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“Contribution of Youth Volunteers in Community Development’’ 

30-31 ExFñÚ qñaM2009

30-31 December 2009

GgÁkarsμR½KcitþedIm,IsgÁm¬ s>d>s¦ KWCaGgÁkareRkArdæaPi)alEdleFVIkarminEsVgrkR)ak;cMeNj nigmin

Bak;B½næKNbkSneya)ay Edl)anbegáIteT,IgtaMgBIqñaM 2005 edaymankarebþCJaBIsßab½n EdlmanCMnajnig
bTBiesaFn_x<s;dUcCa³ ed)a:tWm:g;viTüasaRsþbrisßan (DES) énsaklviTüal½yPUminÞPñMeBj mUlniFiesvakmμGñksμRK½
citþéf (TVS) mUlniFiGPivDÆn_kat;bnßyPaBRkIRk kñúgTIRkug (UPDF) nig sm<½n§PaBedIm,I GPirkSFnFanClpl

Cambodian Volunteers for Society (CVS) is a non-governmental organization which has been
initiated and established since 2005 by a variety of experienced bodies as Royal University of Phnom
Penh, Department of Environmental Science (DES), Fisheries Action Coalition Team (FACT), Urban
Poor Development Funds (UPDF) and Thai Volunteers Services (TVS).

  GgÁkar s>d>s )anpþl;»kas[yuvCnkm<úCa)ansikSa eronsURt TTYl)anbTBiesaFn_nig CMrujskþanuBl

rbs;yuvCnkñúgkarcUlrYmGPivDÆn_sgÁm[RbesIreT,Ig edayEp¥keTAelIkarGnuvtþnUvynþkarkargartamry³karksag
smtßPaBTak;TgnwgCMnajénkarGPivDÆshKmn_ nig CMruj[yuvCn)ansikSaeronsURtBIbTBiesaFn_ CIvitCak;Esþg
enAkñúgshKmn_mUldæan nig GgÁkarédKU. tamry³karGnuvtþskmμPaBknøgmkGgÁkar s>d>s )aneFVIkarCMruj nig
BRgwgsmtßPaByuvCnsμR½Kcitþ[manskþanuBlxøaMgkøakñúgkarcUlrYmpøas;bþÚrsgÁmCaviC¢man edIm,I[BYkeKkøayCakMlaMg
clkrd¾manskþanuBlsMrab;eFVI[RbesIreT,IgnUvkarGnvutþn_naeBlGnaKt ehIyskmμPaBenH)ancUlrYmcMENkya:g
sMxan;kñúgkarGPivDÆFnFanmnusS nig sgÁmCatiTaMgmUlpgEdr. elIsBIenHeTAeTot tamry³karcUlrYmskmμPaB
kargarsikSaeronsURtry³eBlmYyqñaM² yuvCnsμR½Kcitþrbs;GgÁkar s>d>s EdlmkBItammhaviTüal½ynanaman
karebþCJacitþx<s; ehIy)ancUlrYmcMENkya:geBjTMhwgkñúgkarGPivDÆshKmn_ edayBYkeKTTYl)anTaMgbT
BiesaFn_sMrab;kargar nig CMnajenAeBlGnaKt. mYyvijeTottamry³clnaenH BYkeK)anpSBVpSayBIPaBCaGñk
sμR½Kcitþdl;yuvCn enAkñúgRbeTskm<úCa[mankaryl;dwg nig TTYlsÁal;pgEdr.
CVS has been playing a key role in providing opportunities for Cambodian youths to learn, get
experience, and unlock their potentials in order to make positive contributions to the development of
Cambodian society based on the practical mechanism of working via capacity building related to the skill
of community development and motivate youth to learning about real life experiences in local
community and host organization. Via the practical activities, CVS has motivated and strengthened the
capacity of youth volunteers to be a strong potential for making the positive change in society and
upgrade themselves to be a professional social worker in the future. Also this program activity has been
playing important role to develop human resource and society. In addition, youth volunteers have high
committed and full contribution in community development, at the same time they get experiences for
carrier and skill for practice in the future. Moreover, this movement can raise and show the practice of
concept of volunteerism to new generation in Cambodia to realize and accept it.

