field studies to compare
with SUPER THERM®. There is no product in the world market with the proof of performance equal to SUPER THERM®. Forget
the pretty brochures and advertising media and look at the facts to see the real value of SUPER THERM®.

1. High Re f l ectivity of Ra d i ation Heat 12. State of California Cool Roof Program p. G53 1000 hours UV Exposed 21. ECAP Re po rt–Florida Energy Of f ic e k. External Surface Energy Flow Analysis 27. SUPER THERM has been applied over j. Wh ite paint could not throw off the studs, braces and joist. Transfer of average beginning solar re f l ectance
Tran s fer (sum of all three ra d iat i o n a. Approved and listed q. D 7088 (Su perseded Fe d e ral DENVER COLORADO LOCATION shown by Tons (12,000 BTU) being lost 70,000,000 sq. f t. of roofing in Japan and all loading heat even though it had good h e at either being lost or gained is was 80.8%. After on ly 571 days (1.5
waves) is 95% to bl ock the loading of heat 13. State of California Bureau of Home Specification TT-P-1411A Paint) hydro- a. Reduction of 202 BTU load over roo f through the external surfaces from inside of the 70 million sq.ft. has been data emissivity of .70. bl oc ked thro u gh these areas. Un l i ke years), the solar reflectance of their
onto the surface. Furnishings and Th e r mal Insulation static pressure resistance of a submitted and wall surfaces. the container. Without SUPER THERM is logged to ch eck pe r fo r mance (be fo re k. The Low E and fibe rglass, due to their all the sta n d a rd insulation materials surfaces had dropped to 54.8%. This is
a. U V re p r es en t s 3 % o f h e at l o a d a. License Number TE 1392 water proof coating over concrete interior b. Over the 24 hour test pe r i od, total cloud 7.78 and with SUPER THERM is only 3.39 and after). No other insulation type characteristics, load heat and then hold that are applied between studs, braces typical of re f l e c t ive coatings in the
SUPER THERM blocks 99% of hea t 14. S tate of Flo r i da Energy Re b ate surface to prevent exterior rain driven cover and still produced a 26% savings in for a savings in tonnage of 4.39 tons of A/C. material has been field te sted as this heat wh ich develops and loads and joist and allows heat tra n s fer world market.
generated by UV. Program water from penetrating the wall from energy usage for heat /cool. l. “ SUPER THERM product concerning ex te n s ive ly as SU PER THERM. into the ambient interior temperat u re through these areas. 38. W I N T E R: SU PER THERM hol d s
b. Visual Light (short wave radiat i o n ) a. Qualifies for a pe rcentage reduction ex terior to interior during construction. c. SUPER THERM sealed and reduced load and reductions produced by thermal 28. Japanese Government in an effort with by the end of the day. 35. SUPER THERM applied over air duct s heat inside the ro om in the winter by
re p resents 40% of heat load-SUPER from cost of coating subst rates r. D 6904 resistance to wind driven rain m o i st u re load into the surfaces and conduction, convection and absorption Sony Corporation did a joint effort with the l. As a measure of the impo rtance of and A/C boxes on the tops of roofs will not loading the heat wh ich would be
THERM blocks 92% of heat genera te d 15. Su pe r ior Pro d u cts Inte r national II, for exterior coatings applied to masonry therefore into the building. WERE SIGNIFICANT”—re po rted by the National Electricity Saving Committee to making a 6° F drop in temp inside the maintain the temperat u re inside the box abs o r bed into the wall to be transfe rred
by Visual Light. Inc. is an active member of the NRCA w ithout bl ock filler in te st bl oc k s . d. 25% of heating and cooling cost is Energy Spe c ia l i st Alexander E. Othmer study SUPER THERM and how it could t railers, a study and report from to ambient instead of the 160° F it now and lost to the cold. The ceramics will not
c. I n f ra red (long wave ra d iat i o n ) (National Roofing Contractors Assoc) Su perseded Federal Specification TT-C- dehumidification. CEA/CBA/NDE III. save energy cost. ConEdison on moving the thermostat experiences. Inside the box is wh e re load the heat and allow the normal
re p resents 57% of heat load-SUPER 16. A S T M TEST LISTINGS: 555 B. SUPER THERM is a certified wa ter e. Standard building constructed and coated m. As expressed by Mr. Othmer at the a. 40 ,30 0 sq.m (434 , 636 sq. f t.) of 6° F in a home would make a 39% savings the coils are trying to unload heat. transfer.
THERM blocks 99% of heat genera te d a. B117/D 1654 Salt Fog (400 hours and barrier. with wh ite paint required 1,037 BTU to conclusion of this re po rt: “This is the third manufacturing space is chosen to coat. in energy bill expense. Makes the system work more efficient. 39. Stops mold and mildew development
by Infrared. 2000 hours)–passed s. D-3274 numerical basis for rating the maintain comfort. time we have had the pleasure to te st b. Currently rockwook is used as insulation. 32. Con d e n s ation cont rol over its surface. Tested and field uses
2. H i gh Th e r m al E m m it an c e to b. C 236 - 8 9 (93 ) Thermal d eg ree of fungal growth or mold and dirt f. SUPER THERM coated building required SUPER THERM PRODUCTS, it is rare c. Factory takes 30% of all electrical cost a. Not only does SUPER THERM cover over concrete surfaces in car wash on
t h row off heat that has loaded onto Tr a n s m i t t a n c e / C o n d u c t a n c e accumulation on paint films. Resist the 766 BTU to maintain comfort – 26-30% that a single products will show such for A/C. and control the loss and gain of heat and No other insulation type material bottom section of parking garage in the
it ’s surface. SUPER THERM has a i. Fiberglass 0.52 K development of mold and mildew and savings. Re peatable Re s u lts in three to ta l ly d. Re s ults of Energy Saving Cost Savings p ro tecting cold in ducting, due to has been field tested as extensively Munich Airport.
thermal emittance of 0.91. ii. SUPER THERM in one coat 0.31 K not allow the growth over it’s surface. g. SUPER THERM reduces the Heat Island d i f fe rent environments, South Florida, was 736,704 kWh/year X 15yen/kWh = the ab i l ity to control the surface as SUPER THERM. 40. Sound Proofing: STC testing conducted
iii. SUPER THERM in two coats 0.21 K Score 9 out of 10. Effects. Denver, Colorado and LaPorte, Texas a true 11,050,560 yen/year ($96, 092 USD). temperatures, it controls the condensation by VTEC labs in NY found a rating of 50
REGISTRATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS: c. C411 High -Tempe rat u re Su r face t. E90 Standard Me t h od for Laboratory 22. ECAP Report– F lo r i da Energy Of f ic e– testimonial to your products’ ENERGY e. ROI (Payback period on the cost of the t hat would normally develop due at 800 to 1300 Hz. SUPER THERM
3. A m e r ic an Bu reau of Shipping (ABS) Performance Me a s u rement of Airborne Sound Miami Flo r i da Lo c ation–only roof was STAR rating.” SUPER THERM system) is 1.06 years or to the dew point oc c u rring. SUPER 36. SUPER THERM covered over the applied at the standard thickness of 10 mils.
a. Passed SOLAS 1974 (as amended) Transmission Loss of Building Partitions coated for test 24. Re po rted, shown and discussed as 13 months. THERM is a tested and certified w a t e r ex terior concre te surfaces of walls in a. Ty p ical STC Ratings: 2x4 or 24”
re q u i rements for paints/finish 20th Century Insulation Theory: “R” u. E413 Standard Classific ation for a. SUPER THERM reduced solar heat load the only insulation mate r ial used on 29. Nissan Plant in Yokoh a ma, Jap an is b a rrier as well as an insulation material a nine story apartment in Mu n ich, c e n ters, 3/8-5/8 inch wa l l board, rock
m ate r ials requiring compliance wit h value – load heat and then resist heat De termination of Sound Transmission by 20-30%. container homes being built in Florida by 2,200,000 sq. f t. and coated with SUPER there f o re bl ocking the normal effect that Ge r m a ny dropped the heating cost by wool or fibe rglass batting is 30-42.
