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What this paper is about. homosexuality is a cruel hoax.

I have a strong
Teenagers of testimony about the evil forces and lies behind
this perversion-and how to reject it!
America, The perversions of life discussed here are very
possible for anyone who gets involved in
it seems only natural that living in a free evolution--especially young people who haven't Run from evolution-it wrongly encourages you
yet experienced the fraudulent sides of life. to believe homosexual thoughts or feelings you
and bountiful America gives most young
Evolution's deceptions are hard to see--the might have. Go to
people reason to hope for a good life. drawings seem so authentic, the words sound so
authoritative.... Evolution traps you with its own
So, I ask you, why in the world would you special "bait-and-switch" con game.
study a subject that­ This paper is quite brief but should give you reason
to take a critical look at the realities of evolution.
Experience and observation have taught me many Evolution baits you with simplistic examples of

-triples the possibility that you-or one of the ways to make mistakes in life--it is a crime changing size, color, or shape of dogs, moths, and

bird beaks. They then try to switch the application

of your teenage friends-will commit for this nation to let atheists lead its young people
of your belief in simple changes to the super­

suicide? into the foolishness called evolution. Hopefully,

many of you and your parents will realize the truth complex reality of design-something

evolution's hero and star "performer"-brainless

of my words. (See for

-encourages you to become a natural selection-eould never accomplish.

more information on the subjects in this paper.)

homosexual? Evolutionists do not care about reality. They

Noone wants to commit suicide, simply stomp their feet, pound their fists, and

-traps you in its "special" con game? howl, scowl, and growl till they get their way.

but since evolution has been emphasized in the last

fifty years-the teenage suicide rate in America Run from evolution and its supporters.

-harms your abilities in good thinking? has tripled-while the rest of society's suicide rate Go to for more

has remained about the same! Why? about this.

-teaches you to be superstitious? Evolution teaches that you are an insignificant

accident-if you cannot fmd anyone who actually Belief in evolution will reduce your
-teaches you to believe that cartoons helps you with your problems, then "tough luck"­ ability to think well.
are representations of real life? you are probably one of those who is least fit to
survive. -Do NOT believe evolution's teachings. Good thinking has a pattern-a method. You
-You ARE important! make decisions every day, and if you violate this
Well, Mr. or Miss Teenager of America, pattern, your decisions can easily be downright
what subject could you possibly study that Run from evolution and its message of despair. bad. Go to to learn
likely will put one or more of the above Go to for more. more about evolution's "backward" thought
pattern and invalid logic. Use of evolutionist
crimps into your life?
No one has to be a homosexual. logic will hurt your other decisions in life.

Please read on and learn! Run from evolution and its childish thinking.
Belief in evolution conditions your mind to accept
any thoughts or feelings that you might be a
homosexual-beware-they are deceptions. My
experiences should convince you that
Evolution will teach you to be How you can reject evolution. Do you need Jesus? YES!

superstitious. Why? Because He is REAL and the

-Please do not blame your teachers. Many are

victims of the evolutionary bait-and-switch con
only way to eternal life with God.

One deftnition of "superstition" is: "faith in magic or

chance." Charles Darwin trusted in chance, accidents

game. Even though they are now able to see the
-God is available to every one of us. He is only
but admitted that the idea of an eye evolving by
many problems with evolution, most are trapped,
a repentance, confession, and belief away. The
chance was "absurd"-so he threw in the magic of
afraid for their jobs.
key is a sincere heart. So, start (See Romans
imagining anything-can-happen-in-a-Iong-Iong time.
3:10, 23; 6:23a; 5:8; 6:23b; 10:9, 10, 13) by
Today's evolutionist leaders follow in Mr. Darwin's
-Don't debate the issue. Con aItist's often ask
recognizing (to Jesus) that we are all sinners who
superstitious footsteps.
more questions than the victim can answer. The
deserve our holy God's consequences for our
victim-you-then thinks the con aItist knows best.
sins-death. Then, tell Jesus that you repent of
Another meaning of "superstition" is: "a belief held in
Also, evolutionists have their own "special"
your sins-you want to change your ways, sin no
spite of evidence to the contrary." The world's most­
deftnitions of words-and you can't debate
more. Then tell Jesus that you believe He died on
known evolutionist Richard Dawkins also plays the
someone whose words don't mean what you think
the Cross to take that death penalty for you. Tell
imagination game by denying there is a designer
they mean! Just say, "NO Evolution!"
Jesus you believe that He defeated death by rising
while admitting that he sees design (design requires a
from the dead and is now at the right hand of God
Just be sure to--be nonviolent, courteous, but firm.
the Father. Then thank Jesus and ask Him to
See for more.
come into your heart and live through you.
Run from evolution and its magical, imaginative "let's

pretend" formulas.
To theistic evolutionists- (Those who Now go fmd a Bible-believing, evolution­
See for more details.
think God used evolution as His method of rejecting church. You have just begun a fantastic
creation) journey with God-recognizing His love and
Evolution's computer simulations are seeing His powers in action are awesome thrills!
We know God is intelligent and powerful-way
no more real than kiddy cartoons. beyond our ability to fully understand. But we also For more evidence and discussion on subjects
know that He says He is a jealous God (Exodus in this paper, go t<r­
Many video games show "people" that look almost as

20:5; 34:14). So, why would our super-intelligent,

if they could be real persons. Computers can make

jealous, and holy God share His Creation glory with
images of people and things appear quite real and also

evolution's brainless natural selection? Give God

able to do almost anything.
the glory He deserves. Reject evolution! questions, criticisms, support-write to:
Changes in size, color, or shape (dogs, for instance)
Herb Grossman,
do not show that some animal can become a different
Evolution is your enemy, Teenager of
P.O. Box 690714, Charlotte, NC 28227.
animal. Computer simulations of evolution are
America: It is a deceptive hoax that
evolutionists' wishful cmtoons. Beware-the hoax
draws you into a let's-pretend childish
called evolution can be made to look very real on a
computer monitor, television, or in a school textbook.

approach to real life while trying to

get you to ignore God! P.S. Feel free to copy (complete, with
Run from evolution and its fairy tales.
Read more at no editing) and give this paper to
other people you know or meet
See for more info.

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