Cak;EsþgbnÞab;BI)anTTYlkarbNþúHbNþal nig pþl;»kas[GñksμR½Kcitþ)ancuHeTAsikSaeronsURt nig Gnuvtþ

nigedIrtYnaTIya:gsMxan;kñúgkarCYyCMrujCIvPaBrs;enArbs;shKmn_ karEfrkSakarBar FnFan FmμCati karCMruj
shKmn_[manKMnitpþÜcepþIm nig CYyBRgwgsmtßPaBdl;shKmn_CaedIm. TaMgenH KWCasmiTæpld¾man tMélEdl
)anbgðajBIwTwkcitþ nig qnÞ³énkarlHbg;rbs;yuvCnsμR½KcitþedIm,IcUlrYmcMEnkkñúgkarGPivDÆshKmn_ tamry³dMeNIr
karkargar nig skmμPaBsikSaerOnsURtrbs;BYkeK. edIm,Ibgðaj BIsmiTæplTaMgenH GgÁkar s>d>s )anerobcMsikça
silasþIGMBI “karcUlrYmcMENkrbs;yuvCnsμR½Kcitþ kñúgkargarGPivDÆn_shKmn_” Edl)anRbRBwtþeTAenAéf¶TI
30-31 Ex FñÚ qñaM 2009 enATIsñak;karGgÁkar sμR½KcitþedIm,IsgÁm¬ s>d>s¦.
After  the  trainings  and  opportunities  to  learn  and  work  with  real  practice  of  volunteerism  with  host 
organizations  and  communities  for  the  whole  year,  volunteers  are  very  active  working  with  host 
organizations  to  improve  livelihoods  of  community,  natural  resource  protection,  local  initiative  and 
community empowerment. This is the main achievement resulted from working by hearts and intention 
of  contribution  from  youth  volunteers  for  participate  in  community  development  via  their  work  and 
learning activities. Recently this year, Cambodian Volunteers for Society (CVS) organized a workshop on 
“Contribution  of  Youth  Volunteers  in  Community  Development’’  held  in  December  30‐31st,  2009  at 
Phnom Penh. 

kmμviFIenHmaneKalbMNgEckrMElknUvbTBiesaFn_ry³eBlmYyqñaMrbs;yuvCnsμR½KcitþRbmaN 18 nak;
EdlBYkeK)aneFVIkarCamYyGgÁkarédKUkñúgshKmn_ mYycMnYn dUcCa STT,   UPDF, FACT,  MB,  CEPA,  COWS,  Oxfam 
Australia , AFSC, KYSD  nig ADA Edlsßab½nTaMgGs;enHsßitenAtambNþaextþ-raCFanImYycMnYndUcCa ³ PñMeBj kBg;s<W

extþekaHkug extþ)at;dMbg extþ]tþmanC½y esomrab RBHvihar kMBg;FM RkecH nig extþrtn³KIrI . müa:gvijeTotKW
edIm,IeFVIkarqøúHbBa©aMg nigvaytMéleTAelIdMeNIkarsikSaeronsURt nigkargarrbs;BYkeK . CagenHeTAeTotKWedIm,I
begáItynþkar nig TisedAsMrab;eBlGnaKtrvagGñksμR½Kcitþ s>d>s nigGgÁkarédKUpgEdr . elIsBIenHeTAeTot KWeFVI
karGMrMpøÚvcitþ nigCMruj[ mankic©shkar[kan;EtCitsñitrvagGgÁkarédKU GñksμR½Kcitþ nigGgÁkars>d>s.
This  program  aimed  at  sharing  lessons  learnt  (social  knowledge,  skill  and  attitude  of  their  changing), 
main activities and real life experiences in local communities and host organization as well as STT, UPDF, 
FACT,    MB,    CEPA,    COWS,    Oxfam  Australia  ,  AFSC,  KYSD  and  ADA  that  based  in  provinces,  such  as 
Phnom Penh, Kam Pong Spoure, Koh Kong, Battam Bong, Odor Mean Chay, Siem Reap, Phras Vihea, Kom 
Pong Thom, Kra Tie and Ratanakiri provinces. In addition, for reflection   and evaluate on their work and 
learning process.  Moreover, it was also to make a mechanism and further direction between volunteers 
and host organizations.  Furthermore, mental and spiritual education is also given in order to build more 
closely cooperation between host, volunteers and CVS. 

dUcenHkarcUlrYmcMENkkñúgkarKaMRT nig elIkkMBs;skmμPaBkargarsμR½Kcitþ tamry³karCYyKñaeTAvijeTAmk

edayGñkmanCYyGñkRk GñkmancMenHCYyGñkxSt;cMenH enaHKWCaskmμPaBmnusSFm’ nigmnsikarCatiya:gBitR)akd
edIm,ICamaK’amYyCYyCMruj[yuvCnkm<úCamanTaMgcMenHdwg CMnaj nig man\riyabTl¥sMrab;rs;enAkñúgsgÁmRbkbeday
esckþIéføfñÚr nig mankitþiys.

Thus,  the  contribution,  support  and  promotion  of  volunteerism  via  helping  each  other  such  as  the 
billionaire should help the poor peoples and the higher educated should help the lower educated. These 
activities  are  the  humanity  and  real  nation  conscientiousness  for  the  best  way  to  motivate  new 
generation  in  Cambodia  to  get  knowledge,  skill  and  good  attitude  toward  their  society  and  be  a  good 
citizen and element of a strong and superior society.         

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