Pa rts 2 (Smoke & Tox ic ity) and 5 transfer through the material. Class. b. Reduced interior ambient temperature the B ob Vi la building show aired in THERM. relative humidity has with the ambient 30 %. SUPER THERM seals the concrete b. National Building Code requires that
(Surface Flammability) of the IMO FTP 17. NASA (National Ae ronautics and of rooms by 2.3° F (with the roof coated). 2006 from Tampa, Flo r i da. Found on 30. BTU testing under test method ASTM E te m pe rat u re in developing the dew from air flow and moisture gain wh ich part itions separating dwelling units
Code, Res.MSC.61(67). Space Administration) Te sting: ConEdison re po rts that a 6° reduction in Bo b 1461-92, Thermal diffusiv ity and E1269, point and condensation. are two of the problems with concrete meet an STC 50.
21th Century Insulation Theory :
b. U.S. Ty pe Ap p ro val Cert i f ic ate a. N ASA 8060.1B/C Test 1 Flammability thermostat will produce a 39% saving in 25. SUPER THERM used to glue wall boards differential scanning calorimeter. 33. As re po rted by the ASHRAE (American surfaces and insulation. 41. Ce rti f i ed as Env i ron m e nta l ly
No. SL520997-a
BLOCK HEAT LOAD. Prevent heat load test, Class A , “0” Flame Spread utility cost. Provided full roof coated, this to steel studs in steel facility construction a. Standard metal test plate allowed 367.20 S ociety of He ating, Refrigerating and Air- 37. Durability: SUPER THERM rechecked Safe and He a lthy and Energy
c. E.C. Type Ap p ro val Cert i f ic ate into the surface to reduce heat that is b. N ASA 8060.1C Te st 7 Tox ic Off- could be a 5-6° drop in ambient inside the and offer fire resistance. BTU to load and conduct thro u gh . Conditioning Engineers, Inc) in their by an archite c t u ral firm in Tokyo. A Effic i e nt with Eco- Ef fective Design
No. 04-CH 468315-MED1 available for transfer. gassing Test, K rated (no of f-gassing). home giving the 39% savings. a. Performed by William B. Gleckman b. Sta n d a rd metal te st plate with single 90.1 Code for wrapping metal ducting roof ten years old was rech ec ked a. C r a d l e t o C r a d l e D e s i g n
d. U.S. Coast Guard Product Approval 18. ABS (Americ an Bu re au of c. Solar gain on roof: Without SUPER Arch ite c t, NY, NY; testing performed by coat of SUPER THERM allowed 3.99 and other metal structures. The R19-R for pe r fo r m ance and found to Certific ation “Gold” by MBDC LLC,
No. 164.112/EC1347/4368315/EC0729 d. C412 Tensile Pro pe rties–444 psi Shipping), IMO (Inte r national THERM is 206 BTU’s. With SUPER VTEC Labs, Bro n x, NY. BTU to load and conduct thro u gh . 21 Fibe rglass wrap, as shown on a chart b e i d e ntical to the heat blo c k i n g which is a product and process design
4. Energy Star Program e. D522 Ma n d rel Bend on metal or Marine Organization), and US Coast THERM is 85 BTU’s. 26. J a p a n e s e Te s t i n g r e s u l t s : 31. Wal-Ma rt Testing performed at their own in the cod e, is effectively only a R 7.4 due ability when new. The four ceramics firm dedicated to re volutionizing the
Ap p roved Partner/ Ap p roved Prod u c t rubber materials Guard Approval: d. UV absorption : Without SUPER THERM a. Sony – K oda Factory: Coated one of their corporate fa c i l ity on their own trailers. to the inability of fibe rglass to seal the in SUPER THERM are designed to design of products and services
a. Only 0.6% drop in reflectivity over a f. D1653 Water Va por Permeability 3% a. IMO A. 653 (16) Flame Spread–passed is 98.0. With SUPER THERM is 03.0 buildings with SUPER THERM and a. One trailer was the control with nothing surface and cover effectively. If this wrap bl ock the loading of heat. This worldwide that was founded by William
3 year roof test period (2% over 10 years). g. D3273-82T/ D3274 Fungal Resistance b. MSC 41 Smoke Tox ic it y–passed 23. ECAP Report–Florida Energy Office – m e a s u red aga i n st year be f o re. Previous over the roof to block heat. is compressed into position as is means that it is not just a reflector of McDonough and Dr. Michael Braunga rt
5. ICC (International Code Council) h .D 4 0 6 0 Ab r a s i o n Re s i s t a n c e 19. Japanese Testing (Jap anese Institute La Po rte, Texas Lo c ation–Metal Shipping year in month of May used 3767 KW and b. One trailer was coated with wh ite paint. n o r m a l ly the case when installed, heat but will not allow the loading of to pro m o te and shape the “Nex t
BOCA Legacy Report. i. E 84/NFPA 255/UL723/UBC42- of Technology): Containers June used 5647 KW. Following year after c. One trailer was coated with SUPER the compression will reduce the heat even when the surface becomes I n d u st r ial Re volution" thro u gh the
6. USDA (United States Dept. of Agriculture) 1/ANSI2.5/FM E 84 – Flame Spread / a. JIS A 5759 Reflectivity Light and a. Coated containers resulted in 46%-52% coating with SUPER THERM, May used THERM at 8 mils. R value by 40% or more again and there- dirty as happened on the roof in an introduction of a new design paradigm
a. USDA approved product for use Smoke–“0” Class A or 1 Radiation reduction in conduction re l ated energy 519 KW and June used 1869 KW. A 75% d. One trailer was fitted with 3 inches of by having an effective R value of only industrial area. called Cradle to Cradle Design and the
inside food facilities. j. E 84-89 Flame spread/ Smoke i. Vi s u a l L i g h t Ra t i o n – 9 2 . 2 % loads. savings on KW or actual cost of energ y Low E (foil/bubble pack). 4.4 for the 6 to 8 inches used. a. Later a section of roofing wh e re implementation of eco-effective design
7. Marine App rovals of World-wide Development–Flame “0” and Smoke “0” ii. Long Wave Radiation (Infrared)–99.5% b. BTU per sq.ft.per hour loads dropped in real dollars. e. One trailer was fitted with 3 inches of a. SUPER THERM covers 100% of SUPER THERM had been applied 15 principles.
Sa lt Water and Ma r itime Use k. E 96 Water Va por Transmission– 20. China Ce nter for Technical Testing: from 606 BTU to 295 BTU or 311 BTU b. Hitachi Electric: Roof–Uncoated temp was fiberglass. the area including suppo rts and years earlier was re te sted by the b. Qualifies for LEEDS Points (Platinum
a. DNV (Det Norske Veritas) Less than .01 a. National Me a s u rement M0729 reduction. 82° C facing sun, after coated temp was 47° C f. Me a s u rements were ta ken over the configurations. Not affe c ted by Japanese Instit u te of Te chnology and Rating) under the The Leadership in
8. Factory Mutual App rova l l. E108 Flame Spread on Pitched Roof b. GB/T 1771-91 Re s i stance to Salt Fog c. Interior ambient registered 22° cooler c. Sekisui : Actual room temp changes: l a st full week of Au g u st in 2001. compression nor moist u re. Since found Solar re f l ectance ma i ntained at Energy and Enviro n m e n tal Design
a. Tested and approved for Metal Roofing –passed (2000 hours)–passed d. Thermal conductance to outside Uncoated: 43° C After coating: 31° C on g. These were 53 foot trailers and the back fiberglass is designed to load the heat 84.1% af ter 15 years in a harsh (LEED) Green Building Rating System™ -
9. GSA App roval for Fed e ral Uses m.E903-96 Spe c t ral Re f l e c tance 80% c. GB/T 1866-88 Manual Aging environment was 50% less interior ambient. d oors were left open during the testing and and absorb it, this is a major problem environment. the nationally accepted benchmark for
10. UL (Underwriters Labo ratory, Inc.) and 0.6% loss after three ye a r s (2000 hours)–passed e. External surface temperature was 47° cooler. d. Yo ko hama Ti re– Ru bber: Ac t u a l placed side by side. w ith heat transfer and loss as compared b. ENERGY STAR testing on SUPER the design, construction, and ope ration
approval weathering. d. GB/T 10834-88 Re s i stance to Salt f. Internal surface temperature was 37° cooler. i n terior room temp cha n ges: Un c o ated: h. Data loggers were used to record the to SUPER THERM that is designed THERM: Beginning was 80%. After of high performance green buildings.
