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In the Production Management System, supervisors of manufacturing and production

check section, component check section, and manufacturing technical section set retrieval
conditions for retrieving data stored in a database of a step-monitoring in order to obtain
information on daily, hourly and monthly status of products in the Production
Management System by using output system clients. The input retrieval conditions are
transmitted to the step-monitoring. Data matching with these retrieval conditions are
retrieved from the database of the step-monitoring. The retrieved data is chronologically
processed and displayed on screens according to the client’s request.

A Production Management System which manages the data when one or more
components are attached to a product under assembly and check data obtained when
given product under assembly is checked based on certain prespecified check items,
when obtaining a finished product by attaching one or more components such as parts,
units, or other finished products to given product under assembly on one or more of
production assembly lines which input and output assembly data, quality data, check
data, management numbers with which each of given product under assembly can be
identified, and material codes of given product under assembly is obtained by dividing
their types of material under assembly and check the given product according to given
check items.

A first storage section which stores given material numbers and given group
codes input by the store sections in which the date and time on which assembly of said
product under assembly started and the date and time on which the assembly of said
product under assembly is completed as assembly data second storage section which
sequentially stores said check data in correlation with said management numbers and said
group codes.
In existing system the different modules are handled with different employees. It is
tedious that merge the whole department activities and take a decision. If the organization
uses the ERP it is easy to handle the whole activities of the all department and analysis
the works of departments. It is very helpful to take decision making for develop the

In its earliest form, manufacturing was usually carried out by a single skilled artisan with
assistants. Training was by apprenticeship. In much of the pre-industrial world the quid
system protected the privileges and trade secrets of urban artisans.

3.2 Proposed System

The proposed system attempts to incorporate improvements in all the operational areas
 Maintaining the Production details
 Monitoring raw-material movements.
 Check quality
 Purchase
 Marketing

The production Management System includes the following three parts,

A. Pre-Process
B. Process
C. Post-Process
In Preprocess the purchasing is done. Process means the actual process of the
organization. The store keeping and quality check are done in the Post-Process.

Fixed-quantity arrangement – orders are triggered by a quantity, while

- For this model higher than normal demand causes a shorter time between orders.
- This model also requires close monitoring

Fixed-interval arrangement – orders are triggered by a time.

- This model requires periodic review (eg. Physical count) prior to placing an
order to determine how much is needed.
Nervousness of MRP
Steady stream of changes confronted by manufacturing companies.
Forecasts are wrong!
bill of materials are revised!
parts are scraped!
vendors are late! etc.
A significant change in the final assembly creates changed requirements in feeder
operations that are usually amplified because of lot size rules, set-ups, queues, and
waiting time.
A 10% change at assembly could easily result in a 100 % change at the front end.

Toyota Production System

The JIT system works in Toyota because of the unique way Toyota structure its master
production schedule.
Master production schedule in MRP seeks economies and efficiencies through
economical lot sizes.
at Toyota, the master production assembly line.
schedule is prepared with the goal of scheduling every product every day.
Mixed-model assembly: processing a variety of models of the same family on the same
Aggregate production schedule.
One-year horizon.
Updated monthly; marketing and finance input.
MPS has a three-month horizon.
First month shows daily schedule for the final assembly of each model.
Next two months lso in daily time-buckets, but in terms of model family.
Daily schedules are determined by dividing the number of units required for the month by
the number of working days in the month.
Same production for each item each day.

a work cycle, in which the INPUT-PROCESS-OUT is applied as well meaning this is a

step by step routine with a detailed instructions and processes to follow to produce a high
quality output.

The analyst can be able to determine the number of work stations and the length of time

Objectives such as high productivity with having high quality yet obtaining lower cost of

Capacity planning can help in optimal utilization of resources.

4. Machine loads and schedules are different yet they are connected. Machine
loads is the capacity of the machine that it can produce whereas machine
schedules is the run-time auto load by the set based capacity of the machine.

5. The problems using the automatic batch manufacturing are, unlike other types of
manufacturing such as flexible manufacturing system, processes are neither continuous
(there is no steady inflow of raw materials resulting in a steady product outflow) nor
discrete (there is no manufacture or assembly of individual items). Moreover, the plant
environment is constantly changing-equipment breaks down, new orders come in-and
shared resources may be both local (process units) and plantwide (labor, process heat).
In continuous manufacturing, process optimization is largely a matter of understanding
and exploiting plant dynamics in the face of, say, daily temperature fluctuations. In batch
manufacturing, the scheduling problem changes and must be re-solved with each new set
of orders. Once an initial schedule has been constructed, say, for a week's production, the
scheduler must support rescheduling when the situation changes.
The role of management in an enterprise is to:
• implement the policy adopted by the owners or the board of directors
• optimize the return on investment
• efficiently utilize men, machines and money;
and most of all – to make profit.

In order to ensure good performance the manufacturing process must consider

the requirements of many disciplines, such as:
• marketing and sales
• customer relations
• product definition and specifications
• product design
• process planning and routing
• production management: MRP, capacity planning, scheduling, dispatching,
• shop floor control
• economics
• purchasing
• inventory management and control
• costing and bookkeeping
• storage, packing and shipping
• material handling
• human resource planning.

The philosophy and assumption

was that if the technology disciplines could accomplish the objectives of:
• meeting delivery dates;
• keeping to a minimum the capital tied up in production;
• reducing manufacturing lead time;
• minimizing idle times on the available resources;
• providing management with up-to-date information;

The proposed technology

methods may be divided into three groups each with its main philosophies:
1. Production is very complex. Therefore we need more and more complex
computer programs and systems to regulate and control it.
2. Production is very complex. Therefore THE only way to make such systems
more effective is to simplify them.
3. Production is very complex. Therefore there is no chance of building a system
to solve the problems. Hence the role of computers should be limited
to supplying data and humans should be left to make decisions.
The first group believes that more and more complex computer programs and
systems need to be developed to regulate and control production management.
Such methods include:
• PICS – production information and control system
• COPICS – communication-oriented production information and control
• IMS – integrated manufacturing system.
These methods (and others) use logic and production theories as with previous
manual methods, but by computer rather than manually. The disciplines considered
• Engineering design
• Process planning
• Master production planning
• Material requirement/Resource planning
• Capacity planning
• Shop floor control
• Inventory management and control.

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