11. ECAP Repo rt: Energy Conservation n. E 1269 Heat Capacity by Differential Water (1000 hours)–passed g. UV absorption rate was 92% less. 47° C and after coated: 28° C. ambient temperat u res inside the trailers to prevent the “loading of heat” as the three years, it was 79.4%. Most reflective
A s s i stance Prog ra m Department of Scanning Colorimeter e. GB/T 5219-85 Adhesion (pulling h. Internal Moisture levels was 28.5% dryer. e. Kirin Brewery: Actual interior room temp each day. insulation method. If one bl ocks the coatings and mate r ials listed on the tested
Energy-Un ited States of Americ a - o. E 1461 (92) Th e r m a l Diffusiv ity/ apart method) – 4.07 MPa i. Un c o ated container surface moist u re changes: Uncoated: 63° Cand after coated: 48° C. i. Result: SUPER THERM outperformed loading of heat, then there is no heat to p roduct listing had dro p ped by 10%
Florida Energy Office Conductivity by Flash Method–reduced f. GB/T 1733.93 Boiling Wate r reading was 68%. Coated Container was 33%. f. Pa n a s o n ic–Matsushita Electric: Roo f c o n s i stently the other trailer ambient absorb, transfer and lose. to 40% in the three year pe r i od.
367.20 BTU conduction to 3.99 Immersion (8 hours)–passed j. To cool the container coated with SUPER surface temp changes: Uncoated: 70° C and temps by a minimum of 6° F and as much 34. SUPER THERM covers all surfaces of c. Independent te sting performed in
THERM would require 46%-52% less energy. coated 46° C. as 11° F . a wall, ro of or surfa c e, which includes Japan on 21 reflective coatings and the
Challenge: No other insulation or weatherization material in the market has the facts, tests results and field studies to compare
with SUPER THERM®. There is no product in the world market with the proof of performance equal to SUPER THERM®. Forget
the pretty brochures and advertising media and look at the facts to see the real value of SUPER THERM®.

1. High Re f l ectivity of Ra d i ation Heat 12. State of California Cool Roof Program p. G53 1000 hours UV Exposed 21. ECAP Re po rt–Florida Energy Of f ic e k. External Surface Energy Flow Analysis 27. SUPER THERM has been applied over j. Wh ite paint could not throw off the studs, braces and joist. Transfer of average beginning solar re f l ectance
Tran s fer (sum of all three ra d iat i o n a. Approved and listed q. D 7088 (Su perseded Fe d e ral DENVER COLORADO LOCATION shown by Tons (12,000 BTU) being lost 70,000,000 sq. f t. of roofing in Japan and all loading heat even though it had good h e at either being lost or gained is was 80.8%. After on ly 571 days (1.5
waves) is 95% to bl ock the loading of heat 13. State of California Bureau of Home Specification TT-P-1411A Paint) hydro- a. Reduction of 202 BTU load over roo f through the external surfaces from inside of the 70 million sq.ft. has been data emissivity of .70. bl oc ked thro u gh these areas. Un l i ke years), the solar reflectance of their
onto the surface. Furnishings and Th e r mal Insulation static pressure resistance of a submitted and wall surfaces. the container. Without SUPER THERM is logged to ch eck pe r fo r mance (be fo re k. The Low E and fibe rglass, due to their all the sta n d a rd insulation materials surfaces had dropped to 54.8%. This is
a. U V re p r es en t s 3 % o f h e at l o a d a. License Number TE 1392 water proof coating over concrete interior b. Over the 24 hour test pe r i od, total cloud 7.78 and with SUPER THERM is only 3.39 and after). No other insulation type characteristics, load heat and then hold that are applied between studs, braces typical of re f l e c t ive coatings in the
SUPER THERM blocks 99% of hea t 14. S tate of Flo r i da Energy Re b ate surface to prevent exterior rain driven cover and still produced a 26% savings in for a savings in tonnage of 4.39 tons of A/C. material has been field te sted as this heat wh ich develops and loads and joist and allows heat tra n s fer world market.
generated by UV. Program water from penetrating the wall from energy usage for heat /cool. l. “ SUPER THERM product concerning ex te n s ive ly as SU PER THERM. into the ambient interior temperat u re through these areas. 38. W I N T E R: SU PER THERM hol d s
b. Visual Light (short wave radiat i o n ) a. Qualifies for a pe rcentage reduction ex terior to interior during construction. c. SUPER THERM sealed and reduced load and reductions produced by thermal 28. Japanese Government in an effort with by the end of the day. 35. SUPER THERM applied over air duct s heat inside the ro om in the winter by
re p resents 40% of heat load-SUPER from cost of coating subst rates r. D 6904 resistance to wind driven rain m o i st u re load into the surfaces and conduction, convection and absorption Sony Corporation did a joint effort with the l. As a measure of the impo rtance of and A/C boxes on the tops of roofs will not loading the heat wh ich would be
THERM blocks 92% of heat genera te d 15. Su pe r ior Pro d u cts Inte r national II, for exterior coatings applied to masonry therefore into the building. WERE SIGNIFICANT”—re po rted by the National Electricity Saving Committee to making a 6° F drop in temp inside the maintain the temperat u re inside the box abs o r bed into the wall to be transfe rred
by Visual Light. Inc. is an active member of the NRCA w ithout bl ock filler in te st bl oc k s . d. 25% of heating and cooling cost is Energy Spe c ia l i st Alexander E. Othmer study SUPER THERM and how it could t railers, a study and report from to ambient instead of the 160° F it now and lost to the cold. The ceramics will not
c. I n f ra red (long wave ra d iat i o n ) (National Roofing Contractors Assoc) Su perseded Federal Specification TT-C- dehumidification. CEA/CBA/NDE III. save energy cost. ConEdison on moving the thermostat experiences. Inside the box is wh e re load the heat and allow the normal
re p resents 57% of heat load-SUPER 16. A S T M TEST LISTINGS: 555 B. SUPER THERM is a certified wa ter e. Standard building constructed and coated m. As expressed by Mr. Othmer at the a. 40 ,30 0 sq.m (434 , 636 sq. f t.) of 6° F in a home would make a 39% savings the coils are trying to unload heat. transfer.
THERM blocks 99% of heat genera te d a. B117/D 1654 Salt Fog (400 hours and barrier. with wh ite paint required 1,037 BTU to conclusion of this re po rt: “This is the third manufacturing space is chosen to coat. in energy bill expense. Makes the system work more efficient. 39. Stops mold and mildew development
by Infrared. 2000 hours)–passed s. D-3274 numerical basis for rating the maintain comfort. time we have had the pleasure to te st b. Currently rockwook is used as insulation. 32. Con d e n s ation cont rol over its surface. Tested and field uses
2. H i gh Th e r m al E m m it an c e to b. C 236 - 8 9 (93 ) Thermal d eg ree of fungal growth or mold and dirt f. SUPER THERM coated building required SUPER THERM PRODUCTS, it is rare c. Factory takes 30% of all electrical cost a. Not only does SUPER THERM cover over concrete surfaces in car wash on
t h row off heat that has loaded onto Tr a n s m i t t a n c e / C o n d u c t a n c e accumulation on paint films. Resist the 766 BTU to maintain comfort – 26-30% that a single products will show such for A/C. and control the loss and gain of heat and No other insulation type material bottom section of parking garage in the
it ’s surface. SUPER THERM has a i. Fiberglass 0.52 K development of mold and mildew and savings. Re peatable Re s u lts in three to ta l ly d. Re s ults of Energy Saving Cost Savings p ro tecting cold in ducting, due to has been field tested as extensively Munich Airport.
thermal emittance of 0.91. ii. SUPER THERM in one coat 0.31 K not allow the growth over it’s surface. g. SUPER THERM reduces the Heat Island d i f fe rent environments, South Florida, was 736,704 kWh/year X 15yen/kWh = the ab i l ity to control the surface as SUPER THERM. 40. Sound Proofing: STC testing conducted
iii. SUPER THERM in two coats 0.21 K Score 9 out of 10. Effects. Denver, Colorado and LaPorte, Texas a true 11,050,560 yen/year ($96, 092 USD). temperatures, it controls the condensation by VTEC labs in NY found a rating of 50
REGISTRATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS: c. C411 High -Tempe rat u re Su r face t. E90 Standard Me t h od for Laboratory 22. ECAP Report– F lo r i da Energy Of f ic e– testimonial to your products’ ENERGY e. ROI (Payback period on the cost of the t hat would normally develop due at 800 to 1300 Hz. SUPER THERM
3. A m e r ic an Bu reau of Shipping (ABS) Performance Me a s u rement of Airborne Sound Miami Flo r i da Lo c ation–only roof was STAR rating.” SUPER THERM system) is 1.06 years or to the dew point oc c u rring. SUPER 36. SUPER THERM covered over the applied at the standard thickness of 10 mils.
a. Passed SOLAS 1974 (as amended) Transmission Loss of Building Partitions coated for test 24. Re po rted, shown and discussed as 13 months. THERM is a tested and certified w a t e r ex terior concre te surfaces of walls in a. Ty p ical STC Ratings: 2x4 or 24”
re q u i rements for paints/finish 20th Century Insulation Theory: “R” u. E413 Standard Classific ation for a. SUPER THERM reduced solar heat load the only insulation mate r ial used on 29. Nissan Plant in Yokoh a ma, Jap an is b a rrier as well as an insulation material a nine story apartment in Mu n ich, c e n ters, 3/8-5/8 inch wa l l board, rock
m ate r ials requiring compliance wit h value – load heat and then resist heat De termination of Sound Transmission by 20-30%. container homes being built in Florida by 2,200,000 sq. f t. and coated with SUPER there f o re bl ocking the normal effect that Ge r m a ny dropped the heating cost by wool or fibe rglass batting is 30-42.
Pa rts 2 (Smoke & Tox ic ity) and 5 transfer through the material. Class. b. Reduced interior ambient temperature the B ob Vi la building show aired in THERM. relative humidity has with the ambient 30 %. SUPER THERM seals the concrete b. National Building Code requires that
(Surface Flammability) of the IMO FTP 17. NASA (National Ae ronautics and of rooms by 2.3° F (with the roof coated). 2006 from Tampa, Flo r i da. Found on 30. BTU testing under test method ASTM E te m pe rat u re in developing the dew from air flow and moisture gain wh ich part itions separating dwelling units
Code, Res.MSC.61(67). Space Administration) Te sting: ConEdison re po rts that a 6° reduction in Bo b 1461-92, Thermal diffusiv ity and E1269, point and condensation. are two of the problems with concrete meet an STC 50.
21th Century Insulation Theory :
b. U.S. Ty pe Ap p ro val Cert i f ic ate a. N ASA 8060.1B/C Test 1 Flammability thermostat will produce a 39% saving in 25. SUPER THERM used to glue wall boards differential scanning calorimeter. 33. As re po rted by the ASHRAE (American surfaces and insulation. 41. Ce rti f i ed as Env i ron m e nta l ly
No. SL520997-a
BLOCK HEAT LOAD. Prevent heat load test, Class A , “0” Flame Spread utility cost. Provided full roof coated, this to steel studs in steel facility construction a. Standard metal test plate allowed 367.20 S ociety of He ating, Refrigerating and Air- 37. Durability: SUPER THERM rechecked Safe and He a lthy and Energy
c. E.C. Type Ap p ro val Cert i f ic ate into the surface to reduce heat that is b. N ASA 8060.1C Te st 7 Tox ic Off- could be a 5-6° drop in ambient inside the and offer fire resistance. BTU to load and conduct thro u gh . Conditioning Engineers, Inc) in their by an archite c t u ral firm in Tokyo. A Effic i e nt with Eco- Ef fective Design
No. 04-CH 468315-MED1 available for transfer. gassing Test, K rated (no of f-gassing). home giving the 39% savings. a. Performed by William B. Gleckman b. Sta n d a rd metal te st plate with single 90.1 Code for wrapping metal ducting roof ten years old was rech ec ked a. C r a d l e t o C r a d l e D e s i g n
d. U.S. Coast Guard Product Approval 18. ABS (Americ an Bu re au of c. Solar gain on roof: Without SUPER Arch ite c t, NY, NY; testing performed by coat of SUPER THERM allowed 3.99 and other metal structures. The R19-R for pe r fo r m ance and found to Certific ation “Gold” by MBDC LLC,
No. 164.112/EC1347/4368315/EC0729 d. C412 Tensile Pro pe rties–444 psi Shipping), IMO (Inte r national THERM is 206 BTU’s. With SUPER VTEC Labs, Bro n x, NY. BTU to load and conduct thro u gh . 21 Fibe rglass wrap, as shown on a chart b e i d e ntical to the heat blo c k i n g which is a product and process design
4. Energy Star Program e. D522 Ma n d rel Bend on metal or Marine Organization), and US Coast THERM is 85 BTU’s. 26. J a p a n e s e Te s t i n g r e s u l t s : 31. Wal-Ma rt Testing performed at their own in the cod e, is effectively only a R 7.4 due ability when new. The four ceramics firm dedicated to re volutionizing the
Ap p roved Partner/ Ap p roved Prod u c t rubber materials Guard Approval: d. UV absorption : Without SUPER THERM a. Sony – K oda Factory: Coated one of their corporate fa c i l ity on their own trailers. to the inability of fibe rglass to seal the in SUPER THERM are designed to design of products and services
a. Only 0.6% drop in reflectivity over a f. D1653 Water Va por Permeability 3% a. IMO A. 653 (16) Flame Spread–passed is 98.0. With SUPER THERM is 03.0 buildings with SUPER THERM and a. One trailer was the control with nothing surface and cover effectively. If this wrap bl ock the loading of heat. This worldwide that was founded by William
3 year roof test period (2% over 10 years). g. D3273-82T/ D3274 Fungal Resistance b. MSC 41 Smoke Tox ic it y–passed 23. ECAP Report–Florida Energy Office – m e a s u red aga i n st year be f o re. Previous over the roof to block heat. is compressed into position as is means that it is not just a reflector of McDonough and Dr. Michael Braunga rt
5. ICC (International Code Council) h .D 4 0 6 0 Ab r a s i o n Re s i s t a n c e 19. Japanese Testing (Jap anese Institute La Po rte, Texas Lo c ation–Metal Shipping year in month of May used 3767 KW and b. One trailer was coated with wh ite paint. n o r m a l ly the case when installed, heat but will not allow the loading of to pro m o te and shape the “Nex t
BOCA Legacy Report. i. E 84/NFPA 255/UL723/UBC42- of Technology): Containers June used 5647 KW. Following year after c. One trailer was coated with SUPER the compression will reduce the heat even when the surface becomes I n d u st r ial Re volution" thro u gh the
6. USDA (United States Dept. of Agriculture) 1/ANSI2.5/FM E 84 – Flame Spread / a. JIS A 5759 Reflectivity Light and a. Coated containers resulted in 46%-52% coating with SUPER THERM, May used THERM at 8 mils. R value by 40% or more again and there- dirty as happened on the roof in an introduction of a new design paradigm
a. USDA approved product for use Smoke–“0” Class A or 1 Radiation reduction in conduction re l ated energy 519 KW and June used 1869 KW. A 75% d. One trailer was fitted with 3 inches of by having an effective R value of only industrial area. called Cradle to Cradle Design and the
inside food facilities. j. E 84-89 Flame spread/ Smoke i. Vi s u a l L i g h t Ra t i o n – 9 2 . 2 % loads. savings on KW or actual cost of energ y Low E (foil/bubble pack). 4.4 for the 6 to 8 inches used. a. Later a section of roofing wh e re implementation of eco-effective design
7. Marine App rovals of World-wide Development–Flame “0” and Smoke “0” ii. Long Wave Radiation (Infrared)–99.5% b. BTU per sq.ft.per hour loads dropped in real dollars. e. One trailer was fitted with 3 inches of a. SUPER THERM covers 100% of SUPER THERM had been applied 15 principles.
Sa lt Water and Ma r itime Use k. E 96 Water Va por Transmission– 20. China Ce nter for Technical Testing: from 606 BTU to 295 BTU or 311 BTU b. Hitachi Electric: Roof–Uncoated temp was fiberglass. the area including suppo rts and years earlier was re te sted by the b. Qualifies for LEEDS Points (Platinum
a. DNV (Det Norske Veritas) Less than .01 a. National Me a s u rement M0729 reduction. 82° C facing sun, after coated temp was 47° C f. Me a s u rements were ta ken over the configurations. Not affe c ted by Japanese Instit u te of Te chnology and Rating) under the The Leadership in
8. Factory Mutual App rova l l. E108 Flame Spread on Pitched Roof b. GB/T 1771-91 Re s i stance to Salt Fog c. Interior ambient registered 22° cooler c. Sekisui : Actual room temp changes: l a st full week of Au g u st in 2001. compression nor moist u re. Since found Solar re f l ectance ma i ntained at Energy and Enviro n m e n tal Design
a. Tested and approved for Metal Roofing –passed (2000 hours)–passed d. Thermal conductance to outside Uncoated: 43° C After coating: 31° C on g. These were 53 foot trailers and the back fiberglass is designed to load the heat 84.1% af ter 15 years in a harsh (LEED) Green Building Rating System™ -
9. GSA App roval for Fed e ral Uses m.E903-96 Spe c t ral Re f l e c tance 80% c. GB/T 1866-88 Manual Aging environment was 50% less interior ambient. d oors were left open during the testing and and absorb it, this is a major problem environment. the nationally accepted benchmark for
10. UL (Underwriters Labo ratory, Inc.) and 0.6% loss after three ye a r s (2000 hours)–passed e. External surface temperature was 47° cooler. d. Yo ko hama Ti re– Ru bber: Ac t u a l placed side by side. w ith heat transfer and loss as compared b. ENERGY STAR testing on SUPER the design, construction, and ope ration
approval weathering. d. GB/T 10834-88 Re s i stance to Salt f. Internal surface temperature was 37° cooler. i n terior room temp cha n ges: Un c o ated: h. Data loggers were used to record the to SUPER THERM that is designed THERM: Beginning was 80%. After of high performance green buildings.
11. ECAP Repo rt: Energy Conservation n. E 1269 Heat Capacity by Differential Water (1000 hours)–passed g. UV absorption rate was 92% less. 47° C and after coated: 28° C. ambient temperat u res inside the trailers to prevent the “loading of heat” as the three years, it was 79.4%. Most reflective
A s s i stance Prog ra m Department of Scanning Colorimeter e. GB/T 5219-85 Adhesion (pulling h. Internal Moisture levels was 28.5% dryer. e. Kirin Brewery: Actual interior room temp each day. insulation method. If one bl ocks the coatings and mate r ials listed on the tested
Energy-Un ited States of Americ a - o. E 1461 (92) Th e r m a l Diffusiv ity/ apart method) – 4.07 MPa i. Un c o ated container surface moist u re changes: Uncoated: 63° Cand after coated: 48° C. i. Result: SUPER THERM outperformed loading of heat, then there is no heat to p roduct listing had dro p ped by 10%
Florida Energy Office Conductivity by Flash Method–reduced f. GB/T 1733.93 Boiling Wate r reading was 68%. Coated Container was 33%. f. Pa n a s o n ic–Matsushita Electric: Roo f c o n s i stently the other trailer ambient absorb, transfer and lose. to 40% in the three year pe r i od.
367.20 BTU conduction to 3.99 Immersion (8 hours)–passed j. To cool the container coated with SUPER surface temp changes: Uncoated: 70° C and temps by a minimum of 6° F and as much 34. SUPER THERM covers all surfaces of c. Independent te sting performed in
THERM would require 46%-52% less energy. coated 46° C. as 11° F . a wall, ro of or surfa c e, which includes Japan on 21 reflective coatings and the
Challenge: No other insulation or weatherization material in the market has the facts, tests results and field studies to compare
with SUPER THERM®. There is no product in the world market with the proof of performance equal to SUPER THERM®. Forget
the pretty brochures and advertising media and look at the facts to see the real value of SUPER THERM®.

1. High Re f l ectivity of Ra d i ation Heat 12. State of California Cool Roof Program p. G53 1000 hours UV Exposed 21. ECAP Re po rt–Florida Energy Of f ic e k. External Surface Energy Flow Analysis 27. SUPER THERM has been applied over j. Wh ite paint could not throw off the studs, braces and joist. Transfer of average beginning solar re f l ectance
Tran s fer (sum of all three ra d iat i o n a. Approved and listed q. D 7088 (Su perseded Fe d e ral DENVER COLORADO LOCATION shown by Tons (12,000 BTU) being lost 70,000,000 sq. f t. of roofing in Japan and all loading heat even though it had good h e at either being lost or gained is was 80.8%. After on ly 571 days (1.5
waves) is 95% to bl ock the loading of heat 13. State of California Bureau of Home Specification TT-P-1411A Paint) hydro- a. Reduction of 202 BTU load over roo f through the external surfaces from inside of the 70 million sq.ft. has been data emissivity of .70. bl oc ked thro u gh these areas. Un l i ke years), the solar reflectance of their
onto the surface. Furnishings and Th e r mal Insulation static pressure resistance of a submitted and wall surfaces. the container. Without SUPER THERM is logged to ch eck pe r fo r mance (be fo re k. The Low E and fibe rglass, due to their all the sta n d a rd insulation materials surfaces had dropped to 54.8%. This is
a. U V re p r es en t s 3 % o f h e at l o a d a. License Number TE 1392 water proof coating over concrete interior b. Over the 24 hour test pe r i od, total cloud 7.78 and with SUPER THERM is only 3.39 and after). No other insulation type characteristics, load heat and then hold that are applied between studs, braces typical of re f l e c t ive coatings in the
SUPER THERM blocks 99% of hea t 14. S tate of Flo r i da Energy Re b ate surface to prevent exterior rain driven cover and still produced a 26% savings in for a savings in tonnage of 4.39 tons of A/C. material has been field te sted as this heat wh ich develops and loads and joist and allows heat tra n s fer world market.
generated by UV. Program water from penetrating the wall from energy usage for heat /cool. l. “ SUPER THERM product concerning ex te n s ive ly as SU PER THERM. into the ambient interior temperat u re through these areas. 38. W I N T E R: SU PER THERM hol d s
b. Visual Light (short wave radiat i o n ) a. Qualifies for a pe rcentage reduction ex terior to interior during construction. c. SUPER THERM sealed and reduced load and reductions produced by thermal 28. Japanese Government in an effort with by the end of the day. 35. SUPER THERM applied over air duct s heat inside the ro om in the winter by
re p resents 40% of heat load-SUPER from cost of coating subst rates r. D 6904 resistance to wind driven rain m o i st u re load into the surfaces and conduction, convection and absorption Sony Corporation did a joint effort with the l. As a measure of the impo rtance of and A/C boxes on the tops of roofs will not loading the heat wh ich would be
THERM blocks 92% of heat genera te d 15. Su pe r ior Pro d u cts Inte r national II, for exterior coatings applied to masonry therefore into the building. WERE SIGNIFICANT”—re po rted by the National Electricity Saving Committee to making a 6° F drop in temp inside the maintain the temperat u re inside the box abs o r bed into the wall to be transfe rred
by Visual Light. Inc. is an active member of the NRCA w ithout bl ock filler in te st bl oc k s . d. 25% of heating and cooling cost is Energy Spe c ia l i st Alexander E. Othmer study SUPER THERM and how it could t railers, a study and report from to ambient instead of the 160° F it now and lost to the cold. The ceramics will not
c. I n f ra red (long wave ra d iat i o n ) (National Roofing Contractors Assoc) Su perseded Federal Specification TT-C- dehumidification. CEA/CBA/NDE III. save energy cost. ConEdison on moving the thermostat experiences. Inside the box is wh e re load the heat and allow the normal
re p resents 57% of heat load-SUPER 16. A S T M TEST LISTINGS: 555 B. SUPER THERM is a certified wa ter e. Standard building constructed and coated m. As expressed by Mr. Othmer at the a. 40 ,30 0 sq.m (434 , 636 sq. f t.) of 6° F in a home would make a 39% savings the coils are trying to unload heat. transfer.
THERM blocks 99% of heat genera te d a. B117/D 1654 Salt Fog (400 hours and barrier. with wh ite paint required 1,037 BTU to conclusion of this re po rt: “This is the third manufacturing space is chosen to coat. in energy bill expense. Makes the system work more efficient. 39. Stops mold and mildew development
by Infrared. 2000 hours)–passed s. D-3274 numerical basis for rating the maintain comfort. time we have had the pleasure to te st b. Currently rockwook is used as insulation. 32. Con d e n s ation cont rol over its surface. Tested and field uses
2. H i gh Th e r m al E m m it an c e to b. C 236 - 8 9 (93 ) Thermal d eg ree of fungal growth or mold and dirt f. SUPER THERM coated building required SUPER THERM PRODUCTS, it is rare c. Factory takes 30% of all electrical cost a. Not only does SUPER THERM cover over concrete surfaces in car wash on
t h row off heat that has loaded onto Tr a n s m i t t a n c e / C o n d u c t a n c e accumulation on paint films. Resist the 766 BTU to maintain comfort – 26-30% that a single products will show such for A/C. and control the loss and gain of heat and No other insulation type material bottom section of parking garage in the
it ’s surface. SUPER THERM has a i. Fiberglass 0.52 K development of mold and mildew and savings. Re peatable Re s u lts in three to ta l ly d. Re s ults of Energy Saving Cost Savings p ro tecting cold in ducting, due to has been field tested as extensively Munich Airport.
thermal emittance of 0.91. ii. SUPER THERM in one coat 0.31 K not allow the growth over it’s surface. g. SUPER THERM reduces the Heat Island d i f fe rent environments, South Florida, was 736,704 kWh/year X 15yen/kWh = the ab i l ity to control the surface as SUPER THERM. 40. Sound Proofing: STC testing conducted
iii. SUPER THERM in two coats 0.21 K Score 9 out of 10. Effects. Denver, Colorado and LaPorte, Texas a true 11,050,560 yen/year ($96, 092 USD). temperatures, it controls the condensation by VTEC labs in NY found a rating of 50
REGISTRATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS: c. C411 High -Tempe rat u re Su r face t. E90 Standard Me t h od for Laboratory 22. ECAP Report– F lo r i da Energy Of f ic e– testimonial to your products’ ENERGY e. ROI (Payback period on the cost of the t hat would normally develop due at 800 to 1300 Hz. SUPER THERM
3. A m e r ic an Bu reau of Shipping (ABS) Performance Me a s u rement of Airborne Sound Miami Flo r i da Lo c ation–only roof was STAR rating.” SUPER THERM system) is 1.06 years or to the dew point oc c u rring. SUPER 36. SUPER THERM covered over the applied at the standard thickness of 10 mils.
a. Passed SOLAS 1974 (as amended) Transmission Loss of Building Partitions coated for test 24. Re po rted, shown and discussed as 13 months. THERM is a tested and certified w a t e r ex terior concre te surfaces of walls in a. Ty p ical STC Ratings: 2x4 or 24”
re q u i rements for paints/finish 20th Century Insulation Theory: “R” u. E413 Standard Classific ation for a. SUPER THERM reduced solar heat load the only insulation mate r ial used on 29. Nissan Plant in Yokoh a ma, Jap an is b a rrier as well as an insulation material a nine story apartment in Mu n ich, c e n ters, 3/8-5/8 inch wa l l board, rock
m ate r ials requiring compliance wit h value – load heat and then resist heat De termination of Sound Transmission by 20-30%. container homes being built in Florida by 2,200,000 sq. f t. and coated with SUPER there f o re bl ocking the normal effect that Ge r m a ny dropped the heating cost by wool or fibe rglass batting is 30-42.
Pa rts 2 (Smoke & Tox ic ity) and 5 transfer through the material. Class. b. Reduced interior ambient temperature the B ob Vi la building show aired in THERM. relative humidity has with the ambient 30 %. SUPER THERM seals the concrete b. National Building Code requires that
(Surface Flammability) of the IMO FTP 17. NASA (National Ae ronautics and of rooms by 2.3° F (with the roof coated). 2006 from Tampa, Flo r i da. Found on 30. BTU testing under test method ASTM E te m pe rat u re in developing the dew from air flow and moisture gain wh ich part itions separating dwelling units
Code, Res.MSC.61(67). Space Administration) Te sting: ConEdison re po rts that a 6° reduction in Bo b 1461-92, Thermal diffusiv ity and E1269, point and condensation. are two of the problems with concrete meet an STC 50.
21th Century Insulation Theory :
b. U.S. Ty pe Ap p ro val Cert i f ic ate a. N ASA 8060.1B/C Test 1 Flammability thermostat will produce a 39% saving in 25. SUPER THERM used to glue wall boards differential scanning calorimeter. 33. As re po rted by the ASHRAE (American surfaces and insulation. 41. Ce rti f i ed as Env i ron m e nta l ly
No. SL520997-a
BLOCK HEAT LOAD. Prevent heat load test, Class A , “0” Flame Spread utility cost. Provided full roof coated, this to steel studs in steel facility construction a. Standard metal test plate allowed 367.20 S ociety of He ating, Refrigerating and Air- 37. Durability: SUPER THERM rechecked Safe and He a lthy and Energy
c. E.C. Type Ap p ro val Cert i f ic ate into the surface to reduce heat that is b. N ASA 8060.1C Te st 7 Tox ic Off- could be a 5-6° drop in ambient inside the and offer fire resistance. BTU to load and conduct thro u gh . Conditioning Engineers, Inc) in their by an archite c t u ral firm in Tokyo. A Effic i e nt with Eco- Ef fective Design
No. 04-CH 468315-MED1 available for transfer. gassing Test, K rated (no of f-gassing). home giving the 39% savings. a. Performed by William B. Gleckman b. Sta n d a rd metal te st plate with single 90.1 Code for wrapping metal ducting roof ten years old was rech ec ked a. C r a d l e t o C r a d l e D e s i g n
d. U.S. Coast Guard Product Approval 18. ABS (Americ an Bu re au of c. Solar gain on roof: Without SUPER Arch ite c t, NY, NY; testing performed by coat of SUPER THERM allowed 3.99 and other metal structures. The R19-R for pe r fo r m ance and found to Certific ation “Gold” by MBDC LLC,
No. 164.112/EC1347/4368315/EC0729 d. C412 Tensile Pro pe rties–444 psi Shipping), IMO (Inte r national THERM is 206 BTU’s. With SUPER VTEC Labs, Bro n x, NY. BTU to load and conduct thro u gh . 21 Fibe rglass wrap, as shown on a chart b e i d e ntical to the heat blo c k i n g which is a product and process design
4. Energy Star Program e. D522 Ma n d rel Bend on metal or Marine Organization), and US Coast THERM is 85 BTU’s. 26. J a p a n e s e Te s t i n g r e s u l t s : 31. Wal-Ma rt Testing performed at their own in the cod e, is effectively only a R 7.4 due ability when new. The four ceramics firm dedicated to re volutionizing the
Ap p roved Partner/ Ap p roved Prod u c t rubber materials Guard Approval: d. UV absorption : Without SUPER THERM a. Sony – K oda Factory: Coated one of their corporate fa c i l ity on their own trailers. to the inability of fibe rglass to seal the in SUPER THERM are designed to design of products and services
a. Only 0.6% drop in reflectivity over a f. D1653 Water Va por Permeability 3% a. IMO A. 653 (16) Flame Spread–passed is 98.0. With SUPER THERM is 03.0 buildings with SUPER THERM and a. One trailer was the control with nothing surface and cover effectively. If this wrap bl ock the loading of heat. This worldwide that was founded by William
3 year roof test period (2% over 10 years). g. D3273-82T/ D3274 Fungal Resistance b. MSC 41 Smoke Tox ic it y–passed 23. ECAP Report–Florida Energy Office – m e a s u red aga i n st year be f o re. Previous over the roof to block heat. is compressed into position as is means that it is not just a reflector of McDonough and Dr. Michael Braunga rt
5. ICC (International Code Council) h .D 4 0 6 0 Ab r a s i o n Re s i s t a n c e 19. Japanese Testing (Jap anese Institute La Po rte, Texas Lo c ation–Metal Shipping year in month of May used 3767 KW and b. One trailer was coated with wh ite paint. n o r m a l ly the case when installed, heat but will not allow the loading of to pro m o te and shape the “Nex t
BOCA Legacy Report. i. E 84/NFPA 255/UL723/UBC42- of Technology): Containers June used 5647 KW. Following year after c. One trailer was coated with SUPER the compression will reduce the heat even when the surface becomes I n d u st r ial Re volution" thro u gh the
6. USDA (United States Dept. of Agriculture) 1/ANSI2.5/FM E 84 – Flame Spread / a. JIS A 5759 Reflectivity Light and a. Coated containers resulted in 46%-52% coating with SUPER THERM, May used THERM at 8 mils. R value by 40% or more again and there- dirty as happened on the roof in an introduction of a new design paradigm
a. USDA approved product for use Smoke–“0” Class A or 1 Radiation reduction in conduction re l ated energy 519 KW and June used 1869 KW. A 75% d. One trailer was fitted with 3 inches of by having an effective R value of only industrial area. called Cradle to Cradle Design and the
inside food facilities. j. E 84-89 Flame spread/ Smoke i. Vi s u a l L i g h t Ra t i o n – 9 2 . 2 % loads. savings on KW or actual cost of energ y Low E (foil/bubble pack). 4.4 for the 6 to 8 inches used. a. Later a section of roofing wh e re implementation of eco-effective design
7. Marine App rovals of World-wide Development–Flame “0” and Smoke “0” ii. Long Wave Radiation (Infrared)–99.5% b. BTU per sq.ft.per hour loads dropped in real dollars. e. One trailer was fitted with 3 inches of a. SUPER THERM covers 100% of SUPER THERM had been applied 15 principles.
Sa lt Water and Ma r itime Use k. E 96 Water Va por Transmission– 20. China Ce nter for Technical Testing: from 606 BTU to 295 BTU or 311 BTU b. Hitachi Electric: Roof–Uncoated temp was fiberglass. the area including suppo rts and years earlier was re te sted by the b. Qualifies for LEEDS Points (Platinum
a. DNV (Det Norske Veritas) Less than .01 a. National Me a s u rement M0729 reduction. 82° C facing sun, after coated temp was 47° C f. Me a s u rements were ta ken over the configurations. Not affe c ted by Japanese Instit u te of Te chnology and Rating) under the The Leadership in
8. Factory Mutual App rova l l. E108 Flame Spread on Pitched Roof b. GB/T 1771-91 Re s i stance to Salt Fog c. Interior ambient registered 22° cooler c. Sekisui : Actual room temp changes: l a st full week of Au g u st in 2001. compression nor moist u re. Since found Solar re f l ectance ma i ntained at Energy and Enviro n m e n tal Design
a. Tested and approved for Metal Roofing –passed (2000 hours)–passed d. Thermal conductance to outside Uncoated: 43° C After coating: 31° C on g. These were 53 foot trailers and the back fiberglass is designed to load the heat 84.1% af ter 15 years in a harsh (LEED) Green Building Rating System™ -
9. GSA App roval for Fed e ral Uses m.E903-96 Spe c t ral Re f l e c tance 80% c. GB/T 1866-88 Manual Aging environment was 50% less interior ambient. d oors were left open during the testing and and absorb it, this is a major problem environment. the nationally accepted benchmark for
10. UL (Underwriters Labo ratory, Inc.) and 0.6% loss after three ye a r s (2000 hours)–passed e. External surface temperature was 47° cooler. d. Yo ko hama Ti re– Ru bber: Ac t u a l placed side by side. w ith heat transfer and loss as compared b. ENERGY STAR testing on SUPER the design, construction, and ope ration
approval weathering. d. GB/T 10834-88 Re s i stance to Salt f. Internal surface temperature was 37° cooler. i n terior room temp cha n ges: Un c o ated: h. Data loggers were used to record the to SUPER THERM that is designed THERM: Beginning was 80%. After of high performance green buildings.
11. ECAP Repo rt: Energy Conservation n. E 1269 Heat Capacity by Differential Water (1000 hours)–passed g. UV absorption rate was 92% less. 47° C and after coated: 28° C. ambient temperat u res inside the trailers to prevent the “loading of heat” as the three years, it was 79.4%. Most reflective
A s s i stance Prog ra m Department of Scanning Colorimeter e. GB/T 5219-85 Adhesion (pulling h. Internal Moisture levels was 28.5% dryer. e. Kirin Brewery: Actual interior room temp each day. insulation method. If one bl ocks the coatings and mate r ials listed on the tested
Energy-Un ited States of Americ a - o. E 1461 (92) Th e r m a l Diffusiv ity/ apart method) – 4.07 MPa i. Un c o ated container surface moist u re changes: Uncoated: 63° Cand after coated: 48° C. i. Result: SUPER THERM outperformed loading of heat, then there is no heat to p roduct listing had dro p ped by 10%
Florida Energy Office Conductivity by Flash Method–reduced f. GB/T 1733.93 Boiling Wate r reading was 68%. Coated Container was 33%. f. Pa n a s o n ic–Matsushita Electric: Roo f c o n s i stently the other trailer ambient absorb, transfer and lose. to 40% in the three year pe r i od.
367.20 BTU conduction to 3.99 Immersion (8 hours)–passed j. To cool the container coated with SUPER surface temp changes: Uncoated: 70° C and temps by a minimum of 6° F and as much 34. SUPER THERM covers all surfaces of c. Independent te sting performed in
THERM would require 46%-52% less energy. coated 46° C. as 11° F . a wall, ro of or surfa c e, which includes Japan on 21 reflective coatings and the

® Asia: Japan • China • Taiwan • Korea • Malaysia • Singapore • Indonesia • India

SUPER Therm Europe: Italy • Germany • France • Belgium • Netherlands • Turkey
International Test Listings and Approvals • Greece • Spain • Russia • Ukraine
Middle East: Saudi Arabia • UAE • Oman
South America: Venezuela • Colombia • Brazil • Argentina • Chile
SUPER THERM® has been rigorously field tested and meets the highest standards. The unique formula is UL, FM, ABS,
IMO and Coast Guard approved and a VOC Compliant water-based coating. SUPER THERM® has a Class A Fire Rating Central America: Mexico • Panama • Puerto Rico • Costa Rica
against flame and smoke. Plus, it is USDA approved for use in and around food preparation areas.

SUPER THERM® outperforms traditional insulation. It counters all three forms of heat ra d iation, convection and
Africa: Egypt • Nigeria • Tanzania • South Africa • Angola WHEN IT COMES TO INSULATING
conduction. Traditional insulation only controls conduction. Experience the insulating power of SUPER THERM®.
Australia • New Zealand • Mexico • Canada • U.S.A.
The test piece was taken from
a roof in January 2006 where
SUPER THERM® was applied in
1989, and tested at Building
Material Test Center in Japan.
The climate is very severe in this
area with 38° C (100° F) in the
summer, sand storms, very
strong sun radiation, and -21° C
(-5° F) in the winter with snow
and ice.

The reflectance of near infrared

is 67.1%, but this is because
the SUPER THERM® at that
time did not contain the fourth
in 2000 and designed to block With the ability to protect from all 3 methods of heat transfer, SUPER THERM® is proven to outperform
infrared rays. Therefore, the traditional fiberglass insulation. In fact, a layer of SUPER THERM® no thicker than a single business card
result with the current SUPER
THERM® will be better.
provides the same protection as 6 inches of fiberglass. And while a moisture content of 1.5% in fiberglass reduces
its effectiveness by 35%, SUPER THERM® is specifically formulated to prevent moisture absorption. • Blocks 95% of Heat Load (blocks the absorption
and transfer of heat)
In Japan, university testing was performed on twenty one reflective coating in the market. Their average beginning reflectivi- SUPER THERM® is durable and versatile, with a 20-year lifespan under normal conditions. Neither temperature — 99% of Ultra Violet Radiation (UV)
ty was 80%. After 591 days (1.5 years), reflectivity was reduced to 58%. This is an accurate view of most all reflective coatings
nor moisture will compromise its performance. SUPER THERM® outperforms and outlasts traditional insulation
in the world market. — 92% of Visual Light (Short Wave Radiation)
in lab tests and on the field.
SUPER THERM® ’s solar reflectivity at the new stage was 92.2%, so the reduction in 15 years was less than 20%. (92.2-73=19.2)
— 99.5% of Infra Red (Long Wave Radiation)
This result proves that SUPER THERM®’s durability in reflectivity is by far excellent. SUPER THERM® is the most unique and effective insulation and • Blocks Water and Moisture Penetration—certified
SUPER THERM ’s solar reflectance after 15 years was 73%. The reduction of solar reflectance in 3 years tested for the Energy
® weatherization material in the market. and tested water barrier
Star Program by the EPA was only 0.01%.
• Blocks Mold, Mildew, Wood Rot
• Blocks Air Infiltration—permanently flexible
windbreaker and wind barrier
• Blocks 68% of All Sound Waves—sound deadening
Superior Products
International II, Inc®. • Blocks Flame Spread and Smoke—Class “A” Fire Rating ("0" Flame Spread and Smoke)
Tests prove it.
SUPER THERM® is • Interior insulation by emissivity (0.91), moisture
The right coating for ultimate protection.™ block and air block to hold convective heat inside
the better option.
Superior Products a room
International II, Inc.

® Asia: Japan • China • Taiwan • Korea • Malaysia • Singapore • Indonesia • India

SUPER Therm Europe: Italy • Germany • France • Belgium • Netherlands • Turkey
International Test Listings and Approvals • Greece • Spain • Russia • Ukraine
Middle East: Saudi Arabia • UAE • Oman
South America: Venezuela • Colombia • Brazil • Argentina • Chile
SUPER THERM® has been rigorously field tested and meets the highest standards. The unique formula is UL, FM, ABS,
IMO and Coast Guard approved and a VOC Compliant water-based coating. SUPER THERM® has a Class A Fire Rating Central America: Mexico • Panama • Puerto Rico • Costa Rica
against flame and smoke. Plus, it is USDA approved for use in and around food preparation areas.

SUPER THERM® outperforms traditional insulation. It counters all three forms of heat ra d iation, convection and
Africa: Egypt • Nigeria • Tanzania • South Africa • Angola WHEN IT COMES TO INSULATING
conduction. Traditional insulation only controls conduction. Experience the insulating power of SUPER THERM®.
Australia • New Zealand • Mexico • Canada • U.S.A.
The test piece was taken from
a roof in January 2006 where
SUPER THERM® was applied in
1989, and tested at Building
Material Test Center in Japan.
The climate is very severe in this
area with 38° C (100° F) in the
summer, sand storms, very
strong sun radiation, and -21° C
(-5° F) in the winter with snow
and ice.

The reflectance of near infrared

is 67.1%, but this is because
the SUPER THERM® at that
time did not contain the fourth
in 2000 and designed to block With the ability to protect from all 3 methods of heat transfer, SUPER THERM® is proven to outperform
infrared rays. Therefore, the traditional fiberglass insulation. In fact, a layer of SUPER THERM® no thicker than a single business card
result with the current SUPER
THERM® will be better.
provides the same protection as 6 inches of fiberglass. And while a moisture content of 1.5% in fiberglass reduces
its effectiveness by 35%, SUPER THERM® is specifically formulated to prevent moisture absorption. • Blocks 95% of Heat Load (blocks the absorption
and transfer of heat)
In Japan, university testing was performed on twenty one reflective coating in the market. Their average beginning reflectivi- SUPER THERM® is durable and versatile, with a 20-year lifespan under normal conditions. Neither temperature — 99% of Ultra Violet Radiation (UV)
ty was 80%. After 591 days (1.5 years), reflectivity was reduced to 58%. This is an accurate view of most all reflective coatings
nor moisture will compromise its performance. SUPER THERM® outperforms and outlasts traditional insulation
in the world market. — 92% of Visual Light (Short Wave Radiation)
in lab tests and on the field.
SUPER THERM® ’s solar reflectivity at the new stage was 92.2%, so the reduction in 15 years was less than 20%. (92.2-73=19.2)
— 99.5% of Infra Red (Long Wave Radiation)
This result proves that SUPER THERM®’s durability in reflectivity is by far excellent. SUPER THERM® is the most unique and effective insulation and • Blocks Water and Moisture Penetration—certified
SUPER THERM ’s solar reflectance after 15 years was 73%. The reduction of solar reflectance in 3 years tested for the Energy
® weatherization material in the market. and tested water barrier
Star Program by the EPA was only 0.01%.
• Blocks Mold, Mildew, Wood Rot
• Blocks Air Infiltration—permanently flexible
windbreaker and wind barrier
• Blocks 68% of All Sound Waves—sound deadening
Superior Products
International II, Inc®. • Blocks Flame Spread and Smoke—Class “A” Fire Rating ("0" Flame Spread and Smoke)
Tests prove it.
SUPER THERM® is • Interior insulation by emissivity (0.91), moisture
The right coating for ultimate protection.™ block and air block to hold convective heat inside
the better option.
Superior Products a room
International II, Inc.

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